Maltipoo dog - everything about the dog from A to Z. Photos, description of the breed, character, maintenance features, prices, reviews

Brief history of origin

Maltipoo is a small dog that appeared relatively recently. In the 80s of the last century, many dog ​​handlers became concerned with developing a hypoallergenic breed. British breeders achieved success in this matter: they crossed a Maltese dog and a pure breed poodle.

The result was a small decorative dog, which became unique in its kind, as it inherited the features of both parents. But the main thing is that it hardly sheds, and therefore rarely causes allergies in its owners.

Other countries became interested in this interesting “specimen”, and already at the turn of the century, many American celebrities began to appear in public with a curly, seemingly toy dog ​​in their hands.

They didn’t think too hard about its name for a long time: they put together parts of the words “Maltese” (the second name for the Maltese dog) and “poodle”. The result was a “maltipoo” – as original and glamorous as the appearance of the dog itself.

In Russia, the hybrid of a lapdog and a poodle began to spread at the end of the first decade of this century. Small in size and very beautiful pets are increasingly preferred by wealthy people. After all, buying such a dog, as well as keeping it, is not a cheap pleasure.

Nutritional Features

Finding suitable natural food for mixed breeds is always difficult. Many people experience intolerance to the most common foods: liver, heart, cereals and vegetables.

Healthy! If you give your dog a clove of crushed garlic a week along with food, the risk of helminth infection is sharply reduced.

Therefore, many breeders prefer dry food. The main thing is to buy really high-quality, and not cheap “drying”, which uses soy instead of meat. Fortunately, the maltipoo eats little, and a kilogram is enough for several days.

Interesting Facts

The Maltipoo is captivating not only because of its attractive appearance. This small dog has many other advantages:

  1. Descendants of the Maltese and poodle are often used in canistherapy. The explanation is simple - these dogs are so positive and cheerful that they are ready to share their good mood with others at any time. This is especially important in the social adaptation of sick children who find true friends in the Maltipoo.
  2. Lapdog-poodle hybrids remain cheerful and very active until the end of their lives.

And a few more interesting points about this little fluffy dog:

  1. In the USA you can find an advertisement for the sale of a mini maltipoo. Such puppies are also called teacup puppies, which indicates their size.
  2. These designer dogs are big gourmets. One of the Maltipoo's favorite treats is walnuts with honey.

Features of feeding and diet

The daily amount of food is determined by the age of the pet. So, puppies up to 3 months are fed 6 times a day; until this time they eat only the milk of their mother dog. Adolescents are given food 3-4 times a day, adults - twice a day.

Important! It is better not to mix natural food and dry food - this will cause gastrointestinal upset. In the second case, it is better to give preference to factory-made super-premium granules or holistic ones with a balanced content of vitamins and minerals.

The Maltipoo diet can also be made from natural products:

  • boiled beef, chicken, rabbit;
  • raw liver, immersed in boiling water for a few seconds;
  • yogurt, low-fat kefir or cottage cheese;
  • greens, vegetables: fresh cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers;
  • fruits: watermelons, melons, pears, sweet apples;
  • cereal porridges.

It is forbidden to give pu-malti:

  • salted, smoked, fried foods;
  • raw milk;
  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • chocolate;
  • products made from yeast dough.

Cute and beautiful dogs easily beg their owners for their favorite treats, but you should not pamper the animals, as this can lead to obesity and poor health in general.

When choosing a particular food, you should carefully study all its components - the presence of a sufficient amount of mineral components and vitamins is mandatory. A pet should receive the microelements necessary for a full life from its daily diet.

It is worth taking care of free access to fresh drinking water. It is better not to give boiled liquid to your dog - this can cause cholelithiasis or kidney disease. It is recommended to use bottled or filtered water.

Description of the breed, appearance

The lapdog-poodle hybrid looks really amazing. Here is a brief description of the Maltipoo dog breed: small creatures with silky, often curly hair and round, shiny eyes.

Despite its growing popularity among amateur and professional dog breeders, the lapdog-poodle hybrid has not received recognition from official canine organizations as a separate breed. This means that there are no established standards for maltipoo.

However, certain requirements are imposed on such mestizos. Dogs also participate in exhibitions. The American Hybrid Dog Club and some fan clubs in different countries of the world are working on this issue today.

Size and constitution

Distinctive features of the Maltipoo are its small size and correct body proportions. Usually these mestizos look like this:

  1. Height - on average from 20 to 35 centimeters at the withers.
  2. Weight – usually from one and a half to 3.5–5 kilograms. If it is a mini maltipoo, it usually weighs no more than 2.6 kilograms.
  3. A small elongated muzzle, which is decorated with inquisitive dark eyes, a black wet button nose and ears that hang down.
  4. The body is slightly elongated, it seems as if it is slightly pressed to the ground.
  5. Low legs with well-developed muscles and rounded paws.
  6. A not very long tail, which either hangs down or rises - in the latter case, it resembles a sickle.

This is a very active dog. She can spend hours in motion and not feel tired. At the same time, fluffy maltipoos, unlike, for example, the same miniature pit bull, feel quite comfortable in their arms. That is why tiny furry pets often accompany their famous owners during social events.

Color and coat type

The Maltipoo is a dog whose coat type and color can vary. Since this is a designer breed, the owner must purchase grooming products along with the puppy.

Depending on the type of coat, there are three types of these small dogs:

  1. With straight, silky hair, which the mestizos inherited from the lapdog. In terms of keeping, these maltipoos are the most unpretentious - they practically do not have tangles.
  2. With fur like a poodle. These Maltipoos have soft, but very thick and curly hairs.
  3. With hard, wavy fur. These dogs require special care. Rarely seen - this is the rarest variety of maltipoo.

With color, too, not everything is clear. The coat of a hybrid of a white Maltese and a poodle has many shades. Pure white and pure black dogs are recognized as the rarest; light colors are more common: cream, peach, butter, coffee.

Usually dog ​​breeders give preference to them when choosing a puppy. Other colors are gray, brown, silver and even blue. There are dogs with tan, for example black and white.

Health and life expectancy

Hybrid dogs live on average from 10 to 15 years. From birth they are in good health. Diseases that sometimes affect Maltipoo adults and puppies:

  1. Eye problems, in particular retinal atrophy. The most serious consequence for a Maltipoo is blindness.
  2. Knee Luxation. Knee dislocations are a common occurrence in all small dogs.
  3. Allergy to certain foods. For this reason, you need to be careful when introducing new food into the diet of a lapdog-poodle hybrid.
  4. Problems with the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
  5. Epilepsy. The disease has practically no cure; seizures in a small dog can be controlled with the help of special medications.

You will also need to vaccinate your Maltipoo - the schedule is drawn up by a specialist in accordance with general recommendations. Here is a list of mandatory vaccinations:

  • against plague, enteritis, hepatitis, parainfluenza, done 3 times: at 2.5–3, at 3–3.5 months and a year;
  • against rabies - at 3–3.5 or 6–7 months, followed by repetition every year.

It is recommended to visit the veterinarian with your pet at least once every two months.

Training and education

You should start training your puppy the day he is home for the first time. Even at eight weeks old, he is able to absorb everything his owners can teach him. There is no need to wait until he is 6 months old to start training, otherwise you will have to deal with a more stubborn dog.

Some people use the services of dog handlers, individually or in a group. And some people train their puppy at home instead of formal training.

Initially, you should talk to the breeder, describe exactly what characteristics are desirable in the dog, and ask for help in choosing a puppy. Breeders see their puppies every day and can make incredibly accurate recommendations if they learn something about the owner's lifestyle and personality. This careful approach will help you choose the right puppy, and after some time of training, socialization and upbringing, an adult Maltipoo dog will become an excellent companion for its owners.

Character and behavior

All representatives of the Maltipoo breed have a surprisingly flexible character. Keeping such a pet in your home is a pleasure. The descendant of a lapdog and a poodle will treat all household members equally well. Moreover, the more of them there are, the more comfortable the maltipoo will feel. This dog cannot live alone and constantly needs company.

With a soft and perky character, the Maltipoo does not tolerate rudeness and physical punishment at all. You can “agree” with her if you show affection and patience. Praise will not be out of place - dogs of this breed are very responsive to her.

In general, lapdog-poodle hybrids are quite intelligent creatures that understand a lot and are capable of showing empathy. So, if the pet understands that the owner is not feeling well, he will sit or lie next to him and look faithfully into his eyes. This is moral support.

Another advantage is their willingness to follow their owner everywhere and participate in all his endeavors. Maltipoo can become a sort of “life of the party”; it’s never boring with him.

Breed and other animals

Representatives of the Maltipoo breed can get along with any other pets, including cats. They will not engage in battles for the territory and attention of the owner, although on the street, when meeting unfamiliar dogs, no matter what breed and no matter what size they are, they may well offend them. In such a situation, the Maltipoo owner needs to be on guard so that his pet does not suffer from his own insolence.

Breed and children

For most children, the Maltipoo is a funny toy that suddenly comes to life. And this comparison is completely justified. Parents can safely leave their child with this fluffy and playful dog if the child is already able to control his behavior. Otherwise, you need to make sure that the baby does not accidentally harm the pet. Moreover, the Maltipoo loves to be petted, cuddled and hugged.

Possible diseases

Maltipoo is recognized as a hybrid breed, and these generally have far fewer health problems than purebred purebred dogs. Therefore, the animal initially has good immunity and does not have any serious health-threatening ailments in its genetic history.

But it is still worth highlighting a number of diseases that are specific to this breed: problems with the musculoskeletal system (knee dislocations), eye problems (retinal atrophy, which can progress), as well as neurological diseases - epileptic seizures and convulsions.

The delicate skin of dogs often suffers. Dog owners should remember that in most cases, advanced disease ends with surgical intervention.

How to choose a pet

Although there is no established breed standard, experienced breeders pay great attention to the purchase of a Maltipoo. Here are some important points:

  1. It has been established that the first generation (F1) mestizos have the best qualities. Therefore, preference when choosing a puppy, if its decorative qualities are primarily important, should be given to the one born specifically from a Maltese and a Toy Poodle. The second generation (F2) - children of a maltipoo and a poodle, less often of two maltipoos - usually do not have the same outstanding external characteristics.
  2. Two Maltipoo puppies shed their coats - this is an important point to consider for allergy sufferers. Usually this category of people chooses Maltipoo precisely because they are hypoallergenic.
  3. If there is no fundamental difference in which generation of puppy to buy, you need to remember that full-fledged offspring are born only to a Maltipoo girl who is two years old. At an earlier age, these dogs often produce puppies with genetic abnormalities.

Taking all this into account, you need to buy a Maltipoo from nurseries with a serious reputation. In this case, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Find out who the puppy’s parents are, get to know their pedigree (the lapdog and the poodle must be purebred if we are talking about the first generation).
  2. Find out if the nursery conducts DNA tests. They make it possible to identify genetic diseases in hybrids at an early stage of development. This is especially important if the choice is made in favor of a second generation puppy (they are much cheaper).
  3. Take a veterinary passport, which must contain all the necessary notes, including when and what vaccinations the baby was given.

We must not forget about the appearance and behavior of the puppy. He should be cheerful and playful, with clear eyes and attractive fur. A healthy puppy allows you to pull yourself together and examines a stranger with curiosity.

Reviews about the breed

“We welcomed a gorgeous boy 4 weeks ago. And he is the best puppy in the world. If you are looking for a kind, affectionate and obedient companion dog, I would not recommend anyone else."

“This breed is simply amazing! From the very first contact it was clear that she was the right fit for us. After speaking with the breeder on the phone, we were invited to meet the beautiful four week old puppy. He was charming and his mother looked absolutely wonderful. Now this is an adult dog and our family has not for a second regretted the decision to get this particular breed.”

These and many other positive reviews appear on the Internet. Families with grown-up children are most delighted with these puppies. The dogs get along well with both adults and children and become a friend to every family member.

Care and maintenance

Immediately after the puppy appears in the house, it must be provided with all the items necessary for normal life. These include:

  1. Sun lounger. It must be placed in a corner where there are no drafts. Hybrids between lapdogs and poodles cannot tolerate them.
  2. Bowls for food and water.
  3. A tray if you plan to accustom the puppy to it. In the case of Maltipoo, this process does not cause any particular difficulties.
  4. Toys. These dogs cannot sit still, and therefore they need to be occupied with something. Otherwise, they will start playing pranks and chewing everything they can get their teeth into.
  5. Leash and collar. The puppy must be accustomed to them immediately, since without a leash, a maltipoo can only walk in a fenced yard (if the owner has a private house).
  6. If it gets very cold in winter, you need to get a blanket or warm overalls in advance.

Additionally, you will need care products: a brush for combing, shampoo, accessories for cleaning teeth.

Hygiene procedures

Maltipoo dogs are decorative dogs, and therefore special attention should be paid to grooming. First of all, this concerns combing, bathing, and cutting. Regularity and features of procedures:

  1. A pet with straight, soft fur should be brushed once every 2-3 days with a metal comb. You need to tidy up your curly fur every day with an accessory with natural bristles, otherwise the Maltipoo will quickly lose its decorative appearance due to tangles. A puppy with a rough coat should be taken to a professional for trimming.
  2. They bathe the Maltipoo about once a month with a special shampoo, additionally after a walk if the puppy is very dirty (this happens). You cannot save on detergent, since the condition of the coat depends on it. After bathing, the coat should be thoroughly blotted with a towel and combed. It is advisable to dry the dog with a hairdryer (you should choose a gentle mode). You can get by with natural drying, but in this case the descendant of a lapdog and a poodle will not look very attractive.
  3. The Maltipoo is given a haircut 2-3 times a year and its face is tidied up as necessary. Particular attention should be paid to the hair around the eyes - it is trimmed immediately after it grows back. If you plan to participate in an exhibition, it is recommended to have your hair done only by a professional.
  4. Every month the Maltipoo's nails are trimmed.
  5. From the lapdog, mestizos have inherited a tendency to eye diseases, and therefore washing the mucous membranes with ophthalmic lotion (sold in a veterinary pharmacy), chamomile infusion or tea is mandatory. The procedure must be carried out daily.
  6. You also need to inspect your pet’s ears every day and, if dirty, wipe the ears with a cotton pad.
  7. Every other day you need to brush your Maltipoo’s teeth with a silicone brush or attachment. You can purchase special toys for this purpose.

The puppy must be accustomed to all these procedures from an early age, then caring for a lapdog-poodle hybrid will not take much time.


You can feed your maltipoo both industrial and natural products. An adult dog needs two meals: morning and evening. A Maltipoo puppy needs more frequent feeding - up to 5-6 times a day.

The selection of products must be approached responsibly - the condition of its coat depends on what minerals and vitamins a Maltipoo dog will receive. It is not recommended to combine two types of food, as this may cause gastrointestinal upset in your pet.

The serving size depends on the age, gender, and activity of the Maltipoo. Moreover, these dogs love to beg for more. You can’t follow their lead - obesity will be an unpleasant consequence.

We must not forget about water - for Maltipoo it is better to choose bottled or filtered. It’s also not worth saving on this, since ordinary water, including boiled water, often provokes kidney disease in these dogs.

Industrial feed

From ready-made products, it is advisable to choose super-premium or holistic food. They contain natural products and a full range of vitamins and minerals necessary for a lapdog-poodle hybrid.

Natural feeding

Of natural products, preference should be given to meat - its amount in the maltipoo’s diet should be about 75%.

List of natural products that are suitable for this small dog:

  • boiled rabbit, turkey and chicken meat, beef;
  • small pieces of raw veal or beef – a couple of times a week;
  • beef liver - it must first be scalded with boiling water;
  • lean fish;
  • rice and buckwheat porridge;
  • fermented milk products without additives;
  • fresh vegetables: carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers are suitable for the Maltipoo;
  • pears, sweet apples, melon.

No more than once every 3 days, you can pamper your pet with nuts and honey. One serving is 3 teaspoons, and there should be a little honey. Salted and smoked foods, any baked goods, fresh milk, potatoes and beans, and chocolate are prohibited for the Maltipoo.

When feeding naturally, you need to work with your veterinarian to determine an approximate diet and select a ready-made complex of vitamin and mineral supplements. A balanced diet is a guarantee of health and good appearance of a lapdog-poodle hybrid.

Walking and exercise

The Maltipoo is a small dog that, in principle, should only live in the house. But she is very active and therefore needs daily walks in the fresh air. Their duration is about 20–30 minutes. This time is enough for your pet to stretch, go to the toilet and even play. Most of all, the maltipoo likes the ball, it is advisable to play with it.

As already noted, you need to walk your dog on a leash, as it needs constant protection. Both passers-by and other animals can pose a threat to the maltipoo.

When walking in the cold season, it is advisable for your pet to wear overalls. These dogs have almost no undercoat, and therefore in the cold they freeze literally within a few minutes. It is recommended to lubricate the nose and paw pads with a special cream.

Training and education

You should start raising a Maltipoo as soon as the pet gets a little comfortable in the house. The optimal age to start training is 2 months.

The Maltipoo understands quite well what they want from him - he got his intelligence from the Toy Poodle. And if you don’t follow the puppy’s lead - representatives of this breed are often stubborn - pretty soon he will be able to teach the simplest commands, which no dog can do without. Although you can’t put pressure on the maltipoo either - she will be happy to do only what she likes.

Classes should not be monotonous and lengthy. It is usually possible to hold the attention of this pet for 15–20 minutes and taking into account the fact that different types of activities will alternate. Then you need to take a break and be sure to reward your baby with some tasty food.

If your pet lives in the city, the UGS course (“Manageable City Dog”) will not harm him. It will help the decorative dog adapt to the street, especially since maltipus tend to trust even people they see for the first time.

The owner can teach the pet the simplest commands himself, but if it is planned to participate in exhibitions, the training cannot be done without the participation of a professional dog handler.

Temperament and personality

Temperament is partly influenced by heredity and partly by environment, therefore this characteristic can be variable. The temperament of a Maltipoo dog breed depends on several factors, including the temperament of its parents, especially the mother, who is more likely to influence the puppy's behavior. The degree of socialization he receives; and the specific genes it inherits. Both Poodles and Maltese are generally friendly and outgoing. A socialized Maltipoo should be affectionate, gentle and loving.


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Dogs generally love to go for walks and play with balls and other toys, both indoors and outdoors. If you teach your Maltipoo positive reinforcement techniques by showing him what his owner likes, rewarding him with praise, play and treats, he will most likely learn quickly and be happy to show off his tricks.

Puberty and mating

To get a full-fledged offspring, you need to choose a toy poodle and a maltese with good genetic data. This is an important point, since any developmental abnormalities can be passed on to the puppies. If you plan to sell babies in the future, you should also pay attention to the merits of the candidates for parents and their pedigree.

Mating must take place in the male dog's territory. The first time the dogs are brought together is 17–19 days after the female starts estrus, the second time – a couple of days later. This is necessary to ensure that fertilization occurs. If at the second meeting the lapdog turns out to be pregnant, she will not let the poodle near her.

Pregnancy lasts 58–60 days (plus or minus 2–4 days). Such a couple has few puppies - from 4 to 6. Moreover, in one litter there can be completely different babies. This is the peculiarity of mestizos - it is difficult to imagine what kind of people they will turn out to be and whose qualities they will inherit more.

If the dog is not planned to be used in the future to produce offspring (in the case of a hybrid this is impractical), it is better to castrate or sterilize. A pet that is unable to reproduce will behave much calmer.

Attitude towards children and pets

Of course, when getting a pet for the whole family, a thoughtful and far-sighted person will definitely study such an important feature of the breed as relationships with children. Well, here the maltipoo shows itself in all its glory. Yes, yes, she is ready to endure squeezing, caresses, kisses, being dragged in her arms and other games for hours. At the same time, it can become a great companion for teenagers and can run and have fun with them in the park or in nature.

Healthy! The Maltipoo is an excellent choice for city dwellers, as it does not need long walks and does not wake you up in the middle of the night with loud barking for no reason or reason.

However, it is worth considering that the dog is not one of the hardy ones. Quite often she needs to rest and just enjoy the peace. In addition, she does not have a strong skeleton, so it is much easier to injure her than it might seem at first glance. So the dog needs quite careful treatment. This needs to be explained to young children right away so that they do not perceive the pet as a cute living toy - this may well end badly for both parties. A hug that is too tight can harm a dog, and when driven to despair, it can use its small but very sharp teeth.

They love to sleep

They also get along just fine with other animals, without causing them unnecessary problems. And jealousy is completely alien to the Maltipoo. Moreover, this applies equally to other dogs, as well as cats, guinea pigs and other living creatures.

Pros and cons of the breed

If we summarize all that has been said, we can identify a number of advantages and disadvantages that almost every representative of the Maltipoo breed has:

Very sociable, friendly dogCan't stand loneliness
Gets along well with children, the elderly, and other petsOverly trusting, and therefore can follow any stranger
Suitable for keeping in a small apartmentThis is a purely decorative dog, capable of scaring strangers only with its loud barking.
Practically does not shed, saliva and dandruff in Maltipoo are released in minimal quantitiesThe offspring of a lapdog and a poodle needs regular coat care
No need for constant physical activityThe loud barking of a dog can disturb the neighbors
A hybrid of a lapdog and a poodle lives quite a long timeHigh price

The Maltipoo is ideal for families with small children or elderly people, provided that there is always someone at home. For those who spend most of their time at work, and especially on business trips, this option is not suitable. Alone, the maltipoo becomes depressed and begins to get sick. It can be very difficult to get your pet out of this state.

We must not forget about the need to brush the dog regularly. If the owner does not have time for this, it is better to buy an animal that requires less care.

Advantages and disadvantages of Maltipoo

Each breed has its pros and cons, and these pets have them too. You can see them in the following table.

Vivid external dataThere is no official breed standard
Good ability to train. Maltipoo quickly remember simple commands, and the owner will not have to ask his dog twice to fulfill the necessary requirement Unrecognized by canine associations
Hypoallergenic coat

Maltipoo price

F1 hybrids, which are imported from abroad, for example, from the USA, cost from 100 thousand rubles. Moreover, if purebred lapdogs and poodles participated in exhibitions and took prizes there, the cost increases 2–3 times.

Domestic dog handlers sometimes sell puppies for a more modest amount - from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles. The descendants of two maltipoos are the cheapest - they can be bought at a price of 35,000 rubles. For those owners who want to buy a cheerful, loyal friend and have little concern about how the appearance of the hybrid will meet established standards, this is a completely suitable option.

Tips for choosing a puppy

The choice of a puppy should be approached responsibly and seriously. Before doing this, you should weigh the pros and cons, deciding whether you and your family members have enough time to walk your dog often and regularly care for its coat.

In addition, you need to be prepared for frequent visits to the veterinary clinic - at least for preventive purposes. Going to the groomer is no less important. The Maltipoo breed is definitely not suitable for busy people.

You should only purchase a Maltipoo puppy from official nurseries. It is recommended:

  1. Get to know the puppy's pedigree and its parents - the Maltese and the poodle must be purebred.
  2. Check with the breeder which hybrids were used in the mating. It has been proven that 1st generation Poodle and Maltese puppies are more beautiful than 2nd generation Maltipoo puppies. In addition, in the second case, dogs shed profusely, and hypoallergenicity is out of the question.
  3. When choosing a puppy from two maltipoos, be sure to check the age of the mother bitch. So, if the woman giving birth is less than 2 years old, there is a high risk of buying a pet with some genetic disease or defect. Contact nurseries that conduct DNA tests to identify this problem at an early age.
  4. The Maltipoo puppy does not receive a pedigree, but it must have a veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations and parental participation in certain competitions and exhibitions.

Professional dog handlers advise buyers to warn the seller that in the future it is planned to show the Maltipoo at competitions. In this case, a puppy with the best characteristics will be selected, the price of which will be significantly higher.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the baby’s behavior - he should be playful, cheerful, and easy to make contact with. Otherwise, there is a possibility of some illness.

Where to buy a Maltipoo puppy

The first nurseries dealing with designer breeds have already appeared in the CIS countries, most of them are located in Moscow. You can buy a Maltipoo puppy in one of these or directly abroad. The largest population is concentrated in the USA. Some nurseries cooperate with colleagues from abroad and can help in delivering a good baby.

It is not safe to search for and buy a puppy over the Internet, since there are many scammers “working” both here and in America.

It will not be possible to receive any documents about its origin with the puppy. Hybrid breeds are not registered in the RKF; you can only look at the documents of the parents, which the breeder must kindly provide. Only in the USA there are organizations that are involved in the registration and selection of hybrid breeds. If the puppy is brought from the States, it will have documents. A puppy born in Russia or other countries can also be registered with DBA or ACHC. It’s just that in the West they organize exhibitions and various competitions for hybrids, but in the rest of the world this registration means absolutely nothing.


The price of a Maltipoo puppy in domestic nurseries starts from 100,000 rubles. A dog in the USA costs from 250 to 2,000 dollars. The 2nd and 3rd generation hybrids are cheaper, and the most expensive are F1 puppies from champions. If you buy a Maltipoo puppy through a company that handles all the documentation and delivery of the Maltipoo puppy, all the fun will cost you at least $4,000.

Health and life expectancy

There is an opinion that mestizos do not inherit the genetic diseases of their parents. They even came up with a concept for this: “hybrid power.” However, some Maltipoo have a congenital predisposition to breed-specific diseases of their ancestors, among which are:

  • “Trembling” syndrome (common among white dogs);
  • Dislocation of the kneecap;
  • Dental problems;
  • Progressive retinal atrophy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Cardiomyopathy;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Paradoxically, hypoallergenic dogs very often suffer from allergies themselves.

It is important that owners do not forget about disease prevention. The priority measures are: vaccination of the animal, regular treatment for internal and external parasites, and preventive examination by a veterinarian. Average life expectancy: 13-14 years.

How to care for Maltipoo hair

Maltipoos are shaggy and fluffy dogs. It is important to take good care of your hair to keep it feeling and looking good. Cleaning is very important and necessary. Their coat is thick and shiny and needs to be kept in good condition. Brushing is good for your dog and makes him more relaxed and stress-free. Haircut and care is the next step, which is also very important. Hair can easily irritate the eyes of a Maltipoo, so proper trimming will keep it from getting into the eyes. What you can do is take a warm, damp cotton pad and wipe away any dirt that may have accumulated under the eyes and cheeks.

You can then get a haircut, but it is best to take your dog to a professional. They know how to handle dogs and their fur. Bathing at home also requires the use of a special shampoo and conditioner because the hair can become tangled and not look its best. Using a hairdryer is highly recommended, but dogs are afraid of noise, so this can be quite a stressful and uncontrollable experience.

Very short haircut with soft ears.

The hair on the Maltipoo's entire body is cut short. The only place where visible hair remains is in the ears. There the hair is straight and well colored. A little fluffy fur remains on the paws.

With such a variety of Maltipoo haircuts, each puppy can have a different and unique look. Plus, you can easily change their appearance by making small changes to the cut and style. Keep track of the direction the fur grows, the color and the parts you want to highlight. It's not a toy, but you can still make something fun and interesting.

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