What to name a boy kitten? list of names and nicknames for cats

Even before a kitten appears in the house, the owners choose a name for it. In nurseries of purebred animals, the breeder issues passports for the kittens and immediately gives them a nickname. But the new owners don’t always like it, and they themselves come up with a name for the pet. When choosing, the main thing is that it should be short and sonorous, and be liked by all family members. We hope our recommendations will help you find the best nickname for a boy cat.

Meet Romeo:

Beautiful and bright nicknames

Arnold, Richard, Bars - it sounds proud! This name immediately reminds us that the ancestors of cute fluffy domestic balls were wild predators. The lack of need to catch up with prey has made them lazy couch potatoes, but this does not prevent them from choosing a beautiful and bright nickname for the cat:

  • Akira;
  • Altair;
  • Archie;
  • Atari;
  • Ajax;
  • Baron;
  • Leopard;
  • Blaze;
  • Bob;
  • Bond;
  • Boots;
  • Vegas;
  • Vincent;
  • Volt;
  • Gambit;
  • Hector;
  • Humboldt;
  • Gucci;
  • Jazz;
  • Jasper;
  • Joker;
  • Eremey;
  • Erofey;
  • Jacques;
  • Gerard;
  • Joseph;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Zoltan;
  • Easy;
  • Indie;
  • Eastwood;
  • Kai;
  • Kali;
  • Carat;
  • Casper;
  • King;
  • Koba;
  • Light;
  • Lancelot;
  • Lex;
  • Leo;
  • Loki;
  • Lord;
  • Maximus;
  • Marty;
  • Mason;
  • Miguel;
  • Nemo;
  • Neo;
  • Nils;
  • Norris;
  • One;
  • Optimus;
  • Orpheus;
  • Oscar;
  • Paul;
  • Pepper;
  • Pixel;
  • Porter;
  • Potter;
  • Rider;
  • Ray;
  • Ranger;
  • Rex;
  • Riji;
  • Rio;
  • Romeo;
  • Sydney;
  • The tuxedo;
  • Tiger;
  • Thor;
  • Khan;
  • Hendrix;
  • Caesar;
  • Saffron.

Cat Joker with an unusual color:

Stylish and fashionable nicknames

There is also a fashion for cat names. Well-known magazines about cats, popular websites and felinological organizations compile their ratings of names, and among the most fashionable and popular nicknames for male cats:

  • Alex;
  • Albus;
  • Basil;
  • Bucks;
  • Boniface;
  • Garfield;
  • Gray;
  • Lucky;
  • Leo;
  • Lucas;
  • Michael;
  • Nick;
  • Olaf;
  • Oliver;
  • Oscar;
  • Simba;
  • Sky;
  • Smokey;
  • Spark;
  • Tao;
  • Volume;
  • Felix;
  • Charlie;
  • Chester;
  • Shadow.

Kitten brothers Skye and Chester:

What is undesirable to call

History provides a lot of real evidence of the influence of a name on the fate of humans and animals. For this reason, it is not recommended to give a pet that appears in the house the name of a deceased relative or a deceased animal. Thus, the owner seems to be programming the animal for an early death.

It is also not recommended to call cats by sacred names from the Bible. Even if the owner is a deeply convinced atheist, there will always be someone nearby who will be outraged or upset by the fact that the family cat's name is Jesus, John, James or Bartholomew.

There is an opinion that you cannot call a pet by a human name. According to the norms of the Russian language, names for people (anthroponyms) and nicknames for animals (zoonyms) belong to different groups. Previously, when the church had great influence on people, it was strictly forbidden to give animals human names. Today, in literally every yard you can hear the cat’s name Vaska, Kuzya, Boris or Styopka.

Whether human names are suitable for boy kittens is up to the pet owner to decide. But you shouldn’t rule out the situation when your daughter grows up and brings home a groom whose name will be completely identical to the cat’s name.

Rare and unusual names

If you want your pet to have an unusual name, you should turn to mythology, your favorite literary works, the world of music or sports. Naming your cat after an idol singer or musician is original, but you can choose from our list of unusual and rare nicknames:

  • Amadeus;
  • Ares;
  • Arnie;
  • Balthazar;
  • Bardi;
  • Bart;
  • Bentley;
  • Berlioz;
  • Biscuit;
  • Valdai;
  • Valli;
  • Wasabi;
  • Winston;
  • Winchester;
  • Winston;
  • Volt;
  • Le Havre;
  • Guy;
  • Galileo;
  • Hermann;
  • Grail;
  • Graham;
  • Grinch;
  • Darling;
  • Darth Vader;
  • Daemon;
  • Joker;
  • Joshua;
  • Dorian;
  • Douglas;
  • Zero;
  • Sigmund;
  • Raisin;
  • Indigo;
  • Irvine;
  • Eastwood;
  • Kaiser;
  • Kevin;
  • Killer;
  • Cloud;
  • Colt;
  • Confucius;
  • Cortes;
  • Christmas;
  • Christopher;
  • Lancelot;
  • Eraser;
  • Leonardo;
  • Leps;
  • Mario;
  • Marcy;
  • Mongol;
  • Mojito;
  • Murcello;
  • Knight;
  • Napoleon;
  • Nesquik;
  • Nicolas;
  • Nils;
  • Nissan;
  • Oxford;
  • Onyx;
  • Orwell;
  • Otty;
  • Cream;
  • Poirot;
  • Pierrot;
  • Rambler;
  • Raptor;
  • Ratatouille;
  • Ratmir;
  • Raphael;
  • Rufus;
  • Stalker;
  • Sensei;
  • Tarantino;
  • Bassoon;
  • Frankenstein;
  • Freud;
  • Fast and Furious.

The Grinch cat knows his worth:


NAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “A”CATKOSHKA Abbey, Aben, Abo, Abo Ans, Aborigine, Abraham, Absolute, Avalon, August, Augustine, Augustus, Agate, Agathon, Agir, Ago, Aggressor, Adagio, Adam, Adams, Adis, Admiral, Adolf, Adon, Adonis, Adrian , Azhur, Azadello, Azart, Aziris, Azor, Azure, Aivar, Aivengo, Aygun, Aidan, Ayzik, Aik, Aykar, Aiko, Aylan, Island, Ayli, Airat, Ice, Aysan, Iceberg, Ice Beri , Ice Berry, Ice Cream, Aytash, Aquamarine, Aquino, Akes, Akord, Acrylic, Axel, Aktavian, Aktash, Aladdin, Alain, Alan, Aland, Aldan, Alex, Alexius, Alyosha, Alzar, Ali, Ali Baba, Alias, Alish, Al lan, Almaz , Alonzo, Aloha, Altyn, Al Capone, Albar, Albert, Alvin, Aldik, Aldo, Alkor, Almar, Alpen Gold, Alton, Alf, Alfons, Alfred, Amadeus, Amadeo, Amadeus, Amaliy, Aman , Amaretto, Ambassador, Ambrose , Amen Ra, Amethyst, Ammi, Amor, Amulet, Cupid, Anvar, Angel, Charlie's Angel, Angor, Angus, Angelo, Andre, Andrea, Andrian, Andriano, Ans, Antey, Anton, Antony, Antonio, Antos, Anto shka, Anubis , Anush, Anchar, Anyar, Apogee, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, April, Apri, Arake, Aramis, Arwen, Argo, Argonaut, Argone, Argos, Argus, Arzhan, Aris, Aristocrat, Aristotle , Arcon, Arman, Armani, Arno , Arnold, Arras, Arro, Artemis, Artemius, Arthur, Artush, Archel, Archie, Archibald, Asik, Asiris, Asker, Aslan, Assar, Asterix, Aston, Ataman, Atilla, Atlant, Atlantic, Atlas, A tone, Athos, Atticus , Afonya, Achilles, Achilles, Akhtai, Achi, Ashley, Ashton, Ashug, Ajax, AyansAbbi, Abel, Abigal, Abigel, Ava, Augusta, Augustina, Avda, Aurora, Agata, Agafya, Agasha, Agi, Agnes, Aguti , Ada , Addi, Adelina, Adel, Adeya, Aji, Adis, Azari, Aziza, Asia, Azura, Aida, Quince, Ivory, Aigul, Aidana, Aiza, Ayla, Aymara, Aimi, Aina, Irene, Iris, Aisidora, Watercolor, Ala bama , Alana, Alanis, Alberi, Alegra, Alexa, Alexandria, Alexis, Alexia, Scarlet Flower, Alibi, Alika, Alina, Alice, Alice, Alicia, Aloha, Alberta, Alga, Alda, Aldona, Alza, Alma , Alpine Flower, Viola , Alpha, Alaska, Amadea, Amazon, Amalia, Amanda, Amberly, Amber, Ambrosia, Ambrose, Amelia, Amiga, Anabella, Anabel, Anais, Anastasia, Anatol, Anga, Angel, Angelina, Angel a, Angelica, Andromeda, Anella, Anel , Angelika, Anika, Anikol, Anita, Anna, Annushka, Antelia, Antonina, Antoinette, Anfisa, Angel, Anyuta, Arabella, Arabesque, Arabian Night, Aralia, Arda, Ardella, Aremo, A reta, Arzo, Arizona, Arika, Arilda, Arima, Arisa, Arisha, Ariel, Aria, Arlanda, Arleta, Arna, Arnica, Arta, Harp, Assol, Assorted, Asta, Aster, Asya, Atava, Atika, Aura, Athena, Africa, Aphrodite, Akhta, Achcha, Ashika, Aelita, Aya Back to topNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “B”CATKOSHBAbet, Babster, Bagger, Baget, Basalt, Basil, Ba-zu, Bayard, Baikal, Byron, Byte, Buck, Bucks, Baxter, Balamut, Bali, Bali Hai, Balkan, Ballu, Baloven, Balto, Balkhash, Balsam, Balthazar , Balu, Balto, Bambino, Bandit, Banzai, Banzul, Banshee, Bard, Bark, Barki, Barley, Barmaley, Barney, Baron, Baroyan, Barrat, Barry, Bars, Barsik, Bart, Barten, Bart Olomeo, Barkhan, Velvet, Basker , Baskerville, Basmach, Bast, Baster, Batur, Batyr, Bowser, Bacchus, Bayun, Behemoth, Beck, Buckingham, Bexter, Beldrick, Bel, Bel Ali, Bemol, Ben, Benjamin, Benzo, Benefis, Benito , Beno, Bento, Berg, Bergen, Bergen, Beri, Bernie, Bero, Berry, Berserk, Burt, Burton, Best, Betris, Beethoven, Bzik, Big Ben, Big Mac, Bigor, Beedie, Bison, Bilan, Billy, Billy Jean, Billyboy, Beamer , Bimol, Bing, Bingo, Bingston, Binkley, Binks, Beatle, Beetle Juice, Blanco, Black, Blizart, Blik, Blyth, Blossom, Blue Jean, Bludwin, Blake, Black, Black Berry, Black Jack, Blanfil, Bobi, Bobo , Bogard, Bogach, Bogey, Bodan, Fighting, Boycott, Boxing, Big Ben, Big Mac, Bombino, Beaumonde, Bon Jour, Bon Bon, Bondi, Bonzo, Boniface, Bonnie, Bonoparte, Bonch , Borey, Fighter, Boris, Borsey , Bosko, Boss, Boatswain, Boyar, Bravo, Bravoy, Bradley, Brian, Brains, Bryce, Brighton, Brahms, Brother Ivanushka, Brandy, Brig, Bridge, Breeze, Britt, Broadway, Broit, Brockie, Br onte, Brooklyn, Bruno, Brutus, Bradley, Brack, Brandy, Bruce, Buggy, Buddha, Buka, Boomerang, Buran, Bourbon, Burse, Butuz, Butch, Buffalo, Buffalo, Bill, Bushui, Buyan, Bianco, Basic, Buckingham, Bamboy, BestBabetta, Butterfly, Bagira, Bagryanka, Basilica, Bazooka, Baida, Bayra, Bakara, Baltika, Banzi, Bani, Ban-Shi, Barbara, Barbarella, Barbie, Barki, Barletta, Barney, Baronessa, Barcelo na, Barynya, Young Lady, Bassi, Basta, Basya, Bounty, Buffy, Beatrice, Beatrice, Beatrice, Beverly, Beverly Hills, Beigi, Becky, Belind, Belka, Bella, Belle, Snow White, Bena, Benta, Bentley, Berna, Bertha, Bertrude, Bessie, Beth a, Betty, Bianki, Biggie , Billy, Bimbo, Bimki, Bimsy, Bina, Binky, Burma, Turquoise, Bissy, Bishka, Biya, Biyanka, Blanca, Blanche, Bless, Blestka, Shiny Silver, Blinda, Blinky, Blondie, Blaze, Blackie, Bobo, Bohemia, Bohemia, Bozhesana, Bomona, Bona, Bonita, Bonya, Botti, Bravada, Braga, Brada, Brama, Brenda, Brenda Star, Bretta, Brig, Brigantina, Brigen, Brigitta, Bridget, Brigida, Bridget, Diamond ova Lady, Britain, Britney, Brittany, Brocky, Bronti, Brozia, Buka, Bukki, Bulka, Bumba, Storm, Busi, Businka, Bussa, Beauty, Bianca, Byache, Baby, Bassey, Beta, Batrice, Betty To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “B (V, W)”KOTKOSHKAvagner, Vadash, Weiss, Valentin, Valentino, Valet, Valli, Valui, Walden, Waldo, Walker, Valmon, Valsar, Walter, Vampire, Van, Gogh, Vandal, Vansay, Vantay, Van ka, Varvar, Varley, Varyag, Vasko, Vaska, Vasya, Watson, Washington, Vegas, Vesuvius, Veket, Veles, Giant, Magnificent, Vel, Velvet, Beelzebub, Venets, Wenzel, Fan, Veron, Versailles, Vert, Ves Lyy, West, Zipper, Vivaldi, Vivian, Wizard, Wisdom, Vizier, Viy, Vikar, Weekend, Viking, Viscount, Victoriano, Willy, William, Wilfred, Villefort, Viljan, Windsor, Windy, Winnie the Pooh, Vincent, Winston, Vintik, Winchester, Virage, Virgin, Virfold, Whiskey, Vitas , Knight, Vlad, Vladimor, Vladmir, Lord, Voevoda, Leader, Volday, Volny, Volt, Wolf, East, Vulcan, Wulf, Wade, VekilVaga, Vaida, Vaksa, Valencia, Valenta, Valen Tina, Valeria, Valesta, Valda, Wanda , Vanessa, Vanilla, Vantre, Varvara, Varna, Warsaw, Varya, Vasilisa, Vatrushka, Vega, Vedunya, Witch, Veera, Veyvira, Veysi, Velari, Veldzhi, Velichava Pava, Velona, ​​Wendy, Venedika, Venus, Venessa, Venice, Vensi, Venta, Verdena, Virginia, Verona, Veronica, Spring, Vesta, Vestal, Westphalia, Eternity, Veya, Viagra, Vial, Vivi, Viviana, Vivienne, Viella, Vizi, Vika, Vicky, Vixie, Victory, Victoria, Vilona, Winky, Vigneta, Viola, Violet, Violetta, Viol, Virgo, Virgie, Virginia, Vista, Vita, Vitolda, Cherry, Vlada, Vladlena, Vladilena, Vlasta, Volga, Volna, Volya, Vorozheya, Woody, Vajeri, Well ar, Vallorie, Vassey Back to topNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “G”CATBOY, Gabriel, Gabsi, Gavre, Gabriel, Hyde, Gaisan, Hamlet, Ganges, Ganymede, Hans, Garm, Garnerri, Harold, Harry, Harrison, Garfi, Garfield, Hasan, Gwendolyn, Guidon, Huck, Hector, Helios, Henry, George, Heracles, Herald, Herbert, Gerd, Gerey, Hermes, Hero, Heron, Hephaestus, Geshka, Gizmo, Hymen, Gimli, Glen, Fooly, Gnome, Goboy, Howard, Govor, Goliath, Gong, Gonzik, Gonzo, Horace, Gordon, Proud, Goritsvet, Gospar, Gosha, Goshka, Grail, Grail, Grand, Graun, Count, Gregor, Gregory, Gregoire, Gray, Greek, Grian, Gregorian, Grid, Grim, Grimlin, Gringo, Grif, Grozny, Thunder, Gross, Heavy, Gray, Guar, Goodwill, Goodwin, Huron, Hussar, Guslyar, Guchi, Guar, Gandolf, Gustaf, GyaurGabbi, Gabriella, Gabriel, Hawaii, Gazelle, Gaida, Gaidi, Gaide, Galaxy, Galaxy, Galate I, Gamma, Gandhi, Garbo, Garley, Harmony, Geisha, Hekla, Gella, Genevra, Henrietta, Hera, Gerda, Hermione, Duchess, Hethera, Gaia, Gisel, Guinevere, Gypsy, Gita, Gita, Glafira, Gledi, Glaze, Gloria, Gladys, Goldie, Dove, Pride, Pride, Grana, Countess, Grace, Dreams, Grace, Greata, Gressi, Greta, Griselda, Grizzy, Groza, Grow, Gabby, Gamiel, Gyulli, Gulchatai, Gulsher To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “D (D, J)”KOTKOSHKADavlat, Dagir, Daji, Dayr, Dayton, Daxter, Dali, Lama, Dallas, Dammit, Danila, Daniel, Danke, Danko, Dante, Dantes, Dar, Darius, Darling, Darsik, Darchi, De Niro, Devil, Dake, Daylin , Deimos, Decker, Dexter, Delmonte, Demario, Denver, Dandy, Deneli, Denis, Denis, Derby, Dernis, Dessert, Deffer, Jabo, Jag, Jazz, Jazz Man, Giacommo, Jackson, Jasper, Jack, Jacket, Jackie, Jackson, Jelisson, Gently, Gerald, Jerry, Jibo, Dzhigit, Gil, Jill, Jean, Jinko, Gipsy, Joe, Jock, Joker, Joman, John, Joni, Joshua, Juice, DJ, Diamond, Dian, Divar, Diego , Dick, Savage, Dicky, Dixie, Dixon, Dictator, Dilight, Dillon, Dima, Dimal, Dimar, Dionysus, Disco, Disney, Ditto, Dobby, Rain, Docoit, Dollar, Dolce, Dombey, Domino, Don, Don Juan, Donald, Donatello, Donahue, Doris, Dorsforf, Dorhan, Dragon, Dragon, Drizzle, Dream, Dragon, Doubloon, Douglas, Dux, Danube, Duncan, Deacon, Deacon, Davidson, Dexter, Denis, Dary, Duke, Dufer Dahomey, Diana, Daira, Dakki, Dakota, Damka, Dana, Danaya, Daniel, Danko, Darga, Darkley, Darklin, Darley, Darlene, Darcy, Duffy, Dasha, Daya, Dayana, Debbie, Deborah, Degira, Dez, Desdemon a, Desi, Desira, Daisy, Delila, Delta, Demetra, Demmi, Denise, Derika, Desmi, Dessert, Dessie, Destiny, Deya, Jaconda, Jamilya, Jasmine, Jeggy, Jay, Jane, Jace, Jackie, Jelana, Jelika, Jella, Jaemin and Geneva, Jenestra, Jeni, Jennifer, Jerry, Jessica, Jessinger, Jess, Jessie, Gian, Gee-bi, Ji-Gi, Dzhizel, Jizzy, Jixie, Jillian, Gina, Ginger, Gypsy, Jitta, Josephine, Gioconda, Jolly, Jonia, Georgia, Josie, Judith, Julia, Julieta, Juna, Jazzy, Jas, Di, Tiara, Diana, Diaspora, Dibby, Diva, Digby, Digit, Di-di, Dizzy, Dicky, Dixie, Dilly, Dimal, Dina, Dynasty, Dinky, Diona, Ditsy, Dolary, Dolly, Dona, Dora, Doris, Dorothy, Dotty, Dragon Lady, Dubrava, Dudka, Dulcinea, Dunya, Dunyasha, Dusya, Haze, Debbie, Dazzy, Daisy, Dale, Delina, Denise, Daya , Thumbelina, Dune To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “E”KOTKOSHKAevro, Evsey, Evstigney, Egypt, Eddie, Elisha, Eliphan, Elzar, Engar, Eney, Enisey, Epiphan, Erang, Ermak, Erofey, Erosh, Eroshka, Esaul, Estigney, Ephrat, EshkaEva, Ev Elina, Europe, Egera, Egyptian Queen , Egoza, Egina, Ezhenka, Ekaterina, Elena the Beautiful, Elensis, Elika, Elina, Elka, Yellow, Elma, Ena, Enka, Erika, Erma, Erofeya, Esenia, Esta, Eshka To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “ZH”KOTKOSHKAJak, Jean, Jean Jacques, Jeanmar, Jeannot, Jeannot-Mart, Genre, Jardin, Harness, Zhek, Gerard, German, Germont, Gerome, Gerro, Zhivago, Zhigan, Gigol, Joseph, Zhora, Jo rzh, Zhofrey, Joshua, Zhuk . Esika, Zheya, Givenchy, Giselle, Josephine , Joqueline, Jolie, Priestess, Zhuzha, Zhuzhu, Zhulya, Juliette To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “Z”CATKOSHKAZag, Zagar, Zagrai, Zador, Zair, Zak, Zando, Zarri, Zatevay, Zakhar, Zvezdny, Zvezdomir, Zvezdochet, Beast, Zeus, Zembi, Zembo, Zenit, Zerbino, Zero, Zero, Ze st, Zephyr, Zig, Zig Zag , Ziggy, Ziger, Sigmund, Sigrid, Sigurd, Siegfried, Zikar, Zingaro, Zlato, Zlatozar, Zloyan, Zodiac, Zolotko, Zonker, Zorkiy, Zorro, Zulan, Zurim, ZuydZabava, Zabela, Zadira, Bunny, Zamarashka, Zana, Zanga . , Zeya, Ziggy, Winter, Zimushka , Zina, Zinga, Zippy, Zita, Zlata, Goldilocks, Zolmo, Golden Fish, Zolotinka, Zolda, Zoranta, Zorka, Zoti, Zoya, Zuza, Zuleika, Zulma, Zurna, Zuta To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “I (I)”KOTKOSHKAIvan, Ivashechka, Ivashka, Ignat, Izmir, Israel, Emerald, Raisin, Raisin, Icarus, Illariy, Illarion, Illius, Ilot, Ildar, Ilya, Ilya Muromets, Ilyusha, Imar, Image, Imir, Impressario, Im pulse, Inar, Invar , Ingul, Indy, Indiana Jones, Indigo, Indio, Hindu, Inor, Infant, Irbis, Irwin, Irzhik, Iris, Irish, Irk, Irsen, Irtysh, Iskander, Islav, Eastwood, Isfahan, Ishak, Ital, IshmaelIbika, Iva, Ivega, Iventa, Ivetta, Ivona, Ivora, Ivushka, Idzhi, Idia, Isabella, Isabel, Izzy, Isis, Isis, Isolda, Izuminka, Izya, Ikki, Illada, Illiad, Illusion, Ilona, ​​Ilotta, Ilva, Ilda, Ima, Imbry, Empire, Inga, Indara, Indiana, Inessa, Incas, Inora, Intrigue, Infinity, Yolanda, Irvi, Irgina, Irida, Toffee, Irma, Irna, Irena, Isidora, Iskra, Spain, Truth, Ithaca To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “K”KOTKOSHKAgor, Cadet, Gaddafi, Casanova, Kazbek, Kazmir, Cairo, Kazemir, Kai, Kaiser, Kait, Kaitan, Kayf, Kaleidoscope, Caligula, Kaliko, Caliph, Kalmar, Cameron, Camillo, Camille, Candy Man, Capelan, Captain, Captain Hook, Capone, Cappuccino, Caprice, Caprio, Karabay, Karabas, Karai, Karambol, Karat, Cardinal, Karen, Carlo, Carlos, Karpel, Kartuz, Kartel, Karuss, Cascarr, Kaspe r, Katran, Kaffi, Cashmere, Cashmir, Chestnut, Kwaka, Quartz, Quentin, Quest, Quick, Queen, Quinto, Kay, Kei-ko, Kane, Keithwizzle, Cupcake, Keller, Kelmi, Celt, Candy, Kent, Centaur, Cox, King, King Artun, Lion King, K orsar, Cosmos, Kerber, Kesha, King, King Kong, Kinto, Cyprus, Kirill, Kitezh, Clyde, Clarence, Clarion, Claudius, Klaus, Cleo, Klim, Klister, Clif, Clifford, Prince, Prince Guidon, Cowboy, Cox, Sorcerer, Conan, Conan the Barbarian, Congo, Condor, Conquiscador, Concord, Conrad, Consul, Kontiki, Copernicus, Corvinus, Koresh, Korzhik, Corneille, Cornet, Costello, Korolevich, Kosya, Koshmarik , Krayd, Krayt, Kramer, Kraft, Krafty, Kreal , Credo, Creighton, Krek, Chris, Crystal, Christopher, Crete, Croyd, Kron, Kronos, Cred, Xavier, Xandu, Xaro, Xilan, Kubik, Kuzya, Idol, Cooper, Cupid, Kurt, Kutas, Couturier, Kuchum, CandyKaz achka , Kylie, Kalina, Kalinka, Kalinka-Malinka, California, Kalmi, Kalva, Kalma, Kama, Kamala, Camelia, Camea, Kami, Kamila, Kandy, Canora, Country, Capa, Capella, Kaplya, K apriol, capricce, caramel, caramel , Karin, Karina, Carla, Karma, Carmen, Carolina, Carro, Kartel, Kasandra, Cassi, Cassiopeia, Kastoria, Kasia, Catalina, Catalonia, Katarina, Kati, Katrina, Katya, Kashtanka, Kvi Mbi, Queenie, Quincy, Quinta, Kate , Keli, Kenny, Kerry-Ker, Kirti, Kessy, Ket, Ketris, Ketty, Kiana, Kiki, Ki-ki, Kimberly, Kinel, Kira, Kiska, Kis-kis, Kitiket, Kitri, Kitty, Kitya, Klava, Claudia , Klavka, Clara, Claribel, Clarissa, Classic, Claudi, Claudia, Claudia, Claudis, Claudi, Clementine, Cleopatra, Kleopa, Claudie, Classie, Button, Princess, Cobra, Coquette, K oko, Coco Chanel, Colette, Comet, Constance, Constance, Confetti, Cora, Cordelia, Cornelia, Tango Queen, Corona, Korra, Courtney, Kotena, Krasa, Beauty, Creola, Creole, Kreia, Krista, Christy, Kristya, Kristop, Kreun a, Baby, Angel Wings, Crazy, Ksenya, Ksyusha, Ktezia, Kuba, Cousin, Doll, Kupava, Kuffi, Kshisya, Callie, Carey, Carolyn, Caroline, Carrie, Cassie, Kat, Kathleen, Katherine, Katsy, Katie To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “L”CATKOSHKALA Map, Laid, Lucky Star, Lamar, Lambert, Lily of the Valley, Lancelot, Largo, Larry, Larsen, Larson, Lasso, Lev, Lefty, Leyd, Ley-Leyd, Lex, Leo, Leon, Leopard, Leo pold, Leroy, Lerry, Leshy, Li San, Leader, Lizun, Liman, Linders, Likhodey, Lovelace, Logi, Loy, Loyd, Locky, Londor, Laurent, Lord, Lauren, Lorik, Lorry, Lorsen, Losk, Lotus, Lotto, Louis, Lukas, Lukomo rie , Lunar Wind, Lourd, Lewis, Ledger, Label, Lubert, Favorite, Ludwig, Louis, Luke, Lu-lu, Fierce, Lucius, La MurLavender, Lavra, Lada, Ladushka, Laida, Lisa, Laima, Laichi, Lucky, Lally , Lami, Lamia, Lana, Landa, Lani, Paw, Sweetheart, Larni, Larsi, Weasel, Swallow, Laura, Laffey, Le Chaton, Lebedushka, Leventina, Legend, Legra, Lady, Lady Blake, Leila , Leona, Lassie, Letizia , Bat, Liberty, Livia, Lydia, Lisa, Lizaveta, Lizbeth, Lizy, Lizka, Lika, Liki, Lixie, Lily, Li-Li, Lilian, Linda, Linzy, Linsey, Lipsey, Chanterelle, Li-Shu, Loyda, Loini, Lo-Yo, Locky, Lola, Lola Brigida, Lolita, Lolka, Longa, Londa, Laura, Lorena, Lawrence, Loretta, Lorna, Louise, Lukerya, Lucretia, Lulu, Moonlight Shadow, Moonlight, Luciana, Lady, Lady Jain, Larry, Lyubava, Love, Ludwigia, Lucy, Lucinda, Lucia, Luciana, Lyalka, Lyana, La Rachelle To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “M”CATKOSHKAMavr, Magus, Magelan, Magnat, Magomet, Mike, Michael, Major, Mak, Max, Maximilian, Maximoto, Malek, Malysh, Mamay, Mamsik, Mongoose, Manu, Mao, Marek, Mark, Marquis, Marcus, Marmalade, Mars, Marcel, Martin, Martyn, Marcello, Marshall, Master, Masyavik, Matvey, Mauser, Mauri, Maharaji, Makhno, Macho, Maestro, Mezgir, Make, Melvis, Memoris, Menor, Merlin, Me fisto, Midas, Misanthrope, Miki, Mixer, Milano, Milord, Milosh, Darling, Mi-mi, Minor, Mior, Mirage, Miracle, Mirold, Myron, Mister, Mysterio, Mitka, Michel, Milky Way, Moses, Mocha, Monaco, Monarch, Monomakh, Monserat, Monte Cristo , Monya, Morel, Maurice, Morpheus, Mozart, Mummy Troll, Murat, Murzik, Muscat, Monsoon, Mustang, Mutant, Musket, Madison, Mate, Maine, MattMabel, Magdalena, Magdalena, Magico, Magic, Magnolia, Magri, Madam, Madea, Madeleine, Mazurka, Mayka, Mayoko, Mayra, Mai-Tai, Maya, Maclen, Maxi, Little Princess, Malibu, Baby, Malvina, Malta, Mamsik, Manka, Margaret, Margaret a, Margo, Marie, Marquise, Marcela, Marcy , Marta, Martina, Martinka, Marusya, Marfa, Maryska, Marysya, Maryana, Massandra, Masyanya, Matilda, Matrona, Maura, Mauri, Maffi, Maya, Mega, Meggie, Medea, Melagris, Melagro s, Melanie, Melody, Melody, Mercedes , Messi, Blizzard, Blizzard, Dream, Mia, Michaella, Miki, Mila, Milady, Milena, Milli, Darling, Mimi, Minerva, Minka, Minky, Minnie, Mira, Miranda, Miranza, Mirka, Miroslavna, Mirta, Missy, Mystery , Мистeрия, Мисти, Мистикa, Мишeль, Млaдa, Мoдницa, Мoлли, Мoлния, Мoнeткa, Мoникa, Мoнрo, Мoнтaнa, Мoня, Мoпси, Мoргaнa, Мoскoвия, Мoшкa, Музa, Мурa, Муркa, Мурыся, Мусик, Муся, Мухa, Мушкa , Magen, Maggie, Magic, Mandy, Marilyn, Maris, Merry Back to topNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “N”KOTKOSHKANabat, Nabi, Nabil, Nagir, Nadir, Nigel, Nike, Nice, Knight, Nalet, Thimble, Napoleon, Nardek, Naris, Narcis, Nathan, Nauris, Nael, Neuron, Nelson, Neman, Nemo , Neo, Neptune, Nero, Nestor, Nidas, Nikita, Nicholas, Nix, Nils, Ninja, Nitus, Nold, Norvis, Nord, Norion, Noris, Norman, Norton, Noir, Nux, Newton, Ney, NarsNabbi, Navara, Nadine, Nadira, Naira, Nairi, Found, Naomi, Nani, Naomi, Napoli, Nara, Narina, Nathaniel, Nati, Nebraska, Nevada, Nevelichka, Bride, Nevi, Negri, Neji, Neima, Nellie, Nemesis, Nancy, Nerika, Nerli, N laughed at, Nessie, Nefertiti, Neya, Niagara, Niva, Niveta, Nigeria, Nika, Nikki, Nicoletta, Nicole Smith, Nikri, Nympha, Novella, Nola, Nolli, Noldi, Nonnet, Nochka, Nuxi, Nedis, Nancy, Nyura, Nyurka, Nyukha, Nyusha To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER "O"CATKOSHKAoasis, Obelix, Obereg, Ogonyok, Ogracio, Oji, Odysseus, Okay, Okkervil, Olaf, Ole-Lukoie, Oleks, Opium, Optimist, Olive, Oliver, Olympus, Olifer, Olsi, Olberto, Olris, Olf, Onik s, Opal, Orange, Orbit, Ordi, Orest, Orient, Oryx, Orion, Orlando, Orso, Orpheus, Orpheus, Oswald, Osiris, Osirius, Oscar, Osman, Ostap, Austin, Osfald, Osford, Othello, Otto, Hunter Odalisque a, Oddie, Odette, Oji, Ozzie, Oira, Oita, Oya, Oklahoma, Octavia, Olery, Olivia, Olympiada, Olympia, Olinda, Olla, Ollie, Olsi, Omalia, Omega, Onika, Only Yu, Opivia, Oranda, Orange, Oregon, Orly, Ornella , Ornette, Orchid, Osaka, Person, Osta, Awns, Osya, Ottawa, Ophelia, Ocher, Charm, Enchanting, Black Eyes, Clear Eyes, Oya To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “P (P)”CATKOSHKAPablo, Paco, Paladin, Palermo, Pamir, Paolo, Paris, Pascal, Pasco, Patrick, Paul, Paulino, Pacific, Pasha, Pasha Khan, Pashka, Peper, Pepers, Pepsi, Perseus, Percival, Peach, Pygmalion, Picasso, Pikachu , Pickerton, Picker, Pickley, Picont, Pinkerton, Pinocchio, Pinochet, Pirate, Pierce, Peter, Peter Pan, Pythagoras, Plakun, Placido, Plinko, Plut, Plushanya, Plushik, Poik, Paul, Pompon, Donut, Portos , Poseidon, Potap, Potapych, Kiss, Pride, Prize, Presto, Surf, Primario, Prince, Prince William, Prometheus, Prophet, Prosperi, Prokhor, Proshka, Prum, Twig, Punch, Pusik, Ottoman, Puff, Pierre, Pie ro, FridayPavlinka, Paddy , Paloma, Palmira, Pampushka, Panda, Pandora, Pani, Panna, Panthera, Panya, Parcella, Passia, Patricia, Patricia, Patti, Paula, Peggy, Penelope, Penny, Pennsylvania, Pepper, Pepsi , First Lady, Persia, Song, Petra, Petty, Petunia, Piaf, Pilar, Pinky, Pinny, Platina, Playa, Plus, Bun, Lady, Slick, Paulie, Poldi, Polka, Polyushka, Pompeia, Pohakontas, Prelude, Prairie, Diva, Pringley, Princess, Pristrella, Priscilla, Psyche, Puma, Purga, Pusi, Pusya, Pushinka, Perry, Patsy, Pyatnakha To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “P (R)”KOTKOSHKARadar, Raj, Raja, Radomir, Robber, Raid, Rainer, Rayhon, Rally, Ralph, Ramar, Ramsay, Ramzes, Ramos, Raskat, Rasputin, Russell, Rastegai, Ratimir, Rafael, Rafik, Rafferty, Rebus, Reggie, Resident, Rey, Rembrandt, Remington, Remmy, Remo, Remus, Remflex, Rene, Reneval, Renaissance, Reno, Reflect, Real, Rigby, Rigi, Regin, Rick, Ricky, Ricky Mouse, Rinaldo, Ringo, Riesling, Richard, Ricci, Rish ale , Robin, Rodir, Roy, Rooki, Rokkko, Rocko, Romka, Romul, Ronni, Rubin, Rumbik, Rufus, Ryzhik, Raymo, Ram, Rambo, Rami, Randy, Rurikrabi, Rada, Radan, Raddy, Reading, Radosty, Radosty, Reading, Readeness, Readeness, Radostost, Readeness, Radostost, Readeness, Radosty, Readeness, Raadostost, Readeness, Radostost. , Razluka , Rais, Raida, Rocket, Rally, Ramira, Rummy, Rendezvous, Rusty, Rafaela, Rachel, Rebecca, Regina, Reggie, Radish, Rachel, Remy, Riana, Rigona, Ricky, Rimsey, Rippy, Rhyme, Robbie, Robe mouth, Rose , Rozzie, Rosita, Pink Dream, Royna, Roxana, Rolly, Rona, Rosinka, Rose, Rochelle, Rwanda, Ruby, Ruzana, Runa, Ruffy, Lynx, Reda, Raisy, Rema, Ressi, Rachel To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “S”CATKOSH Saigon, Simon, Sakar, Sakko, Sakrat, Saxon, Salerno, Saltan, Salvador, Salto, Samiel, Samson, Samurai, Samuel, Sangro, Sanders, Sandro, Santa, Sapphire, Sarel, Satayo, Saturn, Safron, Sugar, Sashka, Cricket, Sebastian, Selavri, Semur, Senate, Senator, Serge, Serpentine, Sydney, Sylvester, Silky, Silvano, Silver, Silvio, Simba, Simeon, Simon, Sinbad the Sailor, Sinbad, Signor, Sirius, Skyler, Scout, Skeych, Skif , Buffoon, Violinist, Speedwalker, Slide, Elephant, Servant, Smitty, Smokey, Snike, Snap, Snap-shot, Snow Leopard, Snowball, Snow, Snow Man, Sable, Treasure, Sony, Sorel, Spide r, Spice, Spark, Spartak , Spirit, Spock, Spotty, Stavr, Stayer, Stalker, Stark, Stem, Stanley, Stepa, Sterling, Stefan, Steve, Steven, Stinger, Strike, Streak, Strong, Stack, Souvenir, Sultan, Sphinx, Sailor, Sam, Sandy , SandioSaba, Sabina, Sabrina, Savannah, Saji, Saida, Sacramento, Sakura, Salina, Sally, Salomea, Salvadora, Salvina, Sambrina, Sanda, Sandra, Saneira, Sangel, Sunny , Santana, Santina, Sarah, Sarbona, Sarel, Sarzhi , Sarma, Saffy, Sayany, Svega, Light of My Eyes, Svir, Sweetie, Seila, Herring, Selena, Celeste, Selina, Sandy, Serenade, Cecile, Sister Alyonushka, Setty, Sierra, Silby, Silva, Silva Iya, Sima, Simona, Symphony, Cindy, Sindirella, Signora, Siren, Lilac, Sisi, Fairy Tale, Scully, Scampi, Scarlett, Skippy, Skiti, Slavyanka, Sloyka, Smarty, Snezhana, Snow, Snow Baby, Snoopy, Constellation, Sokro vennaya Dream, Salt, Sunshine, Solomeya, Soldo, Soneta, Sonny, Sonya, Sofia, Sparky, Starlet, Stasya, Stella, Stefanie, Stefania, Stesha, Stoney, Strela, Stringa, Stubby, Destiny, Susana, Su-shi, Susie, Sammy, Sandy, Sessil, Suzana To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “T (T)”KOTKOSHKATabasco, Tagir, Tadeus, Tayvar, Tiger, Tygris, Tyler, Times, Taimyr, Tyson, Typhoon, Tolstyk, Tolsty, Tom, Tomahawk, Thomas, Tomir, Topaz, Topgan, Tori, T ornado, Torriy, Toscani, Clubs, Tris, Triumph, Trishka, Troy, Troll, Trophy, Trumpeter, Fog, Tutankhamun, Jerboa, Tabby, Ted, Teddy, Terro, Tulip, Teicher, Talento, Tamerlan, Tangai, Tango, Tangelo, Tanzai, Ta ncho, Tarzan, Tartuffe, Tasmir, Tower, Tayur, Stronghold, Twist, Teddy, Theodor, Terry, Tibet, Tibol, Tiger, Tillo, Til-Til, Timka, Timmy, Timothy, Timokha, Timur, Thyme, Tyrant, Titan, Tikhon, Toby, Tobias, Tokyo, TollyTabu, Tavi, Tavra, Taira, Tais, Tais Athenskaya, Taiga, Taina, Taitis, Taman, Tanais, Tango, Tanita, Tanya, Taori, Slipper, Tara, Tatu, Taffy, Tasha, Twinkie, Tezi, Teyla, T ech, Tequila , Thelma, Thames, Dark Star, Shadow, Teresa, Terry, Tertsia, Tess, Tessa, Tibby, Tibsy, Tiwi, Tigra, Tiksi, Tilda, Tilya, Timona, Tina, Tinka, Tipsy, Tiffany, Tiffy, Tisha, Tia, Toira, Toldi, Tonya, Tessa, Teffi, Topsy, Tuscany, Trace, Tracy, Trixie, Trilly, Trinity, Tricia, Trisha, Tropikanka, Troy, Toulouse, Turandot, Tuchka, Tazzy, Taylor, Terry To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “U”CATCATUBAR, Mouse Killer, Threat, Gloomy, Gloomy, William, Winston, Dill, Ular, Ulysses, Ulrich, Ulf, Uman, Unicum, Walker, Hurricane, Ural, Urli, Urmas, Ursik, Urus, Smile, Success, U fo, Scientist , EarsUganda, Uganda, Luck, Ula, Ulana, Ulinka, Ulli, Ulbara, Ulma, Ulrika, Ultra, Ulfi, Ulyana, Umka, Clever, Umora, Una, Unika, Unikol, Upsy, Urania, Urma, Ursula, Usla yes, Ussie , Utari, Utopia, Welsey Back to topNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER "F"CATKOSHKAFabian, Favorite, Phaser, Fire, Fighter, Fakir, Falik, Falko, Fanny, Fant, Fantik, Phantom, Fan-Fan, Pharaoh, Farim, Farli, Faust, Fafik, Fayax, Phebus, Fegro, Federic o, Fedor, Felix, Felini, Feller, Fenwick, Fendi, Phoenix, Fenka, Fenya, Ferdinald, Ferdinand, Queen, Fernando, Fernando Po, Ferrari, Ferri, Ferrero, Fester, Festival, Figaro, Fidel, Fiji, Fiedler, Fido s, Philemon, Philip, Filvert , Filya, Filka, Finist, Finnegan, Feint, Finch, Fior, Pistachio, Flavio, Flegon, Fleur, Flick, Flicker, Flinkvild, Flinston, Flint, Fliper, Flirt, Floyd, Phlox, Florizel, Flash, Flash Black, Fluke, Fox, Focus, Focus Pocus, Flashlight, Forward, Forint, Force, Foster, Frak, Frakkas, Frank, Frankenstein, Frankie, Franklin, Franko, Frant, Frantik, Franz, Francis, Francesco, F ed, Fredy, Freud, Francey, Fridolf , Freak, Freem, Frisco, Frolik, Frolli, Frost, Fred, Franklin, Fouquet, Fuchs, Pound, Funtik, Furor, FariFabby, Fabula, Fawna, Phase, Faina, Faithy, Fally, Fundy, Fani, Fanta, Fantasia, Fanya , Farina, Fatima, Fedora, Feirike, Feirin, Feya, Felika, Felis, Felicity, Felicia, Felita, Felicita, Fellis, Felona, ​​Feloni, Fendi, Feni, Fenya, Feodosia, Feofaniya, Feride, Ferike, Fecilia, Fairy, Figi , Fiesta, Fisby, Fizzy, Fikke, Fikri, Philadelphia, Finita, Finki, Fiona, Fitzy, Fifi, Fluffy, Flute, Fleur, Fleury, Fletcher, Fleya, Flo, Flozi, Flora, Florence, Flory, Florida, Floria, Fo ggy . Frixie, Fronda, Frosty , Frosya, Fuji, Fujia, Fuzzy, Fury, Fey, Fancy, Fantasy To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “X (H)”KOTKOSHKHAbar, Hadar, Haiko, Haiku, Hairon, Hayt, Haksel, Haldar, Khalif, Khan, Hans, Hansen, Chaos, Hardy, Harik, Khariton, Harley, Harley, Harri, Harrigan, Hassan, Heder , Hex, Henk, Henry, Hild, Hingiz, Hippie, Chiron, Hirsch, Chloterry, Hobby, Hobbit, Hogan, Holigan, Holmes, Chill, Jose, Braveheart, Brave, Hoopper, Hugues, Hugo, Hugo Boss, HemingwayHavanna, Haina, Hai I, Halta, Haneta, Hani, Hanko, Hannah, Hanni, Hara, Harletta, Harry, Huffy, Hayley, Helary, Helen, Helena, Helda, Helma, Hemilia, Hemmi, Hepsy, Hershey, Hillary, Hilda, Hiroshima, Chloe, Hobby, Holly, Holda, Honda, Horny, Chrysanthemum, Juana, Hooligan, Persimmon, Hayley, Hella, Happy, Hassie To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “C (C)”KOTKOSHKATsabu, Tsargo, Tsarevich, Tsarevich Elisha, Tsares, Tsar, Caesar, Cesri, Tseik, Tseis, Tsendo, Centaurus, Centik, Centurion, Cerberus, Ceron, Cerri, Certero, Cephat, Tsetser, Cizar, Cyclone, Cynic, Cinnamon, Cyrano , Citron, Cicero, Tsori, TsendoTsanta, Tsarina, Tsarskaya Zabava, Flower, Flower, Zvikken, Celli, Cenzi, Tseri, Tsentsya, Tsesarevna, Tsestin, Cecilia, Cyana, Tsigeira, Zilla, Tsild a, Zinnia, Zittau, Tsortia, Tsena B StartNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “CH”CATCHAID, Childe, Chayton, Chuck, Chucky, Chaco, Chan Fee, Chang, Changar, Changul, Chani, Charles, Charlie, Charles, Charms, Wizard, Charton, Chatter, Chaust, Chadwick, Chasey, Chelentan o, Challenger, Chamberlain, Champion , Ace of Hearts, Cheri, Chernomor, Black Whirlwind, Black Prince, Chernysh, Cherry, Cherstin, Churchill, Chesler, Chessy, Chester, Chizar, Chick, Chica, Chicago, Chickebum, Chickibum, Chicky, Chickfun, Chickfunets, Chingiz, Ch Ingiskhan, Chips, Chiroki, Chop, Chubarik, Chubais, Chubik, Dude, Chuk, Chukki, ChumakChazeta, Chaika, Tea Rose, Chucky, Changa, Chandra, Chanita, Chanka, Chanuri, Chara, Charda, Charlie, Enchantress, Cha Rodeyka, Charsi, Chara , Cecchi, Chelita, Chelsea, Cemmi, Chervona, Cheri, Black Star, Black Moon, Ceruti, Chesma, Chilesta, Chinzana, Chinita, Chinni, Cio-chio-san, Chippy, Chicholina, Choppi, Chunga-changa, Chunya, Chucha , Chu-chu, Chuchundra To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “SH”KOTKOSHKABO, Chaiko, Chambery, Shami, Champagne, Chanel, Shani, Shanity, Chance, Shapito, Caricature, Charles, Shatun, Shah, Shahmal, Schwartz, Schwarzneger, Sheikh, Shandy, Sheni, Cherbourg, Sheriff, She rlock, Sherman, Sherry, Sherkhan, Chef, Shiko, Shilik, Shimmy, Shmel, Schnapps, Lace, Shock, Chocolate, Sean, Shorty, Show, Showman, Sprat, Schroeder, Stirlitz, Storm, Schumacher, Shurik, Shurka, ShustrikShagane, Shadi, Shiny, Sh akira, Shalunya, Shami, Chanel, Chantal, Shantanay, Charada, Charlene, Charlotte, Sharmanka, Sharman, Sharo, Shahinya, Shahmani, Mop, Sheba, Sheila, Sheckley, Shelby, Shella, Shelda, Shelma, She Ron, Sherry, Shiva, Shirley, Shitsi, Shi-shi, Skoda, Shnyra, Shokoladka, Shokhinya, Shumka, Shura, Shusha, Shushara, Shaggy To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “E”CATCATEbony, Ebonite, Absolute, Ever, Everest, Euclid, Egey, Ego, Egri, Edward, Edwig, Edgar, Edgard, Eddie, Addison, Edelweiss, Edmon, Edmundo, Aesop, Esot, Air, Exotic, Ecco, Elvis, Elega nt, Eliot, Elon, Elroy, Elton, El, Elzar, Elric, Elf, Amber, Emerald, Emerson, Emil, Emir, Andy, Enzo, Enrique, Enrico, Anthony, Enstein, Eric, Earl, Ernesto, Eron, Eros, Eskimo, Esmir, Espresso, Etienne, Effect, Ashley, AshriEbi, Ebraska, Eva, Evita, Eurydice, Eureka, Aggie, Edgey, Edmunda, Ace, Eisha, Ekki, Ecstasy, Electra, Eli, Eliza, Elizabeth, Elina, Elita, Ella, Ellagros, Hellas, Ellen, Ellie, Elsie, Elbi, Elsa, Elmira, Elsie, Amy, Emily, Emilia, Emma, ​​Emmanuelle, Angel, Enima, Annie, Epoch, Era, Erica, Early, Esmeralda, Estha, Esther, Ethel, Etna, Etoile, Echelle, Ashley To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “YU”CATKOSHYuji, Eugene, Yukki, Yuks, Yumir, Yunga, Younets, Junior, Unitus, Jupiter, Yuran, Jurgen, Yuri, Yuriko, Yurok, Eustace, Yutik, Yutush, Yuchan, YushanYuvita, Yugoslavna, Judit, Judith, Yuzhana, Yulota, Yuki, Yukka, Yuksi, Yula, Yuliana, Yulona, ​​Yuma, Yum-yum, Yuna, Yunika, Juno, Yuppi, Yurga, Yurze, Yurma, Yurmala, Yusi, Justina, Yuta, Yutitsiya To the beginningNAMES STARTING WITH THE LETTER “I (Y)”CATCATthief, Iago, Jaguar, Jason, Jacob, Jacobin, Yan, Young, Yanir, Janius, Yankee, Yanson, Yasson, Yantar, Yarik, Yaromir, Yaron, Yaroslav, Yaroslav the Wise, Yarofey, Yarosh, Yarro, Ardent, Clear, I sleep , Yakhont, Yasher, YashkaYava, Yagodka, Yagoza, Jadwiga, Jacobina, Yalvina, Jamaica, Yamaha, Yamina, Yana, Yanga, Yanessa, Yanetta, Yanina, Yanita, Yanka, Yara, Yarika, Yassa, Yauza

Beautiful English nicknames

Foreign words sound beautiful, original and provide rich food for imagination. And it doesn’t matter what this or that word means (and sometimes you can start from the meaning when choosing a name for your pet). You might like the following nicknames, which originate from a popular European language:

  • Andrian;
  • Buster;
  • Brian;
  • Bruno;
  • Boo;
  • Bailey;
  • Henry;
  • Gordon;
  • Gary;
  • Jason;
  • Daxter;
  • Clifford;
  • Christian;
  • Cassidy;
  • Lambert;
  • Loki;
  • Milo;
  • Mickey;
  • Nigel;
  • Owen;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Patrick;
  • Roland;
  • Rocky;
  • Rudolf;
  • Simon;
  • Stewart;
  • Sam;
  • Walter;
  • Hugo;
  • Shanti;
  • Sean;
  • Alvin;
  • Emil;
  • Anthony.

You couldn’t find a cuter one – Shanti the cat:

French names

An equally original nickname for a cat boy can be found in the French dictionary. They sound euphonious and practically exclude the possibility that there will be two cats with the same name on the same staircase, in the same entrance, or even on the same street. Would you like to consider these options:

  • Adrian;
  • Allen;
  • Gigolo;
  • Andre;
  • Arno;
  • Bastian;
  • Blaise;
  • Gascon;
  • Gilbert;
  • Godard;
  • Gautier;
  • Gregoire;
  • Jacques;
  • Jean;
  • Georges;
  • Julien;
  • Leonard;
  • Lawrence;
  • Louis;
  • Luke;
  • Robert;
  • Rudolf;
  • Sebastian;
  • Serge;
  • Stephen;
  • Theodore;
  • Thierry;
  • Francois;
  • Frederick;
  • Charles;
  • Edgard;
  • Eugene;
  • Hercule;
  • Etienne;
  • Hubert.

Gilbert the cat's favorite pose:

Gray cat names for boys

For British and Scottish breeds of kittens, feel free to choose English classic names. It would be appropriate to call gray cats of the Scottish Fold breed:

  • Scotch or Scotty - words derived from scottish, which means “Scottish” in English;
  • Whiskas - after the name of the popular Scottish drink (whisky);
  • Kilt, Celt - after the name of Scottish clothing.

The names Wulf, Gray, Smoke, Chrome, Clyde, Velvet, Ashton, Mouse are suitable for such gray kittens.

The British know their nickname well and respond to it. The nicknames of British kittens can be:

  • Wolf;
  • Smoke;
  • Martin;
  • Mouse;
  • Volume;
  • Steve;
  • Sultan;
  • Sheikh.

Gray kittens of any breed can be called Grey, Silver, Gray or Ash.

For gray kittens of the British breed, the nicknames Tom, Smokey, and Steve are suitable.

Russian nicknames

Well, for those who don’t like overseas names, we offer a list of popular Russian nicknames. In addition to Vasek, Murzikov and Semenov, you will find understandable, but not hackneyed options for names for cats:

  • Baksik;
  • Baron;
  • Leopard;
  • Biscuit;
  • Jack;
  • Graph;
  • Daemon;
  • Dorofei;
  • Julian;
  • Kefir;
  • Prince;
  • Kote;
  • Lime;
  • Larik;
  • Eraser;
  • Leva;
  • Lexus;
  • Lelik;
  • Leopard;
  • Leopold;
  • Lord;
  • Ray;
  • Mauritius;
  • Max;
  • Marik;
  • Matroskin;
  • Motya;
  • Murcello;
  • Music;
  • Nafanya;
  • Peach;
  • Pirate;
  • Donut;
  • Gingerbread;
  • Belly;
  • Solomon;
  • Sonic and others.

Sonic the cat doesn't like to sleep:

We call the cat diminutively

It’s not difficult to choose a nickname for a kitten; just take the diminutive form of the usual name:

  • Anton - Antoshka, Toshka, Toshik;
  • Arseny - Senya, Arsyusha;
  • Boris - Borya, Boryusik, Boba, Boryasha, Boriska;
  • Vasily - Vaska, Vasilek, Vasyanya, Vasek;
  • Valery - Valerik, Lerik;
  • Veniamin - Venya, Vema, Venyusha, Venusya;
  • George - Goga, Zhora, Zhorik, Hera;
  • Gennady - Genka, Gesha, Genashka, Genulya;
  • Gerasim - Gera, Gesha, Gerchik, Gerusya;
  • Gordey - Proud, Gordyusha;
  • Daniil - Danya, Danyusha, Danilka;
  • Demyan - Dema, Demushka, Demyasha, Demik;
  • Darius - Daryusha, Daryushka, Darik;
  • Denis - Deniska, Denis, Denka, Desha;
  • Davlat – Davik, Latik;
  • Demid - Dema, Demushka, Demik;
  • Evgeny - Evgesha, Evgeshka, Geshka, Zhenek, Zhenechka;
  • Egor - Egorushka, Egorik;
  • Efim - Fima, Fimka, Fimulya, Fimushka;
  • Evsey - Yesya, Seva, Evsya, Evsyuta, Evsiy;
  • Emelyan - Emelya, Emelyushka, Melya, Emelyasha;
  • Eremey - Erema, Eremushka, Rem, Remochka;
  • Zhdan - Zhdanchik, Zhdanek, Danya;
  • Zakhar – Zakharik, Zakharushka, Zakharenok;
  • Ivan - Vanyusha, Vanyushka, Vanechka, Ivashka, Ivashik;
  • Igor - Igorek, Igoresha, Igoreshka;
  • Innocent - Kesha, Kenya, Inya, Inechka;
  • Karl - Karlushka, Karlusha, Karlunya;
  • Kirill - Kirya, Kiryushka, Kiryusha, Kiryasha;
  • Konstantin - Kostik, Kostyusha, Kotya, Kotka;
  • Cornelius - Kornel, Korya, Korneyushka;
  • Kuzma - Kuzya, Kuzik, Kuzenka, Kuzyasha;
  • Lavrenty - Lavrik, Lavryushka, Lavrunya, Lavrusya;
  • Leo - Levushka, Leva, Levik, Leka;
  • Leon - Leonchik, Leosha, Levushka;
  • Leonid - Lenya, Lenchik, Lenyusha;
  • Leopold - Leo, Dino, Lepa;
  • Luka - Lukasha, Lukanya, Lunya;
  • Makar - Makarik, Makarushka;
  • Maxim - Maksimka, Maksik, Maksechka;
  • Mark - Marik, Marchik, Markusha, Masik;
  • Martin - Marya, Maryusha, Martyusha, Martishka;
  • Matvey - Motya, Matyukha, Matyusha;
  • Miloslav - Slavik, Milok;
  • Mirok - Miroshka, Mirosha, Miroshik, Mironchik;
  • Mikhail - Misha, Mishka, Mishunya, Mikhalchik, Mikhasya, Mikhas, Minka, Mikhanya;
  • Murat - Murasha, Mura, Muratik;
  • Nazar - Zorik, Zarka, Nazarik;
  • Nikita - Nick, Nikishka, Nikisha, Mikitko, Niko, Niki;
  • Nikolay - Kolyasha, Nikola, Nikolka, Nikosha;
  • Oleg - Olezhek, Olezhka;
  • Osip - Osya, Osik, Osechka, Iosya;
  • Peter - Petrusha, Petya, Petenka, Parsley, Petryasha;
  • Pavel - Pavlik, Pavlusha, Pasha, Pashutka, Pashunya;
  • Patrick - Patrikey, Patryusha, Patya;
  • Potap - Top, Tosha, Topushik, Potapych, Potapushka;
  • Prokhor - Prosha, Proshenka, Proshunya, Proshka, Sniffy;
  • Radomir - Radik, Radek, Radya, Mirek;
  • Robert - Robie, Rob, Bobby, Robushka;
  • Rudolph - Rudik, Rudi, Rudolfik;
  • Rustam - Rustik, Rustya, Rustamka, Rusya;
  • Savva, Savely - Savochka, Savushka, Savelka, Savvochka;
  • Semyon - Sema, Semochka, Semushka, Semka, Semenchik;
  • Sergey - Serenya, Serge, Serzhik, Serezhenka;
  • Stepan - Stepa, Stepushka, Stepik, Stapasha, Stepashka;
  • Timofey - Tim, Timka, Timosha, Timoshka, Timushka, Timofeyka;
  • Quiet - Quiet, Tisha, Tishka, Tishenka, Tihosha, Tishechka;
  • Thomas – Tom, Tommy;
  • Trofim - Fimka, Fima, Troshka, Trosha;
  • Fedor - Fedya, Fedenka, Fedyunya, Fedyasha, Fedorka;
  • Felix - Felka, Felyushka, Felyusha, Elik, Elka;
  • Philip - Filya, Philippok, Filyusha, Phil;
  • Foma - Fomka, Fomushka, Fomchik, Fomulya;
  • Khariton – Kharitosha, Kharitonchik, Tonic;
  • Emil - Emik, Mil, Em, Milik;
  • Eric - Erya, Erechka, Erka, Erushka;
  • Julian – Yulik, Yulchik;
  • Yuri - Yurchik, Yurik, Yurok;
  • Yakov - Yasha, Yashka, Yashenka, Yashunya, Yashik, Yanik;
  • Yaroslav - Yarik, Yasik, Slavik, Slavushka, Yaroslavushka.

Nicknames by color

One of the most popular options for choosing a pet name is based on color. If you choose sonorous names, you can again turn to foreign dictionaries:

  • Ash (ash) - “ash”;
  • Blaze (blaze) – “flame”, a beautiful name for a beautiful fiery red cat;
  • Checkers (checkers) - “checkers”. Why not if your pet is black and white;
  • Espresso (espresso) - “espresso”, the name is suitable for a chocolate-colored cat;
  • Pearl (pearl) - “pearl”;
  • Pepper (pepper) - “pepper”, which is not a nickname for an active cat of a smoky color, cool pepper;
  • Raven (Raven), of course, is the best nickname for a pitch-black cat;
  • Rebel (rebel) - “rebel”. Here, rather, the choice of name is based on character, and not on color. However, for a tabby cat this is an ideal option; in such animals you can sometimes observe a real riot of colors, and not one cat is like the other;
  • Rusty (grow) - “rusty”. The translation is not very euphonious, but the word itself is beautiful and would be perfect for a ginger cat;
  • Tiger (tiger) - “tiger”, so what if it’s small, it’s cool to have your own pet tiger;
  • Tux (dachshund) – “tuxedo”, another variant of the nickname for a cat with a monochrome, black and white color. By the way, there are these “intellectuals” whose color resembles a real tuxedo - white chest, black back.

Blaze the cat's nickname suits him:

Name for the sphinx

It is unlikely that anyone will doubt that in the cat world, sphinxes are representatives of an exotic breed. With their mysterious appearance, they evoke associations with distant Ancient Egypt, the times of the pyramids and pharaohs. Give the kitten a name that reflects the characteristics of this breed and will correspond to the character and spirit of the pet. Usually kittens are given names related to ancient Egypt and Greece, or they are awarded the names of gods and great people:

  • Apollo, Venus, Zeus, Mars, Jupiter - in honor of the ancient Greek gods;
  • Napoleon, Celsius, Plato - named after great people;
  • Majestic, Proud - according to the strongest quality;
  • Mercury, Hyperion - by the name of the celestial bodies;
  • Romeo, Roberto are beautiful human names.

Sphynx kittens are called after great people, pharaohs, and Egyptian gods.

Watch your baby and choose the option you like, taking into account the recommendations described, or come up with a nickname yourself. Then you can only enjoy the pranks of the cute bully and rejoice at how the name suits your four-legged friend.

Names with meaning

If you choose a beautiful name for your cat, sooner or later someone will ask what it means. Therefore, we offer variants of nicknames that are distinguished by euphony and at the same time filled with meaning:

  • Akar - from tour. "brave";
  • Akila - translated from Arabic - “eagle”;
  • Aslan – “lion” in Turkish;
  • Bolat - from tour. "steel";
  • Winfried – in Old Germanic it means “friend”;
  • Gerhard - German “strong, brave”;
  • Gilbert - from English. "arrow";
  • Kadri - from tour. "precious";
  • Callisto - from lat. "beautiful";
  • Conrad - translated from him. "brave";
  • Noel - from French. "native";
  • Erebus - from Greek. "the embodiment of darkness."

While the little “lion” Aslan:

Considering the nocturnal lifestyle of furry pets, perhaps half of them could be called Erebus. But nevertheless, they are cute, beloved, precious and therefore deserve the most beautiful name, so that when they hear it, they will run as fast as they can to their owner or mistress. What's your cat's name? Tell us how you chose his nickname?

Beautiful names for cats in alphabetical order

Beautiful names for domestic cats are selected depending on the breed, character traits, and individual characteristics of white, black, gray or red cats. If nothing from the lists proposed above suits you, then you can familiarize yourself with the alphabetical catalog of rare nicknames. The best, original and simple beautiful nicknames that can be given to a male cat (if desired, there are variations for a cat):

AAbbey, Agate, Borigen, Adagio, Aziris, Adrian, Augustine, Augustus
BBagger, , Barki, Bars, Best, Bigor, Bison, Billan, Bonopard, Boniface, Broki, Bruno, Brig, Brooklyn, Bianco, Buckingham
INWagner, Weiss, Valentin, Valentino, Varley, Valmont, Jack, Vansay, Giant, Veles, Venets, Velvet
GGabriel, Harry, Helios, Hermes, Henry, Garfield, Harrison, Ganges, Hamlet, Hephaestus, Gimli, Golifa, Garneria, Gustaf, Guchii.
DDayton, Daxter, Devil, Demario, Dernis, Denny, Daniel
EErmak, Elifan, Elisha
ANDJacques, Jerome, Joshua, Jorfey
ZZando, Zero, Sigrid, Zlorai
ANDImpressio, Irbis
TOCamillo, Calico, Gaddafi, Carlo, Carlos
LLion, Lord, Locky, Laid, Lovelace, Laurent
MMaximmo, Moor, Mike, Marcel
NNeptune, Nardek, nauris, Nabat, Nidas, Nicholas
ABOUTOleks, Okkervil, Obelix, Onyx, Orange, Oliver
PPalermo, Pepens, Pablo, Paladin, Picasso
RReiner, Ride, Raj, Remmy, Renes, Rafferty
WITHSacco, Sanders, Samuel, Selaviri, Sangro
TTiger, Tutankhamun, Topgun, Topaz, Tyler, Tobby
FFalco, Fabian, Pharaoh, Farim, Federico
XKhairon, Heiko, Hardy, Hippie, Haldar
CCyrano, Centaurus, Tsori
HCharton, Chayton, Chaid, Chester, Cherry
ShSean, Shrti, Shaniti, Champagne
EEnrico, Emerald, Edmundo, Egey, Egri
YUYutik, Eugene, Yuji
IYang, Yango, Yanir, Yavor, Yarosh, Jason

What nickname to call the pet, what nickname to give - the question is resolved. Now you need to secure the nickname using the method described above.

What did you name your cat? Write us his name or nickname in the comments.

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