How to feed a cat natural food: we cook for the cat ourselves

Let's face it. There's something special about home-cooked food that no restaurant—no matter how fancy—can replicate. Nothing beats the delicious taste of home-cooked food.

What's worse about our cats? After all, they are part of the family too! But giving your cat leftovers from your plate is not healthy. But making her own dish is not only healthy, but it will also satisfy all your cat’s needs, and there will also be a piece of your love in this food.

And yes, it's much easier than you think. You can make great cat food with simple ingredients you may already have in your kitchen. It's fast, accessible and extremely fun. Why not?

In this article, we'll explain everything you need to know to become a better cat chef, from ingredients to recipes and helpful tips.

Why should you try cooking for your cat?

Besides the obvious pride you'll feel in creating delicious treats for your cat, there are numerous real benefits.

It's more natural. Cats are highly developed predators. A diet made entirely from commercial foods may satisfy their nutritional needs, but will not satisfy their carnivorous instincts.

It's healthier. Kittens have sharp, sharp teeth that were designed for slicing and tearing raw meat. Processed foods do not provide the same health benefits. There are countless benefits of natural foods for your cat's health.

Easier to digest. When your little predator chews your tasty food, a lot of saliva is released, which signals the cat's stomach to prepare important stomach acids, thereby improving digestion.

It's more fun. Once you prepare the recipes we have prepared for you below, you will be able to enjoy watching your cat. And believe me, watching her eat your super dish is a lot of fun.

Easier to control. The fact is that the choice of products and responsibility for the cooking process will be entirely in your hands. This means that nothing unnecessary will get into the cat’s diet. And believe me, it’s much easier than reading the ingredients of ready-made food.

These are just a few reasons to make your own cat food, but you can find many more reasons if you dig deeper into the world of cat cooking.

However, there is one very important question that needs to be answered before you start cooking!

Making your own healthy diet for your cat at home is quite easy.

This way, you don't have to worry about all the harmful additives used in commercial cat food. You can easily make your own homemade cat food that will be tasty, nutritious and healthy. Take these recipes as a basis and experiment.

Remember! Homemade food should provide your cat with all the vitamins and minerals it needs. If you are not sure about this, give additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

Sometimes it is difficult for a cat to switch from dry food to this diet, so first you need to switch to wet food (canned food and preserves), since their texture is closer to natural food. And then gradually mix wet food with natural food until you completely switch to the latter.

Should food be used raw or cooked?

This is a more complex question than it seems. Some experts recommend raw foods, while others insist on processed foods. The truth is that both types of homemade food—raw and cooked—have benefits for your little furbaby.

The most important factor in protecting your cat's health is a well-balanced diet.

When food is cooked, a lot of natural proteins and nutrients are lost. However, the treatment removes bacteria and other microorganisms that may pose a health risk to the kitten. Since childhood, we have been told about the dangers posed by raw food, such as worms.

But your cat's biology is built entirely around consuming small wild-caught animals. What seems dangerous to you is quite natural to her. The truth is that you can make food from raw ingredients and it will be completely safe for your cats. You just need to be selective with your ingredients and be mindful of food safety.

When meat comes from a healthy animal, it is almost certainly free of any pathogens. Bacteria only exist on surfaces that must be cleaned thoroughly and safely. Internal muscle tissue in healthy animals is free of dangerous microbes.

This is why raw, pre-ground meat is never recommended for kittens. When grinding, microbes are introduced into the muscle tissue, and it is impossible to get rid of them without heat treatment. Therefore, you should grind meat at home, because bacteria will not have time to multiply.

You don't have to choose one: raw or cooked. It is quite possible to find a compromise in preparing cat food. If you are confident in the quality of the raw product, then it is unlikely to harm your cat. However, sometimes it is not necessary to neglect heat treatment.

Remember: your cat is completely dependent on you for all her needs.

Add products containing tatourine

The heart of various animals should be added to the diet, as it is one of the best sources of taurine, which is an essential amino acid for cats. If you do not give your cat enough hearts (about 10% of the diet), additional taurine must be given in the form of food supplements.

The menu should also include the liver or another secretory organ (for example, kidneys and spleen). Most animals do not like their taste, but it can be masked by chopping and mixing with meat and vegetables. Among the vegetables you can give pumpkin, spinach, carrots, etc. Onions and garlic are toxic to cats and should not be given to them.

You will also need a blender, food processor or meat grinder for cooking.

The basic formula for cat food is simple: half protein (meat) and one-quarter each carbohydrates (grains) and vegetables (fiber).

Protein is found in turkey, chicken, rabbit, fish and other meats. The best source of carbohydrates is brown rice. As for vegetables, whatever your cat eats is fine. The meat can be either raw or boiled. Mix it with cooked vegetables and rice.

How to switch to homemade food

Pets are often like children, and they all have their own unique personalities.

Some are whimsical and capricious - they fly from one thing to another and prefer a life of excitement and rapid change. These opportunistic predators can embrace a new diet as if they've been waiting their entire lives for it.

Others prefer order, a daily routine - and they will learn and get used to new rules in their routine. It's not always fast and fun, more often it requires a lot of patience and understanding.

A gradual change in cooking habits is better for both you and your cat. Instead of giving your cat a whole pig at once, you can choose a few days a week for a small feast at home. You can offer your cat a new recipe 1-2 times a week and observe her reaction. It’s just like feeding babies.

But there is also another way. It involves mixing new food with old food, gradually replacing it in larger proportions until the cat gets used to the new diet.

Don't worry if your cat is less enthusiastic than you. You may think your cooking project is a masterpiece, but your cat knows exactly what she likes, and many cats can be incredibly stubborn. Be patient and take time.

Also consider your cat's age. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but imagine how difficult it is to change the cooking habits of an adult cat!

Again, proper care of your beloved pet requires patience and authority. Show her the way forward with calm confidence and she will eventually follow. Even the most stubborn cats can be persuaded.

The benefit of homemade meals is that you can create meals that more closely mimic a healthy, natural diet. A diet that allowed cats to evolve over thousands of years into the perfect little predators they are today.

This means that food will be made mainly from three main ingredients: meat, bones and organs.

Cooking fish

Only sea fish will do; river fish has too many bones. It needs to be boiled for a few minutes. Then cool and remove bones completely. One serving - no more than 150 g. You can put a raw quail egg in the fish. Although many cats simply love fish, it is not advisable to give it more than once every five days. Fish contains a lot of phosphorus and magnesium; its frequent presence in the diet upsets the balance of minerals in the cat’s body. This can provoke many diseases, primarily KSD.

Cat food recipe Chicken stew

Composition of the product:

  • 1/2 kg chicken, cut into small pieces
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • A pinch of parsley, thyme, rosemary and marjoram
  • Unsalted vegetable broth
  • No more than 20 grams of sweet potatoes, carrots, celery and peas

Cooking method

  1. Fry the meat in olive oil
  2. Sprinkle with herbs and add vegetable broth, bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat and cook until meat is done
  4. Add the chopped vegetables and leave on the stove for another 45 minutes.
  5. Let cool to room temperature and serve.
  6. Store them in an airtight container for up to 3 days in the refrigerator, or portion and freeze.

Example menu

Having selected suitable foods for your cat, look at their calorie content and calculate how many grams of such food can be given to the cat. The calorie content of foods popular with cats is shown in the table.

ProductCalorie contentSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
Chicken fillet110231.20
Chicken drumstick19818140
Lean beef15822.27.10
Chicken egg15712.710.90.7
Cottage cheese 5%12117.25.01.8

Thus, for the cat Vaska with a daily requirement of 282 kilocalories, you can create the following menu:

  • 1st meal: 1 boiled egg, 60 grams of 5% cottage cheese - 141 kcal;
  • 2nd meal: 75 grams of boiled chicken fillet, 15 grams of buckwheat, 20 grams of carrots - 141 kcal.

The total is 282 kcal, which is exactly Vasya’s daily requirement. In this case, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 50, 30 and 20 percent, respectively.

Another menu example:

  • 1st meal: 100 grams of boiled cod, 20 grams of dry rice - 145 kcal;
  • 2nd meal: 90 grams of lean boiled beef - 141 kcal.

Cats' taste preferences vary just like people's. One cat will eat 1-2 types of food and be afraid to try new things, while another will demand a daily variety of food. The owner will have to experiment to find out his cat's favorite foods.

Barley porridge for cats with grated carrots and turkey breast

Cook barley (2 cups) as usual, but without salt. The cooking process can be speeded up by soaking the grains a day before. Cut the turkey into small cubes, put it in a bag and put it in the freezer. To prevent the pieces from sticking to each other, the bag must be shaken periodically. Take a small carrot, peel it and grate it.

Now take 4 tbsp. porridge, 1 tsp. grated carrots, 2 tbsp. turkey, scalded with boiling water and mix together. To soften the porridge, add 1 tbsp. boiling water Mix thoroughly and give to the cat. The proportions of barley porridge can be changed at your pet’s discretion.

Hercules porridge for cats with liver

Take the liver (you can take any that your cat likes), 2-3 glasses of water and a glass of oatmeal.

Boil water in a saucepan. Cut the liver into small pieces and pour into boiling water. Next we add Hercules. Mix everything thoroughly and wait for the porridge to boil. After this, close the pan with a lid and turn the heat to minimum. Stir the porridge periodically. Cooking time depends on the type of flakes and the size of the liver. Usually it is 2-3 times more than when cooking just flakes. There is no need to add salt or sugar. The finished porridge can be put in the refrigerator; the shelf life of the porridge should not exceed a week.

The animal is fed warm porridge. Once removed from the refrigerator, you can heat it in the microwave. If the porridge is thick, you can heat it up by adding boiling water. You can add dry milk to the finished porridge, mixing thoroughly.


—Quote book

,,MY DOG,, My dog ​​Elena GritsenkoMy dog, .

Restoration of a Christmas tree decoration / Professor Grusha from Chipollino

Charming coffee owls from Tatyana Just admire these charming owls.

toys, crafts Sweet couple, doll with angel brooch Author: Natalya Terekhova

MK from Olesya in honor of Puppeteer's Day!


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The main thing is protein

If you are wondering how to prepare food for your cat, then first of all focus on recipes that are rich in protein. There are quite a lot of them, including some simple ones that won’t take up much of your time, but will allow you to provide your pet with a healthy and balanced diet.

Of course, we should not forget that cats are very picky eaters. Therefore, you cannot guarantee that they will like your cooking; some types of food may not be to their taste. Remember, it is very important for cats that the dish smells delicious. You should never forget about this when deciding what to cook for your cat at home.

Meat mix

Any meat products in arbitrary proportions from those allowed are suitable for this dish. And the more of them, the better. For example: chicken breast, turkey and chicken stomachs, chicken heart. Everything is rinsed with cool water. Then the following are removed: from the hearts - pieces of fat, from the stomachs - hard connective fibers. After which the products are chopped into pieces measuring about 1 ╳ 1 cm. As in the case of heads and necks, the mixed cuts are placed in 200 ml portioned containers and sent for freezing.

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