Why does a kitten constantly meow - possible reasons for this behavior, how to calm the baby

Cats communicate with each other in a variety of ways. These animals prefer to “talk” to humans in the language that is most understandable to them: by giving sound signals. To a caring owner, the nature, intensity and duration of a cat's meow (or other sounds) can explain what information the pet is trying to convey to him. If a person has recently brought home a new tenant, and the kitten meows all the time, then it is necessary to figure out what the animal wants to say, what is bothering him. Kittens meow for a variety of reasons.

Longing for mother

If a kitten has just moved to a new home, then there may be many reasons why he is making meows and other sounds. All of them will be discussed below, and the first will be called longing for a cat mom.

It is recommended to adopt kittens at 1.5-2.5 months. At this age, they already know how to feed themselves and have learned most of the “cat wisdom.” However, separation from the mother still brings discomfort to the kitten. He can meow pitifully and look for the usual warm barrel.

You can help a small pet by taking him in your arms when he is crying pitifully, warming him with your own warmth, stroking him, caressing him. It is advisable to talk to him in a peaceful and calm voice.

Often kittens wake up at night and, not feeling the usual warmth and smell, begin to meow. At such moments, it is important to calm the pet with tactile contact. Over time, the kitten will stop looking for its mother. The time to get used to new conditions varies from person to person, but as a rule, it does not last too long.


Why does a one-month-old kitten meow constantly? The reasons, as you can see, can be different. But among them one cannot fail to highlight another extremely important factor. If your pet is in pain, he will try to show it. And the only thing he can do is meow.

This is exactly how a cat will behave if something hurts. A common phenomenon that owners rarely pay attention to. However, it is also wrong to blame the owners for this, because identifying the cause can be very difficult. After all, as practice shows, there are many reasons for a cat’s crying. It's easy to get confused.


A kitten may give a vocal signal for a completely natural reason: it is hungry. This is the most common reason why animals meow. This applies to both children and adult pets. First of all, any living organism tries to satisfy its nutritional needs. And the kitten, once in a new place, first learns where the “food source” is located. Not finding food, the small animal begins to worry, and then declares its needs to the person.

It is advisable that there is always some food in the bowl; this will save the owner from constant plaintive cries.

In some cases, the cause of meowing is pseudo-hunger. That is, the kitten is full, but with the help of its voice it tries to beg for tidbits. Usually this characterizes the pet in a certain way: he wants to dictate conditions, tries to beg for something tasty, and thereby force the person to follow his lead. As with children, you need to be firm. You cannot indulge your pet's first desire. This does not mean that an animal should not be pampered at all, but in childhood this is especially fraught with consequences. If a person does not want to constantly endure impudent extortion from the cat, then he should make it clear from the very first attempt who is boss in the house. The pet must understand that nothing will be given to him upon request, and the decision as to whether he will receive a treat or not will be made solely by the “senior”.

Let's get out of the box...

As a rule, kittens are brought home in special carriers or boxes. A very thoughtless step would be to immediately allow children (and adults) to drag the baby out of a secluded place into a new “world” and be deafeningly happy to meet him.

The kitten will definitely get out of the box on its own, but it needs a little time for its fears to fall asleep and the cat’s natural curiosity to awaken. First, the baby will show its mustache, then gradually stick its head out and look around. If there are no frightening factors nearby, the kitten will go to explore the room. And of course, the household will also get his attention. It is important not to frighten the kitten with sudden movements and loud sounds, otherwise the baby will hide in a corner and will be very tense in the future. Give the “child” time to get comfortable and get used to the new environment a little.

Stressful state

The constant meowing of a kitten when it has just arrived in a new home is associated not only and not so much with longing for its mother, but with stress from the new space and smells, and the need to master an unusual environment. In the first days, a kitten may be simply scared in a new apartment; he experiences loneliness and feels helpless.

If other animals arrive at the same time, this is a source of additional stress. After all, you need not only to master the space, but also to seek contact with new animals.

The owner needs to calm the animal down, talk to it affectionately more often, pick it up, and stroke it. Over time it will get used to it. To make this happen faster, experts recommend that when picking up a cat from a breeder or cattery, ask for something with a familiar smell to the animal. This could be the bedding on which the kitten is laid when it begins to meow pitifully. The native smell, reminiscent of his mother, will calm him down.


In fact, there are many reasons why cats constantly “give voice”. It is very difficult to predict them. But remembering the main points will not be difficult. Why does the kitten constantly meow?

If you recently brought an animal into your home, the answer is obvious - it's stress. This is how the kitten reacts to a new home. At a young age, an animal is only able to express its condition by crying. Therefore, this period will also have to be endured. New owners should help the pet quickly adapt - feed, caress and show with all their might that the new “family member” is completely safe here.

As soon as the kitten adapts to the new place, it will become silent. When getting a cat, get ready for several weeks of plaintive crying, especially in the first days of getting used to the new home.

Finding a toilet

A small animal may scream in confusion, not knowing where to relieve itself. In such cases, you should put him in a tray and, if possible, explain why this device is needed. Even if the kitten is accustomed to the tray, in a new place he may not understand what this piece of furniture is for, so it is necessary to show it. By the third or fourth time, the animal will definitely understand the purpose and location of the toilet. In some cases, once is enough.

If a kitten comes to a new home at a very early age (up to a month), it may be in pain if it wants to go to the toilet. The fact is that a cat constantly licks newborn kittens, and this action has different purposes. Mom doesn't wash the babies as much as she massages them. This stimulates the kitten's still weak intestinal peristalsis. In such cases, the owner needs to gently massage the pet’s tummy, starting the process of defecation.

Spring came

So we figured out why a newborn kitten meows constantly. Adult cats also sometimes “voice” for similar reasons. But there are several more options for answering the question posed.

True, the next point will explain the behavior of only adult individuals. But it’s worth taking it into account. The thing is that in the spring, cats' sexual desire increases. During this period, they begin to meow very loudly. This behavior applies to both females and males.

Demanding attention and affection

Although cats show individuality, sometimes they behave like royalty who do not care about others, they still need communication. In the house where he was born (except for exceptional cases when the baby is left without a mother immediately after birth), the kitten always has playmates. These are brothers and sisters and a mother cat who explains the rules of behavior to the baby and instills the necessary skills. Finding itself alone in new conditions, the kitten will seek the company of a person, ask to play with him or pet him.

Outdoor games with a kitten will not only ensure its normal physical and mental development. Having played enough and been properly tired, the kitten will stop wandering around at night and bothering its owners with screams.

Can cats meow constantly for no reason?

Meowing for no reason is impossible. The cat's meow is a verbal, that is, vocal, method of communication. Our pets use it in only 2 cases: for communication and to attract attention. In the first case, they just talk, and in the second, they try to explain what exactly is bothering them.

Thus, there is always a reason, and, in addition to banal boredom due to attention deficit, it may be a life-threatening pathology.

Onset of puberty

Different breeds of domestic cats reach puberty at different times. Most young individuals are ready for intercourse by 6-7 months. In some breeds, such as Maine Coons, it may begin at this age, but last slightly longer, up to about 15 months.

The play of hormones, the powerful instinct of procreation felt by a young animal, makes it restless. It will scream loudly at any time of the day, roll on the floor, and demand to be let out into the street.

During this difficult period, some individuals may show aggression towards humans. Cats begin to mark their territory, and their smell at this time intensifies several times thanks to hormones.

The owner of a domestic cat should immediately decide on a solution to this problem. There are actually two of them: castration (sterilization) or providing the opportunity for the realization of instinct. In all other cases, the animal will experience real agony during periods of sexual heat. There is no need to be afraid to sterilize an animal if the owner’s plans do not include breeding cats. Veterinarians believe that this simple procedure not only does not cause harm, much less moral suffering, to the animal (they simply have no morals), but even prolongs life and preserves health.


Why else would a kitten meow constantly? Surprisingly, in this way he simply talks to you. Animals, like people, can be sociable and not so sociable. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised that someone is silent all day, while someone “talks”, you shouldn’t be surprised. No one can say for sure what kind of character your pet will have!

It is impossible to silence the cat in this case. After all, he will still crave communication. The only way that will help here is to talk to the cat. No matter how strange it may sound, you need to communicate with your pet. Then he will answer you when you need it.

Interestingly, cats only communicate with people by meowing. This sound was invented exclusively for us. It is almost impossible to see cats “communicating” with each other in this way.

We hope you now understand why the kitten constantly meows. Yes, there are many reasons. And you must get to know your pet better to understand this issue.

Cats communicate with each other in a variety of ways. These animals prefer to “talk” to humans in the language that is most understandable to them: by giving sound signals. To a caring owner, the nature, intensity and duration of a cat's meow (or other sounds) can explain what information the pet is trying to convey to him. If a person has recently brought home a new tenant, and the kitten meows all the time, then it is necessary to figure out what the animal wants to say, what is bothering him. Kittens meow for a variety of reasons.

Diseases and conditions requiring medical attention

A kitten may cry and meow loudly because something hurts. The cause of pain may be poor digestion or a serious illness. It is necessary to carefully examine the pet and observe its behavior.

The following symptoms should alert the owner:

  • increased body temperature, dry nose (in cats the normal temperature is about 38 degrees, in a kitten this figure can vary significantly, since the process of thermoregulation has not yet been established);
  • prolonged cleanliness in the tray or, conversely, diarrhea;
  • blood in the urine or stool;
  • vomit;
  • loss of appetite or complete refusal to eat;
  • discharge of various types from the eyes, ears;
  • swollen, hard tummy;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

You should also observe how often the kitten itches. If he constantly bites himself, gnaws something in his fur, or scratches himself heavily, this is a sign of infection with ectoparasites. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately show the animal to a veterinarian. He will determine the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Table: causes of cat meowing and methods for solving problems

Cause of a cat's crySymptoms other than meowingSolution
Kitten (up to 1 year)
Hunger, thirstBowls with water and food are empty or the food in the bowl is not touched, the kitten walks around and calls the owner.Feeding, changing water in the bowl. Replacing dry food with wet food, softening the granules in water.
Digestive disordersKitten: - refuses to eat; - cannot go to the toilet; - defecates loosely. Activated carbon - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight (a kitten is usually given 1/3 of a tablet). A visit to the veterinarian, tests, selection of medications.
DiseasesBehavior differs from normal in any way. The kitten may itch, look lethargic, and refuse to eat. His fur becomes dull and his mucous membranes become inflamed. A visit to the veterinarian, tests, selection of medications.
FearThe animal presses against the walls, hides behind corners and under furniture, and does not make contact.Rest for the first few days until he gets used to it. Then play, affection, arranging a cozy corner for the kitten.
ColdHe clings to the radiators, looking for warm places in the house.Arrangement of a cozy corner for a kitten.
Lack of attentionFollows its owner with its tail.Game, caress.
Adult cat (1–7 years)
Sexual huntingMeows in utero, mainly at night. The cat marks the corners, the cat periodically stands in a pose of readiness for mating and raises its tail. Hormonal drugs that block estrus (Gestrenol, Sex Barrier). Castration, sterilization.
StressThe cat hides, and when you try to get it, it hisses, raises its fur, and tries to scratch or bite.At first, peace, then play, affection, soothing herbal drops (“Cat Bayun”)
Food requirementWalks around the bowls and screams only if the owner is nearby.Lack of reaction during meowing, feeding according to schedule.
Lack of attentionFollows its owner with its tail.Game, caress.
Dirty trayMeows near the toilet.Cleaning, changing filler
DiseaseBehavior differs from normal in any way. The cat may itch, appear lethargic or overly excited, and refuse to eat. A visit to the veterinarian, examination, tests, selection of medications.
Older cat (from 7 years old)
Alzheimer's diseaseAnimal: - crashes into walls; - empty look; - stands in one place for a long time. Visit to the veterinarian, examination, selection of medications
Problems with vision, hearingCat: - gets lost in space; - does not respond to the call. Visit to the veterinarian, examination, selection of medications
Other diseasesCat: - itches (skin); - difficulty getting up and lying down (joints); - refuses food; - moves little. The symptoms may be different, but when the animal is sick, its behavior is different from usual. Visit to the veterinarian, examination, selection of medications

Methods of helping a kitten

The kitten should be taken away from its mother no earlier than 1.5-2 months. By this age, animals are already sufficiently socialized and trained in all the necessary skills. At first, the baby will still look for his mother, so the owner needs to pay more attention to the pet and talk to him more often. The animal should be provided with toys that will distract its attention and help pass the time while it is left alone. Returning home, you can hear the kitten's pitiful cries. This can mean both a joyful greeting and complaints of loneliness and hunger. In any case, you need to immediately pick up the kitten, pet it, and then feed it. Over time, a caring owner will learn to understand what exactly the pet is “telling” him.

If circumstances were such that the kitten had to be adopted very young, then for some time the person will have to become its mother. A newborn cat needs to be fed constantly, once every two hours. At 2-3 months the cat is switched to six meals a day. By 6 months, the number of feedings is reduced to 4 times, and by a year - to two.

A small kitten also needs abdominal massage to keep its bowels moving smoothly. You need to do the procedure after eating, and then put the baby in the tray.

The owner will also have to solve the pet’s sexual problems. When meowing expresses the animal’s desire to procreate, you should contact a veterinarian. It is recommended to castrate and sterilize cats between 8 months and a year. If the vocalizations that indicate puberty have begun early, your veterinarian may recommend hormonal or sedative medications for cats. It is advisable not to prescribe medications to the animal yourself, but to leave it to a specialist.

How to calm a screaming cat

What to do if a previously calm and even lazy cat is constantly yelling at home? The owner has only one option - a consultation with a veterinarian. If an animal has any disease, the doctor will cure it and make life easier for the owner.

Perhaps the pet is showing anxiety due to unsatisfied sexual activity. The use of hormonal drugs that reduce cravings in a pet is harmful to its health. There are two options here: either let the cat go for a walk or castrate him.

You can try feeding your pet more nutritiously at night; it will require more energy to process food. Consequently, the cat will sleep peacefully at night.

You need to be careful with drugs such as Kot-Bayun or Feliway. They can only be used in extreme cases, as they are dangerous for the animal; first you need to be sure that the pet does not have any health problems.

An attentive owner will always determine by the timbre of his pet’s voice whether he has any health problems. The necessary attention and care will help to survive this difficult period not only for the cat, but also for the owner.

What to do: advice from breeders

Every cat owner should understand that meowing is a natural and necessary need for an animal to express its emotions. Just as you can’t stop a child from crying or talking, you can’t stop a pet from “communicating.” Therefore, you should never punish a cat for excessive vocalization. By such behavior a person will only achieve distrust and fear of the animal.

However, cats are also excellent psychologists; they know our weak points very well and understand that, having bored us with their meows, a person will definitely do or give what they want. And here lies the main mistake of all beginners - they indulge in this bad habit. What to do? In this case, in the first couple of days, it is important to ignore such “demands” and, if the habit is already established, associate it with some unpleasant action. For example, you can use a spray bottle: cats do not like water and such a shower will definitely distract them.

But you cannot ignore the sounds of your pet. It is important to learn to distinguish between whims and indeed signals of anxiety, fear, lack of attention, pain or hunger. Pay more attention to your pets, take care of their worldview and instincts, and then you will not have problems with annoying and constant meowing.

Learning to distinguish sounds

All verbal signals of cats can be divided into three groups:

  • sounds made when the mouth is closed - rumbling, growling;
  • the sound when closing the mouth is a classic meow;
  • sounds when the mouth is open and tense - loud continuous meowing, songs and trills, hissing, squealing.

Owners with “experience” are quite well versed in the verbal language of cats and are able to clearly determine what the animal wants to tell them. As a rule, to successfully communicate and understand a pet, it is enough to know only a small set of sounds.

  • a short “meow” is a way to attract attention, a demand for something;
  • a short but vowel “mur-meow” is a greeting. Usually cats make this sound when they meet their owner. Means: “glad to see”;
  • a short intermittent or quietly repeated “mur-meow” – a demand for something in impatience. Most often manifests itself at the sight of food or in anticipation of a treat;
  • meowing with the expression “r” (“purrrrrmeow”) - a call to play, a call of excitement;
  • purring - the cat is happy, calm and peaceful;
  • short abrupt “clicks” - excitement, hunting excitement, inaccessibility of prey;
  • grunt - a warning that can turn into a growl;
  • growl (low vibrating sound) – warning of attack, aggression, threat;
  • hissing is a sign of fear or a threat to other animals;
  • snorting (a sharp and short sound “pff”) – scaring away a competitor, the animal is not in the mood to play;
  • a long and shrill meow - most often made by kittens in search of their mother or as a signal of cold or hunger;
  • trills, songs with rumbling or grumbling - calling a partner, mating games;
  • squealing is a signal of pain, anxiety.

If you want a meowing cat ringtone, then we offer you to choose from several options.

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