Types of dachshunds - what they are, breed varieties with photos and names
Proud dachshunds, as they are called for the majestic expression of their faces. Legendary burrow hunters, with powerful
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Signs of a dog's temperature and how to measure it
When should you take your dog's temperature? Rules for measuring body temperature at home What to do
Main characteristics of Alabais. Distinctive features of this dog breed
Alabai is a guard dog, this is how it happened historically. It is believed that this breed appeared several more
rabbit mating
Breeding rabbits for meat or fur at home
Today, rabbits have become champions for domestic breeding due to their fertility and early maturity.
Osteochondrodysplasia of Scottish Fold cats: how long do animals with this disease live?
Osteochondrodysplasia (OCD) is a disease that sometimes affects Scottish Fold cats due to their genetic makeup.
cat and tincture 1.jpg
Why valerian is attractive for cats: the benefits and harms of a “soothing” herb
Today on the Internet you can often see videos of people making fun of the behavior of cats under
Noble, graceful
Elegant, beautiful and graceful Persian Greyhound (Gazelle dog) – Saluki
Proud, noble, graceful, intelligent and sensitive - not every dog ​​breed can boast such
How often can you wash a cat - how many times a month and examples of when not
How often can you wash a cat? Cats do not need to be washed daily or weekly, it is considered normal
Chocolate Dachshund Photo
Rabbit dachshund - description of the breed, size, character, what they look like
The rabbit dachshund is very popular among dog breeders around the world. This is due to the fact that
Scots tortoiseshell color
Colors of Scottish cats: classification, photos and descriptions
Rare colors of Scottish cats You can find a pet of almost any color, but it is especially valuable for
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