Doberman's diet at home: 5 best foods and menu for the week

The Doberman is an excellent watchdog and hunting dog. Owners love the dog for its loyalty, playfulness, elegant appearance, as well as for the qualities inherent in this dog breed. The owner, in turn, is required to organize proper care, education, walking and adherence to the principles and feeding regime. This article will talk about the basic rules of nutrition, choosing the type of food, dry and natural food for different age categories, as well as what is not recommended to feed your pet.

Basic Rules

The Doberman, like any other dog, is a predator and meat must be present in its diet.

As for feeding conditions, ideal generally accepted standards, as a rule, do not exist, because each dog has its own needs and preferences, which can only be determined during the maintenance process. Puppies and adolescents are usually given larger amounts of food and older dogs less to prevent the risk of obesity.

It is not advisable to give the Doberman bones, and before directly feeding the dog, the dog must be walked, since the process of processing food in the stomach can last 6-7 hours and during this time the Doberman should not experience physical activity.

It is important to fully adhere to the chosen nutritional principle and not give your pet anything between main meals. This habit must be instilled from puppyhood.

It is necessary to monitor the complex content of nutrients, vitamins and microelements in the feed. This is important for maintaining a healthy Doberman.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, salt, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium - all this must be present. It is also necessary to ensure that there is always a filled bowl of clean water at room temperature next to food.

Every dog ​​owner must adhere to simple rules, because unbalanced and improper nutrition is a kind of signal for the formation and development of various diseases caused by both excessive feeding of the dog and insufficient food intake and lack of vital vitamins.

It is necessary to develop a temporary diet for the Doberman in which the dog will feel good without harm to its health.

Belcando Junior Maxi for large and giant breed puppies from 3 to 18 months (15 kg)

Many experts recommend Belcando Junior, made in Germany, for large dogs. Its composition is rich in a high content of poultry meat, in addition to easily digestible rice, which helps good digestion and absorption of useful components. The recipe contains carob fruits, which contain tannins and substances important for life that have an effect on proper digestion. Belongs to the super premium class.


  • A complete, balanced complex of nutrients.
  • Healthy pet.
  • Convenient, economical packaging.
  • A wide range of.
  • Availability.
  • German quality.


  • Causes an allergic reaction.
  • Not all dogs like it.
  • Not sold in all Russian cities.
  • Composition with sodium chloride.
  • Large granules of strange color.
  • Poor combination with vitamins and other products.
  • There is a minimum of meat, but a maximum of cereals.

Food selection

From a medical point of view, there is no clear answer to the question of feeding option. There is dry and natural food. Each of them has both supporters and opponents.

For example, supporters of natural food argue their position by the fact that its composition already contains everything that a Doberman needs for normal life.

Adherents of dry food are of the opinion that the food contains all the beneficial substances without the dog having to prepare his own food, which is very convenient.

The only point is that you should not buy food in the budget category, since it is often made from the cheapest raw materials with the addition of a large amount of dyes.

When choosing natural food, you need to adhere to certain rules, which will be discussed a little later.


Dobermans are prone to cardiac and gastric diseases caused by an excess of solid particles and improper organization of the nutritional process.
Animals have a weak joint-ligament system, which requires large amounts of protein to be added to the diet. Puppies need vitamin supplements, calcium, and glucosamine. Take the Attention Test! Find 10 differences! (click right here!)

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For individuals weighing up to 23 kg, buy dry and semi-dry food of the highest quality. Dietary types are suitable for overweight pets. It is important not to overfeed the dog. Most premium varieties contain the necessary additives and microelements.

Be sure to read the composition of the product so as not to harm your pet.

How many times a day should you feed your dog?

This indicator directly depends on the age of the dog, and the total volume of one serving depends on the weight. For puppies up to 6 months, 4 meals a day are provided, from six months to 1 year - 3 times.

Adult Dobermans are fed 2 times a day - morning and evening. If the Doberman is on natural feeding, then the daily amount of food should correspond to a value equal to approximately 4% of the dog’s weight.

In puppies this figure ranges from 5 to 7%. With dry food everything is much simpler: all the information of interest is written in detail on the packaging.

Royal Canin Maxi Adult dry for large breed dogs, 15 kg

The animal receives a complete diet thanks to Royal Canin. It is designed for individuals weighing from 26 to 44 kilograms, aged from 15 months to 5 years. Its dry granules contain a unique complex of nutrients that helps the digestive system function optimally. They contain a lot of protein, creating a balance with dietary fiber. Royal has natural taste properties with an aroma that evokes excellent appetite in our smaller four-legged brothers. Category: premium.


  • Balanced composition.
  • High quality.
  • Promotes good digestion.
  • Maintaining optimal shape and weight.
  • Healthy coat, skin, teeth.
  • Convenient, practical packaging.
  • The pet likes it.
  • Gives activity.
  • The crackers smell nice.


  • The packaging is made of paper and does not close after opening.
  • Unattractive looking bag of granules.
  • Possible only from 15 months to 5 years.

Dry food rating of the best

Savara Adult All Breeds Dogs Turkey

The food is a universal food for dogs. It is based on natural turkey meat, oats, barley, brown rice, peas and flax seeds. This hypoallergenic product is easily digested, and all nutrients are absorbed in the body.

There are vitamins A, B, as well as sodium, which is responsible for metabolism and enriches the blood plasma. The Doberman will always be mobile, active and healthy.

Advantages of the food: reasonable cost, presence of a meat component, absence of dyes and preservatives, contains the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Disadvantages: not available for free sale.

Go! Daily defense lamb dog recipe

Contains lamb meat, brown rice, oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, which supply the Doberman with the carbohydrates necessary for an active life. In addition to these substances, there are minerals and other important components that have a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system, normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and heart muscle.

Advantages of the food: versatility, safety for health, meat content, optimal combination of nutrients, absence of dyes and preservatives, improved coat condition, reasonable cost.

Disadvantages: not available for free sale.

Brit premium adult

It is characterized by the lion's content of meat (about half of the total composition). Also among the ingredients are fat, rice, chicken meal, and corn. Brit is officially approved by experts and completely replaces complete food.

Advantages of the food: convenient packaging, balanced, hypoallergenic.

Disadvantages: not a universal food.

Essential Foods

European-made food with a perfectly balanced composition, where the main ingredient is meat. Its distinctive feature is heat treatment at a modest temperature = 90 degrees. This helps preserve the value of all nutrients.

Advantages of the food: high meat content, European quality, production using unique modern technology, it contains only natural products.

Disadvantages: not available for free sale.

Gosbi Exclusive Grain Free

Perfect for Doberman puppies. It does not contain grains, so it retains its natural taste. The complex composition includes antioxidants that protect your Doberman puppy from health problems. Dogs Chowc with turkey meat is intended for puppies weighing up to 14 kg. Protects and strengthens the immune system, activates growth, mental and physical activity, and improves digestion.

Bosch Junior food with lamb

Intended for babies under 1 year old with the advantage of containing substances. necessary for the development and proper formation of bones and teeth.

Premium class

As a rule, food in this class does not indicate the percentage of ingredients and what part of the meat was used. Wheat and corn usually act as carbohydrates. The vitamin and mineral complex is very diverse and is always better than economy.


The protein source of food is always heart, liver, fish, rice, and potatoes. Wheat and corn are missing. Antioxidant substances must be of natural origin. In addition, super premium foods are more varied than premium foods. There may be several types of meat and an expanded composition of microelements.


The food does not contain gluten and protein. The basis is fish and a vitamin diet, which is more interesting than the presented foods.

When developing holistic food, experts adhered to the strategy of using it in the preparation of human food.

For allergy sufferers

Such products undergo special control. The food must contain protein. Soy, wheat, oatmeal and yeast are not commonly used.

For spayed and neutered Dobermanns

Holistic foods are suitable due to the content of the main ingredient, lipids, and carbohydrates.

Diets for the elderly

Food for older Dobermans should be as balanced as possible, easily digestible, nutritious, and contain fish oil, amino acids, proteins, and biotin. Particular attention is paid to maintaining bone tissue, hair, teeth, immunity, blood vessels and the heart.

General recommendations

Naturalists are increasingly leaning toward BARF, an acronym for Bones and Raw Food . The author of the concept is a veterinarian from Australia, Ian Billinghurst, who is confident that dogs require food that is as close as possible in composition/structure to the food of their wild ancestors. Simply put, the dog is given raw food (mostly in whole pieces).

Healthy eating rules

Proponents of BARF start from the well-known fact: the dog is a predator with sharp teeth designed for tearing/chewing prey, as well as a large stomach and a shortened digestive tract, where meat and bones are completely digested.

Owners who switched their pets from ready-made food to BARF note the following positive changes:

  • bad odor from the mouth disappears, tartar does not form;
  • no allergic manifestations (itching, ear infections, hair problems);
  • the symptoms of arthritis are smoothed out, mobility and activity appear;
  • weight returns to normal;
  • problems with the anal glands disappear;
  • stool normalizes (no constipation/diarrhea);
  • Bitches tolerate pregnancy and childbirth easier.

Important ! A biologically natural diet for dogs consists of products that are close to the prey of wild predators, but do not replicate it.

Natural nutrition

The BARF feeding base is primarily raw meat bones, far from those beef bones that are thrown to dogs for gnawing.

Meat bones

The main requirement is that they must be raw and have 50% meat . These can be whole bird carcasses (chicken/turkey), their necks, backs and wings, as well as ox tails, soft lamb/beef bones and more.

Raw meat

Muscle meat (veal, beef, lamb, rabbit and venison) is an integral, but not a determining part of the diet. Billinghurst considered the opinion that the dog’s diet was exclusively protein (meat) to be erroneous. Occasionally, Dobermans are given whole raw fish.


The heart, kidneys, liver, rumen and other internal organs (where there are many enzymes and valuable substances) account for 15% of the diet. By-products are given no more than 1–2 rubles. in Week.

Important ! Offal must be included in the menu of growing Dobermans, pregnant/lactating bitches, as well as pets with physical and psychological stress.


Cabbage, potatoes, eggplants, avocados and tomatoes are recommended in small doses. Constantly and in any volume you can feed with such vegetables as:

  • beets and carrots;
  • spinach, zucchini;
  • celery;
  • pumpkin;
  • leaf salad;
  • Bell pepper;
  • green beans.

It is better to chop/press vegetables to a puree (to destroy the cellular structure), since fiber is not digested in dogs due to the lack of the necessary enzymes.


Any fruit that is not particularly sugary and does not cause allergies is suitable. They diversify the dog's table, delivering taste pleasure.

Fermented milk products

Both fatty (more than 9%) and low-fat fermented milk products are harmful. The most useful are cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5–9%, yogurt up to 7 days of storage, and kefir with a fat content of no more than 3.5%. Sweet/fruit yoghurts and fermented baked milk are excluded.


They contain natural minerals and vitamins.

To enrich the BARF diet use:

  • dill and parsley;
  • nettle;
  • alfalfa;
  • flax seeds;
  • dandelion;
  • seaweed (flour from them).

Important! If desired, you can flavor your food with vitamins, as well as omega 3 and 6 acids, which are found in fish oil, cod liver and oil (linseed/olive).

Dry and/or wet food

Unfortunately, not all Doberman owners (due to laziness or lack of time) are ready to follow the principles of BARF nutrition. If you are focusing on factory products, give preference to dry granules rather than wet food, which is full of preservatives . Ignore food below the super premium class, but rather buy packages marked “holistic”.

Pedigree feed lines

It is important to find healthy food for a young Doberman whose backbone is just forming. Good food is the key to his health and the prevention of diseases, including rickets.

Products suitable for puppies include:

  • Orijen Puppy Large;
  • Innova Puppy Dry Puppy Food;
  • Nutro Ultra Holistic Puppy;
  • Chicken Soup For The Puppy Lover's Soul;
  • Acana Puppy Large breed;
  • Acana Puppy Small Breed;
  • Innova Large Breed Puppy Dry.

Soon you will need dry food for juniors and a little later - a line of food for adult dogs. It can be:

  • Acana Pacifica;
  • Orijen 6 Fresh Fish;
  • Innova EVO Red Meat;
  • Acana Grasslands;
  • Innova EVO Reduced Fat;
  • Canidae Beef & Fish;
  • Orijen Adult;
  • Acana Prairie Harvest.

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Natural nutrition

How to properly create a natural food menu. With this choice of food type, an adult Doberman is fed as follows:

  1. Unprocessed meat (except pork). The advantage goes to the pieces where the connective tissue is located.
  2. Second course (rice, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal).
  3. Vegetables (zucchini, carrots, beets, cabbage).
  4. Dairy products (except milk).

You can add 1 egg to the food ration and periodically replace meat products with pre-processed fish.

It should be noted that the change in feeding regimes from dry to natural occurs gradually. This must be taken into account so that the dog’s stomach has time to adapt to the new food. The average transition time is 2 weeks.

The frequency of feeding dogs is as follows:

  • 1-3 months = 6 times a day;
  • 4-6 months = 5 times a day;
  • 6-8 months = 4 times a day;
  • 9-10 months = 2 times a day.

Sample menu for the week

A weekly menu, including specialized food, can be compiled according to the instructions on the package. Usually everything is calculated taking into account the weight of the Doberman. But with natural menu items they act differently.

You need to create a complete menu for your dog. The universal one looks like this:

Day of the weekRecommended food
MondayIn the morning, milk porridge with a boiled egg. In the evening, broth with minced meat and pumpkin, carrots.
TuesdayIn the morning, boiled vegetables with pieces of meat. In the evening, tender cottage cheese with dried fruits or apple slices.
WednesdayIn the morning, minced beef or pork with beets. In the evening, milk porridge with fermented baked milk or yogurt.
ThursdayIn the morning, fish and vegetables chopped in a blender. In the evening, yogurt or yogurt.
FridayIn the morning, boiled liver and stewed cabbage. In the evening, oatmeal with bran.
SaturdayIn the morning, any porridge with fish and butter. In the evening, rice with minced turkey or chicken.
SundayIn the morning, buckwheat with beef, onions and carrots. In the evening fresh cottage cheese and fresh berries and fruits.

This menu takes into account all the needs of the dog’s body. However, this weekly menu may vary depending on the food preferences of a particular animal. Be sure to delight your four-legged friend with food that he likes. This will make the dog happier and more energetic.

Diet of pregnant and lactating bitches

In order for Dobermans to have a successful pregnancy and lactation period, it is necessary to eat food containing fiber. It is allowed to give the dog fresh vegetables, kefir, and cottage cheese. The presence of fish oil will also be useful. If the food is truly balanced, then there is no need to buy additional vitamin supplements, since the necessary substances will already be supplied to the body with food, and oversaturation with microelements, on the contrary, can play a cruel joke. It is advisable to minimize the intake of calcium in food during the final stage of Doberman pregnancy.

Regardless of the type of Doberman food chosen, owners should ensure there is water in the bowl.

High-quality food is the key to the health of a pregnant dog and small offspring.

Purina Pro Plan Optiderma for Healthy Skin and Coat, Salmon with Rice, 14 kg (Large Breeds)

A healthy body and the well-being of an animal are the result of its optimal nutrition. Purina Pro Plan was developed by Russian veterinarians and nutritionists. The composition includes specially selected nutritional components for four-legged pets of different sizes, weights and ages. It suits even special preferences and keeps the animal in excellent condition. Belongs to the premium class.


  • Decent composition.
  • Wide range for any age, size.
  • Nutritious with all the vitamin complex.


  • Flavoring additive.
  • Doesn't cause much appetite.
  • Not available everywhere.
  • Creates increased gas formation.

What not to feed

Doberman Pinschers should not eat the following foods:

  • potatoes in any form, since the starch they contain is not digestible;
  • sweets due to the content of large amounts of sugar, the excess of which provokes the development of diabetes in dogs;
  • pearl barley, semolina, corn porridge due to possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • flour products, which often cause improper bowel function;
  • meat bones due to the risk of injury to the jaw and internal organs;
  • semi-finished products, sausage, sausages, canned foods, as this can lead to gastritis with its unpleasant consequences.

Almo Nature Holistic beef 12 kg (for large breeds)

Italian crackers of excellent quality with meat additives do not violate European standards. They have the aroma of real meat, causing an excellent appetite in your beloved pet. They contain protein, but in minimal quantities. The animal receives adequate nutrition by consuming it regularly. Almo Nature belongs to the super premium category.


  • Dogs love its taste.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Wide range of tastes.
  • Fresh natural ingredients.
  • There are no artificial additives, dyes, preservatives, or flavors.


  • Sometimes causes hair loss.
  • The pet may refuse to eat it.

Treats for Dobermans

Why do Dobermans need treats anyway? Most often they are used to praise the Doberman for correctly executed commands and obedience, because the Doberman will do everything to get the coveted yummy.

They can also be used when the dog needs to be given medicine, the smell of which, to put it mildly, the Doberman does not like. Treats can distract the dog for a while if the owner needs to leave for a while. And the delicacy is often bought for prophylactic purposes - preventing the formation of tartar.

You can give: a bag of dried fish, training snacks, toothpick sticks. From the home menu, you are allowed to treat your dog to an apple, carrot, cucumber, banana and pear. The only important thing to remember here is that no delicacy can replace main meals.

Brit Care lamb with rice 12 kg (for large breeds)

The food is produced in the Czech Republic. It is rich in protein due to the significant amount of natural meat and fish in the recipe. Rice is used, enriching the body with carbohydrates, including fish and chicken oil, which produce fatty acids. Brit Care is most useful for large breeds, because its components prevent joint diseases - a problem for many large four-legged pets. Premium and super - premium class.


  • Vitamins and minerals in balance.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Nice smell.
  • Causes a huge appetite.
  • Optimal size granules.
  • High quality.
  • For a healthy pet's body.

Vitamin supplements

Vitamin supplements should be included in every dog's diet to maintain health. Not all substances are absorbed along with food, so it is recommended to purchase additional complexes. Some of the most popular will be discussed below.

Before purchasing a vitamin complex, you should consult a specialist. It is necessary to take into account the tendency to diseases, based on which useful substances are selected. For example, general action complexes have a beneficial effect on all body systems, strengthen the immune system, promote the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, urinary and nervous systems, and support the health of the coat.

Excel brewers yeast 8in1

A complex containing brewer's yeast, garlic, B vitamins, amino acids. It is aimed at eliminating allergic reactions, treating the skin and fur, and promoting an accelerated molting process. It has a pleasant taste and goes well with any diet.

Beaphar duo-active paste for dogs

This is a paste that contains all the elements for the normal functioning of the Doberman. Its main focus is a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora, expulsion of parasites and recovery after a course of antibiotics. In addition, the drug perfectly supports the body’s defenses and preserves the shine of the dog’s coat.

Chondoprotector for dogs Gelakan - fast

Its action is aimed at protecting bone tissue and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is often used for mechanical damage and impaired mobility.

Beaphar doggys senior

Designed to increase the strength of teeth and bones, normalize cardiac activity and give beautiful coat. Recommended for purchase for Dobermanns over 7 years old.

Unitabs brewers complex

Used to regulate metabolic processes in the body and moisturize the skin. With regular use, it provides the daily requirement for vitamins.


CHAPPI is produced in Russia for economy class. It contains cereals, which are considered the best sources of carbohydrates. Proteins are present in the form of meat and offal. Use vegetables, for example, carrots, vegetable oils. CHAPPI is convenient because there is no need to add vitamins to it; they are already contained in sufficient quantities.


  • Wide availability.
  • Nutritious food.
  • Does not cause constipation in the animal.
  • Decent quality.
  • Promotes healthy appearance of coat and teeth.
  • Doggies like it.
  • There are no artificial flavors or flavor enhancers.


  • Treatment of the animal after eating these dry granules.
  • Bad composition.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Hair falls out.
  • Bloating.
  • Not suitable for all individuals.
  • Unattractive packaging.


Vladimir, 35 years old, Vologda

“My “baby” is already 5 years old. At first they fed them natural products. And it fell off the table. They drank problems to the fullest. He was often tormented by diarrhea and vomiting. We went outside and he ate grass. I cleaned my stomach. We fiddled around for a long time. There was no contact from the veterinarian. In the end, the doctor said to transfer him to holistic medicine. What can I say... there were no problems. He eats it with great pleasure. Expensive, of course. But the peace of mind for the whole family is worth it.”

Olga, 43 years old, Kovrov

“I am only for natural food. The children gave me Baron a year ago. I am preparing a large pot for two days. You have to watch both your diet and his. It was difficult at first. Up to a year, you need to especially carefully monitor your diet, adding new foods. It's easier now. The menu is quite monotonous. The main thing is to give meat. Dobermans cannot live without this.”

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