What surrounds us - what kind of stuff can we feed a rabbit?

The basis of the rabbits' diet is plant food, in particular fresh grass or hay. Moreover, it could even be weeds that grow in abundance in every area, for example, weeds. Many people wonder whether it is possible to let rabbits snooze, given that some pets completely refuse to even try it. Not everyone really likes the not very pleasant and even repulsive aroma of this herb. Fortunately, rabbits are not one of them: they are absolutely not afraid of either the taste or smell of weed. Which only plays into the hands of summer residents, who are fighting in vain against an arrogant and literally “unkillable” plant. Moreover, the dream contains many nutrients, and it also has medicinal properties. So what to do with the weed - destroy it or turn it into food?

Which tree branches can be given to rabbits?

Along with wormwood, alfalfa or gooseberry, rabbits happily consume young shoots of trees. The farmer only monitors how many branches they receive. Tree branches have a beneficial effect on the animal's digestive system. In addition, they keep the rabbits' cage from being eaten.

So, what branches are best to give to eared ones? Experienced farmers advise pampering their animals with fresh branches of grapes or apple trees. Their bark is not only loved by pets, but is also extremely useful for their digestion.

Rabbits eat well branches of birch, alder, aspen, oak, and acacia. In winter, you can feed coniferous species to animals. They happily gnaw on spruce, pine and juniper branches. It is best to harvest them at the beginning of summer. The branches are full of useful substances that long-eared rodents need for normal growth and development.

However, some tree species are poisonous to pets. Their use ends very badly for the animal. The rabbit may even die. Therefore, it is important for the breeder to know what kind of wood can be chewed by rabbits.

You should not give your animals branches of stone fruits - cherries, apricots, plums. These plants are poisonous to the body. Elderberry, wolf's bast, bird cherry and wild rosemary branches are also unacceptable for the digestive system of rabbits.

The branches of trees that grow by the side of the highway or on a city street are unsuitable for animals. Such plants will not only be useless, but also dangerous for rodents. They are full of toxins and exhaust gases.

Proper collection of honeydew

Really useful saplings are collected exclusively either before flowering or after it. On average, plant harvesting periods occur in June and August, but time periods may vary depending on the region. Therefore, when collecting, you should be guided by the rule that the plant should not have white flowers. This kind of grass is the most beneficial for the animal.

Collecting squash is allowed only in environmentally friendly areas, as far as possible from roads, factories, factories and other enterprises that pollute the environment. Otherwise, the likelihood of harming your pet’s health and causing severe chemical poisoning increases significantly.

What herbs can eared animals eat?

The most affordable type of food for rabbits is withered and dried grass. Animals enjoy eating it all year round. In the summer they feast on dried wormwood, nettles, gooseberry, lupine, alfalfa, and fodder clover.

For the winter, hay is prepared for rabbits. Herbs are rich in nutrients that rabbits need for normal growth and development. Therefore, they are considered the basis of their feeding. What plants have a beneficial effect on animal digestion? What should farmers consider when making hay for rabbits?


This plant should not be given to a rabbit. Celandine is poisonous to him, and therefore extremely dangerous. It contains substances that cause severe diarrhea and food poisoning in rabbits.

By affecting the digestive system of an animal, celandine can lead to the death of the animal. Before feeding, it is better to make sure that this plant is not in the food. Not only fresh, but also dried celandine is dangerous. Substances that are toxic to pets remain even after the grass has dried.

To prevent it from accidentally getting into the hay, you should not collect grass near the place where celandine grows.

However, celandine can be used to lubricate small wounds. So the plant juice will not harm the rabbit. Quite the contrary, celandine promotes rapid healing.


The plant is extremely useful for long-eared rodents. It has a huge range of substances necessary for a rabbit. Wormwood is rich in essential oils, carotene, and vitamin C. The use of this herb is good and has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of long-eared rodents:

  • causes appetite;
  • treats inflammation of the stomach;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removes worms from the rabbit’s body;
  • helps with the accumulation of gases in the animal's intestines.

Therefore, wormwood must be present in animal food. It's best not to give your pets too much grass. It affects the nervous system in large quantities. For the same reason, wormwood is always given to rabbits only in combination with other herbs.

Wormwood does not need to be looked for separately. It is enough to simply prepare hay for rabbits for the winter. There will definitely be wormwood in it.


Another useful plant for furry animals is quinoa. Like wormwood, it contains many substances that have a beneficial effect on the development of the rabbit. Quinoa is given to animals, as it is rich in vegetable proteins, iron and calcium salts, vitamins C and PP. These substances have a good effect on the growth and development of the pet.

However, it is better not to overuse quinoa. A lot of grass is dangerous for furry animals. Excessive consumption of the plant may cause stomach problems, bloating, or an allergic reaction.


Weed grass contains a lot of nitrous acids, vitamins and minerals that have a good effect on the growth and development of the rabbit. Therefore, the animal must eat before eating.

Rabbits should not be given freshly picked grass. The plant must be washed under running water. Before feeding, it is better to dry it for a while in the open sun.

It is also necessary to remove the root part of the plant. It contains essential oils that are dangerous to the animal's digestion. Therefore, it is better to give rabbits only green shoots.

The moth is fed to long-eared rodents throughout the summer. Eating grass will provide your pets with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Along with wormwood and quinoa, chickweed must definitely participate in the feeding process. This way your pet will receive enough vitamins and minerals.

In winter, you can not only give the animals food to eat, but also cover the bottom of the cage with it. The aromatic plant will repel insect pests, and dried roots will prevent fungal infections from spreading. Don't worry if the rabbits want to eat the roots of the dream. In dried form, they do not pose a danger to animals.

Benefits of green feed

The advantages of using green feed are obvious:

  1. Harvesting plants for hay does not require much time or expense.
  2. Using green mass makes it possible to save on the purchase of dry food.
  3. Many herbs, especially the legume family, are rich in proteins and amino acids. These components contribute to the rapid growth of animal weight.
  4. While eating the stems of various plants, fluffies simultaneously wear down their teeth.
  5. Most useful herbs are a real panacea for animals from various diseases of the digestive tract.

Is it possible to give bread

Many novice rabbit breeders are often interested in whether it is possible to feed rabbits with bread. The answer is yes. But, it is important to know how much baked product an animal can eat and how to feed it correctly.

Bread products contribute to rapid weight gain. However, there are several rules that are important to follow when feeding:

  • The animal should not be given fresh bread, as it is difficult to digest. In addition, severe gas formation occurs.
  • Can rabbits eat moldy bread? In no case. Even if you remove the infected area, invisible spores will still remain. If they enter the animal's body, it will lead to disorder or even poisoning.
  • Experienced breeders advise excluding black or rye bread from their pets’ diet. Its use leads to fermentation and heaviness in the stomach. Also, rabbits should not eat buns and cookies.

What to feed rabbits for rapid growth and weight gain?

Sometimes it can happen that, despite a balanced diet, rabbits do not gain weight well; few people know what to do in this case. In such a situation, it is recommended to use special drugs called growth stimulants:

  • Phos-Bevit;
  • Microvitam;
  • Nucleopeptide;
  • Calphostonic;
  • Flavomycin;
  • GreenCub 70.

In addition to the fact that these drugs accelerate weight gain, they also improve the condition of the body (stimulate the immune system, speed up metabolism, etc.).

Cheap diet for rabbit weight gain

If your budget for raising rabbits is limited, you can use the following nutrition options instead of feed and grain:

  • Weeds (nettle, dandelions, loach, etc.). This mixture should make up 10-15% of the main diet. At the same time, you can reduce the amount of potatoes.
  • Tops of carrots, greens, cabbage. This mixture is used instead of potatoes and grain. Its amount can be 20% of the total diet.

Expert opinion Dobryshev Sergey Anatolyevich Professional rabbit breeder with 30 years of experience

Note! These mixtures help not only to save money, but are also no less useful than potatoes, grain and animal feed.

What to feed decorative rabbits?

The diet of ornamental animals differs from those raised for meat:

  • celery;
  • cabbage;
  • bell pepper;
  • fruits as a treat;
  • dried bread in a minimal amount;
  • grain feed (2% of the total diet);
  • tree branches;
  • hay.

Expert opinion Dobryshev Sergey Anatolyevich Professional rabbit breeder with 30 years of experience

Note! Pets are strictly prohibited from giving nuts, seeds, legumes, dog and cat food, poisonous plants, sugar, chocolate, etc.

Raw potatoes and beets

Some breeders feed their animals potato tubers and beets. Others, on the contrary, are categorically against the introduction of these vegetables into the rodent’s diet. So, is it possible to feed raw potatoes to rabbits? How do animals react to red beets?

Eared cats can eat vegetables. During fattening, these root vegetables will be extremely beneficial for your pet. The only question is how much of them will not harm the animal. Veterinarians advise introducing potatoes and beets gradually, observing the reaction of the furry animals.

Many farmers willingly give beets to long-eared animals. If the fruit is sugar, this is not a concern. This beet is considered a fodder crop that is useful for rabbits at any time of the year. It’s another matter if the rabbit is given red beets from our table as food.

This vegetable should be given to the rabbit carefully. Complementary feeding should begin no earlier than the animal reaches one month of age. Beets are introduced into the diet in small portions.

Experienced breeders advise feeding the rabbit boiled beets first. If the animal tolerates it well, you can give it the vegetable raw.

Rabbits eat potatoes with great pleasure. It is rich in starch, which is so necessary for increasing body weight. However, you should be careful with solanine.

If you feed your rabbits potato peelings, check them for eyes and greenish areas. This is where the poison is contained. Potatoes can be given to animals in their raw, peeled form. However, experienced rabbit breeders and veterinarians recommend starting with a boiled vegetable. This way it is better absorbed.

Potatoes are not introduced immediately. Its mass fraction in the entire daily feed should not exceed ten percent. This is the optimal amount of root vegetables that an animal can digest. An adult male should eat no more than forty kilograms of peeled potatoes annually, while females consume 36 kilograms.

Potatoes and beets in small quantities will not only not harm your pet. They will be beneficial for his digestive system. Therefore, feel free to introduce these vegetables into the daily diet of your long-eared rodent.

Tops of garden crops

In addition to forest, steppe and field grasses, tops of garden crops are suitable:

  • carrots;
  • turnips;
  • beets;
  • radish;
  • leaves of strawberry, Jerusalem artichoke, celery, basil;
  • aerial parts of Savoy and Brussels sprouts;
  • spinach and parsley.

Domestic and decorative rabbits are given different types of salads, with the exception of lettuce, which they do not like.

Fresh carrots are the preferred food ingredient for all rabbits

To prepare plants for the winter, young grass is used, which has not yet had time to release its flowers. Wheatgrass, meadow and steppe grasses, and clover are used for drying.

Freshly cut grass does not dry for long. High-quality hay should be green in color and have a pleasant aroma. Hay that smells musty and contains damp grass is not suitable for feeding pets.

Hay is dried in a well-ventilated area. For ornamental animals, pet stores sell ready-made hay of various compositions.

If the grass is dried in the open air (in the summer), ultraviolet light provides additional disinfection of the feed, because Most bacteria are afraid of direct sunlight.

Feeding grain and hay

In winter, pets are fed grain crops. Rabbits are fed wheat, oats, and corn. The grain is prepared by steaming or passing the grains through a crusher. If a rabbit eats dry, unprocessed grain, it will suffer from bloating.

According to Zolotukhin's method

Experienced rabbit breeders suggest feeding animals using the Zolotukhin method. Its essence is to feed dry or soaked grain. It does not matter how much cereal crops are consumed by rabbits.

The creator of the method recommends focusing on a specific type of grain. For example, young rabbits at rest are fed whole oats or wheat. Before mating or childbirth, oats are replaced with barley. When feeding grains, animals need to consume more fluid. Therefore, it is important to monitor the availability of fresh water in rabbit drinking bowls.

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Procurement rules

Even grass that is good for rabbits, but not properly harvested, can harm them. Here are some rules that experts advise you to follow:

  • Completely fresh grass is not suitable for rabbits, because it must be dried before giving to animals. The same applies to greens collected after rain or in the morning when they are wet with dew.
  • When fresh grass is dried, the poisons of many plants lose their activity, and feeding becomes practically safe.
  • It is advisable not to give ornamental plants and flowers to animals.
  • Grass that comes into contact with metal oxidizes. If possible, it should be torn off by hand. When there are a lot of rabbits, it is better to use a regular scythe or sickle rather than a lawn mower.
  • You should not give rabbits grass that grows near roads, even country roads.
  • It is also not advisable to use lawn grass for feeding. It is not harmful, rabbits eat it with pleasure, but such greens bring little benefit.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that poisonous plants do not get into the workpiece. You can learn to recognize them using photos of poisonous herbs in books.
  • If possible, you should sow green food yourself, then you will be confident in its quality.
  • When collecting, you need to make sure that there are no remains of mouse, rat, cat or dog excrement on the grass.

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Properly collected and prepared food can provide rabbits for the whole year. Hay should be dried in the attic or in a well-ventilated area. Before putting fresh grass there, you must make sure that there are no rats or mice in the drying area, which carry diseases dangerous to rabbits.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Brooms from branches for the winter

Photo 2. Animals eat acacia branches

Photo 3. Red beets for eared

Photo 4. Rabbit eats bread

List of useful plants

  1. medicinal dandelion, it contains a lot of protein, not a lot of fiber, it perfectly stimulates the appetite. It is recommended to give such plants in combination, and so that there are no more than a third of the dandelions themselves; if there are too many of them, this will significantly delay the growth of the young;
  2. Hogweed perfectly promotes lactation in females. It is easy to find among the bushes; it blooms in summer; only the leaves can be used as food. If it is not nearby, then such plants are successfully sown; planting it is not difficult;
  3. Nettle, which contains many essential vitamins, perfectly fights stomach disorders and bleeding, and effectively fights the formation of microbes. Nettle can be given both fresh and is perfect for winter preparations. Before use, you need to scald it, chop the chalk and add it to dry food. Pregnant females can be fed with nettle hay; nettle leaves that were collected in June and July are especially useful;
  4. Coltsfoot helps perfectly with stomach disorders, also has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, you can give this herb as early as May, and you can harvest it for the winter from June;
  5. Wheatgrass is highly nutritious; it is an excellent pickling agent; only the roots are suitable for feeding; they must be washed well before use. The rhizomes can be dried and stored in jars for a couple of years; this is very convenient for feeding;
  6. plantain is characterized by a large amount of protein and low fiber, a preventative against gastric disorders;
  7. wormwood promotes appetite growth and is used as an excellent remedy against worms, but you can’t give too much wormwood, it causes nervous excitement.

When is watermelon harmful?

In some cases, feeding watermelon to a rabbit is not recommended for various reasons.

Presence of nitrates

Nitrates, which help unscrupulous gardeners grow berries earlier and more, when entering the rabbit’s body, have a cumulative effect - they accumulate and cause chronic intoxication.

Intoxication with nitrogen and its compounds leads to disturbances in the transport function of the blood and, as a consequence, hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Eared animals are stunted, gain weight poorly, behave restlessly, and have sores and scratches on their skin.

For allergies

A similar picture is observed with allergic reactions to the composition of the juice and pulp of the pulp, if the rabbit “acquired” an individual intolerance to the ingredients. Fortunately, this rarely happens with rabbits.

In case of violation of the feeding regime

Giving treats before loading the main food is a big mistake!

A piece of watermelon rind eaten on an empty stomach can cause flatulence and colic, which can lead to gastrointestinal stasis. The animal refuses to move, eat and drink, its temperature drops, etc. All this can end in the death of the rabbit.

An excess of fiber can cause another dangerous problem - blockage of the intestinal passages, which leads to its obstruction. If it is impossible to cleanse the intestines within 10-12 hours, the rabbit dies.

Sometimes rabbits eating watermelon will cause diarrhea. If left untreated, it leads to rapid dehydration, weakness and death.

Spoiled berries, contaminated with many dangerous microorganisms, become a source of severe poisoning and infectious diseases for long-eared animals.

For pregnant females

Rabbits should be given watermelon rinds with caution in the second half of pregnancy. Growing fetuses in the uterus already create inconvenience for the functioning of the intestines; do not overload it: for a pregnant female, the norm should be reduced to 100 g/day (farm breeds)

The grown fruits in the uterus already create inconvenience for the functioning of the intestines; you should not overload it: for a pregnant female, the norm should be reduced to 100 g/day (farm breeds).


Forbs collected from meadows, fields and forests are also valued due to their ecological cleanliness. Experts advise procuring raw materials in the outback of nature, away from dusty and gas-polluted roads and industrial enterprises. Such stems will not only bring a feeling of fullness, but also enrich the animals’ bodies with vitamins and microelements. In addition, most meadow herbs have an anti-inflammatory lactic effect.

Important! In the spring-summer season, when forbs are rampant, green matter in the rabbits' diet half replaces feed and cereals. Veterinarians believe that young plants are more beneficial, since their composition is dominated by proteins and virtually no fiber.

Therefore, it is recommended to harvest grass for hay before the buds appear, when the stems are still soft. In addition, it is not recommended to expose raw materials to the sun. The workpiece should retain its rich green color and fresh aroma. If you neglect this recommendation, then from a later mowing you will get emasculated hay, which has few nutrients and a lot of fiber. This food is very difficult to digest and does not bring any benefit. Moreover, grass for rabbits needs to be alternated, since the same type of food ceases to arouse interest in even the healthiest foods

Veterinarians believe that young plants are more beneficial, since their composition is dominated by proteins and virtually no fiber. Therefore, it is recommended to harvest grass for hay before the buds appear, when the stems are still soft. In addition, it is not recommended to expose raw materials to the sun. The workpiece should retain its rich green color and fresh aroma.

If you neglect this recommendation, then from a later mowing you will get emasculated hay, which has few nutrients and a lot of fiber. This food is very difficult to digest and does not bring any benefit. Moreover, grass for rabbits needs to be alternated, since the same type of food ceases to arouse interest in even the most healthy foods.

Experts do not recommend feeding long-eared animals with biomass alone. For good digestibility and maximum impact, it must be mixed with other root vegetables, dry ingredients and feed. Otherwise, animals may develop flatulence and stomach upset.

Did you know? In Australia, wild rabbits are considered the worst enemies of the local population and agricultural enterprises. The country has introduced a ban on the breeding of these seemingly cute animals at the state level. Each violator faces a fine of 30 thousand US dollars. As it turned out, the mammals angered the aborigines with their rapid life activity, the annual losses from which are estimated at around 600 million US dollars.

Let's talk about what meadow grasses rabbits eat. The most nutritious of them are the following:

  • silphium (can be used for making hay and silage; it is possible to make 2 cuttings per season);

red clover (features a high amount of protein, allowed in small portions);

feed lupine (the plant must be mixed with other feeds, otherwise the legume will provoke an eating disorder);

oats (the plant is sown twice during the summer and mowed in June and September);

alfalfa (contains a lot of protein and amino acids, useful for young animals and pregnant lactating individuals);

vetch (often mixed with green oat stalks and cereals);

young corn (its biomass combines well with legumes, but it should not exceed 70 percent of the total feed);

sida (recommended in small portions, dried);

rye (winter varieties are cut when the stems begin to emerge into a tube).

Did you know? If people did not interfere with the reproductive processes of rabbits and allowed them to reproduce freely, then after 90 years the number of these animals would be equal to the number of square meters on the globe.

Is it possible to give flowering tops?

Dandelion produces two flower fruits when ripe. Rabbits can be given the very first fruit, but they eat it rarely and in small quantities. Experts believe that many animals simply don’t like the taste. When picked, it releases yellow juice with an unpleasant odor, which can also be repulsive.

Is it possible to feed rabbits juicy dandelions? Of course, but it is better to give only the stem and leaf. This product should be carefully introduced into the animal’s diet and the furry’s behavior should be monitored. The rabbit breeder must be very careful, because rabbits eat everything that is offered to them, which can negatively affect their health. Thus, dandelion roots and flowers accidentally included in the menu can cause serious harm.

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