What does it mean if a cat lies on a pregnant woman's stomach?

Felinologists note that often a cat lies on a pregnant woman’s stomach, as it protects the baby and tries to help the owner. Research confirms that felines effectively relieve pain and calm the nervous system with the help of purring. However, you should beware of the cat’s aggressive behavior, which often indicates disturbances in the baby’s development. Felinologists recommend that the pregnant owner show increased attention and undergo additional examination.

Objective explanation of cat behavior

No matter how fantastic it may sound, a cat is often the first to know that its owner is pregnant, even before the woman takes a test. Science cannot substantiate this, there are only assumptions:

  • the animal feels hormonal changes (here it is appropriate to remember that other pets - dogs - recognize cancer patients even at the initial stage);
  • the cat sensitively notices the slightest changes in the owner’s habitual behavior, her way of life (for example, the woman began to pay a little less attention to her, focusing more on herself, the owner’s movements became more careful);
  • the pet directly feels the birth of a new life in a way incomprehensible to science.

The cat feels the slightest changes in the behavior of its owner, and possibly changes in her hormonal levels

In general, many cats love to sleep and just lie next to a person. Naturally, for this they choose the warmest and softest places, and for women this is the stomach. However, there are also unsociable furry beauties, but when even an unfamiliar pregnant woman comes into the house, they try to jump on her lap and settle down near her belly.

Many people know that cute furry animals are able to “heal” their owners: tactile contact with them can eliminate headaches, arrhythmia, sciatica, depression and other ailments. The pet has the mysterious ability to absorb negative energy. Most likely, the same mechanism also works during a woman’s pregnancy: the cat not only senses the “interesting” position of the owner, but tries to help her and protect the unborn baby.

Why do they do this

Despite all the mysticism of cats, quite material explanations can always be found for their behavior - perhaps they will somewhat disappoint those who want miracles and fairy tales.

Looking for warmth

All cats are very thermophilic. Their normal body temperature is one and a half to two degrees higher than ours, and for the animal to feel comfortable, the room must be at least 23–25 degrees Celsius. So they find a warm place for themselves: if not on a hot radiator or a windowsill warmed by the sun, then on a working computer.

And since cats are also great lovers of sleep - some of them are ready to sleep up to 20 hours a day - then the choice of the owner’s bed becomes obvious: warm, cozy and not drafty.

They say that cats often lie down on sore spots. Yes this is true. And it is also simply explained: the cat does not so much warm your sore joints, for example, as it warms itself about them. She chooses for herself the warmest areas of the human body - and where the inflammatory process occurs, the temperature naturally rises.

Lying with your hostess is so warm and cozy

The same thing happens with pregnancy. From the moment of conception, turbulent events unfold in a woman’s uterus: rapid cell division occurs, the entire reproductive system is rebuilt. Of course, at the same time the stomach becomes warmer than usual - and that’s all the cat needed.

Showing sympathy for the owner

No, of course, they are not so pragmatic as to simply use us shamelessly without giving anything in return. They love us very much and try to express their emotional affection through the means available to them.

A cat always seeks protection and tenderness from its beloved owner, and when it intuitively senses a woman’s special state, it begins to show increased attention to her. It is no coincidence that this behavior manifests itself much more often not in cats, but in cats.

They love us, want to take care of us and help us - as best they can.

Signs - true and absurd

A number of signs are associated with the behavior of a cat during the owner’s pregnancy:

  1. The animal, lying on its “pregnant” belly, protects the unborn baby from illness and lulls it to sleep . There is some truth here: many women note that such “therapy” helps the fetus calm down - reduce its strong tremors, and also reduce the tone of the uterus.

If the expectant mother has toxicosis, the cat, like a heating pad, will calm her down too

If a cat lies on its stomach, then something bad will happen to the fetus . This sign contradicts the previous one and, of course, does not correspond to reality. Even a heavy cat will not crush the baby, because he is reliably protected by the stomach and amniotic fluid.

Probably, the sign that a cat on the stomach can harm the baby has a logical basis simply in the fact that during pregnancy it is recommended not to put pressure on the stomach

If a pet tries to move from the belly to the chest, this can spoil the milk . The sign is absurd - the animal will not affect the lactation process in any way. When he presses himself against a human breast, he simply expresses his affection, asks for attention and affection. In addition, if the belly is already large, it is simply uncomfortable for the cat to lie on it, and it descends to a flatter place.

When a cat clings to its owner's chest, it demonstrates its affection and asks for reciprocal affection.

You cannot suddenly drive a cat away from its belly . In general, this is justified, because sudden movements are generally undesirable for a pregnant woman. In addition, the mother’s emotional reaction is also important here: even fleeting excitement is transmitted to the fetus. Finally, it is worth remembering that a cat may be frightened by a scream or sudden movements and release its claws into the stomach. to hold on - but this is definitely useless.

To prevent the cat from scratching the expectant mother, you can put veterinary silicone caps on her claws

Why does a cat lie on its stomach: reasons

The animal can do this because it has rested on its owner before.
Popular signs see the fact that a cat or kitten walks on a pregnant woman as a negative omen, but veterinarians identify the following main reasons for the animal’s interest:

  • Treatment. Studies confirm that cats relieve negative symptoms of diseases and have an analgesic effect. In pregnant women, overstrain of the uterine muscles is relieved, pain from stretching goes away and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  • The desire to warm up. Representatives of the cat family love warmth and want to snuggle up to a hot body.
  • Habit. If cats sleep on their owner all their lives, they will continue to rest on the pregnant woman’s belly.
  • Trying to calm the child down. If the baby pushes, the pet specifically begins to lull him to sleep by purring.
  • To attract attention. A pregnant woman has little time for her pet, so it reminds her of herself.

What is allowed and what is prohibited

Very often, folk signs and superstitions contradict each other. So, according to one version, a cat perched on the stomach of a pregnant woman is a favorable sign, but according to another, it is not. In the second case, the sign foreshadows the death or illness of the fetus. That is, whatever the action of the animal, it will definitely be interpreted one way or another.

And here is another belief that surprises with its absurdity. If a pregnant woman allows a cat to lie on her stomach or pet her, the baby will be born restless and hair will grow on its back.

The Japanese, who treat cats with special warmth, only welcome a pet lying on the stomach of a pregnant woman. If the animal purrs and gently moves its paws, it couldn’t be better. However, it has been scientifically proven that the timbre of a cat’s purring has a positive effect on all processes occurring in the human body.

What to do with a cat during pregnancy

Folk signs about cats and pregnant women appeared as a result of fear and the desire to figure everything out.
People at all times have tried not only to notice what happened and compare events, but also tried to find a logical explanation for everything. During pregnancy, contact with animals is not recommended. This is explained not only by the magical effect on the fetus, but also by the infection of the woman. Helminths and other parasites live in every animal, but it is better for humans to prevent infection by them. And cats have been endowed with magical properties since the times of Ancient Egypt. They are guides to the other world. By communicating with restless souls, cats can provoke one of them to “inhabit” the baby’s body. As a result of the information received, the question arises: what should the owner do if the pet was already in the house? Putting cats outside is not humane, and finding good homes for them is problematic. In addition, animals become practically members of the family, and it can be difficult to part with them. In this case, it is necessary to show the animal to a veterinarian. After the examination, the pet can be left. If he is found to have parasites, then an appropriate course of getting rid of them should be carried out, as prescribed by a doctor.

Important! The treatment should be carried out by one of the pregnant woman’s relatives; it is better for her not to touch the cat!

And yet, if it is possible to place your pet with relatives during pregnancy and the first year of the child’s life, this will be the best solution. Nowadays, there are hotels for animals, where for a small fee they will be looked after, fed, and played with. In this situation, the woman must independently decide whether to leave the pet in the house or not.

Three-color amulet

The largest number of positive prejudices is associated with the tricolor cat, or, as it should be said, tortoiseshell. This is not at all surprising, since previously this color was considered rare, for which it was valued. It was believed that a tricolor cat protects the home, attracts good luck, success and material well-being. That is why in most countries of the world it is believed that if such a cat lies on the belly of a pregnant woman, the baby will be happy and rich.

For example, the Slavs were sure that if a tricolor kitten asks to come into the house where a pregnant woman lives, they must not only let it in, but also tame it. After all, the unborn baby received a protector from evil, and his mother was a talisman. For the same reason, the departure of a tortoiseshell cat foreshadowed trouble and even threatened death for an unborn child.

Is it worth mentioning that the attempts of such a cat to settle on the belly of a pregnant woman were encouraged in every possible way. And today, such a resident of the house is considered an advantage only if the cat was not purchased or given as a gift, but came to the door itself. Supposedly she was sent from above to protect a woman expecting a baby.

Are cats dangerous for pregnant women?

Should you give away or not give away your beloved cat if you are expecting a baby? Many women, having read about the horrors of toxoplasmosis, urgently get rid of their pet. Yes, this disease is carried by cats, and its causative agent is very dangerous for the fetus, which can suffer serious pathologies or even die. But, firstly, you can get toxoplasmosis not from a cat, but from contaminated meat, fish or eggs, or even just by poking around in a garden bed where there are toxoplasma microparasites in the soil.

Secondly, at least half of adults, according to doctors, have already had toxoplasmosis asymptomatically, without even noticing it, and are immune. Thirdly, your cat is not necessarily a carrier of the disease - this can be easily found out by taking her to the veterinarian. Well, it’s generally better to follow the rules of basic hygiene, and not only for pregnant women - in this case, no infection will overcome you.

Desire to communicate

Why do cats leave home to die, sensing their demise?

Also, such a pose may mean that the pet is not averse to communicating at a given moment in time. By exposing his tummy, he seems to be communicating that he can now be stroked and played with. If at other times the cat behaves independently and dodges its owner’s hands, then, lying on its back, it absolutely doesn’t mind playing and you don’t have to worry that the animal will bite or scratch.

Conclusions, generalizations

Many people believe omens to this day, because they were compiled over the years, through observation and collection of information. Some of the popular beliefs are current, while others are on the verge of insanity. Quite a large number of signs are associated with pregnancy and childbirth. The basis of any popular belief was fear of the unknown, and the process of pregnancy and childbirth has not been fully studied to this day.

Scientists and doctors support many signs associated with contacts between cats and pregnant women. There is no clear certainty about what our ancestors were thinking when they said that a pregnant woman should not play with cats, have less contact with them and not clean up their waste products. But it is better to observe all these provisions, because cats are carriers of such a serious disease as toxoplasmosis. This disease in an adult is asymptomatic and does not threaten him in any way, but it poses a very strong threat to the body of a pregnant woman. Its ability to penetrate the placenta can provoke the appearance of various pathologies in the development of organ systems in the unborn child.

Other signs that say that you should not stroke cats with your feet, because this is fraught with nervous disorders, frankly, look like nonsense. In defense of cats, I would still like to note that a woman develops immunity to toxoplasmosis if she has an animal living in her house for several years. And then, not every individual survives the disease. If this is a domestic cat that has been provided with the necessary care, does not walk outside, has received all the necessary vaccinations and is regularly prevented from helminthic infestations, then there is nothing to worry about, such an animal does not pose any danger at all and there is no need to throw it out into the street.

Allergies are a completely different matter. For example, if you consider the sign that you cannot kick a calico cat out of the house if the woman is pregnant, otherwise the baby will not survive. Very often, pregnant women become allergic to the fur and epidermis of their own pet, who has lived with her in the apartment for a long time. This is due to hormonal changes, many years of sensitization of the body to allergens and a decrease in the body’s protective functions. In this case, no matter what the cat is, it must be given away as soon as possible, otherwise the risk that the child will be born with an allergy increases.

There is only one conclusion: if you want to be able to believe in omens, no one forbids you from doing so. But first of all, you need to think about whether this really shouldn’t be done or whether someone came up with such a belief so that a person would not try to find out what he is not supposed to. For example, in order to intimidate expectant mothers, they said that they should not determine the gender of children in advance and buy things for children. But, if you think about it, what will a woman dress her baby in after giving birth if she doesn’t buy him clothes? Every person believes in what it is convenient for him to believe.

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