Quick Answer: Is there a dog that can beat a pit bull?

The appearance of the bull terrier - a molded muscular body, a sharp muzzle with powerful jaws, small evil eyes leaves no doubt about the purpose of breeding this breed. Fighting qualities, aggression cultivated over the years towards other dogs, left an imprint on the dog’s character. Why the Bull Terrier is dangerous for people and animals, we will consider further.


From the first minutes of a bull terrier puppy’s stay in the family, rules of behavior for the baby are established:

  • teach sharing toys;
  • if during play the puppy begins to show aggression, all actions immediately stop;
  • During walks, friendly behavior and games with other dogs are encouraged.

When training a Bull Terrier, it is important to be persistent and patient; only daily training with the dog will give good results.

You cannot hit your pet for disobedience! The Bull Terrier is insensitive to pain, but it will remember insult and humiliation for a long time.

The owner of a bull terrier needs to remember that it is not always possible to defeat the animal's fighting instincts directed at other brothers. Therefore, during walks, the owner needs to be especially careful, monitoring the behavior of his pet. A mentally healthy and adequately trained dog will bring a lot of joy to the owner and will not be dangerous to others.

Whom to choose

Dogs of the fighting breed will require full dedication from the owner during training and expensive care. To raise a bull terrier or pit bull puppy, you will have to hire a dog handler, and his training is not cheap.

  • Pit bull terrier

Both breeds are potentially dangerous, so you will have to provide them with the proper level of education. You will definitely have to walk the animal on a leash and muzzle in public places. The pit bull has become famous for its aggression and stranglehold, so proper walking needs to be ensured. Before you buy a pit bull terrier, you need to pay attention to all the characteristics of the breed:

  • strong grip;
  • constant readiness for battle;
  • quick adaptation;
  • aggressiveness towards strangers;
  • immense devotion to the owner.

The difficulty of a pit bull lies in the fact that older people or children cannot cope with its upbringing. Training a dog is difficult; you have to devote a lot of effort, spend a lot of money and energy. If you don't give your pit bull enough time, his mental health will suffer.

If a bull terrier was chosen, then you need to understand that white dogs can sense a person’s weaknesses. The animal will quickly understand that the trainer is not a leader and will stop obeying him. The Bull Terrier has fewer requirements according to international standards, but it is included in the list of potentially dangerous breeds of the Russian Federation.

Before getting a pet, you should soberly assess your strengths, because these are not easy animals. The differences between a bull terrier and a pit bull terrier are not visible to the naked eye, so you will have to turn to breeders for help. Pit bull terriers are distinguished by greater endurance, gambling, and they will never agree to lose. It is strictly forbidden to have bull terriers or American pit bulls in families with young children. This is due to the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time on animals, and with children this is problematic.

Features of training a pit bull

Breeders recommend that pit bull owners undergo a general training course to learn the basics of obedience. If desired, you can continue training aimed at protection and security, since the pit bull has all the necessary data for this. Among other things, this will help control your pet’s aggression.

The owner must always maintain communication with his dog and not show cruelty or malice, because it is the attitude that determines the pet’s character in the future. It is necessary to focus on the dog’s curiosity and desire to please the person in completing assigned tasks.

If you are wondering who is stronger - a pit bull or a bull terrier, then we can say that pit bulls are more resilient and passionate creatures. The breeds differ in that in a fight pitas do not consider their position to be a losing one under any circumstances. This means that the dog will fight to the last.

Character of dogs

Bred in the UK for dog fighting and baiting other animals, the Bull Terrier has a number of qualities that make it a difficult pet. Fearlessness, fortitude, lightning-fast reaction and insensitivity to pain made him the most dangerous dog for the enemy.

At the same time, the bull terrier is playful, curious, intelligent, active and devoted to its owner. Fans of this breed prove that with proper and strict upbringing with mandatory socialization from an early age, a Bull Terrier can be raised as a loyal and obedient family friend. However, throughout the dog’s life (and they live for at least 12 years), the owner will have to prove his leadership to the dog. The Bull Terrier is ready to respect and obey only a strong-willed person.

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