How to stop a dog from chewing furniture: effective methods, advice from veterinarians and recommendations from owners

When a dog appears in the house, not all novice owners imagine what it is like to raise and maintain a four-legged active friend. Most people adopt puppies, some adopt adult dogs, but not every pet can immediately become an ideal family member.

For example, many dogs, both in puppyhood and adults, for some reason begin to “destroy the house,” namely, chew things, including furniture. Both the renovation and the interior as a whole can be seriously damaged by an angry pet.

But, fortunately, in most cases, destructive behavior can be corrected. How to stop a dog from chewing furniture? First, you should find out why she does this, and also study information about possible methods of correcting unwanted behavior.

How to stop a dog from chewing furniture

Why do puppies chew everything?

Puppies of any breed of dog tend to chew on everything. This behavior is absolutely normal and necessary for their proper development. It is also important that dogs learn to bite “softly” at an early age, that is, without harming the object of the bite, as they retain this ability into adulthood.

You should not prohibit your puppy from biting various objects, because thanks to this behavior he explores the world around him. In addition, through bites, the puppy trains its sense of touch. It is also necessary to take into account the enormous energy of a small pet, which uses it through “biting” behavior and satisfies its curiosity.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that puppies have baby teeth, which will be replaced by permanent teeth as they grow. Until this happens, they experience constant discomfort and anxiety and try to solve this problem with the help of bites.

Other weaning methods

You can stop your puppy from chewing on walls using the effect of surprise. As soon as the puppy approaches the wallpaper and shows interest in other objects, clap your hands and spray the dog with water from a spray bottle. Sharp sounds will scare away your pet and help develop the necessary reflex.

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You can lubricate the walls with pepper, lemon juice, mustard, essential oils, the smell of which dogs do not like, or sprays that are sold in pet stores. But do not overdo it and never use household chemicals, as chemicals will cause poisoning.

If the dog is emotional and has a flexible psyche, sedatives and sedatives, which should be prescribed by a veterinarian, will help. Protect your dog from stress, create the most favorable conditions, a comfortable psychological environment.

If no methods help, the dog’s behavior cannot be corrected, contact a dog handler for help. Systematic classes will help instill correct behavioral skills and manners.

Do not put off raising your dog until later, do not allow the puppy to do things that he will not be allowed to do as an adult. Even if you have a representative of a miniature, decorative breed. Little pranks will grow into a destructive force. In addition, weaning adult dogs from improper manners will require more effort, time and patience.

The puppy chews everything: is this normal?

When considering how to stop a dog from chewing furniture, it is important to emphasize that up to 3 weeks of life, the puppy should be allowed to chew whatever he wants. This does not mean that you need to provide him with expensive items; the pet must have special toys for dogs. You should also allow him to bite his owners, in this way he will explore and recognize them. If the owners leave home and the puppy is left alone, unattended, it is necessary to place it in a special cage or lock it in a room where there are no valuables that the prankster could find and bite.

There is no need to worry if the puppy walks around the house all day and chews everything, this behavior is as necessary for him as sleep. However, if a pet begins to aggressively bite a family member or another pet, then this is the first bell for the owners to pay attention. As the puppy grows, owners must teach it so that it understands the difference in its bites.

Many people try to find a breed of dog that doesn't chew furniture, but it doesn't exist. No matter what breed the puppy is, biting and gnawing is a normal natural behavior line for him.

Common mistakes owners make

Many owners, out of ignorance, make mistakes in raising a four-legged dog. Here are the ones that are especially common:

  1. The owner punishes his ward for damaged boots or torn wallpaper several hours after the offense. The fact is that punishment should follow immediately after the unwanted action, so that the dog can form a puzzle and realize that this cannot be done. Otherwise, he simply will not understand why exactly he is being punished.
  2. Another extreme is not to punish at all. Let’s say your pet tore apart his slippers, which would still have to be thrown away. But this does not mean that you should forgive the dog for this action. Today these are unnecessary slippers, and tomorrow - expensive leather boots or important documents. The animal must understand that damaging the property of its owners is unacceptable.
  3. In continuation of the previous point, do not let your dog play with old shoes that you have not worn for a long time. The wet-nose must have his own special toys. Otherwise, having played with old shoes, he will decide that he can put his teeth into new ones.
  4. The most unforgivable mistake is physical punishment of a living creature. You will not achieve anything good, but you will awaken fear, resentment or even aggression in him. After a couple of blows, he may stop damaging the furniture, but instead of a friendly and affectionate pet, you will get a morally depressed and psychologically crippled animal that will do dirty tricks worse than damaged furniture.

Remember: it is useless to stop a puppy from chewing objects! It is physiologically necessary for a puppy to sharpen his teeth, because his new fangs are erupting. Many owners make a huge mistake by not buying their baby “chews”, which are extremely necessary at a certain age.

Training a small pet

To prevent owners from wondering in the future about how to stop a dog from chewing furniture, it is necessary to monitor the development of the pet from early childhood. To do this, you should adhere to the recommendations below:

  • Considering that the puppy constantly bites everything, it is recommended to buy him appropriate toys. Every time your pet chews them, you need to praise him that he is doing the right thing.
  • Starting from the age of three weeks, if the puppy bites its owners, you should emit a slight whistle and move away from the pet, ignoring it for one minute. This behavior of the owners will gradually teach the puppy to understand that this should not be done.
  • You should try not to tease your pet too much while playing with him, as this can lead to strong and uncontrollable biting.
  • In the process of training a puppy, for every correct action he needs to be praised, given tasty food and petted.
  • If a child plays with an animal, then it is necessary to do this using dog toys so that the pet bites them and not the child.

A systematic approach to behavior correction

The approach must be systematic. It is very important that the education process be systematic. There are three things a dog owner needs to consider:

  • the duration of periods when the dog is left alone;
  • weaning off unwanted behavior;
  • training in desired behavior.

You cannot deal with only one aspect, as this will not give any result and will reduce all efforts to nothing.

The learning process, especially if we are talking about an adult dog, cannot be quick. An animal cannot change its behavior in an instant. Therefore, you need to gradually help your pet get used to the unpleasant feeling of loneliness, forming an alternative desirable behavior in his mind, controlling how much time the animal can withstand alone without experiencing stress.

What to do if the puppy constantly bites its owners?

Different breeds of dogs develop differently: some take only a few weeks to understand what their owners want from them, while others can take much longer to learn. The main thing is that the owner constantly trains his pet, and then he will achieve the desired result.

If a puppy bites various parts of the body of its owners, and this behavior of the pet begins to bother family members, then you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Pretend that the bite is very painful. This method is effective if the puppy is not yet 3 months old. The owner, when the pet bites him, should make loud sounds indicating that he is in pain. After this, the owner should move away from the puppy and not pay attention to it. Over time, the pet will understand that it is doing something wrong.
  2. If the puppy is older than 3 months, then you need to do the following: when during the game the pet bites the owner, the latter needs to turn around and leave. After a few minutes, return and continue playing, and if the puppy bites again, leave immediately. This behavior from the owner will make it clear to the pet that every bite means the end of the game.

Boch 02/13/2007 - 03:40

It would be nice to figure out the reason for this behavior. 1) The dog has nothing to do while the owners are away. And the dog has fun as best he can. 2) Or maybe everything is much more complicated. The dog has a phobia (cannot be in a confined space alone) 3) Another option. If you think with the brain of a dog. “The more I chew, the faster the owner will appear and pay attention to me.” He'll pet me and play with me.

I like the option with chloramphenicol. Give it a try. Antigryzin does not always help.

You can also buy a spacious crate and leave the dog in it while you are away. (and this is not cruel treatment. On the contrary, the dog will have its own home. Our friends have a dog that opens the cage door itself and goes in there.)

Reasons why an adult dog chews furniture

To understand how to stop a dog from chewing furniture, you first need to find out why he does it. It should also be noted that an adult dog chewing furniture is an abnormal behavior for which there is a completely logical explanation. Why does a dog chew furniture? Below is a list of the most likely causes:

  • Disappointment over a breakup. The dog gets bored and starts chewing everything when the owners leave the house. The pet may also go to the toilet in places not intended for this and howl. In this case, it is very difficult to stop a dog from chewing things, so it is recommended to contact an appropriate specialist, as well as purchase dog toys that can keep your pet company for a long time.
  • Hyperactivity. It manifests itself when the pet does not stop for a second and bites everything, even in the presence of its owners. In this case, you should buy “intellectual” toys for your pet, do not provoke or tease him, and devote sufficient time to training.
  • Stress. Like humans, animals can also experience stress, which manifests itself in the form of apathy, fear, or, conversely, the pet begins to chew everything that catches its eye. To prevent the dog from chewing furniture in this case, it is necessary to analyze whether all the pet’s needs are satisfied, and if he lacks something, then this problem must be solved.
  • Lack of physical activity. Being constantly at home and not receiving the required minimum level of physical activity, the dog not only begins to gain weight, but also experiences psychological disorders that can manifest itself in destructive behavior. If a dog chews furniture, what should you do? Solving this problem is quite simple; you just need to walk the dog every day.

Thus, there are various reasons why an adult dog chews furniture. What the owners should do in this case is described later in the article.

Acceptable rewards and punishments

A treat can be a good reward: cut meat, carrots, bread, etc. into small pieces. (or just use dry food in small quantities if your dog eats it) and reward your dog with small portions for obedience.

Weasel is another remedy that any pet will enjoy. Pet your pet, scratch its tummy or ear, and show it your love.

Verbal praise is also well received by dogs. Over time, your words: “Well done,” “Clever girl,” will be perceived positively.

The opportunity to play with your favorite toys is also a good reward.

As for punishment, many are accustomed to hitting pets in the face and body with various objects (leash, slipper, rag).

The best method of punishment: at the moment of committing an offense, loudly and strictly give the command “Fu” and hit the dog on the butt. Your blow should not be too strong, because you can harm the dog, but a spank that is too light will not be perceived as punishment.

Don't be afraid to punish your dog and don't expect him to be angry for the rest of his life because of it. After all, only by applying punishment can we wean her from mischief.

Pet training

When wondering how to stop a dog from chewing furniture, the first thing you should do is spend enough time training your pet, starting from an early age. At birth, puppies do not know how to behave correctly, what they can do, and what actions will spoil the owner’s mood. Therefore, if the puppy begins to chew furniture and other valuables, it is necessary to clearly and clearly tell him: “Ugh, you can’t!” It is necessary to understand that such a command should be given to a pet if it behaves inappropriately in front of its owner. Veterinarians also advise against resorting to physical punishment.

Alternative furniture for pets

As mentioned above, small puppies always chew on everything. Adult dogs can have a playful mood and often want to bite something. One of the great ways to stop a dog from chewing furniture is for the owner to offer an alternative for the pet so that it satisfies its natural need. This alternative is dog toys. There are a great variety of them currently on sale. For example, balls of fabric, rubber balls, soft and hard bones, kongs for dogs and others.

Ingar 02/13/2007 - 09:01

There is also an effective method. Usually, owners have toys for dogs lying around in bulk - take what you want and when you want. But for some reason the dogs show no interest in them, to the surprise of the owner. Only when mom and dad pull the other end of the harness does the dog begin to play. Is it the same for you? The way to attract attention to toys is very simple and effective. When I read about it, I was very surprised, and then I took a closer look at my dog, and it turns out that it also works fully for us.

Meaning: 1. You don’t give all the toys at once, but one at a time (3-4 pieces), putting the rest out of sight for a while. After a week or two, you change the assortment: the first portion is for disinfection and hidden, the second portion is laid out. The dog's interest increases sharply, as if he has received new toys. 2. toys should be of all types (can be one at a time) - plastic (a couple of soda bottles, for example), a piece of wood (not splintered. For example, a fresh flexible rod of a non-bitter tree with bark together), a rag-rope (a tourniquet or a fire hose ) 3. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. Toys should not be piled up on the floor, but placed in a box or some kind of niche-stand so that the dog can take them out himself. Here the instinct kicks in, just like in small children - to pull everything out and scatter it around the room! In the meantime, he chooses, pulls out, plays, goes after the next time, it’s getting closer to evening and the owner has come home from work.

This is some simple science. We also have toys in a niche and the dog comes there and looks at her wealth with a thoughtful look, choosing what she wants to play with now. Added to

Regular physical training

Knowing which dogs chew furniture and why they do it, as well as the natural energy of these pets, you should provide them with an opportunity to burn off their energy every day. To do this you need to walk with them. Daily physical training is the basis for the proper physical and psychological development of a pet, and if it lacks physical activity, it begins to direct its enormous energy to the destruction of household furniture.

You can physically stress your dog in various ways:

  • long walks with your pet;
  • active games with the dog in the fresh air;
  • dog playing with other pets.

If the owner does not have the constant opportunity to spend sufficient time with his pet, then veterinarians recommend occupying his attention with various toys that will develop not only the physical qualities of the pet, but also his mental abilities.

Rule 1: Attach the old leash

It sounds strange to new dog owners, but then they try it and realize that it solves literally 90 percent of your problems. It's simple.

You need to take an old leash that you no longer use, cut off the handle (so it doesn't snag), attach it to your dog's collar and let him drag it around.

Why do this?

It's basically like a remote control for your dog. You no longer need to catch your dog, you no longer need to chase him to take something away, he can no longer run away, hide and chew something.

Now do you understand why I put this rule first?

Furniture protection

Solving the problem of a pet damaging furniture can take some time. Therefore, many veterinarians advise protecting it in one way or another. Firstly, you can use special protective covers or blankets for furniture, which are easy to replace if the dog damages them. Secondly, you can use special natural substances that are not toxic, but at the same time repel the animal.

The dog is chewing furniture, what should I use to treat it? Lemon juice or red pepper is suitable for this purpose. You can also buy a special dog-repellent spray that should be used on furniture and other items of value.

Protective sprays

Pet stores sell products to stop dogs from chewing furniture.

Knabber Stopp

Trixie has made a spray for puppies and dogs in a convenient plastic bottle with a spray nozzle. The liquid does not smell at all, but has a strong unpleasant taste. The bitterness is created from safe plant extracts, so the product can be sprayed even near outdoor pots with indoor plants.

Dog chewing protection

The Russian company Api San has released a series of “Smart Sprays”. One of them – “Protection against chewing dogs” – has a slight orange smell and a pronounced bitter taste. It contains red pepper extract, isopropyl alcohol, and essential citrus oils.

After contact with objects treated with the spray, the pet experiences a burning sensation on the tongue and increased salivation.

Restricting your dog's access to certain areas of the house

If the owner has tried various methods on how to stop a dog from chewing furniture, but his pet continues to do it, then the only 100% way to prevent such unwanted behavior is to keep the dog away from certain places in the house, for example, always close the doors to the room where the furniture is. . If the owner has resorted to this method of solving the problem, then you need to know that leaving the dog alone for a long time closed in a small room is not recommended, as this will provoke a feeling of melancholy in the pet or increase stress, which will further aggravate the problem.

The dog destroys the apartment in the absence of the owner

If your dog tears up wallpaper, rips off floor and wall coverings, and does this when he is alone at home, analyze what provokes this behavior. Maybe you don't spend enough time with your dog? Then try to communicate more with your pet, involve him in joint active games.

When leaving home for a long time, you can lock your dog in a separate room or a special cage, which must be taught to it from early childhood.

  • Leave your dog toys and chewing bones. The dog will be busy in the absence of the owner and will not be very bored alone.
  • Accustom your dog to loneliness gradually. Leave the house for a short time, gradually increasing the time interval.
  • When you return, praise your pet for good behavior, give the dog more time and attention.
  • Before leaving, give your dog a good walk and food. Walks should be eventful, interesting and active. A tired and well-fed pet will rest peacefully and will not cause harm to the interior.

What else can you do to prevent your pet from chewing things: recommendations from dog owners

If you cannot stop your dog from chewing things using the methods listed above, or the problem is partially solved, then it is recommended to seek advice from specialists, for example, people who train dogs or veterinarians. You can also tell pet lovers about your problem, who will tell you what to do in this situation.

Many dog ​​owners say that problems with destructive behavior in their pets begin when there are two or more dogs in the house, and different ages of pets can only worsen the situation. For example, an adult dog begins to actively play with a puppy, and their games are accompanied by the destruction of furniture. In such cases, owners advise paying great attention to training their pets, as well as isolating them from each other when the owners leave home and leave the dogs alone.

Preventive measures

The best methods for weaning a dog from a bad habit are proactive measures. That is, the owner must create conditions for the puppy under which he will not spoil things.


Puppies and dogs require objects that they can chew with impunity. To do this, buy animal toys at the pet store. Ordinary children's balls and dolls will not work. The dog will quickly bite them with his teeth, and then may suffer from swallowed pieces of plastic or rubber.

Dog toys are made from durable elastic materials, as well as rope, leather, and fabric. The owner must engage with the pet, taking the ring from it or throwing the ball into another room. A good item to distract an animal is artificial edible bones made from tendons and rawhide.

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