How to name a dog for a boy and a girl: the most unusual names for 2022

The appearance of a dog in the house is always accompanied by many pleasant troubles. And first of all, you should think about what name to give your pet. It is not difficult to choose the right name for your dog - you just need to carefully study the advice of canine specialists in this regard.

An impressive list of names will help a novice dog breeder not to get confused and give his dog the most suitable nickname, which will also be beautiful, fashionable, original and funny.

General recommendations for choosing a name for a dog

All puppies born in kennels must receive an official name. It is indicated in dog documents and is used to represent the pet at various competitions and exhibitions.

As a rule, such nicknames are very long and difficult to pronounce. There are often cases when the official name does not suit the dog at all.

Official names are needed primarily to simplify the registration of babies born in a particular nursery. Typically, breeders give all puppies in a litter nicknames that begin with the same letter. Sometimes they use the names of their fathers or the name of the nursery in the babies' nicknames.

In addition, breeders often ask owners to name new family members with names of a specific theme (for example, related to astronomy, mythology, flowers or music).

For convenience, owners can come up with a so-called pet name for the dog. It will be used in everyday life and should suit the pet as best as possible.

You need to take your time choosing such a nickname, because weaning a dog off the name it is accustomed to is an almost impossible task.

That is why, when choosing an everyday nickname for your pet, you should be guided by a number of rules. Following them will help you name your dog the most suitable name for it:

  1. The name should be sonorous, short, easy to pronounce and consist of 1-2 syllables and 1-2 voiced consonants. Both the dog and its owner will quickly remember this name.
  2. The nickname should not be in tune with the teams.
  3. You should not call your dog a common human name, or one that sounds similar to the nicknames of other pets.
  4. It is not recommended to call your dog offensive words or religious names.
  5. It is extremely undesirable to give a dog the name of a previous pet - the likelihood that they will be similar is almost zero.
  6. It is advisable that the name reflect the gender of the dog.

This is interesting! If the owner cannot choose one of several names he likes, dog handlers advise calling the dog with each of them and calling the dog the one to which it responds.

Noble nicknames for male dogs

For a breeding dog with a good pedigree, whose parents are winners of competitions and exhibitions, an ordinary nickname will not work. In this case, you need to choose a sonorous name that matches the status of the puppy.

A good option would be the names of famous and great people: Armstrong, Byron, Napoleon Bonaparte, Botticelli, Bourbon, Tudor, Shakespeare, Lancaster, Vincent, Ludwig, Amadeus, Sebastian, Beethoven, Mozart, Banks, Gray, Fitzgerald, Morgan, Oswald, Barnes, Barton, Gatsby.

There is no way to judge the best or worst names for pets. Each owner is unique and his dog is not like his brothers. When choosing a name, it is important to rely on the recommendations of experts, but the final decision always depends only on the owner and his family.

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The best nicknames depending on the size of the breed

When choosing a name for your dog, it is important to consider the size of the breed. Thus, large pets should not be called by nicknames that are more suitable for small breeds. On the contrary, a small dog with the name of a large dog will look comical.

Nicknames that are perfect for small dogs:

  • Busya;
  • Zipper;
  • Dwarf;
  • Zhuzha;
  • Zaya;
  • Knopa, Krokha, Krosh, Kuzya;
  • Little, Lyalya;
  • Baby, Micro, Minnie, Mouse;
  • Nyasha;
  • Fluff, Fawn;
  • Smalley;
  • Fenya;
  • Shusha.

Large dogs can be called one of the following nicknames:

  • Atlas, Athos, Athena;
  • Bagheera;
  • Veles, the Giant;
  • Hera, Hercules, Giant, Thunderstorm, Thunder;
  • Zeus;
  • King;
  • Mukhtar;
  • Naida;
  • Puma;
  • Rada, Rimbaud;
  • Strength, Sparta;
  • Chara.

Original Russian names

The original solution was to name the four-legged pupil an Old Russian name. Modern children are practically no longer called this, but on dogs it “looks” quite creative, and can even hint at the ancient history of friendship between a dog and a person.

Male names:

  • Akamir;
  • Aksen;
  • Akun;
  • Bazhen;
  • Sleepless;
  • Berimr;
  • Belogor;
  • Belozar;;
  • Wieslaw;
  • Voemil;
  • Vedogost;
  • Vyshemir;
  • Govan;
  • Godoslav;
  • Gostemil;
  • Goran;
  • Acts;
  • Zhdan;
  • Zlatomir;
  • Zoran;
  • Izbor;
  • Casimir;
  • Kriv;
  • We love;
  • Luke;
  • Milan;
  • Mladan;
  • Milovan;
  • Nazhir;
  • Oculus;
  • Parfen;
  • Potap;
  • Prokhor;
  • Tryphon;
  • Ulyan;
  • Ugrim;
  • Ustin;
  • Feofan;
  • Fedot;
  • Yaropolk.

Serious and very smart boy Deyan
Female names:

  • Aksinya;
  • Anfisa;
  • Anisya;
  • Avdotya;
  • Bazhena;
  • Beloyar;
  • Buyana;
  • Budana;
  • All-nice;
  • Vsenezha;
  • Vassa;
  • Glafira;
  • Guess;
  • Dragana;
  • Eulampia;
  • Fun;
  • Izbor;
  • Lukerya;
  • Lyubava;
  • Lada;
  • Melania;
  • Marfa;
  • Mlada;
  • Mirava;
  • Nemira;
  • Suitability;
  • Pereslava;
  • Pelagia;
  • Radmila;
  • Glad;
  • Smeyana;
  • Humble;
  • Stepanida;
  • Umila;
  • Ulada;
  • Fedosya;
  • Chernava;
  • Brightheart;
  • Jaromir.

White and fluffy Zabavushka
Dog breeders who choose Old Russian names for their pets sometimes prefer affectionate diminutive options. An example of this is a cute and friendly girl named Marfusha. Cheerful, lively and active, more than anything else she loves walks and “communication” with nature. Looks like this makes cutie the happiest dog in the world!

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