What does a kitten need - a list of necessary supplies for a small pet


This category includes the tray, filler and hygiene products.

The tray should be easy to use. The easier it is for a kitten to use the litter box, the more willing he will be to go in it. You need to place the tray in a quiet place where no one will disturb the kitten when it is busy there.

It’s better to start by buying the same filler The usual filler will not cause additional stress for the pet; he will know exactly what to do. When the kitten gets used to its new home, the litter can be gradually changed to another.

A scoop for cleaning the tray is often sold along with the tray.

A hygiene product for the tray is needed to regularly wash the tray before completely changing the filler. Give preference to products without strong odors. Due to the strong unpleasant smell of chemicals, the kitten may stop going to the litter box.

A remedy for the smell of urine may be needed at first, when the kitten has not yet remembered where its litter box is located. Special products can be purchased at a pet store.

List of basic items a kitten needs

The acquisition of a small furry creature always evokes bright, joyful emotions.
It should be taken into account that a kitten is not a toy and requires the creation of full, safe living conditions. First of all, buy the animal:

  1. Bowls. It is recommended to purchase 3 pieces at once - one for food, two for drinking.
  2. A tray that functions as a cat litter box.
  3. Filler. Natural, completely safe substances are selected for children.
  4. Products for hair care and hygiene procedures (combs, shampoo, nail clipper).
  5. Scratching post. This device helps protect property from scratching. You can buy it at a pet store or make it yourself.
  6. House. The cat accessory will serve as a sleeping place and will help to avoid falling asleep in undesirable places.
  7. Carrying bag. The accessory is indispensable when visiting the veterinarian, exhibitions, and while traveling.

The person who becomes the owner of a furry baby takes responsibility for his life and health. Good nutrition for the animal, care, entertainment, rest, and sleep will be mandatory. To ensure that adaptation to a new place goes without problems, it is best to buy all the kitten’s supplies in advance.

Cat bowls

It is convenient for kittens to eat from a bowl that has medium depth. It is better if the drinking container is deeper. It is undesirable to use plastic utensils. Firstly, such devices are not hygienic, and secondly, they sometimes cause allergic reactions.

First of all, steel or ceramic bowls are considered. They are safe and easy to clean. These bowls have considerable weight, which prevents them from tipping over.

Dishes need to be cleaned daily. You will need to ensure that the pet always has access to fresh water, even in the absence of its owners.

Tray selection

The tray is placed in secluded places. This will help the baby overcome his fear of a new toilet and adapt to it faster. The first tray for a kitten should be shallow or have a recess.

It is useful to consider the following:

  • for shy animals it is better to purchase a closed toilet;
  • For those who like to turn over the filler, a tray with high sides is suitable.

It is not advisable to purchase expensive options. The cat will grow up quickly, and the owner will soon need to buy a device for an adult.

The cat litter is updated daily. It is washed thoroughly every week. After washing, rinse the tray well and dry it. If you don't keep the litter box clean, your cat will refuse to use it.

Toilet filler

The rule that animal owners adhere to first of all is to use a litter that is already familiar to the kitten. However, if its cost turns out to be too high, an absorbent composition from among less expensive analogues will do.

It is recommended to avoid mineral filler. If the kitten eats it, the risk of blockage in the digestive tract increases. Also, you should not purchase sand options. Many cats love to throw sand and create a constant mess.

It is best to buy cat litters that have good absorbent properties and can absorb unpleasant odors (silica gel, wood). They also use improvised means (sawdust, newspapers). However, these compositions are not able to fully absorb odors, and become only a temporary option.

Care products

Having the right accessories and other tools will help you always see your cat looking beautiful and healthy. An important point is the choice of comb. First of all, you should choose double-sided brushes made from natural bristles.

The animal needs to be brushed regularly. This will help avoid the appearance of tangles and improve the condition of the coat and skin. If the baby has long hair, the procedure is carried out 3-5 times during the week. Representatives of smooth-haired breeds need two or three brushings.

Human shampoo is not suitable for cats. You can only buy a suitable bath product for your kitten at a veterinary store. The frequency of water procedures is once every two weeks. Sometimes (if there is heavy pollution on the street, during molting, or if it is infected with parasites), your pet should be bathed more often.

A nail clipper is a special veterinary device used to trim cat claws. For cats with thin claws, nail clippers or scissors are suitable.

scratching post

Having a scratching post has obvious benefits.

This device helps a growing cat:

  • relieve accumulated stress;
  • expend excess energy;
  • reproach claw renewal.

Regular use of the scratching post helps your pet maintain physical fitness. In the absence of an accessory, the animal can sharpen its claws on sofas, armchairs, and carpets, upsetting the owners.

Pet stores offer different models of scratching posts. First of all, choose flat products. Scratching posts-toys in the form of cylinders that roll on the floor are also used. If a cat often visits a certain corner, its owner should buy a wall-mounted corner scratching post and arrange it here.

cat house

Having a personal house will give the kitten a feeling of comfort, security, and help cope with fears. The presence of such an item will help avoid the widespread appearance of wool.

When choosing an accessory, consider the following:

  • the structure must be stable;
  • you need to choose products with a base made of natural materials;
  • the house is placed low, as close as possible to the floor surface, from where the cat can easily penetrate it;
  • It is worth equipping the accessory with additional elements that arouse the animal’s interest (hammock, tunnels, hanging toys, baskets).

On the shelves of pet stores you can find many such structures (wooden, wicker, cardboard, nesting houses, multi-story options). If the financial condition of the owners prevents them from purchasing a finished house, they make it themselves.

Carrying bag

When leaving its usual habitat, going on a hike or a trip, a pet always experiences excitement. He experiences severe stress when meeting strangers, animals, or during his first visit to the veterinarian. The carrier allows you to comfortably transport the kitten, without stressful experiences.

The carrying bag must be spacious, have a hard bottom, viewing windows, and adequate ventilation. It is welcome to have strong handles and reliable locks that prevent the animal from escaping or falling out. In order not to scare away the cat, choose products made from materials without a strong specific odor.

Today, a variety of carriers are produced. For long trips and protecting your pet from snow, wind, and rain, you should first of all buy a plastic version. Fabric and wicker bags will become indispensable when hiking in summer or spring.

Food and bowls

The kitten's food should be recommended by the breeder. At first, it is better to feed your baby his usual food, so he will not experience stress from changing food. When the kitten adapts to a new place, you can gradually change its diet. Especially for kittens, SUPERPET offers the Minced meat line: the line is designed for kittens up to two months and will help animals easily get used to a healthy diet from childhood.

Bowls should be such that it is easy for the baby to eat and drink from them. You can purchase smaller bowls for your kitten and later replace them with larger bowls. For water, you can purchase a special drinking fountain for cats. Many pets prefer to drink running water.

Treats are needed not only to pamper your pet. Treats are useful for raising a kitten - they can reinforce good behavior and be used during training. We recommend giving preference to natural treats without artificial ingredients.

scratching post

If you don’t want to cut your nails or it’s not possible, then a specially equipped play corner will come to the rescue. You can buy it in a store, order it from a craftsman, or even make it yourself using a model from the Internet. In any case, it should be made from natural parts - wood, hemp, burlap. The parts are fastened with silicone glue or large nails with a decorative cap.

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Veterinarians advise paying attention to:

  • No smell, there shouldn't be any. This will repel the kitten and become a source of allergies for the person.
  • Strength. All parts must hold tightly, the edges are firmly sewn, and the shelves and pipes must withstand the pressure of an adult’s hand.
  • Safety. All surfaces should be carefully smoothed with your palms to look for loose nails, staples, etc. If there is a piercing or scratching sensation, it will definitely damage either the mouth or the paw.
  • Dimensions. The house should not be tiny so that the kitten does not get stuck or get bored.

Beds and cat trees

a lounger so that the kitten can hide there if desired. When choosing a lounger, consider how easy it is to clean and whether it can be washed.

A cat tree is especially useful if you have chosen an active breed kitten. These pets love to climb and jump, and a cat tree will be great entertainment for them.

Scratching posts are needed to prevent your pet from scratching the furniture. Using the dot not only grinds down cats' claws, it relieves stress and marks their territory. Therefore, it is advisable to install not one, but several scratching posts.

nail clipper

In their natural environment, cats often have to climb trees, so their claws wear down on their own. At home, the pet is forced to damage furniture and walls in order to solve its problem. A quality nail clipper will help bring him back to order. This hygiene item is an example of what a cat needs from the first weeks of his stay in the house.

Main types of nail clippers:

  • guillotine. Consists of an area to place the claw, blade and trigger. The principle of operation is similar to the operation of terrible execution equipment. Easy to use, just be careful;
  • pruner Resembles garden shears and consists of blades, handles, guards or stops;
  • scissors. The simplest model, the principle of operation coincides with the features of ordinary household scissors.

Note! For a kitten, it doesn’t really matter which model will be used for trimming its claws, so when choosing, you should focus on your own preferences. Whichever version of the nail clipper the owner can handle is the one that should be chosen.

When purchasing a nail clipper, the owner needs to choose the model that is most convenient for him to use.


Games help the kitten expend excess energy. When a kitten has enough entertainment in the form of toys, he is less likely to damage furniture, bite his hands, or jump on his feet to get attention.

Fishing rods with feathers are perfect for hunting games. Don't forget that cats are predators; they have a well-developed hunting instinct. The fishing rod is long enough to prevent the kitten from biting your hand while playing.

Balls and mice can be used for playing together, or can be left behind when you leave for work. If you wish, you can teach your baby to fetch a toy.

Interactive toys are advanced toys that you can leave with your kitten when you are not at home. Often these toys make sounds or move themselves, which arouses additional interest in pets.

Educational toys are usually made to use treats. For example, it could be a ball with a hole from which pieces of treats fall out. Such toys keep your pet occupied for a while and stimulate his brain activity.

Feeding at first

To briefly touch on the issue, the criteria that are followed are as follows:

  • The food should be appropriate for the age of the kitten.
  • The number and volume of feedings are selected according to the instructions on the package.
  • Try different food options to determine your taste preferences.
  • Change the water frequently (3 times a day).
  • Food residues must be removed in a timely manner so as not to lead to poisoning.
  • The food on the owner's menu is not suitable for the animal. Having decided to feed natural products, the owner should know the specifics of its preparation, taking into account the breed, age and diet of the cats.
  • Dry food is recommended to be introduced from 2 months of age.

Care products

The shampoo is useful for breeds that require regular baths. It's good to have shampoo in case your pet gets dirty in something. For such situations, it is better to buy shampoo in small quantities: cats usually do not need to be washed.

Nail clippers are a useful tool to make caring for your kitten's claws easier. Before trimming your nails, learn how to do it correctly and painlessly.

Place to sleep

A purchased house, a sun lounger, or a furnished “nest” may not be useful. A wayward four-legged animal will choose a comfortable, favorite place for itself - the owner’s bed, an armchair or another location that is unusual in the human eye. However, it is worth trying to offer your kitten a personal corner. This will protect the owner from additional hassle. After all, knowing his place, the fluffy will not leave wool anywhere, and will not wrinkle ironed items. They buy a house in a store or lay down an old jacket, blanket, or rug. The main conditions are:

  • cleanliness, warmth and dryness;
  • softness;
  • naturalness of materials;
  • convenient entrance;
  • possibility of washing, airing and warming up in the sun.

A carrier is what a kitten needs first of all.

The first thing the future owner of a small tiger needs to buy is a kitten carrier. The baby will need to be carried home in something! Later, this accessory will be useful for other trips: to the veterinary clinic, to the country house or on a visit. It is worth noting: what a kitten needs does not have to be small in size. So, you should immediately buy a carrier that is suitable for an adult cat, so as not to spend money on it again as your pet grows up.

Carriers come in soft fabric and hard plastic. Any of the options should be easy to clean and disassemble. Fabric ones are more convenient for manual transportation, for example, if the animal will be transported mainly in public transport - the bottom and walls of such a carrier hold their shape, but at the same time the material is soft, it can be thrown over your shoulder like a bag, it is not heavy. Plastic carriers are more convenient for use in a personal car. Such a “house” stands firmly on the floor or seat, it does not need to be controlled while moving, and even the most rambunctious cat will be safe in it.

A consultant at a pet store will help the future owner make the right choice. To do this, you need to ask whether the buyer is a car owner or uses public transport.

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