Furminator for short-haired and long-haired dogs: what are they and how to choose the right one

Owners of almost all cat breeds are familiar with the problem of hair loss in their pets, when carpets, upholstered furniture, and even the floor are dusted with hairs. The problem is especially acute during the molting period, although owners of long-haired cats are forced to resort to frequent brushing all year round, otherwise both the animal and the apartment will look untidy.

The procedure for removing undercoat and hair is not pleasant for humans, since it is rare that a cat will sit quietly in place for a long time. Brushing also causes a lot of inconvenience for your tailed friend: accidental damage to the skin, pulling out tangled hairs, and a nervous environment.

Sometimes cats are taken to salons (or a groomer is called to your home), but there are many pitfalls here: it’s expensive (at least 500 rubles), the animal may be scared of a specialist, and for wayward purrs, the procedure is often done after anesthesia has been administered. In order not to torment themselves and their pet, many owners purchase a furminator

– a kind of comb-trimmer with a comb-shaped blade and an ergonomic rubberized handle. How to choose a furminator for a cat will be discussed further.

What it is

To make grooming a dog easier, the pet industry offers various tools - combs, brushes, rakes, slickers.

A new “word” in pet care is the furminator, which can easily replace all other devices.

If you use the device regularly during periods of shedding, then very soon you can forget about such an unpleasant factor as tufts of fur all over the house.

Design and principle of operation of the device

The Furminator, even before it went on sale, immediately became indispensable in animal care. The device is easy to use and completely harmless to pets.

If we talk about design features, then these are the same rakes, but more advanced in design and outwardly similar to a cutting machine. The knife, mounted on a comfortable handle, has well-sharpened teeth, which allows you to smoothly remove hair rather than pull it out.

The working surface of the device has different sizes (standard 3-13 cm), which makes it possible to choose a tool for the type of your pet.

As for the principle of operation, everything is simple here too: the teeth of the knife capture only dead undercoat, without affecting the healthy coat (as if passing through it). In this case, there is no contact with the skin completely.

This action is ensured by design features. In a metal comb system, the teeth on one side of the blade are longer than the other.

Pros and cons of the device

A regular slicker brush looks like a standard comb-brush. During the process, only the accumulated fluff is removed.

The Furminator makes it possible to trim the outer undercoat, which is at the stage of dying off. As a result, shedding accelerates and healthy fur does not become tangled.

Advantages of the device

An innovative comb for dogs, compared to other devices, has a number of advantages:

  • helps to remove not only the surface layer of shedding hair, but also to penetrate deeper into the undercoat, which reduces the entire shedding process by almost 90%;

  • with the help of a furminator, combing your pet is more efficient and faster;
  • the animal's fur does not become tangled;
  • Thanks to careful processing of the coat, the dog’s “fur coat” remains smooth and shiny.

Another significant advantage in favor of the furminator is the blade changeability . Thanks to this, the device lasts for many years.

The device, unlike simple combs and combs, carefully removes old hair without causing pain to the dog. The teeth pull out the dead undercoat so carefully that living guard hairs are not injured during combing.

In parallel with trimming, the dog receives a massage session, which improves blood circulation in the tissues. This contributes to the uniform distribution of fatty lubricant, strengthening the structure of the hairs, nourishing the follicles, which makes the skin and coat healthier, and the coat takes on a beautiful, well-groomed appearance.


There are no significant negative reviews about the operation of the device.

Some owners complain about the high cost, especially when it comes to a multifunctional device. But the money pays off quickly, because the owner gets rid of the need to clean the home after the next shedding, and the dog will always have a neat appearance.

What kind of dogs is it not suitable for?

The device is not suitable for all breeds.

The furminator has a specific purpose - to remove scraps of dead strands from the body, and not just scratch the pet. Therefore, dogs without undercoat (Yorkshire terriers and the like) do not need such a comb: representatives of these breeds do not shed in the literal sense of the word, their hair changes gradually.

The Furminator is not used for curly-haired dogs (poodles) and hairless dogs (such as the Chinese Crested). In these pets, the blade will only cut the spine, which will lead to disruption of the structure of the hairs.

Having discovered abrasions, cuts and other skin injuries in the animal, combing is carried out carefully, trying not to touch the area around the damage with the tool.

If a pet suffers from dermatitis, has allergies or another skin problem, trimming is not performed so as not to complicate the situation.

Additional functions

The most popular is the presence of automatic cleaning. The pet owner presses a button and a floating mechanism removes excess hair. This significantly speeds up the process, but increases the price tag. Automatic cleaning is necessary for professional groomers who groom several pets every day. At home, you can do without the supplement.

Some models are equipped with the ability to quickly change the blade. This may be true if you have several animals with different coat types. Otherwise, the function will only bring frustration. Firstly, due to the mechanism, the working part becomes loose, especially if you have a long-haired pet with a thick coat. Secondly, it is not always possible to find the necessary blade on sale. In the event of a breakdown, it is sometimes easier to buy a new furminator entirely.

Is it worth purchasing such a trimmer? Everyone decides for themselves. If you have several dogs, then this is a good buy. Otherwise, the additional mechanism will reduce the service life of the device.

In stores you can come across various advanced models. Most "improvements" are actually useless. For example, the vibration function, according to the manufacturers, is designed to massage the skin. However, animals are usually scared due to buzzing and unusual sensations. With double blades and switches the situation is much the same: the design quickly becomes unusable.

to choose a furminator , but we strongly recommend that you pay attention to the classic monolithic models. They last much longer and clean the fur coat efficiently. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the teeth: chips, cracks and scratches will ruin the process. It is advisable to purchase products from popular manufacturers, since they do not skimp on materials.

How to choose the right one

“Wool” dogs are found among large and small breeds. But when choosing a furminator, attention should be paid not only to the dimensions of the pet, but also to the length of its hair.

It is this parameter that manufacturers take into account when determining the size of the device and its comb teeth:

  • for dogs with long hair, you should take a furminator with a larger working surface and long teeth;

  • It is more convenient to work on short wool when the number of teeth on the blade is small and they are closely spaced to each other.

If the type of fur affects the length of the blades, then the size of the pet and weight are a factor that determines the width of the working surface.

Experts advise buying a furminator before shedding begins, in order to have time to understand how the tool works. It should be borne in mind that models can be structurally simple or collapsible, which affects the cost of the device.

Design of the original product

At first glance, this is an ordinary metal brush with fine teeth and an ergonomic handle. Since the price of a furminator for dogs varies from 1,400 to 1,800 rubles, many mistakenly assume that it is a mechanized device. In fact, the animal will have to be processed manually, and the fairly high price will be absolutely justified by the ease of use, the quality of the brush and the long-term result.

The main element is a strip of small, thin teeth made of high-quality stainless steel. The height and width of the teeth depends on the model (there are several versions of the device designed specifically for different breeds of dogs).

Attention! The teeth are quite sharp, so you need to move strictly parallel to your pet's skin. Otherwise, there is a risk of injuring your pet, and the animal itself will develop a fear of the device. You can now see the current price of the furminator and buy it right here:

You can now see the current price of the furminator and buy it right here:

Above the teeth there is a “FURejector” button, which allows you to quickly clean the device from combed wool. This is very convenient if the dog has to be restrained during the procedure. You don't have to constantly free another hand to clean the device. Also, the original FURminator is equipped with an ergonomic handle of a special anatomical shape. Ribbed soft plastic with an anti-slip coating is very easy to hold even in a wet palm. To prevent the tiny sharp teeth from damaging anything during storage or transportation of the comb, manufacturers have provided a tight protective cover.

Popular brands in Russia

Modern devices for combing dogs have flooded the domestic market, so it is sometimes difficult for owners to choose the right tool. Some evaluate a product by cost, others by design, and some are looking exclusively for a trendy item.

Popularity rating

FURminator Ink (USA)These are the first models to appear in Russia. Currently, the line includes options from the simplest with a straight blade to models with heads that are easy to change. The company offers a combined version - you can choose any attachment for the standard handle, based on the weight of the pet
Trixie (Germany)This brand is called an analogue of the American one.
The models differ only in parameters - Trixie's dimensions are larger. The brand is considered the standard of quality: the device provides effective hair care. The blades are replaceable, self-sharpening, do not rust or deform.
Foolee and Vivog (France)The models are distinguished not only by high quality, ease of use, safety, durability, but also by beautiful design. Companies offer 5 variations, differing in the size of the working surface
Kudi (China)A good analogue to a professional tool.
Attracts with its simple and low cost. A characteristic difference between the models is the bolts that attach the blade to the rubberized corrugated handle.

In each of the lines, you can choose a tool based on your pet’s fur type. All the brands listed in the table offer quality products.

The blades easily remove excess hair without damaging the dog's skin.

Types of Dog Brushes

If you need to choose a tool for a specific breed, then you should additionally consider other comb options.

Models for dog type

BrandWorking surface size, cmFor what breeds
Large10The device is designed for large collie-type dogs
Medium6Recommended for cockers and other medium breed pets
Small4,5Option for decorative dogs (Chihuas) with any coat length

The offered comb models are affordable. But the low price does not reduce the quality characteristics of furminators. They are also reliable in operation and give high cutting results, just like professional tools.

How to work with a furminator

Using the device is not difficult, but first it is recommended that you read the instructions included with the tool.

If you follow certain rules, the process will go quickly and will not cause discomfort to your pet.

How to use the tool

The Furminator should not be used on wet wool!

  1. To begin with, the dog is combed with a regular brush to remove tangles from the coat.

  2. Then the pet is washed and allowed to dry completely.
  3. Having secured the dog in a stance, they begin trimming.

The blades move strictly in the direction of hair growth.

To work with short-haired pets, it is important to maintain the sequence of movements:

  • first, the furminator is directed from the ridge to the dog’s stomach, systematically processing each side;
  • move in the direction from withers to tail.

When working with long hair, you can follow any convenient sequence. In order for the process to proceed without delay, it is recommended to periodically lift the smoothed cover using a massage rubber glove.

Caring for the tool after combing the animal

After completing the procedure, the device is cleaned of any remaining hair and rinsed under running warm water.

Do not wipe the tool - this will quickly dull the blade.

The wet instrument is placed on a towel and allowed to dry naturally.

The furminator is then packaged in a special case and stored in a place where it cannot fall. This is the only way to protect the blades and teeth from deformation.

Benefits of the new tool

Perhaps the most important advantage of the furminator is its durability. The blades are made of durable steel that does not become dull over time. Conventional combs will have to be changed at least once a year. Therefore, it is better to spend a little money initially, but buy a reliable tool.

The Furminator helps make the combing process easier and faster:

For my ordinary non-pedigreed cat, I used to use a simple slicker brush. The undercoat was combed out, but there was no less hair flying around the house. It got to the point that she combed the poor animal almost twice a day. Then a friend told me about the furminator, praising its effect. I hesitated to buy for a long time, but still bought it. She sighed calmly, in just a few times the fur practically disappeared. Nothing flew or accumulated in the corners, the carpet and clothes were clean. Combing now occurs 1-2 times a week.

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