Squirrel at home: how to keep, care for, feed

Today, a lot of people get exotic animals: foxes, raccoons, various birds, and in some countries you can find crocodiles and even big wild cats in country houses. But some hobbyists keep squirrels at home. However, is it worth starting one? After all, a squirrel is a wild animal. And how to maintain it? This article will answer these questions.



The squirrel is the cutest furry rodent. It has a small but rather long body, the dimensions of which reach up to 31 cm. However, there are individuals whose body length is approximately 50 cm. At the same time, the Degu squirrel has a body length of up to 22 cm. Therefore, this Chilean rodent is one of the smallest representatives of its families.

These animals have a very fluffy tail, about 2/3 of the length of the entire body. He plays the role of a rudder. With its help, the squirrel balances, jumping from branch to branch.

The squirrel's head is rounded. On the top of the head there are large elongated ears. Some representatives have thick tassels on them. The eyes are round and quite large.

The rodent's paws are strong. Each of them has strong and very sharp claws that help them climb trees.

The squirrel sciurus (the Latin name for the rodent) sheds twice a year, and, accordingly, the coat also changes twice. Typically, in summer these rodents are red in color, and in winter it turns bluish-gray. And the cover itself in cold times is thicker and fluffier than in hot weather.

Squirrels have the most varied colors. They can be fiery red, gray, dark brown and even black.


The squirrel is a very active animal. It is active about 80% of the day. Rodents spend most of their lives in trees. Often in cities they choose parks to live. In winter, animals leave their dens only to find food.

These rodents do not have phenomenal memory. They can hide the seeds well, but then the rodent may forget where the treasure is and find it only by smell.

But, despite their charming appearance and love of games, they can be very aggressive and suspicious. You can’t just pick them up and “squeeze” them. And to make it easier for the squirrel to get used to its new home, it is better to take it at a very young age.


When choosing such an exotic animal, people ask themselves: how long do squirrels live at home?

In their natural habitat, these rodents live on average up to 4 years. At home, where they are not threatened by predators and frost, where the animal is always provided with food and water, they can live up to 13 years and sometimes longer.

Lifespan of squirrels in captivity

Animals have always lived in our house. Often they brought me some bird with a broken wing, a chick that had fallen out of the nest.

My friends Elya and Lenya warned that, most likely, in a few days we will have a new tenant. In response to all the questions, they only looked at each other meaningfully, and I had no choice but to wait patiently.

Little squirrel in the house

And finally this day has come. Elya solemnly placed her bag on the table. When the bag was opened, an extremely curious face poked out of it, and a minute later a tiny red squirrel got out.

The animal looked around busily, saw a bottle of milk in Eli’s hands, ran up, grabbed the pacifier attached to the bottle in its paws and greedily, choking, began to suck.

The little squirrel was about forty days old. He accidentally fell out of the nest and was badly hurt; the people who picked him up could not keep the animal. We named the squirrel Andryushka. Soon, as soon as he heard his name, the little squirrel hurried to the call.

Domestic squirrel and life of squirrels in captivity

The baby squirrel is growing up

Andryushka grew up quickly. He enjoyed eating butter cookies soaked in condensed milk diluted with water. I loved marshmallows, marshmallows and chocolates. I received multivitamins, fish oil, and calcium gluconate. The baby squirrel's fur became smooth and shiny.

After some time, he could independently cope with sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon seeds, and then with nuts. I poured pine nuts into my palm and squeezed my hand. Usually squirrels snort and bite their fingers. Andreika very carefully, without causing pain, bent all his fingers one by one and got to the treat.

We have four squirrels at home

When Andryusha appeared in the apartment, I already had three adult, fluffy squirrels: Ryzhka, Chernushka and Kusaka. These squirrels were given to me a year before Andreika appeared; they were bred in captivity, but the mother squirrel escaped through an open window and the cubs were orphaned at the age of three weeks.

Chernushka was the calmest. The fiery-colored squirrel Ryzhka loved to play pranks and caused me a lot of trouble. Kusaka was named so because he constantly circled around me or his friends while biting the hands, inviting us to play.

The squirrels were friends with each other, they made a nest in the kitchen, in a large old kettle. They carefully collected all the items that interested them and hid them in the nest: vigilance could not be lost even for a minute. The squirrels resolutely refused to accept Andryushka into their family: they snorted, bit the little squirrel when he approached them, and drove him away.

Domestic squirrel and life of squirrels in captivity

He always rushed to people, knowing that he would be saved, and soon Andryusha and I were already inseparable. Andreika built a nest in a cardboard box that stood in the hallway. In the evening he was the first to greet me. There was always something tasty stored in his briefcase for him.

Andryusha jumped on his shoulder, stretched after sleep, looked into his face. I took the animal in my arms, scratched its head and gave it a gift. Andryusha always busily hid the remains of candy or cookies, as well as nuts, in my hair or behind my collar. Apparently, he was convinced that this was the most reliable place to store supplies needed for a rainy day.

Pros and cons of home keeping

They are of great importance for those who decide to get themselves a fluffy and playful pet.

Pros of content:

  • purchasing a rodent is not that expensive: only 5-10 thousand rubles;
  • This animal is very interesting to watch: it is active, playful and merrily runs around the entire cage;
  • representatives of this species are very clean and carefully look after their fur;
  • they are clean and almost odorless.

There are many more disadvantages to keeping a baby squirrel.


  • very high costs of providing a rodent with everything necessary at home;
  • it is very difficult to find a qualified veterinarian who can cure a pet;
  • very often baby squirrels grow up wild, that is, they do not allow themselves to be picked up;
  • not all squirrels relieve their needs in a specially designated place;
  • the pet needs to be let out for a walk in the apartment, which leads to food and things scattered throughout the apartment, chewed wires, scratched wallpaper and curtains.

My home is my castle

When a squirrel takes root in a new place, for example, in an apartment, it begins to feel like a full-fledged mistress; all other people and animals are just guests in its house, sometimes welcome, and sometimes completely unnecessary.

It is also worth remembering that around a squirrel cage there will always be a very unaesthetic environment, some kind of gastronomic chaos, an unpleasant odor is inevitable, to a greater or lesser extent, which depends on the frequency of cleaning. In addition, squirrels shed almost all year round, so people prone to allergies or asthma will have to give up the idea of ​​keeping a red-haired creature.

Of course, there is another side to the coin. Tame squirrels are very sociable creatures, they allow themselves to be petted, sleep in the owner’s arms and respond to a name, familiar sounds, or a cat’s “kiss-kiss.”


In order for your future pet to live a long, happy and cheerful life, it is necessary to prepare properly.

First of all, you need to purchase a cage and all its components (feeder, drinkers, houses, etc.). And it is better to install it in a place where there are no drafts.

It is necessary to hide wires and important items in the house as best as possible. Otherwise, your pet will chew and scratch them when he is released from the cage.

Families with children should not have a squirrel. They will certainly want to cuddle the animal that loves it most.

Cage requirements

The squirrel is an active animal, and therefore the cage should be quite spacious. For one individual, the minimum housing size is 60-70 cm, and the height is 1.5 m. It is advisable that the cage bars be galvanized and powder coated. And the gap between them should be no more than 2 cm.

Necessary equipment

Squirrels usually build nests. Therefore, it is necessary to put houses in the enclosure. Usually there are 2 houses for one pet. It is better to place small twigs, pieces of fabric or cotton wool on the floor of the cage. They will help the animal arrange its home. It is also worth noting that the house should have a hinged lid for easy access for the owner.

Be sure to install a feeder and drinking bowl in the enclosure. And it is advisable to put some kind of mineral stone nearby.

It is also necessary to add branches and shelves on which the animal can jump. You can also install a wheel, ladders, hammocks and other details so that your pet doesn’t get bored.

Features of behavior and character

The small, neat squirrel looks like innocence itself. But it turns out that the hormonal levels of these creatures are no less mischievous than those of some people. By the end of the week, my guest seemed to have gotten used to me, in any case, she gradually walked into her hands and did not show aggression. When suddenly, at the end of the sixth day, out of the blue, she grabbed my finger. A true woman, albeit with a tail.

Of course, life in the forest is much more relaxed - you can run and jump anywhere and as much as you want. But I, on the other hand, didn’t lock the naughty girl in a cage for a whole day. Strictly speaking, she only spent the night there. The rest of the time she wandered around the living room, studying everything that came her way.

The aunt claims that her pet is very kind and trusting. A little willful, yes, but it’s in the blood of squirrels, even tamed ones. And for the sake of the pleasure of communicating with her favorite, she is ready to forgive her minor pranks.

Maintenance and care

Caring for a squirrel is not entirely difficult. They are very clean. Therefore, the cage must be cleaned 1-3 times a week or every other day. However, you should not clean the houses themselves. Otherwise, the smell will disappear and the rodent will behave restlessly. But the feeder and drinker need to be washed once a day.

Squirrels molt 2 times a year: in winter and summer. This process does not bring owners much trouble because it proceeds gradually. In females and males, molting occurs at different times. For the first, after estrus, before the time of birth of the offspring. For the latter, molting begins earlier and continues until July. It will be difficult for your pet to tolerate. During molting, he becomes passive and drowsy.

What to feed squirrels

Photo: petcomments.com
It is very important not to overfeed your rodent. In nature, they spend a lot of energy searching for food, but in an apartment they don’t have to strain, so they gain extra grams in a matter of weeks. Any food for squirrels should not be fried or salted, nuts should only be in shells, only walnuts can be slightly chopped. Literally without several vital products in the diet, the animal will begin to get sick, become weak and die in agony. And by the way, you will have to allocate a full-fledged closet at home for squirrel supplies.


In order for your pet to feel good and live a long and happy life, one well-equipped enclosure is not enough. It is also necessary to feed the animal properly.

Allowed foods and dietary features

Since we are talking about an animal that is initially wild, the preparation of the diet should be approached with special attention.

The diet must include:

  • mushrooms (fresh and dried);
  • pine, hazelnuts and groundnuts;
  • hazelnut;
  • insects;
  • cones with seeds (pine and spruce);
  • catkins of aspen or willow;
  • birch leaves.

To maintain the level of minerals in the body, the animal must be given chalk, coarse table salt and eggshells.

Many people often wonder whether squirrels eat acorns. And the answer is a resounding yes. Rodents really love them.

In addition to nuts, squirrels eat sunflower and pumpkin seeds, vegetables and fruits.

The squirrel also eats small birds, lizards, sometimes small mice and eggs. The latter can be given raw.

You cannot overfeed your pet. This can cause obesity. The thing is that in the wild, squirrels spend most of the day searching for food. This takes a lot of calories. In an apartment there is no such possibility, and little energy is spent.

In winter, the squirrel should be fed food rich in minerals and vitamins. It is even advisable to give vitamin supplements to better support your pet’s immunity.

Daily diet

Adult rodents of the squirrel family are fed 2 times a day.

Prohibited Products

It is very important to pay attention to foods that should never be given to your pet.

The protein diet should not include:

  • roast;
  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • smoked;
  • almond;
  • fruit seeds;
  • apricot;
  • leaves and branches of lilac, elderberry, buckthorn and yew.

Feeding the baby squirrel

Small squirrels need to be fed every 2 hours with goat's milk or special milk for kittens (you can buy it at a pet store). Cow's milk in its pure form cannot be given to them. You can dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. It is better to give food from a pipette. This way the baby will get used to the owner's hands.

Older rodents can be fed white bread soaked in goat cheese. And as you get older, gradually switch to more solid foods.

A very cute and funny squirrel named Ulya

Hello everybody! Our next meeting and today our guests are Antonina and Mikhail, from St. Petersburg, with their unusual pet. Their pet is an Altai teledut squirrel named Ulya. You will find a lot of photos, videos and interesting things about this funny squirrel on their Instagram blog: @belka.ulya

- Antonina, welcome! Please tell us how many pets you have now, what are they like, what are their names?

Currently, in addition to our squirrel Uli, we have fish: the ancistrus Bug and Wrasse and two goldfish.

Video: @belka.ulya

Who is the boss in the house: me or the squirrel?

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FIORY food for squirrels Scoiattoli

550,00 ₽
– I wonder why you decided to get a squirrel?

In our village, in the Novgorod region, there is a large plot with a birch grove. Initially, the idea was this: build a large enclosure with trees inside, raise a tame squirrel, then find a friend for it. And thus, the squirrels will live in nature and will be protected from predators. But... something went wrong.

Video: @belka.ulya

Video: @belka.ulya

When you feed a baby squirrel with milk and don’t sleep at night, it’s impossible to part with it. And now Ulya moves everywhere with us))) Where we go, she goes too, now it’s impossible to leave her in a cage on the street.

Video: @belka.ulya

Video: @belka.ulya

An incredible story or how a walnut-sized squirrel was saved from certain death

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FIORY biscuits for rodents Biscottelli with berries

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VERSELE-LAGA sticks for hamsters and squirrel Crispy with exotic fruits

250,00 ₽
- Antonina, where can I buy such a squirrel?

We bought a baby squirrel in Moscow, at a nursery. We signed up in the fall to come for her in the spring.

Video: @belka.ulya

“You can imagine how difficult it was with the little squirrel.” Were there any difficulties?

At first, as long as we fed the squirrel kitten formula every 4 hours, it was easy.

Photo: @belka.ulya

Photo: @belka.ulya

But when she began to explore the space around her, everything changed! We never left her unattended while she was awake. We tried to toilet train him (but time showed the futility of this idea). They made sure that she did not chew wires and furniture. When she became interested in “forbidden” items, we slipped willow twigs or dandelion root into her paws!

Video: @belka.ulya

And it worked very well! She became completely indifferent to wires and furniture! Although, her “unhealthy” hunt for wireless headphones remained and became like a hobby.

Photo: @belka.ulya

Video: @belka.ulya

The unusual journey of a squirrel from India to Russia

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BEAPHAR Trink Fit Nager vitamins for rodents

800,00 ₽
– How do family members react to such a pet?

Well, what can I say... A squirrel is not a cat or a dog, it is a complex animal. Parents, like everyone around them, are touched at first, and with prolonged contact, such an energetic animal very tires adults with its fuss.

Video: @belka.ulya

Not every squirrel is temperamentally suited. Our squirrel is our only responsibility. We don’t leave her with anyone and even keep an eye on her, just in case, when she comes into contact with strangers: it turned out that if your hands smell like a cat, she might bite!

- Antonina, how does the squirrel behave in the house?

The squirrel has a routine: gets up at dawn and goes to bed at dusk. Consequently, in the summer she can get up at half past four in the morning and go to bed at eight in the evening. Therefore, all this time a hurricane is circling around us with a short break for a “quiet hour” (if you’re lucky, then for 2 hours...)

Video: @belka.ulya

It’s easier in winter, because the squirrel wakes up around 9 am and stays awake for very little time: 5-6 hours (depending on the weather outside), and in severe frost it may not even stick its nose out of the nest, even if the apartment is warm.

Photo: @belka.ulya

Video: @belka.ulya

In any case, during active hours, the squirrel cares about everything! If we are busy with something, she will definitely check whether her help is needed and whether we can cope without her! Nuts also appeared in our lives. Lots of nuts. They are literally everywhere now! We find nuts everywhere. It's already commonplace to go to bed and find a nut under the pillow!

Video: @belka.ulya

– What is her character, characteristics and habits?

Ulya is incredibly talkative! She makes sounds for any reason when she is happy or dissatisfied. She gets up in the morning and clucks something into her ear on her shoulder. When excited during the day, she clicks from an excess of feelings. When he gets capricious, he waves his tail threateningly and tuts at us!

Sometimes he sings quietly, lying on the back of a chair. He drawls like this and pulls his head forward. And when you scratch it, it smells so sweetly...️

Video: @belka.ulya

I am thirsty! Touching video about a brave squirrel

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Bins Mineral stone Apple Bulk for rodents 20g

50,00 ₽
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ZOOMIR Vitaminchik Treats for rodents, restorative

100,00 ₽
– What does Ulya like and what doesn’t?

She loves to play around. Play. He is always trying to find something to do, so something is always falling and rattling at home. The “wheel” toy helps a lot in this regard! Shakes out so much energy from a squirrel that you can power a TV from it.

Video: @belka.ulya

– Antonina probably had to adjust Uli’s “life” too? Well, there are houses, stairs...

Uli has two large cells connected together. They contain several houses, beds and a large running wheel. She knows that this is her home, a refuge and no one will touch her there. Therefore, if she “loses” in catch-up, she always runs there. There she always “wins” and no one “tarnishes” her!

Video: @belka.ulya

– What do you feed the squirrel, what can it even eat?

We give corn, some nuts (not all), pine cones (unopened), rose hips, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, acorns - we stock all this in the fall and store it in the freezer. Eats balanced food for squirrels and rodents from cereals and seeds. Loves fresh rose buds, willow leaves and branches.

Video: @belka.ulya

The chimney is the best home for squirrels in London!

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Hanging cave lounger Trixie

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Triol Coconut house for rodents

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What can she do? First of all, we must proceed from what the squirrel could find in nature. If you ask yourself this question before handing something to the squirrel, then a huge number of questions will disappear by themselves.

Video: @belka.ulya

Video: @belka.ulya

– Antonina, your blog contains information about seagulls. Tell us about them, please.

We have known seagulls for five years. Two seagulls fly to us: Chucha and Flint. And no matter what the weather is, no matter how long we are away, every morning one of them is on duty at our window.

Video: @belka.ulya

It all started with Chuchi, she “chose” us. She sat on the window while we were eating and looked through the glass. And when Misha came up and opened the window, she did not fly away, but waited until they shared food with her! And so she began to visit us regularly. And while she was feeding with us, some “stern” seagull was sitting on the lantern opposite and envied her. We were sure that they were together. But it turned out that this is far from true...

It became cold, and Chucha simply disappeared, and the stern bird remained sitting on the pole. Well, we started offering him fish instead of Chuchi. But since he was afraid, we put the food on the windowsill and walked back. He saw us shaking the fish, putting it on the windowsill and walking away. Then he flew off the lantern, took the fish and returned to the lamp. And so every day. We named him Flint, he only had one flipper. He banged his stump so loudly on the iron casting and walked with a waddle that he looked like an old pirate.

Over time, he stopped flying away, he simply went behind the second window and waited for us to put down the food and move away. Then he began to take food from the fork. After 9 months, he was already knocking on the window with his beak and sitting watching TV with us in the open window!

Video: @belka.ulya

Until Chucha returns! She, according to old memory, ran onto the windowsill waiting for fish, and this was seen by Flint, who during this time decided that it was only his window with food and his tame people. He dived so sharply and gave her such a blow that she flew head over heels into the apartment! Neither she, nor we, nor the fish that disappeared from our table after she left...)) Because Chucha, even in such a situation, was not at a loss!

Video: @belka.ulya

Video: @belka.ulya

How an owl quarreled with squirrels over where to live


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HJ Rodent food (universal) 350 g

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JR FARM 04193 Super food for rodents 1kg

450,00 ₽
In general, for five years they have not reconciled, they live according to the scheme: Flint guards, and Chucha steals. He seizes the moment when he is not around and sits on the window. We have learned to distinguish them unmistakably. Who would have thought, but seagulls are not alike! Each of them has a pair, and they brought them to show us. It turns out that seagulls are monogamous, and none of them have changed pairs. And Flint even showed us three of his chicks!

Video: @belka.ulya

Video: @belka.ulya

– An amazing story about seagulls! How is your typical day like?

We wake up, open the squirrel (she always sleeps in a cage), then run for five minutes on her robe. We are having breakfast - seagulls fly in and we feed them. We work at home, with breaks for games and cleaning up after this furry “garbage man,” and if we need to leave together, the squirrel goes into a cage (this is for its own safety). In the evening we play with the squirrel, when it is “not plugged in” and calm, you can have fun with it and pet it. We put the squirrel in the nest and leave so as not to make noise...

Photo: @belka.ulya

– Are there any difficulties in caring for a squirrel? Which?

You should always keep an eye on vitamins for wool, calcium, and there should always be a mineral stone. A UV lamp for birds is a must and needs to be changed once a year. It is vital for a squirrel to grind down its teeth; they grow throughout their lives. If you don't let her chew hard things, she may have difficulty eating. Therefore, nuts should only be in shell. Paying attention to the fur, this also indicates the state of her body. And you need to trim her claws: for the safety of yourself, others and furniture at home.

Video: @belka.ulya

– Antonina, how do you communicate with Ulya? Has this little one learned anything yet?

He confidently knows the commands “Ulya-NA” and “Ulya-Fu”. If at the phrase “Ulya - NA” she drops everything and runs in her arms, then at the words “Ulya - FU”, she pretends to be a rag, and when you get up or walk in her direction, she sheds in a second.

Video: @belka.ulya

– Are there any funny moments?

I see this every single day. Ulya leaves no chance for sadness. We always keep the camera ready and post the results so that Ulya can “smile” other people)

Video: @belka.ulya

Why won't my neighbor's car start? Because of the new guests under the hood

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TRIXIE rodent toy ball with bell tree

200,00 ₽
– Antonina, what do you advise our readers who would also like to get a squirrel?

Before you get a squirrel, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you ready to get up every day at 6 am and work with the squirrel while it is awake?
  • Are you ready for your apartment to be destroyed and things in the house to be chewed up?
  • Will curtains and clothes be constantly snagged, and your body will be scratched?
  • The squirrel constantly litters around itself. Everything she eats flies in different directions.
  • If you don't interact with a squirrel, it runs wild.
  • If you don't take care of the squirrel, it will ruin everything for you!
  • And remember, if a squirrel is chewing on something, it means that it is either bored or hungry!

Video: @belka.ulya

We have invested a lot, a lot of time, effort and attention in raising her from infancy, so that now we get the joy of communicating with the squirrel, and not the disappointment of the damage that she causes. This is all very nice, but expensive and labor-intensive.

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Publication from Ulya (@belka.ulya)

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Alla Demidova

Author, employee of “My good one”. She likes to create beautiful and interesting articles that are fun to read and learn something new. Hobbies: foreign languages, traveling, meeting new people. Believes that love for animals is a mandatory quality of every person! It’s not for nothing that the British say: “My dog ​​and I!”

How to extend the life of a squirrel

To prolong the life of your furry pet, you need to give it vitamin supplements for rodents.

For example:

  1. Beaphar Lebensvitamine. This is a supplement for rodents containing vitamins C, E, K, B1, B2, B5, B3, B6, B12, B7. It should be added to water ten drops every day for a month.
  2. Chelavit S is a mineral supplement containing microelements iron, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, selenium and iodine. Give 2 drops once a day after meals for a month.
  3. Excel Calcium (8 in 1) – calcium supplement containing calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, 1/10 tablet once a day for a month. Give only to adult pets.


Squirrels are not the friendliest pets. They do not like to be held and are very suspicious of any stranger, and of their owners too. Therefore, they must be tamed immediately after the rodent has adapted to its new home. It is better to hand feed the baby all the time so that he remembers the smell of the owner.

It was mentioned above that squirrels have terrible memory. If you don’t pay attention to them, they can easily go wild and not even come up for food.

With proper upbringing, the animal will be very affectionate.


In one birth, a squirrel can give birth to up to twelve babies. Baby squirrels are born blind and without hair. They begin to see the light only after 14 days. The squirrel is a caring mother, and she feeds her cubs exclusively with mother's milk for the first two months of life. Then the offspring begins to mature intensively and within a year turns into full-fledged adults.

A squirrel can become an affectionate and devoted friend for its owner, but this is only if it is provided with proper care and given a sufficient amount of time.


If the owner wants to breed squirrels as a professional breeder, he will have a lot of work to do.

First you need to install a very large enclosure. After all, now the owner will have many times more pets. It is necessary to create something like a forest in the enclosure: install artificial trees or logs, scatter a lot of branches and put up at least 4 houses. After everything is ready, release two individuals of different sexes into the new home.

The enclosure should be in a warm place and without drafts so that the babies do not get sick.

When choosing baby squirrels for breeding, you need to pay attention to some factors.


  • rodents must be active;
  • The baby squirrels must not be too fat, otherwise the offspring will be too weak or even dead;
  • It is impossible for babies to be too thin, this factor can also lead to weak and underdeveloped offspring;
  • the fur should be shiny;
  • The mother of the baby squirrels must be prolific and have a lot of milk. This can ensure that babies are well developed.

Squirrels are territorial animals. Therefore, it is better that both pets are the same age and grow up together. Otherwise, they simply will not become friends with each other.

Reproduction can begin when the rodents are one year old. Before pregnancy, it is better to purchase an additional cage for the male.

The gestation period lasts about 35 days. At this time, you need to be very careful about the nutrition of the expectant mother. Her diet should contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and salts. She should also be fed meat and bone meal and cottage cheese.

A few days before the birth of the offspring, the female becomes aggressive towards anyone who is close to the house. Therefore, it is better to transplant the male into a separate cage. And when birth is very close, the animal becomes sensitive to blinking lights and loud sounds.

After giving birth, the female feeds the offspring with milk. But sometimes it’s not enough. And then the owner will have to feed the young animals with formula or milk. It is desirable that it be goat. However, if necessary, diluted cow's milk will also work.

Keeping a squirrel at home is very interesting and unusual. However, this will take a lot of money and effort. After all, the animal is very active and tastes everything that it gets into its paws. But if you are full of patience and strength, then such a rodent will bring you a lot of joy.

We create conditions

Before you buy a squirrel, you need to prepare all the conditions for a comfortable stay for it.

Climate for forest rodents

We all know that these animals tolerate both heat and cold well. To do this, they constantly change their fur. Therefore, they will be very comfortable in an apartment or house. However, small squirrels cannot maintain their body temperature on their own and need help with this. In nature, this function is performed by the mother squirrel.

Well, at home you need to monitor the baby’s temperature yourself. Place a heating pad on one side of the cage and leave the other side alone. The baby squirrel will need it in case he gets hot. The most important thing to remember is that the squirrel’s body temperature is slightly higher than ours, approximately 38°C.

Important! If you have any suspicions about the well-being of the rodent, it is better to visit a veterinary clinic.

Dimensions and arrangement of the cage

The first thing you need to purchase is a cage or enclosure. It is best to immediately buy a spacious home, even if you have a small squirrel. This way you will save money because you will not have to buy another cage when the animal grows up. The squirrel cage should be about 1.5 m high and 60x80 cm wide. It is desirable that the cage has a tray. Cleaning in this case will take less time.

However, one cell will not be enough. Inside it, you still need to install a drinking bowl and a food bowl, and place litter for rodents at the bottom of the cage. You can also purchase a house that resembles the natural habitat of squirrels, that is, similar to a hollow or nest. You can put hay, pieces of fabric or fur inside it. In such a home, your pet will feel as comfortable as possible.

Important! It is worth remembering that the squirrel needs to constantly grind down its teeth and claws. Therefore, there must be some kind of branch or snag in her home. Otherwise, it may lead to health problems.

It wouldn’t hurt to install additional elements in the home so that the animal leads an active lifestyle. This is, for example, a wheel, a hammock, a ladder or a swimming pool. However, please note that the wheel should be purchased without an axle and all fastenings should be well hidden.

Did you know? The smallest squirrels on the planet measure 2.5 cm. They live on the African continent.

Interesting options for arranging a home for a domestic squirrel are presented in the photo.

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