Teaching a dog the command “Lie down”: techniques from a dog trainer, video lessons

The command “Lie down!” – an important skill for every dog. It needs to be practiced from the very first days the pet arrives in its new home. Commands “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” are included in the mandatory basic requirements of the training course (OCD). Some dogs catch everything on the fly. Others show an obstinate character. And the owner will need to be patient and understanding. We will try to tell you how to teach the “Down!” command. and how to use it.

How to train a dog to the “Down!” command: Photo

The command “Lie down!” for dogs: why is it needed?

The standard requirements differ for different categories of dogs. For example, hunting breeds must lower their head onto their front paws when executing a command. Because when hunting, the ability to be invisible to a potential victim is important. Other breeds don't lower their heads. And always waiting for the owner's next command.

The general rule for all breeds is to lie straight, without falling over on your side.

Before starting training, the owner must understand why it is necessary to begin training the “Down!” command as early as possible.

  1. Firstly, this command is necessary so that the dog can be left in a lying position for a long time. For example, put it on a bus or train.
  2. Secondly, with the help of this command it is easy to teach your pet the “Place!” command.
  3. Using this technique, endurance is practiced.
  4. Having laid the dog down, it is convenient to carry out grooming procedures. For example, examine, bathe, comb, treat for fleas and ticks.

How to teach a dog the “Down!” command: Photo

Let's sum it up

The “lie down” command, although it seems useless at first, will very soon demonstrate to you all the delights of the fact that the dog knows how to perform it, especially if you always take your dog everywhere and, for example, prefer to travel by public transport. Rest assured that your pet does not suffer from learning commands, but, on the contrary, is happy to learn them, since intellectual exercise develops dogs in almost the same way as humans, and gives them pleasure in the same way.

The command “Lie down!” for a puppy

The puppy's first training begins at 3 months. Before you teach your puppy the “Lie down!” command, you need to master the “Sit!” command. Then it will be easier for the baby to make the transition from one position to another.

For training, use treats that your pet loves. For example, dry food or pieces of boiled chicken, cut into cubes.

You can conduct classes both at home and while walking. It is only important that in the first stages the dog is not distracted by loud noises and other animals. Find a clean, quiet place for your dog to lie down comfortably.

Just like the commands “Sit!” , "Lie!" trained using positive reinforcement or contrast methods. The contrast method involves the use of coercion and encouragement.

The command “Lie down!” for a puppy: Photo

  1. Give the command “Sit!”
  2. Hold the treat in your right hand and let your pet smell it. But don't let me eat. Your goal is to interest him. Create a desire in him to get a treat.
  3. Say the command “Down!” At the same time, lower your hand with the piece down in front of the puppy’s nose. Move the treat away from the muzzle, preventing the baby from reaching it. But provoking him to take a lying position.
  4. If the puppy does not understand what is required of him, use your left hand to make a pressing gesture on the back between the shoulder blades. Do not press hard so as not to hurt the baby.
  5. After a few seconds, give the treat to your puppy and praise him.
  6. To release your pet, say the command “Walk!”

Make sure your puppy doesn't get up without your permission.

If the puppy gets up without your command, start the exercise over again.

Make sure that the front legs are extended forward and the back legs are tucked in (Sphinx pose). Correct your dog if it rolls over to its side or lies on its back.

Most often, after a couple of training sessions, the puppy masters the initial steps of the task, and there is no longer any need to press on the withers.

Do training 2-3 times a day. Gradually make the task more difficult.

For example, give the command “Down!” when the puppy is in a standing position.

Teach your puppy to lie down at your feet.

Conduct training away from people and dogs: Photo

When to start classes

It is better to start training when your pet is three months old. It is important that the puppy clearly understands who his owner is and obeys only him. Therefore, at an early age, it is not recommended for the baby to have close contact with strangers, treats from strangers, or play with anyone other than the owner.

As with learning the commands “Sit!” and “Stop!”, food motivation or skill development using a contrasting method (coercion + encouragement) is used. Compulsion - pressing on the withers or hooking, encouragement - a tasty reward, praise.

If training is successful, the pet should quickly lay down from a standing position. Representatives of decorative breeds and melancholic pets are recommended to master the skill of styling after mastering the “Sit!” command.

How to teach the command “Down!” stubborn, disobedient dog?

  1. Place your pet.
  2. Put on the leash and move it under the muzzle.
  3. Say: “Lie down!”
  4. Lower the leash down, gradually pulling it forward. Synchronously pressing your hand on your back between the shoulder blades.
  5. When your dog lies down, be sure to praise him affectionately and reward him with a treat. Pat me on the back.
  6. Make sure your pet doesn't get up for a few seconds.

Increase shutter speed to 15 s: Photo

What will you need for this?

For training, like other types of activities, it is necessary to have a certain set of devices. Despite the fact that it is quite simple and standard, it is also worth mentioning. For training you will need:

  • a collar is a mandatory element that allows you to control the dog and serves as a symbolic attribute of power;
  • a leash – you will need it not only during the training process, but also while moving to the place of training;
  • a treat is the most favorite food (crackers, pieces of meat or cheese, dry food), but it is important to take into account that a well-fed animal may remain indifferent even to a delicacy desired in other situations;
  • a positive attitude is one of the important conditions, since animals are very sensitive to a person’s mood and good results can only be achieved when the pet feels the support of the owner, and they mutually enjoy the training process.

Exposure when practicing the command “Lie down!”

Once your dog has learned to lie down on command, gradually increase the time between execution and reward. If the puppy is 3 months old, then increase the shutter speed to 5 seconds. From 4 months, increase the distance and endurance in order to meet the standard by eight months.

Requirements for passing the standard: the command is performed the first time, from 15 meters and with a holding time of 15 seconds.

When practicing over long distances, do not shout across the entire field when releasing your pet. You should approach the dog, praise and treat it. And then release using the command “Walk!”

Benefit of the skill

The command is a mandatory element of the standard training course. When traveling on public transport, you simply cannot do without it. A dog that lies calmly at the feet of its owner is not dangerous to others and does not cause discontent among passengers.

During a visit to the veterinarian, this team will help to examine the pet, as well as complete the prescribed procedures. Often, to establish a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to take tests and undergo various examinations. A pet that carries out such a command without problems will behave calmly and allow the attending physician to carry out various manipulations.

If your pet will participate in an exhibition, he should also be sure to learn how to obey the order “Lie down!” The dog must be able to carry out this command in any situation, including running, playing, etc. The command is a necessary element of education.

The command “Lie down!” gesture

Teaching your dog the command “Down!”
gesture: Photo The gesture is introduced after the dog learns to lie down on command and hold for 5 seconds. Extend your right arm forward, parallel to the floor, palm down. Then lower your hand to your right thigh. When learning this gesture, increase the distance between you to 3 meters. And the shutter speed is up to 7 seconds.

Features of raising a dachshund

Rules for raising dachshunds:

  1. Dachshunds are stubborn dogs, so you will need to be patient before training them. It usually takes two to five days to study one command.
  2. Usually, training puppies requires a lot of persistence, because they behave like children: they play pranks, do not calm down, and sometimes even bite.
  3. When raising a pet, you need to pronounce commands loudly and clearly, without adding unnecessary words.
  4. When pronouncing the taxi's name, there is no need to do so in a rude, abusive tone.
  5. Violence and cruelty should never be used as punishment. The restless person is punished with such orders as “Place”, “No”, etc.

The command “Lie down!” in difficult conditions

Practice styling while walking.

To make the conditions more challenging, change your training location. If at first the place should be quiet and comfortable, then as training progresses, choose noisier areas, with people and dogs.

When the dog learns to lie down unerringly in calm conditions, begin to complicate the task. Practice the command in a supermarket or at a traffic intersection. In difficult conditions, training the command must begin from the very beginning. At close range with minimal shutter speed. You need to reach standard indicators at the age of 10 months.

Teaching your dog the command “Down!” from a distance of 5-15 meters: Photo

Patience and systematicity are the most important thing

Don't demand quick results from yourself and your dog. Exercise little but often. Don't take long breaks. Raising a puppy takes time. There is no need to rush: the command “Lie down” is a kind of foundation that needs to be laid correctly. And if we are talking about an adult pet, be even more patient. After all, the ability to carry out the command “Give me your paw” does not mean obedience and learning ability.

© Lifeo.ru

How to teach the command “Down!” dog: recommendations from dog handlers

  1. Start your training in a clean place. In the future you will be able to require installation on any surface.
  2. Do not repeat the command several times. Pronounce it clearly and with authority. With all your appearance, express complete confidence that the dog will fulfill your request.
  3. Make sure your dog follows your orders the first time.
  4. The principle should always be maintained: first your command, then the pet's action.
  5. If you have to repeat a command, then raise the tone to a more demanding one.
  6. Avoid rough or cruel treatment.
  7. Don't rush to complicate tasks. Proceed to the next stage only if the dog has mastered the previous one well.
  8. In the first stages, do not require much endurance.
  9. Don't skip rewarding with treats and praise after each task completed.
  10. Do not replace the command “Down!” to arbitrary synonyms. For example, do not use the phrases “Lie down, I tell you!” or “Lie down, please!”
  11. The dog must learn to maintain the position until you release it. If she gets up, return her to her previous position by repeating the command “Lie down!”
  12. Do not use the “Come!” command to release your dog. Because while waiting for this beloved command, it is more difficult for the pet to withstand time. Use the “Walk!” command.

Watch the video on how to teach your dog the “Down!” command.

The command “Lie down!” - a simple command. Every dog ​​learns it quite quickly. But in order for your pet to perform it clearly, repeat it several times a day every day, not forgetting to treat it with a treat.

Additional training tips

  • Do not forget that the command “Lie down” is given before coercion, and the treat is given only after the pet has laid down.
  • If the dog gets up without your command, be sure to return it to the desired position, while repeating “Lie down!”
  • Avoid excessive roughness when applying pressure.
  • Do not try to immediately get great endurance from your dog.
  • Do not place your puppy on dirty or wet ground during the early stages of training.
  • Release the dog with the command “Walk”, not “Come”. The fact is that “Come to me” is a pleasant command (if you have trained the dog correctly), so it is much more difficult for a pet that is accustomed to being released with this command to wait. As a result, endurance becomes significantly worse.


The dog must obey all commands immediately and without hesitation. To do this, you need to regularly conduct classes with her at home, and, if necessary, study useful literature. Thus, before demonstrating the pet’s skills on the street, the owner is obliged to find out as much information as possible about how to train a dachshund at home.

Many owners wonder how to teach a dachshund commands without giving it a treat? The dog must understand when it performs tasks correctly and when it does not. In this case, the treat serves as a kind of confirmation of the correctness of her actions.

Thus, training a dachshund is a very responsible activity. A mandatory requirement for the owner is restraint and tolerance towards his pet. There is no need to take your anger out on him if he doesn’t do something. As a rule, it is not the animals that are to blame for this, but the wrong human approach to them.

What sports are played with dachshunds?

Dachshunds are hardy dogs, and their small size and ability to run quickly help the four-legged dog to easily cover huge distances. Therefore, they engage in various sports with their pet, which include:

  • assistance while cycling;
  • classes in the pool. Water sports help keep your pet's muscles and joints healthy;
  • If your child likes to chase other animals, coursing is suitable for him. This is a kind of sports game where the dog must track down the animal;
  • Flyball. This is a team sport where four dogs take turns running a hurdle course, at the end they grab a ball and run back;
  • Various competitive sports are also suitable.

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