Why do cats sleep on a person, lie on the chest, on the stomach of a pregnant woman?

Is it possible for a cat and a person to sleep in the same bed?

It is assumed that if a cat lays on a person, then it is its person. Many people completely agree with this statement. The owner must provide the fluffy with a balanced diet and comfortable living conditions. For this purpose, houses, baskets with soft mattresses, and beds are purchased. There are even special heated mats that caring family members buy. However, for a furry couch potato, there is nothing better than the bed of a loved one.

Arguments for

There is an opinion that the mustachioed pet and its owner are very similar. Moreover, we are talking not so much about external similarity as about the inner world. Therefore, two close beings strive to spend more time together, including in sleep.

When a cat is placed on a beloved family member, it takes on some of the stress. Problems and anxieties fade into the background when a person strokes a pet and hears its rumbling. And the most important argument is that sleeping together gives a feeling of comfort and pleasant emotions.

An invisible connection arises between a person and a furry homebody, which allows you to enjoy communication not only during the day, but also at night. Close beings usually have difficulty withstanding separation from each other, so sleeping alone is not acceptable to them.

Arguments against

Experienced breeders, zoologists and veterinarians are not supporters of keeping a mustachioed friend on a bed or on a person. Many felinologists declare the inadmissibility of joint recreation. The following reasons are put forward as arguments:

  1. Animals are carriers of infectious diseases.
  2. Dirt from paws leads to rapid soiling of bed linen.
  3. If a cat suddenly gets sick, then he needs a bed isolated from humans and other inhabitants of the house.
  4. A kitten that climbs onto the bed in search of warmth may be injured. There is a high risk of crushing the baby.
  5. Even the friendliest mustache sleeping next to a child can accidentally scratch him.
  6. During periods of heavy shedding, an animal's fur can cause allergies or simply discomfort in the person sleeping next to it.

In order to get a good night's sleep, a person needs to create comfortable conditions around him. A pet that tries to settle comfortably on the owner’s body is unlikely to contribute to this. To ensure that both family members get a good night's sleep, you should think about purchasing a separate, comfortable bed for your wayward mustache.

The best option that will suit both the owner and the animal is to arrange a separate corner on the bed for the pet. You can arrange a bed for him on the side - or place a covered chair or armchair next to the bed, on which the cat will happily rest.


To ensure that sleeping on the same bed brings only pleasure and is safe, you must comply with the requirements for keeping furry friends. This will ensure comfortable sleep for the owner and a high standard of living for the pet itself.

It is important to regularly visit a veterinary clinic for examinations and preventive and routine vaccinations. It is necessary to give medications against parasites in a timely manner. Animals walking on the street are given them once every 3 months, and homebodies - 2 times a year. . After visiting the street or litter box, you need to wash your paws, and once every six months, give them a full bath.

Don't forget to use a nail clipper and furminator during shedding.

After visiting the street or litter box, you need to wash your paws and give them a full bath once every six months. Don't forget to use a nail clipper and furminator during shedding.

There are many versions about why a cat falls on a person. Zoologists, owners and breeders have their own assumptions and hypotheses. Most often, we are talking about a simple desire to bask on a soft bed or mention of the healing abilities of a fluffy. In any case, before allowing your cat to lie down next to you, you need to think about the cleanliness and health of your pet. Then sleeping together will bring only positive emotions.

Lack of attention

Felinologists are not yet able to give a definite answer why murchiks choose a person as a sleeping place. Let's consider all possible reasons for this behavior.

One of the reasons is lack of attention. The cat may tag along, purr, trying to be in contact. Fluffy decides to claim his rights to the person, trying to point out that he and the owner are from the same pack. When a cat climbs on his head, he doesn’t just lie there, but rubs, leaving his scent on him and demanding attention.

Reasons why cats lie on different places on the human body

There is still no clear explanation why cats, with their wayward and independent nature, love to fall asleep on humans. And since pets themselves cannot tell about the reasons for this behavior, we can only make assumptions about this. In some cases, this fact has a scientific interpretation, in others it is the result of superstition.

Whiskered pets love to relax on household members

The most reliable explanations for why a cat lies on a person are the following:

  • The animal was frozen and found a warm and comfortable place where it could warm up.
  • Lying on a person, the cat controls the territory and feels safe.
  • The pet lacks human attention.
  • Cats have the ability to heal, because more often they lie down on sore spots.

What is true and what is myth

According to existing signs, the constant desire of cats to lie on a person’s stomach, chest, head, back, legs is explained by their therapeutic abilities. Thanks to their strong energy, these animals have the ability to guess sore spots. Pets can relieve headaches, stomach, and heart pain, eliminate muscle and joint problems, and suppress depression and stress.

A cat lying on its head can relieve migraines

It is worth noting that this pet behaves extremely carefully when lying on its stomach next to a pregnant woman. Superstitions associated with pregnancy say that when a cat sits on a woman’s stomach and begins to knead it with her paws, she feels the birth of a new life inside the expectant mother

She seems to know for sure that there is a baby inside who cannot be disturbed.

A cat can predict the birth of a new life in the belly of a pregnant woman

Although there is no scientific evidence for such facts, research by scientists proves the plausibility of such signs. Many pet owners also claim that cats are able to predict illness and alleviate the patient’s condition.

This can be explained by the fact that when hormonal levels change when a child is conceived or a disease appears, the temperature of the internal organs rises. Cats sense such temperature changes very well and are literally drawn to the inflamed area.

The cat feels where the diseased organ is located, since the temperature in this place is increased

Many years of communication with these cute creatures allows me to believe that cats, lying on a person, with their purring and massaging movements of their paws, really calm him down and bring relief.

The most realistic version, which scientists adhere to when explaining the habit of four-legged pets to sleep on a person, says that it is easier for them to warm up due to the temperature of the human body, which is higher than that of other objects around. In practice, this is confirmed by the fact that cats love comfort and are constantly looking for a warm place, be it a person, another cat or a dog. These animals love to sleep with children, because they serve as inexhaustible sources of warmth.

Cats love to sleep on children because they are always warm

The pet’s desire to often lie down on the owner’s chest and fall asleep there may be associated with the psychological state of the four-legged friend, since the beating of a person’s heart is associated in an adult cat with the period of his childhood when he communicated with his mother cat. Probably, for some reason the animal began to miss it. It is possible that the pet often has to be alone and lacks the owner’s attention. He calms down on the chest of his beloved owner to the rhythmic heartbeat and falls asleep in comfort and warmth.

A cat lies on a person's chest when he lacks communication

Another supposed reason why an animal settles to lie on a human body is to ensure its own safety and the desire to control a controlled space. Since cats are predators, they are used to keeping objects around them under control. In addition, being in the same bed with your breadwinner is calm and safe. This explanation is quite possible.

While resting on its owner, the cat sometimes turns its back to him, which on its part is a great compliment and a sign of trust. The fact is that a pet can be both a hunter and a possible victim. Exercising control over the territory under its control, the animal, turning away from the owner, lets him know with such a gesture that he does not expect danger from him.

If a cat turns its back to its owner, it does not expect danger from him

From all that has been said, we can conclude that the desire of cats to lie down on a person is associated either with the mood and habits of the four-legged friend, or with the state of health of the one on whom he prefers to sleep.

How to get your pet to sleep longer with you

Many people like cats to sleep with them. You can train your pet to stay in bed at night as follows:

  1. Cover the windows with thick curtains that do not allow light to pass through.
  2. Do not feed the animal immediately after waking up. Otherwise, the cat will demand food at night, preventing you from sleeping.
  3. Do not respond to morning attempts to wake up the cat. Otherwise, he will constantly wake up his owner whenever he wants.

If you want your cat to be with you at night, you need to make sure that your pet is clean and healthy. Otherwise, instead of a restful sleep, you can get a lot of problems in the form of infectious diseases. The cat must be vaccinated and treated against fleas and worms.

Cats can sleep during the day in the absence of their owners. In order for your pets to sleep soundly at night, you need to try to pay them more attention, walk, and play with them. A tired animal will sleep on its own and let its owner sleep.

Is it possible to let a cat into a baby's crib?

However, the indicated situation only at first glance seems idyll. In fact, doctors warn parents to allow small children to sleep with cats, and in the case of an infant, this is simply unacceptable. The danger is as follows:

  • A cat weighs on average 5 kg (for comparison, a child, for example, at six months has an approximate weight of 7 kg). She can climb onto his face or chest and simply crush him with her body.
  • The immune system of a small child is still imperfect. Therefore, he turns out to be vulnerable to a lot of pathogens that cats carry (a child can become infected with toxoplasmosis, lichen, worms, etc.).
  • If something alarms or frightens the cat (for example, the loud crying of a baby), it may bite or scratch its little owner. And this is a lot of stress for him and, again, a way of transmitting infection. In addition, children often move their legs under the blanket at night: the cat may mistake this for play and claw the baby.
  • Cats are predators by nature: they sleep a lot during the day and are quite active at night. In a crib, the pet will not sleep peacefully all night, will change body position, and move from place to place. As a result, the child will not get enough sleep, after waking up he may be capricious and lethargic.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about whether pets are dangerous for children

As you know, cats are very capricious creatures that walk “on their own.” But if there is a small child in the house, you need to limit the pet’s desires and not allow him to settle down in a crib at night, or even during the day. After all, we are talking about the baby’s health, which cannot be risked.

On a note

If you are allergic to cat fur, it is better to avoid spending time together with your pet.

Of course, such behavior is very disarming, and it is difficult to refuse a beloved cat who intends to settle comfortably on the body of his owner.

But to ensure that such close physical contact does not cause harm to a person, it is necessary to follow simple recommendations :

  • If your cat has access to the street and often walks there, then it is important to thoroughly clean his paws before letting him in.
  • The animal must be regularly treated for worms and fleas.
  • If you are allergic to cat fur, it is better to avoid spending time together with your pet.
  • You should not let your cat get close to small children, and especially not allow them to sleep in a crib.

What to remember when falling asleep next to a cat

Owners of furry purrs are unlikely to refuse to fall asleep at least once while stroking their beloved pet. But frequent nighttime spending with a cat in the same bed can result in a number of troubles. Thus, somnologists cite a theory according to which the quality of sleep noticeably deteriorates in those who like to sleep with pets. Because of this, the effectiveness of rest time also decreases. And all because cats by nature are nocturnal animals and can rarely sleep next to their owner until the morning.

Cats may find it difficult to sleep through the night.

Other negative consequences of sleeping together between humans and cats include:

  • feeling of discomfort. Since in the middle of the night a cat can begin to purr and trample the owner with its paws, and sometimes bite if the animal does not like the behavior of the breadwinner in a dream;
  • violation of hygiene. An animal living in the same house as a person must be free of parasites - helminths and fleas. In addition, the cat must be washed regularly to avoid the risk of Toxoplasma infection. And yet, despite observing all the “rules of cleanliness,” under no circumstances should a pet be allowed to enter a child’s crib;
  • the appearance of an allergy to skin particles or animal saliva. Research has shown that the widespread belief that the body has a negative reaction to cat fur has no basis. However, allergies are caused by substances secreted by the endocrine glands of furry animals.

Taking precautions into account, you should take care of creating a warm and soft sleeping place intended for your beloved cat. Perhaps the cozy corner will appeal to the tailed friend and the animal will have fewer reasons to crawl under the blanket with its owner

Is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses?

Cats have been near humans and have lived in their homes for a long time. They keep the home. These animals must not be beaten, offended, or pulled by their whiskers or tail.

Whether to allow a cat to sleep between husband and wife depends on various factors:

  • A cat is capable of marking its territory with a liquid with an unpleasant, pungent odor, especially in cases where it is offended by one of the spouses or feels jealous.
  • Couples can quarrel over a cat. If one of the spouses does not like the pet, then she will commit unseemly actions to take revenge.
  • A cat that sleeps between a husband and wife interferes with their exchange of energies. When spouses sleep together, they exchange energy. The cat appropriates a particle of energy for itself, and the spouses end up with a disadvantage.

Signs sometimes contradict each other. According to some, a cat can separate, while according to others, on the contrary, it strengthens the union.

Why does a cat lie on a person's chest?

There are many explanations for this behavior of cats, and you need to take a closer look at your pet to understand which one is the most correct.

There are several explanations for why a cat lies on its chest.

Soft, warm and comfortable

Cats are always drawn to warm places, because their normal body temperature is 1–2 degrees higher than that of humans, and it is much more difficult for them to warm up. When choosing a place to rest or sleep, they will always prefer to sit closer to the heating device or radiator, snuggle up to each other (if there are several cats in the house), and crawl under the blankets.

The cat will comfortably settle down to sleep on its owner's stomach.

For the same reason, heat-loving animals can comfortably settle on the warm and soft belly of their owner, which is an ideal place for a comfortable rest.

Peace of mind guaranteed

Despite the fact that cats have nothing to fear in an apartment, they still try to protect themselves as much as possible while sleeping. Being in the closest contact with their owner, they feel as protected as possible and can completely relax.

A cat feels safe next to its owner.

In addition, for cats who like to keep everything that happens in the house under their control, this makes it easier to follow the actions of the owner. That’s why they often settle as close to him as possible, choosing their owner’s chest as their location.

As a painkiller for humans

It's amazing how cats can easily identify a sore spot and lie down on it. In fact, everything is very simple: the temperature of the diseased organ is slightly higher, and more heat emanates from it than from other parts of the body, which attracts cats.

Cats find a sore spot on the owner and lie down on it.

As for the effectiveness of the healing capabilities of cats, they have not been scientifically proven, although many owners claim that pain and spasmodic sensations weaken or completely disappear after their pet has been lying in a sore spot for some time.

There is also an opinion that cats can sense pregnancy in the early stages. Feeling the birth of a new life, cats try to lie down on the woman’s stomach, once again proving that they have the ability to detect the slightest changes in the human body.

Tender feelings of a cat for its owner

Despite the fact that all cats have a firmly established reputation as absolutely selfish animals, nevertheless, many of them can become very attached to their owners. They are sad when they go away for the whole day to work or to do their own business.

Lying on the owner's chest, the cat begins to purr.

In this position, they can sleep peacefully, thereby expressing great trust and devotion.

The cat proves its superiority

If a cat appears in your house, the main owner or mistress of the house is no longer you. And this is not an excerpt from a joke, but a very real statement. I think you have often noticed that, in addition to humans, a cat can also go to sleep on an item of clothing of its owner, which leads to a certain thought: it is trying to determine how to “mark” its territory, leave its mark, smell on this item in order to prove your involvement or, say, your superiority. The same applies to humans. It is likely that these animals perceive the owner as a member of their pack and, falling asleep on him, indicate that the leader of this article is a cat. So that's why cats love to sleep with people so much!

How soft you are!

Dictionary of cat sounds

Purring - calmness. Dissatisfied purring is a painful sensation. Rumbling is dissatisfaction. Meowing is a greeting and sometimes a request. An intermittent meow, similar to a squeal, is a response to human treatment. Howling is anger. A short cry is fear. Muffled purring, ending with a dissatisfied rumbling - patience has run out. Hissing is a readiness for defense, a warning about this. The restrained purr of a nursing cat is a warning to kittens about possible danger. The same thing, ending with a raised tone - a warning to a person or other creatures not to approach the kittens.

Why does a cat lie on its chest? Cat home doctor

Cats seem to be aware of their role and know who needs attention or affection - it's their sixth sense.

Our furry pets have the wonderful ability to normalize human energy metabolism. They love warmth very much and are good at distinguishing temperature differences of even half a degree, so if, for example, your knee is inflamed and painful, she will gladly lie with her warm belly on the inflamed joint. Living warmth is very effective in soothing this type of pain, and both you and your cat will be happy. So we can say about any cat that it is a “medicinal breed”.

If you want to always be healthy, then take a close look at your cat’s behavior. If your cat often clings to you, lies on your chest or legs, then you may be at risk of exacerbation of a chronic disease.

The cat treats you when it pulls or licks your ear - after all, there are many acupuncture points on the auricle. By acting on them, a cat can even prevent a heart attack or a nervous breakdown.

If you feel tired and lacking vital energy, then you definitely need to get a cat and take it into your arms more often. Moreover, it is better to do this after the cat has slept and gained strength.

If you often experience irritability and cannot calm down, then this indicates an excess of energy. And this leads to neurasthenia, kidney and heart failure, arthritis and hypotension. In this case, a sleepy cat will help you - keep it on your lap more often and you will forget about such problems.

For those who are bothered by hypertension and osteochondrosis, a “cat collar” will come to the rescue - place the cat on your neck and let it stay on it for 3-4 minutes. Do this often and you will immediately feel relief.

Pets have a harmonizing property, they put their owner’s psycho-emotional state in order, but their main effect is unnoticeable, delicate and vital for a person in modern conditions.

The pet is “switched on” to the energy field of the owner and his family and acts in several forms at once: “battery”, energy shield and “fuse”.

There is a constant and powerful exchange of subtle energies between living organisms. The result is almost always positive and very beneficial to the person. Unfortunately, the animals themselves often fall ill with approximately the same ailments that their owners suffer.

What Science Says

A much more logical explanation for such cat behavior from a scientific point of view:

    Felines' body temperatures are slightly higher than humans (2–2.5 °C), so it is more difficult for them to stay warm. Trying to choose a warmer place to sleep, the animal chooses a person, since its temperature is much higher than that of surrounding objects. And the owner’s belly is also soft. It is no coincidence that cats nest near heating appliances in winter, and sometimes simply lie down on the radiators. This explains their healing abilities. Since the diseased organ is often inflamed, its temperature is increased, which cats sense sensitively and move closer to this place. The head, through which the greatest heat transfer occurs, attracts furry, heat-loving pets for the same reason.

Cats use humans as big hot water bottles

Lying on the owner's leg, the cat feels completely safe

Little kittens are soothed by the beating of the human heart

There are a number of scientific studies confirmed by experiments and proving the healing abilities of some representatives of the cat tribe. This is quite possible to believe, since there is treatment with dolphins or horses. This method is called pet therapy, zootherapy or animal therapy.

Our cat loves to sleep in bed, and none of the household members may be there anymore. Apparently, she is attracted to some special smell, because she will not leave until the bedding is removed or a blanket appears. At night she can sleep just next to her, without touching her body, but in close proximity.

Signs about cats sleeping in public

Cats spend most of their lives sleeping. On average, they sleep about 17 hours a day. It is not surprising that, observing sleeping pets, people came to the conclusion that this phenomenon is connected with events occurring in their lives. This is how many signs were born related to cats sleeping on their owners:

  • If an animal lies on the stomach of a girl or woman, she is probably expecting a baby. Some people believe that if you hold a curled up cat near the uterus, you will soon be able to get pregnant.
  • A pet that constantly kneads a certain part of the owner’s body with its paws gives the owner a signal that he has some problems with the organs located in this place. If the doctor does not find any health problems during a diagnostic study, for personal peace of mind it is not recommended to ignore the “predictions” of your four-legged pet. In any case, a thorough check of the functioning of the internal organs will not hurt.
  • If an animal often sleeps on its neck or next to its head, this is a warning that mental and physical activity should be reduced, otherwise health problems due to overwork cannot be avoided.

Many women expecting the birth of a child become very superstitious. Some expectant mothers believe that if:

  • the cat lies down on him or tries to lie down next to him, which means there is a threat to the safety of the fetus;
  • If you let your pet breastfeed, the breast milk will soon spoil and the baby will have to be switched to artificial feeding.

To believe or not in these signs is a personal matter for everyone. In any case, you should not rely heavily on them, since it is man who is the master of his destiny and entrusting it to an animal is at least irresponsible, and zealously reject it, because some of them are not without meaning.


Unusual places for a cat to sleep

Cats love to choose seemingly unusual places to sleep.

  1. Under the bed. Usually, cats do not allow themselves to sleep under the bed. They consider it beneath their dignity. But, suddenly this happens, out of the blue, which means the problem is in the bed itself. Cats are attracted to energy currents. Most likely, some ill-wisher has jinxed or cast a spell on the owner. What to do in this case? There are several options: leave everything as it is. The cat will take the “blow” of dark magic, and everything will be fine. Move the bed to another location. If the story continues, change the bed itself. Call the priest to bless the room. You can choose any of the proposed solutions, or you can try them all one by one.
  2. On the table. As often happens, a person goes to the kitchen at night to drink a glass of water, turns on the light, and sees that the cat is sleeping on the table. What could it be? There are two explanations for this phenomenon. It is believed that in this way the cat drives an unwanted person out of the house. Here you need to be wary and take a closer look at the people living in the apartment. It is possible that the new young man is not who he claims to be. Animals are great at sensing negative people. Control – cats love to be in control. It is important for them to see the maximum area surrounding them. And this can only be done from table height.
  3. On the threshold. Even in ancient Rus' it was believed that a cat was a brownie’s friend. And the brownie’s favorite place is the threshold. If an animal sleeps in this place, it means it has a relationship with household spirits. You should not disturb the cat in this. In such a situation, in principle, nothing needs to be done. The four-legged one has everything under control.
  4. In the corridor. This is a lucky sign - money will appear in the house.

A cat is a protector not only of its owner, but also a guard of the entire house. And let it be not on the physical level, but on the mystical. And for his help to be successful (he sleeps at his feet or at his head), the owner needs to carefully monitor his cat and listen to her signs. After all, signs are of great importance for a person.

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Three-color amulet

The largest number of positive prejudices is associated with the tricolor cat, or, as it should be said, tortoiseshell. This is not at all surprising, since previously this color was considered rare, for which it was valued. It was believed that a tricolor cat protects the home, attracts good luck, success and material well-being. That is why in most countries of the world it is believed that if such a cat lies on the belly of a pregnant woman, the baby will be happy and rich.

For example, the Slavs were sure that if a tricolor kitten asks to come into the house where a pregnant woman lives, they must not only let it in, but also tame it. After all, the unborn baby received a protector from evil, and his mother was a talisman. For the same reason, the departure of a tortoiseshell cat foreshadowed trouble and even threatened death for an unborn child.

Is it worth mentioning that the attempts of such a cat to settle on the belly of a pregnant woman were encouraged in every possible way. And today, such a resident of the house is considered an advantage only if the cat was not purchased or given as a gift, but came to the door itself. Supposedly she was sent from above to protect a woman expecting a baby.


While it's no secret that your kitty loves to lie on you, you might want to know the reason why he prefers you, and there are many. Let's look at some:

  1. They are looking for warmth . Regardless of the weather, cats love to sleep and relax in warm places. They like to lie on you because they like the warmth of your body. Most of your body heat is generated through your knees and chest, so they like to lie down and fall asleep in these areas. Meanwhile, your bed is a gentle, pleasant place for your pet to lie down while resting.
  2. They want to connect . Cats don't really like you. However, by lying on you, your furry friend may be trying to tell you that he loves you. They are connected to you.
  3. Marking the territory . We all know that people don't choose a cat, a cat chooses its person. Cats like to leave their scent on their territory so they can recognize it later, and by lying on you they may try to mark you as one of theirs.
  4. They enjoy your company . At some point, we've all experienced our cats lying on top of us while we're talking to other people. Your cat enjoys your company and voice. Additionally, the sound of your body can make your fur baby feel better when your pet naps on you.
  5. Your cat loves you . Perhaps you work like most people. The moment you finish your work day, all your cat wants is to be close and chase you until you sit down so she can lie down on you. Why? Because your fur baby loves you.

© shutterstock

Conclusions, generalizations

Many people believe omens to this day, because they were compiled over the years, through observation and collection of information. Some of the popular beliefs are current, while others are on the verge of insanity. Quite a large number of signs are associated with pregnancy and childbirth. The basis of any popular belief was fear of the unknown, and the process of pregnancy and childbirth has not been fully studied to this day.

Scientists and doctors support many signs associated with contacts between cats and pregnant women. There is no clear certainty about what our ancestors were thinking when they said that a pregnant woman should not play with cats, have less contact with them and not clean up their waste products. But it is better to observe all these provisions, because cats are carriers of such a serious disease as toxoplasmosis. This disease in an adult is asymptomatic and does not threaten him in any way, but it poses a very strong threat to the body of a pregnant woman. Its ability to penetrate the placenta can provoke the appearance of various pathologies in the development of organ systems in the unborn child.

Other signs that say that you should not stroke cats with your feet, because this is fraught with nervous disorders, frankly, look like nonsense. In defense of cats, I would still like to note that a woman develops immunity to toxoplasmosis if she has an animal living in her house for several years. And then, not every individual survives the disease. If this is a domestic cat that has been provided with the necessary care, does not walk outside, has received all the necessary vaccinations and is regularly prevented from helminthic infestations, then there is nothing to worry about, such an animal does not pose any danger at all and there is no need to throw it out into the street.

Allergies are a completely different matter. For example, if you consider the sign that you cannot kick a calico cat out of the house if the woman is pregnant, otherwise the baby will not survive. Very often, pregnant women become allergic to the fur and epidermis of their own pet, who has lived with her in the apartment for a long time. This is due to hormonal changes, many years of sensitization of the body to allergens and a decrease in the body’s protective functions. In this case, no matter what the cat is, it must be given away as soon as possible, otherwise the risk that the child will be born with an allergy increases.

There is only one conclusion: if you want to be able to believe in omens, no one forbids you from doing so. But first of all, you need to think about whether this really shouldn’t be done or whether someone came up with such a belief so that a person would not try to find out what he is not supposed to. For example, in order to intimidate expectant mothers, they said that they should not determine the gender of children in advance and buy things for children. But, if you think about it, what will a woman dress her baby in after giving birth if she doesn’t buy him clothes? Every person believes in what it is convenient for him to believe.

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