Snoopy cat: description of the breed and maintenance features

Save the article: The cute little face and innocent look of the bear cat have become the calling card of the cat Snoopy .
His funny, touching appearance struck more than one heart that was not indifferent to cat charms. A chic fur coat and a beautiful fur tail became the animal’s passport to the world of famous cats. The phlegmatic character of the cat is noticeable in the eyes, which evoke tenderness, which is only beneficial during photo shoots - all the shots with Snoopy are successful, he is good in any image.

The plush cat Snoopy became famous thanks to his sweet, gentle appearance and the owner’s desire to post a photo of her pet on social networks. A dense body with a strong neck, round paws, a cheeky muzzle and huge surprised eyes - the cat deservedly enjoys the love of people.

The cat immediately interested many people, who immediately rushed to share images of such a cute creature. There are no fewer fans, and many are interested in what breed Snoopy is, how he became popular, and where they can buy the same cat-bear.

History of the development of the exotic breed: key dates

In the early 1960s, a group of scientific breeders decided to experiment and try to cross short-haired cats with the Persian breed. They wanted a healthier cat with a strong skeleton and noble appearance. This is how the short-haired “relative” of the Persians appeared - the exotic Snoopy.

The famous cat Snoopy, after whom the breed is named

1966 was a landmark year for the breed; the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) officially recognized it as a separate group.

In 1967, the Snoopy standard was registered, to which minor changes were made in 1973.

In 1975, crossing representatives of the breed was prohibited; mating was allowed only with Persian or American smooth-haired cats, but in 1980 the latter were also prohibited from crossing with Snoopy.

In 1990, the standards of Snoopy and the Persians were recognized as identical.

Additional Information! The Snoopy breed was initially considered a big failure. They did not want to separate it into a separate group, since it was believed that it was a variety of the Persian breed, but with short fur.

Mating cats of the Snoopy breed

If the acquired Snoopy kitten belongs to the pet class, then mating is impossible - such an animal must be castrated or sterilized. The operation can be performed as early as 7–8 months of age; this is the most favorable time for representatives of the breed.

Cats of the Snoopy breed can only be bred if the animal is classified as breed or show class

When the owner of a Snoopy cat thinks about organizing a business for breeding and selling furry cats, he needs to collect documents (veterinary passport and pedigree of the animal, a diploma of veterinary, zootechnical or medical education, or a document confirming completion of the relevant courses) and create a nursery (registered in a felinological club consisting in one of the international associations of cat lovers). To become a full-fledged participant in breeding, you need to regularly bring Snoopy “out into the world” to participate in competitions.

Snoopy breeders often face a number of problems:

  • probability of breeding - half of the kittens in the litter may be long-haired;
  • searching for a pair is only among “well-born” and completely healthy inhabitants of official nurseries.

Those who are faced with the need to breed Snoopy cats should remember the following important points:

  • Puberty in exotics occurs at 7–9 months;
  • The first “date” should be scheduled no earlier than 12 months of age;
  • A cat's pregnancy lasts 63–67 days (the first 10 days are accompanied by nausea and weakness in the morning).


In the twentieth century, scientists decided to strengthen the skeleton of the American shorthair cat. For these purposes, they began to cross Persians, Burmese, and blue cats with it. The result of the experiment frankly did not please the breeders, and for a long time the work was considered a failure. Creatures with short fur and large eyes, similar to bear cubs, appeared. Scientists considered them Persians with short hair. In 1996, the breed was adopted and dubbed exotic shorthairs. In 2011, thanks to one funny Chinese kitten, real popularity came. The breed was renamed Snoopy because of its famous representative.

Cats have a funny appearance with big brown eyes, thick cheeks, and round ears. The short, plush fur gives the impression of a living toy. Big head, massive body, bushy tail. Snoopies are heavy cats, but there is no standard for how much they should weigh. The standard of beauty is the presence of a so-called foot on the muzzle - a sharp transition from the forehead to the nose. There are several colors - simple one-color, Siamese, complexly colored. The type of pattern can be different - stripes, spots, marbled color. The lifespan of cats is approximately 10 years.

History of the breed

Work on this breed began in the sixties of the last century in America. Breeders tried to improve short-haired cats by adding the rounded shapes and colors of Persian beauties to the exterior. The result of such a crossing showed that the Persian gene is much stronger than the gene of American shorthair cats. Disputes and disagreements began among breeders about whether the newly obtained cats should be considered a subspecies of the Persian cat or isolated as a separate breed.

In 1966, at a meeting of the CFA board of directors, American breeder Jane Markink insisted that exotics take their place on the list of breeds. Then the standards changed a little more, and in 2000 the work on improving the breed was completed.

As can be seen from history, short-haired exotic cats are not Japanese at all, but American, although Snoopy, thanks to whom exotics got a second, unofficial name in 2011, was actually a Chinese cat.

Appearance of an exotic cat

The first thing that catches your eye in the appearance of the breed is their “sad” look and flattened nose. The body length does not exceed 80 centimeters, females weigh on average about 5 kilograms, and males - 7 kilograms. The animal's body is strong and muscular, its legs are wide. The end of the shortened tail is rounded.

Bombay cat - description of Bombay cats

A wide head with a massive skull, a flattened nose with a depression on the bridge of the nose. The jaw bones are very strong and wide, but the chin has a regular bite. The medium-sized ears are slightly tilted forward, the large eyes are set wide and have a round shape.

Exotic colors - features of the fur of Snoopy cats

Snoopy's fur is very dense, due to short hair and slightly long pile. The color of the fur comes in different variations, but in general it is similar to the fur color of the Persian breed.

Common coat colors:

  • solid – solid color (black, white, cream and gray);
  • smoky or smokey - wool of gray, black or chocolate shades, but with a darker shade of pile at the ends;
  • tabby - patterned color (brindle, spotted, marbled) with a mark similar to the letter “M” on the forehead;
  • calico - a combination of tortoiseshell color and bicolor, which makes the fur appear tricolor;
  • tortoiseshell - a combination of black and red, as well as cream and blue, purple and cream;
  • bicolor - white fur with cream, red or black spots;
  • chinchilla - silver wool with smooth transitions of the pile from dark to light shades;
  • color point - a combination of chocolate, cream and striped colors;
  • van - solid solid white with a red tail and spots on the forehead near the ears.

Note! The color of the van is the Chinese cat Snoopy.

Cats of this breed have a friendly and inquisitive character.


Snoopy can come in all the different colors that Persian cat breeds are famous for. The colors must meet the breed standards, and there are about hundreds of them. But there are basic, basic colors of exotics:

  • Solid color without spots or color markings. Can be brown, black, red, red, cream and gray. The eyes are copper or muted orange;
  • The tortoiseshell color usually results from a combination of black and red or blue and cream. But there may be other color combinations like chocolate or lilac with cream. The eyes in this case can be bright red or copper in color;
  • Tabby or merle color with amazing patterns on the coat in black or red. The letter M may be formed on the forehead;
  • Smoky (smoky) - almost monochromatic, the undercoat is always lighter than the main pile, which creates the feeling of a colored haze. The eyes are copper or red;
  • Bicolor – basic white color combined with contrasting color markings. The eyes are rich red or copper;
  • Calico is a combination of tortoiseshell and bicolor. Found exclusively in cats. The belly always remains white, but the outer shirt can be tortoiseshell. Dark orange or deep copper eyes;
  • Chinchilla has the most charming colors, as if barely noticeable droplets of paint had settled on the fur, sprayed into the air. May be silver or gold. The eyes are green, bluish-green;
  • Color point – easily recognizable Siamese color and deep blue or blue eyes.

Snoopy the cat from Instagram

The cute little face and innocent look of the bear cat have become the calling card of the cat Snoopy . His funny, touching appearance struck more than one heart that was not indifferent to cat charms. A chic fur coat and a beautiful fur tail became the animal’s passport to the world of famous cats.

The phlegmatic character of the cat is noticeable in the eyes, which evoke tenderness, which is only beneficial during photo shoots - all the shots with Snoopy are successful, he is good in any image.

The plush cat Snoopy became famous thanks to his sweet, gentle appearance and the owner’s desire to post a photo of her pet on social networks. A dense body with a strong neck, round paws, a cheeky muzzle and huge surprised eyes - the cat deservedly enjoys the love of people.

The cat immediately interested many people, who immediately rushed to share images of such a cute creature. There are no fewer fans, and many are interested in what breed Snoopy is, how he became popular, and where they can buy the same cat-bear.

Habits and character of exotic cats

Although a cat of an exotic breed resembles a clumsy bear cub, it is actually a very active and playful creature. Teddy cats are very sociable, friendly and affectionate in nature.

There is no need to worry whether the exotic will get along with dogs and other cats. Reviews from owners about his friendliness indicate that the affectionate cat will not offend other pets, and he himself serves as an adored creature.

Other good character traits include a cheerful disposition and curiosity. But you need to keep an eye on your exotic pet - a cat’s curiosity sometimes has no limits, and its sense of danger lets it down. If you don't pay attention, the animal can accidentally hurt itself by playing where it shouldn't. Potentially dangerous places should be kept under control.

This breed is ideal for families with children, with whom the moderately phlegmatic exotic purr will get along well. An affectionate friend will happily listen to the owner’s monologue, even if it is a many-hour description of all the sorrows that happened during the day. An exotic kitten will not refuse to play outdoor games. Growing up, he still won’t be able to resist playing with a piece of paper or a ball. Playful habits persist into old age.

Those who aren't too keen on loud-talking cats will be happy to know that these teddy bears are quiet. This is probably due to the peacefulness and calmness of exotics - it is quite difficult to anger such a cute animal.

The exotic cat is smart, so it can be trained and learned well. In order for the upbringing and learning process to bear worthy fruits, they should not be delayed. A kitten of this breed must be raised from the very beginning. All commands can be simplified, and at the same time, while pronouncing them, clap your hands softly.

Aggression is not acceptable during training, since the psyche of exotic cats is very susceptible. The cat’s trust cannot be undermined: if the kitten has no desire to follow commands at the moment, there is no need to force him.

Cats easily master the litter box and get used to the scratching post, which makes their existence in the house almost problem-free.

Character traits

Korat cat - description of cats and kittens of this breed

Representatives of the breed are probably the most harmless and peaceful cat breed. These pets are easy to raise and train. Curious and attentive, Snoopies have a very calm and gentle disposition.

Cats are not lazy, they have a playful character. Those who love to run are active even in their advanced years. But despite this, cats do not create disturbances or damage furniture.

Pets get along well with people, especially attached to children. They love to follow their owners and ask for their affection. Do not conflict with other animals living in the house.

Snoopy cat character

These are extremely friendly and peace-loving creatures who gladly take part in the life of the family. Snoopy cats are distinguished by their curiosity and calm disposition, and are easy to train. The one who feeds and cares for the purr most often is chosen as a pet. Other domestic exotics are treated with due respect and never show aggression.

Snoopy cats are one of the kindest and most affectionate purrs.

The breed cannot be called lazy either - the seals are ready to run and jump until they are old. Therefore, it is better to stock up on a large variety of cat toys and accessories so that your pet does not get bored while the owner is busy.

At the same time, these smart girls will not cause chaos in their home if they are in a bad mood or have too much fun.

Table: pros and cons of Snoopy cat character

Positive traitsNegative qualities
PlayfulnessDo not tolerate loneliness well
Lack of aggressionStrongly attached to people
High intelligenceExcessive gullibility

Since Snoopy cats have a gentle and easy-going disposition, they easily get along with other pets and are happy to be in the hands of small children. If there are strangers in the house, the exotic will take an interest in the guests and go to a secluded place to sleep.

Health problems and life expectancy

Turkish Angora (cat): description of the breed and character

Like other cat breeds artificially bred through crossbreeding, Snoopy the cat is susceptible to genetic diseases.

Ailments and illnesses that can occur in Snoopy the cat:

  • jaw deformation;
  • increased tearing;
  • chronic nasal disease;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

With careful care and timely vaccinations, representatives of the breed live for about 15 years.

Health of the snoopy-cat breed

The breed of exotic smooth-haired cat was bred artificially, which means a high probability of genetic diseases in these purrs. At the same time, the life expectancy of Snoopy cats is quite respectable - up to 14–16 years with good care and careful attention to health.

Snoopy cats are susceptible to genetic diseases

Ailments that most often overtake exotic cats:

  • deformation of the teeth and jaws - the specific structure of the skull provokes protrusion of the lower jaw (due to which the pet cannot eat normally) or a change in the position of the teeth (requires surgical intervention);
  • increased tearfulness - associated with deformation of the tear ducts against the background of irregular structure of the muzzle and nose;
  • chronic disease of the sinuses - due to Snoopy’s small nose, the sinuses are often clogged, where microbes accumulate and inflammation begins (if the animal begins to sniffle, the veterinarian will prescribe suitable drops);
  • kidney disease (polycystic disease) - symptoms appear in adult animals and are expressed in loss of body weight, lack of appetite, constant vomiting (it is impossible to cure a pet, but a special diet and therapeutic procedures will help alleviate the condition);
  • difficulty breathing (an extreme case is brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome) - associated with a short nasal passage in which bacteria accumulate (a runny nose appears, colds are common) or a genetic disease (the structure of the trachea and larynx changes, can be treated surgically);
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - an incurable disease characterized by lethargy and refusal to eat, increased fatigue (males get sick more often than females), maintenance therapy is prescribed;
  • dental diseases (gingivitis, tartar) - you can recognize it by the pet’s bad breath and behavior (Snoopy will refuse to eat), the doctor will prescribe a diet and prescribe suitable medications to relieve inflammation.

Video: exotic smooth-haired cats

Features of caring for the breed

The Snoopy cat has a thick undercoat, which requires special care for its coat. It is necessary to comb the fur both in the direction of hair growth and against growth, so that tangles do not form. The combing procedure should be carried out every week.

It is necessary to bathe your pet once a month with special shampoos for short-haired cats with thick and dense hair. To make combing easier, it is recommended to use conditioners.

But you need to take care of your face every day. Wipe your face with a damp cloth or soft cloth. They especially monitor and clean the tear ducts.

Note! Since Snoopies are playful, active and inquisitive, in order to keep them occupied and distracted, you need to purchase special toys for cats.

Standard and description of the modern breed

Cynologists distinguish three breeds, the representatives of which are especially similar to each other in appearance: the Persian, the exotic cat and the extreme cat (a subspecies of the exotic). But there are also inconsistencies between them. For example, in extreme sports, the noses are very noticeably pressed into the skull, and the Persian has much longer hair than the exotic.

In extreme sports, the noses are very noticeably pressed into the skull

If you look at an exotic cat, you can see a dense, squat cat with round, bulging eyes and a large head. Perhaps the most outstanding features of the breed are its muzzle with an innocent, childish expression, thick soft fur and upturned nose. All characteristics according to the standard are presented in the table below.

Table 1. Description of the exotic cat breed standard

HeadMassive, round in shape and small in size. The muzzle is flattened in front, with pronounced cheeks and a raised tip of the nose. The ears are small and stick out slightly forward. The eyes are large and protruding, set wide apart. Eye color can vary depending on coat color.
TorsoThe length is average, the height at the withers is no more than 30 cm for an adult male. The bones are massive and heavy, the body is muscular, the lower back is strong and the chest is wide. Visually, the exotic body resembles a square.
Paws, tailThe body is decorated with short but massive limbs, hind and front legs of the same length. The tail is also short, but bushier.
WeightThey do not reach too large sizes. Females typically weigh no more than 5 kg, and males weigh about 7 kg.
WoolThe hair is silky, soft, short in length (up to two cm). There is a thick undercoat. The fur fits tightly to the body and feels like a plush covering.
ColorNow the color can be varied, ranging from light pastel shades to blue-black wool. Moreover, in addition to the monochromatic color, there is also a multi-colored one - 2-3 shades are distributed throughout the cat’s body in the form of spots. Previously, the most popular was the silver shade, for which exotic individuals were bred.

The thick paws of exotic cats can take on a very graceful appearance.

Exotic cats are often jokingly considered “Persians for lazy people” due to the fact that visually their appearance completely copies their closest brothers. The difference is only noticeable in the length of the hairs: the short, plush fur of exotics, which makes them look like plush toys, requires less care than the long hair of Persians.

Shorthair exotic cat

Representatives of the breed are recognized as the offspring of cats obtained in the 60s of the 19th century from the union of representatives of the Persians and the American Shorthair. An exotic with short hair can be compared with a British cat - they are the same in body structure, hair structure and color. The Exotic differs from the British in its affectionate character and flattened nose.

Japanese cat Snoopy

Longhaired exotic cat

This variety appeared unexpectedly during the breeding of short-haired individuals. Long-haired exotics received long hair unusual for the breed. They could be mistaken for Persian cats, if not for the characteristic silver shade of their fur.

Long-haired individuals have the same affectionate character as short-haired ones. Both varieties do well in families with small children and can play together for hours. However, long-haired varieties do not participate in competitions and title shows, since in modern times they are still classified as the Persian breed.

The long-haired exotic cat is almost impossible to distinguish from a Persian

How and what to feed exotics

Cats of the Snoopy breed are unpretentious in their diet. However, in order to avoid gastrointestinal disorders, it is necessary to feed your pet in a balanced manner.

The animal's diet must contain:

  • dry and wet food;
  • lean meat: chicken, turkey, beef;
  • vegetables and non-bitter edible herbs;
  • cereals;
  • boiled chicken eggs;
  • lean fish (once a week);
  • dairy products: milk, yogurt without additives, low-fat sour cream, fermented baked milk;
  • vitamin supplements.

Kittens need to be fed 6 times a day until they reach three months. In the period from three months to six months, they are fed 4 times, and it is recommended to feed adult animals twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Next to the bowl of food, be sure to place a container of clean drinking water at room temperature.

Important! To avoid gastrointestinal disorders, it is recommended to feed your pet dairy products on the second or third day from their production date.

The price of Snoopy kitten is quite high

Photo gallery: the diverse world of Snoopy cats

Snoopy cats are affectionate and loyal, like dogs

Cats of the Snoopy breed are gaining popularity in our country

Breeding Snoopy cats is an expensive and troublesome pleasure. Snoopy cats are often called Cheshire cats for their special smile.

Kittens of the Snoopy breed are funny and playful Snoopy cats look like bear cubs The fur coat of Snoopy cats, although short, is very fluffy Cats of the Snoopy breed make you want to cuddle them at the first meeting

Cats of the Snoopy breed have an indescribable expression on their faces. Snoopy cats are very cute creatures.


Somehow we came across these cats on the Internet. For a long time they could not recognize the breed. and then we came across Snoopy-babe :-) and it turned out that they were exotic. Found an advertisement. We went, looked and of course immediately fell in love. We have a cat, his name is Syoma, he is 4 months old. There are no special problems with nutrition: he loves fish very much, strangely, but mostly river fish. although they gave me sea food. Everything is boiled and not salted. How often do we give the little one baby food (mix it with porridge), but he only eats beef and doesn’t eat pork at all. He uses the litter tray to go to the toilet and eats a little litter. In general, he likes to lie around where it’s dirty, in shoes, near a trash can, I don’t know what attracts him so much there. Ours has a dual character: he is a kind, sweet, but also an evil rodent. He can bask endlessly, purr, sit in his arms, and can literally after a while begin to scratch and rush around the apartment. But despite all this, we love him very much :-) all the relatives and friends who have seen him say that he is the cutest cat they have ever seen.

I had been dreaming about something exotic for a long time, and finally my boyfriend gave it to me as a gift. Such a tiny little eye, huge round head, big little tail with an antenna, a fluffy one. But as he began to grow up, from about 3 months he began to throw himself on his legs from behind, biting his hands with terrible force, it would seem that he was still small, but how much strength he had. He is constantly scratched and refuses to go to the litter box. He already has 3 trays, at first they thought maybe they bought a small one and bought a larger one, then they thought they bought high sides with low ones. No, he still walks next to the tray. But these are still flowers, he began to walk on the table and climbs and lies like a sphinx and it’s a pity to beat him, like a child, you scold him, he purses his ears, understands, but still climbs. Now he is 7 months old and all hell has begun...we haven’t been able to sleep for two weeks now. HE starts screaming so heart-rendingly from one in the morning that until everyone gets up, he doesn’t calm down, he calls to play like that. But the interesting thing is that before that there was not a sound from him, just purr purr and that’s it. Even if you step on his tail, he is silent, but now he is screaming. so he has to play and run after him in the middle of the night. and how he sheds, just what kind of food I didn’t feed him and tried Proplan and Royal Canin and Hills. Hills actually made him feel sick. nothing helps, the fur flies in clumps even if you shave it. The veterinarian prescribed us vitamins, which also had zero effect. but a dream.

From early childhood I dreamed of an exotic kitten. And now, finally, our family has been replenished with a wonderful plush miracle. Almost a year ago I bought a kitten named Camry from a specialized nursery. He came to me as soon as he was 3 months old. The kitten has already received all the necessary vaccinations and is accustomed to a tray and scratching post. His parents are representatives of famous breeding lines of America, Russia, Spain and Ukraine. He is absolutely unperturbed - only when he hears that a fly is flying in the room, the hunter in him wakes up. Camry has never scratched me - he always hugs me with his soft paws. With this cat, scratches on your hands are completely unrealistic. He does not like loneliness - he tries to spend as much time as possible in the company of a person. Camry even learned the word "eat" - as soon as someone walks into the kitchen and says the magic word, he immediately runs to his feeders. He gives his voice extremely rarely - only if he thinks that they forgot to feed him on time. Also, we do not have situations of jumping on the closet and riding on curtains - Camrick can only climb somewhere if he is carried there in the arms! He doesn’t mark the apartment or other people’s slippers when guests arrive—he always greets them and watches them in a friendly manner. This is the ideal cat, but only if it is purebred! Be very careful when purchasing, a real exotic will cost about a thousand euros. To avoid getting a bully at home and being bitterly disappointed, trust only nurseries with a name and a good reputation! My furry miracle is already 2.5 years old. Now I can’t even imagine how I ever lived without a cat!

Cats of the Snoopy breed are cute domestic creatures, one look at which will make you want to smile and forget about all your problems.

An adorable cat named Snoopy has taken the internet by storm with his stunning photos. It's hard to believe that this is not a plush toy, but a real live cat. After such a stir, many began to wonder what breed Snoopy the cat is, how to care for him and how much he costs. This will also be discussed in this article.

Popularity history

A beautiful fairy tale began in February 2012, when an unknown cat lover from China opened an account on the Instagram platform for her four-legged pet.

The animated version in the form of a full-length film appeared only in 2015, when the cat from the Internet already became popular in itself, and about 300 thousand followers subscribed to its Instagram page. This is where the whole story of the fictional breed began, which led to thousands of queries on the topic and strong confidence in the existence of the Japanese cat Snoopy.

In reality, almost all the pictures concern one animal. The owner does not skimp on all kinds of attributes for him and constantly dresses her cat in bright outfits. These photos spread far beyond social networks and supported the confidence of uninformed users in the authenticity of the breed. But Snoopy from the Internet has a very interesting feature. Its color belongs to the Van group, which are named after the aboriginal population of Turkish Vans:

  • full red tail with dark rings;
  • red marks around the ears;
  • short snow-white coat, plush and silky.

In its classic form, this color can only be red or creamy white. It is very rare in domestic cats, although it is acceptable in many breeds. It was in this image that the Chinese kitten Snoopy conquered the Internet, caused a small misunderstanding and forced everyone to look for a pet of a breed with a non-existent name.

But in fact, this cat has long been known in the world and has been wildly popular for half a century. And all this despite the fact that she is a typical representative of exotic cats, the ancestors of which are Persian and American shorthair cats.

Cat price

Of course, after the appearance of the Internet sensation Snoopy the cat, many people wanted to buy an animal of this breed. But there is no specific fixed price, since it directly depends on the health and, especially, the color of the animal.

It is better to purchase a purebred cat in nurseries, and not from hands or from advertisements on the Internet. An official breeder will sell a real Snoopy cat with all the necessary documents and vaccinations.

In Russia, the price for Snoopy kittens ranges from 10 to 25 thousand rubles* per animal.

Choosing a Snoopy kitten

It is better to go to trusted and officially recognized nurseries for a small plush exotic that looks like the Internet star Snoopy. When examining a purr, you need to pay attention to their appearance and mood. The cat's fur coat should not have bald patches, and its eyes should radiate kindness and curiosity. The animal's ears, eyes, and nose must be clean, and its tummy must be moderately round, without bloating or thinness.

Snoopy kittens look like Persians

The distinctive features of Snoopy kittens are:

  • equally dense hair on the body and on the tail (the Persian counterparts have a tail that is fluffier than the body);
  • up to three weeks the pile looks a little disheveled and sticking out;
  • the fibers along the ridge are stiffer than in other areas.

The following nurseries will help you choose a Snoopy pet in Russia:

  • Palmer Cats (Moscow);
  • Maxima Best (Moscow);
  • DT Beatrix (Novosibirsk);
  • LumiCat (Moscow);
  • S-Matrix (Rostov-on-Don).

The cost of kittens ranges from 10 thousand rubles (pet class - home use) to 30-50 thousand rubles (breeding classes - breeding, and show classes - show pets).

A star is born

For a long time it was believed that Snoopy was a Japanese cat breed, although the stunning kitten Snoopy was born in Changdu, Sichuan Province, China. Miss Ning, the owner of the unique cat, from the first days posted photographs of her cute pet on the Chinese social network Weibo, and then on worldwide networks. Fans all over the world began to have kittens that look like Snoopy.

This is where the most important secret is hidden. Snoopy is an Exotic Shorthair cat, but people insist on calling all exotics Snoopy.

Characteristics of the shorthaired exotic Snoopy

The blood and genes of an exotic cat contain a cocktail of different breeds that took part in its selection. Therefore, in all respects it is somewhat different from its ancestors and combines both their advantages and disadvantages.


Exotic cats Snoopy, in most visual characteristics, are very reminiscent of the maternal Persian breed:

  • Oval massive head with a very wide skull. The shape of the forehead and cheeks is rounded. Strong jaws and powerful chin. The nose is wide and short, flattened.
  • The ears are small, with rounded tips, and set wide apart.
  • Expressive round eyes, the color of which should correspond to the general color: green for chinchillas, blue for whites and colorpoints, and golden-copper in other coat colors.
  • The neck is thick and short.
  • The body is muscular, stocky, squat, with a broad chest and massive shoulders.
  • The tail is thick, short, with a rounded tip.
  • The paws are round, large, with tufts of hair between the toes.
  • All of the listed characteristics are characteristic of the Persian breed, and Snoopy differs from it in appearance only in the length of its hair. The fur coat is thick, fluffy, crumbly and very pleasant to the touch. In the Snoopy Exotic breed, all colors that correspond to the Persian cat standard are allowed. There are about 100 varieties: from simple black, white and red to spectacular chinchillas and acromelanic colorpoint.


    Along with the positive Persian qualities, the Snoopy kitten breed also inherited their inherent diseases.

    Problems with the tear ducts are always mentioned - these animals belong to the brachycephalic group. They have a small, high-turned and depressed nose that is too close to the eyes. Because of this, the normal structure of the respiratory organs and tear ducts is disrupted:

  • During changes in temperature or pressure, Snoopy may have difficulty breathing.
  • Too much (or insufficient) hydration of the eyeball appears.
  • The shortened jaw shape causes teeth to be misaligned, twisted, and bite problems in Snoopy cats.
  • Sometimes we can talk about constant oxygen starvation, which negatively affects the overall health and development of the Snoopy cat.
  • All of the above symptoms taken together place an excessive burden on the heart and nervous system and provoke the appearance of subsequent ailments.

    Large round heads of kittens during birth can cause dystocia - difficulty in giving birth to offspring. In Persians, this indicator is one of the highest among cats (7.5–10%), and Snoopies completely duplicate the physiological structure of the maternal population.

    Polycystic kidney disease puts about half of all exotic Snoopies at risk. It is expressed in a structural change in the renal tubules and damage to the entire organ. Breeding programs recommend that the population of affected cats be spayed or neutered so as not to continue the negative trend among the breed.

    The list is completed by urolithiasis, which is common to all other groups, in which crystallization of stones occurs in the kidneys and bladder.

    With a professional approach to the health of the parents and permission to breed animals that do not show a tendency to transmit hereditary diseases, exotic Snoopies are born strong.

    Character and temperament

    In terms of habits and disposition, the exotic cats Snoopy have moved far away from the original mental qualities of the Persians. They are playful, active, loyal to people and attached to their owner. The nature of the breed is not to strive for loneliness or to show excessive touchiness or even the vindictiveness inherent in Persians.

    You can also observe one Snoopy trait that was clearly inherited from a line of American Shorthair cats. Sometimes decorative exotics demonstrate the qualities of a real hunter.

    The cute descendants of the Persian cat are a very convenient and comfortable breed to keep at home.

How to choose a kitten

Exotic cat
Life shows that in most cases we buy a cat “for home, for family,” so personal sympathy often becomes the main selection criterion. If you are planning to buy an exotic cat to participate in exhibitions or want to seriously engage in breeding, then the selection criteria will be much stricter - it must be a breed or show class kitten, from titled parents with the appropriate documents.

However, in both cases, you must carefully evaluate the external indicators of the baby’s health: feel the tummy, look in the ears, mouth and even under the animal’s tail. It is useful to observe the behavior of your chosen one for some time in order to make at least rough assumptions about his temperament.

You should know that the combination of certain signs in kittens of an exotic breed may indicate the presence of genetic problems. For example, a blue-eyed white creature with a high degree of probability may suffer from hearing loss, or even be completely deaf.

We do not recommend buying a baby who is not yet 3-3.5 months old. By this age, as a rule, breeders have completed the first scheduled vaccination, including the period of mandatory post-vaccination quarantine. Kittens at this age already have certain hygiene skills, and their gastrointestinal tract is ready for the transition from mother's milk to “adult food”.

Before buying an exotic, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed, all its pros and cons, in order to make the right choice.

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