How to name a British cat boy and girl: big list for 2022

Cats of the oldest British breed are especially popular among breeders. Fans of pets are attracted by the luxurious fur and huge magical eyes of beautiful Britons. The characters of these wonderful cats are said to be calm, peace-loving, but they always have “an opinion of their own.”

A cat with wet paws - inquisitive Newton:

Have you got an elegant Briton and don't know what to call him? Here are the most beautiful, fashionable and stylish nicknames for a British boy cat. Pay attention to names with meaning and color; they reflect the external beauty and character of a touching pet.

Beautiful and bright nicknames

Breeders write that British boys are restrained in their emotions, but during play they show dexterity, intelligence and incredible grace. Such noble cats need nicknames corresponding to their status:

  • Abram;
  • Adonis;
  • Archie;
  • Baron;
  • Barry;
  • Berto;
  • Brutus;
  • Wagner;
  • Viking;
  • Woland;
  • Hector;
  • General;
  • Hermann;
  • Jim;
  • Doctor;
  • Casper;
  • Kennedy;
  • Lloyd;
  • Ludwig;
  • Lucifer.

Serious guys - Billy and Willie:

  • Magellan;
  • MacLeod;
  • Maximus;
  • Marquis;
  • My lord;
  • Mister;
  • Nelson;
  • Newton;
  • Odysseus;
  • Othello;
  • Pascal;
  • Rudolf;
  • Senator;
  • Sylvester;
  • Solomon;
  • Theodore;
  • Tybalt;
  • Winston;
  • Fenimore;
  • Franklin;
  • Frankie;
  • Harley;
  • Hugh;
  • Chaming;
  • Chaplin;
  • Sheriff;
  • Everest;
  • Edward;
  • Edgar;
  • Jaguar.

Unperturbed Eugene:

"M" is for mafioso of the cat world

Mafioso, Magician, Master, Magnum, Milo, Mystek, Mayek, Mikey, Mayonnaise, Major, Mac, Macbeth, Maki, Max, Malibu, Malcolm, Maluh, Small, Baby, Mambo, Mamrot, Mandu, Mank, Cuff, Mano, Marcel, Marian, Marquis, Marcus, Marley, Marquis, Marques, Mars, Marvel, Marvin, Matthew, Maurice, Max, Mazgadzh, Mazorek, Patrons, Mehmet, Mekebele, Melman, Menel, Mentos, Meow, Mercedes, Merlin, Merlinek, Merol, Mezio, Metallic, Myalchak, Myalchur, Myalchik, Myalek, Myalek, Meow, Michal, Mick, Mickey, Midi, Mieczyslaw, Menia, Mientek, Migotek, Mikado, Mikan, Miko, Mick, Mikolay, Milan, Milord, Minik, Miodek, Mirek, Misek, Mlecislav, Wet, Momo, Monster, Monte, Monter, Monty, Pug, Morpheus, Moro, Morris, Porpoise, Morton, Morus, Mruchek, Mruchuch, Mruchislav, Mruk, Mufik, Mufin, Mouflon, Mugen , Muladhara, Mulan, Muminek, Mumpek, Mundek, Muniek, Murat, Negro, Mushkitter, Myshek, Mizio.

If you wish, you can add a middle name to your name and even come up with a last name.

Stylish and popular names

They say about British seals that they will not tolerate disrespect. Kittens prefer to play with objects alone and become angry when distracted. And British adults love company, and happily doze off in the arms of a loving owner. What do you call such a cute Brit?

The kind and melancholy cat's name is Chester:

Note a few more fashionable and stylish nicknames:

  • Adam;
  • Andre;
  • Aramis;
  • Baskerville;
  • Buckingham;
  • Belmondo;
  • Benjamin;
  • Boston;
  • Viscount;
  • Windsor;
  • Hamilton;
  • Hamlet;
  • George;
  • Hermes;
  • Graph;
  • Jim;
  • Euphrates;
  • Julienne;
  • Zeus;
  • Christian;
  • Christopher;
  • Larry;
  • Lawrence;
  • Martin;
  • Mephistotle;
  • Montmorency;
  • Norman;
  • Oliver;
  • Oscar;
  • Patrick;
  • Pilgrim;
  • Prince;
  • Rocky;
  • Samuel;
  • Sunny;
  • Terry;
  • Tim;
  • Tobias;
  • William;
  • Walker;
  • Fox;
  • Harris;
  • Hamish;
  • Chandler;
  • Chess;
  • Chicago;
  • Juventus;
  • Jupiter;
  • Jason;
  • Yaron.

Cool nicknames, right? And these are funny brothers - Uri and Thor:

Name after the birthplace of the breed

English male names themselves sound exotic to the Slavic ear. A British kitten can be called one of the following names:

  • Abnar, Abraham, Adisson, Isaac, Alvar, Algernon, Alton, Alf, Amedeus, Asher, Ashton;
  • Baxter, Ballon, Barnaby, Bastian, Benedict, Benson, Bertram, Bliss, Brandon, Brenton;
  • Weldon, Vernon, Wester, Westley, Wilburn, Willoughby, Wilson, Windsor, Voldo, Wayland;
  • Giles, Galen, Hamilton, Garfield, Gabe, Gideon, Glanville, Glenn, Howard, Homer, Granville, Goodwin, Gall;
  • Dud, Dudley, Diamond, Dax, Damian, Darwin, Dustin, Duffy, Dashiell, Devin, Declan, Delroy, Deshawn, Jared;
  • Zavir, Zach, Zander;
  • Eamon, Ingram, Inigo, Irving, Easter;
  • Cadmus, Camden, Carlton, Casidi, Casper, Kevin, Kelvin, Kenneth, Kermit, Kirby, Connor;
  • Laverne, Lyle, Lionel, Lemuel, Leopold, Lyndon, Linsay, Luell, Layton, Lux;
  • Madison, Myron, Miles, Mackie, Maxwell, Malachi, Marlin, Marlon, Marshall, Melvin, Murphy, Monty, Mason;
  • Nigel, Neville, Neo, Nimbus, Norbert, Norwood, Noel, Newton;
  • Oberon, Aubrey, Oley, Allger, Ollon, Osbert, Oshin;
  • Piece, Palmer, Percival, Pepper, Porter, Preston, Peyton;
  • Redcliffe, Reginald, Reynard, Rylan, Robie, Royston, Roscoe, Rayner;
  • Sivier, Sunny, Cedric, Seymour, Silas, Cyril, Spencer, Stephen, Stanford, Samuel, Sandy;
  • Tucker, Taffy, Tennyson, Theobald, Tybalt, Timothy, Tobias, Tolly, Travis, Temple;
  • Wilford, Winfred, Watkin, Urban, Wesley;
  • Fabian, Farley, Felix, Fester, Festus, Flemming, Fonzie, Foster, Freeman, Fraser;
  • Hadwin, Havelock, Hamish, Harland, Herbie, Hoard, Hollis, Humbert, Heaven, Happy;
  • Chadwick, Chucky, Chester, Chauncey, Chip;
  • Sheamus, Shannon, Sheldon, Sherwood, Sheamus, Shane;
  • Ebenezer, Egbert, Edwin, Edison, Alvin, Elvis, Eldwin, Eliot, Emmett;
  • Eugene, Julian, Junior.

Animal psychologists advise pronouncing the chosen names to the baby, and he will respond to the one he likes. This makes it easier to accustom the kitten to its own name and will not cause a negative reaction in it.

English nicknames

For cats originally from foggy Britain, British and English nicknames are ideal. These names sound equally cool, stylish and modern in two languages.

Waiting for the owner, sad Grief - Grief (Sadness):

Pay attention to these cool nicknames with translation:

  • Beast - Beast (beast);
  • Canny - Cany (cautious);
  • Chaser - Chase (pursuer);
  • Chummy – Chami (buddy);
  • Chunk – Chunk (chubby);
  • Clement – ​​Clement (merciful);
  • Combat - Combat (battle);
  • Crafty - Crafty (crafty);
  • Dainty - Danti (graceful);
  • Flossy – Flossy (silky);
  • Gentle - Gentle (gentle);
  • Glutton - Glant (glutton);
  • Grand – Grand (majestic);
  • Hawk - Hawk (hawk);
  • Hearty - Hearty (kind);
  • Homey - Homey (home);
  • Jewel – Jewel (jewel);
  • Leap – Lips (jump);
  • Leery – Lyricist (experienced);
  • Mellow - Mellow (good-natured);
  • Mild – Mild (peaceful);
  • Morale - Morel (combat);
  • Nimble - Nimble (agile);
  • Podge - Podge (fat);
  • Precious – Precious (precious);
  • Quiet – Quiet (silent);
  • Rage - Rage (rage);
  • Riddle - Ridil (riddle);
  • Rogue - Raug (rogue);
  • Savage – Savage (wild);
  • Sharp – Sharp (sharp);
  • Silent – ​​Silent (quiet);
  • Slender – Slender (thin);
  • Snug – Snow (cozy);
  • Soft – Soft (soft);
  • Speedy – Speedy (fast);
  • Unstirred - Unstaird (unperturbed);
  • Wily - Wily (insidious);
  • Wolly - Wooly (fluffy);
  • Yager – Jaeger (hunter).

And the solid Massy - Macy (Massive):

Useful tips

Experienced cat breeders do not recommend naming your pet a name that is too long, difficult to pronounce, or complicated. Firstly, this will greatly complicate the process of the kitten getting used to its name, and, secondly, it will be problematic for the owner himself to constantly address the pet by name. It’s great if the animal’s nickname has one or two syllables.

After the search for a suitable name for a small pet is completed, you should begin training the kitten.

In order for the baby to be able to quickly remember his name, it is necessary to regularly and clearly pronounce it out loud while feeding the animal and during games.

Each kitten's response to its name must be rewarded with a treat.

In the process of training an animal, you cannot shorten or modify its name in any way (for example, pronounce it in a diminutive form). Communication with the kitten should take place in a calm environment without strangers or distractions. Calling an animal by name must be in a clear, even and not very loud voice. While training a kitten, you are not allowed to shout or raise your voice at it.

Check out the most beautiful nicknames for cats and kittens in the next video.

Nicknames for gray British

Pure British cats are often born with gray and blue-gray coats. If you have become the happy owner of a purebred cat, choose from the list a stylish nickname for gray British cats:

  • Atlas;
  • Violet;
  • Vermouth;
  • Vinnie;
  • Herbert;
  • Gray;
  • Stylus;
  • Dixie;
  • Dream Team;
  • Smoke;
  • Zigurt;
  • Dragon;
  • Zorro;
  • Karabas;
  • Lemur;
  • Leon;
  • Maximilian);
  • Murray;
  • Nebus;
  • Olaf.

Romeo in love with his mistress:

  • Remarque;
  • Renault,
  • Ricardo,
  • Reef,
  • Ray,
  • Simon;
  • Sunny;
  • Peregrine falcon;
  • Sapphire;
  • Typhoon;
  • Ulysses;
  • Fabian;
  • Harley;
  • Zirconium;
  • Elvis.

Romantic Yukki:

Name after celebrities

Great Britain is known for its heroes - mythical and real, famous people, poets, writers, scientists, artists. From the host of “celestials” it is easy to choose a worthy name for a noble Briton:

  • Churchill;
  • Brunel is a famous engineer who built ships and railways;
  • Darwin;
  • Shakespeare;
  • Newton;
  • Lennon - musician of the Beatles;
  • Nelson - in honor of the famous admiral;
  • Cromwell is a lord;
  • Shackleton - traveler, Arctic explorer;
  • McCartney - singer, composer, musician of the Beatles;
  • Fleming - scientist bacteriologist, creator of penicillin;
  • Turing – mathematician, cryptographer (for fans of the film “The Imitation Game” starring Benedict Cumberbatch);
  • Faraday - scientist physicist, chemist;
  • Glyndwr - Prince of Wales;
  • Hawking - in honor of Stephen Hawking, scientist, physicist;
  • Cheshire - in honor of the Baron of Cheshire, aviator and philanthropist;
  • Dickens is a writer;
  • Wallace - in honor of the Scottish knight, freedom fighter William Wallace (for those who love the movie "Braveheart");
  • Mercury - lead singer of Queen;
  • Livingston - traveler, explorer of Africa;
  • Celtic gods - Allobrox, Cernunnos, Grannos, Taranis, Belenus, Ogmios, Bran.

The list of famous British people is endless. Everyone can choose their favorite name for their beloved British kitten.

Names for other colors

In addition to gray ones, there are exotic blue, white, sand, black and tabby kittens. See what original nickname you can choose for a British cat based on color.

The peach cat was given a short but sonorous name - Peach (Peach):

Next are the names for white cats:

  • Leopard;
  • White;
  • Varley;
  • Dantes;
  • Marshmallow;
  • North;
  • Bassoon;
  • Phantom;
  • Hardy;
  • Centurion.

For sand and ginger seals:

  • Vizier;
  • Darcy;
  • Jazz;
  • Dennis;
  • Curry;
  • Caffy;
  • lobster;
  • A lion;
  • Ruby;
  • The Hobbit.

For blue cats:

  • Hasek;
  • Blue;
  • Bree;
  • Gates;
  • Eloy;
  • Yenisei;
  • Indigo;
  • Midshipman;
  • Nile;
  • Hank;
  • Caesar;
  • Cheshire.

For browns:

  • Raisin;
  • Kazbek;
  • Kant;
  • Karo;
  • Pride;
  • Phillip;
  • Flipper;
  • Chocolate;
  • Schumacher;
  • Elbrus.

The most beautiful British cat is Cherokee:

A few more nicknames for black cats:

  • Noir;
  • Pontiac;
  • Ramses;
  • Roger;
  • Tamerlane;
  • Tangero;
  • Hythe;
  • Chaos;
  • Hardy;
  • Hemingway.

For tortoiseshells and tabbies:

  • Candy;
  • Cyprus;
  • Creed;
  • Lucky;
  • Lendy;
  • Luhari;
  • Mason;
  • Saturn;
  • Floyd;
  • Francis.

And sizzling names - Sean, Champagne, Shmultz and Shustik.

Name table

Names for boysNames for girls
AAlfred, Alphonse, Amir, Almaz, Alex, Albert, Afonya, Adam, Ayran, Azimuth, Viola, Arsen, Apollo, Agate, Hayk, AlmazHarp, Arabella, Aphrodite, Anfisa, Anna, Alice, Assol, Agatha, Angelica, Asya, Aurika, Agata, Aurita, Aglaya, Alpha
BBonya, Baron, Baguette, Barberry, Bucks, Leopard, Barsik, Golden Eagle, Black, Balsam Behemoth, Brutus, Byte, Basic, Batman, Belyak, Eggplant, Bambi, Bandit, Baikal, Beech, BromineBeauty, Betty, Squirrel, Bagheera, Businka, Busya, Bounty, Brita, Britana, Berta, Bull, Brandy, Brigitta, Blue, Blanca
INVesuvius, Lucky, Vulcan, Cornflower, Whirlwind, Venya, Jack, Volt, Wolf, Vrubel, Vermouth, Corduroy, Warrior, Vampire, Wind, Wolf, TungstenViola, Venus, Wilma, Vannesa, Windy, Spring, Vasilisa, Veronica, Vlada, Crow, Vredina, Vakira, Vanadia
GCount, Genius, Vulture, Hamlet, Hephaestus, Vulture, Gaden, Golf, Herman, Groom, Gray, Hussar, Thunder, GadgetGabi, Gloris, Harmony, Gloria, Grace, Gita, Gazelle, Pear, Gita, Glasha, Goldie, Glafira
DJimi, Jodi, Joe, Dollar, Gene, Smoke, John, Dobrik, Dragon, Dake, Jazz, Diger, Dionysus, DarkJena, Judy, Dolly, Diana, Daphne, Denise, Dolores, Dulcinea, Haze, Dune, Haze, Virgo, Danina
EErofey, Enuariy, Eroshka, Ephrat, Yenisei, Hedgehog, EmelkaElizaveta, Eva, Eremeya, Evasya
ANDZhul, Harness, Jacques, Zhora, Zhigan, Zhmot, Zhivchik, Joseph, Rogue, JordanJasmine, Jacqueline, Josephine, Zhulya, Zhuzha, Zhuli, Jasmine, Zhanna, Zhozhetta
ZZeus, Tan, Hare, Beast, Zorro, Nibbler, Snake, Angry, ChillyZoya, Star, Zlata, Zolotko, Snake, Zarina, Zarya, Fun
I-YIrtysh, Iron, Iris, Icarus, Igrun, Indica, Raisin, GingerIrma, Toffee, Isis, Irene, Ilona, ​​Isabella, Igrulya, Ida, Irma, Inessa
TOKnop, Horses, Caliph, Captain, Kuzya, King, Kirya, Karat, Kulit, Court, Kord, Krosh, Crete, Kotofey, Karl, Kasper, Kex, Prince,Kisya, Kira, Knopa, Cola, Baby, Camellia, Klusha, Caramel, Cow, Doll, Queen, Kashira, Cleopatra
LLafanya, Lancelot, Lizun, Leopard, Eraser, Lot, Lefort, Leva, Ludwig, Lotus, Lucifer, Lelik, Lux, Leshy, Lord, Leo, LucasLana, Leia, Lisa, Lola, Lucy, Louise, Lapa, Laura, Lyra, Lana, Lolita, Lawrence, Fox, Lizunya, Lioness, Lila, Lima, Lyubima, Laura
MBaby, Mars, Masyanya, Murzik, Baby, Marcel, Masik, Mafiosi, Milord, Maigret, Sailor, Mickey, Macho, Mystic, Muscat, Maidan, Michael, Marik, MerceMasya, May, Murka, Magi, Marta, Mila, Matilda, Lightning, Monica, Mirabelle, Mary, Murlyka, Malvina, Blizzard, Mia, Malva, Monya, Fly, Beaker
NKnight, Nadir, Neo, Neon, Narcissus, Nero, North, Nautilus, Norton, Negro, Nose, NegroNyusha, Nyasha, Nancy, Nyusya, Nyura, Nymph, Nora, Nikita, Naomi, Sissy, Yumka, Nochka, Nymph
ABOUTOpal, Organ, Light, Orpheus, Orlik, Oscar, Othello, Trench, Onyx, OstapOrphea, Oda, Olyusha, Onega, Olivia, Olympiad, Ocher, Omelia, Ohara
PBabydoll, Pixie, Poseidon, Pirate, Fluff, Dumpling, Pamir, Bobblehead, Porthos, Potter, Progress, Ottoman, Prince, Pegasus, BellyPanther, Pepsi, Pusya, Pushina, Penelope, Bun, Pestrukha, Petrovna, Proida, Lady, Percy, Pava
RRoxy, Ruble, Ryzhik, Ramses, Rudder, Rudolf, Rubin, Rafik, Renault, Reflex, Ralph, GrayRose, Rada, Rubina, Ryzhukha, Lynx, Regina, Rybka, Roxana, Rimma, Rudya, Raisa, Rhonda, Ramona, Ramira
WITHLucky, Samurai, Salvador, Svetik, Scout, Elephant, Snowball, Savva, Saturn, Simon, Senya, Gray, Snickers, Sirius, Twilight, Samson, Semyon, SenyaSara, Snezhana, Snowflake, Sonya, Strelka, Slava, Sandra, Sofia, Stesha, Antimony, Selena, Sima, Smokey, Solly, Salva, Simona
TTitan, Tractor, Tyler, Tornado, Teddy, Trishka, Tostun, Thorn, Todas, Tube, Tyapa, Tamerlane, Tiger Cub, Topaz, Tyson, TrollTina, Tuya, Tusya, Teodora, Tosya, Thea, Toulouse, Cloud, Tosya, Thames, Tamara, Tina, Teresa, Tigress, Terra, Shadow, Tootsie, Tora
UCoal, Gloomy, Ushastik, Usatik, Barbel, Uranus, Unicum, Success, Uryuk, Scientist, HurricaneOndine, Ulya, Unika, Ushana, Unida
FFrederick, Phantom, Faust, Phaeton, Ferdinand, Falk, Fima, Furor, Frant, Freak, Fenya, Ferdinand, Ficus, Franz, Flash driveFloris, Fanta, Fenya, Fairy, Themis, Frosya, Fanya, Flora, Fotuna, Fury, Franchisa
XHottabych, Khan, Khrumtik, Khomka, Chaos, Hugh, Harley, Hobbit, Khmurik, Ponytail, HamonKhvosya, Khanum, Khvosya, Hensi, Chlora, Persimmon, Colda, Khorizma
CCent, Gypsy, Caesar, Cerberus, Tsar, Zuckerman, Citrus, Cyclone, Candied fruitQueen, Tsapa, Tsunami, Censorship, Quote, Tsypa
HChuck, Charles, Blackie, Little Devil, Crank, Siskin, Chilly, Chelsea, Plague, ChukchaChaika, Chapa, Chita, Plague, Chucha, Chernyshka, Chacha, Enchantress, Charunya
ShShuga, Shustrik, Shnur, Naughty, Saffron, Shaitan, Shanghai, Shnyrik, Storm, Sherkhan, Stirlitz, Shah, Shrek, Schumacher, SchwartzCharlotte, Shanya, Shalunya, Shipusha, Shiplya, Sherry, Shmyga, Shpulka, Shusha, Sade
EEdward, Eric, Elf, Aesop, Ashley, Epic, Epherest, EuclidElsa, Elmira, Elsa, Elizabeth, Emira, Esther, Etna
YUYuan, Yuran, Julian, South, Jupiter, Yurasik, Yunets, Yurik, Eustace, Yuzik, JungYubi, Yupi, Yula, Utah, Yurga, Juno, Yucca, Yuzya, Yurta
IYarik, Jason, Yakuba, Yarosh, Jason, Jaguar, Jap, Yandex, YashkaYasya, Java, Yarunya, Yanita

Youth nicknames

A beautiful British cat is the best partner for selfies on Instagram. Thanks to loyal and very nice friends, the owners gain hundreds of approving likes on social networks. I wonder what nicknames young breeders will choose for their pets? Below are the best cat names in youth style:

  1. Admiral;
  2. Albus;
  3. Arnold;
  4. Balm;
  5. Bingo;
  6. Borman;
  7. Boss;
  8. Boatswain;
  9. Brandy;
  10. Broadway;
  11. Boomer;
  12. Batman;
  13. Whiskey;
  14. Volcano;
  15. Grizzly;
  16. Grinch;
  17. Groom;
  18. Django;
  19. Dzhigan;
  20. Jeep;
  21. Diesel;
  22. Savage;
  23. Disney;
  24. Bug;
  25. Zenith.

Turtle Ziggy:

  1. Cowboy;
  2. Witch;
  3. Corsair;
  4. Craft;
  5. Magnate;
  6. Manchester;
  7. Magic;
  8. Nice;
  9. Nemo;
  10. Nick;
  11. Ninja;
  12. Pentagon;
  13. Pentium;
  14. Promedol;
  15. Ricci;
  16. Salvador;
  17. Sklif;
  18. Tiger;
  19. Twix;
  20. Teddy;
  21. Unique;
  22. Favorite;
  23. Schnapps;
  24. Unit;
  25. Janis.

Acrobatic brothers - Phineas and Ferb:

Video “How to name a kitten”

This video gives tips on how to choose a name for a kitten.

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Names with meaning

Choose a nickname for your British cat with a deep meaning, let the name reflect the character and striking external characteristics of your pet:

  • Excitement – ​​playful;
  • Alisher - Ali the lion;
  • Diamond - precious;
  • Altai – mountainous, snowy;
  • Cupid is an angel;
  • Bard – melodious;
  • Velvet – pleasant to the touch;
  • Bailey – disciplined;
  • Belwether is a leader;
  • Blochard is a braggart;
  • Basek – frantic;
  • Gambit - decisive blow;
  • Gafo - laughter;
  • Jagenot - ruthless;
  • Jate – jet;
  • Kwiki – whimsical;
  • Kelases - colossus;
  • Crescendo – enlarged;
  • Lamkis - idiot;
  • Maste is a genius;
  • Neuron is a philosopher;
  • Remus – fabulous;
  • Silver is a pirate;
  • Dates – picky;
  • Frogman – diver;
  • Hayday - dawn;
  • Hot Foot – fast;
  • Chanfi – delicious;
  • Eizar – azure;
  • Yankee is an American.

And fashionable guys - Chuck, Chip and Chase:

“P” is for fluffy delights

Pacek, Pacific, Pacino, Paco, Pali, Palikot, Finger, Pampers, Pan, Pancho, Pandek, Pankrasi, Panther, Paproch, Parchatek, Paris, Parsec, Paris, Pascal, Belt, Belt, Pastel, Pate, Patent, Stick, Pedro, Pegi, Pelek, Pepe, Pepsi, Per, Perek, Pearl, Percy, Persil, Person, Persing, Peshek, Brush, Navel, Phobos, Friday, Picasso, Piccolo, Pikzun, Piedzokh, Pieshchokh, Pietrek, Pigi, Peaks, Pixel, Pilot, Pimpek, Pinky, Pinu, Piotrek, Pirate, Pishchak, Pitek, Pivchik, Pixel, Pixie, Plamek, Plumek, Petal, Plomek, Poldek, Pompek, Popek, Drank, Porter, Portos, Poseidon, Pot, Striped, President, Prince, Promil, Prikot, Pushkin, Bubble, Pollen, Pizio, Pias, Pisa.

With such a name, a pet will definitely not go unnoticed!

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