Character and characteristics of pit bulls, keeping in the house

Hello! I am 13 years old, I want to know your opinion: I really want to get a pit bull dog (girl). I am interested in fighting dogs: Dobermans, Rottweilers, American Staffordshire Terriers. The pit bull attracted me with its beauty, brutality, and size. I live in a rural area, in a 2-story house. I really liked the look of the dog. I read articles about the breed, they are all different, I am confused. Who knows about the breed? I have no experience with such a dog. Please write information about the breed and the availability of nurseries located in Lipetsk and the region.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:Private house, apartment
Purpose:Rescue dog, partner dog
Color:Can be different besides marbled, albino
Wool length:Short
Adult dog size:Male weight 15.9 kg - 37.2 kg, females 13.6 - 22.7, height of males 40 - 42 cm, females - 37 - 40 cm
Average life expectancy:12-15 years
Walk:2 times a day, one should last at least an hour
Physical activity needs:Average, 1-3 hours a day
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Breed out of classification
Puppy price:110-450 $

How is a pet's character formed?

Pit bull owners often encounter the fact that others are prejudiced against their dogs. But a black pit bull or a dog of another color are truly wonderful animals. Cruelty in behavior usually occurs due to purposeful education in order to win a fight. With proper training, this breed can be raised as a faithful assistant and a reliable guard. If danger arises, the pit bull will protect all family members.

Since these dogs are stubborn and prone to dominance, they should only be trained by experienced dog breeders. When training pit bulls, you must practice firm training, fairness combined with gentle discipline and consistency. It will take a long time to train a breed to obey. At the same time, a dog that is well adapted to society will actively participate in any family event and become cheerful.

Almost all owners of this breed consider pit bulls to be the best dogs. But you need to explain to children that they should not disturb the animal while sleeping or eating. Also, you should not pull his ears or tail, as the dog simply will not tolerate this. Children should never be left alone with a dog. This is an important requirement for the safe keeping of dogs of this breed. If the animal exhibits uncontrollable behavior, it should be kept in a limited area until it reaches sexual maturity.

Many dogs of this breed have a pronounced fighting spirit. Sometimes aggression can occur even when the dog lives near other animals, such as cats. Moreover, this behavior can be observed from early childhood. When walking with a pit bull, you need to keep the animal under supervision at all times and not let it go for even a single minute. If other dogs pay even the slightest bit of attention to your pit bull, you should immediately move away. To take your pit bull outside, you need to have a strong leash. The yard for exercise should be securely fenced.

Pit bulls will behave well if everyone in the household loves them. You must be with your dog during all walks and other events. If she understands that everyone cares about her, then her behavior will also be appropriate.

History of the origin of the species

The USA is considered the country of origin of the breed. But the history of the pit bull originated in England. The first American pit bull terriers lived in Spain, Ireland, and Holland. English terriers and bulldogs are their ancestors. There is speculation that British laws that prohibited people from keeping large dogs influenced the appearance of the breed.

The restriction did not include terriers suitable for hunting small animals and bulldogs for guarding. Subsequently, crossbreeding resulted in dogs that combine the agility and mobility of the former and the insensitivity to wounds and courage of the latter.

The word "pit bull terrier" stands for "fighting bull terrier" from the English word pit - pit for fights . Dogs of the breed were called pit dogs, bull terriers, and Yankee terriers . The name pit bull terrier has become official; it reflects the purpose and origin of the breed: fighting bulldog - terrier.

American pit bull terriers were first brought to the New World in the mid-18th and 19th centuries. from England and Ireland. They became famous in America thanks to the organizers of dog fights.

Today it is prohibited to import pit bulls into the European Union; owners from Germany must obtain consent to keep the breed. Often used as service dogs.

Rules for choosing and price of a puppy

If, after reading the description and character of the pit bull, you do not consider it a “killer dog” and are determined to give your love to this particular pet, then the first and most important step will be choosing a puppy.

Of course, first of all, you need to find a good breeder or an appropriate kennel, all of whose dogs have already proven their excellent breed qualities. Veterinarians or dog handlers in your city, who probably know where you can find a good puppy, will help you cope with this task.

However, if you need a dog not only as a friend and protector and you want to do breeding work, then the selection criteria will be more stringent, and it is quite possible that you will have to go to neighboring cities, if not countries, to find a worthy pit bull.

Assuming you have already reached the breeder, what next? Be sure to check the pedigree of the puppy you are purchasing up to the sixth generation, with the most important being the first four generations and their offspring. If everything is in order with this, then you can go meet the puppies and choose your future faithful friend.

Did you know? Pit bull terriers are excellent therapy dogs for visiting nursing homes and working with people under great stress.

The main mistake when choosing a pit bull is focusing on the large size of the puppy’s head. In fact, this is not at all an indicator of bite power, especially compared to a larger dog. At the same time, an important sign indicating the normal development of the dog is strong joints and the correct position of the feet, with a characteristic position of the back.

The shape of the ears, the angle of the tail, as well as the timing of their docking, are not the determining factor in the selection situation, since they do not in any way affect the general characteristics of the dog.

That is, a good representative of the breed should have a medium-sized head, a strong neck, well-fed and stable front legs, a beautiful curve on the back, in which the back is slightly higher than the front, elastic hind legs with well-developed feet.

Do not choose babies with crooked legs, unless you are getting a friend for yourself, and not for the public or breeding. Some experts who understand pit bulls believe that a low-set tail is a guarantee of good fighting qualities and courage of a pet.

And finally, pay attention to the puppy’s character and temperament. After watching the kids play a little, you will be able to identify those who are too timid or, conversely, aggressive, which, of course, should be avoided. True, excessive sensitivity is not one of the advantages of this breed, since it indicates a lack of self-confidence in them.

How much it costs will depend on where exactly you buy the puppy and what awards its parents have. The price for small pit bulls usually ranges from $150-$1200.

Distinctive features

Distinctive features of the breed:

  • The head is wide in the cheek area. This is explained by the fact that there are powerful jaws there.
  • The neck is muscular and clearly defined.
  • The chest is deep, strong and formed.
  • The body is sculpted with a lot of muscles.
  • The front legs are strong.
  • bite .
  • The lower back protrudes slightly.
  • The coat is smooth, short, shiny and without undercoat.
  • The ears are set high. Their docking is done at the request of the owner.
  • The eyes are small, widely spaced and almond-shaped. Color may vary except blue.
  • The nose can be any color that matches the color of the coat.
  • The hips are big.
  • The tail is of medium length.


After purchasing a pit bull, it is important to immediately familiarize yourself with the feeding habits of your pet. If the breeder has already accustomed the animal to industrial ready-made food varieties, then there is no need to switch the pit bull terrier to natural food. Also, a mixed diet is not recommended for your pet.

Pitbull puppies are fed on average five times a day, maintaining a certain time. Use the same dishes for the pit bull terrier, which are washed thoroughly. Constantly pour fresh water into a separate container for the animal.

When giving preference to a natural diet, you need to take into account that it should be as balanced as possible. The main share comes from raw lean meat - veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Includes sea fish and offal. They should not be boiled, just pour boiling water over them and cool. Cut into pieces convenient for chewing.

Every day the American pet is given fresh chopped fruits and vegetables, lactic acid products, herbs, and boiled eggs twice a week. Add a small amount of vegetable oil to the animal portions. A vitamin complex is given to a pit bull terrier after consultation with a veterinarian.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is dangerous to practice active games and training with your pet on a full stomach, so as not to provoke intestinal volvulus in the pit bull terrier. Therefore, an adult animal is given food after a walk - in the morning and in the evening.

Serving sizes for a pit bull terrier are selected by observing the pet’s appetite. If the pit bull quickly and greedily ate everything in two or three minutes and licks the plate, then you need to increase the volume. In a situation where a significant portion of the food remains and the pet is in excellent shape, the amount of food for the animal should be reduced.

It is prohibited to include baked goods and sausages in the pit bull’s menu. Sweets, smoked meats, fatty and spicy dishes, river fish, meat of wild birds and animals are excluded for animals. Does not include mushrooms, legumes, potatoes, semolina, rolled oats, bones.

Photo of an adult dog

Video “Everything about the pit bull breed”

From this video you will learn about what the popular pit bull dog breed is.

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Preparing your home for a puppy

Little pit bulls are ready to go to a new home after they are 1.5-2 months old. But good puppies are booked long before this date. And future owners have time to prepare for the pet's arrival.

To ensure the safety of the new family member and the safety of property, you need to remove wires, fragile things and small objects in advance. Since the puppy will go to the toilet at home at first, it is advisable to remove the carpets from the floor.

To provide the pet with proper care, future owners will have to visit a pet store and purchase:

  • Bowls for food and water. It is desirable that they be metal and attached to a tripod, which is adjustable in height.
  • Collar and leash. It is better to buy them cheaper, because a pit bull puppy grows quickly and at first the equipment will have to be changed frequently.
  • Toys. They must be made of durable material and not have elements that can be chewed off or swallowed.
  • Hygiene products. To care for a pit bull, you will need a nail clipper, shampoo, a comb-mitten, lotions for wiping the eyes and cleaning the ears.
  • Diapers. In order not to turn your house into a toilet for your pet, it is better to teach him to use disposable diapers.
  • A bed or mattress with a removable cover that can be washed.

Features of character and behavior

Many people believe that pit bulls are vicious, hostile dogs . Especially considering the history of their origin. But is it? All aggression and anger of the breed is directed towards animals. Pit bulls do well with people and are also friendly with strangers when their owner is around.

Aggression can also be trained in a dog. This requires appropriate training, which is provided at the test sites. A certain method can be used to instill anger in any breed.

Pit bulls are highly responsive to training and can withstand physical stress. They need to be trained from childhood. The dog needs to be exercised and walked with it. They like to swim in bodies of water.


The advantages of the breed include:

  1. No need to wash and comb for a long time.
  2. The food is simple, no frills.
  3. He learns quickly and can become a true friend and protector of the family.
  4. Cheerful and active.
  5. He gets sick extremely rarely.
  6. A dog for a strong, intelligent person who needs a friend.


The disadvantages include:

  1. The process of education is not easy, it requires time, strength and commitment.
  2. The breed's aggressiveness and hunting instinct can become dangerous for people if not properly trained.
  3. The dog has a need for communication and attention.
  4. The animal may overreact to food and other substances.
  5. This breed is often susceptible to hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism.
  6. Prone to cardiovascular diseases (for example, aortic stenosis).

Health and disease of the breed

Pit bulls most often suffer from typical working breed diseases. Under high loads, problems with the heart, blood vessels and joints may occur. But the first signs are easy to distinguish on your own - the animal gets tired quickly and breathes heavily.

Pit bulls also have hormonal disorders, and especially problems with the thyroid gland. This is important to control, because deviations do not always appear externally, but lead to hidden pathologies. Sometimes allergies occur, but otherwise pit bull terriers do not cause problems.


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Care and maintenance

Pitbull is a domestic dog. The animal has no undercoat, so it will not survive outside. There are no problems in an apartment or house, the main thing is to regularly walk and exercise the dog so that at home the pet does not damage property out of boredom.

During the hot season, your pet should be protected from direct sunlight to prevent the animal from getting sunstroke.

The wool must be treated with a special brush 1-2 times a week. Most pit bulls grind their claws down on their own while walking. But if this does not happen, then it is recommended to cut them with special nail clippers. Ears need to be constantly inspected and cleaned as they become dirty.


The puppy's daily food should be sufficiently high in calories 4-5 times a day.

It is recommended to follow the rules:

  • Give food at the same time;
  • Feed from one dish;
  • Monitor the purity of the water, it must be fresh.

The dog's diet should be varied. In addition to meat, the menu must include dairy products (with the exception of milk).

The meat is given raw or lightly cooked. In order to prevent helminthiasis, it is necessary to give the animal anthelmintic drugs.

The food may contain canned dog food and dry food. But such food must be given with caution, as the dog may become allergic to a certain element of the artificial food.


This breed mostly does not have any health problems.


  • Puppies are vaccinated for the first time at the age of 2.5-3 months . A separate vaccination against rabies is also carried out. Pit bulls are vaccinated against Lyme disease, whooping cough, and against parasites only after consultation with a veterinarian.
  • The medication is administered to a completely healthy dog. In this regard, 14 days before vaccination, the animal should not have contact with other dogs and third parties.
  • It is imperative to minimize the risk of a cold and provide emotional stability. If you follow these rules, there will be no threat of combining vaccination with the incubation period of a particular disease.

During the period of teeth change, the animal is not vaccinated!

It is better not to take your puppy outside for several days after vaccination. A walk is permissible if his health is completely stabilized. Vaccination of puppies for preventive purposes is carried out throughout the year, then repeated according to a schedule drawn up by the leading veterinarian.


American Pit Bull Terriers are predisposed to certain diseases. Not all of them may develop these diseases, but it is important for those who intend to keep this breed to know about them.

  1. Allergy . Maybe for fleas, dust, plant pollen. Food allergies occur less frequently to the following foods: corn, rice, beef, wheat. Food allergies can cause itching and discomfort.
  2. Hip dysplasia May cause severe pain depending on severity.
  3. Hypothyroidism is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which causes weight gain and deterioration of hair. Mostly occurs in middle-aged dogs and can be controlled by daily medication use.
  4. Heart diseases . These dogs are prone to congenital heart defects. But many of them do not express any symptoms of the disease.


Daily walks should last at least an hour. These pets are energetic and will enjoy playing. They respond well to exercise, training and cycling. With a lack of physical activity, a pit bull terrier will begin to languish and be sad. This will be reflected in chewed things in the house.

Representatives of this breed must be walked on a leash! It is important to consider possible aggression towards other animals!

You need to start showing your pet the outside world as early as possible. It is necessary to take the puppy to different places, introduce it to people and animals.


  • Pitbulls have short hair, so they do not require special care. It is enough to comb your pet once every seven days.
  • During the shedding period, it is worth using a Furminator for dogs with short hair.

Training and education of pit bulls

When planning to get a pit bull, it is important to remember: the dog is not for beginners or inexperienced dog owners. For a dog to recognize you as its owner, you need to have a strong-willed character and perseverance. Only in this way will the pet recognize the leader in the owner and begin to obey. Otherwise, it is possible to get those horror stories that are replete with the Internet and television.

Initially, it is preferable to contact professional trainers and dog handlers to complete a general training course. This will help your pet learn the basics of submission and obedience. Then it is permissible to continue training the dog for protective and guard duty. By this time, the pet will have already developed the necessary skills. The breed is generously gifted with intelligence, hunting instincts, and discipline.

Only after completing a training course will the animal learn to curb emotional impulses, especially aggression, and the owner will learn to fully control the dog even in unexpected situations. Remember: the owner makes the pet himself. Displays of aggression towards the dog, cruelty and physical torture are unacceptable. To properly educate representatives of the breed, natural curiosity, playfulness and desire to please the owner are successfully exploited.


Females are allowed to breed no earlier than at the age of 18 months and only during the 3rd heat. Males occur at 16 months . The female should not give birth more than once a year .

The mother carries the puppies for approximately 2 months and 4 days (maybe a little more or less). She gives birth without outside help; in extreme cases, a caesarean section is performed. In one litter, from 3 to 8 puppies are born.

Pit bull terrier cost

When contacting a nursery to purchase American Pit Bull Terrier puppies, you need to clearly understand the consequences after purchasing the animal. This is important because the price of this popular breed varies depending on various criteria.

  1. If you need to raise a friend who can become a participant in various sports competitions, then choose pit bulls of the “pet” class. This includes individuals with minor external defects - malocclusion, blue eyes, non-standard color. The average cost of such pit bull terriers in Russia in rubles is approximately 10 thousand.
  2. Breed-class pit bull puppies have stellar parents. Pets are purchased for the purpose of further breeding and for the active participation of pit bull terriers in competitions. Such a pet can cost from 20 thousand rubles. and more.
  3. Show-class pit bulls with a long pedigree are considered the most expensive. Pets are raised for competitive activities, since such animals are capable of winning prestigious high awards. If you manage to find such a pit bull terrier puppy, you will have to pay at least 50 thousand rubles for the pet.

Key points in training

You should start training your puppy as early as possible. Until his character has been formed, training will be easier than with an adult dog.

Rules for successful training:

  • Dogs live in the moment. You should not punish a pit bull for actions it committed 3 hours ago. The animal will not correctly understand the reason for the punishment.
  • It is necessary to adhere to the established rules.
  • It is necessary to reward the behavior of the dog that you want to observe constantly.
  • The dog wants to please the owner . Therefore, the pet needs to be directed. Coercion can distract the dog or even intimidate it, which will slow down the training process.
  • There is no point in repeating the command many times or shouting louder. This will not bring the pit bull any closer to understanding its owner.
  • It is important to be patient and in a good mood . The training process does not always go smoothly; the main thing is to do everything consistently and with the right attitude.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Pit bull (American pit bull terrier) - photo

Pit bulls have their own unique charm and unique beauty. Just look at the photo!
























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How to choose a puppy

Basic Rules:

  1. You should find out more information about the dog's owner.
  2. If there is even one puppy with defects in the litter, then his brothers and sisters are also in doubt.
  3. There is no need to buy a supposedly prestigious puppy for a huge amount.
  4. There is no point in being seduced by a good pedigree. She has nowhere to come from, since the breed is not recognized in the RKF.
  5. Give preference to the most active and affectionate puppy.
  6. A healthy puppy is funny and lively.
  7. A pleasant, slightly bitter smell may indicate the puppy's health.
  8. Ears, nose, skin, eyes should be in normal condition.

A person who was able to understand the American Pit Bull Terrier, properly raise him and reveal all his talents (inherent in this dog by nature) will receive a faithful, loving friend.

4 / 5 ( 4 voices)

Pit bull character

In real life, a pit bull is a cheerful and cheerful dog. But they are very active, so you need to exercise them regularly and for a long time, because an ill-mannered and bored dog can be really destructive.

Traits and Temperament

American pit bulls are very smart, although they are stubborn and capricious. They are hardy, courageous and self-confident, and cowardice is considered a breed defect. At home, a socialized dog is affectionate and playful.


Attitude towards the owner

A pit bull will be loyal and obedient, but only if its owner is a strong and strong-willed person. Such dogs are suitable for active and self-confident people who have enough free time. Socialized pit bulls are friendly and won't cause trouble.


Attitude towards children

Pit bulls, despite their formidable reputation, get along easily with children and will not offend the baby. So you can safely have a dog even in a large family, but there must be only one main owner.


Relationships with other animals

Pit bull terriers do not get along well with animals and most often see them as competition. This can only be avoided if the puppy grows up with other pets from the first months. For the same reason, we do not recommend keeping two dogs of the same sex.


Dimensions and weight

Adult male pit bull terriers reach a height at the withers of 46-53 cm and a weight of 16-27 kg; the height of females is 43-51 cm with a body weight of 14-23 kg.

The record holder for the largest pit bull is a dog named Hulk, whose weight is about 80 kg.

There are also mini pit bull terriers, which are significantly smaller in size than standard representatives of the breed.

Suitable for living in an apartment or outdoors?

Pit bulls are dogs for home keeping. They can live in a city apartment or a private house, the main thing is to provide the dog with regular active walks and physical activity.

Representatives of this breed cannot live outdoors because they cannot tolerate heat and, due to the lack of undercoat, are sensitive to low temperatures.


These dogs cannot be isolated and kept on a chain - this negatively affects their psyche and provokes aggression.

Short description

Pit Bull Terriers can be described as strong, muscular, athletic, medium-sized dogs with a powerful back and slightly sloping topline, a short, strong and slightly arched loin.

These dogs have a moderately long, dry head of a rectangular shape, a square, wide and deep muzzle, medium-sized eyes that can have an almond-shaped, elliptical or round shape and an attentive, intelligent look.

Pit bulls' ears are small, set high and quite far from each other, they can be of natural length and shape, in their natural form they are erect with drooping tips.

Pit bull terriers are short-haired dogs, their coat is quite hard to the touch, fits tightly to the body, and there is no undercoat.

Representatives of this breed are incredibly strong, self-confident and give the impression of formidable dogs, whose power cannot go unnoticed. At the same time, pit bulls are very agile, dexterous and even graceful.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pit bulls are special dogs, so the decision to get a pet of this breed should be made consciously, considering the pros and cons.

  1. Minimal care.
  2. Gambling character of the dog.
  3. Intelligence and intelligence.
  4. Sociability.
  5. Loyalty.
  6. Good security qualities.

  1. Difficulty in training.
  2. Controlling the dog's behavior.
  3. Genetically based aggression, a hunting instinct, which, if improperly raised, can develop into a danger to others.
  4. Genetic diseases.

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Diet and feeding scheme

By the age of three months, the puppy has already become familiar with “serious” food, but he needs a balanced diet, rich in all macro- and microelements.

Suitable foods for pitbull dogs are quite affordable and can be purchased at any supermarket:

Dairy productsMeat productsCerealsVegetables

Kefir, curdled milk, low-fat yogurt (without sugar and other additives), cottage cheeseVeal, beef, lamb. By-products: heart, lungs Oatmeal, rice, buckwheatCarrots, cabbage, zucchini, beets

Products can be cooked together, not forgetting about their compatibility. For example, porridge with meat, or stewed cabbage with beef heart. But dairy products cannot be mixed with meat.

After three months, the puppy can be switched to dry food - if the owner plans to feed the dog with a finished product. It is best to choose food with a high meat content. This is usually a premium ready-to-eat meal based on the breed's characteristics (e.g. weight).

Important! Meat should predominate in a puppy's diet until the dog reaches 6 months of age. This is due to the rapid growth and development of the pit bull’s body.

With age, the number of meals per day also changes:

  • up to 2 months, puppies should eat 6 times a day, they are fed in small portions;
  • by the end of the 3rd month, you can switch to 5 feedings per day, increasing the amount of food;
  • from 4 months to six months the dog eats 4 times a day;
  • up to 8 months, the number of feedings decreases again - 3 times a day;
  • 9 months and older – Pitbull puppy can eat twice a day.

Important! The Pit Bull Terrier is a dog prone to allergies, so each new product is introduced into the diet with caution. If an unhealthy reaction occurs, consult a doctor and, based on the recommendations, either reduce the amount of the allergen or completely eliminate it from the diet.

While the dog is on three meals a day and has not been switched to dry food, it is advisable to give the puppy dairy products in the morning, and meat with vegetables or porridge in the afternoon and evening.

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