Everything you need to know about Gamavit for cats! Is the product suitable for oral administration?

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Animals, just like humans, need substances that enhance immunity. The domestic manufacturer took care of our little brothers and offered a special product - the immunomodulator Gamavit for cats .

The composition of the medication shows how effective the product is: vitamins, amino acids and microelements will not harm any cat. To understand whether it is worth treating your beloved purr with such a drug, you need to study its effect, instructions for use and side effects.

What is the drug for?

The medication is used in 2 variants, regular Gamavit and Gamavit Forte. The difference between them lies in the composition. The substance promotes:

  • increasing metabolic rate;
  • active production of antibodies;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing stress.

The medicine is prescribed to a cat or kitten to prevent colds. It has proven itself well in situations where it is necessary to detoxify the body, speed up the recovery process of a pet after childbirth or complex operations, or serious illnesses.

The medication is often prescribed in parallel with drugs that destroy helminths. Gamavit can be used to maintain the body after vaccination. The substance should not be prescribed in the presence of a malignant tumor or leukemia.

Chemical composition


IndexScientific nameWhy is it needed?
ARetinolFor normal eye and vision development
B1Thiamine hydrochlorideFor the development of the brain and nervous system
B2RiboflavinFor hematopoiesis, creation of red blood cells and antibodies
B4Choline chlorideParticipates in the creation of enzymes, amino acids, fats
AT 5Calcium pantothenateParticipates in the creation of hormones and metabolism
B6PyridoxineParticipates in the absorption of glucose, so it is needed for the development of all tissues and organs
AT 8InositolActivates the nervous system
B9Folic acidIt is necessary to create DNA
AT 10Para-aminobenzoic acidActivates the creation of vitamins by the gastrointestinal microflora
CAscorbic acidIt is necessary for normal blood clotting
DCalciferolIt is needed for normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus
ETocopherol phosphateParticipates in the functioning of the cell membrane
HBiotinCreates enzymes that regulate the metabolism of fats and proteins
KMenadionIt is necessary for normal blood clotting
RRA nicotinic acidParticipates in the metabolism of fats and cholesterol


Scientific nameWhy is it needed?
AlaninParticipates in the creation of glucose in the liver
Arginine hydrochlorideIt is necessary for the creation of peptides and proteins
Aspartic acidIt is needed for the exchange of nitrogen, urea and proteins
ValinRequired for normal tissue growth and development
HydroxyprolineIs a component of collagen
Histidine and histidine hydrochlorideIt is necessary for the creation of histamine and hemoglobin, and is involved in protein metabolism
GlycineIt is needed to create proteins and enzymes
Glutamic acidRequired for the formation of various neurotransmitters
GlutamineParticipates in the synthesis of carbohydrates, amino acids, enzymes and hormones
IsoleucineIt is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism
CalciferolIt is needed for normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus
Leucine and leucine hydrochlorideUsed in creating proteins
MethionineIt is needed in the metabolism of fats and cholesterol
ProlineIt is part of collagen and participates in protein metabolism
SerinRequired to create amino acids, proteins, enzymes
TyrosineIt is needed for the formation of active substances, metabolites, enzymes
ThreonineIt is necessary in the creation of collagen and in protein and lipid metabolism
TryptophanRequired for normal immunity and tissue regeneration
PhenylalanineUsed by cells to synthesize proteins
Cysteine ​​and cysteine ​​hydrochlorideParticipates in digestion and the creation of antioxidants


Scientific nameFormulaWhy is it needed?
Calcium chloride ACaCl2As a source of calcium for bones and cartilage
B1Fe(NO3)3Used as a source of iron for the blood
Potassium chlorideKClIt is necessary for acid-base balance
Magnesium sulfateMgSO4Has a sedative, diuretic, anticonvulsant, antiarrhythmic, hypotensive effect
Sodium chlorideNaClIt is necessary for acid-base balance
Sodium bicarbonateNaHCO3It is necessary for acid-base balance
Sodium biphosphateNaH2PO4To slow down the oxidation of "Gamavit"

Other items:

Scientific nameWhy is it needed?
Adenine sulfateIt is needed to create biologically active substances
Adenosine 5-triphosphateBuilding material for ATP synthesis
Adenosine 5-phosphateBuilding material for ATP synthesis
CholesterolRequired for fat metabolism and hormone creation
2-Deoxy-D-RiboseIt is necessary for the formation of DNACl
D-glucoseAnalogue of glucose, source of energy for the body
GlutathioneParticipates in the creation of highly active fats and enzymes
GuanineIt is needed for the formation of DNA
HypoxanthineParticipates in the creation of DNA chains and various amino acids
Phenol redThe indicator is needed to assess the condition of the drug; it gives Gamavit its characteristic red color
RiboseBuilding material for RNA, nucleotides and other biologically active substances
Sodium acetatePreservative, increases the safety of "Gamavit"
TiminIt is needed for the synthesis of DNA and RNA chains
Twin-80Olive oil, emulsifier, defoamer
UracilRequired for nucleic acid metabolism
XanthineUsed in nitrogen metabolism
Hexuronic acidsIt is needed for the synthesis of collagen, hyaluronic acid, fibrin

Instructions for use

Dosage of solution for injection

The dosage is calculated based on the cat's weight. When performing intramuscular injections, the dose is calculated based on the rule: 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. Injections are given up to 3 times a week for a month.

How and where to inject?

An insulin syringe is used to administer the drug in the form of a solution. The medicine can be administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or directly into a vein.

Injection directly into the bloodstream is used extremely rarely and only in cases where there is a threat to the pet’s life. This manipulation should only be performed by a specialist.

In other cases, injections are performed subcutaneously and intramuscularly. The solution is injected subcutaneously into the withers of a cat or kitten; the needle should be positioned at an angle of 90º relative to the spine. Intramuscularly - done in the thigh area.

Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections can be given at home if the owner has the appropriate experience.

In the presence of an infectious disease, up to 0.5 ml of solution per 1 kg of weight is injected intramuscularly 2-3 times a day for a week without stopping the main medications.

Can it be used orally?

When administered orally, the medicine can be mixed with other medications, but you must first obtain permission from a veterinarian. In tablets, the dose of the drug should be 2 times higher than when administered by injection. It is recommended to give the medication to a cat or kitten 2 hours after feeding.

How to solder?

If for some reason it is not possible to give the medicine in tablets, they are ground to a powder and diluted with water. The resulting mixture is fed to the cat using a syringe. The duration of administration is determined by the veterinarian, based on the condition of the pet.

Side effects

No negative effects of the drug on the body were detected during the test period and throughout the entire period of use. An exception to the rule is individual intolerance to the medication. In this case, the cat may show signs of allergic reactions.

When prescribed

Most often, veterinarians prescribe Gamivit for cats for:

  • restoration of the immune system of pets after they have suffered infectious diseases, including coronavirus, of a chronic and acute nature;
  • after surgery to speed up the wound healing process;
  • gaining weight in young animals, eliminating their dystrophy;
  • treatment and prevention of anemia, rickets, endometritis, poisoning, hypovitaminosis, toxicosis in pregnant individuals;
  • preparation for mating;
  • preparation for the deworming procedure.

In addition, medicinal compounds are injected or added to the water before transporting the pet over long distances, for example, to an exhibition, to a new house or apartment. Active substances will help avoid stress.

Pregnant, postpartum and newborn kittens

The medicine can be given to the kitten, but in half the dosage. If it is necessary to increase the weight of newborn kittens, the solution is administered intramuscularly in a volume of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of existing weight. For weakened newborn kittens, the solution is administered once immediately after birth, then on the 2nd, 6th, 8th, 20th day from birth.

Before giving birth, cats are prescribed Gamavit to keep the body in good shape before the upcoming birth. After the birth of the babies, the course can be continued to speed up the cat’s recovery.

The medication should be prescribed to older cats with caution; it should be taken as prescribed by a doctor under his constant supervision.

Average price for gamavit for cats

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//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> If you need to buy an immunomodulatory drug for cats, then it’s worth finding out what the prices for Gamavit are depending on the dosage. The drug is sold in veterinary pharmacies, and since the manufacturer is domestic, the product is always available.

The price per bottle of the drug is:

  • for 6 ml 74-85 rubles;
  • for 10 ml 120-140 rubles;
  • for 100 ml 880-950 rubles.

The veterinarian will advise you on the need to choose the appropriate volume.

Reviews about vitamins


Natalya M., Moscow:

“The cat’s birth was difficult, so after examination the doctor prescribed Gamavit. Injections were given intramuscularly. Already on the second day the animal stood up, and although with difficulty, it reached the bowl of food. It took about 2 weeks for the cat to fully recover. The kittens were also born weakened and were given the drug in a smaller dose.

In general, I am satisfied with the effect obtained from the treatment. We managed to completely save the newborn kittens and help their mother.”

Svetla K., Smolensk:

“The kitten had a very festering wound that did not heal for a long time. Along with the main treatment, Gamavit tablets were additionally prescribed. There were no difficulties taking the drug. It was placed directly on the root of the tongue and the mouth was closed. “No side effects were observed during the treatment.”

Maxim R., Saratov:

“I picked up the kitten on the street in a very weakened state. The veterinarian prescribed several medications at once, which must be taken in combination. It included Gamavit and an anti-helminth medication.”


Irina V., veterinarian, Moscow:

“The drug is prescribed to severely weakened individuals. It is advisable to give it to a cat or kitten together with Fosprenil; as practice has shown, both substances in combination give excellent results. In case of illness, recovery occurs very quickly.”

Denis N., veterinarian, Vladivostok:

“I often prescribe this drug to pets whose condition is causing serious concern. Several times the solution had to be administered intravenously. Fortunately, not a single animal died."

Indications for use

The drug Gamavit is prescribed to cats with immunodeficiency conditions, including:

  • anemia;
  • hypovitaminosis.

The immunomodulatory complex is indicated for use in the following invasions and diseases of infectious etiology:

  • panleukopenia
  • piroplasmosis;
  • arthritis;
  • peritonitis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • demodicosis, etc.

Gamavit is used for non-infectious pathologies:

  • mastitis;
  • endometritis;
  • dermatitis;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • acidosis;
  • chronic renal failure (CRF);
  • urolithiasis disease.

In cats, Gamavit is also used to prevent postpartum and postoperative complications.


The dosage of the medication depends on the nature of the disease and the weight of the animal:

  • for example, to prevent rickets, take 0.1 milliliter of the composition per 1 kilogram of weight;
  • if serious food poisoning is detected, the dose is increased to 2 milliliters;
  • after previous infections and with clay infestations - 0.5 to 1;
  • before deworming 0.3 to 1;
  • for small kittens to prevent rickets 0.04 to 1.

Full information is described in detail in the instructions for use.

Pharmacological (biological) properties and effects of Gamavit

Combined immunomodulatory drug for cats. The components included in the drug stimulate natural resistance, increase the bactericidal activity of blood serum, the resistance of cats to stress and excessive stress, have an immunomodulatory effect, increase the safety and weight gain of young animals.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Gamavit is classified as a low-hazard substance. In recommended doses and concentrations it has no local irritating, allergenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects. A number of veterinary specialists criticize the use of Gamavit in cats due to the lack of high-quality research proving its effectiveness!


Gamavit belongs to the combined immunomodulatory drugs. The use of the drug stimulates natural resistance, increases the bactericidal activity of blood serum, the resistance of animals to stress and excessive loads, has an immunomodulatory effect, increases the safety and weight gain of young animals. In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Gamavit is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007). In recommended doses and concentrations it has no local irritating, allergenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects.


The drug Gamavit for cats consists of:

  • extracts from the placenta, stimulating biogenic processes;
  • sodium nucleinate, which improves immunity, increases resistance to stress, and increases endurance;
  • vitamins of group E, which promote the growth of kittens;
  • folic acid;
  • glycine, arginine and alanine.

All components of the medicine are natural and cannot harm the health of the animal.

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