How to quickly remove fleas from dogs at home

Caring owners are concerned about the health of their pet, trying to protect it from parasites. However, no method gives a 100% guarantee, so from time to time the question may arise of how to remove fleas from a dog. Usually, if you act quickly and correctly, you can get rid of pests at home in a short time.

What to do if you find fleas

If you find even one flea on your dog, you need to act as follows.

Life cycle of fleas

  • Do not delay treatment - fleas multiply at high speed. It will only take a few days for the pet to stop sleeping and eating, and for the insects to penetrate into all surrounding objects. It will be much more difficult to get them out of there than with a dog. In addition, in this case, there remains a high risk of re-invasion.
  • Take a comprehensive approach to eliminating parasites. In addition to the pet, you will have to treat the room in which he lives (in the case of the street, this is an enclosure, a booth, everything that is in them). To ensure that you get rid of bloodsuckers, you will need to use not only folk, but also industrial pest control products.
  • The drug for treating your four-legged friend must be selected in accordance with its characteristics, for example, age, attitude to washing, and state of health. Ideally, you should consult a veterinarian, but advice from people who have already encountered such a situation and successfully overcome it is also acceptable.
  • During the period of disinfestation measures, the dog must be in “quarantine” - it is worth limiting it from free walking and communication with unfamiliar relatives.

Signs of a pest

In order to quickly and effectively remove parasites, you need to find out in a timely manner that your dog has fleas. There are several main signs that may indicate that an animal is infected.

The main ones are the following:

  • The dog is bothered by constant itching and pain, and the animal’s behavior changes accordingly.
  • When a huge number of parasites appear on the animal’s fur, the dog’s condition rapidly deteriorates. There is a lack of appetite, weakness, and lethargy.
  • On the animal’s fur you can see white, dark dots, which represent eggs, larvae, and adult parasites.

It is also recommended to know what a dog flea looks like. This is a small insect, no more than three millimeters long, with a dense shell, powerful hocks, and six pairs of legs. The color of the parasite can vary from yellowish to distinct brown.

Industrial means for removing fleas

At the moment, there is a huge range of products that can be used to remove fleas from a dog. However, for all their effectiveness, each of them has only a temporary effect, because these parasites are widespread everywhere. As soon as the treatment ends, the flea may appear again. Therefore, you need to know what you can do to prevent an invasion, how to quickly get rid of insects, and how to maintain the result in the future.


Washing the dog

Shampoos help remove fleas from dogs only if there are a minimum number of them; as the insects multiply, this type of treatment completely loses its effectiveness. Products containing insecticides, such as permethrin, help get rid of parasites. However, this component can cause an allergic reaction, the signs of which are: excessive salivation and vomiting.

There are also products for disinfestation of dogs with natural ingredients. Plant extracts have an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, healing effect, and keep your pet's hair in a healthy condition. After applying flea shampoo to the dog, carefully distribute it over the body (avoiding contact with the eyes, nose and mouth), leave for a while (according to the instructions), and rinse. After drying, it is recommended to comb the dog with a fine-toothed comb.

Among the most popular shampoos for fleas on dogs are: Mr. Bruno, Bars, Phytoelite.

Flea shampoo Mr. Bruno

Shampoo Bars for fleas

Shampoo Phytoelite for fleas


Applying flea drops

You can quickly get rid of blood-sucking parasites from your four-legged friend at home using drops. This option is more effective than the previous one, and therefore enjoys deserved popularity. The effect of the contents of the bottle lasts for about a month (provided that the instructions are followed).

The drops are applied to the dog’s skin in a place that is inaccessible to licking (most often the scruff of the neck). The active ingredient is toxic to bloodsuckers; it penetrates the animal's epidermis and bloodstream, resulting in the elimination of insects. However, before removing fleas from a dog with drops, you need to consult a veterinarian, since the active ingredients have side effects and contraindications.

Among the drops we can note: Bars Forte, Celandine, Barrier, Frontline.

Bars Forte



Using a collar to remove fleas from a dog, although convenient, presents certain difficulties.
This method is not suitable for puppy-aged pets, expecting dogs or nursing dogs, since the insecticides with which the collar is impregnated can have a negative effect on the puppies' body. Collars containing natural substances, as well as ultrasonic ones, are safer. At the same time, the latter option is too expensive, and natural ingredients are not effective against heavy flea infestations. Another drawback of flea collars is that poisonous compounds are distributed unevenly throughout the body. In addition, the product is not recommended to be used simultaneously with other methods.


Flea spray for dogs

You can remove fleas from your dog using a spray. This form of processing has gained popularity due to its ease. It is enough to apply the product to the fur in the pet’s neck area, after which the parasites will remain on the animal for at least 3-4 weeks.

The disadvantage of using a spray to combat fleas is the high content of toxic substances in the composition. The contraindications are the same as for the collar. There is also a possibility of licking off the drug if it gets on other parts of the body.

Frontline is considered the most effective tool in this group; Bars and Beafar aerosols are no less popular among dog breeders.


An insecticidal remedy for fleas on dogs in powder form has not found significant distribution among dog breeders. This is due to the need to rub the product with your hands into the skin and hair of the animal. In addition, the use of this processing method increases the risk of poisoning. Powders are not used when it comes to puppies, pregnant dogs, lactating dogs and weakened ones.

Among the powdered preparations we can highlight: Sanal, Insectal.


The tablet form of flea control also did not catch on among dog owners. Chewable tablets slightly reduce the number of parasites, but do not remove them completely. In addition, this method of disinsection is dangerous due to poisoning and allergies. Treatment consists of adding the drug to the animal’s feed.

Veterinary pharmacies offer drugs such as Comforts, Capstar.

general information

These parasites are wingless, but they do not need wings. They can jump 35 centimeters in height, and 18 centimeters in length. Therefore, even if you are sure that there cannot be fleas in your house and the dog could not pick them up, then they can perfectly well “come” to you on their own.

Fleas undergo a complete transformation in their development. This means that an adult individual lays eggs (in fact, she doesn’t just lay them, but literally shoots them at some distance from herself), from which, under favorable conditions, a larva hatches; after a while, after several molts, it becomes a pupa, and from there an adult emerges.

At the pupal stage, it is worth paying special attention, since thanks to this, fleas can survive in the external environment for a long time. Pupae can survive in this state for up to two years and are difficult to destroy. The adult hatches instantly under good external conditions. Also, vibration and noise encourage them to wake up, so they “understand” that there may be food nearby.

If there is a host, fleas live up to 100 days, and lay 40 - 50 eggs per day.

It is very important to know that fleas do not live on dogs and other animals, they only feed on them. Therefore, you should not think that “hairless” dogs, such as Chinese Cresteds, cannot have fleas. They really can.

And they hide in the environment, in the house these are carpets, baseboards, furniture and other hard-to-reach places. If these parasites constantly live on a dog, this means that their number has reached a very large scale.

Many people do not realize the dangers that these parasites pose.

Only one adult can drink up to one milliliter of blood per day. For a large dog this may not mean anything, but for puppies and representatives of dwarf breeds it is very harmful. Considering that up to several dozen fleas feed on one dog, this leads to significant blood loss.

In addition, fleas are carriers of some infections, but they also transmit helminths, namely the cucumber tapeworm. This parasite can be found in feces (or on the fur around the anus if the dog has thick hair) and looks like cucumber seeds or flattened rice.

Many dogs have an innate hypersensitivity to flea saliva, and just a few bites are enough to trigger an allergic reaction called flea dermatitis. The dog is constantly itching and its hair is falling out. Allergy to flea saliva is the most common allergy today.

Folk remedies for fleas on dogs

An alternative to industrial drugs is to remove fleas from dogs using folk remedies. They are generally effective if insects are present in small numbers. However, as a preventive and auxiliary remedy, folk methods are irreplaceable.

Flea head under a microscope

  • Herbs. The most popular and effective plants that can repel fleas are: wormwood, tansy, eucalyptus, hellebore. The last option is sold in pharmacies and is the most powerful remedy; its use requires caution, since exceeding the recommended dose threatens severe intoxication of the animal’s body. Decoctions or infusions are prepared from the plants and used to bathe the dog. Using herbs is an excellent and safe way to get rid of fleas in puppies.
  • Laundry soap. To rid your pet of blood-sucking insects, you need to make a solution from laundry soap. To do this, eucalyptus leaves are boiled in a separate container in advance. After cooling, add a little cedar (fir, pine, tea tree) oil and grated soap. The resulting liquid is used to wash the dog. It can be stored at room temperature.
  • Garlic. Fleas cannot stand the smell of garlic, but during treatment you need to carefully monitor your pet - for dogs, this plant poses a danger (even death) if ingested. To prepare a medicinal solution, grind 2-3 cloves, add 200 ml of water, and leave overnight. The resulting liquid can be applied only to those areas of the body that the animal cannot lick.
  • Onion. It works the same way as garlic. To treat a pet, finely chop the head, fill it with water, and add soap (preferably tar or laundry soap). After stirring, treat the animal’s fur with the solution.
  • Apple vinegar. To get rid of bloodsuckers, generously moisten the dog’s body with an aqueous solution of apple cider vinegar and leave for 60 minutes, then rinse off and comb the hair well. To prepare, you will need one part vinegar and three parts water.
  • Essential oils. Fleas are afraid of any strong odors, especially citrus, eucalyptus, pine, and tea tree esters. Oils are recommended for direct application to the dog's coat or adding to bathing water.

Collars: which one to choose

Opinions are divided regarding the use of collars. Some people are sure that they can’t do without them, while others think that it’s a waste of money.

There are several facts about how to make the most effective use of a collar.

There are three types of collars: chemical, biological and ultrasonic. Chemicals contain strong substances, the smell and action of which repel parasites. Collars must be used after disinfection, otherwise fleas can move to the dog’s back and tail, where the collar’s ​​action is not enough.

Article on the topic: Flea and tick collar for dogs

Biological collars do not have a strong and repulsive odor; the positive effect is caused by medicines and essential oils. Recommended for sick or old dogs and puppies.

Ultrasonic collars are considered universal; the operating principle is that ultrasonic waves create an uncomfortable atmosphere for parasites. An expensive pleasure, the effectiveness of which is questioned.

How to remove fleas from puppies

It is more difficult to remove fleas from dogs of puppy age than from adults, since most of the products on the market are indicated for six months. Only a few drugs are approved for use:

  • from 1.5 months - Bars and Stronghold in spray form, Celandine and Phytoelite shampoos;
  • from 2 months – Celandine and Frontline in the form of drops, Beafar collar.

Before using these medications, you need to study the instructions to find out how to properly kill fleas and prevent poisoning of the puppy.

Note: the best option for puppies would be to use folk methods and remedies: tar soap, wormwood.

Is there a flea vaccination?

Flea spray for dogs

Many owners would like to have their pet vaccinated against fleas. As such, there is no flea vaccine. However, grafting is often referred to as insecticide injection. The injection acts like drops, but the effect can last up to six months. The mechanism of action of the vaccination is as follows: when bitten by an insect, it receives a dose of a toxic substance that causes a disturbance in the parasite’s nervous system, and then its death.

The positive aspects of flea injections for dogs include the simplicity of the method. To protect your pet from bloodsuckers, only a single injection is required. In addition, the possibility of the drug entering the animal’s gastrointestinal tract is completely eliminated, which means there is no risk of poisoning. An additional advantage is that the product is available in different versions, providing for the treatment of dogs of different ages and colors.

Not all dogs can receive flea injections. Injections are contraindicated for puppies under 2 months of age, weak pets, and people with allergies. You cannot vaccinate yourself - this must be done by a veterinarian after a preliminary examination of the dog. The most commonly used anti-flea vaccinations are: Lufenuron, Eprimek, Ivermectin.


How to get rid of fleas in the house?

This is a very important point, because otherwise you will not get rid of fleas.

  • Vacuum cleaner! A very effective method, since its noise and vibrations stimulate the hatching of pupae (and they are considered unkillable)
  • Wet cleaning using special products, for example: Entomazan, Deltsid. It should be diluted according to the instructions and several treatments should be carried out at intervals of a week.
  • Surface treatment with sprays: Dana-ultra or Bolfa.
  • To treat hard-to-reach areas, you can use products with Dimethicone. You shouldn't treat the floor with them, they will slip.

What flea medications can pregnant and lactating dogs use?

Pregnant dogs and those nursing puppies should be prescribed flea treatment by a veterinarian. Here is a list of safe active ingredients for pregnant and lactating women:

Isoxozolines (nexgard and bravecto tablets). Deltamethrin and flumethrin from the pyrethroid series. Phenylpyrazones Selamectin (as part of Stronghold).

What diseases can be confused with?

Itching in a dog can be a symptom of many diseases associated not only with skin inflammation and parasites, but also with hormonal disorders. But fleas are always eliminated first, so periodic treatments are required!

Treating the area where the dog lives

To remove fleas from a dog, it is not enough to treat only the pet. The insects living next to it will return to the “host” as soon as the drug expires. Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously carry out a thorough disinfestation of the premises (apartment, house, booth) in which the pet lives.

Treating your apartment for dog fleas

There are several ways to disinfect an apartment. You can use one, the most suitable one, or you can use several at once.

What do fleas look like on a dog?

  • Thermal impact. If the temperature outside is sub-zero, it is enough to take the things in which fleas have settled outside for a few hours outside. Insects can also be killed by exposing them to boiling water (by dousing or boiling them).
  • Chemical attack. Products such as Karbofos, Reid, Fenaxin and the like are used to treat floors, walls, corners, utility rooms, and large interior items (for example, upholstered furniture). You can use insecticidal preparations in the form of a spray or powder that were used to treat the dog. It is important that there is not a single untreated corner left, otherwise the processing will have to start all over again.
  • Traditional methods. Among the folk methods for treating an apartment from dog fleas, the same means are used as for disinsection of a pet. These are: wormwood, kerosene, pine sawdust and others. Only kerosene treatment leads to the death of insects; other methods can be used as a complement to the chemical option. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from the plants, which are used to wipe all surfaces in the house, preferably several times a day. As an option, spread fresh wormwood around the apartment (along the baseboard, in corners, under furniture), and change it as it dries for a month (minimum).
  • The professional way. The services of special services for exterminating fleas indoors are sought in difficult situations, when other methods are ineffective. The essence of professional treatment is the artificial creation of fine vapor particles containing an insecticide. These particles settle on surfaces, penetrating deep into porous materials, causing the death of insects.

Processing the dog house

When removing fleas from a dog, you also need to put things in order in the kennel. To destroy insects, the same methods and preparations are used as in the apartment. The litter must be burned, and to prevent the return of bloodsuckers, branches of wormwood or tansy should be laid out inside and around the booth (they should be periodically replaced with fresh ones).

Short description

Fleas are wingless blood-sucking insects, covered with a protective, keratinized shell , having a body shape flattened on both sides. Currently, there are more than 2,300 varieties of fleas, but all insects that parasitize animals lead the same lifestyle, therefore, the methods of fighting them are the same .

Flea bites, unfortunately, affect not only animals on which parasitic insects live. A person is also susceptible to bites , which can cause a severe allergic reaction or dermatitis. If an infected animal lives in the house, then the nights can turn into hell not only for the animal but also for the person.

Safety rules for processing

Since killing fleas on dogs and indoors involves the use of highly toxic chemicals, precautions must be taken.

  • Do not use drugs and products that have expired;
  • carefully read the instructions for using a particular product, especially when it comes to treating puppies, weakened and pregnant animals;
  • if it is not possible to contact a specialist, when choosing a drug, pay attention to the dosages indicated in the instructions, the characteristics of the animal’s age, and recommendations for further observation;
  • if your pet becomes ill during the procedure, you need to urgently take him to the clinic or call a specialist at home;
  • Before you start disinfesting the premises with chemicals, you need to remove all household members, including pets;
  • Processing should be carried out using rubber gloves and a respirator (or medical mask);
  • After the disinfestation is completed, you must leave the apartment, wash your face and wash your hands.

You can return to the treated room after the period specified in the instructions for the product used.

Flea prevention

It is almost impossible to prevent fleas from appearing on your dog, but you can significantly reduce the likelihood of parasite infection. To do this, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • when going for a walk, wear a flea collar;
  • use medications approved for prophylaxis (for example, injections);
  • regularly treat the place where the pet lives, its bedding, with appropriate pest control agents;
  • avoid contact between your pet and unfamiliar relatives;
  • keep the dog clean, monitor the condition of the coat;
  • do not walk in places known to be inhabited by fleas (basements, abandoned areas).

What means to remove fleas from a dog is up to each owner to decide according to his or her capabilities. The main thing is to notice the problem in a timely manner and prevent the proliferation of insects.

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