Jack Russell - characteristics of the breed, disposition, tendency to diseases, maintenance and care + 97 photos

The Jack Russell Terrier is a very well-known, popular and recognizable breed of dog, bred in Great Britain initially as a game beater and hunter of burrowing animals, foxes, and beavers. Two hundred years ago it was a rather vicious dog with a narrow body and short powerful legs, designed to drive game out of holes directly at the hunter.

But everything has changed since the establishment of dog shows. Over time, the breed acquired external elegant features, its character lost its former aggressiveness, and its disposition became cheerful and peaceful.

Now the Jack Russell Terrier is an active dog with a good disposition. Low, medium-sized (the weight of an adult Jack Russell rarely exceeds 5-7 kg), with smooth, hard coat of three colors: white, black, brown.

They forgot about short-legged ones for a while

The breed found a second life when breeders from Australia noticed the cuties of the Jack Russell. It was there that the breed officially acquired its characteristic features: short legs, an elongated body and a tri-color color with a predominance of white - everything that can be seen in the photo of Jack Russells.

It was there that they were carefully bred, and in 1972 the Australian Dog Breed Club was officially established, registered as the Jack Russell Terrier.


Males and females are bred after a year. Before breeding a male dog, he must be taught the basic “rules of behavior”: the animal must obey the owner well and obey him unquestioningly. Otherwise, in the future the dog will “break loose” when he senses a female who is in heat. When a male dog is bred for the first time, the owner must help the animal into the correct position.

Bitches before estrus have very heavy bleeding, therefore, in order to avoid infectious diseases, the animal must wear special underpants, reminiscent of children's disposable diapers. They are purchased at veterinary pharmacies, and the size is selected depending on the height and weight of the bitch.

You can knit annually, on the second or third day of estrus . It is better to introduce the animals first to make sure that they do not show aggression towards each other. You can choose a pair from an advertisement in the newspaper or in a kennel club. It is desirable that the bitch and the dog have approximately the same appearance, age, and pedigree. Mating should take place in the dog's territory.


The dog does not need constant washing; dirt does not stick to its fur. Even if a Jack Russell gets dirty, after half an hour or an hour it will become clean again - this is a feature of the breed.

However, it is better to trim the coat from time to time, at least during the molting period.

Dog's temper

By nature, the dogs are cheerful, nimble and positive. This breed has a lot of energy. They inherited determination and independence from terriers. These qualities must be taken into account during the training period of the dog, because situations arise when the dog does not want to train and is difficult to cope with.

Therefore, professional dog trainers recommend starting training in the basics of Jack Russell training as puppies.

The breed requires early socialization, otherwise aggression towards other animals may occur. The breed has a very positive attitude towards children, especially if it grows up with them from puppyhood.
Since the breed is a hunting dog, natural instincts do not allow the dog to be friendly towards other animals, this especially applies to cats and small pets.

You should not test the friendliness of this dog by trying to make him friends with other pets, because they may suffer from his excessive activity.

Describing the characteristics of the Jack Russell breed, it should be noted that these dogs should always be on the job. Otherwise, the animal’s bad behavior cannot be avoided, which manifests itself by barking, damaging things and trying to dig a tunnel.

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It is best if the dog constantly exercises and participates in competitions.

Given the personality characteristics, it is necessary to carefully consider the ability of you and your family to meet the needs of this active dog.

Eye care

A healthy dog's eyes do not need extra care unnecessarily. The exception is when a lot of dust gets into the dog’s eyes. In this case, they just need to be washed with a weak tea solution.

What is the difference between boys and girls?

Jack Russell boys look stocky and muscular: they have a wider chest, which makes them appear more powerful.

Girls have a graceful physique, the head is smaller and not so wide.

At the same time, females have a slightly more elongated body format than males.

Ear care

Once every two to three weeks, wipe the ears with a damp cloth. That's all. As a rule, an adult healthy dog ​​does not have ear problems.

The Jack Russell is an amazing dog. Smart, inventive, incredibly energetic, the hero of the films “The Mask” and “Beethoven” is capable of becoming the best friend of his devoted owner.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Origin:England, Devonshire
Conditions of detention:In an apartment, in a house without a garden, in a house with a garden
Purpose:Hunting, guard
Color:White with dark brown, light brown or black spots
Wool length:Short 2 – 3 cm, in some varieties long 7 – 8 cm
Adult dog size:The height of females is 23 - 25 cm, the height of males is 25 - 30 cm. The weight of females is approximately 6 - 7 kg, the weight of males is approximately 7 - 8 kg
Average life expectancy:15 years
Walk:Needed, 2 times a day
Physical activity needs:High physical activity needs (regular or daily exercise for more than 3 hours per day)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 3 Terriers; Section 2 small terriers
Puppy price:30,000 rubles

Photo of Jack Russell

How to choose a puppy?

It is best to buy a puppy of this breed from a nursery or from a breeder, and the puppy must have a birth certificate and a veterinary passport, and its parents must have a complete pedigree, which indicates the names of its ancestors up to and including the sixth generation.

A purebred dog cannot be cheap, and by saving on buying a pet, you can end up with a sick dog or a mixed breed, or even just a mongrel that looks like a Jack Russell.

A good puppy should be playful, active and inquisitive.

He will certainly want to get to know a stranger who comes to the house, and will not run to hide from him in the far corner, but at the same time, he will not show aggression towards people or towards his mother and littermates.

When buying a show dog, it is better to choose a medium-sized baby rather than the largest one . In this case, it is more likely that it will grow to a standard size.

It is not recommended to adopt a puppy that shows even minor signs of ill health, for example, a slight runny nose or conjunctivitis.

The color of the baby should be standard and, preferably, the markings on the head and face should be symmetrical.

The puppy should look quite strong and robust: it should have short, thick legs and a straight topline.

If the tail is docked, then the wound on it should be completely healed by the time of sale.

And one more thing: when choosing a puppy, you need to take into account not only the exterior and health, but also the temperament.

Hyperactive and sedentary puppies should not be adopted: the first will not go well, and the second may have health problems or simply have a character that does not correspond to the breed standard.

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