How to teach a dog the “come to me” command. A complete guide from a dog handler

The appearance of a puppy in the house is always joy and positive emotions. To prevent living together from becoming a torment, the owner must take a responsible approach to raising the pet; its behavior and development depend on this. In this article, I will tell you how to teach a dog the “Come to me!” command.

My dog ​​is now 3 years old, Pekingese breed, appeared at the age of 1.5 months, she taught everything herself. I am not a professional dog trainer, but I studied information about training from books and the Internet, and watched videos. In practice, I came to conclusions that I want to share.

It was hard to start classes, it seemed that the cute little face deserved only affection, and training was too harsh a method of education, but I pulled myself together and decided.

First of all, we learned the “Nearby” command, as the professionals advise, the rest were easier.

It is necessary to lead the dog to your left and, in case of an attempt to change course, pull back the leash, saying “Nearby”; in case of obedience, stroke it or give a treat, I alternated.

We walked twice a day, not on a full stomach, at the same time. It took about two weeks to fully master the command. After two months, I risked taking her off the leash, which turned out to be stressful for me, and we still only walk like this in safe places.

After consolidation, we moved on to learning the following skills. Don’t be intimidated by the sequence of learning commands; once you master the basic ones, you can teach your pet a lot!

Why teach your dog the command “Come to me!”

No matter how much you admire your pet, know that he needs discipline.

An uncontrollable animal is capable of inappropriate actions and poses a danger to both the owner and others.

And since you are responsible, remember: an obedient dog is a calm master! By teaching your dog to do what is required, you will greatly facilitate your interaction. If you can achieve obedience, you will be able to manage and control the actions of the dog.

Command “Come to me!” is basic and serves as the basis for training. Having mastered it, you will greatly facilitate the acquisition of further skills. Get the opportunity to call your dog to you at any time.

For example, on a walk without a leash, you are walking close to the roadway, your pet is playing and is already close to an approaching car. A fixed skill will allow the dog to respond and trouble will not happen.

Or the dog ran into the playground and started playing with the child. Not all parents will approve of such interaction. An assigned team will help you avoid a scandal.

What not to do during training

When teaching a dog the command “Come!” It’s better to familiarize yourself in advance with the list of common mistakes that can ruin all your efforts. Once you have caused your pet to dislike training, it will be difficult to get rid of it.

The first and most important rule is that after you have commanded: “Come to me!”, do not scold or punish your pet. If a dog runs up to you, but on the way does something wrong, you cannot shout at it, much less beat it or drive it away. In the animal’s memory, the punishment will be associated with the command, and it will not want to carry it out again.

A mistake often made by inexperienced dog breeders is to call their pet to them with the command “Come to me!” at the end of the walk and immediately attach the leash. At first glance it may seem that this is logical and convenient. But from the dog's point of view, the command will begin to mean tying up and the end of the party. Calling your four-legged friend over to you, pet him, scratch him behind the ear, stand or play for a while, and then put on the leash. If you have time, walk around a little more before returning home.

The owner is the unquestioned authority for the dog. He should not repeat the same thing dozens of times in the hope of being heard. Command “Come to me!” very important and serious. It requires the dog to take a break from any activities and react instantly. Give the command once, otherwise the dog will decide that it doesn’t really matter whether he responds the first, third, or tenth time. If the dog ignores you, take him on a leash and repeat “Come to me!” Later. If your pet knows the command well but refuses to follow it, reprimand him.

Until the dog has mastered the previous command, it is not advisable to switch to teaching a new one. The dog may begin to get confused and do something completely different from what is expected of it. Act consistently, and the result will not be long in coming.

When you are just starting to learn the command “Come to me!”, make sure that the environment is fairly quiet and calm. It is useless to train a dog that is constantly distracted by children, animals, noisy companies or passing cars. Do not say: “Come to me” if you doubt that the pet will come. In this case, alternative phrases such as “Come here!” will work. or “Come!”, and the command “Come to me!” must be carried out unquestioningly from the first days of training.

You cannot command with an angry, dissatisfied or frightening voice; choose calm and joyful intonations. Dogs are sensitive to the mood and emotions of their owners. Fluffy should want to approach you, and not be afraid.

Body language also matters a lot. Some owners do not pay attention to this moment and take a threatening pose - they lean forward slightly, spread their arms and look straight at the animal. Even the most devoted pet will want to run in the opposite direction! Turn half sideways, bend your knees slightly, pat your thighs with your hands and demonstrate in every possible way that you will be glad when the dog approaches.

At what age to start

Dog handlers do not recommend delaying it, but starting training at 2-3 months. This is the optimal age, because the earlier you start, the easier it will be to master.

You should not do this earlier, since the dog has not yet been socialized and is not accustomed to the street. Moreover, it is necessary to go through the stages preceding training: accustoming to a nickname, a toilet, a place, a walk.

You shouldn’t overload your puppy with everything at once, but gradually move from mastering one command to another.

Choosing a place to train your dog

At the initial stage on the street, it is better to choose a quiet place, without a road nearby, then you will not have to keep the dog on a short leash for fear of letting go. Also, if your pet is distracted by extraneous noises, this will interfere with training.

There is a small park not far from our house, where we started our classes. In the morning hours it is easier, there are few people, the dog is not distracted. It was more difficult in the evening, but we still managed to find places.

If you have the opportunity to travel outside the city, then this is an ideal option. To consolidate the results, we continued to train at home.

Support the team

Continue training on the street, gradually make the call more difficult, never punish someone for approaching you, and don’t forget to give the release command. Unfortunately, the calling command itself is necessary precisely in order to recall the dog from activities recognized by the owner as harmful, be it eating possibly poisoned wealth left on the street, chasing cats running away onto the roadway, or the desire to get acquainted with an unfriendly huge dog coming towards you. . This is why developing good calling skills is very important, especially in urban environments.

© Ksenia Aleeva

Choice of treats

Treats are selected taking into account the preferences and characteristics of the breed. French bulldogs are often allergic to chicken, and Pomeranians are allergic to beef. Chocolate, spices, fruits, mushrooms, nuts, cabbage are prohibited for all breeds.

Study this issue carefully so as not to cause stomach problems.

This should not be everyday food, but a delicacy or something that the dog rarely gets.

An important point is not only the choice of treat, but also its size; the smaller it is, the better.

If your pet is on natural food, you can use boiled beef or chicken (if there is no allergy), cutting it into 5 mm pieces.

Dry food is easier; buy ready-made treats. You can serve either in an open palm or by holding it between your thumb and index finger.

I chose beef, but sometimes I also took turkey, as well as cheese, it holds its shape perfectly and does not fall apart into fibers.

The importance of this skill

How to teach your dog the “down” command at home

If the dog knows that after receiving the order “Come to me” he must approach the owner, then he will not get lost while walking. A trained dog is easier to control. For example, if a pet chases a cat, the owner only needs to voice a command for him to return. This order helps curb the aggression of fighting and guard dogs.

By running when called, the dog shows that it recognizes its subordinate position. If he is not familiar with the command, then in the event of an emergency, he will not be able to help the owner (pull him out of a hole, save him from a criminal attack).

Reaction to a call, incorrect position of a person

Features of training

For daily use

On the street, when your pet does not yet understand your requirements, release the leash at a distance of 2-2.5 m and, when commanded, pull it slightly towards you.

When he runs up, show him your favorite toy and play. Rejoice at every completed command. If you don’t go, use a trick by pretending to leave.

At home the principle of studying is the same. The main thing is that training does not cause negativity, you need to develop a positive association.

For example, say a command when serving food. Or after the dog runs up, play with him.

If manipulations are unpleasant for the dog, do not use the command (when trimming nails or cleaning ears).

Both at home and on the street, you cannot run after the dog on your own; develop authority.

Teaching the command “Come to me!” according to the OKD standard

OKD (general dog training course) is a set of exercises for obedience and agility.

According to this standard, the command “Come to me!” the dog must react instantly and sit near the owner’s left leg, making a detour.

Usually, the general course is taught with service dogs, but for everyday life it would not be a bad idea to master this program.

Classes are held with professional dog handlers, which will allow the dog to know many commands, but I conducted the training myself, focusing on the information I had learned. I have a pet dog, although I can be proud of the number and quality of commands he has mastered.

Execution of the “Come to me” command according to the standard

To teach a dog the normative command “Come to me,” you should act as described above, but instead of just sitting, do a walk around.

Show the dog a treat while holding it in your right hand. Hold the piece right next to the dog’s nose and move your hand with the treat behind your back, then transfer it to your left hand and move it slightly forward. The dog will follow your hand, walk around you and take a “next to” position. If at the end you raise your hand with a treat, the dog will sit down (if it doesn’t sit down, command “Sit”). At first, both you and the dog will be confused, but after a few practices the dog will understand what is required of it.

We help the pet take a position “nearby”


How to train a puppy

The main thing is to establish a boundary between the game and the execution of the command; the game can be an encouragement.

My dog ​​is very interested in the world around him: nature, people, animals. Therefore, when studying outside, I tried to choose a quiet place, but even there he managed to be distracted by everything around him.

For this reason, I began to pronounce the command only at the moment when he was already running towards me. When he runs up, I’ll pet him and give him a treat. Then I wait to play or enjoy nature.

If I saw that he was looking in my direction, I would say the command again. Doesn’t react - I easily pull the leash in my direction, at first this caused misunderstanding, but then he came up and again received approval and affection.

After two days, I began to move a greater distance and pronounced the command along with the nickname “Achi, come to me!” simultaneously tapping his knees.

A couple of days later she called without a nickname. The algorithm was this: practicing the skill 3-4 times, then playing and resting. After 5-10 minutes, work again.

She trained on a leash, gradually increasing the distance, and eventually removed it completely. We worked out 2 times a day during a walk in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach, so it was more convenient, and 2 times at home to consolidate.

How to train an adult dog

Only a professional can train an adult dog from scratch. If a dog is not trained in basic commands, it is impossible to control it.

If you decide to train an adult dog on your own, you will need much more patience than with a puppy.

The principle is the same, the basis should be a positive association, without using punishment. If the negative reflex is already firmly established, use another expression when training, for example, “Toe!”

If you have basic skills, you can complicate their implementation, for example, using OKD (comes up and sits near your left leg).

You can also complicate the implementation with a set of exercises. After the dog has approached, say “Sit!” and only then hand over the treat.

Basics of raising a dog

Having a dog in your home changes your normal lifestyle. You must understand that your pet is individual and has its own character. Therefore, special attention should be paid to his upbringing and training.

If you just adopted a puppy, give him some time to adjust. He must recognize his owner, and also learn to distinguish between all family members. Establish rules in the house that will not only allow you to raise your dog correctly, but will also lay the foundation for successful training and execution of commands:

  1. The dog should have its own place to sleep and eat. Never take her to bed or feed her from the table. This will create bad habits that will come back to haunt you as the puppy grows up.
  2. The dog should be the last one to enter the apartment (if you live in the city) or the house. Otherwise, she will feel like she is in charge and this will complicate further education.
  3. Do not allow strangers to pet or feed your pet. The dog must distinguish between “friends” and “strangers”. Also, don't let her eat outside.
  4. Spend more time with your pet: walk it, talk to it. This way you will quickly establish a trusting relationship with him.

Possible mistakes

There are a number of mistakes that should never be made, otherwise the learning process will become more complicated.

10 tips that will make training easier for you:

  1. Don't tire your pet . Pauses are required, otherwise he will simply get bored or tired and will not respond to you. Ideally, work it out 3-4 times, then let it run and play.
  2. Don't overfeed . The reward treat should be cut into small pieces; you should not give more than one. You can alternate between stroking and giving treats.
  3. Don't hit if you fail . Otherwise, an association with punishment will develop and you can give up on mastering the command.
  4. Don't punish . It is better to ignore the puppy's disobedience for the same reason.
  5. Don't demand instant results . Dogs have short-term memory, be patient.
  6. Don't be annoyed . Aggression equals danger, the dog will not approach.
  7. Do not give up . You must be consistent and persistent, otherwise your pet will not perceive you as the leader of the pack.
  8. Don't be boring . Rejoice at success, praise, give a treat or a toy and then your pet will happily run towards you as fast as he can.
  9. Do not put on the collar after following the command. Let him play and run around and only then end the walk, like “Come to me!” will not be associated with the end of the walk.
  10. Do not say a command when you are about to perform an action that is not pleasant for the dog . Such as: cleaning ears, trimming nails, administering medications, etc.

Prohibited tricks

The owner's main mistake is lack of patience. Naturally, it is easier to blame an animal for being untrainable and uncontrollable than to work hard every day for results.

Here are a few more mistakes that most owners make.

  1. Scold the dog after “Come to me.” Under no circumstances should you scold or punish a four-legged animal when you ordered it to come and it came, but before that or along the way it did something. Even if he barked at a cyclist or chased a cat up a tree while he was walking towards you, don’t scold him. Otherwise, next time the pet is unlikely to rush to carry out the order - after all, it may face punishment, but why does it need it?
  2. Shout “Come to me” more than once. When you say “Come to me, come to me, come to me” many times, you devalue your words. The pet must react instantly and the first time.
  3. Call your pet when it's time to go home. Do not end a fun walk with the words “Come to me”: this way the animal will have a bad association with this phrase - it’s time to go home. Therefore, he will prefer to run away from you and walk a little more. Before leaving the street, it is better to play with the dog a little more, make another circle around the building and only then head home, taking your tailed friend in your arms or pulling on the leash.
  4. Approach the animal yourself. Never approach your friend, do not run after him. This way he will feel like a master and will twist ropes out of you. Doesn't listen and leaves? Okay, start going in the opposite direction yourself. When the dog misses you and is afraid of losing you, then you can say “Come to me” - let him catch up.
  5. Shouting “Come to me” is threatening and angry. So the dog will decide that you are now going to scold it, and will definitely not dare to approach you. The phrase should sound friendly, affectionate, cheerful, so that the pet has only pleasant associations with it.

Not praising for obedience is also a mistake! Again, the dog should develop a positive association with “Come to me.” It is very important for our tailed friends that we love and praise them - for this they are ready to do anything. Therefore, do not forget to pet, hug, give treats and just talk kindly to your pet when he does everything right.


What to do if the dog doesn’t listen and runs away?

It's the owner's behavior. Study all possible errors and the reason will be found. Analyze your behavior, how consistent and persistent your actions are. Also, you should not expect the final result on the first day.

Why did the dog stop responding to the command “Come to me!”

There may be several reasons, but they all also depend on the behavior of the owner.

  • Mood . If, after a hard day at work, in an irritated state, you go for a walk without the mood and lash out at your pet. Relax and go for a walk with renewed vigor.
  • Long breaks in classes . If today you conducted a training session, and the next one a few days later, there will be no result, the dog simply will not take you seriously or the importance of following the command. So plan your schedule in advance.
  • Walking too fast . The pet will not have time to relieve itself, enjoy the world around it and follow your instructions in 10 minutes. Keep in mind that the walk takes on average half an hour.
  • You catch up yourself . You are the leader and you make the rules. If you want to leave, but the dog does not listen, start moving away in the opposite direction, saying your pet’s name.
  • Cruel treatment . Severity does not equal cruelty. The pet is worried and nervous if the owner is cold and rude, and will constantly expect punishment from you and be afraid.

If you see that mastering a skill is hopelessly lost, start acting from the very beginning, using another word, for example, “Here!”

Features of training with an adult dog and a puppy

An adult, untrained pet is a problem, but not as difficult as it seems. The specifics of training with an adult dog and a puppy are distorted by public opinion. Let's debunk two very popular myths:

  • It is believed that puppies learn better than adult dogs - in terms of training, adult dogs are superior to puppies in the speed of mastering skills. However, it is more difficult to work with older dogs when it comes to behavior correction and established habits.
  • If a dog has not mastered skills before the age of one, it is useless to train it - a dog can be trained at any age, moreover, some breeds and outbred animals need to acquire new skills for life.

There are also differences in approaches to training an adult dog and a puppy:

  • Puppies are more motivated and can be trained using any stimulus.
  • Puppies almost always react to a food stimulus.
  • It is more difficult to find an approach to an adult dog, especially if it lived in poor conditions.
  • It is more difficult to establish a trusting relationship with an adult dog if it has been hurt by people.

Tip: When training an adult dog, many experts recommend trying the “puppy methods” first.

If insurmountable difficulties arise during the learning process, the owner will have to invent more cunning ways of motivation or seek help from professionals.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. The first lesson should last 15 minutes, no more!
  2. An interval between training is needed (let the dog play as usual during a walk, return to the lesson after 10 minutes).
  3. Start training in areas without noise or traffic.
  4. With each workout, increase the distance, gradually bringing it up to 6 m.
  5. The command execution should be instant.
  6. Master the commands gradually and do not move on to the next one until one is completely mastered.
  7. Behave naturally, do not get into an attacking position and speak with even intonation.
  8. Rejoice and praise when the dog does everything right.

Mastering the command will be a joy for both you and your pet if you approach this issue patiently and persistently. Use the advice of dog handlers and experienced owners, study the information. Everything will work out, the main thing is perseverance and perseverance!

If you have any questions, write them in the comments. I will definitely answer them.

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