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The Bombay cat is the only breed that meets the standard

Coal-colored individuals are born and are acceptable by felinological standards in many breeds. But according to the rules, only the Bombay cat can be of one single color - black, including the fur, nose and paw pads. Any deviation from this shade is considered disqualifying.

Bombay is an amazing animal with short shiny charcoal fur and copper eyes. American breeder Nikki Horner bred this breed precisely with the goal of getting a small domestic panther, she was so amazed by the beauty of the black Indian leopard. During selection, a black American Shorthair cat was crossed with a sable-colored Burmese cat. These breeds are still acceptable for breeding in Bombay.

It is difficult to get the perfect charcoal color; sable kittens are often born in Bombay litters. Many babies have patches of other colors, which disappear with age, and the entire coat acquires a uniform black tint. Bombay also inherited from Burma a severe genetic disease - “Burmese head defect”. Such kittens are not viable and must be euthanized. But the amazing beauty of these animals, despite all the difficulties of breeding, forces breeders to continue to engage in breeding work.

The character of these pets is amazing. It’s as if a dog, a cat and a monkey coexist in them. Bombays easily learn to walk on a leash, are playful, sociable, and friendly. They quickly adapt to the way of life at home and get along well with children and other pets.

Due to the difficulty of breeding, these animals are quite rare. Their cost starts from 60 thousand rubles.

Read more about these amazing cats in the article about Bombays.


In the mid-20th century, the British registered another breed - the Oriental. It was created by crossing shorthaired cats with Siamese cats. As a result, small, thin, but muscular cats with huge ears and shiny and dense fur appeared.

Orientals even have black paw pads. The color varies from blue-black to interspersed with other colors, of which there are 42 in total.

Oriental cats are infinitely devoted to their owner, affectionate and friendly, but are not suitable for people who do not have enough free time. The animal requires a lot of care, games and communication, otherwise the cat will get bored.

Breeds with acceptable black coloration

Many varieties have a varied color palette. Among cats with black fur, the following are acceptable:

American Bobtail

A large short-tailed cat with an easy-going and sociable character. The short or semi-long coat is often a solid charcoal color. The price for a kitten is from 50 thousand rubles.

Read a lot of interesting things about American Bobtails here.

Siberian cat

An ancient natural breed with long hair and a thick undercoat. Among the various colors of this independent hunter, black is highlighted in a separate group. The cost of a kitten starts from 15 thousand rubles.

Also read the article about Siberians.

Oriental cat

This breeding variety comes in a wide variety of coat colors and patterns; more than 600 different coat colors are known, including solid black and bicolor. The cost of a kitten starts from 25 thousand rubles.

More about orientals.

Devon Rex

A funny cat with wavy short fur and large ears, unusually smart, playful and devoted to people. Among the various colors, solid charcoal is highly valued. The price for a kitten is from 15 thousand rubles.

An article about Devon Rex, where a lot is written about their character, care for them and history.

Turkish Angora

One of the oldest eastern breeds. The long, thin, shiny coat comes in a variety of shades, one of them being solid black. The price for Angora is from 20 thousand rubles.

Read more interesting things about the Turkish Angora in a separate article.

Norwegian forest

The national pride of America is very reminiscent both in appearance and in temperament of the Siberian. Among the many colors, black is one of the most exquisite. Not found in Russia; the cost of pet-class kittens starts from thousands of dollars.

You can read more about Norwegian forest cats here.

American Curl

An amazing cat with curved back ears and short or semi-long hair of various colors. Available in both solid black and bicolor. These kittens cannot be found in Russia; the world price for them is from thousands of dollars.

Read more about these funny little ears in the article about American Curls.


An amazing, good-natured cat with a very fluffy double coat (the undercoat is the same length as the main hair). She is very beautiful and devoted to people, often being solid black and close to charcoal purple. Cost about two thousand dollars.

A lot of interesting things about the Cymric people.


These Irish beauties are distinguished by the complete absence of a tail. Among the many colors, solid black is sometimes found. Rare and valuable animals, the cost of a kitten is from a thousand dollars.

Read about the Manx breed on our website.

Coal Bengal

This color is not yet included in the breed standard, but it is only a matter of time. Charkoal is very beautiful - on the glittery black coat, spots and rosettes of the same color are clearly visible in the light. The cost of a pet-class kitten is from 20 thousand rubles.

You will learn a lot of interesting things about Bengals from this article.


This one of the largest hybrid cats has a separate group of solid black and black grizzly colors - the so-called “salt and pepper” or “gray hair”. These are expensive cats, the price for a pet-class kitten starts from 100 thousand rubles.

Also read a separate article about Chausie cats.

Features of caring for a black cat

As a rule, black cats have stronger immunity than their light counterparts. Felinologists believe that this is due to a special combination of genes that gives the animal not only a black color, but also good health. However, the pet still needs care, no matter how strong it is.

every cat needs care, even a black one

Before you take your kitten home, make sure that the conditions are suitable for the animal. Black cats love to roam, so if the house has open windows, vents and other access to the street, then they need to be closed. You should also prepare a sleeping area and a play area. The bed or house must be installed so that the cat can clearly see the entire room from its place. A house or bed should be chosen based on the size and characteristics of the animal. For example, a Don Sphynx will be warmer in a house than on a bed, and a Maine Coon will not fit in a small house, so he needs to buy a crib for his growth.

An important attribute for cats are toys. There should be many of them, they should be different. If you are not sure that the cat will like the entertainment offered, then watch it for a couple of days. Pay attention to any objects the animal pays special attention to (a houseplant, a children's ball, shoe laces, etc.). This way you will quickly understand your preferences and buy good toys. The main thing is that they are of high quality; small parts must be firmly fixed (a cat can swallow a part that falls off).

My sister's black cat (Donut) is phlegmatic to the core. He ignores any toys, he is not interested in looking out the window. But I believe that such behavior is a sign of intelligence. The cat does not lie on the sofa all day; he can watch TV (he especially loves cartoons) and watch the washing machine. His favorite pastime is the fluffy fur from his winter jacket (fastened to the hood). Donut brings this piece of fur and puts it next to him while watching TV, if after that the cat needs to go to the kitchen, but he always takes the fur trap with him.

Black cats have a keen intelligence, so they need a special approach

Caring for the appearance of cats consists of several activities. In order not to forget the schedule and rules for their implementation, you can print out the following list for yourself:

  • Eyes should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in distilled water or strong tea (every day).
  • The ears should be examined and, if necessary, cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in Vaseline (once a week).
  • You can brush your teeth with a small toothbrush with a special toothpaste or other special products: gel, spray, etc. (once a month).
  • Trim the claws with a nail clipper once every 2 weeks, if you have a scratching post - once every three weeks (cut off no more than 1-2 mm).

The pet may be unhappy that you are encroaching on its sharp claws. In this case, the cat must first be calmed; you can pet it or talk to it. Some owners put a clean sock on their pet's head so that the animal does not see what is happening around. I put her blouse on the cat, but I don’t put her paws in the sleeves. This way the cat is immobilized, but does not try to break free and run away. But she sees what is happening around her, so she is not afraid. I think that a cat with its eyes closed can be afraid.

Video: how and with what to brush your cat’s teeth

Black coat care

Features of caring for the hair of different cats depend on the breed of the particular animal. So hairless cats (for example, the Don Sphynx) do not need to be combed at all. Hairless cats have to produce more energy (to stay warm), so they sweat more than other cats. Such animals should be wiped with a damp cloth. Some owners of hairless cats wipe their cat every day. However, hairless animals often get cold, they can get sick from a draft or cold floor, so after wet procedures your pet needs to be dressed warmly.

Cats with fur coats will have to be combed. Typically, smooth-haired cats are combed using a special rubber mitten or a brush with soft bristles. The procedure should be carried out twice a week.

And there are some cats that are not usually called long-haired, but due to their thick undercoat they can become covered with tangles. For example, Manx cats try to care for their coats without human help, but during the molting period they fail. Such animals need to be combed out especially carefully, and after each procedure you can go over the fur with a comb. Such animals are bathed as their fur becomes dirty (no more than 2 times a year). To keep your cat's coat as shiny as before, you need to use only special shampoos and conditioners designed for cats.

To make an animal's fur shine, you need to use only special products for caring for animal hair.

Independent cats, such as Maine Coons, cope with their fur coat on their own; it is enough to brush the cat once a week with a brush-comb. Usually Maine Coons treat the combing procedure with understanding, so problems should not arise.

All cats (regardless of breed) relate to brushing differently. I saw a cat who loved to be brushed every day. She specially came to the mistress’s lap and lay down so that it would be convenient to comb her. At the same time, she purred loudly and squinted contentedly. This means that the attitude towards combing depends on the cat’s character and upbringing. The sooner you start accustoming your cat to a brush, the more gently it will react to it in the future.

Owners of long-haired cats face the most difficult grooming procedure. Breeds such as the Persian cat have both guard hair and a thick downy undercoat. The owner needs to ensure that the outer hair is shiny and the down hair is not tangled. To do this, the cat needs to be brushed daily. Every evening you will have to devote at least 15 minutes to the cat’s fur. A brush is powerless in the case of Persians. Combing black Persian fur can be done in several stages:

  • Light combing with a wide-tooth comb (to straighten hair).
  • Combing with a slicker brush or a brush with metal teeth (with a drop).
  • Treat the wool with a fine-toothed comb (so that the hairs settle down).

Long-haired cats can be bathed up to 4 times a year. However, it is not recommended to use products intended for humans. After bathing, the cat should be blotted with a towel and allowed to dry naturally. Some owners use a hairdryer to dry their fur babies, but the hot air can make the animal's fur dull and brittle. Particularly fluffy cats can be treated with special products to make combing easier. Such sprays can be found at any pet store.

The difficulty of grooming depends on the type of coat

It is recommended to stroke curly cats with a wet hand after brushing. This way, curly hairs will settle into neat and shiny waves. In order for your cat's black coat to look healthy and neat, the pet must receive a sufficient amount of protein, trace elements and vitamins. In addition, direct sunlight and high humidity should be avoided.

Other breeds of black cats

There are cat breeds in which black is not a separate color group and is relatively rare.

  • Sphynxes Canadian, Don, St. Petersburg - hairless cats also have an excess of euomelamamine. Then their skin turns solid black. The cost of pet-class kittens is from 20 thousand rubles.

  • The Persian cat is one of the oldest breeds with a rather difficult character. The very beautiful long, fluffy, fine coat is sometimes solid black. The price for a pet class starts from 25 thousand rubles.

  • Black Maine Coon. One of the largest domestic cats has long hair and tufts on his ears. Absolutely black color is sometimes found. The cost of a kitten is from 25 thousand rubles.

Maine Coon black

  • British and Scottish cats. These two breeds are closely related and differ only in the shape of their ears. In the Scottish Fold, their tips are curved down. The short, close-lying coat is very rarely charcoal in color. The cost of pet-class kittens starts from 15 thousand rubles.

Devon Rex

Huge eyes, elven ears, wavy hair make the breed unusual and interesting. Black color is one of many options. In addition to this, there are representatives with marble, brindle, silver-black shades of fur coat.

The breed appeared and was registered in Great Britain. It is relatively young - it has existed since the 60s of the 20th century. Devon Rex dogs have a friendly and affectionate personality, are energetic, curious, and thrive in urban environments.

Fact! Devon Rex cats can be owned by people with cat allergies because their fur is hypoallergenic.

Interesting facts about black cats

  1. Charles I adored his black pet and believed that she was his talisman. Surprisingly, the day after the cat's death he was arrested and soon executed.
  2. Statistics say that there are more coal cats in cities than in villages.
  3. The best rat catchers are black cats; during night hunting they simply blend into the darkness.
  4. According to official data from felinologists, twenty-two breeds can have a solid black color; their ancestors are Phoenician cats.
  5. According to American scientists, most black pets are cats.
  6. Biologists have proven that any cat creates electromagnetic radiation that has a beneficial effect on humans. The black cat emits waves of high frequency and amplitude; he is the best healer among his brothers.
  7. Psychics believe that only black pets have the ability to instantly absorb negativity, turn it into positive energy and immediately give it to the owner.

Why cats are born black

Microscopic granules of the melanin pigment are responsible for the color of fur, as well as skin and eyes. There are two varieties of it, differing in structure - eumelanin and pheomelanin. The grains of the first are spherical in shape, they completely absorb light and give black pigmentation and all its derivatives - chocolate, blue, lilac, fawn. The ellipsoids of the second reflect light in the red range and are responsible for this color and all its varieties. The inheritance of color depends on the sex of the animal, since this gene is located on the X chromosome; this allele is not on the Y chromosome.

A cat has one X chromosome and can therefore be either black or red. The cat has two X chromosomes and three varieties of color - red, black and mixed (tortoiseshell).

The genes responsible for color are passed from mother to son. A black cat cannot give birth to a red cat, and a red female will never give birth to a black male.

Mister Cat talks: myths and omens

Over the centuries of existence next to humans, black cats have been persecuted and destroyed more than once. Scientists have discovered a pattern that these pets always have a more docile and peaceful character. Biologists attribute this to the fact that in this way nature is trying to protect this type of color from complete extermination and extinction.

There are many stories, myths and legends associated with coal cats:

  1. In Ancient Egypt, black cats were worshiped and considered servants of the cult of the goddess Baset.
  2. During the years of the Inquisition, medieval Europe practically exterminated the entire population of black cats. They were considered the embodiment of the witch's soul and were burned at the stake.
  3. It is still customary to turn back or spit over your shoulder three times if a black cat crosses the road. The appearance of a strange black cat in the house is considered a sign of trouble. And in Ireland, these facts, on the contrary, serve as lucky omens - if a black cat crosses the road or enters the house, it is good luck.
  4. The owner of a black cat in England is credited with love and a large number of fans.
  5. In Scotland and Australia, these pets are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the home.
  6. In Russia, black cats have always been the best defenders against thieves and the most successful hunters.
  7. Sailors treat any cat on board with love, but if it is a black animal, then it is believed that the voyage will be successful.

Read more in the article about signs about black cats.


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