How often can you wash a cat - how many times a month and examples of when not

How often can you wash your cat?

Cats do not need to be washed daily or weekly; bathing once every 2 months is considered normal.
Watching the cat, it is easy to notice that in her free time from playing and feeding, she likes to “preen” - licking her fur, paws and tail. The animal keeps its fur clean on its own, so it does not need regular bathing. Moreover, too frequent washing can harm the cat, as the pet's subcutaneous glands produce a protective lubricant. The substance is distributed throughout the coat, makes the hair silky, and also serves as a barrier against bacteria. Interesting fact: cats and cats groom themselves differently. Cats spend more time licking their fur and do it more thoroughly than males.

It is important to distinguish between thoroughly washing the cat with shampoo and wiping individual areas of the coat as it gets dirty. If the cat got dirty in the toilet or came home from the street, wipe off the dirt with a soft cloth previously moistened in warm water. This will not harm the pet.

You need to teach a kitten to wash from the age of 4-5 months, so that bathing becomes a habitual ritual, and, as an adult, he would not experience fear of water. In any case, you will have to wash your domestic cat throughout its life, because its fur gets dirty and matted, and you really want the “fur coat” to always be luxurious and well-groomed!

Cleanliness is in the blood

Cats are naturally clean

Cats are naturally clean. Hygiene is important for health and well-being. Animals lick their fur every day and groom themselves. Mothers lick their babies' fur to keep them clean. But this is not enough for cat hygiene. Bathing is necessary to cleanse your pet of dust, debris and dirt. Cats carry all this dirt from the street into the house.

Twice a year, the cat begins to shed seasonally. During these periods, hair begins to fall out more often than usual. During the hygiene procedure, cats accidentally swallow hair that ends up in the cat's stomach. You will be lucky if the animal regurgitates its fur; in the worst case, intestinal obstruction may occur.

Animals can also become infected with fleas, so you need to bathe your cat with a special shampoo.

When should you bathe a cat?

It is necessary to bathe a cat only if there are good reasons for doing so. Indications for washing your pet:

  • More than 2-3 months have passed since the last bath, and the cat’s fur has become dull, darkened, and matted;
  • the cat is very dirty, for example, rolled in the mud or covered in paint;
  • If parasites are found in the fur, you need to immediately bathe the cat and then treat the “fur coat” with an antiparasitic agent. You should especially carefully examine cats that are often outdoors and can “catch” ticks and fleas;
  • washing may be recommended by a veterinarian if a cat develops allergies, lichen, dermatitis and other skin-related diseases;
  • if you find a kitten on the street and decide to take it into the house, then you cannot do without water procedures;
  • In preparation for the exhibition, you will have to wash the cat with a special shampoo and give your pet a “styling.”

Rules for applying and washing off products

When using dry powder, just apply it, rub it into the undercoat in a circular motion, and then comb the animal. Before the event, it is better to spread a cloth or oilcloth to easily collect the powder.

Washing with a standard product requires first wetting the cat's fur, except for the area of ​​the ears and eyes. Then apply zoo shampoo, foam and rinse thoroughly.

The spray shampoo does not require removal; after uniform application, the pet is combed out.

Rinse off shampoo

Contraindications for swimming

In some cases, you cannot wash your cat:

  • during rehabilitation after surgery. Typically, complete recovery takes about a month, but it all depends on the degree of intervention in the body and the pet’s health condition;
  • late pregnancy. Washing can be very stressful for a cat and can even cause premature birth;
  • within 2 weeks after vaccination. The cat’s immunity is weakened, and it is better to postpone washing;
  • if the animal is sick, bathing can worsen its condition. Cancel water procedures and follow the veterinarian’s recommendations.

When not to bathe a cat

Bathing a cat is not always a safe procedure. You can wash your pet only if it is completely healthy. A sick animal must first be shown to a veterinarian.

When should you not wash your cat?

  • immediately after sleep;
  • a hungry cat or immediately after eating;
  • after vaccination;
  • after sterilization or castration;
  • in the first days in a new place;
  • kittens up to 4 months;
  • if the cat is nervous or stressed;
  • for various diseases (you should first show the cat to the veterinarian).

Bathing a cat is not as scary and dangerous a procedure as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to adhere to the rules for caring for and maintaining a cat, as well as regularly observe the rules of hygiene. In this case, a healthy and active cat will delight the owner and all family members for a long time.

Preparing to wash your cat

Trim your cat's nails to prevent him from scratching you while bathing.

Comb the fur and remove tangles.

Choose a place for bathing - a bathtub, sink or basin. The bathtub is perfect for large cats; you just need to cover the bottom with non-slip bedding. Many owners wash their pets in sinks. The option with a basin is less convenient, since the cat may begin to grab onto its edges; give preference to a container with a volume of about 30 liters or buy a special bath.

Remove all foreign objects from the sides of the bathtub or sink, hide washcloths and other things that the cat can get caught on.

Make sure you have everything you need to bathe your pet on hand:

  • shampoo selected specifically for cats (laundry soap and detergents are not suitable for humans - cats have a different skin Ph);
  • a hat that covers the cat's ears, or cotton swabs that can be placed in the ears, or you can tie a small bag on your head like a scarf;
  • soft washcloth for washing hair;
  • a large towel in which to wrap the cat after washing so that it does not freeze and cannot scratch you;
  • standard towel for collecting remaining moisture and drying;
  • caring assistant (preferably).

Check the temperature in the room where you are going to wash your cat. Pets can easily become hypothermic and get sick, so the air should be no colder than +22 °C.

Pour water into the bathtub, basin or sink in advance. The cat is more afraid not of the bath itself, but of the sound of water pouring from the tap. Before starting water procedures, add warm water to a level of about 10 cm so that the water reaches the cat’s belly. The animal must stand confidently on its paws, but so that its head does not get wet. By the way, you can also pre-fill a watering can with water, with which you can then wash off the foam from your pet if he is afraid of the shower. The water temperature should be 38-40 °C. If you don't have a thermometer, place your hand in water up to your elbow. If you do not feel the water, then it is suitable for a cat.

When it's snowing and cold outside

photo from the site:

Now about whether it is possible to bathe a cat in winter and how to do it. You shouldn’t completely forget about bath procedures, but it is necessary to reduce their number. That is, we don’t let the animal become covered in dirt, but we also don’t wash it more than once every four months.

At normal temperatures in the apartment, it is enough to wipe the animal dry by wrapping it in a towel. To speed up drying, you can turn on a hairdryer. The main requirement for winter swimming is no drafts.

How to properly wash a cat

Before the water gets cold and the cat suspects something is wrong, grab her and take her to the bathroom. Talk to your purr gently, do not make sudden movements that could frighten your pet. Don't forget to close the door - if the cat escapes, it will be difficult to catch, and wet paw marks will remain all over the apartment (possibly along with foam, if you manage to soap the cat).

Gently place the cat in the bathtub, basin or sink. During the dive, you can hold it by the scruff of the neck to prevent the pet from breaking free and scratching you. Put a bathing cap on him or put cotton swabs in his ears. Run warm water over the fur, avoiding the eyes, nose and ears.

It is likely that the cat will be unhappy and begin to resist. She will have to be persistent - for her own good. Grasp the cat's shoulders directly under your chest in your left hand if you are right-handed. This way, your dominant hand will remain free and can be used to lather the animal. If the cat is waving its hind legs, then you just need to sit it down and hold it so that it cannot jump and kick.

At this stage, the assistant will make your task much easier - he can water the cat from a watering can or shower, supply shampoo, a towel and other necessary items, and you will do all the manipulations with your free hand.

Note: pet stores suggest using a short leash with suction cups to bathe your cat. This accessory makes sense to use only as a last resort, since the pet may be more afraid of the leash than the washing, and in the future it will be difficult to lure the cat into water treatments.

Now apply shampoo to the wet cat's fur with light massaging movements. Consistently soap your back, chest, belly and tail, don’t forget about your paws and chin. Do not use too much shampoo so that you do not have to wash off the foam for a long time.

Using a special washcloth, gently wash the cat's face. If you want to wash your cat's hair, ask an assistant to pinch his ears or put cotton swabs in them. Also make sure that water does not get into your cat's nose.

It's time to thoroughly rinse your cat's fur. Rinse off the foam strictly from top to bottom. It is convenient to wash off the shampoo with a hand shower, just do not lift it very high. Residues of detergent should not remain on the cat's skin, as this may subsequently lead to irritation.

If you rinse your pet's fur using a basin, consider its length. For a short-haired cat, one basin will be enough, while for a long-haired cat, several.

Important: you should not wash your cat after feeding or immerse it in water with its head.

When the shampoo is rinsed, remove the purr from the water, wrap it in a large towel and hug your “cocoon” for a few minutes. The cat should come to its senses and calm down.

To bathe or not

Veterinarians advise: bathe. There are many reasons why periodic baths are beneficial for your pets.

Why does a cat need to be bathed?

  • Removing fleas. The most effective way to get rid of these parasites is to bathe your pet in a special shampoo. This product can be purchased at a pet store.
  • Dirt. Even something as clean as Murki sometimes gets dirty. Most often, small kittens manage to find dirt. Also, some animals, especially older ones, are not able to care for their coats, so they need help.
  • Shedding. A good way to reduce shedding is by bathing. Fallen hairs are washed away along with water, which helps reduce their number on furniture and surfaces in the house.

Hence the conclusion: your pet needs to be washed. Many owners are interested in how often cats can be washed. There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the reason for water procedures.

It is also important what time of year the washing is carried out

Drying wool after bathing

Take the freshly washed cat into the room and dry it with a towel. For short-haired cats, one towel will be enough, and for long-haired cats, do not skimp on 2-3 pieces. You can place your pet on a newspaper or hoe so that the dripping moisture is absorbed faster.

For your information: a cat has a so-called air cushion between its skin and the top layer of fur. This layer of air is heated by the animal's body heat and protects the cat from freezing. During bathing, the fur gets wet and temporarily loses its thermoregulatory properties, which is why it is so important to warm the cat with towels after washing and protect it from drafts.

If the cat is not afraid of a hair dryer, then about 10 minutes after bathing you can lightly dry his fur. The air flow should be warm, but not hot. If the cat is afraid of electrical appliances, it is better to wait until the “coat” dries naturally.

Use a special comb to comb the fur.

After washing, your domestic cat needs to stay warm for at least an hour.

Choosing a Shampoo

Before you wash your cat, you need to prepare for the procedure. To thoroughly clean the coat of dirt and dust, buy a special shampoo. The choice of funds is large. They help get rid of various skin diseases such as hair loss, fleas, scabies, etc.

You need to buy one or another product based on the breed of the cat and the condition of its skin. Animals with long, thick coats need shampoo to detangle tufts. If your cat suffers from itching, it is advisable to buy a scabies treatment.

Good quality products contain non-aggressive surfactants that eliminate fat but do not dry out the skin. Shampoo may contain antibacterial additives that eliminate unpleasant odors and relieve dermatological problems.

Bathing for cats is stressful. Cats that are too aggressive and do not respond to bath procedures need to buy a spray for washing without water. It is enough to spray the spray on the animal's fur.

Examples of good quality cleaning products are shown in the photo.

Shampoo for washing kittens

“Clandestine” shampoo makes the coat soft and shiny and makes combing easier. The product is inexpensive and can be found in many pet stores.

Shampoo against fleas and ticks

Doctor Zoo shampoo strengthens hair, makes combing easier, and also rids the cat of parasites.

How to wash a cat that is afraid of water

What to do if your cat is afraid of water? Do you really have to give up bathing completely? This problem can be solved - be patient and smart.

Firstly, do not neglect trimming their nails before washing, because during bathing, especially impressionable cats become very belligerent.

Then play with your cat thoroughly to get him relaxed and tired. You cannot feed your pet.

Having lulled the mustache-striped vigilance, start washing. You need to lower your cat into the water gradually, distracting him with toys. Water should be poured in advance so that the cat does not wait extra time and is not afraid of the unusual sound.

No matter how the cat behaves while washing, there is no need to yell at it or physically punish it - this will only bring additional stress to the animal. To limit movement, you can use a special bathing net, where the cat is placed, like in a bag, and does not go anywhere. Maybe it will remind him of his favorite box?

After finishing washing, treat your cat with a treat - this way she will know that there is a reward waiting for her for bathing!

If your pet still cannot overcome its panic fear of water, you can wash it with dry shampoo. This is a great alternative to traditional shampooing because a good dry shampoo cleans almost as well as a liquid shampoo. Apply the powder to the cat's fur, wait a minute and brush the powder and dirt out.

How to train for the first time

The attitude of cats to bathing is an individual matter, but most pets are afraid of water and try to avoid washing. It is important to immediately let the pet know that the owner will not offend you and only wants the best. You need to earn the trust of your four-legged friend, so they act softly, gently, but confidently. Kittens are easier to teach such procedures, but adult cats can also be well introduced to bathing.

Warning! If a cat has never been washed before, its first impression of this procedure is very important, since its perception and further attitude towards washing is formed. Under no circumstances should you put moral pressure on your pet; he may already be scared.

Before washing, it is advisable to assess the condition and mood of the cat. If the pet is awake and feeling well, it is useful to play with the cat so that it gets a little tired and relaxes. After this, they carry out all the necessary preparations for bathing, wash the pet and then praise it and reward it with goodies.

If the cat is too afraid, you need to calm her down and reschedule the procedure for later. However, it is worth remembering that cats are highly intelligent animals and can be cunning to avoid bathing. You need to understand the line where the cat is really afraid and requires moral support and where she is playing around.

Parenting should be motivating and goal-oriented. In this case, the desired result can be achieved quite quickly.

How to wash your cat's eyes and ears

So, even the most capricious cat was washed, but during bathing we went around the eyes and ears, and they should also be clean.

The cat's eyes are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in clean boiled water or a weak solution of tea or chamomile. Movements should be light, no need to press or rub your eyes.

It's time for ears. There is no need to clean them unless they become dirty. However, after washing the cat, water could get into the ears. You need to wipe the outer part of the ear with a cotton swab, on which it is better to twist an additional layer of cotton wool. Use a clean stick or dip it in a drop of Vaseline oil. Water and other liquids cannot be used. As a rule, cats love to clean their ears and are happy to present them to their owner. Healthy cat ears should be pink, clean, and free of unpleasant odor.

Is it possible to wash cats with tar soap?

Tar soap, according to many breeders, is a real panacea in the fight against blood-sucking insects. Let's see if this is true. Any animal, even if it is completely domestic, has been infected with fleas at least once in its life, the larvae of which you could bring home on clothes and shoes. Pedigree cats, as well as show cats, are vaccinated against blood-sucking insects once every three months, and special notes are included in the veterinary passport.

Tar soap is a very primitive, cheap, but effective way to combat invasion. Thanks to the phenols, alkalis, citric acid and sodium salts it contains, soap repels insects. Benzene contained in birch tar has a paralytic effect on the nerve centers; alkali has an antiparasitic effect, burning through the shell of parasites.

In relation to insecticidal (antiparasitic) agents, soap with a tar component has a number of advantages:

Absence of poisons, alkaloids of hazardous substances and heavy metals

Many modern parasite control products contain toxic substances, which is why they should be dosed and used with caution. It is allowed to use in the presence of wounds, abrasions, and other skin diseases. Tar soap can be used to treat animals against parasites as early as six to eight weeks of age, because it does not dry out the skin and maintains water balance. Even in human medicine it is prescribed as a prevention of skin diseases. The biggest danger of using tar soap is that its foam gets on the mucous membranes, as well as in the eyes and ears.

Modern insecticidal preparations, when licked by animals, can cause severe forms of poisoning, paralysis and even death.

Disadvantages of using soap:

The larvae and eggs of parasites are insensitive to birch tar - it affects only mature adults. Bathing should be repeated two to three times every four to six days.

Washing a cat with tar soap is easy:

  1. Place the cat in the bath, wet its fur with warm (up to forty to forty-five degrees Celsius) water.
  2. Break off a piece of soap and lather until rich foam appears.
  3. Lather the wool using a bar of soap.
  4. Hold your pet for three to five minutes, even if he resists.
  5. Rinse off the foam with water and wrap the cat in a towel. Try to comb out fleas in the area of ​​the ears and face.
  6. If your pet allows it, comb the fur a couple of times.

Many veterinarians believe that tar soap is a thing of the past, and modern shampoos can quickly and safely deal with parasites. They are not that expensive and are available to everyone.

Each owner must decide for himself what means to treat his pet in order to minimize risks.

Constantly is not possible. Laundry soap has a very hard and heavy structure for cat skin. After using it, dandruff is likely to appear. You may notice other allergic reactions.

It is acceptable to use laundry soap once, in extreme cases, when the animal needs to be bathed urgently, and there is nothing more suitable at hand.

Features of washing cats of different breeds

Some purebred cats have coat characteristics that affect their care. In general, we can say that long-haired cats need to be washed more often than short-haired cats.

A common myth concerns Sphynx cats - supposedly because of their oily skin they need to be washed once a week. In fact, it is better to wipe the Sphynx with wet wipes or a soft cloth, and bathe it only if it is very dirty.

The Burmese cat has a very impressive, shiny, short coat, the beauty of which must be maintained. Instead of washing fine fur, which can make your cat look like a hedgehog, wipe it daily with a piece of suede or a damp cloth. This will help give the “fur coat” a glossy shine. Once a week, the cat should be combed with a mitten or brush. You can use a special cat antistatic agent. Your chocolate will definitely love this massage!

British cats and Maine Coons have sensitive skin, so it is extremely important for them to select specialized shampoos based on their coat type. From low-quality cosmetics, cats can begin to constantly itch and develop dandruff.

“Tactics” for training a cat to use the bathroom

Before teaching a cat not to be afraid of water, you need to overcome all the accompanying discomfort. Carry the animal into the bathroom in your arms; if the cat does not strain, try turning on the water for a short time. Calm your cat down, let him know that he is protected, but be prepared, the sound of running water can throw the cat into panic.

Try putting the animal in a dry bath; most likely, the pet will immediately run away, but this is only the first stage. Agree with your pet, do not try to wet the fur or force the cat not to be afraid, forcing events will only add to the hassle. Gradually, patiently, agreeing to the animal’s conditions and that’s the only way!

Important! Bathroom lighting is a separate issue. It has been established that animals experience fear if there is not enough light in the room. Change the light bulbs to brighter ones or install an additional light above the bathroom while you study.

Naturally, it is easier to accustom a kitten to water; the little one who unconditionally trusts you will accept or at least tolerate water procedures after 3-4 “training swims”. It is difficult, sometimes impossible, to train an adult cat. If your pet doesn't go outside, it's easier to give him a quick bath than to torment him for months of training.

Bathing a cat before a show

Before participating in the exhibition, any domestic cat will have to be washed. Such bathing will have some features:

  • You need to wash the cat twice before the exhibition; during the second wash, use a tinted shampoo (or balm) selected depending on the color;
  • the foam is also washed off 2 times, first with water, then with a rinse aid or a weak solution of vinegar;
  • while drying with a hairdryer, the wool is smoothed with a massage comb with antistatic teeth, starting from the back and ending with the collar;
  • Now you can apply powder to the still slightly damp “fur coat”, which will absorb the remaining moisture and make the coat smooth;
  • After a couple of hours, finish treating your cat's fur by applying a protein conditioner.

Life hack: how to choose a tinted shampoo for cats of different colors

White pets are washed 2 or even 3 times with shampoo intended for white cats. When reapplying, leave the shampoo on for 2 minutes for a deeper effect, and then be sure to rinse well. White shampoo is also suitable for chinchilla and silver marbled cats, but there is no need to leave the detergent on the coat. If a cream, blue or lilac cat seems a bit dark to you, use the same shampoo to create a lighter, brighter shade.

Cats with rare red, tortoiseshell and merle colors should be washed with red or bronze shampoo. If your cat has a chocolate-colored coat, add a few drops of black to the bronze shampoo. Black shampoo is suitable for fluffy beauties of black colors.

Follow the instructions, and your cat will outshine all its relatives at the show!

What you can and cannot wash your cat with

For water treatments, it is important to choose the right shampoo that fully meets the needs of the animal and will provide coat care. You need to take great responsibility when choosing a hygiene product, taking into account all the features, the breed of the cat, problems, if any.

It is strictly forbidden to wash your pets with your own shampoo; if you do this, you can provoke an allergy. You need to purchase bathing products from veterinary pharmacies and special pet stores. There you can get a guarantee that all products are certified and of high quality.

Which bathing product should I choose?

Detergents are available in the form of: dry powders, gels, sprays. Today it is popular to wash domestic cats with liquid products. Shampoos are divided into the following areas:

  • Cosmetic. They are used in cases where during bathing it is necessary to wash away dirt from the animal’s fur.
  • Medicinal. They destroy insects, relieve lichen, skin rashes, and so on. Be careful, it contains an insecticide, read the instructions carefully!
  • Antibacterial. Usually contain an antiseptic component. Thanks to it, a bacterial infection can be cured.
  • Special (decorative) products. They are used to tint the fur of mustachioed fashionistas. You can purchase this washing shampoo for cats with different coat colors. It adds shine, a beautiful shade, and volume.

Wash water temperature

To ensure proper care of the fur, you need to know what temperature is suitable for your cat when bathing. It is determined depending on the characteristics of the breed.

Many animals are thermophilic, so cold water can be dangerous to a cat’s health and immunity. Hot water can burn the skin, frightening your pet and leaving a burn. For simple breeds, an average temperature of 38-39°C is suitable; if the cat feels chills or tries to sneak away, you can increase the temperature to 40 degrees.

When bathing, you need to use special products that are designed specifically for animals. Some gels and shampoos for humans may not be suitable for cats, which can cause irritation, itching and redness of the skin. They also dry out the fur and take longer to wash off with water.

Breed influence

Cats with fur feel good when bathing if the water is heated to a comfortable temperature equal to body temperature.

Sphinxes are a completely different matter. This breed is characterized by the absence of hair, so the animals quickly freeze and become hypothermic.

They have different requirements for water: it is heated to +39…+40°C.

It is necessary to monitor the air temperature: if it is cold, bath procedures will cause hypothermia. The risk of developing colds increases.

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