What to feed French bulldogs at home - weekly menu, what can and cannot be given to a dog

French bulldogs are very popular: small children like them, they touch their owners with their faces and interesting facial expressions. When starting this breed of dog with Please understand that they require special care, you also need to know what to feed your French Bulldog. Proper nutrition for a pet is the most important and pressing topic for every dog ​​owner.

This article will tell you what you can feed a French bulldog , how to properly create a diet, and what nutritional features this breed of dog has. As a rule, most people try to get newly born dogs, so special attention in the article will be paid to what to feed a French bulldog puppy . Read about the features of the French Bulldog breed in our special article.

Organizing a feeding area

The French bulldog, like other dogs living in the house, needs its own personal place in which the pet will rest and eat. The requirements for such space are as follows:

  • It should not be placed in high traffic areas. A pet needs comfort. And if people constantly cross and step over his resting place, the dog will be tense;
  • you need to make sure that there are no drafts;
  • For bowls, it is better to buy a metal stand with the ability to adjust the height.

The best option is the corner zone. The French Bulldog's resting space should be constant; there is no need to place the bowl in different places.

It is also important to consider the convenience of the dishes in which food is served. In total, you need two bowls - the first for drinking, the second for eating. It is best to buy durable metal bowls. A small bulldog will chew through plastic plates.


When choosing between dry and wet food, you need to rely on your dog's preferences. Industrial feed is completely ready for consumption. Wet food is sold in individual tin or plastic packaging. You need to carefully ensure that the pate is fresh; you should not store it in a bowl for more than two hours. The servings should be enough for one meal. The dog must have free access to water around the clock. The daily intake, depending on age and weight, can be found in a special table on the food packaging.

It is believed that higher-class food has more calories and is consumed more slowly than economy-class food.

Feeding a French Bulldog puppy by month

From 1 to 3 months

In the first month of a French bulldog puppy’s life, the mother feeds her milk. It is allowed to additionally feed the baby with half a teaspoon of chopped lean meat, 20 grams of cottage cheese (also with a low fat content), grated or boiled vegetables.

At one and a half months, the puppy is allowed to eat raw liver, but in small quantities.

A three-month-old puppy can already eat a full menu - meat, cereals, vegetables and cottage cheese. No more than once a week you need to add cartilage and sugar beef bones to your baby’s diet.

The frequency of feeding a puppy from 1 to 3 months of life is 5-6 times per day.

From 4 to 6 months

From the age of four months, the frequency of feeding a bulldog puppy decreases to 4 times a day. At 5-6 months, the number of daily feedings is 3 times.

The puppy's serving size will become larger, since the baby is actively gaining weight every month. During this period, he needs a varied menu, which will include cereals, fiber, meat and boiled fish (raw fish is not allowed).

From 7 to 9 months

At seven months, the baby is still fed three times a day. And from the age of eight months - twice, and this frequency becomes constant in the future. During this period, the Frenchie puppy requires the same varied, balanced menu.

From 10 months to 1 year

During this period, the puppy becomes almost an adult. His “adult” diet should consist of a sufficient amount of protein. You should not feed your bulldog fatty, heavy food, as Frenchies are prone to rapid weight gain. Obesity will cause serious health problems for your four-legged friend.

What's the harm?

After the dog grows up and weans from the female mother, the enzyme that promotes the digestibility of milk stops being produced.

Possible complications:

  • indigestion (diarrhea, vomiting, painful spasms, increased gas formation);
  • allergic symptoms (swelling, itching, redness of the skin, peeling, hair loss, lacrimation, discharge from the nose and ears);
  • excessive load on the liver;
  • excess calcium and associated pathologies.

Dogs react differently, some drink milk throughout their lives without negative consequences. If the dog himself refuses to consume milk, there is no need to force him.

Products prohibited for dogs can cause significant harm to health, such as:

  • fermented milk drinks tan, ayran (contain salt);
  • condensed milk and ice cream (contain sugar);
  • soy product analogue (soy is contraindicated).

The owner must properly organize the main dog diet and acceptable treats, monitor the well-being of the ward, and immediately contact a veterinarian if there are alarming signs.

Natural food for an adult dog

Eating natural foods does not mean that the French Bulldog needs to put food from the human table in its bowl. This means separately prepared food that does not contain salt, chemical additives or seasonings. Additionally, the bulldog requires vitamins and minerals. Further in the article, how to properly feed a Frenchie if he is on a natural diet.

Vegetables and fruits

Fiber is an indispensable element of the French diet, but cannot become its main component. Vegetables can be served both raw and boiled. Vegetables allowed for a Frenchman include:

  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin.

Fruits are another source of fiber for your French Bulldog. Your pet can eat apples, peaches (without pits) and bananas. Sometimes you can feed your four-legged friend cherries, but also pitted.

Porridge (cereals)

French bulldogs love porridge cooked with milk. You can serve the finished porridge with butter or with pieces of beef, boiled fish or vegetables.

Cereals that are fed to the French bulldog at home are buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal.


This is the main part of the French Bulldog menu. It accounts for more than 50 percent of the dog's total diet. Chicken is one of the most common types of meat in a bulldog’s diet, but in addition to it, a bulldog can eat lean beef, rabbit and turkey. Frenchies are rarely fed pork because it is very fatty.

It is allowed to replace meat with meat offal. For example, the liver, heart or lungs. By-products must be boiled or treated with boiling water before serving.


French bulldogs are fed fish at home, but it should not be the main source of protein for the animal.

The French can eat both sea and river fish. However, in the first case, the risk of helminth infection is quite high. To avoid this, you should always boil the fish or freeze it for at least two days before serving.

Franz is allowed to feed the meat of the following fish:

  • pike;
  • capelin;
  • hake;
  • carp;
  • herring;
  • perch;
  • bream;
  • carp

As for seafood, it causes severe allergies in the Frenchman, so they should not be given. The only exception is shrimp.


Milk is another important element of the French diet. But not all bulldogs like fermented milk products, and for some they cause indigestion and flatulence.

If your pet loves milk, you need to add kefir (with a low fat content), cottage cheese, fermented baked milk and yogurt to his menu. Dyspeptic disorders often occur in the French from milk.

How to feed

Adult dogs are sometimes given milk if the product was introduced into the diet from puppyhood and does not cause negative consequences. The fat content should not exceed 2.5%; the fatty drink is diluted with boiled water. A single dose should not exceed 250 ml. The product is not used in the preparation of cereal porridges.

Pet stores sell a lactose-free milk drink, an option for animals with lactose intolerance.

You should consult your veterinarian regarding feeding your pet.

Dry food for an adult Frenchie - which one is better?

Dry food for Frenchies has many advantages. For example, it is convenient to feed them at home, it is stored much longer, and carefully made granules contain as many useful components as the pet needs.

According to experienced owners, Frenchies should be fed dry food of at least premium quality. Ideal – super-premium and holistic. Special hypoallergenic food is produced for dogs with allergies. Their budget varieties are not only meager in composition, but also affect the health of the four-legged animal.

The best brands of dry food to feed your Frenchie include:

  1. "Grandofr".
  2. Royal Canin.
  3. "Acana".
  4. "1st Choice"
  5. "Go!"
  6. Farmina N&D.

Natural food

Feeding your French Bulldog at home has both pros and cons. The benefits of natural food are undeniable. It is also more pleasant for the dog to eat different foods, while “drying” has only 3-4 tastes. However, balancing your diet on your own is very difficult.

When feeding natural food, the choice of food is especially careful. Unsuitable products provoke allergies, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity, diseases of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs.

Is it possible to give a bulldog


The Frenchie is allowed to feed one egg per week. His body digests egg yolk better. It is better to mix it with other foods, such as porridge or salad.


Franz is fed any bones, except tubular chicken and bones of other birds. The fact is that they can damage the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Franz eats the bones raw. Boiled ones do not contain useful substances.


It is possible, but rarely, and only as a small treat. French Bulldogs are often fed pieces of cheese during training.

Raw meat

Before serving, raw meat must be treated with boiling water or boiled.


Liver is a useful by-product. But it needs to be boiled. Raw liver is a natural laxative for animals. In addition, raw offal may contain parasite eggs.


Adult Frenchies do not digest milk well, so it is better to feed them fermented milk products.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein. You need to choose a product with a low fat content.


French pugs can be given potatoes, but only raw and infrequently. It is better to grate the potatoes and add them to the main dish. There is no need to feed your Frenchie old potatoes and green tubers.

Allowed treats for this breed

It is allowed to pamper the French bulldog every day with special treats; they can be natural or ready-made, which are sold in pet stores. What you can eat as treats:

  • yeast-free crackers or bread;
  • pieces of hard cheese;
  • raw ribs;
  • fruits.

But the most desirable for such dogs are beef tails and large bones, but they should only be given under human supervision, making sure that the pet is not injured by bone fragments.

Remember, the health and mood of the pet depends on the owner; he needs attention and constant communication with the person. And by taking care of your dog’s proper nutrition, you can extend its life for many more years.

Weekly menu for a French bulldog

A sample weekly menu containing a number of recipes for the French Bulldog:

  1. Monday: in the morning - milk rice porridge with butter, in the evening - boiled turkey meat with fresh bell pepper.
  2. Tuesday: in the morning - homemade cottage cheese with cherries, in the evening - heat-treated liver and boiled carrots.
  3. Wednesday: in the morning - buckwheat porridge with vegetable oil, in the evening - chicken with zucchini.
  4. Thursday: in the morning - yogurt and apple slices, in the evening - boiled sea fish with buckwheat porridge.
  5. Friday: in the morning - milk rice porridge, in the evening - lean beef with herbs and cabbage.
  6. Saturday: in the morning - cottage cheese with a spoon of honey, in the evening - turkey, chicken yolk and boiled carrots.
  7. Sunday: in the morning - oatmeal with bananas, in the evening - chicken with buckwheat.

For allergies

French bulldogs are prone to allergies, so the menu must be tailored individually for each dog. Scratching on the skin, redness of the mucous membranes, dark plaque on the ears - all this is an allergic reaction. Strong allergens are considered:

  1. Chicken meat.
  2. Corn.
  3. Fish.
  4. Dairy products.
  5. Vegetables fruits.

By gradually eliminating these foods from the diet, you can understand what dogs react to and create the right menu.

What can't a French eat?

A French Bulldog should not be fed the following foods at home:

  • tubular bones of chicken and other birds;
  • peas, beans and other legumes;
  • bread and any flour products;
  • pork meat;
  • sauces, seasonings;
  • sausage;
  • fatty, smoked dishes;
  • sausages;
  • sweets.

All ready-made food is divided into several classes:

Economy class

Made from low quality products, such as hides, bones, hooves, etc. There is no natural meat in them. Most of the food consists of plant components (soybeans, corn, grain). Such food has virtually no benefit. They do not contain the necessary nutrients, but they do have flavor enhancers and flavorings.

Economy feeds are always given along with vitamins.

The French Bulldog cannot be fed with ready-made economy-class food.

The most common economy class brands:

  • Pedigree;
  • Chappi;
  • Darling.

Premium class

Premium food contains a large amount of by-products, but there is also some meat. There are much fewer plant components in them than in economical ones. It is not recommended to feed French Bulldogs this type of food.

Common representatives:

  • ProPlan;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Purina ONE.

Super premium class

These foods can be given to your French Bulldog. They contain approximately 30% meat. It also contains by-products, but these are not hooves and skins, but liver, hearts, etc. All components are balanced, there are vitamins, and usually there are no various flavors. The only disadvantage of this food is the fairly high price.

The most popular brands:

  • Bosch;
  • Nutram;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Brit Care.
  • Arden Grange


These are the most expensive and high-quality feeds. There are no by-products - only natural meat. Nutrients come from vegetables, fruits, and berries. Ideal for feeding your pet. Both puppies and adults can eat it. The most common companies:

  • Acana;
  • Now Fresh;
  • Pronature Holistic.

Thus, there is no way to save money when feeding dry food. The French bulldog is suitable for super premium or holistic food. Cheap classes of food contain soy, they lack vitamins, and contain components that are dangerous for dogs.

Diet of a pregnant dog and nutrition after birth

A French Bulldog's pregnancy lasts an average of nine weeks. At the beginning, that is, the first 3 weeks, there is no need to change the female’s diet. The only thing is to increase the calcium content (up to 70 mg per kilogram of weight) and phosphorus (up to 50 mg per kilogram). Sometimes additional intake of vitamins A and D is required. During pregnancy, a female Frenchie should be fed fermented milk more often.

After the first month of pregnancy, the female must be given more food than usual, and the feeding frequency will be up to three times a day. The amount of carbohydrates needs to be reduced. In the eighth week, the feeding frequency reaches 4 times a day. And at the end of pregnancy - 5-6 times.

Is there enough food?

Just because a dog begs doesn't mean it doesn't have enough food. You may have taught your pet to be a glutton. French bulldogs are low-active animals. Therefore, excess calories are not burned, but turn into fat. You know that obese people are prone to diseases. The same problems occur in obese dogs. The problem and its solution are described in the wonderful book of the English veterinarian J. Herriot, “On All Creatures Great and Small.”

Therefore, evaluate your dog’s food intake by his live weight and the condition of his ribs. Sit your dog down and feel his sides. If the ribs are sticking out, your dog is not getting enough food, add more. If the bones cannot be felt, punish the malingerer by reducing the portion.

I will answer questions in the comments.

Diet for older dogs

A French Bulldog is considered senior when it reaches seven years of age. If your pet eats ready-made pellets, it is enough to feed him special pellets for older dogs (the same brand that he is used to eating).

If an elderly Frenchman is on a natural diet, bones and excess fat are removed from his diet. The feeding rate is reduced. Increase the amount of boiled vegetables and lean meat given. During a snack, you can feed your Frenchie cottage cheese and kefir. The protein content does not change. Additionally, the elderly French Bulldog is given mineral supplements.

Owner reviews

Larisa: “I am the owner of a wonderful Bulka, but I have observed many others. If you feed him correctly, he will live happily into old age. Due to the tendency to allergies, it is easier to list what they can do than what they cannot. Dry food is only expensive. It is not true that the “Frenchies” are difficult to feed. Just don’t give him too many treats.”

Ekaterina: “We got a French bulldog Fedya after much thought, trained him to eat dry food, and since then it’s been a lottery: whether he will scratch his ears until they bleed or not. True, I often can’t resist treating him to something while I’m cooking.”

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