How long can a dog live without food and water: the effect of hunger on a dog

Sometimes our pets are left without food. This may happen through no fault of the person. But there are also irresponsible owners who can drive a dog to exhaustion. There are situations when the animal itself refuses food due to illness or stress. How long a dog can go without food will depend primarily on its physical condition.

A dog may refuse to eat due to illness

How long can a dog live without food?

As we said at the beginning of the article, a dog can live without food even for several weeks, everything will depend on the situation. Dogs are quite stable animals, they can hold on for a long time, because there are different cases. For example, a dog was abandoned or trapped after an earthquake. Of course, the stability of a healthy adult dog will not be the same as that of a puppy, older dog or a sick dog, and size also plays an important role.

On the other hand, although you can survive without food, water is important. Without water, death occurs in a matter of days. But as we say, these are survival cases. In our home, if we notice that our dog is not eating, we should go to the vet . If it is a puppy or a very old dog, sick or if we notice symptoms such as diarrhea, fever or vomiting , a consultation should be carried out as soon as we notice that the dog is not eating. In a healthy dog ​​we can wait a day, perhaps this is temporary discomfort.


More dangerous than pinworms are roundworms (nematodes), which cause gastrointestinal problems. They are pink-white, 25 to 45 cm in length and settle in the small intestine. Infection occurs through the fecal-oral route or through vegetables fertilized with feces.

  • fever;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • malnutrition;
  • anemia.

If the larvae penetrate the blood into the lungs, coughing and asthmatic cramps may occur. In severe cases, parasites can cause intestinal obstruction or paralysis.

Why doesn't my dog ​​eat?

Sometimes a dog stops eating for psychological reasons . For example :

  1. A dog has recently arrived at your home : Due to the animal's changes and adaptation to its new home, the dog may go several days without eating or even urinating.
  2. Dietary changes : A dog may also temporarily stop eating if we suddenly change the food. It is always best to make changes to our pet's diet gradually.
  3. Illnesses : If our furry friend needs to take a certain diet due to illness, it is likely that he will also stop eating.

Causes and features of the development of helminthic infestations

  • neglect of standard rules of personal hygiene;
  • insufficient washing of vegetables and fruits;
  • careless contact with animals;
  • promiscuous and unprotected sexual intercourse.

The reason for the increase in the number of sick people is the acquisition of resistance to modern drugs by the pathogen. Many anthelmintic drugs have a fairly high degree of toxicity and therefore cause serious complications, especially in the case of children.

How long can a sick dog live without food?

Regarding how long a dog can live without food when it is sick, there are differences depending on the pathology and circumstances . Seriously ill dogs will often stop eating and, in addition, numerous diseases will directly affect the digestive system, causing vomiting, diarrhea or pain. This prevents them from feeding normally as they will vomit up anything they swallow.

In these cases, we must hospitalize our friend. In this situation, the dog can survive 48-72 hours without food . The veterinarian will resume feeding wet food prepared for recovering animals. This food is very nutritious, tasty and easy to dilute for administration with a syringe.

If the dog is still not eating, tube feeding will be considered. As the dog's health improves, we may notice that he has difficulty regaining his appetite.


Pinworms are one of the most common causative agents of helminthic infestations. About 50% of people become infected with pinworms once in their lifetime. Parasites belonging to the genus of roundworms and threadworms lay eggs in the folds of the anus, which leads to irritating itching.

  • severe itching, especially in the evening and at night;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the presence of parasites in feces (can be seen with the naked eye);
  • weight loss, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  • intestinal bleeding (in severe cases).

Is it bad to leave a dog without food for a day?

After seeing how many days a dog can live without food, we might think that it can easily survive 24 hours without food. But just because it will physically survive hunger does not mean it can be done.

The fact that a dog stops eating for one day due to specific discomfort does not mean that we voluntarily stopped feeding the dog. We should not do this to any dog, especially puppies or sick dogs, unless they are suffering from food poisoning and the vet recommends a few hours of fasting. Dogs should eat one or more times a day.

How to help an exhausted animal yourself

A dog should not be left without food, even for a day.
Sometimes it is not possible to show the dog to a veterinarian. In this case, you have to rely only on yourself. It is possible to save an animal that has been starving for several days. Here are the steps you should take:

  • A severely malnourished dog needs to inject 10 ml of saline solution under the skin every hour. This will help the animal hold out until the appointment with the doctor. Upon arrival, doctors must prescribe a drip for the animal to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body.
  • If an exhausted dog has been starving for only a couple of days, then you can safely feed him high-calorie food.

A dog should not be left without food even for a day. It is extremely important that she has fresh, nutritious food and clean water every day. If there is no feeding, the dog will quickly get sick and die.

How to feed a dog that doesn't want to eat

Regardless of how many days a dog can go without food, the truth is that our job is to get a dog that is showing difficulty to eat. Restoring the diet quickly is essential for the recovery of sick dogs. On the other hand, if a dog isn't eating because we've changed his diet, the trick to encouraging him is to make the transition between the two foods gradual so he can get used to the new food.

If this is a new diet due to illness and the dog strongly rejects it, we can always work with the veterinarian to explore other options or evaluate the need for change. For newly adopted dogs or those recovering from illness, we may adhere to the following recommendations :

  1. Canned food,
  2. porridge,
  3. small doses,
  4. seasoned food,
  5. Sprinkle porridge
  6. homemade food,
  7. specific food products.

Little by little we will mix the foods that we have been able to take into our regular diet. If, despite our best efforts, the dog is still not eating, it is important to contact your veterinarian to consider tube feeding.

How to choose deworming tablets for a person

First you need to undergo an examination to identify the type of parasite that causes the disease. The action of the drugs is aimed at suppressing the activity of worms and removing them from the body naturally.

  1. Compound. A drug has been developed based on plant or synthetic components. The latter are more effective. You should also pay attention to the concentration of the active substance.
  2. Pharmacology. It is necessary to take into account the force of the “medicine impact” on the body. Before purchasing, it is recommended to clarify contraindications and become familiar with the possible health consequences.
  3. Time to achieve results. The faster the drug acts, the more difficult the recovery period will be. Drugs with a “mild” effect require a long course of use.

Rating of drugs for worms

We offer a rating of the best anthelmintic drugs based on their effectiveness, safety and price-quality ratio. When compiling the TOP, reviews of patients who underwent treatment, as well as statistical data from medical institutions were taken into account.

It should be borne in mind that when carrying out anthelmintic treatment, in most cases it is necessary to examine the CBC (complete blood count) and perform liver function tests.

No. 1 – “Dekaris”

The best anthelmintic for humans, developed on the basis of levamisole. This substance has a detrimental effect on the neuromuscular system of the roundworm. In addition, the drug stimulates the human immune system, which allows the body to mobilize its defenses against parasites.

Manufacturer: Gedeon Richter [Gedeon Richter], Hungary

No. 2 – “Nemozol”

The best anthelmintic, which is often used for giardiasis. This antiparasitic drug belongs to the benzimidazole group. Widely used for infections with nematodes, cestodes and trematodes. Available in the form of suspension and tablets.

Manufacturer: Ipca Laboratories [Ipka Laboratories], India

No. 3 – “Pirantel” (Medana Pharma, Poland)

The suspension causes neuromuscular blockade in helminths. Prescribed mainly to pediatric patients. Due to its action, it affects all age groups of parasites, i.e., both immature and mature individuals. But the drug does not affect the larvae, especially those that are in the migration phase.

Manufacturer: Medana Pharma Terpol Group Joint Stock Company, Poland

No. 4 – “Pirantel” (Polpharma, Poland)

After consumption, the drug is almost not absorbed from the digestive tract. The maximum concentration in the blood after a single dose is reached after 1-3 hours. Metabolized in the liver and excreted from the body almost unchanged, mainly through the intestines (93%). Another 7% can be excreted by the kidneys in the form of metabolites or simply unchanged.

  • ascariasis;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • necatoriasis;
  • hookworm disease.

Manufacturer: Polpharma [Polpharma], Poland

No. 5 – “Pyrantel” (Oxford Laboratories, India)

The best anthelmintic for humans with a wide spectrum of action, which effectively copes with hookworm disease, enterobiasis, necatoriasis and ascariasis. In case of enterobiasis, all persons living in the same apartment should be treated simultaneously. This measure is aimed at eliminating the possibility of re-infection, for example, by one of the family members. After treatment, it is necessary to undergo tests to check for the presence of parasites in the patient’s body.

Available in the form of suspension and tablets. Recommended to be taken before or during meals. It is prescribed with caution to children under 6 months of age and for myasthenia gravis.

Manufacturer: Oxford Laboratories [Oxford Laboratories], India

No. 6 – “Troychatka” (Evalar, Russia)

The best anthelmintic for people, developed on a plant basis. The active components create unfavorable conditions for parasites in the human body. Herbal bitters promote sap and choleretic effects. This helps remove parasites out along with their metabolic products.

Manufacturer: Evalar, Russia

No. 7 – “Nemozol” (Ipka Laboratories, India)

An anthelmintic drug that has an inhibitory effect leading to disruption of the vital processes of helminths. "Nemozol" is most effective against cestodes and nematodes. Main contraindications: hypersensitivity to albendazole, liver cirrhosis and liver failure, leukopenia, retinal pathologies, children under 2 years of age.

Manufacturer: Ipca Laboratories [Ipka Laboratories], India

No. 8 – “Dekaris” (Gedeon Richter, Russia)

For adults it is available in the form of white tablets. They contain 150 mg of active substance. They contain no dyes or flavors. For children it is prepared in the form of orange tablets. They contain 50 mg of the active ingredient.

Contains levamisole, which paralyzes the muscles of helminths. Within 24 hours after consumption, immobilized parasites leave the intestines along with bowel movements. Since the drug does not kill, but only paralyzes the worms, it has a more gentle effect on the human body than other anthelmintics.

Manufacturer: Gedeon Richter [Gedeon Richter], Hungary

No. 9 – “Vormin” (Cadila, India)

Developed on the basis of mebendazole. It has a pronounced anthelmintic effect. Effective against pathogens of enterobiasis. When the tablet enters the gastrointestinal tract, the active components of the drug are quickly absorbed. The active substance causes irreversible processes in the body of helminths and prevents their further movement and reproduction.

Manufacturer: Cadila [Cadila], India

No. 10 – “Piperazine” (Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia)

Completes the rating of anthelmintic drugs for people. Prescribed for enterobiasis and ascariasis. Piperazine adipate helps to increase the severity of disorders in the body of helminths. It is not recommended to use for disorders of the central nervous system, during pregnancy, lactation and in case of chronic renal failure.

Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia

If you suspect the presence of worms, then you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a diagnosis and select the optimal treatment. Only on the basis of the results obtained can a conclusion be made which anthelmintic drug is best for each specific case.

You should not try to cure helminthiases with folk remedies. Not a single medicinal plant has a complex effect. Even if the parasites are immobilized, they will remain in the body and cause intoxication. The best remedy for worms is prevention with the help of gentle medications, which should be taken 1-2 times a year.

Water bowl

Surprisingly, the material from which it is made also affects the health of your dog. You should absolutely not use technical plastic - it is toxic and releases toxic components into the water that are not excreted from the body.
Its microscopic doses accumulate. Glass and ceramic bowls are also undesirable - they break easily, and a temperamental dog will definitely break it.

The size of the bowl is also important - a large dog needs it larger than what is used for small breeds.

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