Methods for removing tartar in dogs at home

Careful oral care is important not only for humans. His four-legged pet also needs regular sanitation of his mouth. Tartar in dogs is a fairly common problem, but it is quite possible to combat it, as well as prevent its occurrence, even at home.

Why do dogs develop tartar?

The basis for the formation of tartar in dogs, as in humans, is the mineralization of soft plaque.
The latter is formed from rotted food debris, bacteria, salts and other components. Gradually, the plaque hardens and is firmly attached to the enamel. Most often, tartar develops in areas that cannot clean themselves, for example, between teeth, at the root collar, and others. The growths can affect several teeth at the same time, be located both near the gum and under it, have different thicknesses and shades of yellow or brown.

There are mainly several factors that lead to the appearance of tartar in dogs.

  • Errors in choosing food. Soft food (including dry food) does not contribute to prolonged friction of dental surfaces against each other, which leads to plaque deposition.
  • Excess carbohydrates in your pet's diet. If the owners often pamper their pet with “delicious” foods, sooner or later he will develop stones on his teeth. This is due to the increased proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract. Some gastrointestinal diseases contribute to the development of heartburn, changes in the pH of the stomach, as well as the dog’s oral cavity. The pH shift leads to the formation of stones.
  • Changes in the structure of the jaw (long, narrow, pathologically changed), malocclusion, narrow spaces between teeth and others. Incorrect placement of teeth in a row leads to insufficient self-cleaning.
  • Age. In older animals, due to age-related metabolic changes, the process of hardening of soft plaque occurs faster.

Note: dog breeds such as dachshund, chihuahua, Pekingese and the like are at risk. For the condition of their teeth, prevention of tartar is important in the first place.

Before and after dental tartar removal in dogs

How often should you brush your teeth?

Lack of regular oral cleaning brings a lot of trouble to a person and his smaller brothers. Often, teeth disfigured by stone growths cannot be treated. If they cannot be saved, there is only one way out - removal. And, it would seem, just recently the tooth was at a curable stage of caries, and today all that remains is to get rid of it in order to prevent further rotting of the deeper bones. Perhaps it will still be possible to overcome the old plaque, but this will only have to be done within the walls of a medical institution and under general anesthesia, which will bring additional hassle, waste of time and money.

At the same time, there is often no need to devote time to sanitizing the dog’s mouth. Two or three times throughout the year is enough. This will not cause any pain to the animal, and the need for anesthesia will also disappear by itself. The procedure itself lasts no more than half an hour, therefore, spending such a small amount of time, the owner will be rewarded with sparkling and healthy teeth of his pet.

Symptoms of Tartar

Of course, the main symptom of stone deposits on a dog’s teeth is their immediate detection. However, not in all cases this can be done visually and at home. In addition, not every owner will examine all of their pet’s teeth daily for the presence of stones, so you should pay attention to the accompanying signs of the development of dental growths:

  • rotting odor from the mouth;
  • swelling, redness of the gums, the appearance of traces of blood on pieces of food;
  • refusal to eat (due to pain in the gum tissues).

If at least one of them is present, the animal should be taken to a veterinarian.

Should you brush your dog's teeth?

Doctors say that 70% of dogs develop periodontal inflammation after three years of age. This is the name of the tissue to which the tooth is attached. If the disease gets worse, the crowns begin to loosen and fall out. As a result, the animal remains toothless after five years.

Another answer to why you should brush your dog’s teeth is caries. It is difficult to treat; there are no dental offices for animals in many cities. If so, the filling is expensive. Therefore, the only solution that veterinarians recommend is to pull out the tooth.

Other problems that arise if plaque is not removed:

  • stench from the mouth;
  • increased salivation;
  • poor appetite due to jaw pain;
  • diseases of the internal organs, since putrefactive bacteria enter the digestive system and damage it.

What danger does dental plaque pose to animals?

Tartar tends to build up, so it gradually puts more and more pressure on the surrounding soft tissue. In addition, by pushing the gum away from the tooth, the growth can eventually reach the root, which will require serious intervention.

Possible complications of dental stones in dogs include:

  • caries under a stone;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • tooth loss;
  • malocclusion;
  • sepsis;
  • digestive problems;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The constant release of toxins by multiplying bacteria leads to severe intoxication of the pet’s body. This, in turn, greatly weakens the immune system and promotes the addition of other infections. In especially severe cases, the matter may end in the death of the animal.

Tartar formation and consequences

Diagnosis of dental plaque

Looking at the fangs and distant teeth, you can notice the stone even at an early stage of development. The beginning of the formation looks like a yellow plaque at the base of the tooth. This coating is soft and can be easily removed with a dog brush.

With irregular care for oral hygiene, plaque darkens, becomes hard and grows in volume.

Tartar itself does not threaten the life of the animal. But as it develops, bacteria enter the body and can cause serious illness.

Swollen and bleeding gums prevent the animal from eating. Due to the large number of bacteria, sepsis can develop. These consequences can be fatal.

The development of bleeding and sepsis can lead to death

Cleaning dental plaque in dogs in the clinic

You can have your four-legged friend's teeth cleaned at any veterinary clinic. Before the procedure, the specialist will examine the dog’s oral cavity, assessing the condition of not only the teeth, but also the soft tissues for the presence of inflammatory processes. In some cases, you will need to undergo a laboratory examination - donate blood. An X-ray examination may be necessary if stone deposits are poorly visible, or there is a need for additional examination of the tooth root or jaw. If the cleansing is planned to be carried out under anesthesia, then the list of preparatory measures will necessarily include an ECG.

How does the procedure work?

Removing tartar from dogs in the clinic

In general terms, dental plaque removal in dogs follows the following algorithm:

  • carry out antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity;
  • remove the stone;
  • disinfect the treated surface.

If necessary, teeth are ground, polished, and fluoridated.

It should be noted that the specialist’s actions depend on the degree of the detected pathology, as well as on the characteristics of the four-legged patient. For example, with a small growth, it is possible to use a mechanical method of cleansing using special devices or ultrasonic (at the owner’s choice). If the tartar is of impressive size, then it is first filed down mechanically, and then ultrasound can be used. Or the specialist chooses a different combination.

Without anesthesia, it is possible to remove dental plaque in small dogs that are calm about the procedure, as well as in cases where the teeth only need to be “renewed.” If the problem is serious and requires several manipulations, or when the four-legged patient is of impressive size and has an unstable psyche, then general anesthesia is used to remove the stone.


At the initial stage, dogs develop gingivitis. That is, the gums become inflamed, but the dentogingival connection is not disturbed.

Then, the resulting tartar gradually moves the gum, thereby exposing the root of the tooth. A so-called periodontal pocket is formed in which food accumulates. An ideal environment for reproduction and vital activity is created for bacteria. As a result, an abscess or severe inflammation develops.

The tooth begins to become loose and may eventually fall out as a result of eating food or playing with hard objects.

Tartar is a constant source of infection . A dog's tongue spreads microorganisms throughout its body. In addition, the same infection gets inside when swallowed and can cause pathological processes in the internal organs.

With severe damage, it becomes difficult for the pet to chew food. Swallowing food in large pieces puts a serious strain on the gastrointestinal tract.

How to remove dental plaque from dogs at home

You can remove dental plaque from your pet yourself at home. The animal should be accustomed to such procedures from puppyhood - in this case, the dog will respond adequately to cleaning, and the time spent on the process will be minimal. To clean teeth at home, two methods are used: chemical and mechanical.

Chemical removal

For the chemical removal of tartar in dogs, various compositions are used, the mechanism of action of which is based on the dissolution of deposits. Such products are available in several forms.

  • Elixir (solution). A gauze swab is soaked in it and placed on the animal’s tooth. To achieve results, the tampon must be held in one place for several minutes (according to the instructions). At the end of the procedure, the teeth are wiped with a clean cloth. An example of such a tool is Xident.
  • Gel. There is no need to hold gel preparations on the surface of the teeth, which greatly facilitates the process of removing tartar. After applying a certain amount of gel to the surface of the enamel, its active components are mixed with the animal’s saliva and applied to all units of the dentition. After some time (specified in the instructions), softened deposits can be easily removed using the usual mechanical methods, including with a brush. An example of such a product is Tropiclean gel.
  • Spray. It is also easily applied to the surface of the teeth, where it has a splitting effect on hard plaque within an hour. Experts recommend not to feed or water the animal during this period. After the spray wears off, you can brush your dog’s teeth mechanically.

Mechanical removal

Dental scaler

The mechanical method of removing tartar most often involves the use of a special dental device - a scaler. It looks like a small handle with a spatula or scraper at the end. The use of scalpels and other objects is highly discouraged, as there is a possibility of injuring the dog’s gums. In some cases, they resort to using a hard brush, but this is only justified when the stone is small in size and has been previously softened with a chemical.

Attention: using a scaler at home requires preliminary preparation - you will need cotton-gauze swabs, hydrogen peroxide (for antiseptic teeth before cleaning) and Lugol's solution (for treating gums after the procedure).

Cleaning Methods

All methods of removing tartar can be divided based on their effect on plaque. There are currently three main options:

  1. Using ultrasound;
  2. Mechanical cleaning;
  3. Dry cleaning.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Is the most effective way. As a result of exposure, the stone is completely removed, tooth enamel is slightly damaged. The procedure is performed in a hospital setting using a specialized apparatus. The impact on dental plaque is carried out by ultrasonic waves. The destruction of the stone and its detachment from the tooth occurs. At the end of the procedure, disinfection is carried out. In some cases, depending on the general condition of the oral cavity (presence of infections), a course of antibiotics may be prescribed.

Ultrasonic cleaning is the least traumatic. It is recommended to carry out once a year.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning is considered a cheaper way to remove stone. It is the physical scraping of plaque using dental instruments (curettes, scalers). It can be recommended at the initial stage of tartar formation for quiet, non-conflict dogs.

Mechanical cleaning is indicated for focal localization of stones on individual teeth.

When is the best time to contact a veterinarian?

Although there are enough products on sale to rid your dog of tartar, in case of large deposits, and also for the first time, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Removing stones on your own risks infection entering the tooth cavity (especially in the presence of a carious process), damage to the gums, and inflammation of the soft tissues and oral cavity. In addition, the animal may suddenly jerk and get injured. And finally, the specialist will not only properly clean your pet’s teeth, but will also carry out sanitation, ensure that the results are consolidated, and give recommendations for further care.

Which method of removing tartar is better?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which method of removing deposits from a dog’s teeth is better. Each of them has pros and cons. Thus, the price of mechanical cleaning at home and even in a clinic will be much lower than an ultrasound procedure. However, such removal spoils the enamel, which can subsequently lead to the development of caries and other pathological processes.

Today, most experts recommend ultrasonic removal of dental plaque. Among its advantages:

  • minimal risk of tissue trauma;
  • no pain;
  • high efficiency;
  • requires less time.

The only disadvantage of ultrasound is its relatively high cost.

Prevention of tartar formation in dogs

Cleaning your dog's teeth at home

You can prevent the formation of tartar in your four-legged friend by following certain rules.

  • Bones must be included in the animal's food. It is important that they are beef, but not splintered (so-called moss), preferably containing cartilage tissue.
  • You should avoid feeding your dog sweet treats, overly nutritious formulas, or canned foods.
  • It is worth monitoring the condition of your pet’s gastrointestinal tract.
  • From puppyhood, you need to use a special brush and toothpaste to clean your dog’s teeth.
  • Periodically wipe your pet's teeth with a piece of gauze soaked in a soda solution.
  • Visit a veterinarian once every six months for examination and sanitation of the oral cavity.

Such measures are quite enough to ensure that your four-legged friend’s smile is always perfect and his teeth are healthy.

Preventive oral care and the effectiveness of the products used

Watch the recording of our live broadcast, which took place in June 2020. Veterinarian-dentist, surgeon Matvey Aleksandrovich Smolyakov explained in great detail how not to brush the teeth of cats and dogs. The doctor explained and showed how to safely care for the teeth and gums of dogs and cats at home. You will also learn what the animal’s oral cavity is like, what diseases there are and in what cases you should contact a veterinarian.

If you have a very young pet or you just recently took him for a hygienic teeth cleaning, then now you have one task - to maintain oral hygiene and prevent the reappearance of the ill-fated plaque on the teeth. For preventive purposes, owners usually use special pastes, gels, solutions and various treats with targeted action. Our task is to compare them, and also find out all the pros and cons.

We clarify that the products discussed below cannot remove hard tartar and deposits that have already appeared - these products are used only for the prevention of dental problems.

Preventative oral care products for cats and dogs

Fluoride-free toothpaste for animals

You can buy it at any pet store immediately complete with a toothbrush or a special silicone brush that is convenient to put on your index finger. Hygienic cleaning is carried out daily, cleaning each pet’s tooth with paste. Such regular treatment will remove light plaque even before it hardens on the teeth.

If the animal has already developed hard plaque or stones, then you will not be able to solve the problem in this way. The paste is not able to dissolve stubborn formations and remove tartar from under the gums.

Sprays, gels and special additives for the oral cavity of animals

These are not bad helpers for regular brushing with toothpaste. After the basic daily treatment of the oral cavity, you only need to use a spray or gel. Their important tasks are fresh breath and reducing the production of enzymes in saliva that contribute to the formation of plaque and stones.

It should be kept in mind that a gel or spray alone can do little to help your pet (they are used only as a comprehensive preventive measure). You should also know that they are also not capable of removing hard deposits.

Special treats to prevent plaque formation

These can be small hard pads or quite voluminous hard sticks and bones made from tendons. Pets gnaw on such treats from the pet store with pleasure. If there are no contraindications from the veterinarian, you can pamper your pet with them according to the standards established by the manufacturer.

But such delicacies can only remove fresh plaque and small deposits, but they cannot overcome strong tartar.

Special feeds Dental

This is a ready-made industrial fully balanced food for your four-legged friend. This food contains not only all the necessary elements for the animal’s body, but also a special substance (sodium hexametaphosphate or food additive E452i), which slows down the formation of plaque.

Such a substance must react with calcium ions that are in the animal’s saliva in order to prevent it from interacting with plaque on the enamel. But using such food in dry form can only remove small deposits from tooth enamel mechanically. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of strong dental calculus.

Animal toys from a pet store

If your pet cannot be given special treats for preventative teeth cleaning, or your pet is not used to daily cleaning of the mouth with a toothbrush, then special durable toys have been created to help you. This is both fun and a massager for the gums, and mechanical cleaning of small dental deposits. The only drawback is that they will not be able to remove tartar from the distant teeth and from under the gums.

What products should be used to prevent plaque formation?

We conducted a review of owner reviews and came to the conclusion that there are no ideal preventatives. Even if we found dozens of positive reviews, there were always a few negative ones. Why? It’s difficult to answer - perhaps the owner used it incorrectly, or maybe the drug really was not suitable for his pet.

However, we did not think any more, but turned to scientific research. And here's what we found out.

A study was approved by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Ethics Committee to determine which of three preventive treatments could minimize plaque formation in dogs over a 6-month period.

The results of this study were published in the Russian edition of the journal JSAP (Vol. 10 No. 2-2019). We did not quote the printed complex text with a lot of terms, but only made extracts and formulated important conclusions.

A little about the study: the control group consisted of 22 dogs, which before the experiment underwent high-quality cleaning (sanitation) of the oral cavity, followed by polishing of the enamel, and were also carefully monitored for the absence of any dental pathologies.

Completely healthy dogs were divided into three groups:

  1. Pets whose teeth were brushed daily with a special brush and toothpaste for animals.
  2. Animals that received a chewable treat every day for dental hygiene.
  3. The third group of dogs ate exclusively special food for six months, which was intended to reduce the formation of plaque on the teeth.

For 6 months, a special commission carefully monitored the progress of the experiment. At the end of the study, the following results were obtained: daily brushing with a toothbrush prevents the formation of plaque more than 3 times more effectively than using a chewy treat every day or feeding a special food for six months.

Results of a scientific study to identify an effective preventive agent that can minimize the formation of dental plaque in dogs

Now you know the results of the clinical study. But, of course, you should still choose a preventive remedy based on your financial capabilities and the disposition of your pet. If a dog or cat is not accustomed to brushing its teeth, then this hygiene option becomes simply impossible. Therefore, use other means - it is better to use something ineffective than to use nothing.

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