Vaccine "Multifel-4": instructions for cats, composition, description and reviews

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Instructions for use
  2. Dosage and timing of vaccination
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Multifel-4 for cats Contraindications
  4. Side effects
  • Reviews of the vaccine Multifel-4 for cats
  • Vaccine price
  • Every cat owner sooner or later asks himself the question: “Are there high-quality domestic vaccines that provide the cat with protection against common viruses?”

    We will tell you about the Russian-made drug Multifel-4 for cats, and you decide whether it is good for your pet.

    So, meet Multifel-4 for cats - a vaccine designed to protect the animal from major viral diseases.

    Instructions for vaccination scheme, administration of the product

    Instructions for use require the vaccination to be administered in a veterinary hospital after preliminary deworming of the cat 7 to 10 days in advance and thermometry. Regardless of the age of the animal, the injection is carried out with the contents of a whole Multifel bottle. Vaccination is recommended:

    • during primary immunization. The first injection is administered when the cat reaches the age of 8 - 12 weeks. Earlier vaccination is not required, which is due to the presence of maternal immunity in the kitten, transmitted during the feeding period. The second injection of the drug is carried out after 3 – 4 weeks. The third injection – after a year (booster vaccination);
    • when an animal is found with an unknown vaccination record. They operate according to the following scheme: injection one day after the examination, again after three weeks;
    • with the seasonal spread of diseases caused by designated infectious pathogens (in autumn, spring).

    All vaccinated animals are revaccinated annually.

    According to the instructions for use, the drug is kept at room temperature before the injection, or heated in the palms. Treat the rubber cap and the injection site with a 70% alcohol solution. Using a sterile syringe, draw up the entire volume of the suspension and administer it intramuscularly into the back of the cat’s body, after first securing the animal and wrapping the front paws in a blanket. The vaccine should not be administered under the skin, as cats experience swelling afterwards, which can cause problems for a long time. With a subcutaneous injection, the vaccine cannot be evenly absorbed into the blood, so a lump forms and a persistent reaction to the contents does not form.

    Multifel is used as an independent remedy. It is allowed to combine it with the Leominor vaccine, which is effective against leukemia, making injections with separate syringes.

    If the schedule is violated, the vaccine is administered as early as possible to prevent a decrease in the effect of immunization.

    Which cats are prohibited from vaccination?

    The Multifel vaccine is used to preventively maintain the immunity of healthy cats. It is contraindicated for use in animals:

    • with elevated temperature;
    • with previous operations, injuries;
    • with chronic exacerbations, in old or malnourished cats;
    • with skin parasites.

    During pregnancy (last month) and feeding kittens (first 30 days), the vaccine is not used.

    During the post-vaccination period, no special manifestations were identified. The vaccine is well tolerated at any age by cats of different breeds, provided the dosage is followed.


    Kittens are vaccinated for the first time at the age of 8-12 weeks.

    Since the veterinarian will be injecting you, he will also have to tell you what you need to pay attention to. The first few days you may notice some lethargy, a slight increase in temperature, refusal to eat

    If these symptoms do not go away or worsen after two days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    The vaccine is given again 21-28 days after the first. During this time, the body has time to develop immunity to these viruses, so the second vaccination usually does not lead to a worsening of the condition, but allows it to strengthen and strengthen the immune response.

    Contraindications for use

    This vaccine, as already mentioned, does not cause any particular harm to the cat. However, like any other medicine, Multifel-4 cannot always be used. Instructions for use for cats, for example, prohibit vaccinating sick and weak animals with this drug. Also contraindications to the use of the product are:

    • last month of pregnancy;
    • the first month after the kittens are born.

    Before using the vaccine, the cat's condition should be carefully monitored for at least several days. It is advisable for the animal to even measure its temperature a couple of times. Injecting a sick cat can lead to dire consequences due to the weakening of its body.

    Indications and application regimen

    Multifel 4 is used to prevent the following diseases:

    • panleukopenia;
    • infectious rhinotracheitis;
    • chlamydia;
    • calicivirus.

    You should not neglect the use of vaccinations, since the infectious pathologies listed above pose a mortal danger to animals. Sometimes the product does not guarantee 100% protection (depending on the correct application regimen and the individual characteristics of the pet’s body), but even when infected, vaccinated animals tolerate viral infections more easily and, if treatment is started in a timely manner, quickly recover.

    Cats should be injected with the Multifel 4 vaccine intramuscularly. Sometimes subcutaneous administration is allowed, but consultation with a doctor is necessary. In this case, the risk of inflammation at the injection site increases.

    The first vaccination is given to kittens at the age of 8-12 weeks, and then the injection is repeated after 3-4 weeks to form stable immunity. Revaccination should be carried out at 10-12 months. For adult pets, vaccination is carried out once a year. A single dose of Multifela vaccination for adult cats and kittens according to the instructions for use is the same and is 1 ml. It does not depend on the age, weight or breed of the pet.

    Vaccinations should be done according to the schedule and avoid missing the next injection, as this leads to a decrease in the body’s defense against infections. If the absence exceeds more than one month, vaccination is done twice with an interval of 21-28 days.

    Deworming should be carried out 10-14 days before vaccination. If there are parasites in the body, they significantly reduce immunity and can cause complications. Worming should be carried out even for pets that never leave the apartment or house.

    Note! Simultaneous use of Multifel 4 with the vaccine against viral leukemia Leominor and rabies Rabifel is allowed

    Properties of the drug

    Multifel belongs to the category of vaccines produced from inactivated parts of the chlamydia, rhinotracheitis, colivirus and panleukopenia viruses, that is, weakened or completely “killed” components.

    The advantage of inactivation lies in the inability of viruses to reproduce while preserving the antigens to which immune antibodies are produced in the animal. After vaccination, the cat’s body is not attacked by a strong virus, so it does not waste its energy fighting, but forms protective immunity, easily tolerating the vaccination.

    Specific immunity to the listed microorganisms is considered to be formed after the second injection of Multifel two weeks later and persists for 365 days.

    The vaccine is used exclusively for preventive purposes; it does not cure any of these diseases in cats. It is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature range of 2 - 8 C for one year.

    After two hours from the moment the ampoules are opened, the components lose their biological activity and must be disposed of.

    Read. Pentaxim, DPT or Infanrix - which vaccine is better to vaccinate with, composition


    The Multifel-4 vaccination has a time-limited effect. Within 10-12 months after its administration, the body “remembers” the introduced harmful viruses and is ready to give them a worthy rebuff. Gradually, the immune response weakens, so it is necessary to update it regularly.

    Revaccination is carried out at the age of 12 months. Then this procedure must be repeated annually. Be sure to first undergo an examination by a veterinarian. The drug can only be administered to completely healthy animals. If vaccination coincides with the incubation period of any viral disease, the animal may die.

    Reviews about the medicine

    So, the reader now understands what instructions exist for the Multifel-4 product. For cats (reviews clearly indicate this), vaccination using this drug will be very useful. Pet owners have a really good opinion about this vaccine. The Multifel-4 vaccine protects cats from various diseases quite well. The only exception is, unfortunately, calcivirosis. However, even if the vaccinated animal gets sick, it most likely will not have any complications (including eye diseases).

    Cats usually tolerate Multifel-4 vaccinations very well. Many pet owners even note the fact that after vaccination their pets become much more active and playful. Also, in many cases, cats' appetite improves.

    Price and analogues

    An analogue of Multifel 4 is Nobivac Tricat Trio. The price for one dose of Multifel - 4 ranges from 190 to 290 rubles.
    However, this vaccine has analogues that differ in cost and countries of production. For example, Nobivac Tricat Trio (Netherlands), the price per dose ranges from 350 to 450 rubles. Or Quadrikat (France), the cost of one dose of which ranges from 580 to 680 rubles.

    Multifel-4 is a good and inexpensive complex vaccine of domestic production, aimed at developing stable immunity against major feline diseases.

    Reviews from cat owners who have used this vaccine are overwhelmingly positive. Animals tolerate vaccinations with this vaccine quite well.

    Brief description and composition of the drug

    The vaccine is administered to animals to avoid infection with rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, calicivirus infection, and chlamydia. The drug is produced from inactive viral strains. After administering such a drug to cats, antibodies are produced in the body and stable immunity to the above diseases is formed. Each vial contains one dose, which consists of calicivirus, parvovirus, herpes and chlamydophila.

    Important! The strains of the above viruses are deactivated by formalin, which makes it possible not to infect the cat’s body, but to force the animal’s immune system to work to fight diseases.

    Precautionary measures

    Working with the Multifel vaccine and disposing of the product does not require special precautions, you just need to follow the rules of personal hygiene

    Before using the drug, wear rubber gloves. If the solution gets on mucous membranes or skin, wash it off with plenty of water. In case of accidental administration, a person should treat the injection site with 70% ethyl alcohol and consult a doctor.

    Multifel-4 should not be used in the following cases:

    1. After expiration date.
    2. After freezing.
    3. When foreign matter or sediment forms and does not break down when shaken.
    4. If the integrity of the ampoule is damaged or the label is missing.
    5. 2 hours after opening the bottle.

    Keep the vaccine out of the reach of children. Storage and transportation temperature – +2…+8 °С.

    Personal safety

    When working with the vaccine, general safety precautions are followed, based on the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. Be sure to protect exposed skin with rubber gloves, avoiding contact of the drug, including on mucous membranes. If contact is allowed, wash the area with running water and use available disinfectant compounds.

    When the vaccine is splashed and gets on the floor or table surface, use a 5% solution of chloramine or caustic soda to neutralize it, completely removing its remains.

    Reliable protection against four deadly diseases

    Now we would like to dwell in more detail on what diseases this vaccine protects against. First of all, these are three serious diseases, the treatment of which is very often ineffective.

    Panleukopenia is a serious disease, often fatal. Signs include high fever, vomiting and diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Calicivirus infection of cats is a typical cold, only in a severe form. It occurs acutely, and the respiratory organs and oral cavity are affected. The illness lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, with fever, discharge from the nose and mouth, and anorexia. Calicivirus infection in cats leads to the development of viral pneumonia

    Antibiotics are useless for treatment, antiviral drugs have little effect, which is why it is important to use the achievements of science and medicine in the field of vaccines. Cat flu - the last two diseases have similar symptoms, such as coughing and sneezing, nasal discharge and loss of appetite. Chlamydia is the last disease for which the Multifel-4 vaccine is given. The instructions for use indicate that it is not very common, but it has a number of unpleasant consequences, so it is much better to prevent it than to treat it.

    Any of these diseases requires serious treatment, large time and financial costs. However, a simple and affordable procedure can protect your pet. According to recent studies, the effectiveness of this drug is 95%. This is a very good indicator, due to which the Multifel-4 vaccine gained its popularity. The price of this drug is quite affordable - only 216 rubles per dose.

    Learn about essential antimicrobials in animals

    • Trichopolum instructions for veterinary medicine
    • Instructions for the use of the antibiotic Baytril in animals
    • Instructions for use of metronide
    • Instructions for ceftriaxone preparations for animals
    • Use of Metrogyl in veterinary medicine
    • Instructions for doxycycline in animals
    • Metronidazole (Metronidazole) for animals (instructions for use in veterinary medicine, doses, indications and contraindications)
    • Atovaquone (ATOVAQUONE)
    • Azithromycin, instructions for animal therapy


    How to give an injection

    You must know and follow the following rules:

    • The drug Multifel 4 is injected exclusively intramuscularly. If you give a subcutaneous injection, the product will not dissolve and will not have the necessary effect, and a hard neoplasm, similar to a lump, will form at the injection site. It can only be removed surgically.
    • A few weeks before vaccination with Multifel, the cat should be treated for helminths.
    • Before the injection, the ampoule with the drug must be thoroughly shaken so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. There should be no sediment at all.
    • It is permissible to use only sterile instruments.
    • Each cat is vaccinated with a separate syringe.
    • It is most convenient to give the injection in the cat's thigh.

    After vaccination with Multifel, you should carefully monitor your pet’s well-being and measure its body temperature at least once.

    Storage conditions and expiration dates

    Multifel – 4 is stored only in a dark place, at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees. The shelf life is no more than 12 months from the date of manufacture indicated on the bottle.

    Bottles that:

    • were frozen;
    • have erased labels;
    • have violations in the tightness of the packaging;
    • have a changed color;
    • impurities in the vaccine that are not eliminated by shaking;

    must be disinfected by boiling for 15 minutes and then disposed of. The same applies to vaccine not used within 2 hours from the time the vial was opened.

    The vaccine disinfected by boiling is disposed of as household waste.



    Consequences of overdose

    This is the instruction provided for the drug “Multifel-4”. For cats, this drug should, of course, be used correctly. In those animals that were administered an excessively large dose of Multifel-4, no signs of chlamydia, calcivirosis, panleukopenia, etc. were detected. The same applies to post-vaccination reactions. However, the dosage of this medicine must, of course, be strictly followed.

    Sometimes a slight swelling appears on the animal’s body at the site where the vaccine was administered. No additional measures are required in this case. After some time, the swelling disappears on its own.

    What is it used for?

    Vaccinations given to cats using this vaccine prevent the animal from subsequently becoming infected with:

    • chlamydia;
    • rhinotracheitis;
    • calcivirus;
    • panleukopenia.

    The immune response in cats is formed 14 days after using the medication. The effect of using the vaccine lasts for a year. This product does not cause any harm to the cat’s body. However, the Maltifel-4 vaccine does not have a therapeutic effect. This drug can be used not only for cats itself, but also for other members of the family.

    Dosage and timing of vaccination

    The Russian vaccine manufacturer, the international holding Vetbiohim Group of Companies, produces the drug in transparent 1 ml bottles and 3 ml ampoules. The vaccine itself can be either clear or cloudy. Don’t be confused by the color (yellow or pink) and sediment at the bottom of the bottle - shake the bottle until the sediment dissolves before use.


    If the time of vaccination occurred during the cold period of the year, the ampoule must be heated to a temperature of 36-38°C.

    • The first vaccination is given to a kitten at the age of 8-12 weeks. To do this, 0.5 ml of the vaccine is injected subcutaneously in the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
    • The second injection follows 3-4 weeks after the first;
    • The third - when the animal is one year old;
    • All subsequent ones - once a year.

    It is probably important for you to understand what to do if for some reason you missed the re-vaccination deadline?

    If you miss a booster immunization, just do it as quickly as possible!

    How to give a cat a subcutaneous injection.

    Basic rules for successful immunization:

    The animal must be healthy; Before vaccination, it is MANDATORY to carry out deworming; We recommend giving your pet an antihistamine on the eve of vaccination; Maintain sterility; Treat the injection site with alcohol; After vaccination, it is important to quarantine for two weeks.

    If these basic principles are observed, the vaccine will work correctly!

    Release form and packaging

    The vaccine is marketed as an injection liquid. The product looks like a clear or slightly cloudy liquid, its color is characterized by a light yellow or slightly pink tint. In the form of sediment, small flakes are sometimes visible that have settled at the bottom of the container, which dissolve when shaken.

    Find out how to inject your cat with the Vakderm and Nobivak Tricat Trio vaccines.

    The vaccine is packaged in 1 ml ampoules, they are sealed with rubber stoppers, which are reinforced with aluminum caps, after which the vials are hermetically sealed. The drug is sold in cardboard boxes or plastic blisters, with instructions for use included.

    Important! The product does not have a therapeutic effect, so cats should not be vaccinated if they show signs of disease.


    The vaccine is suitable for use within one year from the date of its production

    Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the dates on the packages. The drug is stored in a dark, dry place. “Multifel-4” is not allowed for use (instructions for cats are discussed in detail above), the ampoules of which do not have labels

    It is also prohibited to use bottles that contain foreign impurities.

    “Multifel-4” is not allowed for use (instructions for cats are discussed in detail above), the ampoules of which do not have labels. It is also prohibited to use bottles that contain foreign impurities.

    As for side effects, in veterinary practice there are only isolated cases of complications that developed after the administration of this drug. Sometimes a small, quickly disappearing swelling forms at the injection site. Some animals may have an allergic reaction to vaccine components. To relieve this effect, antihistamines are usually used.

    The vaccine “Multifel-4” (instructions for cats must be studied before use) is not administered to animals under eight weeks of age, pregnant or lactating individuals. In addition, the vaccine is not given to clinically ill or weakened pets. To avoid a decrease in the effectiveness of immunoprophylaxis, one should not violate the recommended vaccination schedule. If a repeated dose of the drug is missed, immunization should be performed as soon as possible.


    Self-injection. Be careful to avoid self-injection. If you self-inject Multifel, seek medical advice immediately with this leaflet/box/instructions. If possible, apply gentle compressive pressure with an absorbent material (eg, facial tissue) to the injection site to absorb part of the vaccine dose. Strong compression of the injection site should be avoided. The damaged area must be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic.

    Accidental self-injection of Multifel into a person can lead to local bruising, severe pain and swelling, especially if injected into a joint or finger.

    If pain persists more than 12 hours after medical examination, seek medical attention again.

    How to give injections

    If you are vaccinated against viral infections, you should follow a number of simple recommendations:

    1. Before vaccination, especially in the cold season, Multifel 4 should be heated to a temperature of 36-38 degrees so that the pain during administration is less.
    2. Before drawing the liquid into the syringe, the contents of the bottle must be shaken well to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
    3. Typically, the solution is drawn through a rubber cap without opening the aluminum cap. The cap is first wiped with 70% medical alcohol to prevent dirt or pathogenic microorganisms from getting inside.

    Do not mix the product with any other drugs and vaccines in the same syringe. A separate syringe must be used for each medicine.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Multifel-4 for cats


    • Low cost;
    • Chlamydia is on the list of diseases against which the vaccine is intended.

    Indeed, that’s it – we didn’t find any more obvious advantages. The list of shortcomings, by the way, is also not long, but what are these shortcomings?!

    • Regular manifestations of local allergic reactions;
    • The drug is not recognized in Europe;
    • Injury to animals.

    Are you scared already? Forewarned - forearmed!


    • Sick animals;
    • Animals in the recovery period;
    • Late pregnant cats;
    • Lactating cats;
    • Kittens up to 8 weeks of age.

    Side effects

    Among possible side effects, the manufacturer reports only the likelihood of allergic manifestations. But the reviews from those who have injected the vaccine are much more critical. Read below!

    Ringworm in cats - how to treat your pet.

    Multifel-4 instructions for use

    A fairly effective drug Multifel-4 for cats, instructions for which are included in each package, must be used according to the rules:

    1. The bottle should be shaken thoroughly, and in winter it should be warmed to room temperature. Avoid precipitation of sedimentary components.
    2. One bottle is filled into a syringe - 1 ml, the dosage does not depend on body weight. Use sterile instruments and vaccinate immediately after opening the package, otherwise the effectiveness will be reduced.
    3. Inject intramuscularly.
    4. After 20-28 days, the procedure should be repeated to consolidate the result.
    5. If you miss this deadline, the injection must be administered immediately.
    6. At the age of about a year, repeat immunization will be required according to the same scheme.

    Note! When using, personal safety must be observed: if the product comes into contact with the skin, rinse the area thoroughly with water

    If a vaccine is administered to a person through negligence, contact a medical facility immediately


    This is a modern vaccine, which is a complex of strains of viruses that cause feline chlamydia, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, and caliciviruses. Thus, the drug prevents the development of almost all viral diseases associated with the respiratory system. The product is a liquid with sediment at the bottom of the bottle, which easily breaks when shaken.

    Primary vaccination includes two injections. This is a general rule when using any vaccine, and not a feature of Multifel-4. The price of the full course is approximately 450 rubles, plus veterinarian services.

    Multifel, its characteristics

    The production of the polyvalent vaccine is established in Russia under GMP control. The activities of the company and its branches are confirmed by appropriate licenses.

    The drug is a solution with possible shades of color from light yellow to crimson. The presence of sediment is not considered a defect; after shaking, it is evenly distributed, forming a homogeneous mixture. Multifel is packaged in sterile, sealed containers with a volume of one cm3, which corresponds to one dose of 1 ml.

    One bottle contains:

    • calicivirus (KVK) from 108 TCD50;
    • herpesvirus causing rhinotracheitis (HRT) from 107 TCD50;
    • parvovirus (PC) from 512 GAU, which leads to feline panleukopenia;
    • the causative agent of chlamydia - an intracellular microbe from 107 ED50.

    Adjuvant – excipients that enhance the immune response.

    Each bottle must indicate the volume of the drug in cubic centimeters, the manufacturer, the control batch number, the full name of the product, expiration date, and release date. Sometimes the manufacturer produces 3 ml containers, which requires additional attention when determining the dosage of the vaccine.

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