Psychology of cats: useful information and practical tips
Factors influencing cat behavior All cats behave differently. This is related to many
Life expectancy of Rottweilers: how many years do dogs live on average and what can influence this period
Rottweilers are excellent protectors, good friends and excellent companions. They can be serious and
Features of the baby face Yorkshire terrier: description, character, care and nutrition + photos of adult dogs and puppies
Currently, the Yorkshire Terrier breed is considered one of the most fashionable and prestigious in the world.
italian mastiff
Cane Corso - an elegant and fashionable Italian Mastiff
History of the breed The ancestors of the mastiff are considered to be Molossian dogs, which were once raised in Ancient Rome. They
How much dry food to give a dog per day: table
Before getting a dog, you need to decide not only the breed, but also the upcoming
Features of keeping ferrets at home
Livestock » Ferrets 0 1491 Article rating Kira Stoletova Caring for a ferret is not easy
Food for British cats
What to feed a British breed cat at home?
Many people want to have a beautiful fluffy British dog at home, but not everyone knows how.
The cat doesn't recognize the litter box
The cat stopped going to the litter box: causes and solutions to toilet problems
The idyll between a pet and a person may one day be disrupted by one extremely ticklish, but global
Probalance cat food: reviews and composition analysis
For sterilized cats What is the difference between a sterilized cat or a neutered cat from animals that have
Give an injection to a dog
How to give an injection to a dog at the withers: educational step-by-step instructions, expert advice
Treatment of pets is usually entrusted to experienced veterinarians, since in the clinic a specialist will select the exact
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