Why cats bite their owners' legs - reasons for aggressive behavior

As cat owners, we know that the cost of owning a cat also means dealing with a lot of crazy and inexplicable behavior. But that's why we love our cats. Most likely, at some point you have encountered a cat biting your legs.

Now you are here, reading this article and looking for answers. We can probably understand why cats chase our fingers and hands, but our feet may seem a little strange. We will do our best to study this strange and at the same time quite cute behavior.

We'll look at six reasons why we think cats like to bite our feet. We will also discuss methods that can help prevent this from happening.

Kitten bites

If a kitten bites, then most likely it is scratching its teeth. When little kittens start teething, they develop the urge to bite. Your little pet may bite your pants or cling to your socks, and this is quite natural for his age. But for the owner, you need to remember one thing: if you don’t teach your kitten to bite at an early age, he will continue to bite your legs even when he grows up.

To avoid this, immediate re-education should begin.

Buy a rubber ball or a soft mouse for your baby so that your pet can chew on it when he wants to bite. As soon as your pet starts biting you, distract him with a toy, focusing his attention on it.

Parenting with bites

We use the carrot and stick method when raising our children. A cat does the same thing. But nature gave her much less time for feeding and raising her offspring. Usually after 2-3 months the mother will be ready to bear kittens again, and in such a short period of time she must teach the cubs to survive in the harsh world. Therefore, the cat sometimes uses not only biting kittens, but also hits them with her paw. In this way, the mother tries to instill in the children the rules of conduct, teaches how not to behave. At such moments, she can bite the kitten without causing injury until he understands what is required of him. The cat always makes sure that all children are in her field of vision, in the nest and do not try to leave it. And when her most nimble and curious child shows disobedience, she forces him to obey. Sometimes the mother accustoms her cubs to the tray. And in this case, she also bites them and does not allow them to leave until they do the wet job.

Biting as an educational measure occurs when the cat gets tired, wants to sleep, and children climb on it like on a playground. She calms annoying and nimble children in this way. By the way, if dad lives next to his mother cat, then he can raise his offspring in the same way. This is how daddy cat demonstrates his authority and dominance.

There are always various dangers awaiting kittens on the street. Therefore, the mother is obliged to teach them to fight back the enemy. Even if the cat is domesticated and does not encounter serious predators, at the genetic level the mother is trying to teach her offspring self-defense skills. When she bites children on the neck, she shows them the most vulnerable place in a fight with an opponent - this is how she teaches them to avoid attacks from strangers.

Typically, cat self-defense lessons are played in a playful way. The mother bites the cubs lightly, pinching their skin. The skills acquired from her help the young to survive, defend themselves, their territory, and fight back against the offender.

Hunting instincts

Cats by nature are hunters. They have well developed hunting instincts. A mother can teach her cubs the wisdom of hunting when they are already grown up. She bites them, demonstrating how to capture and hold prey. Sometimes you can see how the mother cat grabs the baby with her front paws, beats him with her hind paws and bites him on the neck. So she teaches him basic hunting skills.

After such lessons, children can hone their skills on each other. And all this happens under the control of the mother. When they play too much, the cat intervenes and bites their neck, letting them know that it’s time to stop.

Cat diseases

Unfortunately, such an effect on the offspring can also be a symptom of the disease. If the cat’s birth was difficult, she is exhausted, then it is difficult for her to control her behavior. She perceives the cubs as irritants. In such cases, the bites are no longer sedative. The cat bites quite aggressively and persistently.

The most common reason for this dangerous behavior of a mother cat is postpartum eclampsia (milk fever). It is the result of a lack of calcium in the body. Its deficiency provokes inappropriate mental behavior of the mother. Sometimes even convulsions occur.

In such situations, there is no way to do without veterinary help. After all, a cat can simply die from depression of the respiratory center. For eclampsia, the doctor administers calcium gluconate intramuscularly. And kittens must be isolated from their mother during the treatment period, otherwise they are at risk of injury.

An adult cat is bored

An adult cat may bite out of boredom. If a pet wants to attract your attention, it will jump out from around the corner, bite your legs and run away. The solution to this small problem will depend only on the owner. You can buy or make a new toy for your animal that he will like.

In addition, you should pay attention to your pet. A domestic cat is not part of the interior, it is a full-fledged member of the family that also needs attention.

Why does my cat attack my legs?

“The number one reason why furry friends bite their feet is very simple - they are carnivorous animals,” says Jackson Galaxy, a renowned expert on feline behavior and health, a guest of the reality show “My Cat From Hell” on the Animal Planet channel. and one of the best-selling New York Times published authors. Since cats are predators by nature, they have the desire to hunt, climb, scratch, and often do this for pleasure. “Movement under the blanket awakens the “wild cat” in the animal, that primal creature that lives inside the pet,” Galaxy explains. “It’s built into their nervous system, and if something starts moving like prey, it kicks in the DNA.” As the expert comments, for the same reason the “little panther” can grab onto the ankles of a passing owner. The specialist explains that at this moment she does not attack the person, but perceives his legs as prey or a toy.

According to Jackson Galaxy, another reason why animals can't resist pouncing is because they're involved in play. Cats are amused by the response - a movement or sound that appears. The expert mentions differences in the actions of domestic animals depending on their individual characteristics, but considers “hunting” to be a common behavior of young animals.

The reason for such activity may also be boredom. “If a cat doesn't have enough opportunities to play, she will likely start looking for an outlet for pent-up energy; One option is to attack your feet,” says Jennifer Coates, an advisory board member for the online resource Cat Life Today. According to the expert, a pet can also express its affection by attacking its owner’s legs.

Some cats pounce on human limbs to get attention. “It could be that their bowl is empty or the place they want to go is blocked,” says Sarah Okoa, a veterinarian practicing in Texas and a consultant for Doglab.com. In an attempt to stop boring communication with the owner, the animal can attack any part of his body. “If your furry friend bites your feet after playing together and then runs away, this could be a way of telling him to leave him alone,” Dr. Okoa explains. “Some cats will lash out due to excessive attention or if they are tired from playing.”

The reason for a pet's attack on the owner's legs is often hidden in his physiology. This kind of pranks can be prompted by the early removal of a kitten from its mother or the lack of punishment on her part for biting in childhood. Dr. Shelley Zacharias, vice president of Medical Affairs, explains that medical problems such as hyperthyroidism also contribute to this type of behavior. When finding out the reasons, the specialist advises first of all to look for the source in the state of health.

Stress or fear

Frequent leg biting can be caused by stress or fear. If a pet is afraid of something or doesn’t like something, then it will protest in such a way as to attract your attention. This often happens due to frequent changes of place of residence, the appearance of a new animal in the house, or due to the arrival of strangers in the apartment.

In this case, it is necessary to minimize stress in your animal. Show more affection, spend more time together and play more often. The cat should feel that you love it and are completely safe.

Host actions

So, we have found out why the cat rushes to his feet and bites, now we will find out what to do in such a situation - how to wean him from this habit. Remember, whatever the reason for strange behavior, there is no need to justify it and let things take their course. Aggressive intentions must be stopped at the very beginning.

Take the advice of experienced breeders and take measures that are suitable specifically for your case:

give a little fluffy dog ​​with itchy teeth a rubber toy that attracts attention (the same method can work with a spoiled, harmful cat); if the problem is a lack of vitamins, review your pet’s diet and supplement it with special supplements; in the event of a sudden “attack”, when not only teeth, but also claws are used, contact a veterinarian - most likely the cat is experiencing attacks of pain associated with the development of some internal diseases; If your pet is walking and mating is not possible, then castrate or neuter him to solve the problem once and for all.

But still, the main reason why a cat bites its owner or owner on the legs is most often the inattentive attitude of breeders towards their pets.

It is necessary to play with the animal and caress it not only while it remains a cute kitten: adult felines need this no less. Spend time with your pets, play with domesticated predators, monitor their health and upbringing - and coping with manifestations of aggression will not be difficult.

Hunting instinct

The feline can bite the owner's legs due to the hunting instinct. A cat is a predator by nature, and this behavior is typical for it. She can hide under a table or chair and watch your leg for a long time, waiting and choosing the best moment to attack. When you get closer, she may jump out and grab your leg.

Hunting instincts can also manifest themselves when a cat eats food.

If she eats something tasty, a piece of meat or fish, and then you appear next to the bowl. The pet may begin to growl, indicating to you that this is its prey. If the owner does not pay attention to this, he may be bitten directly on the leg. Sometimes it’s impossible to wean yourself off of this. You just have to get used to the hunting nature of your pet and find a peaceful solution to common coexistence.

What if a stimulating environment and play are not enough to stop your cat from attacking his legs?

Shadi Delshad, animal behavior expert and founder of National Kitty magazine, recommends having more than one animal. “For some cats, regular play sessions combined with appropriate positive punishment prevent unwanted behavior,” she explains. – However, this is not enough for overly violent individuals. They need a companion to release their emotions. A second cat is the best way to ensure that pent-up energy is released during regular playtime together.” Delshad also mentions the presence of fewer behavioral problems in animals that live in pairs with a conspecific.

Based on materials from www.popsugar.com

The cat has grown up and reached puberty

Aggression towards your legs can occur in a cat as a result of puberty. When a pet develops desire for the opposite sex, he may become irritable and nervous. If the animal is lying on the floor and you are looming in front of it, then it is possible that you will be bitten or scratched on the leg.

In this case, during the “hot-hunters”, you can move the cat into a separate room, where no one will disturb her and will not get on her nerves. If you want to permanently rid your pet of aggression during this period of time, then you should go to the veterinary clinic for sterilization or castration.

Physiological reasons

A cat does not always bite due to improper handling or the need to defend itself from a threat. There are also physiological factors that cause this behavior. A pet may bite if:

  • there are pain sensations;
  • feels irritated;
  • protects offspring;
  • is in euphoria;
  • teeth are cutting through;
  • there is a hormonal imbalance;
  • have a serious illness.

Under the thick fur, the wound may not be noticed. But when a cat is petted, it feels pain. In this case, by biting, she tries to show the sensations she is experiencing and explains that she is unpleasant. Not all pets like prolonged stroking and touching. Even caressing them can cause irritation. A cat may bite to stop excessive pestering and excessive stroking.

The aggressive behavior of a cat when she has small kittens is understandable. Protecting offspring is a duty dictated by nature. There is no need to disturb the animal during this period if it is too jealous of its babies.

Bites are sometimes an expression of a surging feeling of great love for the owner. This behavior can be observed during stroking, affectionate words spoken to the pet. Don't be surprised if your cat bites while playing. These pets are gambling, they forget about the rules during active fun.

Little kittens often bite because their gums become itchy while teething. Cats can behave aggressively, cats after castration, sterilization, during sexual arousal. During these periods, there is a hormonal imbalance, which leads to a change in character.

Bites and attacks may be the result of infection with a serious infectious disease. The greatest danger is rabies.

It is necessary to take into account that each pet has an individual character. Aggression may be one of the personal traits. Such representatives are found both among people and among animals.

Unreasonable aggression

If a cat shows unreasonable aggression every day, what should you do? It bites the legs of you, your children and your guests. Then you should think about whether your pet is in pain. In addition, aggression may be the result of a more serious illness such as rabies.

Therefore, do not delay your visit to the doctor; bites from an infected cat are dangerous for your entire family.

And the best thing is to teach your cat from early childhood that legs are not a toy. But if you still made such a mistake, then immediately begin re-education. Of course, it won't be easy, but hard work will pay off.

What to do?

Basic methods of weaning:

To solve the problem, switching your pet's attention to a toy may be enough.

  • It is necessary to provide sufficient physical activity and pay attention to the cat.
  • Under no circumstances should you hit or shout at an animal. It’s better to just push away, go to another room, ignore. Then the cat will understand that he did something bad.
  • Good behavior should be rewarded.
  • You need to train your cat to bite toys. To do this, it is recommended to buy more so that you have something to occupy your teeth.
  • If your pet suddenly develops aggression, you should consult a doctor.
  • There is no need to specifically tease or shuffle your feet on the floor.


If a cat is offended by its owner for some reason, it will always find an opportunity to take revenge. Some, expressing emotions, spoil things, others make piles and puddles in the wrong places, and still others bite the offender so that he will forever remember that offending a cat is a bad idea.

The dream books say that if a cat bites a person in a dream, in real life the dreamer has seriously offended someone. If a cat bites someone else, it means the person himself is harboring a grudge against a loved one or friend. In any case, if a cat behaves aggressively in a dream, this is an unfavorable sign, warning that in real life you need to prepare for bad changes, and a blow will most likely come from close people.

Hunger, thirst

When a cat is hungry, it becomes irritated, and if a person ignores a request to feed, don’t be surprised that the animal begins to behave just as carelessly towards him. It is important to feed your four-legged friends with quality food on time.

Irritation can also be associated with thirst. Therefore, pets should always have fresh, clean water at their disposal.

How to reduce the risk of aggression and raise an affectionate animal

An affectionate animal can only grow up in a caring and loving family. Never, under any circumstances, use physical punishment. Your hands should only be associated with affection.

Try to talk with your pet often and study its habits. If dissatisfaction appears, accompanied by warning signals, do not test his patience, but immediately stop the unpleasant actions.

If a cat grows up next to a child, make sure that the child knows how to handle it carefully. Stop sudden grabbing and squeezing.

Showing love

Animal psychologists who study the character and habits of cats agree that cat bites are one of the ways of communication. If a pet often bites its owner, perhaps this is his way of expressing immeasurable love and devotion. Many owners have noticed that when you scratch their four-legged friend’s neck or behind the ear, he will definitely turn around to bite the person’s hand. However, this bite does not cause pain, but is more like a tingling sensation. But when the animal’s emotions go off scale, the biting becomes more intense.

Options for weaning a kitten

When a cat attacks its owner’s legs during play, it is necessary to immediately switch its attention to another object. You can stop this behavior by shouting loudly or by spraying her with flower spray. This will make the cat feel uncomfortable and will help wean it off such pranks.

In order to wean a kitten from biting its legs, you should find the reasons for this behavior and eliminate them:

  • a kitten needs personal space, for example, a special house, a box - the absence of this is the reason for aggression towards people;
  • ignoring attacks;
  • at the first sign of aggression, you should offer your favorite toy, thereby diverting attention;
  • sometimes a loud shout like: “Ugh!”, “You can’t” helps.


Exactly what methods and means to stop kittens from biting is a personal matter for each owner. It is only important to remember that cats are touchy and capricious by nature, so any excess can cause psychological trauma to the pet, and this is not a joke! Treat the problem with understanding and find out the cause of its occurrence.

Now comes the hard part: be patient and show all your ingenuity to become not only a strict “pack leader” for your pet, but also a loving friend.


If the owner is bitten by a kitten, then most often the reason for this behavior is teething. In such situations, the baby constantly tries to put something in his mouth, which is quite normal for this age. To prevent a kitten from growing into a naughty prankster, it is important to explain from an early age that this cannot be done.

To help your cat cut teeth faster and stop biting, it is recommended to buy a special rubber toy that your pet can chew on when he wants to “scratch” his gums.


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