What you need to know before purchasing a guinea pig

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02/14/2019 Guinea pigs are funny and friendly animals. They are popular as pets. Before purchasing, it is useful to study the pros and cons of this animal, find out how to check its health, and also have an idea of ​​where and for what amount to buy it.

Where to buy a guinea pig?

There are several alternative options for purchasing a guinea pig:

  1. Look for an animal at a shelter. This way you can do a small good deed. Using the Internet, you should find shelters near your home and inquire about the availability of pigs. You can not be limited by geolocation and choose an animal from thematic sites and forums. You can also consider suggestions from resources on the subject of guinea pigs.
  2. Don't be afraid to call shelters. It happens that sites do not always post all the information about available animals. Many simply do not indicate information about unusual species of animals on websites, but in fact there is a similar arsenal.
  3. Don't ignore message boards either. For example, Avito. But it is worth carefully studying the advertisements on such resources, since there are often scammers who sell young guinea pigs for unreasonably high amounts. It is also worth asking about the breeder from the message board, as well as the condition of the pet. It happens that when breeding animals for the purpose of earning money, people do not maintain their health at all and sell sick pets without warning about it.
  4. Even in pet stores, sometimes you come across unscrupulous sellers who try to sell a sick or infected animal to inexperienced clients. But often the store is not at fault and the responsibility lies entirely with the breeder. It is because of this that animals in a number of sales points are already sick from the very beginning. It would be a good idea to read reviews on the Internet about both the pet store and the breeder. Before making the final choice, it is worth visiting the breeders and personally inspecting the conditions and condition of the animals.

After acquiring an animal, it needs care, no matter how unpretentious it may be. Therefore, before buying a pet, you should carefully read the nuances of caring for a guinea pig.

Where is the best place to buy

There are three options for purchasing a pet:

  • in a pet store;
  • from breeders;
  • through the Internet.

Purchasing in stores is simple and convenient: together with your pet, you immediately purchase a cage, bowl, water bowl and other accessories. Disadvantages include the inability to verify the health of the pet. The pedigree also remains unknown, making it impossible to find out whether the animal had cases of hereditary diseases in its family. Once in the store, you should pay attention to the conditions in which the animals are kept - whether their bedding is clean, what the smell is, etc.

Breeders' prices are higher than in pet stores, but the animal is accompanied by the necessary health and vaccination certificates, pedigree details, and medical history of relatives. It is possible to choose a guinea pig from several individuals of different colors. In addition, the breeder will share useful information regarding the care and feeding of the pet. You should not trust the seller in absentia. Before contacting him, it is useful to read reviews from former customers.

The most budget-friendly option is to find an advertisement on the Internet about free distribution of guinea pigs. The reason for such generosity is the need to give away cubs, the inability to care for a pet, or an unexpected allergy. In this case, all the risks remain the same as when purchasing from a pet store.

The nuances of purchasing a guinea pig

Before purchasing, you should coordinate your decision with family members. For those who live alone, this item can be omitted. But if the family is large, it is worth convening a family council. Some people may simply not like animals, while others may be allergic to a pet of this type.

It is necessary to soberly assess the possibilities of caring for such a creature. It is necessary to plan a schedule for caring for the animal and think about the need for additional supervision if you need to urgently leave for a long time.

Never purchase an animal spontaneously. It is best to weigh the pros and cons of such a decision. So that you don’t have to regret the time and money spent.

Breed selection

To get a guinea pig, you need to decide for what purpose you are purchasing it. Depending on this decision, the breed is chosen. There are three varieties:

  • shorthair;
  • long-haired;
  • naked.

Short-haired pigs are easy to keep and are relatively cheap. The long-haired breed will take the most time to care for. The fur will have to be combed daily and constantly monitored for cleanliness. But this variety is best suited for participation in exhibitions and competitions. It is better to buy a show pet from professional breeders, because the purebred of the animal is important for winning.

Hairless varieties are represented mainly by the Skinny and Baldwin breeds. They require maintaining a stable warm temperature in the room. Due to the lack of fur, the likelihood of contracting a cold or pneumonia increases.

Cubs of different breeds are similar to each other. Distinctive features appear at a late age, after the juvenile moult, which occurs at 5 months of life.

How to choose a guinea pig

Due to their original color, docile behavior and ease of keeping, these rodents gained popularity in Europe in the 16th century.

Why sea?

That's what the Spaniards called them, who transported them across the sea from South America.

Why pigs?

  1. The shape of animal paws is somewhat reminiscent of hooves.
  2. Sometimes they grunt
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