What does a Tibetan spaniel look like: the pet’s character traits and how to properly care for it + reviews from owners

Spaniels are a large group of breeds, which includes such representatives as the Cocker Spaniel, Field Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Irish Water Dog, German Wachtelhund and others.

Most people associate the word “spaniel” with hunting dogs, but Tibetan spaniels are an exception.

The British named the representatives of this breed this way only for their external resemblance to those popular at the beginning of the 20th century. continental toy spaniels.

These dogs can be good watchdogs, but their main purpose is to be faithful companions.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

Tibetan spaniels are an ancient breed of dog; the first mentions of animals similar to them date back to around the 8th century. BC e. Representatives of this breed were companions of monks and served to guard monasteries, announcing the visit of strangers with loud barks.

Previously, these dogs were considered sacred and were not sold; a puppy could only be received as a gift.

Over time, Tibetan spaniels came to China and other countries where Buddhist traditions were observed, but in the West they were not aware of their existence for a long time.

The first individuals of this breed came to Europe in 1890, their debut at an exhibition in England took place in 1898, but they became widely known only after 1920, when one English breeder began to actively promote the breed.

The Association of Tibetan Spaniels was created in 1957, it was thanks to it that the English Kennel Club officially recognized the breed in 1959, which significantly accelerated its development and already in 1965 the number of registered individuals increased to 165, which significantly improved the situation for Tibetan Spaniels. spaniels after the Second World War.

It is still unknown exactly who the ancestor of the Tibetan spaniels was . Most dog experts believe that these were Pekingese and Shih Tzu, but there is also an opinion that pugs were used when breeding the breed.


, small dogs - Tibetan spaniels - performed regular guard duty The dogs were placed on a hill so that they could see the surrounding area around the monastery. The dogs reported any intruded foreign elements immediately. Their sonorous barking could be heard loudly from the heights.

Tibbies served a warning function, and the territory was guarded by taciturn Tibetan mastiffs, scaring away uninvited guests with their ferocious appearance and monstrous size. This is how the peace of the holy lamas was protected.

In addition, tibbies were used as living hot water bottles, warming the beds of saints with hot bodies. Tibetan spaniels were also assigned to the sacred drums. The dogs were required to spin movable structures during the ritual of sacred rites and reading prayers.

Description and standard

Tibetan spaniels are miniature dogs with a squat, elongated, muscular body and a flattened muzzle. Representatives of this breed are very similar in appearance to Pekingese and Shih Tzu.

Breed standard:

  • the head is small relative to the body;
  • the skull is dome-shaped, the stop is smooth but pronounced, the brow ridges are clearly defined;
  • muzzle of medium length;
  • bite - snack;
  • nose is black;
  • the eyes are round, set wide, set at stop level, the iris is dark brown;
  • ears are hanging, set wide and high;
  • the limbs are short, the hind limbs are stronger and more muscular than the forelimbs;
  • The back is straight, the loin is short, the croup is strong and sloping.
  • The chest is wide but not deep, the ribs are well sprung.

The coat is of medium length, fine, silky and soft; the undercoat of males is thicker than that of females . There are decorative featherings on the ears, neck, tail and back of the paws.



His name is Pirate. Came to us three years ago as an inheritance from my grandfather. The dog is almost 16, but I have never met a more intelligent, understanding and loving creature. I didn’t even suspect that so much dignity could fit in a small body. But the only sin belongs to the Pirate. He is madly in love with sweets, and can even steal them, but more often he pitifully and persistently begs for them.


When buying a puppy, oddly enough, on a bird, I was sure that I was getting a Pekingese. And he remained in this confidence for a whole year, until he grew luxurious hair and began to weigh more than 6 kilos. We took him to the club next door, where they determined the breed for us. I am grateful to fate, which so suddenly confronted us with a Tibetan spaniel - our joy and companion in all events. PS Extremely healthy breed.


He doesn't bark or bite. I hear the voice of a dog on rare occasions, and only if something supernatural has happened. I came across a very sensitive boy. If I'm not in a good mood, he won't come close. And if she’s in a good mood, she’s always there, looking into your eyes, wagging her tail, and doesn’t mind playing.

Our sections are devoted to breeds known and not so well known, such as this one - the Tibetan spaniel. We will be incredibly glad to hear your feedback about this extremely little-known breed in our region - the wonderful decorative Tibby dogs, or Tibetan spaniels. You can leave reviews and comments at the bottom of the article. Additions to the text and information not included in the article are welcome.

Character traits

Tibetan spaniels are cheerful, cheerful and active dogs, whose guarding purpose is a thing of the past and now they are used only as companions and family pets.

They are able to capture the mood of their owners and always strive to be there if someone is sad . Due to their high sensitivity and intolerance to noise and screams, Tibetan spaniels do not get along well in families where quarrels and scandals often occur.

Representatives of this breed are smart, quick-witted and willful. To establish a friendly relationship with your pet, you need to give him maximum attention and respect his personal space without limiting his freedom.

It is keeping in a limited space that has a negative impact not only on the character of the animal, but also on its physical and psychological development.

These dogs love people, are devoted to the owner and all family members, but treat strangers with suspicion and distrust.

Tibetan spaniels are always on guard at home and, despite the fact that they cannot resist the offender due to their miniature size, they will not fail to inform the owner about the visit of a stranger with a ringing bark.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Do not be fooled by looking at the miniature size of these dogs and think that they do not need training or that this issue cannot be approached very responsibly. Tibetan spaniels are very obstinate and stubborn; obedience can only be achieved from them through education and early socialization. This process is simplified by the fact that representatives of this breed are not prone to dominance, which means the owner does not need to compete with the pet for the position of leader.

Advice from breeders when buying a cheek

When buying a future friend, it is recommended to ask the breeders for a certificate from the parents. It is these papers that confirm the purebred puppy. Also, when choosing a dog, you need to pay attention to its physique: so that the face is slightly flattened, the eyes are set wide, the ears hang, the coat is clean, and the back is flat. It is better to purchase a dog from kennels with a reliable reputation.

Attention! If, when examining the puppy, you find that its tummy is swollen, this indicates the presence of worms.

These small Chinese dogs with many positive characteristics will not leave anyone indifferent. And their playful character and cheerful mood will not make the owner bored. A dog will give children and adults many wonderful moments and amazing photos.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tibetan spaniels are reserved dogs with a strong nervous system and a balanced psyche, which is especially important for families with small children.

Also, the advantages of these dogs include:

  • intelligence and intelligence;
  • devotion;
  • ability to get along with other animals and children;
  • lack of aggression;
  • ability to adapt to weather changes;
  • playful and affectionate disposition;
  • unobtrusive behavior;
  • security qualities.

The ability of these dogs to relieve nervous tension in people led to their use in the canistherapy program.

Cons of the breed:

  • need for attention;
  • the need to have free space;
  • self-confidence;
  • stubbornness and willfulness.

In addition, these dogs are hyperenergetic and need regular active walks and exercise..


Tibetans have a non-standard physique, so during mating they need active assistance from their owners. The animals are held, covered with pillows, and guided. The boy is helped to sit up and stand firmly.

Estrus begins at 8-10 months, but dogs can only be untied at 2 years of age . The owner starts a special calendar where he notes the female’s cycles. The middle of the cycle, 12-15 days from the start of estrus, is a favorable time for insemination. The following indicators are considered correct: light discharge, soft loop, playful behavior.

The owner must register with the club to receive a referral for mating and select a stud dog. Later, the puppies will be given official status and documents will be issued.

On the appointed day, the pets are brought together on neutral territory and introduced. After the girl gets used to it and the male decides to cage, the dogs are helped. They need to be kept in the lock for 10-15 minutes.

Mating is repeated after 2 days, pregnancy is monitored at a veterinary ultrasound center.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Color variations

The official breed standard allows any coat color of Tibetan spaniels. Most often there are individuals with fur of black, golden, red and all shades of brown.

Both the presence of transitions and play of tones, as well as solid colors, are acceptable, but there are practically no such dogs; more often there is a combination of three or more colors.

Particularly valuable are individuals with dark fur and a white spot on the chest, which, as Tibetan monks believed, is a symbol of a pure heart.

A white spot located on the forehead is considered a sign of the Buddha's favor, and a white tail indicates the dog's thieving tendencies.

Choosing a puppy

The Tibetan Spaniel is a rare and expensive breed and this is a big drawback. To purchase a purebred puppy, and not a crossbreed, you need to contact nurseries. Only there you can see parental certificates guaranteeing the purity of the breed.

Experienced breeders recommend taking a baby at 10-12 weeks of age. During this time he will be vaccinated and microchipped.

A healthy puppy eats with appetite, is playful and cheerful.

To buy a purebred Tibetan spaniel puppy, you need to contact a nursery

Is he good with children and does he get along with other pets?

Like other representatives of decorative breeds, active and inquisitive tibbies get along well with children and quickly establish friendly and trusting relationships with them, but only if they behave correctly and respectfully.

Representatives of this breed are not characterized by aggression, they are friendly towards everyone and do not feel the need to prove their leadership, therefore they get along well with other pets, perceiving them as part of their family.

How to properly care

Representatives of this breed are suitable for apartment living if they are provided with the necessary level of physical activity and regular active walks.

Caring for a Tibby is not difficult, but it must be done regularly to maintain the dog's attractive appearance..

Wool and bathing

Representatives of this breed shed throughout the year, especially heavily during shedding, so they must be thoroughly combed daily to get rid of dead hairs and avoid the formation of tangles.

Your pet should be bathed 3-5 times a year, using a hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner selected according to its coat type..


Every morning, wipe with a napkin or cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion or boiled water.

Puppies often experience increased lacrimation, which goes away as the dog gets older..


If the claws do not grind down on their own, they must be trimmed with a guillotine nail clipper every 3-4 weeks so as not to touch the blood vessels. The sharp edge should be smoothed with a nail file - this will help avoid cracking of the claw.


Inspect and remove accumulated dust and wax weekly by wiping the inside of the ear with a cotton pad. It can be dry or soaked in peroxide or a special lotion.


To avoid the formation of plaque and tartar, you need to brush your pet’s teeth at least twice a week, and preferably daily, with a special brush and toothpaste for dogs.

Cocker haircut. Important points

Cocker spaniels have long hair and a rather hard undercoat. Depending on the type of breed, the coat should remain long over the entire body, hanging down like a skirt, or trimmed on the back.

The main requirement is that the coat should not be wavy. Only waves on long ears are allowed. If you rarely cut your dog's hair, tangles will appear and the coat will be renewed less frequently. This makes it softer, the shine disappears, but curls appear. Therefore, grooming a cocker spaniel is a mandatory procedure and should not be neglected.

Masters carry out a haircut for a cocker in three stages. On parts of the muzzle and body, the hair is trimmed, long hair is trimmed with scissors and milled. In some areas, clipper trimming is performed. The Cocker Spaniel tolerates such procedures quite calmly. Especially if they are held at home.

We offer two types of services.


  • Model haircut.
  • Treatment of paw pads.
  • Hair trimming on ears.
  • Processing fur in the ears.
  • Haircut in the groin area.
  • Trimming.


  • Model haircut.
  • Hair trimming on ears.
  • Paw edging.
  • Treatment of paw pads.
  • Haircut in the groin area.
  • Processing fur in the ears.
  • Trimming claws.
  • Trimming.
  • Bathing and blow drying.

Life expectancy, health and major diseases

Tibetan spaniels live on average 12-15 years.

The small gene pool has made representatives of this breed prone to a number of pathologies, which are most often hereditary in nature or develop as a result of improper care of the pet.

Most often these dogs are diagnosed:

  • food allergy attacks;
  • dermatitis;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • respiratory system diseases;
  • angina pectoris;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart valve;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • ear diseases;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • gastrointestinal imbalance;
  • convulsions;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • primary lens luxation;
  • turning of the eyelids;
  • districhiasis;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • urolithiasis.

In order to be able to detect the disease at an early stage of development and begin timely treatment, it is necessary to visit the veterinarian twice a year for routine examinations and monitoring the pet’s health.

Nutritional Features

The type of food a dog chooses depends on the owner . These can be natural products or industrial feeds, the main thing is not to mix them in one feeding and ensure that the diet is balanced.

With natural feeding, the owner has the opportunity to control the quality of the products and be sure that all the nutrients entering the dog’s body are of natural origin and are better absorbed.

Must be given to your pet:

  • lean meats;
  • offal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • cereals (oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat);
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • low-fat fermented milk products.


It is necessary to give your dog additional vitamin and mineral supplements.

It is forbidden to feed Tibetan spaniels:

  • fatty meat;
  • river fish;
  • potatoes;
  • legumes;
  • sweets, baked goods;
  • bones;
  • bakery and pasta products;
  • spices, pickles;
  • smoked meats, sausages.

When choosing a diet based on industrial feed, you should choose products that are no lower than premium, or better yet, super-premium, the composition of which is enriched with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the healthy growth and development of your pet.

The most popular food brands among breeders are Acana, Hills, Go, Pro Plan, Eukanuba, Royal Canin..

It is important to understand that whatever the diet, it is necessary to select it, as well as the volume of portions and frequency of feeding, taking into account the age, activity level, health and physiological state of the dog.

You also need to remember that Tibetan spaniels are prone to food allergies, and older dogs are also prone to obesity.


Tibbies have average learning abilities. This indicator means that for the dog to assimilate a command, the owner must repeat it up to 40 times, and the Tibetan spaniel follows the owner’s orders every fifth time.

Many people note the wonderful properties of the Tibby as a companion dog, but are silent about how much effort and resources are required on the part of both the owner and the dog to achieve these qualities.

On long walks with a Tibby, it is better to use all kinds of toys so that the dog can fully throw out the accumulated energy. Don’t be surprised, but the dog will take all the toys, sticks and balls back into the house, without losing sight of anything, and will guard them, placing them around his place.

How to choose?

If a puppy is bought only as a pet, you don’t have to make any special demands on its appearance.

You only need to ensure that the future pet is healthy by carefully examining it and making sure that there are no symptoms of pathologies such as lameness, skin rash, exhaustion, nasal discharge, unpleasant odor from the ears, etc.

If the purpose of purchasing a dog is to participate in exhibitions or breeding, it is necessary to choose it as carefully as possible..

You should make sure not only of the puppy’s health, but also of its compliance with the breed standard, assessing its proportions, bite, and coat type. The muzzle should be flattened, but without folds, the ears should be hanging and high-set, the eyes should be oval, with a dark iris.

The baby should be cheerful, playful, perky, not show aggression, behave friendly and active.

Dog care

The Tibetan Pekingese is not picky and easy to care for and maintain. The dog can live both in the apartment and in the yard of the house. Returning to the house during the cold season and outside during the warm season is not stressful for dogs.

Grooming your pet's coat should be done daily. Without regular brushing, tangles may appear, causing discomfort to the pet and spoiling its appearance.

For your information! Haircut is optional and is carried out at the request of the owner.

Price range

Due to the small number of this breed and the growing demand for its representatives, breeders keep prices for dogs quite high - the cost of puppies on average is 25-45 thousand rubles.

Promising individuals that ideally meet the standard are somewhat more expensive, but a baby without a pedigree or having any defects in the exterior can be purchased for about 15 thousand rubles.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:Apartment, house (room)
Purpose:Companion dog, decorative dog
Wool length:Long
Adult dog size:Height – 23-25 ​​cm, weight – 4-7 kg
Average life expectancy:13-15 years old
Walk:Need two walks a day
Physical activity needs:Average physical activity needs (20-30 minute walks)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 9: decorative and companion dogs; section 5: Tibetan breeds
Puppy price:20000-45000 rubles. Pet class – 20,000-25,000 rubles, breed class – up to 40,000 rubles, show class – 45,000 rubles
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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