Features of the husky and labrador mix: photo, description, character traits, maintenance rules, pros and cons

Husky mix is ​​not a separate breed; it is not included in the Standards of canine societies. This is the result of random matings between different breeds and the planned work of canine breeders. Currently, the popularity of the Siberian Husky breed is incredibly high. Breeders strive to improve and enhance the best characteristics inherent in the sled dog breed by adding new bloodlines. Experts describe more than 20 different mestizos, each of which is unique in its own way and has its own admirers.

The original offspring obtained as a result of mating Siberians with other breeds is of interest to both dog handlers and ordinary dog ​​owners. Let's look at the most popular mixes, study their characteristics, and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. We hope this will help you understand whether such a mixed-breed pet is right for you or not.

Description and photo

A crossbreed between a Husky and a Labrador is called a Labsky.
This hybrid looks very unusual, its piercing blue eyes blend very softly with the rest of its appearance, but this dog has a rather stern appearance. In appearance, the dog looks more like a Labrador than a husky. The only thing the dog gets from the Siberian breed is expressive eyes.

It is extremely difficult to guess what such a dog will be like, even externally. Most often, it looks like a Labrador - hanging ears, fawn or black color, and a Labrador-specific tail.

But the color of such a mestizo is never solid - the husky genes intervene here. There may, and most likely will be, white spots on the dog's coat in the area of ​​the chest, abdomen, and muzzle. Sometimes puppies are born with a husky wolf coloring.


Most often, such a mixed breed is obtained from random mating. Breeders have too little information about a dog's psychotype.

What did the crossbred get from both breeds?

From this breed the hybrid absorbed the following qualities:

  • Beautiful and attractive appearance;
  • Physical form;
  • Anatomical structure of the body;
  • Some character traits: friendliness, ability to find a common language with people, loyalty;
  • Some hunting abilities.

From the husky the mixture received the following:

  • Expressive look of blue eyes;
  • Qualities of a sled dog;
  • Follows the scent well, successful in hunting;
  • Stubbornness and willfulness.


This is a cross between a corgi and a husky. Even when the dog grows up, it is small in size. It is distinguished by short legs, like a corgi. The head is large. Color may vary. Pets are playful and friendly. They have beautiful eyes. Suitable for keeping even in a small apartment. It is difficult to cultivate guard qualities in such a dog. They are more suitable for “sofa” keeping and walking.

Character traits

A crossbreed between a husky and a Labrador is another attempt by breeders to curb the wolfish nature of the husky.

With the help of this crossing, they tried to instill some Labrador traits into the Siberian breed in order to suppress the “wolf” genes. This process proceeds with varying degrees of success, because in most cases they predominate.

For example, numerous examples during hunting prove that no matter how breeders try to fight the stubbornness of a husky, these attempts are in vain - a dog can catch game, pick up a scent and track down prey, but it simply does not want to bring it to you: such is the character of this mestizo .

There were also cases where the dog showed abilities and was more obedient, but it is impossible to guess which of the puppies will be the ideal pet.

There have been cases when an adult hybrid’s temperament changed sharply and from an obedient animal it turned into an uncontrollable machine capable of running away or showing aggression towards its owner and others.

For this reason, many breeders say that you adopt a Labsky at your own peril and risk. There is no documented data on the zoopsychology of this mestizo.

In this regard, it is impossible to guess the character of a crossbreed - it is a game of Russian roulette and you will never know what such a dog will be like in terms of temperament and behavior.


Due to this unpredictability, the hybrid of a husky and a Labrador is not particularly popular. Breeders strongly do not recommend falling for the various tricks offered by unscrupulous sellers, trying to sell you a “designer breed”.

Why do people choose mixed breeds as pets?

There are several main reasons why dog ​​lovers buy mixed-bred huskies:

  1. Breed mixes are cheaper. This is where a person’s inherent desire to save money on buying a puppy comes into play.
  2. It is a misconception that half-breeds are easier to care for, while purebred dogs are difficult to maintain.
  3. The belief that the husky mix is ​​more fully consistent with the tasks assigned to a pet (protection, assistance in hunting).
  4. The desire to have an exotic (not like everyone else) pet. As a result of mixed crossings, puppies with an original exterior are obtained.
  5. Mixed-breed puppies are less sensitive to genetic pathologies that are inherent in their purebred parents. Mixed offspring are considered healthier.

Important: if you purchase a husky mix, remember that such a pet will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions. But he can become a wonderful companion and family friend.

Dimensions, weight and other differences

The cross has the following features:

  • Husky and Labrador are approximately the same size, so his height will be 54-56 cm on average.
  • Average weight is more difficult to calculate because Labrador and Husky are in different weight classes. In general, it can vary from 20 to 35 kg.
  • This mestizo is characterized by heterochromia - the eyes can be of different colors. This gene was inherited by the hybrid from a husky.
  • The results of breeding a Labrador and a Husky can be unpredictable. You can never know in advance what a puppy will look like and what kind of character and temperament it will develop in the future.
  • Regardless of how the dog turns out, it will undoubtedly love sledding.
  • Any Labsky is characterized by excessive activity. This is due to the fact that both progenitor breeds love mobility and languish without it. It will be difficult to handle such a dog.
  • They love to dig and make tunnels.
  • This husky mix is ​​most likely to develop a love of running away and getting off the leash.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

What the offspring of a Labrador and a Husky will be like is an absolutely unpredictable thing. I don’t even remember a single person in this business so far who would systematically breed these hybrids in order to record some patterns. All the cases that happened in my practice and that I heard about were very contradictory. One puppy could be as obedient and loyal as possible, the second was absolutely resistant to any training. This is due to the husky genes, for the most part they are dominant, because wolves are still independent creatures, and the husky has more from this animal than any other breed.

Malamute-like dogs


This is an umbrella name for several breeds known as sled dogs. It originates from the distorted word “Eskimo”: dogs were and remain faithful companions of the northern aborigines. Having become more widespread, Eskimo and Siberian began to be distinguished. Within the latter there is a conditional division into groups.

Workers are used to transport goods over long distances, are characterized by endurance and unpretentiousness and fully comply with accepted official standards, while the rest are considered deviations from the standard. The distinctive features of racing cars are speed and grace. Exhibition animals are cute and artistic, but are less adapted to life in harsh winter conditions and work.

These animals are very friendly and have extraordinary and independent thinking, which practically excludes the possibility of training as service animals. You should not get them for hunting either: the hunting instinct is quite strong (you should remember if there are small animals in the house), but exclusively for their own food.

Attention! Suitable for apartment living, but you need to take into account increased activity, which requires regular physical and mental activity.


The general name of northern hunting breeds, universal for hunting both large animals and fur-bearing animals, and birds. They have a quick reaction and well-developed sense of smell, vision and hearing, which allows them to be good watchmen and security guards, although in general they are not aggressive towards people and, with proper upbringing, make excellent companions. They can act as shepherds and sled dogs. There are groups of European, Russian factory and aboriginal ones.

Attention! Space and active work are important to them, so some are completely unsuited to living in an apartment.


Also known as the Samoyed dog or Laika. It includes seven standards: English, FCI, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South Africa. Laikas were originally bred by northern tribes: there is a version that the Samoyeds tamed and domesticated the wolf.
Samoyeds are very energetic and at the same time calm and confident. A good disposition and a close emotional connection with others are indicative; animals feel like part of the family and try to attract attention to themselves. They get along well with children and help with housework: they have developed guard, hunting, and shepherd skills, as well as sledding, although the latter is not accepted among the aborigines .

Attention! Noisy and highly active, loving space and freedom - they need to live in nature and at the same time be in constant interaction with people. Grooming is not difficult, but the coat needs to be carefully combed daily.

Differences from other sled dogs

The Alaskan Malamute is designed for carrying heavy loads, but not for racing competitions: its speed is low compared to others, but it is capable of covering enormous distances, including in difficult weather conditions. Hardy, larger and heavier than the others, with strong massive paws and powerful muscles, due to its athletic build it seems a little clumsy.
Recognized standards of appearance are quite strict: gray-white color, eye color must be brown, tail not curled. It has a very good-natured, cautious and balanced disposition, much calmer than that of its mischievous and active relatives. He does not know how and does not strive to be a leader; he needs attention, but does not draw it onto himself.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Pleasant exterior;
  • Hunting abilities;
  • Endurance and physical strength;
  • Devotion to the owner;
  • Friendliness (often mixed with possessiveness).


  • Unpredictability of character;
  • Frequent disobedience;
  • Difficult training;
  • Hyperactivity;
  • Outbursts of aggression.


These pros and cons can be considered conditional for the very reason that it is absolutely impossible to predict in advance what a dog will be like.

Life expectancy and health

This hybrid is distinguished by its endurance and excellent health. But this is not an absolute indicator.

Like the parent breeds, the crossbreed may suffer from joint disease. A husky can transmit helminths to a mixed breed, especially if the mother had them. Parasites are considered the weak point of this breed, so the crossbreed is most likely to be susceptible to this scourge too.

The Labski's lifespan

Maintenance and care

There are no special features in caring for this mestizo.

They are basic:

  • You need to brush your dog once every two weeks;
  • There is no need to bathe often. Once a month is enough, but from the Labrador the breed inherited a love of water;
  • Trim nails in a timely manner;
  • Clean your ears and wipe your eyes once a week;
  • Lots of activity and physical activity - without it, the dog literally goes crazy.

Of course, it may also be that you will have to make special adjustments and experimentally find out which lifestyle is suitable for your pet. It all depends on how the genes are formed, because, as already mentioned, Labrador and Husky are different in temperament and purpose.

Your dog might be a great couch potato to go jogging with. It may also be that you have to spend a lot of time outside with your pet to meet your pet's exercise needs.

Attitude to training

German Shepherd and Husky are breeds that are highly trainable. But you need to start from childhood.

Husky puppies are very stubborn, and the first stages of training are best spent simply walking with your pet. If the puppy resists and does not want to perform the action, you should force it to do it in any way. This way he will understand that he will still have to work and next time he will be less stubborn.

It is important for German Shepherd puppies to learn commands from childhood, starting with the simplest ones. For example, “sit”, “give me a paw” and others

It is better to start professional training with a general training course.

And in order for the puppy to learn the “place” command, it is necessary to determine for him a place where he will always rest. If it doesn’t lie where you want it, you will have to move it and at the same time repeat “place, place...”.

Before purchasing any puppy, you should weigh the pros and cons and analyze whether you can pay enough attention to it for normal development. A dog is an excellent pet for active people, it disciplines and can be an excellent helper.

The main thing to remember is that a dog is a big responsibility, and not just a friend and protector.

It is difficult to talk about which dog breed is better and which is worse. They are all good in their own way, it all depends on the lifestyle and preferences of the future pet owner. Siberian Husky dogs are excellent companions and working and sled dogs. They are able to travel long distances without getting tired and carrying loads. German Shepherds are excellent guards, watchdogs, have shown themselves to be excellent operational workers, and are also wonderful companions.

How and what to feed?

Mixed dogs should be fed in the same way as purebred dogs. This will prolong and strengthen her health. If you stop at natural food, you will have to try harder when preparing it. In this type of food, it is important to maintain certain proportions in the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Without balance, a dog can get sick.
If you choose industrial feed, then you need to choose premium and super premium class. This type of food will provide the dog’s body with all the necessary components.

An adult dog needs to be fed twice a day, but don’t forget to reward it with treats from time to time.

Your pet should always have clean water freely available.


Don't forget that a dog can't eat as much food as he wants. Portions must be rationed. Make sure there is no food left in the bowl. It can go bad, and the dog can get poisoned.

How much does a crossbreed cost?

Since this is a fairly uncommon type of mestizo, there are no set prices for it. To calculate the price of such a hybrid, you need to take into account the cost of purebred parent dogs.

On average, the price for one puppy varies from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.

Some breeders deliberately inflate Labsky prices, arguing that the breed is a designer breed and should cost at least 100 thousand rubles. It would be imprudent to accept such an offer, given that you will never know how the puppy you are about to purchase will grow up.

Who is better to choose

The retriever group is known for being obedient, but they need to be fed a lot. Huskies are active and restless lovers of play. Labskis combine these characteristics, but it is difficult to judge from a puppy how he will grow up. When choosing a purebred dog, it is easier to navigate its characteristics and, accordingly, there will be less chance of error.

Each person must independently assess their strength and willingness to work on themselves and their pet.

Labski is an interesting experiment of breeders, and such dogs will be excellent companions and comrades. Heredity plays a big role, but more than 70% of a dog’s character should be developed by a loving and wise owner in the first months of his pet’s life.

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