Collie: description of a group of dog breeds, characteristics of varieties, maintenance at home and in an apartment (130 photos)

Review author: “ZooVita”

The cute collie has long won the hearts of Russians. She aroused particular interest in the 90s, after the release of the film “Lassie Returns”. Everyone who managed to see the movie certainly wanted to have such a pet as a loyal friend and protector. Children especially dreamed about her.

She has many names: some call her Scottish Collie, others Lassie, and others like the name Longhair or English Collie. All of the above statements refer to one breed - the Scottish Shepherd.

However, few people know that there are a lot of collie breeds, and among them there are guard dogs that are far from the usual Scottish dog in appearance. For example, the Border Collie breed.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Collie longhair
Activityin the house2.2
on the street3.4
Dominationin family1.5
over dogs2.2
Defending your territoryfrom people2.4
from dogs2.8
Sociabilityin family4.7
with strangers3.7
with dogs3.6
Concentrationin family1.3
in front of strangers2.1
with dogs2
Aggressivenessin family1.1
to strangers1.5
to the dogs1.8
to cats1.7
Family behaviorcalmness4.5
demand for affection4.2
excessive barking2.8
behavioral breakdowns1.8
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4.2
over 4 years old4.5
Institutional usewatchman4

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog), Border Collie, Great Dane, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever.

The photo shows what representatives of the collie breed look like:


Photo of what a collie looks like

A long nose

Marble or blue merle color

Features of the diet

This breed of dog needs special attention to its diet. You cannot give food from a common table, and it is also unacceptable to overfeed the animal.

If there are no allergic reactions, you can keep your pet on natural products.

General characteristics of collie dogs

Longhaired Collies are an ancient herding breed developed in Scotland. Also called the Scottish Shepherd. This is one of the most peaceful and kind dogs, easy to train. She is smart, smart, understands words and strives to help people.

Nowadays, Scottish Shepherds no longer work as shepherds, but are often used as service dogs. They are suitable for guard duty, search for prohibited substances, and rescue work. Their charm, sensitivity and good nature make them ideal guide dogs and companions.

breed namecollie longhair
country of originGreat Britain
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationherding and cattle dogs, shepherd section
applicationshepherd, watchman, nanny, guide, rescuer, companion
life expectancy12-13 years old
heightmales 56-61 cm, females 51-56 cm
weightmales 26-34 kg, females 19-26 kg
character traitsaffectionate, loyal, hardy, responsive, balanced
attitude towards a persongood-natured, obedient, faithful, love children, cannot stand loneliness, treat strangers with restraint
traininglight, very understanding, smart and obedient
noisebark frequently, express their emotions with their voices and communicate with people
need for caretall, sheds a lot

Pros of the breed

Collies are shepherd dogs bred to help shepherds. They have a genetic desire to help people. Therefore, now it is the best companion, easy to train, suitable for both single people and families with children. The popularity of this dog is explained by the following advantages:

  • suitable for living in an apartment;
  • adapts to any features of the owner’s lifestyle;
  • has an attractive appearance;
  • balanced, soft, flexible character;
  • friendly, non-aggressive, loyal;
  • sensitive to changes in a person’s mood, tries to support him and calm him down;
  • gets along easily with other pets;
  • unpretentious, tolerates cold well;
  • loves children, is patient with any of their tricks, an excellent nanny;
  • very smart, quick-witted, easily learns different tricks;
  • clean, does not smell like dog;
  • has good health.

Cons of the breed

But collies have more than just advantages. People who will not be able to pay enough attention to the pet, walk it, and exercise it, should not get it. These dogs are very sensitive, sociable, and often noisy. Without training and physical activity, they can become sad and sick. Scottish Shepherds have a few more disadvantages:

  • sheds heavily, not suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • this dog is active and needs long walks;
  • loves to bark, whine, squeal;
  • with insufficient socialization, she can be cowardly - afraid of loud sounds, cars;
  • can run away while walking.

Interesting facts about the breed

Collie is one of the TOP smartest dogs; many consider it one of the kindest and most beautiful. But the popularity of long-haired representatives of the breed has declined in recent years. Nowadays these are rare pets; shelties and border collies are more popular. But there are still many lovers of this breed. There are several interesting facts about her:

  • The breed gained wide popularity in the world after the film “Lassie” about a dog that overcame many difficulties to find its owner;
  • in this film, Lassie is a bitch, but her role was played by males;
  • Thanks to their beautiful appearance and intelligence, collies are often featured in films and commercials;
  • a thick, dense undercoat allows these dogs to easily endure not only frost, but also heat;
  • the wool of Scottish Shepherds has medicinal properties - it helps with rheumatism and joint pain;
  • these dogs are sensitive, able to sense a person’s mood, therefore they are often used in canistherapy;
  • The lifespan of collies is the same as that of most dogs, but some individuals live longer, and one dog lived 28 years.

The video complements the characteristics of the collie:

Video: Collie dogs

Video: Collie dog pros and cons of the breed

Video: Collie dog - all characteristics of the breed


  • Sable with white;
  • Tricolor;
  • Blue Merle;
  • Mahogany.

After looking at photos of collies, you will fall in love with this breed. No matter the coat or color, the collie looks very attractive and beautiful.

Origin story

The birthplace of the breed is Great Britain. Researchers believe that the ancestors of the collie were brought to the island by the Romans. There they mixed with the herding aboriginal shepherd dogs. They became most popular in Scotland, where there were many farmers who raised sheep. According to one version, the name “collie” came from the word colleys, which meant black sheep. They also began to call the dogs that herded these animals. The name was established already in the 17th century.

For many years, collie dogs helped shepherds. There were almost no predators in Scotland, so the shepherd did not need ferocity and great strength. She only had to make sure that the sheep did not fall behind. Therefore, the collie turned out to be not aggressive, responsible, but hardy and agile. Thick fur protected it from bad weather, and large muscular paws made it easy to move in mountainous areas. Then these dogs were more squat, the main color was black and white.

By the end of the 19th century, the breed became popular among ordinary dog ​​breeders. Not only the working qualities of the collies were appreciated, but also their calm, peaceful character. They began to be bred as companions. Representatives of the breed began to be crossed with greyhounds and setters. A red color appeared, the height became taller, the muzzle became elongated. In 1885, collies similar to modern ones were exhibited at an exhibition. Long-haired and smooth-haired varieties of the breed were distinguished separately.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Scottish Shepherds came to America and quickly gained popularity there. The oldest collie kennels are now located in the United States. They appeared in Russia during the reign of Nicholas II. In these countries, larger collies were bred than Scottish ones.

In Russia, these dogs were used mainly for service purposes, they served in the army, in the police, and therefore had a more aggressive character. The RKF standard was slightly different from the international one. Only in the 90s, thanks to the import of breeding specimens from abroad, more good-natured and shorter representatives of the breed began to appear.

Possible diseases

The collie breed is characterized by strong immunity and stable health. However, they did not escape the fate common to many breeds - inheriting diseases genetically. Typically, they are associated with skin, vision and neurology. In addition, the dog may suffer from congenital deafness.

Among eye diseases, breeders identify progressive retinal atrophy, entropion of the eyelid, distisiasis (extra number of eyelashes), as well as congenital collie eye syndrome. Skin ailments include all kinds of dermatitis, including yeast, pemphigus foliaceus, and vitiligo.

The most common neurological disease is epileptic seizures. One of the most dangerous progressive diseases of the spinal cord is degenerative myelopathy. It is more common in older dogs, between 7 and 15 years of age. Deterioration of pelvic coordination is its first sign.

The animal's gait begins to wobble, and the back of the body collapses. The disease can progress until the legs completely fail. The disease progresses over a short period of time, from six months to a year. Experts note that the dog does not experience pain.

Description of appearance

The breed standard introduced by the RKF in the mid-20th century classified the Scottish Shepherd as a large dog. The height of males then reached 69 cm, and females - up to 64 cm. Almost the same standards are still in force in the USA: the height at the withers for a male is 61-66 cm, for a female - 56-61 cm. But according to the ICF collie standard belongs to medium-sized breeds. Its variety, the Sheltie, is also popular. The height of these dogs does not exceed 41 cm, and their weight is about 10 kg.

The Scottish Shepherd is a beautiful dog with a graceful build, but stately and hardy, with a proud bearing. She is proportionally built, moves gracefully and easily. With a fairly large stature, the weight of a male should be no more than 34 kg, and that of a female – up to 26 kg. The appearance features also include a narrow fox muzzle, expressive intelligent eyes and lush long hair.

The pictures illustrate the appearance features:


The head is medium in size, proportional to the body. Elongated, wedge-shaped. The cheekbones are flat, the stop is weakly expressed. The jaws are strong, with a scissor bite. The lips are dry, black, and do not sag. The bridge of the nose is slightly rounded, the lobe is large and black.

The eyes are almond-shaped and set obliquely. This gives the muzzle a slightly sly expression. Eye color is usually dark, but blue coloring and even heterochromia are acceptable for marbled collies. The ears are small, triangular, set high. Usually the collie will hold them back against her head, but if she is excited, the ears will stand up and the tips will droop.

Body type

The neck is muscular, long, beautifully arched. The physique is harmonious, the body is elongated. The lower back is raised, the chest is deep, the stomach is tucked. The tail is long and hangs down when at rest. The tip may be slightly raised. Never throws itself onto its back or bends into a ring.


The forelimbs are smooth, thin, and placed close to each other. Elbows point back. The hind legs are muscular, the hock joints are well defined. Paws are oval, toes arched. The dog moves easily and springily.

Photos complement the description of the collie:


The fur is thick and completely covers the entire body. The guard hair is hard, long, straight. Forms a lush mane and collar on the neck, feathering on the paws and tail. The hair on the head is short. The undercoat is dense, dense and soft.


The standard allows only three collie colors:

  • sable - from golden to dark red;
  • tricolor or tricolor - a combination of black, white and red, the main color of such dogs should be black, red tan on the legs and head;
  • marbled or blue merle - silver-blue color with dark spots, large black spots are unacceptable.

Regardless of color, the dog should have a white collar, shirt front, white spots on the paws and the tip of the tail. They can also be on the face. In some countries, white collies are found. Only their head and tail are colored. Such individuals are obtained from crossing two marbled parents. This is not officially permitted by the standard, and such coloring is not recognized. White puppies are often born with genetic defects.


Previously, Scottish collies were only long-haired. Since the 20th century, short-haired representatives of the breed have also been distinguished. There are several other varieties of collies:

  • bearded or birdie - a very rare breed, with long hair on the head, characteristic eyebrows, beard and mustache;
  • Border Collies are the smartest representatives of the breed, their hair is of medium length;
  • Sheltie is a miniature copy of the long-haired representatives of the breed, their weight does not exceed 10 kg.

Sometimes Australian Shepherds and Australian Kelpies are also classified as collies.

The photographs show how long-haired representatives of the breed differ from other varieties:

Border Collie


Bearded Collie

History of name and types

The history of the name of the collie breed is a little confusing and not precise. There is no clear information anywhere.

The breed is divided into 2 types:

  • long-haired appearance;
  • smooth-haired appearance;
  • Bearded Collie or Birdie.
  • Border Collie;
  • Sheltie.


At the genetic level, the collie's character retains herding instincts. Therefore, when walking, these dogs “herd” everyone. They get very nervous when one of the family members goes far away. Collies are especially good at looking after children, which is why they are considered the best nannies. This pet will never offend a child, will tolerate his tricks, and will allow him to pull his ears and fur. But for this it is necessary that the dog begins to communicate with the child from an early age.

Collies have a calm, balanced temperament. She easily finds a common language with any person and other animals. She has no extremes in her character. This is a sociable, sociable pet, ready to accompany its owner everywhere, but will never be intrusive or annoying. The dog is active, playful, but will never cause chaos in the apartment.

The following character traits can be noted in dogs of this breed:

  • good nature;
  • peacefulness;
  • responsibility;
  • loyalty;
  • sociability;
  • curiosity;
  • patience;
  • obedience;
  • performance.

Education and training

Collies are very easy to train. They are among the most intelligent and intelligent dogs. But for this, education must begin in the first days of the puppy’s appearance in the house. The owner must be patient, calm and consistent. The Scottish Shepherd does not tolerate an authoritarian style of communication; you need to behave kindly and calmly with it.

These pets are not prone to dominance, so they are suitable even for inexperienced dog owners. They try to please the owner. Therefore, during the training process, praise and affection are enough; treats can be used for encouragement. It is unacceptable to shout, let alone hit these dogs; they are very sensitive and touchy. Collies cannot even tolerate conversations between people in a raised voice.

But for the Scottish Shepherd, timely socialization is important so that the dog does not grow into a timid and nervous animal. The puppy needs to be accustomed to the sounds of the street, cars, and strangers. Up to six months, a collie is able to learn all the basic commands:

  • to me;
  • place;
  • it is forbidden;
  • ugh;
  • sit;
  • stand;
  • near;
  • lie;
  • take a walk.

From six months you can start learning more complex commands and tricks. Collies are well trained in agility, freestyle, and Frisbee. They easily pass all the standards for basic training courses. But this dog should not be trained as a ZKS, it lacks aggressiveness, and it will not be able to become a bodyguard or security guard.

Interesting pictures complement the description of the collie’s character:

Interesting Facts

Some interesting facts will help you get to know your long-haired friends better:

  1. During the Great Patriotic War, a shepherd named Dick helped defuse more than 12,000 mines. The most valuable achievement for our country is that Dick discovered a landmine weighing 2.5 tons in the foundation of the Pavlovsk Palace an hour before the explosion.
  2. In the Lassie series, the dog heroine was female. However, her role was played by boys - they are more resilient. In total, 9 different dogs starred in the film.
  3. The world's most famous producer of Scotch whiskey, William Grant&Sons, has released a whiskey called Scottish Collie. The label depicts a Scottish Sheepdog against a background of wooden barrels and high mountains.

Expert opinion

Leonid Rodin

Experienced dog breeder

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The long-haired Scottish Sheepdog is as recognizable an attribute of the region as the famous whiskey brands, the national men's skirt or the bagpipes. However, the breed has fans all over the world. A collie in a luxurious coat of signature red and white colors can compete in the number of star owners with any other, most exotic, breed. Such legendary singers as Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan and Rod Stewart willingly posed with them. Kevin Costner often appeared in public with long-haired Leila. Well, and a whole galaxy of beautiful, rich and famous - from Marilyn Monroe to Natalie Wood. American presidents also did not disdain the collie’s herding past and periodically introduced them into the White House. John Calvin Coolidge, called “the laziest president of the United States,” doted on white collies and kept a couple of them. His baton was picked up by the 36th head of the States, Lyndon Johnson, and then Ronald Reagan. The short-haired variety of the breed has not achieved much popularity. Among celebrities, perhaps only Freddie Mercury preferred the short-haired collie.

Maintenance and care

The Scottish Shepherd is suitable for any dog ​​owner who is willing to pay attention to it and walk it at least 2-3 hours a day. Collies can be kept in an apartment or in a private house, but not on a chain. Thanks to its thick coat, it can withstand any weather conditions. But these dogs become very attached to their owner, they require communication, so it is not recommended to leave them in an enclosure for a long time.

With proper maintenance and care, collies can live at least 12-13 years. This dog requires normal hygiene procedures. Clean the ears of wax and dirt weekly, trim the nails every month, and periodically brush the teeth. You should check your pet's eyes every day. You can wash them with chamomile decoction, tea or a special lotion. You should regularly give your pet anthelmintic medications and treat the fur for external parasites.

Collie coat care

The main problem with caring for this dog is its thick coat. She collects all the garbage and dirt. Dry dust does not linger on it, and in rainy weather it is better to put a blanket on the dog that will cover the stomach. For the same purpose, it is recommended to trim the hair between the toes. After a walk, the paws should be washed and the pads should be lubricated with oil if necessary. This shepherd should be bathed no more than once a month with a special shampoo for long-haired dogs.

Kohls shed heavily twice a year. But dogs that live in an apartment can shed all year round without shedding as much hair. Therefore, you will have to brush this pet several times a week. This helps avoid the formation of tangles and protects furniture and carpets in the house from wool.

For combing, it is convenient to use metal combs with sparse long teeth, hard brushes, and a slicker brush. It is recommended to spray the wool with a special conditioner, which will help to quickly untangle tangled hair.

The photo shows the features of collie fur:


Veterinarians recommend feeding collies dry food. It should contain natural meat, vitamins, and fiber. Therefore, it is worth choosing super-premium or holistic class options. These foods contain all the necessary nutrients for the dog’s health and activity and good coat condition.

If you feed your pet natural food, you need to choose fresh foods. Nutrition should be balanced. The main part of the diet is lean meat; an adult dog will need at least 400 g per day. It is also useful to give offal, sea fish, cereals, vegetables, and dairy products.

You need to add unrefined vegetable oil to your food and give your dog fish oil. This is a wool log. Additionally, on the recommendation of a veterinarian, you can choose vitamin supplements for your pet. Show dogs should not be given seaweed or iodine supplements, as it can stain the white areas of the coat.


The Scottish Sheepdog is an ancient working breed and therefore has few genetic diseases. These can be eye pathologies: entropion and CEA, this disease is also called “collie eye” syndrome. Marbled dogs have congenital deafness. Diseases such as dermatitis and joint dysplasia are rare in collies.

If you eat improperly, you may develop allergies and accumulate excess weight. It must also be remembered that Scottish Shepherds have a congenital intolerance to certain medications.

The video shows how to properly care for dogs of this breed:

Video: Regular care for dogs with double coat type

Video: Grooming the Collie

Health and Diseases of Scottish Sheepdogs

On average, collies live 12-14 years, although exceptions to the rule, those who meet their 16th birthday in good health, are not so rare. Genetic diseases plague Scottish Sheepdogs to a lesser extent than most popular breeds, due to the working status in which representatives of this canine clan have been for a long time.

The specific hereditary diseases to which “Scots” are susceptible most often include the ocular anomaly CEA, which has several degrees of severity and is diagnosed in 5-7-week-old puppies. In adults, CEA can only be detected using DNA tests. Before buying a puppy, find out from the seller whether the producers are carriers of a defective gene that is passed on to the offspring, and ask to see the results of the examination.

Animals with the blue merle color sometimes exhibit congenital deafness. In addition, some representatives of the breed suffer from degenerative myelopathy, ectopic ureters, hip dysplasia and dermatitis. Anomalies in the development of the eyelid also still occur, so from time to time offspring are born with everted or inverted eyelids, as well as distichiasis.

How to buy a puppy

Thanks to the popularity of the breed in the 20th century, there are now many kennels breeding these dogs. Therefore, buying a purebred collie puppy is not a problem. In Moscow, the price of a dog with a pedigree starts from 15-20 thousand rubles. Exhibition dogs are more expensive - 40-50 thousand, and for a show-class puppy you will have to pay from 80 thousand rubles. It is better to contact a kennel to purchase a dog. The breeder must provide all the necessary documents, a veterinary passport.

Before purchasing, you need to study the conditions in which the dogs are kept. It should be dry and clean there. It is important to observe your mother and her behavior. Puppies are purchased at the age of 2-2.5 months. They should have smooth shiny fur, a narrow muzzle, thin legs, and a wide body. The puppy should be active, curious, playful.

When choosing a sex, you need to take into account that females are more affectionate, obedient, and easier to train. They make the best nannies. Males are more suitable as a companion for a young man or teenager, they are active.

The pictures show what Scottish Shepherd puppies look like:

Before getting a dog of this breed, you need to watch a video about its advantages and disadvantages:

Video: Longhaired Collie - description of the Scottish Sheepdog breed

Video: All about the breed: Longhaired Collie

Video: “Business and Intelligent Dog” or “Long-haired Collies”

Video: This breed. Collie

Collie is a shepherd dog that will become a devoted and affectionate friend. This is a very beautiful, loyal and smart dog. With proper upbringing and care, its maintenance will not cause any trouble. The Scottish Shepherd is suitable for any owner who is willing to give it enough attention.

Scottish Sheepdog price

Today you can purchase a long-haired collie puppy, as well as sign up for the next litter, at the nurseries “Daenerys”, “Nixend”, “Eli Evenstar” and others. And get ready to travel: some of the breeders live in regions in the south and north of the country. The approximate price of a Scottish Shepherd puppy with an RKF metric and a decent pedigree ranges from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles. Offspring with promising appearance from producers with international diplomas will cost 10,000 - 20,000 rubles more.

Advantages and disadvantages of Collie

The main advantages of this breed include:

  • friendliness;
  • loyalty and devotion to the owners;
  • sufficient intelligence;
  • complete lack of aggressiveness.

This breed has no serious disadvantages, but there are some minor disadvantages:

  • The long hair of these individuals should be regularly groomed to maintain a beautiful appearance;
  • during the molting period, the wool will “fly” throughout the apartment, so it is better not to keep it in the apartment;
  • if family members have an allergic reaction to wool, then the idea of ​​having a collie in the house will have to be abandoned;
  • This dog cannot stand loneliness and separation from its owners.

How much does it cost and where to buy?

The cost of a puppy depends on the pedigree, exterior, title of the parents, and the reputation of the kennel:

  • pet class – 15–20 thousand rubles;
  • breed class – 30–50 thousand rubles;
  • show class - about 80 thousand rubles.

You can buy a puppy secondhand for 5–10 thousand rubles. But in this case there are no guarantees of his breed and health.

Scottish Shepherd kennels operate in many large cities:

  • Moscow - “Alhenium”;
  • St. Petersburg - “Jetstone”;
  • Novosibirsk - “Aleander”;
  • Samara - “Irline of beauty”

Reproduction and lifespan

It is recommended to breed only purebred collies whose parameters fully comply with the standard. They should not be younger than 2-2.5 years. The third requirement is that you cannot breed a bitch with a dog if they are related by blood.

An emotionally mature collie for breeding is calm, non-aggressive and obedient. If a dog constantly barks and worries for no reason, you should not look for a mating partner until its psycho-emotional state has stabilized.

The first heat of a female dog of this breed occurs at six months. During this period, she becomes more aggressive. The animal may begin to bark at passers-by and refuse to spend time with children.

It is highly not recommended to look for a mating partner for her at this stage. The reason is physiological immaturity. A young dog that is not physically strong will not produce healthy offspring. Important! Dog mating occurs only in the territory of the male.

When more than a week has passed since the start of the bitch's heat, she can be taken to a male. When she first meets him, she may show hostility. But, after prolonged sniffing, the animals will certainly show interest in each other.

Collies over 6 years old are not suitable for breeding. A clear sign of a dog's pregnancy is a rounded belly. She will bear offspring for no more than 73 days. One litter can have from 1 to 8 puppies. They can be separated from their mother no earlier than after 2 months.

Some dog breeding experts claim that the dog will be much healthier if it feeds on its mother's milk for about 3 months. With proper care, a collie will live at least 13 years.

Health issues

Collie is a healthy dog ​​with no genetic abnormalities. However, even she can get sick. It is important to understand that responsibility for the dog’s health lies with its owner. He is required to organize a menu for the animal, systematically show it to the doctor, give medicine for parasites and care for it.

If your dog’s diet contains processed foods, chocolate or other foods from the “prohibited” list, the mucous membrane of his gastrointestinal tract will become inflamed. This will lead to gastritis. The main symptom of this disease in dogs is refusal to eat.

Some collies do not tolerate medications well, so never administer them yourself.

Representatives of this breed are prone to eye abnormalities. It is important to regularly wipe your collie's face with damp cotton wool or a cloth. If you notice souring on the dog’s eye mucosa, rinse it with running water.

Be sure to inspect your dog's body for parasites. If he lives on the street, it is necessary to give him medicine against worms, ticks and fleas twice a year. This should be done not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes.

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