Peace in the whole house or how to train a cat to be a kitten?

Many cat owners don't realize that their friendly, solitary adult cats may have problems with a new kitten.

A new kitten will usually be eager to make friends, but older cats in the house may not want anything to do with the baby. Often older cats seem sad, withdrawn, hiss a lot, and sometimes even stop eating if they are not adapting well to the new family member.

This behavior is explained by the fact that cats do not like change, especially when it concerns their territory. Introducing a kitten to an adult cat can be very stressful, but there are some things you can do to help make the introduction smoother.

Preparation is the key to successfully introducing your new kitten to your cat. If you prepare your cat for her new pet and make the changes less drastic, she will be more likely to adjust to the kitten.

Give yourself (and your cat) plenty of time to prepare for this adaptation with the following steps.

This is the cat of the author of the article Fuhrer with a new cat Bullet, lying on his favorite tattered chair

Calm your cat

Pheromones are useful in creating a calm environment for any cat. The weeks leading up to the arrival of a new kitten in the house are a great time to take advantage of them.

Diffusers, sprays and wipes are all available and can help your cat feel relaxed without the use of medication. Try using pheromones for at least a few weeks before bringing your kitten home.

If you suspect your adult cat will be stressed and anxious with a new kitten, consider supplements designed to calm her down.

They will help your pet stay calm and relaxed.

Supplements usually work best if given several weeks before the expected stressful event and can be continued after the new kitten arrives.

These ingredients typically include L-theanine, phellodendron, magnolia, whey or milk protein, and other natural ingredients proven to be safe and effective for pets.

Oh, this jealousy!

Often adult cats offend babies for the banal reason that they are jealous of their owners. That is why, during the period when a small newcomer is actively settling into the house, and an old-timer is getting used to it, the owner needs to pay more attention to the adult pet than to the new one. Yes, yes, exactly that, although there is a great temptation to spend most of the time with the kitten, because it is smaller and more defenseless. But animals are very similar to people in some ways - they are jealous. Hence the elementary conclusion for the owner is how to accustom a cat to a kitten. Caress an adult cat with redoubled force, pay attention to it, show a kind attitude, caress, feed both pets at the same time, so that the adult cat does not think that its rights are being infringed upon. When feeding together, bowls should be placed at a fairly large distance at first, and gradually, as the animals get used to it, the distance between the bowls should be reduced.

Prepare the house

New items for your kitten, such as food bowls, beds, another litter box, toys, should be placed in the house before the kitten arrives home.

Start placing items in new locations about a week before arrival so your adult cat can smell them and get used to them. If you can, try bringing items that already have kitty scent on them.

Make sure you are ready to adopt a kitten yourself.

If you are stressed and unprepared, your adult cat will be able to tell and be negatively influenced.

Designate a small room, such as a bathroom, for your new kitten to have privacy in for the first week or so. Your older cat should be able to reach the door of this room to hear and smell the kitten, but not have any interaction with it.

Place the kitten's belongings (such as a litter box and food bowls) in this room along with a toy that belongs to the older cat.

How to stop aggression

Aggression is a normal reaction of a predatory animal to stress, the appearance of a rival, or an unfamiliar creature. It manifests itself at the level of natural instincts; a person is not able to fully predict and prevent it. But in the case of pets living together, the owner can and should intervene in this process and reconcile the cats. This must be done carefully, competently and in a timely manner.

Causes of aggression

Felinologists identify several main reasons for the aggressive behavior of cats:

  1. Social rivalry. The struggle for the role of alpha male.
  2. The fight between old and new pets.
  3. Territorial behavior. Cats can fiercely defend their eating, sleeping, and toileting areas.
  4. Reaction to a new smell. After visiting the veterinarian, the animal brings with it unusual smells of medicines - this can cause aggression in other pets. An unusual smell turns a familiar cat into a “stranger.”
  5. Bad feeling. The disease changes the animal's behavior; it may become more restless and aggressive.
  6. Stress. Any stressful situation negatively affects the behavior of cats.
  7. Personality conflicts. Just like people, cats are all different and do not have to like each other. A mismatch of temperaments can lead to struggle.
  8. Maternal aggression. The cat protects its offspring in this way.
  9. Fighting game. During joint games, cats can attack each other, jump, bite, and watch from around the corner.

In each specific case, you need to act in accordance with the situation.

If aggression occurs, cats fight and bite, do not ignore it. Don't think that cats will figure it out on their own. These methods will help stop aggressive behavior and save your pets from unwanted mental and physical injuries.

Tips for stopping aggression

  1. Interrupt the fight with a loud sound (clap), throw a blanket over them, or spray the animals with water from a spray bottle.
  2. Neuter your animals. Unneutered cats are the most aggressive.
  3. Stop competition. Provide each pet with its own food bowls, trays, and beds. They must be the same or similar.
  4. Build more shelters and high places to rest and observe the world around you.
  5. Spray pheromones. Products with pheromones are sold in pet stores. Their aroma will help relieve tension that arises between animals.
  6. If aggression is severe, separate the animals into different rooms. Swap them from time to time - this way they will quickly get used to each other's smell.
  7. While licking, the cat is busy with itself, relaxed and does not pay attention to the other animal. Lubricate your cat's scruff with tuna oil or granules of her favorite food - this will distract and calm your pet.
  8. Use calming anti-stress medications and feed additives to correct the behavior of your animals: “Cat Bayun”, “Stop Stress”, “Feliway”.

Prepare the cat

Make sure your cat is healthy. Adding additional stress to an unhealthy cat will only make the situation worse. Take your cat to the vet to make sure she is healthy and her vaccinations are up to date.

Respiratory illnesses are common in kittens, so you want your adult cat's immune system to be ready to handle whatever comes along.

While some cats accept a kitten right away, others usually need a little time to adjust to the changes. Sometimes cats never fully accept a new kitten, but simply coexist while staying away from it.

So characteristic

There are cats that greet newcomers very negatively and categorically do not want to be friends with them. If this is natural in the pet’s character, then one can hardly expect that she will welcome the kitten with open arms. In the end, she feels like a mistress - strong and independent.

There are quite peaceful cats. They get along with the kids quickly and accept them peacefully.

There are independent ones. They will likely tolerate the kitten, but will keep it at a distance. It is quite possible that the small one's constant attempts to communicate will eventually lead to the fact that adult cats will begin to treat him condescendingly and even patronize him.

Introduce your cat to a new kitten

When you bring your kitten home, let your cat sniff while the kitten is in the carrier or in your arms. Go straight to the room pre-designated for your new kitten and let him explore it.

The litter tray, food bowls, bed and some toys should be easily accessible. Don't allow your older cat to have unsupervised access to the kitten.

At night, when you are not home and you cannot supervise the kitten and your older cat, keep the kitten in its designated room with the door closed.

When your cat becomes curious, she may stick her paw under the door, sniff under the door, and listen to the kitten. Do this for about a week, depending on how your cat reacts to the changes.

Remember to give your older cat plenty of attention after playing with the kitten. He will need your attention and support, and the smell of the kitten on your clothes will help him get used to the newcomer.

My territory!

Cats are pets that sharply differentiate their own and other people's territories. If a newcomer, even a small one, appears in the space belonging to an adult cat, this will definitely alert the cat. But animals of different characters react to such intrusions differently. In any case, the pets need to get used to each other. Even a peaceful and friendly cat needs time, since training a cat to be a kitten is a matter that requires attention and patience. Since cats determine what is theirs and what is not theirs by smell, some cat lovers recommend doing the following: take a scarf or just a piece of cloth and after the older cat has licked itself, wipe the fur with this cloth, and then immediately wipe the kitten’s scruff with the same cloth. Why the scruff? Because there he will not be able to lick or “wash” someone else’s smell. This exchange of smells will help the objects get closer. Territorial division will become less significant. The cat will gradually recognize the kitten as one of its own. Similarly, the baby will stop being afraid.

Encourage spending time together

After about a week, the kitten can be allowed to explore the house under your watchful eye. Let your cat watch this exploration and leave if she wants.

Don't force interactions between your cat and kitten. If your cat has a favorite interactive toy, such as a pen wand or laser pointer, try playing with both cats at the same time.

This will stimulate mutual activity.

You can also give them both treats at the same time and feed them from different bowls at the same time. Be sure to leave enough space between food bowls so your cat doesn't feel threatened.

Encourage any positive interactions your older cat has with your kitten using praise, treats, and physical affection. Make sure your cat associates the kitten with happy, positive things.

Two cats or two cats

“If there are two cats in the house, then a fuss will begin” - this funny children's rhyme is quite applicable to this situation. Indeed, if you somehow make friends between a kitten and an adult cat, then two male creatures who find themselves in the same house can go on strike. A similar situation occurs when two cats collide head-on, one of which was the owner and does not intend to give up its territory to anyone else. Meanwhile, we know how to make two cats friends.

Step one

The familiar division of territories. You should not immediately place two pets in the same room - this will lead to inevitable clashes. Of course, it all depends on the breed (for example, Siamese cats are quite aggressive), but the behavior of animals is always unpredictable. To prevent a fight from ending badly, it’s worth trimming your pet’s claws in advance.

Step two

How to make friends with cats? Through quarrels, oddly enough! Many experts believe that in the case of same-sex animals, conflicts are not only natural, but also necessary. This helps cats or cats figure out who is boss. Usually the hierarchy is built based on who is stronger.

It is quite possible that the conflicts will subside as soon as the relationship is clarified. This is especially important for cats, who in nature always conquer territory. So let the animals decide how to behave around another cat. Just be careful not to overdo it in your apartment.

Step three

Of course, animals should have separate bowls and toilets. It is quite possible that over time the pets will play together, communicate and even share food, but this moment is still far away. What is your absolute must do? Under no circumstances should you deprive the “newbie” of attention. But the “old-timer” needs to be given a little more so that he feels needed and happy.

Let the cat establish a hierarchy

Cats need to have order, and the new family member needs to know where he is. Your cat may go through a period of time where she tries to establish a hierarchy with the new kitten.

Your older cat may hiss and spank the kitten when the newbie does something unfavorable. This is completely normal, and while he's just hissing and slapping, do your best not to interfere.

Your cat thus establishes her role as the dominant cat in the household, and the kitten is taught where her boundaries are as a new cat.

How to reconcile two pets: first steps

For a cat, the appearance of a second pet in the house is stressful, and making them friends is realistic only when the animals have enough time to get to know each other. And in order to help the pet quickly adapt to this situation and get used to the idea that the little kitten is now a full member of the family, the owner must provide the most comfortable conditions for both pets to live together.

  • You shouldn’t force things and pit your pet against a new resident as soon as he appears in the house. First you need to check what your cat's reaction to the kitten will be and if she does not show aggression, you can give them the opportunity to get to know each other better;
  • You should not leave animals in the same room unattended, hoping in this way to bring them closer and make friends, since the behavior of an adult pet is difficult to predict. He can take advantage of the owner's absence and attack the kitten, causing him serious harm;
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to make friends with pets if your baby steals food from the cat’s plate. Therefore, in the first days it is better to feed the kitten separately and not allow it to the bowl of an adult pet;
  • Cats are very jealous of their litter box and may refuse to go into it if the kitten leaves traces of its presence there. Therefore, a small pet should have its own tray to correct its natural needs;
  • To prevent the baby from taking over the cat’s favorite house or its bedding, he should be given a separate place to rest;
  • You can make friends between a cat and a new kitten by playing together. When playing with your baby, include an adult pet in the game, this will bring them closer and give them the opportunity to get to know each other better;
  • You should not allow the baby to do things that are forbidden to the first pet, for example, sleep on the table or eat from the owner’s plate, because this will cause an additional portion of jealousy on the part of the old-timer;
  • If a cat asks to be held and requires attention and affection, do not refuse it, because she wants to make sure once again that her owner still loves and appreciates her.

Problems and correct behavior

Don't give up if the first meetings are not positive. It may take time for older cats to get used to a younger cat.

A common mistake is to rush socialization between cats and then get angry or upset when it doesn't work out.

Stay calm and work gradually to bring the cats together. Try to time your interactions and gradually increase the amount of time you spend together.

If your older cat is particularly aggressive towards the new kitten, talk to your veterinarian or behaviorist for advice.

Watch a funny video about how the small cat Bullet tries to drive the adult cat Fuhrer away from his bowl, although her bowl is full. And how carefully and gently an adult cat “educates” an unreasonable, cocky little feline creature.

Negotiation table - what to do with aggression?

When animals show aggression, you should never physically punish them, but, of course, you need to scold them. Slapping the tail or flicking the nose is strictly prohibited. But experts recommend distracting the cat and scaring it with a sharp clap or water.

When the owner notices that the cats, instead of fear and aggression, begin to show interest in each other, showing a friendly attitude, they need a few more days - optimally 10-14 - to keep them in isolation and then release them.

Under no circumstances should you allow your baby to bother your cat. Otherwise she will get irritated.

Common causes of conflict between pets

It is possible to accustom fluffies to life within the same apartment or house. However, this will require patience and effort on the part of the owner, especially if the cats have character. It is quite difficult to predict how pets will behave during acquaintance and further communication.

The reasons that usually provoke conflict are:

  • refusal to live in one territory;
  • reluctance to share the attention of a loved one;
  • different gender and age;
  • fear of a new neighbor;
  • aggressive behavior of one of the cats;
  • psycho-emotional characteristics of animals;
  • physiological characteristics (sterilized, pregnant, lactating).

All this must be understood before taking a new pet into the family. Many mustachioed friends feel good alone. It’s not always worth getting another furry just so that the first one doesn’t get bored. In order for two cats to live in the house and not cause problems with their behavior, you will have to make a lot of effort and develop cunning tactics.

Rules and errors

For faster and more comfortable taming of a wild animal, as well as for your own safety, try to avoid the most common mistakes. These include:

  1. Direct contact with the caught animal before examination by a veterinarian

    . Try not to pick up the mustache directly until you are sure it is healthy - or wear thick gloves.

  2. Direct look into the eyes

    . In the wild, such a gesture always means a challenge and a threat. Instead, try to look to the side or at the floor.

  3. Overfeeding

    . If you notice severe thinness and a brutal appetite, do not rush to feed the cat everything that is in your house. Otherwise, the existing stress will be complemented by problems with the stomach and intestines.

  4. Caress against your will

    . Wait until the new pet takes the initiative so as not to frighten him with your pressure.

  5. Display of aggression

    . Avoid punishment even if you are scratched very deeply and painfully. This reaction is defensive, so screaming and assault will only further intensify the existing fear.

If you follow all the basic rules, but don’t see even the tiniest changes, don’t rush to blame yourself. Some animals cannot be tamed because they are wild, so the only option in this situation is to release them into the wild.

Despite this fact, in most cases the situation is resolved successfully, so do not be afraid to shelter a mustachioed baby found on the street. After all, by your action you will give him a chance for a new carefree life.

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What you need to buy before bringing a kitten into your home

If a new kitten is about to move into your home, then, due to the experience gained, you are unlikely to have any problems. If raising a small pet is new to you, then be sure to read the theoretical part and start with the simplest thing - buying essentials for your new pet.

Bed or house

If possible, take both. The lounger provides a comfortable view, and the hut provides a secure place for privacy. Place these items in a quiet area next to a wall or in the corner of a busy room.


Do not place the lounger next to heating appliances or an open window, and also try to avoid close proximity to noisy household appliances and a TV.


Toys help maintain activity and also relieve stress by providing pleasant emotions while playing. Choose them based on safety. Avoid small parts that your baby could accidentally swallow and toxic materials.


You will only need 2 bowls: for food and water. As with toys, the material is important here too. Cheap plastic absorbs odors and quickly accumulates bacteria, changing the taste of its contents.

Metal has only one problem - good reflectivity. The glare from the bowl can scare the mustache, so the best choice is ceramics or glass.

Scratching post or play complex

The gaming complex is a very useful thing, but you can buy it a little later. At first, the new family member will be content with lower surfaces, so there is no urgent need for this item.

A scratching post is of great value, since a cat must be taught to sharpen its claws in a certain place from the first days of its appearance. It comes in the form of a column and horizontal. The latter option can be placed on the floor or attached to the wall.

Here the situation is the same as with a sleeping place. It's very difficult to predict preferences, so take both options if possible.

Tray and filler

When choosing a tray, consider the size and height. Don't be intimidated by overly large structures. They can be taken for growth. The only thing you should avoid is high sides. They perfectly minimize the affected area when burying, but are not suitable for kittens due to the difficulty of getting inside. For this purpose, a special toilet house is more suitable.

It is better to take 2 trays at once, since many mustachioed pets flatly refuse to relieve themselves where feces are already lying.

“ Read more about how to choose a litter box for a kitten

Among the fillers, avoid those that are clumping, too dusty and scented. The first are fraught with constipation after ingestion, the second - with the development of an allergic reaction, and the third - with a dulling of the sense of smell and the erasing of cat marks, which are important for litter box training.

“ More about tray fillers


It will be needed for transportation from the breeder and for subsequent visits to the veterinary clinic. If you do not plan to travel with your pet in the future, then a fabric bag or plastic box is suitable for the situations listed above. The first carrier is good from the point of view of price, light weight and compactness, and the second from the point of view of long service life, comfortable seating of the animal, good ventilation and a hard bottom with walls that increase the feeling of safety while moving.

“ Read more about how to choose a cat carrier

Products and tools for care and hygiene

Representatives of short-haired breeds will need a comb with fine or medium teeth or a comb-mitten, and representatives of long-haired breeds will need a comb with long, widely spaced teeth and a massage brush with bristles. During the molting period, it is recommended to comb both of them with a slicker brush and a furminator.

If desired, you can purchase special eye and ear cleaning products. But in general, they can be easily replaced with a more budget-friendly analogue - cotton swabs soaked in warm and clean water.

To trim claws, a nail clipper, grinder, or regular nail clippers are suitable. Scissors are not suitable for this procedure. They are difficult to work with, so if you have no experience, you risk injuring your cat's claws.

First aid kit

This item is important not only for people, but also for their pets. In your first aid kit you should put:

  • dressing materials (gauze, bandage, cotton wool, cotton swabs, adhesive plaster, tourniquet);
  • antiseptics and rehydration agents (replenishing fluid deficiency);
  • antiparasitic agents;
  • drug "Artificial tear";
  • lotions with chamomile and calendula;
  • medical instruments (tweezers, thermometer, disposable gloves, vertically curved scissors with blunt tips, pipettes, 2 rubber bulbs);
  • injection equipment (disposable syringes of 2, 5 and 20 ml, you can also put insulin syringes for intramuscular injections and butterfly needles for hypodermic injections).

Remember that most medications in the human medicine cabinet are toxic to cats. They can only be given as prescribed by a veterinarian. Some seemingly harmless pills can kill your pet in a matter of minutes.

Catching an animal that is afraid to be handled

Feral cats that were once domestic cats calmly approach any people, associating them with warmth and food. The only exception is the presence of negative experience. If the unfortunate cat managed to get into trouble with the participation of a flayer, then his trust will be much lower than before.

In all other cases, there will simply be no chance to take the animal under your arm and go home with it. With them you will have to show all your cunning and ingenuity. To do this you will need food, a carrier and special traps.

Food and carry

Carrying is the most convenient option, because after catching the “mustache” you will have to take it to the veterinarian. In this case, food will act as bait, so choose something with a strong smell: fish, canned cat food or budget economy-class food.

Place the carrier in the kitten's area and place a portion of food inside. Then either wait for the baby to go there himself, or lure him with a rustling candy wrapper. Once it is inside, the carrier door can be closed.


If you have enough free time and patience, then simply feed the cat every day until he gains confidence in you and allows you to pick him up of his own free will.

Special traps

Adults are less gullible, so to catch them it is recommended to use a cat catcher - a special trap that is a durable folding cage made of steel with a slamming door. You can buy it in almost any online store or take it from your hands.


You can rent a cathouse from volunteers or an animal shelter.

The principle here is the same as with carrying. The bait is placed inside the catcher, and immediately after eating it, the door closes on its own. A thick blanket is placed on top of the cage so that the cat can calm down and come to his senses.

Another possible option is a fishing landing net, but it has too many disadvantages. It is very difficult to catch a nimble animal with it the first time. Because of this, you risk losing the trust of the “mustachioer” at the very beginning.

Transferring into a carrier is also quite problematic. Any careless movement and the cat will run away again.

“ Do not use a regular blanket or bag for catching. Such thin materials will not hold back the claws, and a frightened animal will easily hurt you.

How an adult cat will accept a kitten

It is even more dangerous to bring a small kitten into your home when an adult cat already lives there. In the depths of their souls, every cat has a maternal instinct, and therefore, even if they are angry at first, they accept the kitten much faster, or even take it under their care from the very first days.

With a cat everything is much more complicated. You need to understand that a cat, especially one that cannot satisfy its sexual needs, is more harsh and aggressive. He will attack the baby and is capable of strangling him if the owner leaves the little “newcomer” unattended for a long time. In this case, the owner will have to make much more effort to make friends of animals of different ages.

By the way, the behavior of an adult cat will largely depend on whether it is a breeding cat or neutered. Neutered cats are noticeably less aggressive and make contact faster. Therefore, before placing a small kitten with an adult cat, it is worth castrating it.

Important! In any case, it is better to mix an adult cat and a small kitten until the cat is three years old.

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