What should you do if your dog vomits food immediately after eating? Don't panic in advance, everything may be fine

The digestion process is complex and consists of several main and intermediate stages. A failure at a certain stage will lead to problems for subsequent ones, resulting in disruption of the entire digestive system .

So that your pet does not suffer from various types of problems related to food intake, and you do not rush from article to article in search of a solution, we have collected and structured all the necessary information in one place.

Time it takes for food to enter the stomach

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how long it takes for food to pass into the intestines and be digested. Let's divide it into subparagraphs:


The more you eat at one time, the longer it will take to digest. This is due to the ratio of the amount of food and the volume of secretion of gastric juice, bile, and digestive enzymes. Moreover, a large volume of food puts pressure on the walls of the stomach, which leads to increased blood pressure.

Nutrient type and consistency

  • Carbohydrates , foods of plant origin, cereals, etc., take longer to digest, since the length of the intestines in dogs, its microflora and the composition of enzymes are more suitable for quickly digesting foods of animal origin.
  • Squirrels . Digested much faster than any other nutrients. Their digestibility depends on the fat content of the meat; leaner meat is digested and absorbed more easily than pork and lamb.
  • Fats . Absorbed a little faster than proteins. The dog's body digests only animal fats, while vegetable fats are excreted in urine and feces. In other words, the more carbohydrates in a meal and the less fat and protein, the more food will be digested.

Liquid food , such as cereals, soups, broths, will be digested faster, since it has already been partially “digested” by the heat treatment process.


If your dog is fidgety, constantly on the move, and does not sit still, then he will digest food faster because he has an increased metabolic rate, as well as an increased need for these same substances.

Diseases and failures

If there is a problem with the digestive system, external signs (vomiting, expectoration, bloating) may not appear , but internal signs (bloating, constipation, dysbacteriosis) may be present and slow down the digestion of food.

Dog vomiting and refusing to eat

Physiological reasons often cause nausea in a pet. Stomach cramps occur as a result of:

  • changes in hormonal levels in pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • change of feed;
  • allergic reaction;
  • overeating or getting air with food when swallowing hastily;
  • eating grass, raw vegetables, cruciferous plants;
  • overheating caused by prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • intense exercise immediately after feeding.

For relatively normal reasons, the pet’s well-being deteriorates slightly. The animal remains interested in games. There are no changes in body temperature. Immediately after cleansing the stomach, good appetite is restored.

In the absence of the above reasons, nausea should be considered an alarming symptom. Stomach cramps can be triggered by poisoning, intestinal obstruction, parasitic infestation, chronic, acute gastric diseases, foreign object penetration, stomach trauma, as well as pathological formations.

Vomiting occurs as a response to intoxication caused by renal failure, bacterial and viral infections, and secondary poisoning by cell death products.

Nausea may also indicate disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system resulting from traumatic brain injury, tumor development, changes in intracranial pressure, or infection with meningitis.

Vomiting in pathological cases is accompanied by a decrease in the pet’s activity and complete refusal of food.

To objectively assess your pet’s condition and prescribe treatment, you should definitely contact a veterinarian. But to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor will need detailed information about:

  • dependence of nausea on meals;
  • frequency of gastric content rejection;
  • consistency of vomit.

Differences in the causes of vomiting and regurgitation

Vomiting is a mechanism of emergency emptying of the stomach through spasm of smooth muscles. This process is provided by nature in case a toxic or foreign substance enters the stomach.

REFERENCE! The peripheral immune system of the stomach detects harmful microorganisms and eliminates them in this way, and also enters them into a “registry” so that when they subsequently enter the body, they are eliminated before they enter the stomach.

If a dog vomits after eating regular undigested food that does not contain toxic components, this indicates that the immune system has failed and the intestinal microflora perceives all elements as foreign. You need to contact a veterinarian.

Regurgitation is a reflex process that starts when:

  1. Getting food or liquid into the windpipe;
  2. Swallowing hard, too dry, powdery foods;
  3. When the piece became across the throat;
  4. When a pet has eaten too much, the stomach swells and gases, which are released during the processing of food by enzymes, leave the stomach through the esophagus;
  5. If the dog was hungry and attacked the plate, swallowing it in a matter of minutes, it swallowed air, which entered the stomach in large quantities, and now it comes out along with food particles, causing belching.

If a dog burps, then there is nothing dangerous , it is just part of the animal's meal.

Phases of vomiting

Vomiting has three stages:

  1. The first stage is nausea. At this stage, the dog feels intense fear, trembles, and looks for a place to hide. In some cases, the pet begins to walk in circles. He may also often lick his lips, swallow, and there is profuse salivation.
  2. Second stage. At this stage, the abdominal and pectoral muscles begin to contract rhythmically, and sometimes pain appears in them. The stomach also responds with cramps.
  3. And the third stage is the direct release of vomit. The stomach and abdominal muscles literally push out undigested food. What happens due to the movements of the second phase.

Why does this happen immediately after the dog has eaten?

If your pet has not previously experienced bouts of vomiting after eating, then there is no need to worry - most likely, it was provoked by one of these factors :

  • Eating grass. All green plants are poorly digested and release a substance that irritates the intestinal walls.
  • Binge eating. The volume of food is too large and it literally rises to the throat.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding . Toxicosis is observed quite often in lactating and pregnant mammals and is caused by hormonal changes.
  • Motion sickness on the road. Like people, dogs are also susceptible to motion sickness and “sea sickness,” which affects the vestibular system, which sends out random, chaotic signals, confusing the nervous system.
  • Haste while eating. Food arrives faster than gastric juice is released, which is why it is rejected by the stomach when it touches its bare walls.
  • The dog choked or choked after swallowing a large or rough piece of food.
  • Active behavior after eating. If after a meal the pet goes for a walk, swim, or play, the food in the stomach will succumb to vibrations and shaking, which will slow down or stop the digestion process.
  • Heatstroke. Overheating increases blood pressure, as a result of which organ tissues are supplied with blood worse and work more slowly.
  • If you have a male who senses a female and is eager to go outside, he will experience a loss of appetite. If you still managed to feed him by deception (for example, adding his favorite treat to his food), he will vomit, since all systems are configured for mating, and not for digesting food.

A dog vomits after eating: what to do?

Severe vomiting can cause severe dehydration. After all, it removes both harmful and beneficial substances. Therefore, it is necessary to provide your pet with access to fresh water. You should also review his diet and begin treatment prescribed by the veterinarian.

It is recommended to monitor the speed of food intake. A dog can eat quickly after a long fast if it does not feel full. An appropriate feeding schedule should be introduced to avoid significant gaps between meals. You can also use special bowls designed for slow absorption of food.

Sometimes it is enough to change the food. For example, if your pet has allergies or has previously used economy class products. The stomach responds well to special products. It is produced specifically for animals suffering from gastrointestinal problems. The brands chosen must be approved by veterinarians.

If the cause of vomiting is systemic diseases, they need to be treated. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe antiemetic drugs and sorbents to remove harmful substances from the body. Medicines that reduce stomach acidity and analgesics to relieve spasms and pain are also prescribed. If the cause of nausea is parasites or infection, antibiotics, antiparasitic and antiviral agents are prescribed.

The operation is performed when a foreign body is detected in the body, internal bleeding or intestinal obstruction. It is important to carefully follow the veterinarian's recommendations to ensure that the rehabilitation period is successful.

What to do if you feel sick every time?

If vomiting accompanies every meal, the reasons may be the following :

  • incorrectly selected food;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • there is still undigested food in the intestines;
  • foreign object in the stomach or intestines;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • taking vitamins or medications.

Feed ingredients that cause nausea

  1. First of all, synthetic filler . Pay attention to the first element in the feed. According to standards, ingredients are arranged in descending order by weight. If soy comes first, this is the most abundant component in the feed. Good fillers are cereals, corn fiber, poultry bone meal. Cheap food uses “plant by-products” - this is a low-quality base that can cause nausea.
  2. Flavor enhancers. Sometimes they are added to feed and canned meat. A classic example is monosodium glutamate, which causes irritation of the gastric mucosa.
  3. Ash. These are all inorganic elements (mineralized structures and vitamins) with which the feed is enriched. If their proportion in the food is too large, the stomach will reject them, just like a coin or stone that a dog might accidentally swallow.

How to choose a quality one?

  • Pay attention to the price category and class . So-called premium food is not a treat for every day, so the price is quite high.
  • Manufacturer. Trust trusted companies, test new brands with caution.
  • Study the composition based on the instructions above.
  • If your pet is growing up, neutered, active, or aged, choose food with the appropriate name .

Prevention measures

In most cases, vomiting is associated with errors in the diet, so effective prevention will be the organization of competent feeding. To keep your dog healthy, just follow a few tips:

  1. Meals should be at equal intervals. It is no more than 8 hours for puppies. For an adult, this period can be increased to 9-11 hours.
  2. Using a special herb to help cleanse the stomach. It is not recommended to give your dog outdoor grass. You can also use malt paste.
  3. You should not allow your pet to overeat or consume foods that are harmful to it.
  4. You must stick to one diet. If you need to change it, do it smoothly and carefully.
  5. Food should be at room temperature. Cold or hot foods irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.

It is recommended to carefully study the composition of the feed. It should not contain synthetic additives or flavor enhancers. Most premium products meet these requirements. The diet should be varied, this also applies to the type of food. You can't limit yourself to dry foods only. Additionally, canned food is added.

If a dog eats natural food, then its diet should not contain anything fried, fatty, salty or smoked. Sweets and baked goods are excluded. The menu should be based on lean meats, fish, vegetables, offal, and cereals. In the absence of contraindications, it is sometimes allowed to feed your pet dairy products. The diet should not contain bones; they can injure the animal’s internal organs. An alternative is cartilage, which is safer.

It is unacceptable to use expired products. You should avoid foods that can cause an allergic reaction in your pet. Milk is especially dangerous for dogs due to its high lactose content. Food portions should be small so that your pet does not overeat.

If you have problems choosing food for your dog on your own, you should contact a veterinary nutritionist. He will create a suitable menu for the animal, taking into account its individual characteristics, health status, level of physical activity, breed and other things. The doctor will also give recommendations on proper feeding. If you carefully follow the recommendations of a professional, you will be able to avoid problems with nausea in the future. Therefore, you should not neglect visits to a specialist.

How can you tell if you are vomiting undigested food?

Symptoms that indicate that food is not digested :

  1. You can see the original products in the vomit.
  2. After vomiting, the dog may start eating it, or go to the bowl because it is still hungry.
  3. Breathing quickens, hypoxia occurs (lack of oxygen in tissues) , because all the blood rushes to the stomach to eliminate the problem.
  4. Decreased body temperature, cold sweat.
  5. The dog may begin to whine or whine.
  6. "Glass Eyes"
  7. Increased salivation.

ATTENTION! If you find blood in your vomit, this may indicate inflammatory processes in the digestive organs, damage to the walls of the stomach, or internal bleeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

When to get checked by a veterinarian

Diagnosis cannot be avoided if attacks become more frequent, accompanying symptoms appear, or if the vomit has an unusual color. By the color of the foam coming out of the dog’s mouth, you can judge the danger of the condition:

  • white – hot weather or foreign body;
  • green – helminthiasis;
  • yellow – pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, indigestion;
  • red – internal bleeding.

The last type is the most dangerous. Without timely assistance, the animal may die from blood loss.

Before diagnosis you must:

  1. Collect a sample of vomit. They will make it easier to identify the cause of the malaise.
  2. Count the frequency of urges and the time of their occurrence.
  3. Record all associated symptoms.
  4. Try to remember all recent events that could provoke vomiting (switching to a new food, interacting with stray animals, picking up scraps).
  5. Give your pet water and avoid feeding. Please note that water can only be given if there are no new attacks.
  6. Place the animal on its side and open its mouth. This will make it easier for the vomit to pass away. In this position, the dog should be transported to the veterinary clinic.
  7. Do not use antiemetic drugs before the examination. If there is intoxication, they will only worsen the condition of the four-legged animal, since all harmful substances will continue to accumulate inside.

To make a diagnosis, you will need to take a blood test, do an ultrasound and gastroscopy. If acute dehydration is confirmed, fluid therapy and hospitalization may be required. All other drugs will depend on the cause of the ailment.

What to do if the attack does not stop?

In a situation where the dog’s gastrointestinal tract has eliminated the entire volume of food, and vomiting continues, give it water to rinse its stomach. Possible reasons:

  • Most likely, some of the food remaining on the “bell” irritates it, causing a vomiting reflex.
  • Violation of the water-salt balance , and as a result, loss of fluid caused a spasmodic chain reaction. In other words – convulsions. The dog should be wrapped in a warm towel in the stomach area or a heating pad should be placed.
  • Extremely severe poisoning , during which the enzymatic composition of gastric juice shifted to the “protective stage”. This happens after poisoning.

Do not try to stop the vomiting, but visit a veterinarian. Until the time of the visit, do not feed your pet or give water, as it may also be perceived as poison. The veterinarian will diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.


Vomiting food is often a sign of the presence of functional or organic diseases of the digestive system, so diagnostics are carried out by a gastroenterologist, and research is aimed at a comprehensive study of the state of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of instrumental examination methods makes it possible to establish the root cause of vomiting, and laboratory tests are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis. In diagnostic terms, the most valuable are:

  • Endoscopic examination
    . Using endoscopy, the condition of the esophageal, gastric and duodenal mucosa is visualized. The method makes it possible to identify large tumors, strictures and cicatricial deformities of the digestive canal. In doubtful cases, a biopsy of pathological lesions is additionally recommended for further histological examination.
  • Radiography
    . The method of x-ray imaging using an oral contrast agent is highly informative - it helps to assess the nature and coherence of the gastric and esophageal sphincters, and determine the speed of movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. Radiography is also necessary to detect organic lesions.
  • Ultrasonography
    . Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity belongs to the group of rapid non-invasive methods that are prescribed for screening examination of gastroenterological patients and selection of further tactics. According to indications, after survey sonography, targeted ultrasound of individual organs is performed to detect pathological changes.
  • Esophageal manometry.
    If vomiting is of possible esophageal origin, the pressure in different parts of the organ must be measured. Usually, a study of the contractions of the upper and lower smooth muscle sphincters is performed, as well as an assessment of the pressure in the body of the esophagus. If necessary, the study is supplemented with antroduodenal manometry.
  • Bacteriological studies
    . Dyspeptic symptoms are possible with various intestinal infections. In order to exclude this group of diseases, it is necessary to culture feces and vomit on nutrient media, which makes it possible to identify the main pathogens. If the infectious etiology of the process is confirmed, the blood is additionally examined for antibodies.

If there is a probable connection between vomiting of eaten foods and disorders of the acid-producing function of the stomach, it is advisable to measure the acidity of gastric juice and the amount of free hydrochloric acid. A biochemical blood test is indicated to determine the level of amylase, lipase, gastrin, and pepsinogen concentrations. In the absence of organic lesions of the digestive organs, a neurological examination is prescribed to exclude functional disorders.


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