How and what to feed a small kitten by month, what food is best

Many people think that feeding a kitten is simple, because for centuries our ancestors in the villages simply gave the leftovers of dinner to their pets. It seems that it is enough to pour the remaining soup into a bowl, add a little meat or fish - and all this is enough for your pet. As a last resort, you can buy the most ordinary food in the store and not have to worry about choosing a menu. But everything is not so simple if you want your pet to be healthy, vigorous and live a long time. There are some nuances in creating a diet for kittens.

Tables of norms by age

In order to make it more convenient to understand how many times a day a small kitten should be fed, we have compiled both the amount of food and the number of feedings per day into a single table.

Kitten ageAmount of food per day in grams (it is divided into equal-sized portions for as many feedings as the pet’s age requires)Number of feedings per day
4-8 weeks1207
8-112 weeks160-1806
12-20 weeks180-240, with a minimum meat volume of 40 g5
5-9 months180-2004
9-12 months180-2003 with gradual transition to 2 by age 1 year

For each kitten, the norms may vary slightly depending on its individual characteristics. However, it is necessary to use them as a guide, since otherwise the pet may not receive enough nutrition or, conversely, be overfed, and obesity in cats poses a great danger, leading to the rapid development of pathologies of internal organs.

Water in a cat's diet

It is worth making sure that your pet's bowl is always filled with water. Especially if the cat eats dry food. Firstly, because the animal will naturally want to drink, and secondly, many foods contain salt, which makes the pet want to drink even more.

There is no need to force your pet to drink. You should not use existing myths on your animal about the need to “pour” water into the cat’s mouth from a syringe. Pour water into a bowl and your cat will drink as much as she needs.

Knowing the norms, the owner will correctly calculate how many bags of food to give the cat per day. Treat your pet's nutrition responsibly, and he will be healthy!

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