The cat has become aggressive: what to do, how to calm the animal?

Some of the saddest and at the same time ridiculous stories begin something like this: “Our Murka has always been an affectionate cat, but yesterday she almost scratched her eyes out.” Most owners who have experienced what aggression is like in cats don’t even think about the fact that it’s not Murka’s fault. Cats, for the most part, are calm and affectionate creatures that show aggression only for the purpose of self-defense. If your pet hisses, scratches, bites, or shows hostility towards you, family members or guests, you should not blame the animal, you need to look for reasons.

"Evil" by nature

Let’s make a reservation in advance, cats that show idiopathic (unexplained) aggression are not “bad”; they get along quite well with people, with a reasonable approach to education. The list of "evil" includes:

  • Siamese cats have an innate “cult of the owner.” Considering the age of the breed and the history of its breeding, the scratching Siamese is still “flowers”. It is believed that the ancestors of Siamese cats killed people who tried to lie to the pharaohs. Most often, problems arise due to jealousy of the owner, that is, the cat loves one family member, and attacks others.
  • White cats – presumably, aggression is associated with “Angora blood”. Most white Angoras are born deaf, which makes them more vulnerable. Fear and self-preservation instincts force the cat to show excessive hostility “just in case.”
  • Blue cats - the only assumption that justifies "evil" is the natural distrust that most representatives of this color have. The person shows excessive persistence, which frightens the cat.

Cats that have experienced abuse are also at risk. Abnormal aggression is extremely rare, but it is almost impossible to stop. The owners cannot predict the behavior of the ward; now she purrs and caresses, and a second later, as if at the flick of a switch, she flies into a rage.

When purchasing an animal from a “risk group”, you should carefully weigh your strengths; sometimes, adjusting behavior does not help and the owner has only one option - sedatives for cats in case of aggression. Before starting treatment, read the article to the end. Most types of aggression are understandable and can be stopped. Generally speaking, an animal can become angry for 3 reasons - competition, pain or fear.


The aggressive behavior of a cat, in addition to dangerous injuries, can cause irreversible processes in the body of other pets or the owner. When the eyes are injured from sharp cat claws, infection easily enters the body. Various bacterial and fungal pathogens provoke serious inflammation.

In addition, in addition to scratches and purulent wounds received from an animal behaving aggressively, a person can become infected with rabies, especially if the cat has not been vaccinated in a timely manner.

It has been proven that cats are capable of infecting humans with a viral infection, similar in symptoms to human influenza, but called felinosis. This disease is also found in the scientific literature under the name Mollare granuloma. This is an acute infectious disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the area of ​​regional lymph nodes, febrile conditions and symptoms of general poisoning of the body.

The manifestation of cat aggression towards the owner has a number of negative consequences, including quite cruel behavior towards the animal. Experts in cat breeding, as well as animal psychologists, advise owners of aggressive cats to adhere to a number of simple rules to reduce the occurrence of inappropriate behavior in their pet. The basic ones are:

  1. Preventing the cat from contacting the outside world (street). On the windowsill, where an aggressive cat is often located, you can put a special rug that generates a light electrical discharge. Some people recommend attaching tape. It is recommended to close the windows tightly with curtains, and also to avoid contact of the cat with other pets and animals.
  2. Use of muzzles. If a cat that has recently brought kittens exhibits inappropriate behavior towards its owners, it is advisable to use a special muzzle. This is necessary in order to examine small kittens without any special obstacles. Any manifestation of aggression is stressful, so it is advisable to avoid it.
  3. Using loud sounds or water. A cat attacking its owner can be distracted by loudly clapping your hands or spraying it with water from a spray bottle. It is advisable to use the same techniques if there are several cats in the house and they do not get along with each other. You should not use physical force when punishing a cat. This can embitter the pet, and in the future it will be extremely difficult to rein it in.

Anger and aggression: a sign of inequality

Domestic cats in a human home rarely show signs of aggressive behavior. For example, normally about 80% of free-living predators hiss at each other and strike, and 60% scratch people. If the purr grew up with a person and ended up among pets, then the figures reach only 50% and 40%, respectively.

This means that upbringing and communication with a person from childhood influence the behavior an adult pet will exhibit. And here we need to separate two concepts: anger and aggression.

A very angry cat: aggression as a character trait

Why is the kitten aggressive, scratching and biting? The best answer is: because he is evil. An angry cat is an ill-mannered pet who has simply always been allowed to exhibit this behavior towards people. Anger is a character trait of such a pet, and the reason is pedagogical neglect.

"Angry cats" usually refer to those that hiss or growl frequently. This is how they used their behavior to protect themselves from unwanted communication from childhood. They address their reactions almost equally to both acquaintances and strangers.

EVIL OR PSYCHIC? It is easy to distinguish an angry cat from an abnormally aggressive one: he is equally angry in winter and summer, in the morning and in the evening, with family members or guests. The character trait was always present, and did not manifest itself spontaneously.

True aggression: psyche and behavior

Real aggression is still a more spontaneous reaction, a response to certain external stimuli without regard to character and upbringing. It does not appear all the time and may depend on the environment, situation, season, sounds, smells, health factors, etc.

Interestingly, a cat’s aggressive behavior can be both normal and deviant. It all depends on the reasons. For example, if the problem is the kitten’s insufficient socialization, then its defensive reaction is quite normal and natural, and it can be rebuilt and the animal can be retrained.

If cat aggression is provoked by internal causes such as organic brain damage, then the problem is rarely resolvable. Abnormal and affective behavior in each individual case requires individual analysis and correction.

What to do at home

Comprehensive examination

If it is not possible to identify the stress factor that leads to the pet’s nervous behavior, it is necessary to exclude hidden diseases. Aggression or fearfulness may be a response to severe pain and general illness.

  • The veterinarian will rule out dental problems.
  • A blood test and ultrasound can help diagnose kidney or liver failure.
  • X-rays can reveal arthrosis or other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A specialist will also help you understand whether your pet’s bad behavior is related to sexual instincts if it has not been sterilized.

Creating optimal conditions

It is very important for cats to be able to hide. Providing a purring shelter is not difficult - it can be an ordinary cardboard box or carrier placed in a quiet place, or a shelf on the top tier where it will not be difficult for the pet to jump

If a cat can run away from a stimulus (another animal, a child), it will not show aggression. The ability to hide will help the cat survive a thunderstorm or neighbors' renovations.

  • The owner must also ensure that no one disturbs the cat during meals and visiting the litter box.
  • Games can be useful - you need to provide your cat with enough toys and scratching posts. If you stimulate “safe” activity, this will direct the aggressor’s energy in the right direction.

Loud sounds are contraindicated - it is better to turn on TV and music at moderate volume.

Medication assistance

If the cat seems unhappy rather than embittered, Feliway will help it come to its senses faster. The diffuser is plugged into an outlet, and it releases a synthetic analogue of cat pheromones. This smell, which a person cannot smell, seems to tell the animal that everything is in order and there is no reason to worry. The drug can be a good alternative to sedatives that are given orally.

Aggression caused by pain or fear

A cat driven into a corner, seeing no way out and no support, is not easily afraid; it fears for its life. Everything that frightens must be destroyed - it is an instinct and cannot be eradicated, the main question is the degree of fright:

  • Mild - despite being frightened, the cat can approach or sniff the frightening object. For example, introducing an adult cat to a small kitten.
  • Average - a pet that has been examined by a veterinarian behaves with restraint, the cat’s body is tense and compressed, the tail is tucked, it seems that the cat wants to become smaller. Just support your pet; the cat will not panic when it feels protected.
  • Heavy - the animal attacks everything that is nearby. They use teeth, claws, hissing, threatening poses and releasing secretions from the anal glands. In fact, it looks like a “typhoon” rushing throughout the room. Do not try to stop the animal, much less pick it up. Until you calm down completely, you need to leave the room, if possible. If a panic attack occurs outside the home, it is necessary to wrap up the animal, closing its eyes and temporarily placing the aggressor in a cramped, enclosed space - a carrier or box.
  • Very severe - accompanied by involuntary bowel movements and bowel movements, the pupils are dilated, the mouth is open. A condition that is dangerous not only for others, but also for the cat. Symptoms indicate that the maximum dose of adrenaline is released into the blood and the heart muscle is working “to the limit.” Do not touch the animal with your hands and protect your face! It is recommended to carefully cover the cat with a box or blanket and leave it alone for a while, without moving it.

In an emergency

To keep distance

It is permissible to stroke only your cat, but even in this case, caressing may not calm the animal, but anger it. No matter how much the owner wants to support his pet, it is better to leave the cat alone in a confined space (carrier, box, house).

Cats by nature are solitary animals, not pack animals. At times of severe stress, they are guided by instincts, and not by attachments acquired through life.

Like other pets, cats show empathy - they are good at feeling people's emotions.

If the owner is nervous or afraid (for example, before an upcoming operation), the pet begins to become stressed for this reason alone. That’s why sometimes it’s better to entrust an animal to an unfamiliar but absolutely calm person for the duration of the procedures in the clinic.

If talking to your cat out loud is uncomfortable or seems stupid, you can try instilling your good intentions telepathically, focusing on your desire to help rather than harm.

READ How to Calm a Dog or Puppy When They're Mad

An angry cat can cause serious injury to a person despite its small size. It is necessary to minimize violent procedures, and if such cannot be avoided, try to secure the cat in advance (for example, in a special bag) while it is calm.

You need to have patience with representatives of the cat family. It is better to approach the animal over and over again than to go straight ahead, ignoring the pet's warning signs.

If aggressive behavior threatens a person or another animal, you should try to distract the cat. The best means of protection is a spray bottle of water. But it is not always at hand.

Trying to break up amicably is a good strategy. You need to make sure that you are not blocking the animal’s only exit from the room, or start retreating yourself. If the cat is ready to rush, throw the object to the side with maximum noise (a bunch of keys), this will give you time to escape.

Causes of aggressive behavior

Let's look at the main situations in which cats can show aggression.


Aggression in response to the unexpected appearance of an enemy can save the life of a wild cat. This instinct is also present in pets. Even a cat that is usually calm and affectionate can show aggression if you frighten it greatly, for example, by unexpectedly dropping something next to it. Also, you should not disturb your pet during sleep, since he will also regard a sudden awakening as a danger and the person who disturbed him risks being scratched.


A game

Often cats are so keen on playing that they can attack a person’s legs and arms, scratch, and bite. Aggressive behavior during play is explained by the fact that for the animal this process resembles hunting and at some point the pet may begin to hunt for real.

Protection of offspring

A mother cat can calmly accept the fact that the owner and other family members pick up and stroke the kittens. But if the cat growls in warning in response to an attempt to take the kitten, then it is better to retreat: while protecting the offspring, the pet may attack.

Instinct to reproduce

It's no secret that a cat can become aggressive during heat, and a cat can become aggressive during the period of searching for a partner. Pets experience a lot of unpleasant sensations if they fail to satisfy their needs for a long time.

The emergence of a competitor

Cats usually react negatively to having another pet in the house. Most often, the pet will show aggression towards the newcomer, at least at first. For a cat, the appearance of a stranger means an obvious danger of violating the boundaries of its territory. A cat that is getting acquainted with a new home and the pets living in it can also show aggression, since such a situation is very stressful for the animal.

Food protection

When someone tries to approach a cat while she is busy eating, she will almost certainly show aggression: her prey protection instincts will come into play.

Food protection


When a cat is sick and experiences prolonged discomfort, over time these sensations can lead to aggression.

Attention! Often the presence of a particular disease is not obvious, but if the cat has always been affectionate, and then suddenly begins to show aggression, eats less than usual, and plays less often, then this is a reason to consult a veterinarian.

Taking out a grudge

Cats usually choose one owner from among all family members, whom they especially love and obey. At the same time, they often single out the weakest, unable to fully fight back in the event of an attack. Children and teenagers may find themselves in this place. And if the owner can scold the cat and punish it, then it will not dare to respond with aggression. But sometimes it turns out to take out anger on the family member whom the pet respects the least.

How to calm a cat

You can calm a cat that is actively aggressive towards you in the following ways so that it does not cause you harm:

  • put on protective clothing and take the animal in your arms, quickly wrap it in a blanket;
  • Always have a water spray with you so that in case of aggressive behavior you can spray a little water in the direction of the animal. This way you will protect yourself from possible consequences;
  • Do not tease or provoke the animal if you see impending aggression or after the first attack attempt.

Also, to curb the harsh behavior of the animal, the following actions should be taken:

step away from the cat, you may need to leave the room for at least 10 minutes so that he “burns out”; if the cause of aggression is another cat or animal, then they should be isolated from each other for a while and introduced gradually; sit and do not look into the cat's eyes during the period of irritation, this will only increase its fear. You can lie down on the floor. This will make you appear shorter to the cat and this will calm her down; do not pay attention to the cat for a while so that he understands that you do not pose any threat to him; make hiding places for the cat - sometimes staying in a safe shelter for a while helps calm the animal’s negativity

If the cat is scared and has nowhere to run, the aggression will only intensify; approach the cat slowly and carefully, avoiding touching; or let him come to you himself, so that the cat can be convinced that you are open to communication and do not want to hurt him. Let him sniff you, rub his head, so the animal will quickly understand that you are not as scary as he thinks; feed the cat or give it water; do not resort to punishment, otherwise attacks of aggression will be more frequent.

Interspecies aggression

Anger caused by competition for territory, food or attention of the owner. In a group of animals (even if there are only 2 of them), there is always an “alpha” and her subordinates. Hierarchy is established through showdowns—hissing, displays of force, or even fights. However, from time to time a “subordinate” will claim the place of “alpha”. It happens that two pets live in perfect harmony, share a bowl, a bed and the affection of the owner, and suddenly, one cat shows aggression.

There are several reasons for anger:

  • Hormonal surge.
  • Competition for food or territory.
  • Weakened "alpha" state.

You can't change nature and clashes will happen. Exit 2 - tolerate the pets' antics, risking their health, or sterilize the animals. After sterilization, one of the basic instincts in pets is dulled – sexual, which “removes” questions about defending territory or fighting for the hypothetical right to procreate.

Why is an animal afraid of its owner?

Some cat owners notice that their pets are afraid of them. The four-legged pet keeps a person at a distance, hides from him in secluded places, dodges caresses, and when trying to catch him, immediately bites, scratches and hisses. This behavior of an animal will upset anyone. If a cat’s fear of humans does not go away for a long time, sooner or later this will negatively affect his psyche, because it is difficult to live for a long time under the yoke of negative emotions.

There are several reasons why a pet may be afraid of its owner:

  • Cruel treatment. Felines are able to remember for a long time people and events with which unpleasant emotions are associated. If you shout at your pet, hit him and humiliate him in every possible way, he will experience fear of the one who offends him. If someone accidentally pinched a cat's paw or stepped on its tail and then made amends with affection and a tasty treat, the animal is unlikely to harbor a grudge.
  • Too intrusive attitude. For a cat to become afraid of a person, it is not at all necessary to hit it. Forcing play or insistent petting when the pet doesn't want it can cause it to avoid its owner's company. In this case, the animal does not experience fear, but rather does not want the situation associated with unpleasant sensations to be repeated again.
  • Using hygiene products or perfumes whose smell repels the cat.
  • Recent surgery. Some cats transfer their fear of veterinarians who hurt them onto their owners.

Redirected aggression

The pet attacks the nearest living creature, angry at an animal or object that is inaccessible. For example, a ward watches a cat from the window, begins to bang its tail, hiss and raise its fur. If at this moment, you or another animal “hurts” the aggressor with something, all the anger will be redirected.

Even after the pet has “let off steam”, it remains in an irritated state. It’s as if he’s walking around the house asking: “Well, who else should I kick?” There are few options for eliminating redirected aggression - isolate the animal after an outburst of anger (temporary), sterilize it, or use sedatives.

Aggression due to overexcitement

You're sitting in front of the TV, stroking your pet's belly, and suddenly you get a serious slap in the face using claws and teeth - it's your own fault. Unreasonable aggression of a cat towards a person is a very rare phenomenon; most often, the pet will warn you of an upcoming attack. You can “irritate” your pet by interfering with personal space, touching areas of the body that are unacceptable from a cat’s point of view, or inadvertently causing pain. The animal will warn you with the following signs:

  • Wagging, twitching, or thumping of the tail.
  • Twitching of ears, back.
  • Slightly raised hair on the neck or between the shoulder blades.
  • Sudden change of posture.
  • Voice signals – hissing, meowing.
  • An attempt to get rid of the irritant.

Danger from cat bites and scratches

Besides the fact that bites and scratches are painful, they are also dangerous to health. Many people have heard that a cat can be a carrier of bacteria that causes felinosis, or as it is otherwise called “cat scratch disease.”

But even if your cat is not a carrier of these microorganisms, teeth and claws still damage the skin, and this is an open gate for infection. Many microorganisms live in the mouth and on the claws, and if a person has a weak immune system, then a bite will cause a serious complication.

At risk are children, the elderly, people with diabetes, and people with bleeding disorders. You can say that everything is fine with your health, that’s how it should be, I wish you not to get sick. To say that a cat scratched you a hundred times, and everything was fine, these are all horror stories.

But for some reason the immune system may weaken, for example, a person takes hormones for a long time to suppress allergies. Or something bad happened—severe stress occurred. Then harmless cat scratches can become very dangerous.

READ Scottish cat: description of the breed

What to do when stress is planned and inevitable

Before planned stress (moving, bringing a new pet into your home), you should start giving your pet sedatives prescribed by a veterinarian in advance. The effect of hormonal drugs, for example, is cumulative. It will not be possible to achieve the desired effect in two or three days.

If you have already had a sad experience of traveling with a pet (for example, the animal took a long time to come to its senses after a trip), then you should consult a veterinarian about the use of more potent drugs. You cannot give them to an animal yourself. The veterinarian will ask you what exactly the problem was and, based on this, will select the best option for the remedy.

Maternal aggression

Perhaps this is the only option when a person should not try to correct the behavior of an animal. An angry mother cat is capable of not only attacking, saving the lives of the kittens, the animal will “stand to the death” and fight to the last drop of blood. Before the attack, the mother emits a specific odor, elusive to the human sense of smell. If you have multiple pets in your home, they will instinctively stay away from a nest with kittens, you should do the same, at least until the babies are 2 weeks old.

What to do if a cat that has recently given birth regularly attacks its owners? Firstly, be patient, and secondly, discover and eliminate the cause of the cat’s fears - move the nest to a quieter room, darken the room, refrain from receiving guests. If the cat is preparing to attack, retreat without turning your back to the animal, show open palms and do not try to speak, the mother’s priority is to eliminate the “enemy” without a fight.

Active game

The kitten is a bundle of energy; he spends all his waking hours playing. And in this process, he usually does not restrain his impulses, as a result of which both adults and children end up bitten and scratched. Of course, such behavior does not indicate the pet’s aggression, but only that the baby does not know how to behave correctly and does not understand why the owners are upset.

In this case, instead of your own hands and feet, you should offer the cat-child toys - balls, candy wrappers on a string, marbles, artificial mice. The baby will show the instincts of a hunter and you can forget about scratches.

It’s so touching when a baby with a menacing look jumps sideways to his feet. However, after a while he grows up, becomes larger and stronger, and his attitude towards such a trick changes. Such attacks begin to resemble aggression, because a cat can seriously injure a person.

You should not wait for your pet to grow up, but immediately wean him from such a habit. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him later to explain why his actions do not cause delight.

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