Hunting dog breeds. Descriptions, names and types of hunting dogs

Long dogs. For a long time, a dog has been a faithful companion in the lives of many people.
Year after year, new breeds appear, adapted to specific tasks. For example, back in the 19th century, long dogs were mentioned, which were reputed to be excellent hunters and bloodhounds. Much time has passed since then and the variety of breeds amazes the imagination, even of experienced dog breeders. What breeds of dogs can be called long? There are many of them, the most popular are: Welsh Corgi, English Bulldog, Dachshund, Basset Hound, Swedish Vallhund, Volpino Italiano, Portuguese Hound and others. Let's look at some of them in detail.


A group of hunting dogs used in bird hunting with a gun. When prey is detected, dogs can freeze in a stance until the owner fires a shot.

English Setter

The second name of the breed is Laverack. It was bred in England. The weight of the animal does not exceed 30 kg. It is distinguished by a beautiful slender body, long hair and a fluffy tail. The English Setter is a typical European hunter, easily tracking down game on any terrain.

He is very active and needs regular walks. If you don't spend a lot of time with your dog, he will become withdrawn and distant. To maintain the good-natured disposition of the animal, it is recommended to play tag with it, throw a stick or ball to it, and also swim in a pond. The English Setter enjoys all these activities.

Laverack is not only a hunting dog, but also a companion dog. She is attached not only to her owner, but also to other people living with him. The animal adores children, even babies. You can leave your baby alone with him without fear that he will be harmed.

Irish Setter

The dog is medium in size, proportionally built. The setter has a strongly pronounced occipital protuberance. Color from mahogany to cherry. The dog is independent and active, requiring regular walks at least twice a day.

Hunts field game - partridge, snipe. The owner of the Irish Setter must be athletic and have a desire to exercise the dog.


Short-haired pointing dog bred in Germany. The shorthaired pointer is one of the most dexterous and fastest hunters among all dogs. The dog does not need to be taught this difficult craft, because everything that is required for catching ducks, fish and small animals is given to him by nature.

The animal is incredibly fast and strong. It deftly grabs game with its tenacious teeth, but at the same time does not cause physical damage to it. The dog sets itself the task of catching prey, and its owner kills it.

This breed has a very slender build. Shorthaired Pointers are born with a long tail, but it can become a hindrance during hunting, so it must be docked. He also has long, wide ears that hang symmetrically from his head. The Shorthaired Pointer is a spotted animal; plain brown individuals are less common.

As for the character of the animal, he is very good-natured. Among all hunting dog breeds , the shorthaired pointer is the most obedient. He is smart, balanced and very trusting. The dog dotes on his owner, loves to play with his children and welcomes guests with great pleasure. Aggression is unknown to him. As a watchman, the shorthaired pointer is ineffective.


One of the most beautiful dogs. The dog looks majestic and confident. She has short, monochromatic fur, long, like a shorthaired pointer, ears and slender paws. The Weimaraner has a pronounced social need, so it really needs to spend time with its owner. The animal reacts painfully to any criticism, since, by nature, it is very sensitive. Therefore, when scolding him, you need to be tactful.

However, no one usually has any difficulties raising Weimaraners. They are very smart, good-natured and loyal. But the main specificity of the breed is its excellent hunting skills. Dogs have an excellent sense of smell, and their strong body allows them to quickly chase prey. By the way, they grab birds almost on the fly.

Loneliness spoils the breed. When the Weimaraner is not given proper attention, it becomes disobedient and overly active. For example, if you leave him alone in the house for the whole day, when you arrive, you risk finding bitten sofas, damaged wallpaper and shoes.


One of the best German hunting dogs. The animal is distinguished by its endurance, good protective qualities and quick attachment to its owners. It is very similar in color to the Shorthaired Pointer, but the shade of its short coat is slightly darker.

The drathaar has a very pronounced social need. He does not like to be left without the attention of his owner. The animal loves to play with him, especially fetch the ball. But his favorite pastime is hunting. In this matter he has practically no equal. With the help of an excellent sense of smell, the dog tracks down birds and animals, after which it attracts the attention of the owner, who must fire a shot.

The dog of this breed is very hardy, but in order to maintain its good physical shape, it is necessary to often make forays into nature, preferably to bodies of water. Drathaar is an excellent swimmer.

Another advantage of him is his sharp mind. To teach a dog commands, it is enough to demonstrate to him their execution a couple of times. 3, maximum 4 times, he will repeat them himself. During training, we recommend encouraging the drathaar by treating it with treats.

Hungarian Vizsla

Smooth-haired medium-sized dogs. Vizslas are excellent hunters with a faithful, very distant sense. Affectionate, obedient, easy to train. Vizsla is recommended to all hunters who love to work on birds.


The breed was bred in Great Britain for hunting big game. Characterized by mobility, curiosity and energy. The Pointer's excellent endurance allows it to run tens of kilometers in 1 day without fatigue.

This animal has very thin and smooth fur. It is one of the largest representatives of the fauna. His hunter's instinct is well developed. There is no need to teach a dog of this breed to track or chase game; it will cope with these tasks perfectly on its own.

The Pointer loves spending time with his family in nature, but his favorite pastime is running with his owner. Therefore, if you love outdoor cross-country racing, we advise you to opt for the Pointer.

Spinone Italiano (Italian Griffon)

They say that Spinone is a dog with a human face. The breed is very ancient, not aggressive towards people and is the first to never get into a fight. It is used as a bird hunter, but is very attached to its owner, so when hunting it will not run far so as not to lose it from sight. As a working dog, they are suitable only for experienced hunters, but as a companion they are suitable for absolutely everyone.

Griffon Bule

The breed is small in number and little known, has excellent sense of smell and is well oriented in any terrain. Bule Griffons are often used for hunting in wooded and swampy areas.

The dog's color allows it to easily blend into its surroundings. The Bule is a cheerful, gentle and active dog. which can become a wonderful pet.

Burgos Pointer (Spanish Pointer)

Previously, the Burgos Pointer was used exclusively for hunting deer, however, now you can hunt with it almost any game. The dog is strong and capable of working in any conditions in any climate. Has excellent instincts and endurance.

Setter Gordon

The breed was bred in a Scottish castle by the Duke of Gordon, which is how it got its name. The dog has an excellent sense of smell, holds the scent tightly and searches persistently. He has high intelligence and is easy to train.

As a companion, it is suitable for people with an active lifestyle; the dog can be taken for walks in the forest, fishing, it will run after a bicycle and can even pull skis.

Caucasian Shepherd (weight – 45-90 kg, height – 70-77 cm)

These large shepherd dogs have long shown themselves to be one of the best watchdogs. The breed can be considered ancient - it has been bred in the Caucasus for more than 2000 years. Once upon a time, shaggy giants protected both sheep from wolves and people from enemies. It is known that in the 18th century, Caucasian Shepherd dogs served as guards in the Turkish and Russian armies.

The largest representatives of this breed weigh up to 100 kg, although puppies are born small - only 600 g. Babies grow quickly, adding 200 g every day in the first month of life and 400 g in every two subsequent months.

The breed was formed in the mountains, where the weather is not stable. This is why Caucasian Shepherd Dogs tolerate even harsh climates well. And the fact that the distant ancestors of these dogs lived constantly with one owner - a shepherd - made them not particularly social - Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are attached to one family member and only tolerate strangers next to them.

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This is a group of hunting dogs used to bait animals without a gun for hunting in open areas. Durable and developing great speed.

English Greyhound (Greyhound)

English hunting dog breed , distinguished by its slender build. She has a slightly elongated muzzle, short hair and long legs. The dog's appearance is elegant. Watching him run gracefully is a great pleasure. The color of the animal's fur varies: from light beige to black. Height - about 80 cm. Greyhound is one of the largest dog breeds.

Thanks to well-developed muscles and excellent hunting instincts, the dog quickly picks up speed and is able to cover a distance of more than 70 km in 1 hour. It can be used not only for hunting, but also for company.

To maintain a Greyhound's hunting talent, its owner must regularly walk it, take it outdoors, and let it run wild. You should not scold such a dog for being excessively inquisitive.


An inexperienced dog handler will definitely not be able to properly train this breed of hunting hounds . She is characterized by a dominant and slightly stubborn disposition. It is not easy to keep an Azawakh in a small apartment; it needs a lot of space.

This is a strong dog that, alone, can defeat even a large antelope. She needs regular physical activity, without it, the hunter's talent will be lost. The height at the withers of the animal is up to 70 cm. It stands out for its very long legs and slender body. Such parameters allow the Azawakh to quickly increase speed when running.

The dog treats his family members quite reservedly, and is wary of strangers. This attitude is not typical of hunting dogs, however, this breed was introduced exclusively for hunting, which is what justifies its restraint towards people.

Irish Wolfhound

One of the largest dog breeds. The appearance of the Irish Wolfhound is not at all remarkable. He looks like a large mongrel: long, dull-colored hair sticking out in different directions, elongated limbs and small ears hanging down. However, this dog has outstanding hunting abilities.

They say that two individuals of this breed could win a fight with a bear. Nowadays they do not go into the forest with Irish wolfhounds to hunt large animals, since in most countries this is prohibited by law.

The height of the animal is about 90 cm. Weight is from 50 kg. But, despite these impressive dimensions, the Irish Wolfhound is not at all dangerous. He is called a “good big guy.” However, if a stranger comes to his territory, this cannot but arouse his suspicions. The animal will bark, attracting the owner’s attention to the arriving guest.

You don't have to be afraid to leave this huge dog alone with children or pets, because he will never harm them. Also, you need to remember about the Irish Wolfhound’s need for communication. He becomes very attached to his owner and needs daily communication with him.

Russian greyhound

A typical Russian representative of hunting dogs. He has a very thin, slightly elongated muzzle, which does not harmonize well with his tall body (more than 80 cm). The Russian greyhound can win a fight with a marten, a fox and even a wolf.

It will not be possible to keep her in a cramped apartment. The dog needs plenty of space. She loves to run, dig holes, sniff out prey along the scent and do other things typical of hunting dogs.

The breed is distinguished by a very thin body and long limbs. The animal's fur is long, sometimes curly. Despite its hunting potential, the Russian hound is very affectionate with people living in the same territory.

Due to excessive trust in all people, she cannot perform a watchdog function. This animal loves when guests come to the owner's house. She doesn’t scare them at all, because her behavior is affectionate and caring.

Afghan Hound

The Queen of Dogs, many believe that the Afghan Hound was one of the dogs Noah saved. When hunting, it relies on speed and vision. They were bred to hunt gazelles and deer. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h.

The dog has long, silky fur. A characteristic feature is the rounded tail. The long narrow muzzle allows for a larger viewing angle. The greyhound has a strong bond with its owner; experience and affection should be used when training.


Salukis have keen eyesight; dogs notice any movement at a distance of three kilometers. Salukis are hardy runners and can pursue prey in unbearable heat and deep sand, reaching speeds of up to 70 km/h. In Arab countries, dogs of this breed are used for hunting together with a falcon or hawk. Trained Salukis grab the prey, but wait until the owner kills it.

Taigan (Kyrgyz greyhound)

The dog has an unusual appearance, the hair is long on its paws and short on its back. There is a small crest on the head and long ears. The nomadic people of Asia valued dogs for their endurance and unpretentiousness. Used by people to hunt wild animals. Currently the breed is very small.


A dog's hunting qualities are combined with its ability to get along with people. The breed was bred to hunt big game. He loves to be in the company of his owner and is considered the most manageable breed among greyhounds, capable of even performing herding work. The Whippet is easily recognized by its elongated head with a flat forehead, which smoothly transitions to the muzzle. Developed muscles and strong legs.

Pharaoh Hound

Slender, muscular dogs with excellent hunting instinct. Pharaoh hounds have a natural anger towards the beast and can harm pets, namely cats and birds. They bring significant benefits by exterminating small rodents in the vicinity of the house. Friendly to other dogs and people.

English Mastiff (weight – 68-100 kg, height – 69-91 cm)

Our list opens with the English Mastiff, a gentle giant. This dog is considered to be the largest in the world. The weight of the animal often exceeds 100 kg, and its height is close to a meter. It was the English mastiff that was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The name of the record-breaking dog is Aikama Zorba. This animal weighed 155 kg and its height reached 94 cm.

The ancestors of mastiffs are considered to be the fighting dogs of the British Celts. These animals performed military service back in the 1st century BC. The Romans knew the capabilities of fighting dogs. Thus, the historian Faliscus wrote that the “Britons” are superior to all other known breeds in their strength and ferocity. And the name “mastiff” came precisely from Ancient Rome. The word is believed to be a corruption of the Latin massivius (“massive” or “large”). But mastiffs have long lost their aggression - today they are extremely peaceful animals, devoted to their owner and home.

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A small group of dogs with a peaceful and friendly character. Spaniels are considered attentive hunters, good at tracking the tracks of game.

Cocker Spaniel

A very beautiful dog with long ears. The Cocker Spaniel has soft short hair that is slightly curly on the limbs and ears. He has a large elongated muzzle. The original purpose of the breed was hunting birds and small game.

However, her good nature made her a wonderful companion. If you do not take your Cocker Spaniel out hunting in the forest, he will not suffer, as he loves to spend time with his family members. He always warmly greets his owner when he returns home. The dog also loves to spend time playing ball.

Some representatives of this breed are wary of strangers, but angry cocker spaniels are quite rare. They are friendly and gentle. They are not characterized by excessive activity and curiosity. When an animal is mentally or physically exhausted, it will go to sleep next to its owner, perhaps leaning against him. Can't stand loneliness.

Clumber Spaniel

The dog is not hasty, but very hardy. She has an excellent instinct for field game and is able to serve absolutely all birds.

The Clumber is a fluffy dog ​​whose coat is ninety percent white. The cheeks and eyelids are drooping, which often causes eye problems. Clumbers have close contact with their owner and need constant attention and exercise.

English Springer Spaniel

The fastest of all spaniels. They can serve game, they can bring it, they can search for it. They are not afraid of water and jump into the water with ease. Very loving.

Russian hunting spaniel

A universal hunter of all game birds. A very energetic and hardy breed. Thanks to their excellent sense of smell, Russian spaniels are used by the military to search for weapons and explosives. They get along with people, children and pets. This breed is used for swamp and steppe game birds. A long-haired dog of small stature. The ears are long and slightly wavy.


There is no official division of dogs by height and weight. However, experts distinguish large, medium and small breeds. The International Canine Organization recognizes more than 300 animals with long legs, which are classified according to type and character into 10 groups. If the dog’s height at the withers is more than 60 cm, and the weight (in adulthood) is 40 kg, then the pets are considered large.

The tallest dogs in the world have long limbs with wide paws. Animals can be graceful or, conversely, have a massive body with thick hair. They are characterized by endurance, and many breeds have good health.


Small hunting dogs used for hunting burrowing animals and more. They can freeze in a stance when tracking, and are distinguished by their keen sense of smell and intelligence.

Wirehaired dachshund

The wire-haired dachshund has a hard coat with a soft undercoat and is not afraid of frost. The dog has good hunting qualities. He works judiciously and never sacrifices himself for the sake of production. They successfully fight with burrowing animals, willingly go into the water and feed any game.

Smooth-haired dachshund

Smart and quick-witted dog. He cannot go on long walks with his owner without attention. The dachshund is a burrow hunter and its appearance is associated with this feature. It has an elongated body and disproportionately short legs. Colors can be varied.

Rabbit dachshund

The smallest representative of dachshunds. It is used for hunting small burrowing and fur-bearing animals, and is capable of penetrating their difficult-to-pass burrows. Due to its size, unpretentious and affectionate nature, it is perfect as a pet, which can be kept even in an apartment, subject to regular walking.

Advantages and disadvantages

Naturally, like other breeds, tall dogs have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

  • friendly character;
  • attachment to household members;
  • courage and strength;
  • easy learning.

Pets with long legs do not require a lot of exercise from the owner.

They behave independently during walks and become wonderful friends to lonely people.

However, animals have a number of “disadvantages”. For example, a pet weighing 60-80 kg requires a lot of food. The diet should be varied and balanced. Otherwise, the tall dog will suffer from a constant feeling of hunger and lose activity.

Also, large breeds do not have longevity, unlike their small relatives . With proper care and proper nutrition, long-legged dogs live 6-12 years.

Despite the disadvantages, many dog ​​lovers prefer large breeds. They are loyal friends and brave defenders. Having a large dog in a private yard guarantees peace and protection. However, when getting a large pet, the owner must be aware of the considerable financial costs of maintaining the animal. Also, residents of city apartments should not get a tall dog - without adequate space, the animal will get sick and die.


Long-haired hunting dogs, which date back to the 19th century, are intelligent, friendly, loyal and reliable. They perform especially well when hunting birds.

Golden retriever

One of the cutest and kindest canine animals. He is bred as a companion dog, but the blood of a hunter flows in the blood of a retriever. He is affectionate and attentive with his family members and his master's pets.

A dog always senses when its owners are in a bad mood. In this case, she tries in every possible way to console them, for example, putting a sad face on her lap or poking her nose approvingly. Thanks to this behavior, the dog began to be used in psychotherapy.

People who are in a state of neurosis or depression can spend time with him, after which they feel a little better. And the hunting instincts and excellent sense of smell made the golden retriever a rescue and search dog. It is used by the police to search for drugs.

You should not expect such a dog to display protective qualities. The retriever will warmly welcome every person who comes to his home, even if it is an intruder. Aggression is alien to him. These cute animals have bright thick fur, a long fluffy tail, a slender body and very kind eyes.

Curly (curly-coated retriever)

An excellent swimmer with a soft grip, which is valuable in duck hunting. Curlies need constant movement. dege and active games.

Toller (Nova Scotia Retriever)

Toller has the gift of luring game birds into the hunter's line of fire, for which they are often called "duck whisperers." Dogs are smart and easy to train. Nova Scotia Retrievers are medium-sized, robustly built, and fiery in color. Does not tolerate loneliness and lack of attention.

Who should I choose?

Several breeds of long dogs are listed here and the question naturally arises: “Who should I choose?” There is no definite answer to this, since the choice of a dog depends not only on the dog’s long body, large ears or short legs. The choice of a pet depends primarily on the goals of the breeder, the characteristics of his life, the composition of the family and the temperament of the owner. Each dog is good in its own way and will love you endlessly, but the responsibility for its psychological and physical development will rest on your shoulders.


The group includes many breeds. Tracks prey by scent, and then pursues it to the hunter or dead end.

Russian hound

The animal really needs regular exercise. Without them, his strong muscles will slowly atrophy. This is a Russian hunting dog breed with a well-developed sense of territoriality.

She is distinguished by devotion, observation and endurance. Intolerant towards other animals (especially cats). In order for a Russian hound to be friendly towards the rest of its owner’s pets, it should be introduced to them as a puppy. In this case, she will have no choice but to get used to them. This breed is not one of the large ones. Its height is 60-65 cm.

The dog is distinguished by amazing intelligence, its training is simple and interesting. Already from the third time she will begin to carry out the command without prompting from the owner. Remember, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and prefer to spend most of your time in solitude, then the Russian Hound is not your option. She is very mobile, playful and active, so she needs frequent walking. In addition, the animal becomes strongly attached to its owner and needs to spend time with him regularly.

Estonian hound

A calm and balanced dog that quickly becomes attached to people. Caring for her is not only simple, but also pleasant. The animal is distinguished by trust and tenderness towards the people living with it. The calm nature will allow this breed to stay in a dog hotel for a long time. If the owner, for example, is forced to go on a business trip or vacation with his family.

The Estonian hound is a good hunter. She cannot boast of an impressive size, long legs or a slender body, but she barks loudly and melodiously, notifying her owner of the presence of prey in the area.

With the wrong approach to training, an animal can become stubborn and dominant. It is important to correct his behavior by condemning bad actions. For example, if an Estonian hound, as a puppy, tries to gnaw at your legs, you can lightly hit it on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper, while saying “Ugh” in a serious tone. By the way, this is one of the basic words used in raising dogs.

Basset Hound

The breed was bred to hunt small animals, especially forest rabbits and hares. The Basset Hound does not have such a slender body as the English hound, it cannot boast of such endurance as the Weimaraner, but the breed has other advantages that allow it to occupy an honorable place among hunting dogs.

First of all, she is very affectionate. The animal adores its owners, preferring to spend time being close to them. It loves stroking and scratching. In the absence of tactile contact with the owner, the Basset Hound becomes upset and depressed. Secondly, he has excellent hearing. The dog can hear even a very quiet rustling in the forest thanks to its huge ears. She is moderately active and inquisitive.

Thirdly, the Basset Hound is tolerant of other animals; he will never show aggression towards a dog or cat if he encounters them while walking. But he tries to be friends with the owner’s pets. As for the disadvantages of keeping it, there are practically none, with the exception of one thing - difficult training. A beginner will not be able to cope with the stubborn nature of the Basset Hound.


A very cheerful breed suitable for a family, loves people and company. The breed was bred to hunt rabbits and hares. Beagles need daily exercise.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

African Lion Dog, bred to hunt large cats. A well-built, muscular dog, but with a calm and balanced character. The Ridgeback is amazingly loyal and will become a companion to its owner in any activity; long, active games are required.

Why are some dogs longer than others?

Dogs of a stretched format, which include the heroes of the collection, do not have very long backs, but rather short legs. This is caused by a mutation in the FGFR3 gene, which causes the disease achondroplasia (a form of dwarfism). An anomaly of the autosomal recessive type is expressed in the fact that the tubular bones of the limbs, having reached normal thickness, stop growing in length. All other aspects are developed normally. Thus, the body appears disproportionately long in relation to the length of the legs, and the head is large.

In different regions, at different times, breeders considered dwarfism to be very useful and accidentally or deliberately fixed the anomaly in their breed. Short hunting dogs were ideal for hunting burrowing animals; in addition, they could deftly penetrate dense thickets where their tall counterparts could not get through. Shepherd dogs were able to deftly avoid kicks with their hooves, and rat-catching terriers did not have to bend over much to grab a rat, slowing down their speed.


Burrowing, short-haired hunters of small rodents. Terriers are very attentive and can track prey by smell.

Jack Russell Terrier

This is a small hunting dog that is in no way inferior to its larger brothers. She has a suspicious and wary look. The Jack Russell Terrier, despite its diminutive size (weight up to 5 kg), is a very hardy and strong dog. It was bred to hunt foxes.

This breed is not suitable for beginners, as it is not easy to tame its stubborn temperament. In addition to her difficult character, she has several other disadvantages: severe shedding at different times of the year, excessive activity and curiosity, as well as an increased need for physical activity and attention of the owner. The Jack Russell Terrier cannot stand loneliness; he cannot remain alone for a long time, as he wants to spend all the time next to his owner.

Extraordinary devotion is not his only virtue. This dog is smart, quick-witted and very resilient. It is easy to care for. Important! It is not recommended for gardening enthusiasts to own a Jack Russell Terrier because of his tendency to dig holes everywhere.


The appearance of the animal is unusual and interesting. The Airedale Terrier is a hunting dog in the photo that looks like a children's toy. She has medium-sized curly fur of a very bright, often red-black, color. It's even on the dog's face. Its small ears are slanted and there is a large black nose at the tip of its muzzle.

Some breeders call the breed the “queen of all terriers.” This is not due to arrogant behavior, but to large size. The Airedale Terrier is the largest and most massive of all known terriers. Interesting! During World War II, the dog was used as a messenger. He did his job very well.

The dog loves to play with children. She does not need frequent hunting trips, like, for example, a Greyhound, since she likes communication with people. In addition to well-developed social skills, the Airedale Terrier boasts outstanding intellectual abilities. He learns commands very quickly and never loses trust in his family members. Loyalty and fearlessness made him a good guard and watchman.

Jagdterrier (German hunting terrier)

A strong, hardy dog ​​that adapts to any working conditions. Thick mustache and eyebrows on the muzzle protect the nose and eyes when in the hole. The Jagdterrier can fearlessly fight a badger that is larger than it. They can serve the bird in the manner of a spaniel without a stand, and willingly go into the water.

Alabai (weight – 50-80 kg, height – 70-75 cm)

The Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd Dog, has been serving man since very ancient times. Thus, in Turkmenistan, archaeologists found terracotta figurines of the 2nd-4th centuries, which are dedicated to large, broad-chested dogs with an impressive head. For centuries, these shepherds have protected their owners, guarded houses and herded herds. It is only outwardly that Alabai seem slow - they have a quick reaction and a difficult, stern disposition.

Alabais are also known as Turkmen wolfhounds. Today the breed is considered a symbol of this country. And in November 2022, a 15-meter gilded monument to Alabai was even erected in Ashgabat. The largest representative of the breed lives today in Russia. A shepherd named Bulldozer weighs 125 kg and eats 5 kg of meat and 10 liters of porridge per day.

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Other hunting breeds

Jämtland Laika

This is a typical working breed of hunting dog . She, like all huskies, is characterized by the presence of thick fur, thanks to which she does not feel the cold at all, even at very low temperatures. The breed was developed in Sweden.

The Jämtland Laika is an excellent hunter. She runs fast, has endurance and well-developed muscles. He communicates very friendly with people, especially with his owner. By the way, of all the people, she singles out one person to whom she remains faithful until the end of her life.

By nature, a dog of this breed is independent and prone to dominance. Therefore, beginners may have difficulties in training her. Before getting such a pet, you need to take into account that it is very noisy. The Jämtland Husky will make a loud noise for any reason. She also enjoys walking and slow running. The animal can walk around its area for hours, protecting it.

Akita Inu

Of all types of hunting dogs , the Akita Inu is the most ancient. Her bones, like her muscles, are very powerful. If you watched the movie "Hachiko", then you are probably familiar with this amazing breed. She is unusually loyal, smart and resilient.

The dog has a balanced character and a good-natured attitude towards people, especially towards its owner. Of all the members of her family, she chooses one, the leader. The Akita Inu has a well-developed intuition, allowing it to determine the owner’s mood and adapt to it.

Despite the lack of hyper-emotionality, this breed is extremely demanding of others. In most cases, she behaves calmly, sometimes even coldly. It is used not only for hunting, but also for protection.

In order for an Akita Inu puppy to grow into a balanced and obedient dog, it will have to be trained from the age of 2 months. We recommend using the services of a professional dog handler.

Portuguese water dog

And this breed differs from all previous ones in its love for bodies of water. The Portuguese Water Dog is an excellent swimmer. Initially, it was bred for catching fish, but then it became obvious that the breed was also suitable for catching ducks and other lake birds.

In addition to excellent hunting talent, the animal boasts well-developed guarding skills. Without the owner's permission, it will not allow anyone into its territory.

The dog's appearance is unusual. Its entire body is covered with curly dark hair. Due to its presence on the face, it is difficult to see the eyes. The color is black, fawn or brown.

Saint Bernard (weight – 80-100 kg, height – 70-90 cm)

The history of this breed originates from the Swiss Alps, full of dangerous mountain passes. It is believed that in the 11th century such dogs not only guarded the monastery of St. Bernard, but also helped the monks in searching for travelers lost in the snow and fog. The name of the monastery gave its name to the breed.

The large size of St. Bernards and their dense thick fur, as well as powerful paws and an excellent sense of smell, helped the dogs find people even under a two-meter layer of snow. Thanks to their keen hearing, these dogs can hear an avalanche approaching. In 1983, research conducted by Americans showed that such a talent allows dogs to distinguish sounds with a frequency of up to 46 kHz, while the human hearing threshold is 20 kHz.

Today, these gentle and sensitive giants are rarely used as rescuers, but they feel great in families, where they quickly become friends with children. The popularity of St. Bernards grew significantly after the Beethoven film series in the 1990s.

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Komondor (weight – 50-60 kg, height – 70-80 cm)

This dog is also known as the Hungarian Shepherd. Among all other large breeds, the Commander stands out due to its appearance - it is a real wolf in sheep's clothing. The peaceful appearance with long, corded fur is combined with the strength of a shepherd and powerful jaws. Thanks to the unusual cover, the dog is both protected from overheating and camouflaged among the sheep. Dog handlers believe that such an unusual coat is an inheritance from their ancestors, shaggy shepherd dogs. But the Hungarians like the legend about the appearance of the Komondor as a result of the connection between a wolf and a sheep.

Strong immunity allows dogs to adapt to any weather conditions. A calm nature helps you interact with people. Today, Komondors, as before, herd flocks of sheep and serve as watchmen.

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