How to look for a missing dog: what to do if the dog runs away

Finding a lost pet is a painful process for every owner. If the animal did not have a GPS tracker to track its location, the search is carried out blindly. Dog lovers have developed a simple algorithm of actions that works in 80% of cases. Read on to find out how to find a dog if it has run away.

How to find a dog if it has run away

Lost dog: what to do first

If the dog is missing, start searching immediately without waiting for it to return on its own. Use the phone to notify relatives, friends and acquaintances about the incident. The more people can be involved, the greater the chances of success of the operation.

Comb the neighborhood - algorithm and search methods

The search algorithm depends on the time since the loss. For the first 2 hours, search in a small area that includes:

  • daily walking route;
  • garages, basements and entrances of your own and neighboring houses;
  • indoor walking areas and open fields, popular among dog walkers;
  • nearest metro stations, passages and markets;
  • places where stray animals are located;
  • bushes and other thickets where the leash can easily get tangled.

Leave your clothes or your dog's favorite toy near your entrance. A familiar smell will help him find his way home. Don't forget to leave a person nearby who is personally familiar to your pet.

Ask and involve local dog walkers, janitors, grandmothers and children in the search. Describe your pet in detail and be sure to leave a phone number for contact. To be on the safe side, show a photo of the animal.

Don't forget that a frightened dog could jump into a vehicle. For this reason, it is better to conduct searches in groups in order to cover as large an area as possible.

Call your pet's name loudly and use squeaky toys to attract attention. During the first 24 hours, don’t stop looking for him even at night. Because of fear, the “lost” can fall asleep for the whole day. In this case, it is easier to find it at night.

Post advertisements

After 3 hours, it is recommended to write a missing person notice. Despite its simplicity, this method still remains one of the most effective. There are a few things to consider when writing your ad:

  1. Photo

    . Use a color photo that takes up at least half the page. Black and white and small images are more difficult for passersby to perceive.

  2. Text size

    . Fill the remaining space on the page with large text. Focus on the usefulness of the information, not the quantity.

  3. Heading

    . Leave the largest font for your nickname and exact reward amount. The last point is very important, since possible overexposure costs money. Knowing about compensation, people are much more willing to help.

  4. Place of loss

    . Indicate the area without going into detailed details.

  5. Distinctive features

    . Describe the location of the unusual spots, coat color, and approximate size. Do not indicate the brand number and breed to reduce the number of scammers. Mention only the similarities and add a note about the presence of a skin disease. This false information will discourage attackers from coming into close contact.

  6. Contact phone number

    . Along with the main number, be sure to indicate an additional number (relative or friend). In this case, the person who found the dog will definitely be able to call you.

Place printed flyers in plastic files and secure with staples. Such protection will prevent damage during precipitation. Post notices all over the city, starting from places of daily walk and ending with the nearest trains where a confused pet could jump.

Try to place leaflets in places with maximum crowds of people, these are:

  • public transport stops;
  • parks;
  • veterinary clinics and pet stores;
  • supermarkets;
  • entrances.

Be sure to hand out announcements to passersby. Passing from hand to hand always gets a great response. It is also recommended to place flyers directly on the car to attract the attention of residents of several areas while on patrol with friends.

After receiving calls, do not rush to transfer money. Agree to meet a stranger only if accompanied by your friends, choosing the most crowded places possible.

Write to social network groups and forums

The Internet works real miracles, so do not forget to duplicate the information from the paper advertisement in all well-known social networks and on thematic forums. Ask your friends to repost the text posted on your personal page. Be sure to contact famous millionaire bloggers. The more subscribers see the text, the greater the chances of success. In addition to large public pages, do not forget to leave information in the communities in your area.

Precautionary measures

It is better to prepare for any trouble in advance, including the loss of a pet. Owners who have it microchipped have a good chance of quickly finding a runaway dog. Many people today know about this modern method of animal identification. When they find a lost dog, they immediately take it to the veterinary clinic. There the chip is scanned and, having found the contact details of the owners, they tell them the good news. The chip is an effective replacement for marks on animal skins, which wear off over time, and tags and labels on collars, which tend to get lost.

It is advisable to have an already prepared sample announcement about a missing dog, so that in the event of such a development of events, all that remains is to print it out. This will help you start searching faster, because with each passing hour the likelihood of finding the dog decreases. The flyer should contain a photo of the pet, your contact information, and the inscription in large letters “MISSING DOG.” It is better to enclose advertisements in cellophane files to protect them from precipitation.

Forget about self-walking. “Mine will never run away” is a very naive and irresponsible statement. If you are with your dog in an unfamiliar place, a leash should be a must. When going with your pet to a crowded and noisy location, use a harness instead of a collar, because a frightened dog can wriggle out of the collar. If your dog has a powerful build, it is advisable to use both a collar and a harness, that is, you will need two leashes or clasps.

On a private suburban area, care must be taken to ensure that the fence is complete. Cunning diggers will not be able to escape if a wire mesh is placed under the fence. And, of course, you need to make sure that the gate is always tightly closed.

Where to go

Having figured out where to look for the missing dog, all that remains is to find out the institutions and places that are ready to assist in the search. In such a situation, it would be foolish to refuse support, so try to use all possible options.


Due to constant overcrowding, the likelihood of ending up in the shelter is high only during trapping periods. They occur in autumn and spring. Contact all known institutions to confirm the nearest capture date. If it coincides with the day of disappearance, check more detailed details to identify your pet.

Veterinary clinics

If a dog is missing, the finder can try to find its owner using a brand or chip. The easiest way to obtain this information is from your veterinarian. Also, the need for treatment due to an injury or fear of leaving the “foundling” next to your pets may bring you to the veterinary clinic.


If you are sure of theft, file a police report. This rarely produces results, but at least gets the attention of employees.

Additionally, request CCTV footage to check patrolled areas at different times. They can be found on webcam sites in your city. In addition to the location, you will need to indicate the date and time period. The necessary records will be ready in a couple of hours, but they can only be picked up at the police station after filing a missing persons report.

Media of any level and format

If you are sure that the reason for the disappearance is kidnapping, then be sure to contact the media. An article in the local newspaper or a short segment on television will help spread the word and reinforce the value of the police report. In this case, law enforcement officers will look for the dog with greater enthusiasm.

Internet resources

In addition to your own announcements on social networks and forums, do not forget to monitor announcements about found animals. A person may want to return the dog, but miss the information about his loss. In this case, he himself will create an ad in the group about the “lost ones.”

Also don't forget to check the free message boards. Criminals may try to sell your pet for more than the reward. In such a situation, you will have to enlist the help of the police.

Can an animal return home on its own?

Animals should not be underestimated - the dog can return to its owners on its own. Even if the pet has gone quite far, thanks to its excellent sense of smell, it can find its way. If for any reason the dog gets off the leash and does not respond to the call, it is also capable of returning. But in the latter case, the presence of an emotional connection with the owner plays a significant role - wild animals tend to disappear forever.

On a note! If the animal does not respond well to commands and tends to run away, it is worth purchasing a special GPS collar. Through communication with the satellite, it will signal the pet’s location and speed up the search process.

There are special devices for constant monitoring of your pet.

What to do if your pet is found

First of all, you need to carefully examine him for fractures, wounds and parasites. You can take him to the vet right away. Then the dog needs to be washed, treated, fed and given the opportunity to sleep well. You also need to take the time to delete posts and express gratitude to all the helpers. If desired, pay a reward to the most active participants in the search.

Any owner of a four-legged pet should know what to do if the dog runs away and be prepared in advance for unforeseen circumstances. The initial task is to throw all your physical strength into the search, putting aside all other matters.

Statistics and predictions for success

When purebred pets go missing, the chances of finding them are always higher. They are easier to distinguish from strays than ordinary mongrels. Special groups dedicated to helping specific breeds also contribute.

Another advantage of purebred origin is the presence of a mark. It is very easy to find the breeder, so it is better to notify this person in advance about the disappearance of your pet.

Owners of four-legged friends from the shelter should not despair either. At first, they are monitored by a curator, so you can always turn to him for help and support.

The chances of success increase if you have a brand, a chip and a token with the owner’s phone number. Eight out of ten missing people can be returned home.

How to protect yourself from ticks

Autumn is the time when ticks are active. These insects are dangerous because they carry many serious diseases. So a tick bite is fraught, for example, with encephalitis. When going into the forest, provide protection for your dog as well.

What will help against tick bites?

  • Repellent sprays, unlike products that are designed to kill insects on a dog’s body, are less toxic. They are ideal for preventive treatment of a pet before visiting dangerous places, but they do not last long. Sprays are used strictly according to the instructions that come with each product. Their advantage is that they are easy to use, and unlike drops, the spray does not enter the dog’s body. The disadvantages are the short-lived effect, difficult treatment of long-haired dogs, and the risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Collars The service life of a special collar is limited. A model that protects against ticks will work for 2-3 weeks. Models for protection against fleas and midges last about six months. The collar can be used as additional protection along with sprays.

How long can you continue searching?

There is no exact answer to this question. Sometimes four-legged friends are found within the first 24 hours, and sometimes years later. Dog lovers who have experienced such a misfortune advise not to give up until the very end. If acquiring a new four-legged family member will calm you and your children, make sure that if the missing pet returns, you will be able to leave both of them.

Why do dogs run away from their owners?

The chance of salvation is high, but still do not forget about the remaining 20%. Lost animals can die from hunger, thirst and cold. Also dangerous are busy roads and stray dogs, ready to tear to pieces any stranger on their territory. We should not forget about human cruelty.

Dire consequences can be avoided by following basic safety measures. All of them are aimed at preventing possible causes of escape and facilitating the search for a lost animal.

Possible reasons

Most often, four-legged friends get lost in the warm season, when their owners let them go for walks on their own. Once free, they may be afraid of crowds, the noise of cars, or simply become carried away by a squirrel in the forest.

During New Year's holidays, fireworks and firecrackers become the cause of escape. Even those walking on a leash are running away due to the incessant explosions. A moment of joy from sparkling fireworks can turn into real grief for the owner and psychological trauma for a four-legged friend.

Also, the likelihood of loss increases during the period of sexual hunting. Bitches in heat can easily snatch the leash and run away in an unknown direction in search of a gentleman. Young males show playfulness when they smell the scent of a female. If your pet becomes too problematic during sexual arousal, it makes sense to consider neutering surgery.

How to prevent escape

To prevent escape, take care of raising your pet and purchasing reliable ammunition. This will help:

  1. Completion of the UGS or OKD course. Knowledge of the “Come to me” command and an adequate reaction to noise are indispensable in a large metropolis.
  2. Regular use of a leash. Do not make exceptions for small breed dogs. Spitz and Yorkies are much more difficult to find than larger representatives. It is permissible to walk without a leash only in a fenced area with familiar dog walkers.
  3. Thorough check of equipment before each walk. Make sure that belts, metal rings, carabiners and other fasteners are intact before going outside. Try to tighten the harness or collar to prevent accidental tearing. But don’t forget about comfort, leaving space exactly the width of your finger.
  4. Increased attentiveness during estrus. This poses a danger not only for females, but also for males. If pets do not participate in breeding, then it is better to neuter them. This will eliminate the irresistible urge to reproduce and reduce the likelihood of theft.
  5. Avoid walking in the dark during the New Year holidays. If this cannot be avoided, then be sure to buy a glowing collar.
  6. Hunger is the key to returning home. Do not feed your dog before a walk, as a well-fed animal is ready for long adventures. But a hungry pet will remember that after a walk a hearty homemade lunch awaits him - and will not want to run away.

Attach a special address tag to the collar indicating the nickname and your contacts. It’s even better to secure the duplicate on a separate cord. This will prevent important data from disappearing if the collar is lost.

When choosing a collar, pay attention to models with a built-in GPS tracker. This device greatly facilitates the search. Chipping performs a similar task.

Do not allow your child to go for a walk with the pet unless accompanied by an adult. The baby will not only not be able to restrain the animal, but will also not be able to repel intruders. Non-disclosure of information about the cost and breeding value of the pet will also protect against theft. Never give out this information to strangers.

Amazing cases of dogs returning home

An incredible story happened to a pet named Corky. He escaped from home in 2009. The owners were desperate to find their pet. Only in 2016, the dog was found on the side of the road and identified by a chip. He returned to his family along with a friend he had acquired on the street.

Airedale terrier Max hid from his owner in the forest when he had an accident. The search for the dog was in vain, despite the fact that it lasted almost two weeks. One day, returning home, a man found his dog in the yard, which had walked more than 70 km in a month.

Some dogs become so attached to their owners that they are willing to travel hundreds of kilometers for them.

An amazing incident occurred in 1979. The dog named Jimp was taken to a village that was located 3,200 km from the pet’s former home. However, the desire to reunite with his family inspired him to go on a long journey. Jimp walked for 14 months and still managed to return to his native land. There was no magic - the dog just loved his owner very much.

Every pet owner needs to know what to do if he has lost his dog, as this will help not only return the pet to the family, but also save his life. The main thing when looking for pets is to remain calm and not give in to panic and despair.

What to do if you find someone's dog

Finding yourself on the other side is no less exciting. First of all, people are afraid of the possibility of infecting their own pets, so only a few are involved in foster care. Despite this, there are many more ways to help a “lost” person.


If the animal is in no hurry to approach you, be careful. The stress experienced can turn into aggression. If you have seen a flyer about the loss or recently spoke with the injured owner, contact him by phone without letting the dog out of your sight.

Calm animals can be taken to a veterinary clinic or to volunteers. If there is a stamp or chip, they will be quickly returned to their owners.

If all possible identifiers (including the address number) are missing, you will have to follow the same algorithm as the owner. Online and offline advertisements can help here.

Animal identification.

The first thing to do is help the finder identify your dog.

This could be a token with your phone number, such as an Animal ID QR passport.

And if a dog goes missing, the finder can quickly contact you and return your friend home.

Or a microchip (transponder), which is implanted under the animal’s skin and will always be with it. Don’t worry, the procedure resembles a regular injection and animals can easily tolerate it. The microchip is read by a special device, which can be found, for example, in veterinary clinics.

We recommend using both identification options. They complement each other and ensure that, under any circumstances, your pet can tell you how to contact you.

Attention! The microchip (transponder) and QR passport Animal ID must be registered on the website, linking it to the animal’s online profile! Otherwise, the person who finds the lost item will not be able to find out anything about the animal or you, its owner.

Registration in the international Animal ID database is free.

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