Carthusian cat: Frenchwoman with the smile of Gioconda

History of the origin of Chartreuse

Several centuries ago, Chartreux ran through the streets of France, caught mice and could themselves become prey

The Chartreux or Carthusian cat breed originates from Middle Eastern countries such as Syria and Iran. As a breed, Chartreuse was recorded in France only in the 20th century and its uniform standard was established. However, they could be observed already in the 14th century in the monasteries of France, as is known from monastic chronicles. They were probably brought to Europe from Syria during the Crusades or with eastern traders.

The history of this cat breed in France began in the territory of the mountain range called Chartreuse. The monks who lived there named the blue beauties in his honor.

The population of this breed was not numerous and until the 20th century they were considered the cats of the poor. They were used to catch rodents, as well as for food and fur.

Interesting: The cat of this breed was the favorite of the French military man and statesman Charles de Gaulle, thanks to which the Chartreux became popular among the highest ranks. From the houses of common people, cats moved into mansions.

The attempt to preserve the breed began only after the First World War. After World War II, the Chartreux no longer ran as hunters or food on the streets of France, but was kept in nurseries, but even there there were few of them, and the breed was considered rare. They were brought to the USA towards the end of the 20th century. Since then, France and the United States have been actively breeding and preserving the Eastern European breed.

Interesting: in the post-war period, in order to restore the population of the Chartreuse breed, cats were crossed with Persian and British breeds. Chartreuse actually has a superficial resemblance to the latter.

Vaccinations and antiparasitic treatment

All domestic cats are susceptible to viral infections. To protect the Carthusian from premature death, he is regularly vaccinated:

  • from calcivirosis;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • panleukopenia.

The Carthusian kitten is first vaccinated at the age of 7-8 weeks. After 4 weeks, the vaccination is repeated, but with an anti-rabies component. Subsequently, the Chartreuse is vaccinated annually.

To protect the Chartreux from diseases carried by parasites, it is regularly treated for fleas and helminths. Antihelminthic tablets are given to Carthusian cats once every six months and repeated after 10-14 days.

For flea treatment, special drops and shampoos are used. And if the Chartreux regularly goes outside, he is additionally protected with an anti-parasitic collar.

Breed description, standards, appearance

The Carthusian has a medium but stocky build, short but strong legs and a rounded muzzle.

French Chartreuse as a breed was officially recognized in the 80s of the 20th century. The Chartreux cat has the main distinguishing feature - blue color and honey-colored eyes, the rest of the description of the breed standards is fixed in the World Cat Federation - WCF.

Dimensions and weight

Blue French beauties have a medium body size, which is distinguished by well-developed muscles. The chest and lower back are powerful and stocky. In appearance, cats and cats look dense and large. Males are significantly larger than females and reach a weight of 6 to 9 kg , while females are from 4 to 6. Height at the withers is up to 30 cm .

These wonderful kittens are born weighing 250-600 grams - females and 500-700 grams - males. They continue to gain weight until they are two years old. By the age of one year, the female weighs from 2.5 to 4.5 kg, and the male from 4.5 to 6.5 kg.

Anatomical characteristics

They always have blue-gray fur and honey eyes.

Head round in shape, large on a powerful short neck. The cheeks are round, the cheekbones are wide.
Paws relatively short, but massive, the pads are round, powerful, gray-pink in color.
Tail straight, medium length, powerful at the base, tapering towards the tip.
Ears medium size, set high, triangular in shape with a rounded tip, slightly inclined towards the muzzle.
Nose straight and wide, bluish or gray in color.
Eyes Until the 20th century, eyes were green. After sectioning began, the eyes began to acquire a copper or honey color, which is the main color. At birth, kittens have blue eyes; up to three months they acquire the usual color for this breed.

The eyes are large, round, set close to each other.

Wool short and thick, silky and shiny. The undercoat is dense, the same length as the main coat.

Popular Chartreuse colors

Coat color ranges from light to dark gray-blue

The Carthusian cat breed has a single color - gray-blue and all its shades, from light to dark. Spots, stripes, and the presence of a different coat color are not allowed. The color of the undercoat matches the main coat. This is the main difference between them and British shorthair cats, since the British can have different colors, Chartreux - only gray-blue. But if you compare photos of a British dog and a Chartreuse, sometimes you can’t tell them apart.

Interesting: in European cat clubs, a British Shorthair cat is sometimes passed off as a Chartreux.

Although the blue coat color of the Chartreuse is similar to the Russian Blue breed, the cats have significant differences. The Russian has a longer coat, an elongated muzzle, almond-shaped eyes and a long thin tail, while the Chartreuse, on the contrary, is dense, with short powerful legs, a round muzzle and dense short hair. In addition, Russian Blues have a greenish tint to their eyes, while French Blues have only yellow eyes.

How to choose a kitten

Buying Chartreuse in the CIS countries is a difficult task. The export of breeding animals outside the borders of the United States and France is prohibited, so rely only on purchasing a spayed or neutered pet. Most often, such cats are brought from America. It is advisable to book the animal in advance: the demand for smiling cats is quite high.

Taking advantage of the fact that not much is known about the breed, unscrupulous breeders sell discarded “British” breeds under the guise of purebred Chartreuse. Don't want to become a victim of deception? Focus on the following differences:

  • Chartreuse have a more elongated head and smaller cheeks;
  • The “fur coat” of a British cat does not have a clear distinction between guard hair and undercoat, their length is the same;
  • the color of the “Carthusians” varies only within gray and blue shades;
  • British cats have smaller ears;
  • The tail of the Chartreuse tapers from the base to the tip.

When choosing a pet, pay attention to its behavior. A healthy baby is active, shows curiosity, is moderately playful and is not afraid of sharp sounds. It is best to buy a Carthusian kitten aged three months or older. The animal no longer needs maternal care and gets used to new family members quite easily.


They are sedentary, slightly lazy and calm

Chartreuse is distinguished by a calm, unobtrusive, but independent character. They are patient, easily tolerate loneliness, but are also ready to travel. Chubby sleepers are not very active in games, and the duration of games is short.

When choosing a Carthusian breed as a pet, it is important to take into account the following features of the breed:

  • They lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • They easily learn a daily routine and stick to it.
  • Fans of hunting and even from the game are trying to get benefits - to capture prey.
  • Not aggressive, not conflicting, but weak in making contact themselves.
  • They are affectionate and devoted to their owners, moderate affection is pleasant to them, they know how to thank.
  • They love to sleep next to their owner.
  • When the owner or a member of his family is sad or sick, the pet will be nearby, trying to support in every possible way.
  • They are easy to train, understand a rude tone and words of praise, but their biggest sin is laziness, so you need to be patient and persistent when training.
  • They don’t suffer from loneliness, the furniture isn’t damaged, the apartment isn’t trashed. They will calmly endure the long absence of the owner.
  • Independent French women do not like persistent caresses and sitting on their knees.
  • They easily find contact with children and the elderly and do not show aggression.
  • Pets other than birds and rodents are accepted, as the hunter's instinct takes over.
  • Good mouse hunters.

Interesting: Chartreuse is characterized by silence. Hearing a meow from them is very rare. They express requests with a short and quiet “me”.

Easily trained, but willful and independent

Chartreux cats and cats easily get accustomed to the litter box and quickly find it when the environment changes. They eat from a bowl, know their place, figure out how to climb onto a windowsill or open a door on their own. They quickly learn their nickname and respond to it. However, training them to stand on their hind legs or demonstrate a somersault is a questionable task. They are smart, but willful and lazy.

So this blue breed is perfect for those who spend a lot of time at work and do not like noise and commotion in the apartment. The cat will not show persistence, and if the owner wants to caress the animal, then she will be happy to stroke her round cheeks, reciprocating with a soft purr.

Important! Chartreux dogs are more suitable for apartment living.


The Carthusian cat has a reserved and balanced character.

Like Scottish Straights and Scots , such animals feel quite good alone, but, of course, they feel more comfortable with the care of their owner.

In a family, cats usually choose one “favorite”, which they recognize as the only owner.

Dark shades of blue are not uncommon. However, a lighter coat remains the preferred option.

Education needs to be done from a young age.

Moreover, if a kitten has done something wrong, the best punishment for it will not be physical force.

As soon as the kitten realizes that he is being ignored, he will try to improve.

According to some, this cat is not just balanced, but in some way lazy.

Finding her in a warm and cozy corner with a pillow or on a shelf with clothes is quite a common thing.

If you want to please your pet and make a house for him with your own hands, we recommend reading the article

Moreover, if a Chartreuse cat has chosen a certain corner, she will not give it up to anyone else.

Interesting! The peculiarity of this breed is that it practically does not speak. It’s quite rare to hear her say “Meow!”

Did you think I could only sleep? But no! Now I’ll catch the mouse... I’ll bring it to the owner’s bed...

Cats of the Chartreux breed are quite calm about moving, the arrival of guests and changes in the environment.

If you change your apartment, she will choose a new corner for a comfortable sleep.

If you change the situation from an apartment to a country house, the Carthusian cat will be happy to show off its hunting skills, and then choose a warm place to sleep.

Care and maintenance

Easy to care for

Carthusian cats show their elegance not only in their character, but also in their grooming. They are very clean, lick themselves profusely and often. However, this is not enough to completely clean the fur coat of dirt. Given the density of the coat, it is not so easy to wet a cat. In order for the fur coat to become completely wet, the animal will have to be held under running water.

In addition, due to the dense undercoat, Chartreux dogs are prone to frequent shedding. It is advisable to scratch them every day. For daily grooming, it is enough to stroke your pet’s fur coat, while removing excess hair with your palm.

As kittens grow older, they often experience growth of molars while the baby teeth have not yet fallen out, which can lead to inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the animal’s oral cavity and subject it to hygiene, both with the help of dry food and with the help of paste and brush.

General hygiene:

  • Cleaning ears and eyes – once a week with a cotton pad with chamomile solution or a special composition;
  • Nail trimming once a month;
  • Bathing no more than twice a year using special shampoo for cats. Water procedures are not very pleasant for them.

Important! Chartreux sheds twice a year. During this time, you should brush them with a soft brush or comb every day.


A Chartreuse cat is an excellent choice if you plan to have a pet.

She can easily tolerate moving, changing surroundings and will feel great both in an apartment and in a country house with the surrounding area.

He is easily educated and accustomed to simple rules, understands why a scratching post and where to go to the toilet .

How is it that the sofa is not mine? Yes, you are truly crazy, comrades!

When breeding, you need to carefully check the pedigrees of two individuals, since these cats were preserved in their original form only by American and French breeders.

Chartreuse diet

For a beautiful and healthy coat, the Chartreuse needs good and proper nutrition.

The hunting and lazy French breed needs proper and balanced nutrition. It can be made from natural products or consist of industrial feed.

When using ready-made food, you can combine both dry and wet. Dry food improves digestion and helps clean teeth.

Important! Choose premium, super-premium or holistic industrial food, since the ingredients in them are balanced, the food contains the vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth, health and development of the animal and is absorbed by more than 90%.

When choosing a natural diet, it is important to exclude foods from the owner’s table, as well as everything salty, starchy, sweet, fatty and fried.

Chartreux, given their sedentary lifestyle and increased appetite, are prone to gaining excess weight, so in a natural diet it is important to pay attention to lean meats, such as poultry and beef. It is not advisable to give fish, as it can develop urolithiasis in the animal.

In addition to meat, it is important to use high-quality cereal products, vegetables, fermented milk products with low fat content, greens and eggs in the diet. Your cat should get the right amount of protein and fiber.

Important! Fresh drinking water should always be available to your pet.

Choosing the right diet will help keep your pet's coat healthy and shiny, as well as extend its life to 16 years.

Feeding the cat

Chartreuse are not picky eaters and eat both commercial and natural food with equal appetite. Therefore, when choosing the type of food for a Carthusian cat, you can be guided by the breeder’s recommendations and your own convenience.

Complete diet

With an industrial type of food for a Carthusian cat, they buy high-quality premium or super-premium food, which does not contain questionable components such as soy, dyes and preservatives.

The following brands are best suited for Chartreuse:

  • Arden Grange;
  • Royal Canin;
  • ProPlan;
  • Acana.

Important. Dry-fed Carthusians must have 24-hour access to drinking water.

The diet of Chartreux cats, which consume natural products, should consist of lean meat. Also, the menu of cats of this breed must include:

  • offal;
  • dairy products;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • porridge with water;
  • eggs.

Chartreuse cannot be fed with sweets, onions, garlic, sausages, river fish, pork, legumes or any leftovers from the owner's plate.

Feeding frequency

Small Carthusian kittens eat less and more often than adult representatives of the breed. Therefore, the feeding regimen depends on the age of the animal:

  • up to 6 months – 4-5 times a day;
  • 6-12 months – 3 times a day;
  • from 12 months – 2 times a day.

Vitamins and minerals

In the body of a Chartreux that eats natural food, a lack of microelements may occur. To compensate for this deficiency, the Carthusian is given vitamins in courses twice a year. When selecting mineral complexes, the veterinarian’s recommendations and the body condition of a particular representative of the breed are taken into account.

On a note. Carthusian cats are prone to joint diseases. Therefore, they are recommended to additionally give chondroprotectors.

Health and illness

Unlike their similar brothers - the British, Chartreuse have increased immunity and good health. However, they also exhibit breed-specific diseases.

  • Knee dislocation is a hereditary disease. More often occurs in older animals. It doesn't always appear outwardly. In the complication stage it causes chromate. If such a symptom is detected without any physical injury, you should consult a veterinarian.
  • Dental diseases. Due to the structure of the skull, the teeth are located close together and sometimes push each other out. During the change of teeth, the baby teeth do not have time to fall out before the molars are already trying with all their might to replace them. All this can cause inflammatory processes in the animal’s oral cavity and suppuration. It is important to monitor your pet's oral cavity.
  • If a sloth's diet is not controlled, the animal may develop heart disease associated with excess body weight.

It is important to have your pet checked annually by a veterinarian and have regular vaccinations.

Buy a Carthusian kitten

Unlike the Scottish and British breeds, Carthusian cats are not so common. There are famous lines in the USA, but even in France these cats are not numerous.

Such rare animals are not so easy to buy in Russia: here they can sell a similar gray purebred cat, such as a Russian Blue, British, Korat, Scottish Straight, or even a completely mongrel creature. Nurseries of the Carthusian breed are not common in the Russian Federation; kittens can only be brought from abroad, which significantly increases their cost.

The price of a Carthusian kitten imported into the Russian Federation will be about 50,000-70,000 rubles

, which eliminates the possibility of purchasing a purebred animal on resale sites.

What to name a Carthusian cat

The names of your favorite rare cat are chosen not only according to their pedigree, but also at their own discretion. Carthusian babies, a boy and a girl, will be different in character, so their nicknames will be different, and they may sound completely different.

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There are so many cat names that it’s worth first finding out which ones sound better and are more suitable for a Chartreux kitten.
Table of names for the Carthusian kitten

Irma Shunya Viusha Amanda Mouse Vita Lucy Itaka Basya Panya Nusya Ulka Semmi Enya FluffyViola Ora Flash Drive Annette Margo Zsuzsa Bara Bianca Nika Blanca Aisha Barbie Adele Audrey LindaSun Shorty Max Chips Inar Osya Cortes Marsik Perseus Koresh Zeron Sandy Pixel Baron GrisRaf Larry Zhek Coton Patte Thorne Push Alt Aigun Woland Puse Goblin Blanchic Cesis Luksi


Chartreuse is a rare breed, there are only 3 kennels in Russia

The breeding of Carthusian kitties is mainly carried out in European countries, the USA, and Canada. There are about three nurseries throughout Russia. The price for the blue beauty is high.

The breed has champion status in these countries and breed mixing is expressly prohibited by the World Cat Association. Chartreuse is not recognized only by Great Britain due to its similarity with the British.

The breed is still considered rare.

Interesting Facts

Blue beauties have attracted the attention of creative people and the aristocracy for several centuries.

  • Back in the 17th century, Chartreuse skins were sold and their meat was eaten.
  • Thanks to the plump round cheeks of the Chartreuse, it seems that the cat is smiling.
  • Cats are very silent, their voice is soft and quiet.
  • Despite their non-conflict nature, jealousy has been noticed in the pets of this breed. Still, they want to be the owner’s only favorite.
  • Chartreuse have an exclusively gray-blue color, without impurities, from light to dark shades, the eyes are honey-copper, and the nose and paw pads are colored gray.
  • Cats lose their fur when stressed.
  • French monks dedicated many poems to cats in blue fur coats.
  • In the 18th century, the artist Jean-Baptiste Perronaud depicted the blue beauty in a painting.
  • Charles de Gaulle had a Chartreux pet nicknamed Gris-Gris, whom he loved very much and could talk to for hours.
  • Long ears and paws, as well as an elongated muzzle, are a defect and such a cat is not suitable for breeding as a Carthusian.
  • Chartreux are considered mature when they are closer to five years of age, and offspring should only be bred once they reach three years of age.
  • The British Cat Association considers that the Chartreux breed does not exist, and they are classified as a British Shorthair breed.

Horoscope compatibility

The Carthusian cat corresponds in all respects to the zodiac Virgo. Cleanliness, measured behavior, thoroughness in washing – these are the characteristics of the Chartreuse that will appeal to discerning owners the most. The pedantry of the breed fully corresponds to the sign, combining coquetry and fidelity at the same time. The animals are a little squeamish and picky; they prefer to eat from clean dishes and only freshly placed food. Cats become so attached to their owner that they become jealous and crave constant attention. This behavior definitely flatters people born under the sign of Virgo.

Among short-haired breeds, the Carthusian cat does not stand out as much as the Oriental or Abyssinian cat. However, connoisseurs are attracted by the aristocratic features and balanced disposition of the pet, combined with rarity. In addition, the Chartreuse has beauty, a lively mind and absolute affection for its owner.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Silent, sedentary cats, with kindness and love for the owner

The pet must suit the lifestyle and character of the owner, therefore, depending on the requirements and wishes of the owner, Chartreuse has its pros and cons.


  • Calm, non-conflict, silent animal;
  • Smart and trainable;
  • Patient and unobtrusive;
  • Gets along with children;
  • Easy to care for.


  • High price;
  • Difficult to acquire due to the rarity of the breed and similarity to the British Shorthair;
  • Independent disposition;
  • Lazy and sedentary;
  • High appetite and tendency to gain weight.

But all these shortcomings are nothing compared to the love and affection for the owner.

Education and training

Chartreuses have an inquisitive mind and rare insight. It is not difficult for them to use the switch, open the water tap, and even press the door handle to leave the room. The intelligence of cats makes the training process easier. With your help, the “Carthusians” will learn good manners, easily get used to using a scratching post and litter box, and will not refuse to be walked on a harness. Train your pet from the first day it appears in your home, since training an adult Chartreuse will take more time and effort, and the result will be far from perfect.

As for training, you will have to forget about traditional commands. Representatives of the breed consider it beneath their dignity to jump at someone’s direction, overcome an obstacle course and somersault. However, Carthusian cats easily get used to their nickname and even bring abandoned objects or toys to their owner. The main thing is not to raise your voice at your pet, otherwise his furry majesty will not forgive you for such insolence.

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