White Sphynx kitten.
Mysterious Sphynx cat: all about the favorite breed of Egyptian pharaohs
The Sphynx cat is considered a unique animal, despite the fact that many are repulsed by their appearance and
Unpleasant smell from a cat: causes and methods of elimination
Do you have a smelly cat? Cats are generally known for being clean. Most of them are
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
Why does my guinea pig jump around the cage and twitch?
Home Guinea pig Guinea pig health 02/18/2019 After purchasing a guinea pig, owners notice characteristic
The cat shows its tongue: the main reasons and what it means
Many pet owners have probably noticed more than once the strangeness when a cat sticks out the tip of its tongue,
Save yourself, someone can help: why does a dog’s breath smell?
When getting a pet, you need to know why your dog’s breath smells like rotten meat and how to treat it.
White dog breeds with red spots
Red Shepherd with a black muzzle - Belgian Malinois
Owners usually associate dogs with red coloring with the sun and warmth. Indeed, when
How to calm a kitten or an adult cat - in different situations
We all love our cats, but if they are suddenly full of energy as soon as the sun
How to name a cat a girl: the most popular names for 2022
There is no need to remind about the importance and popularity of cats in human life. It has long been clear to everyone
Why does a cat continue to yell and ask for a cat after mating?
Mating is an exciting and responsible process. Many owners believe that after mating everything will go smoothly
How to switch a dog to another dry food
How to switch a dog to dry food - another brand or from natural food
Changing a pet’s diet may be dictated by medical necessity or simple everyday circumstances.
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