Golden Retriever: description, care and maintenance of the breed, prices for puppies, reviews from owners

One of the most popular breeds all over the world is the Golden Retriever. They are ideal for families with children, athletic young people and even active retirees. This is a good-natured, calm dog, very smart and loyal. She will become a reliable friend, companion, hunting assistant or nanny for children. But these dogs also have disadvantages. Before getting this breed, you need to study its description, pros and cons, and reviews from owners.

  • History of the origin of the Golden Retriever breed
  • Description of the appearance of the Golden Retriever breed
  • Head
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Coat and colors
  • Varieties
  • Differences from Labrador
  • Personality of the Golden Retriever
      Features of training
  • Features of keeping golden retrievers
  • Nutrition
  • Health
  • How to buy a golden retriever puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed traits

    Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

    Golden Retriever (Golden Retriever)
    Activityin the house3
    on the street4
    Dominationin family2.5
    over dogs3
    Defending your territoryfrom people3
    from dogs3
    Sociabilityin family4.9
    with strangers2
    with dogs3.5
    Concentrationin family1.5
    in front of strangers3
    with dogs2
    Aggressivenessin family1.8
    to strangers1
    to the dogs2.5
    to cats2.5
    Family behaviorcalmness4
    demand for affection4
    excessive barking2
    behavioral breakdowns1.5
    Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4.7
    over 4 years old4.9
    Institutional usewatchman4

    This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Labrador Retriever, Border Collie, German Shepherd, English Cocker Spaniel, Beagle.

    Photos of golden retrievers will help you understand what they look like:

    Golden retriever on the lawn

    Golden retriever

    Golden retriever with a toy

    Golden retriever in the water

    Brief description of the breed

    The standard is considered to be individuals of average height and build with coats of all shades of golden, beige and cream. The color should be uniform, without interspersing other colors.

    The appearance is elegant , all parts of the body are proportional. The dog moves with an even, calm step, gracefully.

    Curved ribs make the dog's chest powerful and wide. The hind legs are strong and muscular, the front legs are long and graceful, straight. The knees are pronounced.

    The coat should be straight, thick, and cover the entire body of the dog. The hair should lengthen along the body, forming a kind of mane.

    General characteristics of golden retrievers

    The Golden Retriever is a medium-sized dog that loves people and is ready to serve its owner and carry out any assignment. And the only thing he needs in return is love and affection. These dogs love children very much and get along with all family members and other pets. They are loving, sociable and cheerful. They need to always be in the center of attention, help the owner, and participate in all matters.

    Golden retrievers are one of the few dogs that are suitable for canistherapy. They work in hospitals, hospices, help people recover from psychological trauma, and have a beneficial effect on children with developmental disabilities. They are also called “shaggy antidepressants”; they sense a person’s condition and help relieve stress. These dogs become excellent guides for the blind and disabled; they are very loyal and strive to help their owner.

    Even without special training, a retriever will rush to help a person in trouble. These are excellent rescuers: they pull out drowning people, look for people under the rubble. Suitable for work in the police and customs.

    breed namegolden retriever or golden retriever
    country of originGreat Britain
    year of breed recognition1954
    group of breeds according to the ICF classificationretrievers
    applicationhunting dog, rescuer, guide, companion, nanny
    life expectancy10-12 years, with good care they live up to 15 years
    heightmales 56-61 cm, females 51-56 cm
    weightmales 26-41 kg, females 25-37 kg
    character traitsbalance, agreeableness, good nature, devotion, non-conflict, sociability, intelligence
    attitude towards a personvery friendly, do not tolerate loneliness well, love children
    aggressivenessnot aggressive at all
    intelligenceare one of the smartest dogs (ranked 4th out of more than hundreds of breeds), easy to train
    activityaverage, but requires physical training, likes to swim
    difficulty of careaverage, sheds a lot

    Pros of the breed

    Golden Retrievers are dogs that make ideal companions, good hunters, nannies for children and guide dogs. They love people so much that they will never rush, although they will protect their owner. Goldens, as their owners call them, are ready to serve a person all day long, fulfilling all his desires. And high intelligence and sensitivity allow them to guess even the facial expressions and mood of the owner. Representatives of this breed have many more advantages:

    • they are very friendly, good-natured;
    • sociable, cheerful, flexible;
    • not aggressive, never enter into conflicts, get along with all pets;
    • patient, quiet, never bark over trifles;
    • due to its medium size, it can be kept in a city apartment;
    • devoted, faithful, very attached to the owner and family members, love to help them and serve;
    • smart, quick-witted, obedient;
    • have good reactions, are able to make independent decisions, thanks to which they often save people in critical situations;
    • have sensitive hearing, a keen sense of smell, can be used in hunting and in police service;
    • treat children well, tolerate all their tricks, can become a nanny for them or a playmate;
    • are not prone to dominance and manipulation.

    Cons of the breed

    Despite its many advantages, this breed is not suitable for everyone. The retriever will cause inconvenience to homebodies and quiet people, as it is quite active and sociable. And those who are away from home for a long time are not recommended to have these dogs because they cannot stand loneliness. Golden has a few more disadvantages:

    • They shed heavily and are not suitable for allergy sufferers;
    • Quite long, thick coat requires serious care and may smell like a dog;
    • prone to overeating, picking up food on the street;
    • love to swim, can climb into any body of water, even puddles;
    • quite active, with a lack of attention they can spoil things and dig up the garden;
    • There are no protective qualities at all, they are friendly towards strangers.

    An interesting video about golden retrievers will help you learn more about their advantages and disadvantages:

    Video: The Golden Retriever is a breed devoid of aggression. This is the friendliest dog

    Video: Golden Retriever is one of the best breeds for families with children

    Video: Pros and cons of the Golden Retriever breed

    Man's best friend

    The retriever has not been used as a hunting dog . Now this is a real friend, companion, nanny for children. The breed is increasingly being trained to accompany visually impaired and blind people, and is used to treat children with disabilities.

    In rehabilitation centers, dogs help relieve stress and get rid of aggression for people with mental disorders and disabilities.

    Specially trained individuals can easily save the owner from danger and pull him out of the water.

    At the genetic level, dogs are deprived of the slightest manifestation of aggression; they do not know how to bite or fight with other animals. This is the most faithful and devoted breed that remains with the owner until the end of his days.

    The retriever will be able to follow any human commands, for example, bring the phone, turn on the kettle, turn off the water.

    History of the origin of the Golden Retriever breed

    The Golden Retriever breed was developed in Great Britain in the mid-19th century. At that time, bird hunting was popular, and there were few dogs that could bring shot game or swim into the lake after a fallen bird. The breed was bred by Lord Tweedmouth.

    According to one version, he acquired several dogs from a traveling circus, which amazed him with their intelligence. But from the studbook records from Lord Tweedmouth's estate it can be seen that the breed used was the Tweed Water Spaniel, a now extinct breed. These dogs were crossed with retrievers, Labradors, Irish setters, bloodhounds and small varieties of Newfoundland.

    As a result of breeding work, by the beginning of the 20th century, a dog with an unusual golden coat color appeared. She was smart, resilient, and not afraid of water. She could find shot game in any thicket and brought it to the owner without damaging it with her teeth. In 1913 the breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club. She was named golden or golden retriever. The first word is related to the color of the coat, and the second is translated as “bring.”

    Gradually the breed became popular in Europe. Since the 30s, they began to breed it in the USA. There, preference was given to individuals with a brighter, more saturated coat color. These dogs were used less and less for hunting; they became companions. The breed came to Russia only at the end of the 20th century. Since 1991, the golden retriever has become popular in our country.


    Catherine. Golden named Atlant

    What, you can’t take away the dog’s enthusiasm and fun! I tried to take part in the exhibition with him, but he was just fooling around. The next year I had to turn to professionals who taught both him and me methods of education. A very affectionate dog and beautiful. We can rarely walk down the street without at least one admiring exclamation following us!

    Insomnia. Golden named Venya

    I never thought it was possible to become so attached to a dog! This is a true friend, companion, ally. In addition, with such an active dog, it won’t take long to lose weight. But his boundless love for all people does not allow him to be subordinated to one master; this would be convenient for his upbringing. Plus, Venya is such a kind dog that he’s not much of a guard. Well, he’s not evil, and he’ll never be that way.

    Description of the appearance of the Golden Retriever breed

    The Golden Retriever is a dog of medium height and strong build with luxurious wavy hair. He has a fairly recognizable attractive appearance. Thanks to their natural charm and desire to serve people, retrievers often appear in films and advertisements.


    The first breed standard was adopted in 1913. Golden Retrievers are dogs of medium height, harmoniously built. They belong to large breeds. The height of a male dog can reach 61 cm, and weight – 41 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller, weighing on average 25-35 kg.


    The head is quite large, proportional to the body. The skull is convex, the muzzle is elongated, but not narrow, gradually tapering towards the nose. The transition from forehead to muzzle is well defined. The lips are black, the upper one hangs slightly, but does not form jowls. There are small folds at the corners of the mouth. The jaws are strong, the teeth are large, and the bite is scissor-shaped. The nose is quite large, black, the nostrils are wide and mobile.

    The eyes are large, round, deep and wide set. The color is dark - from light to dark brown. The eyelids are black and close-fitting. The look is smart, friendly, attentive. The ears are medium in size, set above the eye line. They are wide at the base and rounded at the tips. Hanging along the cheeks.


    The neck is muscular, of medium length, set high. There are no folds or loose skin on the neck and chest. The body is harmonious, rectangular in shape - the height at the withers is greater than the length. The muscles are well defined. The back is straight, the withers are clearly visible. The loin is convex, the croup is rounded, slightly sloping.

    The chest is deep, the ribs are rounded, the stomach is tucked. The tail is thick at the base and set low. It is of medium length and lowered when at rest. Even an excited dog never throws it on its back.


    The limbs are muscular, strong, straight. Elbows are pressed, shoulder blades are pulled back. The pasterns of the forelimbs are short. The hindquarters are widely spaced. The hock joints are set low. The paws are round, the pads are large, the toes are gathered into a ball. Dogs move easily, confidently, gracefully. They are hardy and can run for a long time.

    Photos complement the description of the appearance of representatives of the breed:

    Golden retriever red color

    Red golden retriever

    Golden retriever

    Coat and colors

    The coat is thick, smooth, pleasant to the touch, and of moderate length. Has water-repellent properties. The hair lies tightly to the body, the undercoat is dense and fluffy. The coat can be straight or slightly wavy. It is longer on the chest, ears, back of the limbs, tail and body.

    The main color of the Golden Retriever ranges from cream to gold. The colors are milky, dark gold or white. There may be lighter fur on the legs, tail and belly, and a small white spot on the chest. Black, brown or bright red color, spots of a different color are unacceptable.


    In 1954, a breed standard was adopted, which defines the main features of the appearance of these dogs. But some breeders distinguish three types of retrievers: American, Canadian and European.

    • English or European dogs have more massive paws and a wide skull. Their color is lighter, there are almost white dogs. This type is common in Europe.
    • American Retrievers are dogs with a graceful, athletic build. The coat color of this type is darker and may be red.
    • Canadian Golden Retrievers are the tallest breed. They have a slender build and a rich, dark coat color. Canadian retrievers are not so popular; they are almost never found in Europe.

    Photos of breed varieties:

    English Golden Retriever

    Canadian Golden Retriever

    American Golden Retriever

    European Golden Retriever

    Differences from Labrador

    Due to their common ancestors, the Golden Retriever is somewhat similar to the Labrador. But he has longer hair, a graceful build and light coloring. Labradors are larger, more powerful, and their coat is short and coarse. The color can be red or black.

    The photo shows how a Golden Retriever differs from a Labrador:

    Golden Retriever on the left, Labrador on the right

    Golden Retriever on the left, Labrador on the right


    More often than other breeds, golden retrievers have the following diseases:

    • Hip dysplasia
    • Elbow dysplasia
    • Cataract
    • Progressive retinal atrophy
    • Osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD): This orthopedic disease caused by abnormal growth of cartilage tissue in the joints usually occurs in the elbows but is also seen in the shoulders.
    • Subvalvular aortic stenosis
    • Atopic dermatitis.
    • Von Willebrand disease: This is an inherited blood disorder that interferes with the blood's ability to clot. The main symptom is heavy bleeding after injury or surgery.
    • Gastric volvulus . This is a life-threatening condition that affects large, deep-chested dogs such as the Golden Retriever
    • Epilepsy: is a brain disease that causes periodic seizures and convulsions.
    • Hypothyroidism: This is a thyroid disorder that is believed to cause conditions such as epilepsy, hair loss, obesity, dark spots on the skin and other skin conditions. Treated with medications and diet.
    • Hemangiosarcoma: This is a very dangerous form of cancer that occurs in the lining of the blood vessels and spleen. Most often found in middle-aged and elderly dogs.
    • Osteosarcoma: Osteosarcoma is a malignant bone cancer that is common in large and giant breeds.

    Personality of the Golden Retriever

    Now Goldens occupy first place in the rankings of the most popular breeds in the world. They can charm anyone with their balanced nature, intelligence and good nature. These pets do not have any conflicts at all; they remain calm in any situation and do not get into fights. And for a Golden to rush at a person is impossible. But in a dangerous situation, they are able to fight back even a serious opponent, because they are a strong, tough and resilient dog.

    The Golden Retriever is people-oriented, ready to serve and help them. He tries to be useful, to participate in all the affairs of the owner, to accompany him. It is no coincidence that this dog is the best companion. But golden cannot become a guard or watchman, he loves all people. This dog is not characterized by suspicion and aggressiveness.

    This is also one of the most popular breeds for canistherapy; with its kindness, gentleness and optimism, the dog helps people regain the joy of life, get rid of aggression, and restore health. Owners of Goldens note that they have a lot of positive energy, which they are ready to share with people.

    The Golden Retriever is the best pet for families with children. He loves kids, tolerates all their tricks, and protects them. Golden will never hurt or harm a child. This dog is characterized by unusual softness and accuracy, which cannot be found in other animals. He can become a nanny and best friend for a child.

    It is possible to note the following character qualities inherent in the Golden:

    • good nature;
    • equilibrium;
    • devotion;
    • non-conflict;
    • agreeableness;
    • sociability;
    • tolerance;
    • responsibility;
    • curiosity;
    • delicacy;
    • intelligence;
    • good memory;
    • endurance.

    This dog is sanguine by temperament. She loves active games, swimming, jogging. She constantly needs the communication and attention of her beloved owner, without him she will be very bored. Goldens do not tend to dominate; they get along well with other pets and are ready to obey humans. But thanks to their high intelligence, they are able to make independent decisions: in a dangerous situation, this dog will rush to the rescue even without the owner’s command.

    Features of training

    Golden Retrievers are very intelligent dogs that are easy to train. According to research by scientists, they are in 4th place out of 133 in terms of intelligence among dogs. Because of their intelligence, they grasp everything on the fly, quickly learn commands, and understand the gestures and facial expressions of their owner. But training your pet needs to start from an early age.

    From the first days of arrival in the house, the puppy should begin to learn the rules of behavior. Retrievers are very active and playful, so without proper training they can cause a lot of problems. It is especially important to teach the commands “sit”, “come to me”, “no”, “place”. On the street, you need to teach him to walk nearby, not pick him up from the ground, and stop on command. It is immediately necessary to prohibit jumping on people's hands and paws on a person, because an adult Golden is a fairly large dog.

    It is important to be consistent in upbringing; prohibitions must be observed by all family members. You need to be patient, you cannot shout at your pet, much less use physical punishment. Goldens are quite touchy, this can lead to psychological trauma. When training, be sure to use encouragement, affection and treats. This pet quickly understands what is required of it, so it will try to follow the command and please the owner.

    If you get a retriever to help you hunt, you can start training at 5-6 months. The puppy needs to be taken out into nature often, taught to fetch, swim, obey when whistled, and lie still. It is advisable to conduct such training under the guidance of an experienced dog handler.

    These dogs are easy to train, so they are often used for work at customs and in the police. Thanks to their sensitive sense of smell, they can search for drugs, explosives, and other illegal substances. Goldens are also used in rescue teams. They are easy to teach agility, freestyle and other dog sports. And because of their attractive appearance, they are often featured in advertising and movies.

    The characteristics of the golden will be complemented by an interesting video:

    Video: Golden Retriever. Characteristics of the breed.

    Video: Golden Retriever - All about the breed

    Video: Golden Retriever description of the breed! All about the dog breed!


    There is hardly anyone who can say anything bad about the character of a golden retriever.

    1. They are so amenable to learning and training that even small flaws in behavior are instantly corrected.
    2. In addition to hunting work , as well as service for the benefit of humans, golden retrievers are able to help in the treatment of certain diseases, for example, autism in children, nervous and mental disorders in adults.

    Under the picture read what it is like - the character of a dachshund. You will be surprised! Find out about the features of the delightful Cane Corso at this link.

    1. And an ordinary person will feel in a dog of this breed a friend to whom they can tell about their problems and experiences.
    2. The Golden Retriever is able to capture all the notes of the owner’s mood, truly empathize with him or sincerely rejoice together.
    3. If the owner is busy with something , then the retriever will never just lie and watch. He will definitely take part in what is happening. Therefore, it is useful to teach the dog real actions that will be beneficial, for example, bringing some objects.
    4. Golden Retrievers do not become attached to one family member; they love everyone equally who treats them well. All these people can equally engage in training and education.
    5. won't cause much trouble on a walk They never attack dogs or other animals. Friendly by nature, they get along well with all creatures.
    6. They will not stay away from children's games , where they will happily run, jump, and fetch balls and sticks.
    7. Dogs have a very lively and quick mind , which allows them to instantly react to what is happening and quickly make decisions.

    There are a fairly large number of cases where a golden retriever saved people without thinking about its own safety.

    Features of keeping golden retrievers

    Despite the fact that goldens were bred as hunting dogs, they now live quietly in a city apartment. But they need long walks, preferably in a park or dog park. These pets need plenty of running; they love outdoor games. You need to walk with an adult pet twice a day for at least 1-1.5 hours.

    It is not advisable to keep a retriever in a kennel or even more so on a chain; constant communication with a person is important for him. You should not deprive your pet of your attention; out of boredom, he may begin to chew furniture and things. On average, dogs of this breed live 10-12 years, but if you properly care for your pet and create favorable conditions for it, it will live longer.


    The main problem with caring for retrievers is their thick coat. They shed profusely; even daily brushing does not help to get rid of fur on furniture and things. Therefore, it is better not to get such a dog for allergy sufferers. During the molting period, it is recommended to comb your pet 2 times a day. Use a slicker brush, a rubber mitt or a brush with stiff bristles. You can moisten the animal's fur with a special solution: 1 glass of water, 1 glass of vodka, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, 1 tsp. salt. It will make combing easier and help get rid of dog smell.

    Between molts, it is enough to brush the retriever a couple of times a week. You can slightly shorten the hair on the back of the limbs, on the tail; it is advisable to regularly trim the hairs between the toes and on the ears. It is not recommended to bathe a dog more than once a month; in summer it is better to replace bathing with swimming in open water. Goldens love water and enjoy swimming.

    Eyes and ears do not require special care. It is enough to inspect them several times a week and wipe them if necessary. If your pet does not eat dry food that naturally removes plaque, he needs to purchase special chewing bones or brush his teeth. This will help prevent the formation of tartar. You also need to regularly trim your pet's overgrown claws, as they can cause him discomfort.


    You can feed your golden with both natural food and dry food. It is advisable not to overfeed, these dogs love to eat and are prone to weight gain. The wrong choice of diet can lead to allergic diseases, dental problems, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the fur.

    When feeding natural food, at least 50% of the daily diet should be meat, the rest - cereals, vegetables, and dairy products. Adult dogs should not be given milk; only puppies up to 3-4 months need it. You need to feed your pet 2 times a day, the richest food should be given in the evening.

    It is better to cook thick porridges in meat or bone broth with vegetables. Give lean meat: beef, turkey, rabbit. Its amount is 10-20 g per 1 kg of dog weight. Offal in small quantities, once a week you can give eggs, sea fish without bones. Fatty, salty foods, tubular bones, sausages, baked goods, and sweets are prohibited. With this feeding, it is recommended to add vitamins to the food.

    When choosing dry food, you should give preference to the super-premium and holistic class. Goldens are prone to allergies; it is better to choose special brands designed for this breed. Orijen, Canidae, Innova, Acana, Applaws, Grandorf, Farmina Natural & Delicious, Belcando, Pronature Holistic are suitable.


    Goldens' health is not very good; they are characterized by many different hereditary pathologies. And if not properly cared for, they are prone to obesity, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, atopic dermatitis, and allergies. Congenital diseases of retrievers include:

    • hip dysplasia;
    • retinal atrophy;
    • hypothyroidism;
    • cancerous tumors;
    • blood clotting disorder;
    • epilepsy;
    • diabetes.

    To protect your pet from infectious diseases, you need to get all vaccinations on time. The first vaccination is carried out by the breeder; it is better to buy a puppy with a veterinary passport. It is also necessary to deworm your pet 3-4 times a year, and treat it against external parasites in the warm season.

    How to buy a golden retriever puppy

    Experienced dog breeders recommend buying a dog from a kennel or a reputable breeder. Puppies inherit the diseases and temperament of their parents, so you need to study not only all the documents, it is recommended to get to know the mother. What is important is the conditions in which the animals are kept and how they behave.

    The enclosure should be clean, the dogs should be well-groomed, have smooth hair without bald spots, and no unpleasant odor. The eyes and ears are clean, without discharge, the stomach is soft. All this indicates that the puppies are healthy. Experts also recommend paying attention to the baby’s behavior. He must be active, inquisitive, not cowardly and without signs of aggression.

    A purebred retriever puppy in Moscow will cost from 25,000 rubles. If the price is less, there may be something wrong with the pedigree or health. Show-class puppies used for breeding will cost from 60 thousand rubles.

    The photo shows what Golden Retriever puppies look like:

    Golden retriever puppies


    Golden retriever puppy


    European golden retriever puppy

    English Golden Retriever puppy

    To decide to get a Golden, you can watch another video:

    Video: Golden Retriever everything about the breed. Interesting Facts.

    Video: Golden Retriever - Interesting facts about the breed.

    Video: Choosing a breed - golden retriever - character and behavioral characteristics.

    Golden Retrievers are the best family dogs. They are kind, affectionate and smart, love children. Therefore, they become ideal companions for all family members. They can be kept in a city apartment; the breed is suitable for anyone who can pay attention to a pet. Fans consider the Golden to be a unique dog with artistry, natural charm and a peaceful character.

    Main disadvantages

    Despite the fact that the dog at first glance seems ideal, it has a number of features that can be classified as disadvantages:

    • The animal is prone to genetic and infectious diseases . Often dogs suffer from diseases incompatible with life and die early.
    • Representatives of the breed cannot guard the house . They play well with strangers and can let anyone into the house.
    • With poor heredity, a dog may experience mental disorders .
    • If a dog is betrayed or offended, he will remember this for the rest of his life . If the owner leaves the animal, it will be sad, which will lead to deep depression and death.

    It is possible to avoid shortcomings. To do this, before buying a puppy, pay attention to its pedigree. Study several generations, look for the presence of genetic diseases. This will help avoid unpleasant situations in the pet’s adulthood.

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