Care and maintenance of a pug: basic rules for owners and how to walk your pet correctly

The pug is a breed of small dogs that cannot cope on their own in the wild; they are intended only for home keeping in an apartment.

Caring for pugs does not require material costs, but you will need time and effort.

For example, skin folds on a pet's face in hot weather require additional care.

And the ear canal of pugs has a specific flattened shape, which also implies additional difficulties, since increased attention from the owner and additional hygiene procedures will be required.

brief information

The homeland of these four-legged animals is China. The head is round, relative to the body it can be called large. The muzzle is flattened and has symmetrical wrinkles.

Pugs' eyes are large, slightly convex, and dark in color.

The ears are set high and fit tightly to the head, there are two types:

  • Rose – in this case they are small in size and fit tightly to the head, with an open inside.
  • Buttons are laid forward, their edges are pressed tightly to the head, the hole is closed.

The dog's body is short, stocky, with well-developed muscles.

The coat of pugs is short, silky, and comes in both dark and light colors (black fawn, silver, apricot-deer).

The character of the pets is cheerful, balanced, the dog is devoted to the owner and the whole family.

Read more about what a pug looks like here.

Description of the breed

Pugs are very sociable creatures. They need love, affection, and sometimes they are even too intrusive. Do not get this breed if you don’t have enough time for communication - dogs cannot stand loneliness.

That is why it is not recommended to arrange a place for them to rest in a secluded place. But keep in mind that short-nosed dogs snore heavily and pugs are no exception.

Despite the apparent clumsiness, this is an active, inquisitive dog. She quickly remembers her name. He will be equally happy to lie on the couch with you, fool around with younger family members, or accompany you on a walk.

The main characteristics of these dogs are:

  • short – up to 33 cm height;
  • large head with a short square muzzle, thick neck;
  • round, bulging eyes;
  • stocky, muscular body;
  • wide chest;
  • strong short legs;
  • high-set tail in a ring;
  • short, smooth coat with soft undercoat;
  • The weight of an adult dog is from 6 to 8 kg.

The color ranges from light silver to black. Dogs with light, beige fur have black spots on their faces that look like a mask.

This breed is good for single or elderly people, as well as for families with children, since pugs are not aggressive, allow you to take care of themselves, and tolerate children's pranks in a friendly manner. They get along well with other dog breeds and other types of pets. The dogs are smart, quick-witted, and easy to train to the litter box. Keeping a pug does not present any difficulties, however, some structural features of the animal’s face require daily attention.

How to care for a pug</p>

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