Why does a kitten meow for no reason and is it really so?

Many pet owners are interested in the question of why a cat meows at night, thereby disturbing the proper rest and sound sleep of other household members. There can be many reasons for this, from a hormonal surge, which sooner or later happens in unspayed cats and unsterilized cats, to melancholy and poor health. This behavior of a pet can and should be dealt with, but to do this, the cause that provoked it must first be eliminated. Under no circumstances should you punish a cat for screaming and meowing at night - this will only make the problem worse. Perhaps the animal needs to be shown to a veterinarian and resort to the use of sedatives. Remember, a cat is a full-fledged member of the family and must be treated properly. Why a cat screams at night needs to be sorted out immediately; the sooner you find the reason for this behavior, the sooner peace and quiet will be established in your home.

The cat screams when no one is home - reasons

If your pet starts screaming when no one is home, you have a long and patient job ahead of you.
need to start by recognizing the problem. It is important for you to make a firm decision to correct your pet’s behavior, because if you act inconsistently and irregularly, your pet’s behavior problems will only get worse

Before you begin to correct behavior, you need to find a stimulus that will motivate the cat to the desired actions. Depending on your pet’s temperament, you can use the following as motivation:

  • Delicacy.
  • A toy or game.
  • Affection.

It is important to understand that cats do not obey those who do not love them. It may be hard to believe, but four-legged animals are very good at sensing human intentions.

If you are irritated and very angry with your pet, it is better to silently go into another room and close the door.

Interesting communication with your pet will allow you to establish strong interpersonal contact and quickly achieve what you want from your cat.

Your cat may be crying alone because he's bored. Make sure your pet has ways to have fun and compensate for natural needs:

A scratching post allows you to let off steam, sharpen your claws, leave scent marks and brighten up your leisure time.

Small toys are a great method of entertainment for young cats who love to scratch and pretend to hunt.

The gaming complex is a must-have accessory for owners of cats of active breeds. Typically, a play complex consists of several scratching posts, platforms, hanging toys and shelters.

The next important step is setting priorities. The cat must understand that the main thing in the house is the owner. In addition, the pet must clearly distinguish between your reactions. Simply put, if you are unhappy, you need to express it in such a way that the pet is sure to understand you. In order for the four-legged dog to understand the contrast between positive behavior and negative reactions, it must be praised often.

Try to play with your pet as much and as often as possible, as this is the most reliable way to spend energy. Be sure to use safe, familiar accessories for play. In this case, your pet will have the opportunity to have fun independently and in the usual way, even if you are not at home.

Pros of surgery

If a cat marks an apartment, then owners are often inclined to treat it with castration. In fact, this will only help if the cause is sexual hunting. But territorial claims, worries about lack of attention and pain, any stress - all this can also lead to the fact that the cat begins to mark everything around. But castration is not a panacea.

What more needs to be said? The operation to remove the testicles does not lead to excess weight gain, and the animal does not become infantile and lethargic, contrary to popular belief. On the contrary, his character improves, the pet becomes more sociable, affectionate and playful. I should add that it is best to castrate young cats. If your pet has been living with you for many years, and every time during sexual heat it screams at night, tears wallpaper and furniture, then such habits will not go away immediately after castration.

Melancholy and anxiety

Unless your cat is neutered, and you are sure that his health is in order, but he still yells and becomes agitated, you need to reconsider. Pets often anticipate some kind of trouble or natural phenomena. It is known that cats often have premonitions of bad things. This is confirmed by a large number of real stories about how a pet saved a whole dog from death seven times. For example, they reported an upcoming earthquake. But this is sometimes extremely rare.

A more common option is ordinary grief. An animal may simply feel sad if one of its owners has moved far away or died.

Often a shabolda screams after her cubs are taken away from her. They are especially worried about urine if the kittens were very small. After all, animals are also capable of experiencing emotions and suffering not only physically, but also mentally. In this case, their cries can only stir up sympathy. If you understand that this is the reason, the illiterate should scold the pet. It’s better to feel sorry for him and caress him.

How not to behave

Of course, when it seems that you have taken all the measures - fed, watered, caressed, survived the sterilization period, and the cat still screams at night, then even the calmest owner will lose his nerve. But under no circumstances should you use violent measures against an animal or shout at it. After all, a cat is a very smart creature; it has a sense of revenge. And how she will take revenge is unknown.

In addition, cats are also proud animals, they will not tolerate any violence against themselves, it is impossible to achieve anything with the help of force, you just need to try to show patience and attention. Only in this case is it possible to obtain a positive result

Why does a cat yell at night: 7 reasons

Cats are nocturnal hunters, so if they are awake, they most often vocalize at this time of day.

The following are the reasons for the “night songs” of pets:

  1. Need for a sexual partner during the rut. During this period, the animal is not able, like a person, to restrain its reproductive instincts. Nature is unforgiving and severely punishes attempts to evade its call.
  2. A castrated cat signals to the owner that he has had enough sleep and is feeling hungry. The person is to blame himself. Animals should be fed generously at night. Because satiety makes you sleepy. Another reason is that the former male, deprived of testosterone, becomes cowardly and is plagued by fears, most often in the second half of the night.
  3. Sterilization does not eliminate the desire to vote. If a full-fledged female is controlled by hormones, then the sterilized individual becomes extremely sentimental. It seems to her that the owners do not pay enough attention to her. Therefore, the animal demands its due at the most inconvenient time.
  4. A kitten that finds itself in a new home is at a loss. The mother and peers disappeared somewhere. During the day, he realizes that there are no creatures dear to him in the room. But night comes and it seems to him that his mother is calling her close and persistently.
  5. When a new pet appears in the house, a conflict situation arises, especially if the pets are of the same sex. Until the weak submits to the strong, a showdown will occur.
  6. Chronic diseases tend to worsen at night, both in humans and animals. With urolithiasis or constipation, the cat is in so much pain that it is impossible to bear.
  7. Psychoneurological disorders. The cat did not have the habit of yelling at night, and suddenly such a habit appeared. In this case, you should contact your veterinarian to help you choose medications that correct your pet’s behavior.

Leave toys for your cat to play with.

Most cats wake up at least twice during the night, at which point they will be ready to begin their cycle of hunting, catching, eating, grooming, and sleeping again! If your cat can't find anything interesting to play with because you've put all her toys away, she'll probably come looking for you!

Leave a few of your cat's favorite toys for her to play with at night. You can even get interactive, battery-powered toys that are activated by your cat's touch.

Lack of attention or boredom

Very often, owners allow a young cat to sleep in their feet, where he gets used to their smell and warmth. However, having acquired a child or deciding that the pet is already too old, they evict it to the litter. Of course he won't like it. The most flexible individuals can tolerate injustice, others will scream at night for a very long time, demanding to be let back in. The calculation is usually justified: the owner, tired of the “singing,” will definitely come out to calm his pet down. While you are sitting next to you, the cat is calmly purring on the rug, but as soon as you go into the bedroom, everything repeats itself. Therefore, it would be better to show strength of character for a few days.

In addition, if this has not happened before, but today your furry pet screams incessantly, you should pay attention to the surrounding situation. Cats amazingly anticipate earthquakes and react sharply to minor smoke.

Perhaps he is simply warning you of danger.

Folk remedies for fighting orom

The nightly concerts of pets get on the nerves so much that their owners, despairing of finding a radical remedy, are finding their own ways to calm the “singers”:

  • Spray bottle with water. It has been noticed that if you specifically spray water on a cat’s tail, its owner will have no time for songs. For some time he will be busy licking his main decoration and will calm down for a while. If after this he starts yelling again, threaten him with a spray gun. Most likely, the cat will hide in a secluded shelter and soon fall asleep.
  • A game. If your pet is not in nature and is forced to spend all his time within four walls, he has no way to relieve excess energy. Outdoor games can help with this - only, of course, not at night, but shortly before you go to bed. Having had a good run and relieved the accumulated tension, your pet will sleep without its hind legs. If you have neither the energy nor the time to play, hang two or three toys near you on strong laces - the cat, rejoicing that you are watching him, will happily catch them, and having had enough fun, he will fall sound asleep.
  • Nutrition adjustments. Save the largest portion of cat food for evening feeding. Having properly refreshed himself, the cat will sleep soundly until the morning, completely forgetting about vocal lessons.

How to deal with a cat screaming at night

If a previously calm cat begins to scream at night, then there is only one competent way out - a trip to the veterinary clinic. A professional approach from a veterinarian will help you get out of the situation competently and understand the reason why the cat is yelling and survive the period of cat yelling.

  • If a non-neutered cat screams day and night and wants a girlfriend, then it would be better to let him go for a walk. Of course, for animals that have not been sterilized, there are hormonal drugs that help relieve the desire to procreate. But their use is justified only in the rarest cases, since they cause irreparable damage to the health of the pet. After the cat has calmed down and satisfied its needs, you can think about castration.
  • There are times when a neutered cat continues to scream at night. When an animal has been castrated recently, this means that the hormones have not yet completed their effect. You will have to be patient a little, in the future everything will pass and the pet will calm down.
  • When a sterilized cat screams, you need to understand that the hunter’s instinct is still strong and it is better to try to satisfy it with play. Active games and imitation of hunting will help keep the kitten busy during the day, so at night he will need rest.
  • If the kitten played well during the day and subsequently ate meat, then another instinct will work for him - a sound sleep. It’s good if the kitten eats heavy food at night, the digestion of which will require more energy. But a castrated cat should not eat meat at night, as he is prone to obesity.
  • As soon as the kitten appears in the house, you need to teach it to sleep in its place from the very first day, so that later there will be no problems with the night cry of the animal demanding to be let into the owner’s bedroom.
  • In especially severe cases, when an animal that has survived the sterilization procedure continues to torment its owner with its screaming, you can give it the drug Kot Bayun or Feliway. These are products made from plant materials and will not harm your pet. But before giving them, you need to be sure that the cat is not suffering from any disease, so a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory.

By giving your animal anthelmintic drugs, you can forget about the problem of nighttime crying. It is possible that the kitten, due to the presence of parasites, constantly felt hungry.

What not to do

If the cat is watered, fed and played enough, but still continues to howl heart-rendingly for no reason at night, you cannot shout at him or use violent measures . Cats are smart and proud creatures. In case of violence, they may take revenge. To achieve a positive result, you need to be attentive to the animal and be patient.


If a sterilized animal continues to perform nightly concerts and does not want to calm down, it is given drugs made from plant substances. The release form can be in drops, tablets or injection solutions. The most effective drugs:

  1. Cat Baiyun. This potent drug helps eliminate aggression and ease the cat's heat. It helps nervous cats well, as well as those that constantly mark the apartment. The drug is available in both drops and tablets.
  2. Stop stress. This is a safe, non-addictive drug. It has a strong effect and suppresses the activity of the animal’s brain. Sold in drops and tablets.
  3. Fitex. The drug is made on the basis of valerian, hops and motherwort, acts as a sedative, and is produced in the form of drops. Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and relieves stress well.

All drugs have a sedative effect and suppress the irritant that bothers the cat. This could be pain, an unstable state of mind or a sexual reflex. Night screams will stop for the period while the active substance is in the animal’s blood. After a short time he will start meowing again. Experts do not recommend using hormonal sedatives, as they are unsafe for the cat's health.

To understand the behavior of your pet, it is worth studying its habits and nature, since the cat family lives by its own laws. On various forums, people advise taking up raising a cat. If you instill good behavior in him from early childhood, you can avoid many problems in the future.

What to do if the cat does not sleep at night, walks and meows

Once the cause has been identified, you can begin to eliminate it.

If cat concerts are driven by the reproductive instinct, owners have the following options for their own behavior:

  1. Be patient: sooner or later the rut will end and the pet will calm down.
  2. Use hormonal contraceptives: Sex control, Stop-intim or analogues. The use of drugs allows you to disrupt estrus, prevent fertilization when an accidental mating has taken place, and weaken the cat’s sexual arousal. The disadvantage of this method is the side effects of the drugs. Excessive use of contraceptives leads to the development of breast tumors, pyometra, and other diseases of the reproductive organs.
  3. Castrate: In most cases, the operation results in calming the animals. They practically do not develop diseases of the reproductive organs. The disadvantage of this method is the tendency to obesity and urolithiasis. Therefore, you will have to forget about natural food, as well as treats with human food products. Pets are transferred to ready-made food for sterilized cats, which satisfy the body's changing nutritional needs. If urolithiasis occurs, veterinary feed is used, which is selected by the doctor.

If the problem is the pet’s adaptation to new living conditions, then feed additives are used: Stop-Stress, Vetspokoin, Fitex, Kot Bayun. An alternative is the drug Feliway, which contains pheromones. The device with the bottle is inserted into an outlet like a mosquito repellent. Pheromones calm animals.

If a cat begs, his efforts should be ignored. If there is no understanding on the part of the pet, he is put into another room and the door is closed. The cat will understand and stop begging. In return, the animal should be provided with adequate nutrition.

In order for the cat to sleep at night, like its owners, it is reoriented to a daily routine that is convenient for the person. A cat needs to sleep at least 11 hours a day, and even better - 13-14. Therefore, you should keep your pet busy, especially during the day and evening hours. Do not let them sleep, play or organize leisure time, purchase interactive toys, provide houses, ladders, scratching posts. Most of the daily portion should be fed in the evening. If the cat is tired and full, he will be drawn to a sound and long sleep.

If there is a small child, a bird, fish, or a hamster in the room, these areas should be excluded from places accessible to the cat.

Folk ways to help an animal

Long experience of cats and people living together has made it possible to identify folk remedies for calming cats. Herbs that help your pet calm down during a difficult period include :

  • Mint;
  • Chamomile;
  • Melissa;
  • Motherwort.

Some experts recommend using valerian in such situations. However, this question is quite ambiguous. Considering the effect this plant has on the animal, such a remedy is unlikely to help calm the cat.

Herbal decoctions are given to your pet 2 times a day. More frequent use of products can make the cat lethargic and apathetic. Such methods are acceptable for relatively calm animals. Animals of eastern breeds are more temperamental; they may come into heat 4 times a year . During a specific period, the behavior of such cats is more aggressive. Accordingly, radical measures are required to solve a more significant problem. In such cases, veterinary drugs come to the rescue. To achieve maximum effect, you should show your pet to a specialist. He will prescribe the necessary means to calm the animal.

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Psychological reasons

The following reasons are not related to the physical, but only to the psychological state of the pet. Among them, the following should be highlighted.

Yearning. It is most often experienced by kittens that have recently been weaned from their mother. They behave restlessly, wander around the house in search of their mother and meow pitifully. The owners need to cuddle the babies, give them more attention, calm them down, and then they will stop being nervous. Extortion. The night cry of a cat for no apparent reason indicates simple extortion on his part. Most often, cats try to beg their favorite treat from their owners. If you treat him with delicious food and monitor his further reaction, you can easily figure out this tricky trick. Having received what he wanted, the cat will instantly calm down and stop screaming. But in the future, you shouldn’t give the cat a treat every time it screams, otherwise the owners won’t have a restful sleep. To attract attention

Cats that are alone all day try to attract the attention of their owners at night. The cat jumps onto the bed of a small child or at the head of the owner, starting to scream near the ear

He just wants to chat or play with him, since during the day he does not have such an opportunity. On weekends, it is advisable to pay more attention to your pet and then the problem will solve itself. Sense of anxiety. Being in a state of tension, cats often scream not only at night, but also in the morning. Most often, they sense something wrong and try to warn the owner. There are cases where cats, with their restless behavior, predicted earthquakes and other natural disasters.

Provide your cat with a safe den

If your cat feels insecure because she doesn't have a safe place to sleep, she will be more likely to wander around your house at night.

Provide your cat with a variety of bed options. Many cats love the security of an igloo bed with a roof so they can curl up in a dark space.

If your cat likes to spend time high up in cat trees or bookshelves, then providing them with a raised bed can help them feel safe enough to fall asleep.

A pet is a living creature

The situation in our home is always under our control, so it seems to us. If you wanted to have a pet - once you eat, you have to go to bed - everyone should shut up. But cats don’t adapt to their owner’s wishes; they also have their own desires, needs, and even their own mood.

The surrounding residents are unhappy, the cat’s behavior is strange, and the screams at night are unreasonable. What to do in such a situation, after all, do not throw it out into the street?

The main thing is, if this happened and the cat started yelling, find out the reasons based on the symptoms. Indeed, you need to understand what is behind these symptoms.

A hormonal surge is the first and main reason for such behavior in a pet.

The beginning of March, a famous time in the world of cats, who hasn’t heard of it? Modern windows save residents of the first floors of apartment buildings; close the window - no problem, silence. In private houses they also install such windows, but when a cat is yelling in the next room, what should you do? They just scream like that, cats have the same rules.

The greatest likelihood of such a cry is sexual hunting. In a situation where the cat is not sterilized, such a “concert” will be repeated regularly. He is not shouting out of arrogance or harmfulness, his time has come.

He shows the world around him his strength and readiness to reproduce. This is all in the hope that his other half will hear him and respond to his songs. This is one of the most powerful instincts in animals and attempts to suppress it will lead nowhere. All you have to do is wait it out.

We’ll touch on what to do and what to do, but now let’s remind you about what not to do.

When is it necessary to consult a veterinarian?

If your pet is restless, you need to pay more attention to it. It is important to spend leisure time together, timely satisfy the basic needs of the pet (feed, water, clean the tray). If the pet's behavior does not change despite all the efforts of the owner, most likely the reason lies in the disease. It is important to contact a veterinarian in time, especially when there are other symptoms besides meowing. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment, which may include the use of medications and sometimes surgery.

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A pet is a living creature

The situation in our home is always under our control, so it seems to us. If you wanted to have a pet - once you eat, you have to go to bed - everyone should shut up. But cats don’t adapt to their owner’s wishes; they also have their own desires, needs, and even their own mood.

The surrounding residents are unhappy, the cat’s behavior is strange, and the screams at night are unreasonable. What to do in such a situation, after all, do not throw it out into the street?

The main thing is, if this happened and the cat started yelling, find out the reasons based on the symptoms. Indeed, you need to understand what is behind these symptoms.

A hormonal surge is the first and main reason for such behavior in a pet.

The beginning of March, a famous time in the world of cats, who hasn’t heard of it? Modern windows save residents of the first floors of apartment buildings; close the window - no problem, silence. In private houses they also install such windows, but when a cat is yelling in the next room, what should you do? They just scream like that, cats have the same rules.

The greatest likelihood of such a cry is sexual hunting. In a situation where the cat is not sterilized, such a “concert” will be repeated regularly. He is not shouting out of arrogance or harmfulness, his time has come.

He shows the world around him his strength and readiness to reproduce. This is all in the hope that his other half will hear him and respond to his songs. This is one of the most powerful instincts in animals and attempts to suppress it will lead nowhere. All you have to do is wait it out.

We’ll touch on what to do and what to do, but now let’s remind you about what not to do.

Diseases, pain

So, a baby cat will not meow without a reason. There is always a reason for this, but it can be difficult to recognize it, identify it accurately and eliminate it alone. So, if a young furry has become a member of your family, then you should always have a good veterinarian who can help.

A small kitten is primarily a growing organism that may encounter some problems

If the baby shows concern, you, as the owner, should immediately pay attention to this. Often breeders are faced with the question, why does a kitten constantly meow? In this article you will find the answer to it

There may be several reasons for this behavior; as soon as you figure out which one applies to your pet, you will be able to quickly find a solution.

1. Difficult adaptation Moving to a new home is stressful for a kitten. If you have just taken him away from his mother and other kittens, then he may meow for this very reason. Very young kittens, which are not yet two months old, are especially susceptible to this stress. The solution to the problem is not difficult - you need to create conditions for him similar to those in which he lived with his mother cat. Prepare a warm heating pad for him, wrapped in a soft cloth, preferably fluffy. This way he will feel warmth similar to his mother’s and will be able to quickly fall asleep. Give him as much attention as possible, and then he will understand that instead of his mother, she has a new breadwinner and protector - a person. As a rule, it takes several days to a week to adapt, then the kitten will be able to completely relax and understand that he is at home.

2. Lack of attention If the kitten has been living with you for more than a week, but still shows signs of anxiety and constantly meows, this is a reason to think about whether you are paying enough attention to it. Domestic cats are mostly social creatures; they constantly need to feel that they are not alone. Play with the kitten more, talk to it, make contact, even if it is a little afraid of you. In the latter situation, you should not be zealous and communicate with the kitten only when he himself shows interest in you. Buy or make toys for him so that he can have fun when you are not at home. Cats need very little to be happy!

3.Health problems As sad as it may be, such restless behavior may indicate health problems. The kitten feels bad and wants to somehow show it to the owner to the best of his ability. You need to observe your pet, first of all, paying attention to how regularly he eats and goes to the toilet. If the kitten is active, eats with appetite, and goes to the toilet regularly, then most likely health problems are not your case, carefully re-read the first two points again. Most often, kittens “complain” about problems with digestion, because in the new home he has switched to new food, and the body needs to somehow get used to it. Stroke the kitten's tummy often, just as the mother cat did when she licked him. This massage perfectly stimulates the digestive system.

When a long-awaited mewing creature appears in the house, in addition to joy, many worries emerge. One of which is why does the kitten constantly meow? Most owners become concerned when the timbre of the voice changes or if the pet begins to meow at night. Zoologists say that a change in timbre may indicate that the animal is hungry or is bothered by something, or wants to go to the toilet. In our article we will talk about what to do if a cat constantly meows, and how the owner should react to this.

The reasons why kittens meow are different from why adult cats meow:

Sometimes he says that he is stressed, especially if he has just been taken into the house. In this case, you need to let the animal get used to it and leave it alone. A common reason if a kitten has just been taken into the home is that it is feeling hungry.

The fact is that the animal does not know where the bowl or toilet is; the baby is not yet accustomed to the location. When a kitten meows, it means that you need to play with it, as if in this way it attracts attention. If kittens meow outside the door at night, then you shouldn’t indulge them in this. Otherwise, it may become a habit, he will understand that he is being played with

Then the cat will react in a similar way. Most of all, it is an expression of love.

How to distinguish between a healthy night wakefulness and a sick pet

When a pet screams all night, doesn’t sleep and doesn’t let anyone do it, the caring owner wonders if something is bothering him. How to understand where he is healthy and asks for attention, and where he complains about his deplorable condition.

A sick animal, as a rule, meows with altered intonation. She begins to yelp or howl. He is always looking for a place, wants to climb somewhere, walks around the house and meows, cannot sit or lie down quietly.

Screams of young cats and cats

Young, sexually mature, uncastrated cats begin their calls closer to spring - in February or March, calling for a partner. If you do not plan to get offspring from your animal, the easiest way to stop nocturnal yelling is to castrate your pet.

By doing this, you will only improve the quality of his life, eliminating possible negative consequences (pyometra in cats, territorial markings of cats), and lengthen his life.

Other causes of loud screaming may include:

The desire to attract attention - this is how cats can beg for a treat, demand to open a closed door, demand to play.

Anxious state - cats sense the approach of a natural disaster or weather change within a few days, and can scream to wake up their owners if there is a fire in the house or with neighbors.

The struggle for dominance in a pride - if there are several cats in the house and more than one stud cat, a young cat can find out with an older one “who is boss” even without a fight, just loud screams.

Not everyone reacts to the behavior of their owners; unfortunately, owners treat their pets adequately. If a cat is beaten or shouted at, then in response the cat may begin to show aggression towards the owner (pressed ears, raised fur on the spine, a heart-rending scream coupled with jumping sideways - indicate that the cat perceives the owner as an enemy, which must be driven away).

What to do?

A distraction strategy can stop the night cries of a young animal that are not associated with a spring hormonal surge: keep the cat awake in the evening, amusing him and yourself with active play with running around and simulating hunting; before going to bed, feed him generously, preferably meat (it takes longer to digest).

If this does not help, you can use plant-based drops (Cat Bayun), the Feliway system, or other sedatives.

When getting a pet, you need to remember that it is easier to teach than to retrain. If you don’t want problems with a cat crying at night, teach your baby order from the first day in the house.

What products help a cat during estrus?

As noted above, there are sedatives that help cope with desire, but do not completely eliminate it. These include: “Fitex”, “Cot-Bayun”, which contain herbal extracts, as well as “Stop-stress”, which contains various chemical components. Regardless of which drug you choose, the effect will be the same - the cat will become passive, lethargic, and sleep a lot.

Fitex helps a cat cope with desire

It is also appropriate to use drugs that are sold in a regular pharmacy. For example, tablets with valerian extract, which, although they cannot stop the release of hormones in an animal, are quite capable of calming it down. Taking one tablet twice a day will make your cat want to sleep, which means it will make much less noise.

You can try using birth control drops. To do this, you need to put 2 drops under your pet’s tongue or into her food, and after making sure that she has eaten everything, take her for mating after 4 hours. This way you can satisfy the cat's needs and avoid the cat bearing offspring. However, you should give such drops to your pet strictly on the recommendation of a veterinarian, who will indicate how to use them correctly. It is also worth noting that it is not recommended to abuse funds of this kind.

The Sex Barrier will help prevent your cat from going into heat.

Hormonal agents such as “Stop-Sex”, “Ex-5”, “Sex Barrier” and others, which are given to the animal strictly according to the regimen recommended by the veterinarian, will help prevent a cat from going into heat. Often, taking such medications is not without consequences, and as a result, severe hormonal imbalance.

Important! Hormonal drugs should be used extremely rarely to avoid breast disease and uterine cancer.

In addition, it makes sense to consult a veterinarian about what to do if a domestic cat wants a cat, and which of the above methods he will recommend using. Typically, veterinarians are supporters of sterilization, which helps to forget forever about the question of what to do during the period of heat when the cat screams and wants a cat. However, only you can decide which method will be the most acceptable and humane for your pet.

The first reason is hormonal surges

Who is unfamiliar with cat “songs” on the street from the very beginning of March? It’s good when the apartment has modern windows: close it and there are no problems. It is much worse if the “songs” are heard from the next room. What to do? The cat yells at night for a reason. Most likely, this is due specifically to sexual hunting. If the animal has not been sterilized, it will give regular concerts. You should not use physical force on your pet; he does not scream to annoy you. This is a message to the other half that he is full of strength and ready to reproduce. Moreover, the instincts are so strong that it is useless to try to suppress them, you can only wait out this period.

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