Why do cats kill kittens and how does a cat feel when she loses her kittens?

Can a cat kill a kitten - The arrival of a new kitten

Whatever the character, gender or age of your cat, the appearance of a kitten in the house will always be a problem for him. Indeed, your cat will be worried for several reasons:

  • Dividing the territory
  • Fear of another cat
  • Mood incompatibility
  • Jealousy problem
  • His habits have changed...

But even if the first few times are difficult, we still work through it patiently so that the cats accept each other and sometimes even get along well! (see: How do I get my new kitten to accept my older cat? ).

However, there are times when an adult cat may launch a kitten, kick it and attack by scratching or biting.

Hunting training

For many, the behavior of a cat when she teaches kids to hunt comes as a surprise. At the same time, people do not always understand that what is happening is just lessons that do not pose any danger. As a rule, during such activities, the mother cat can catch the kitten with her front paws, hold it quite tightly, and begin to beat it with her hind paws. At the same time, the cat takes turns biting and licking the baby, in addition, it can also purr, letting the kitten know that it is doing everything right. From the outside, this behavior may seem very strange. In fact, the mother cat is simply showing her babies how to properly grab the victim and then suppress it. These skills can also be useful for young cats in order to defend their territory in the future. Over time, you will notice that the kittens begin to practice the learned techniques on each other.

Later, when the kittens become more mature and are already moving around the entire apartment, it will be possible to observe new lessons that will already include stalking skills and hunting jumps. Here mom will show by her own example how to carefully track down a victim, sneak around, and then attack. It is possible that household members will become victims. Well, then, the kittens will also practice the acquired knowledge, both on each other and on their mother.

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Can a cat kill a kitten - Deadly attacks

Fights between a cat already installed in your home and a kitten that comes to live there usually do not result in death. I have not noticed. In no case , there are no indications on sites specializing in cat behavior or on forums.

The only rare cases where a cat can kill another is when a female kills her cub or (seen on the Animogen forum) when a (non-parent) cat from outside has entered the house. where there were 5 little kittens. He killed four kittens and fought with the mother, who wanted to protect her babies, but to no avail.

Otherwise, I have not heard, either from my veterinarian, or from those around me, or on blogs or scientific sites in the cat world, of cases where a cat accidentally killed a new kitten with whom it was supposed to share a home.

Daddy cats

Fathers sometimes behave even more strangely than mothers. Experts are trying to understand what the problem is.

  • Fighting for the cat's attention. Cats understand that after giving birth a “woman” will be completely captivated by her offspring, so they try in every possible way to get rid of their rivals. After the death of the babies, the mother quickly resumes estrus and is again ready to mate.
  • All the best for your children. This is clearly demonstrated by cats in nurseries, eating other people's cubs and making room in the sun for their own.
  • The struggle for leadership. Just as cats determine the viability of kittens, cats clearly distinguish babies of their own sex. Destroy the leader, the leader - this is the goal of the dad cat. This is especially evident in the case of pets.

Cannibalism is characteristic not only of cats, but also of many other animals. Some of them regulate the population in this way, others demonstrate an example of natural selection. It looks wild with pets, so you can only prevent your pet’s inappropriate behavior by taking care of her before and during childbirth.

Can a cat kill a kitten - risks

So, we saw that an adult cat does not want to kill a new kitten, even if it attacks him. However, an adult cat may injure your kitten during a fight. Although these injuries are not necessarily very serious, they can lead to infections. Therefore, it is recommended that you take your injured kitten to his veterinarian.

And to avoid scratches that are too deep, don't forget to trim your cat's claws regularly (see How to trim your cat's claws? ).

Pathological causes

Some cats eat newborn kittens for reasons other than natural ones. Sometimes the animal does this because after pregnancy severe disorders began to develop.

Hormonal disbalance

Immediately after conception, colossal changes occur in the animal’s body, including hormonal ones. In such situations, some cats simply do not understand that they have given birth to kittens. Animals aggressively perceive the offspring and eat it immediately after birth.

A similar situation can occur in cats who have had a caesarean section. Outside interference disrupts the natural process of childbirth. A serious malfunction occurs in the animal’s body, under the influence of which the cat eats the kittens.

Mental pathologies

The birth of kittens is an intimate process that each cat experiences differently. If the comfort conditions at the time of childbirth are violated, the female experiences severe stress, which negatively affects her psycho-emotional health.

During childbirth, it is better to protect your pet from strangers and objects. Otherwise, the animal will begin to worry and inadequately perceive the ongoing event.

After giving birth, felinologists do not recommend holding babies in your arms, because this can “interrupt” the natural smell. Cats perceive foreign scents aggressively, so they immediately destroy such kittens.

To prevent a mother cat from eating newborns, it is important for the owner to create the most comfortable living conditions and carefully monitor the nutrition of the pregnant pet. It is advisable to install the baby box in a quiet, secluded place so that the expectant mother is not disturbed by extraneous animals and sounds.

If the cat does not want to be in the place chosen by the owner, it is better to rearrange the box or keep track of where the pet most often spends time. If during childbirth the animal nevertheless begins to eat kittens, you should urgently isolate the offspring, and after a while try to put them back. If a cat hisses and lunges at the kids, it is better not to risk their lives by starting to care for them yourself.

How can I prevent a cat from attacking my kitten?

Some cats are less happy to have a kitten in the house than others. To limit attacks and ensure that the cat and kitten can live together without recurring arguments, here are some explanations:

Cat attacks kitten - Territory

Since your home has become your cat's territory, the arrival of a kitten will be a source of conflict because the cat does not like to share its territory with other cats or other animals.

Plus, your adult cat is the one who was there before! Consequently, the attacker is at home, on his territory. And it's completely normal that your cat doesn't want to give in to the new baby. Hence the problem of aggression.

To keep your cat from becoming kitten-aggressive , you will need to go through stages of gradually integrating your kitten into your cat's environment (see my article: How Do I Get My New Kitten to Accept My Adult Cat? ).

Cat attacks kitten - Out of jealousy

When we adopt a kitten, we give it time, we give it love, we play with it, and without realizing it, we may be abandoning another cat. In addition, with the arrival of a new kitten, we will change his habits (move him from room to room, install a protective barrier, delay walking or playing time...).

But because your cat is an animal and is very attached to its habits and routine, it may react and behave as if it were jealous . This is one of the reasons why a cat may attack your kitten.

So be careful: Try to compensate for this and spend even more time petting and soothing your adult cat more often.

Cat attacks kitten - aggression

If, despite all the measures taken, your cat continues to attack your kitten, it is because he does not want to make a friend. Indeed, like people, cats do not get along with all the cats in the world. Depending on age, races, characters, experience, a cat will accept the presence of another cat or not!

So, what can you do to stop an adult cat from attacking a new kitten?

Rejection of foreign odor

In the case where a cat bites its offspring, and at the same time was previously picked up on the street or has access there for walks, this is a very bad sign. The fact is that such animals always remain semi-wild and their natural instincts are more acute than those of fully domesticated pets. Here, the reason for aggression towards one’s own offspring can be a foreign smell on the kittens.

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Fight between cats and kittens - what to do?

Don't try to interfere between them or separate them. In fact, it is dangerous for you, and it is up to them to resolve the conflict between them. However, here are some tips to reduce stress and attacks.

Cats and kittens fighting - distraction

If your cat is constantly attacking your kitten, then as soon as you notice that he is doing this, it will be time to distract yourself. And to distract her attention, you can try making noise, clapping your hands, or spraying them with streams of water from a spray bottle. This way, the adult cat will be distracted by something else and her aggressive drive will be stopped.

Cats and kittens fight - Punishment

While it is true that there is no point in punishing a cat harshly, we can still make him understand that he does not have to start all over again. To do this, open my article: How to punish an attacking cat? ou My cat doesn't listen to me - How to make a cat listen?

Fighting cats and kittens - pheromones

To reduce the stress of an adult cat in the presence of a kitten and make it less aggressive, it is recommended to diffuse pheromones. All you need to do is attach the pheromone diffuser to the meeting point between the kitten and the adult cat. This way, tension will be relieved and the atmosphere will become more relaxed.

Cats and Kittens Fighting - Review

If the adult cat's aggressive behavior towards the kitten does not stop after a few weeks, you will need to have her checked by a veterinarian. In fact, maybe the reason is not the arrival of the kitten, but that he actually has health problems.

Finally, why not seek professional help? Indeed, there are cat behavior trainers who know how to deal with these types of problems. They will be able to help you arrange a place of life that will allow you to avoid conflicts between a cat and a kitten, and especially to socialize them correctly.

Is your cat refusing to eat? Here: Can a cat die of hunger?

Does your cat seem sad? Here: Can a cat cry?

Prevention measures

Experienced breeders, when detecting such inappropriate behavior in a cat, remove it from further breeding, since cannibalism is inherited. The many reasons why a cat strangles her kittens make them difficult to identify. In this regard, the following preventive measures should be followed:

  • Balanced and nutritious nutrition for a pregnant female with the inclusion of vitamin and mineral supplements in food. A veterinarian will help you get recommendations on creating the optimal diet for pregnancy and after birth. Monitoring the level of calcium in the blood to prevent postpartum eclampsia should be done through clinical analysis, since both high and low levels of the mineral in the body are dangerous;
  • Preparing the nest in a secluded, quiet and safe place, inaccessible to outside animals. A thick cardboard box or exhibition box is suitable for these purposes. The nest should be placed in a dark place. It should be dry and warm. This organization corresponds as closely as possible to the natural conditions inherent in the cat at the genetic level.
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