How to calm a kitten or an adult cat - in different situations

We all love our cats, but if they're suddenly full of energy as soon as the sun goes down and you're trying to sleep, it can be a little frustrating. Cats are naturally more active at night, and your kitty may want to play when you want to rest.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to calm your cat before you go to bed. Some of them are very simple and you can try them right away; others need a little more time to organize. Either way, we're confident that our tips will help you get a better night's sleep and help your kitty get the attention he deserves.

Add variety to your cat's daily routine

The busier your cat is during the day, the less likely she is to want to play after dark. Making sure your cat has plenty of healthy activities is a great way to keep her active during daylight hours.

Consider adding things like cat trees, food puzzles, and interactive toys. If your cat is an indoor cat but you have a backyard, you can even build a cat enclosure so they can spend plenty of time observing the local wildlife.

Setting up a bird feeding station near a window is also a way to give your cat something interesting to look at during the day.

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How to calm your pet on the road

For a long trip by train, car or flight, you need to prepare in advance . If the date of the trip is known, it is worth starting taking cumulative sedatives; if the trip was not planned, you can give your furry pupil a medicine that instantly affects the nervous system.

But the most important thing is to get a comfortable carrying bag for your trip. You need to purchase it in advance so that the cat gets used to the new thing. It is necessary to allow the cat not only to examine the bag, but also to sleep in it for several days. Several diapers for the toilet, clean water, dry food - items necessary on a long trip.

Feed your cat before bed

Cats have a natural rhythm to their day, which includes hunting and catching prey, eating, grooming, and then sleeping. The best way to encourage your cat to sleep is to follow this rhythm!

After you've had a good time playing with your cat to imitate hunting and catching part of its rhythm, it's time to feed your cat. This can give them the satisfaction they would naturally feel if they caught something in the wild and then settled down to eat it.

Once your cat has a nice full tummy, she will be ready for some nice grooming and then some sleep. Timing the start of their sleep cycle to coincide with your bedtime means they are less likely to wake you if they are full of energy when you go to bed.

Features of the use of sedatives

Often, taking sedatives is a way to normalize a cat’s condition in the period before castration, a long trip, a visit to a veterinary clinic, or home renovations.

Sedative drugs have two types of action: cumulative and immediate. In the first case, you should start giving them to the animal 10-14 days before the expected event.

Often taking sedatives is a good way to normalize a cat’s condition.

Instant-acting drugs act quickly, but are harmful to the body; such drugs should not be used too often.

Popular herbal preparations:

Chemical sedatives:

Important! Before using any sedatives, consult a veterinarian.

Leave toys for your cat to play with.

Most cats wake up at least twice during the night, at which point they will be ready to begin their cycle of hunting, catching, eating, grooming, and sleeping again! If your cat can't find anything interesting to play with because you've put all her toys away, she'll probably come looking for you!

Leave a few of your cat's favorite toys for her to play with at night. You can even get interactive, battery-powered toys that are activated by your cat's touch.

Tip #3

A sharp sound will also help calm the kitten: you can deliberately throw some metal object on the floor so that it falls with a roar. The goal is not to scare the kitten, but to distract him from pranks, redirect his attention and reduce his playful mood.

If this method does not work, you need to stop paying attention to the pet and make it clear that the owner does not like this behavior.

Buy an automatic document feeder

If your cat gets hungry at night and can't find food, she will come looking for her human to feed her.

Using an automatic feeder is a great way to give your cat a limited amount of food at night without having to deliver it yourself! Your cat will soon learn to sit and wait for the feeder to give her food instead of coming and waking you up.

You can also purchase slow feeders shaped like small mice. You can fill them with a kibble before bed and place them around the house for your cat to sniff and “hunt” while you sleep.

Tip #4

To make the educational process more effective, you can reward the kitten for good behavior. For example, when he stopped meowing loudly, at the request of the owner, got off the curtain, and stopped playing too rough, he should be praised and treated to his favorite delicacies.

But there must be consistency here: you should not overpraise your pet or do it too often, otherwise he will try to receive encouragement as often as possible.

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Two cats are better than one

It may seem counterintuitive, but if your cat wakes you up at night because she's looking for someone to play with, then another cat might be the answer! Two cats are more likely to play with each other and have fun.

Just be aware that they may make noise as they jump around the house, and sometimes this can be as disturbing as your lonely cat bothering you. However, for some cats this is a great solution.

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Calming a hyperactive kitten

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Calming a hyperactive kitten

Many people will be seriously disappointed after purchasing a kitten. As the famous saying goes, “the plans are rosy, the results are birch.” We dreamed of a quiet, purring animal that you could pet and caress! And play and run for a candy wrapper on a string. And a real little monster has settled in the house, who won’t sit still for a minute, constantly jumping and jumping. Who said that kittens sleep a lot? There are so many losses in the form of torn curtains, wallpaper and furniture! So, are all kittens like this, or did you get some special, unique kitten?

You, dear readers, ask a lot of such questions. And you immediately go to the extreme: give it to good hands! Return to the breeder! One can also hear the inhumane thing - put him to sleep! What happened to the cute kitten, an indispensable character in “sweet” greeting cards?

Firstly, a lot depends on your kitten's temperament. His childhood is in full swing! Think back to yourself when you were between the ages of three and seven. Did you play quietly with dolls and cars, without causing your parents any worries or troubles? Hardly! Surely your parents at some stage threw up their hands and complained to everyone they met. And they heard in response the sacramental phrase: “Let it outgrow!” The same can be said about a kitten. He will grow up, mature, gain life experience, and calm down. With kittens this process goes much faster than with children...

Secondly, it is possible that you have come across a hyperactive kitten. The one who had an awl in one famous place... But don’t rush to conclusions! It’s better to watch your baby, try to soberly understand the reasons for his hyperactivity. Are you spending enough time with your pet? Do you play or study with him? Socializing, borrowing? Or do you do it occasionally, “when you have time”? The fact is that the energy in all kittens, without exception, is in full swing. You need to “let off steam” from the kids, in the good sense of the word, “wear out” them so that they literally collapse without strength. What to ask from a kitten who is looking for his own entertainment every day...

Go to the pet store, buy mice, rats, fishing rods, feathers. You can also buy a laser pointer - this device works flawlessly! The main thing is to find time for games and activities! Otherwise, why did you even get an animal?

Do not use force under any circumstances! Do not scream or physically punish the kitten. Never! Perhaps, in the heat of the game, the kitten began to bite you painfully with its sharp teeth. Try the old tactic: just stop the game and leave your pet alone. Let it cool down! No games until your baby completely calms down and comes to his senses. Do not under any circumstances encourage such “biting” - kittens willingly take this model of behavior with them into adulthood. Imagine what will happen when an adult animal bites you as a “joke”? And you will have yourself to blame for encouraging such behavior!

So let's start teaching good manners now. Does your mischief-maker just dream of biting you? Well, smear your finger with mustard or hot chili sauce. It helps a lot!

Medical problems. As you can see, it is necessary to distinguish between false hyperactivity, age-related, and real hyperactivity. Sometimes excessive activity of an animal indicates serious health problems. And you should start with a trip to the veterinarian. Most likely, you will hear valuable advice right away: the doctor will advise you to castrate or neuter your pet. True, after castration his behavior will not change much, but his aggression will definitely decrease. Those who believe that after surgery the animals become more “calm” and more “domestic” are absolutely right. They no longer need to wander around the house and look for additional adventures. So the operation should definitely be done!

But remember: castration or sterilization is not a panacea. It does not kill the cat's nature in and of itself. And the need to engage with your pet, keep it busy, entertain, and “exhaust” it will not go away. Learn active and outdoor games. Well, with age, of course, it will become easier!


Provide your cat with a safe den

If your cat feels insecure because she doesn't have a safe place to sleep, she will be more likely to wander around your house at night.

Provide your cat with a variety of bed options. Many cats love the security of an igloo bed with a roof so they can curl up in a dark space.

If your cat likes to spend time high up in cat trees or bookshelves, then providing them with a raised bed can help them feel safe enough to fall asleep.

How to trim your nails calmly

There is the simplest way to calm a cat before trimming its claws: you need to attach a pair of clothespins (with weak compression force) to the scruff of the neck.

You need to prepare in advance for a long trip by train, car or flight.

This is where psychology comes into play; in childhood, a cat carries a kitten, holding this place with its teeth; if there is compression in the nape area, the animal instinctively calms down and relaxes.

Take your cat to the vet

If your cat keeps you awake by meowing excessively, rather than demanding time to play or eat, she may be in pain. If you have any doubts as to why your cat is restless at night, be sure to schedule an examination with your local veterinarian. There may be an underlying problem with your cat and it is important to get it checked out.

Posted by Christian Adams An American expat living in Metro Manila, Philippines for over a decade, Christian is a lifelong cat lover and the proud father of two rescue cats, Trixie and Chloe. Both girls used to be among the crowds of homeless people who roam the cities and countryside. Three-year-old Trixie was rescued from a litter found under a neighbor's porch, and two-year-old Chloe was brought home by Christian's young son, Henry, who discovered the crying kitten in the parking lot.

Powerful sedatives used in veterinary clinics - Xylanit, Vetranquil 1%

Such drugs are used only in extreme situations. They cannot be used independently at home, otherwise you can cause irreparable damage to your pet’s health. The appointment is made by the veterinarian individually.

"Xylanite", consisting of xylazine hydrochloride, is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously:

  • for calming, pain relief, reducing the tone of the animal’s skeletal muscles during a clinical examination, radiography;
  • to immobilize restless and aggressive pets;
  • as a means of premedication during surgical interventions, painful procedures;
  • for general anesthesia.

1% Vetranquil, consisting of acepromazine, is indicated for administration to medicated sleep and premedication for anesthesia. The drug requires intravenous or intramuscular administration. It cannot be used if the cat has decompensated myocardial dysfunction and low body temperature.

Play soothing music

Often, kittens may behave hyperactively as a result of uncertainty or fear, which may be caused by being in a new home, sharing that new home with strange new cats and people, or other stimulants in the environment.

Once you've given your kitten a safe place, try playing music at a low volume. Choose soft music, instrumental or classical music, as it will calm your kitty's nerves just as music calms yours.

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