Guinea pig breeds with photos and names

The guinea pig has nothing to do with the sea; it doesn’t even really know how to swim. At first it was called overseas, but over time the name was replaced by a more modern one. Comes from South America. In our area, it can be considered an almost ideal pet. He is not capricious, requires minimal attention, eats little. Before purchasing a guinea pig, it is important to find out the price in your area. It can vary several times.

The cost of a guinea pig depends on the following factors:

  1. Breed;
  2. Age;
  3. Appearance and condition;
  4. Place of purchase, from hand or in a pet store;
  5. Region.

You can buy a guinea pig at most pet stores. Due to its small size, it does not interfere at all at home. The price of a pig in pet stores is 100–7000 rubles. But you can find it for free, just search the Internet on free classifieds sites. Often someone wants to give animals into good hands, but does not ask for anything in return.

The beauty of guinea pigs

According to many owners, the small guinea pig is practically devoid of shortcomings as such, although this animal is not for everyone. The main advantages include:

  • Complete absence of aggression;
  • Peace of mind at any time;
  • Doesn't need a big house;
  • Unpretentious;
  • Doesn't bite;
  • With proper care it does not leave odors;
  • It is easily tamed and loves human affection and attention.

They reproduce easily, which breeders do not neglect. Guinea pigs are primarily kept as pets, but are also used for food. To date, more than 50 different breeds have been bred, each of which can be purchased. Due to the popularity of guinea pigs, owners hold many exhibitions and even seminars. Animals are ready to reproduce already in the second month of life. Thanks to their special friendliness, children love them very much.

Rare breeds of pigs

There are original breeds of guinea pigs that have not yet become widespread.

  1. Lunkaria. Rodents with unusual fur. The body of the animals is covered with hard, tight, long, curly strands. On the head, the hair grows towards the muzzle. There are two rosettes in the sacral area and one on the crown of the head. Any color.

  2. Curley. The breed is similar to the Lunkaria, but has shorter and shaggier hair.

  3. Swiss Teddy. The breed is almost similar to the classic Teddy, but has longer hair. The hairs bristle, making the animals resemble a fluff ball.

  4. Mini-yak. An amazing breed created in Australia by crossing Abyssinian and Peruvian pigs. The rodents received their unusual name because their fur coat is similar in structure to that of a yak. In different countries the breed is called differently: in Romania - Butterfly, in Germany - Angora, in Russia - Russian Angora, in Australia - Sheba Mini-yak. The Angora breed is distinguished by thick, long, voluminous, dense hair. There is a funny cowlick on the head. The hairs reach the floor in length and do not grow further.

  5. Kui. The largest breed. In South America it is bred for food. There are giant individuals reaching a length of 55 cm and weighing about 4 kg.

How to keep a guinea pig

Keeping a guinea pig is very simple and everything it needs is cheap. She does not need a large terrarium or cage, does not make unnecessary sounds, is unpretentious to food and is easy to keep. To ensure a comfortable stay in your home, it is enough to provide the basic needs:

  • The high tray of the cage will protect the guinea pig from the wind and the room from debris.
  • Sennik must be mandatory.
  • A running wheel can be installed upon request.
  • It is recommended to change the litter regularly.
  • It is advisable to feed your guinea pig under supervision so that leftover food is removed in a timely manner. This is done so that it does not spoil, since products with signs of spoilage and mold are harmful to the animal.
  • The drinker must be ball-shaped.
  • Teeth grow throughout life, through which the animal experiences a constant need to grind them down. To do this, tree branches are placed in the cage.

When looking for the perfect pet, people often have to choose between her and a hamster. As a rule, both are bought for children. But the pig has one significant advantage: 10-20 minutes several times a day are enough for her to sleep. At the same time, the hamster is almost completely nocturnal and sleeps all day.

Long-haired Kevi breeds

The long-haired pig is very beautiful, but requires careful care. Her luxurious fur can become tangled and tangled. Therefore, such rodents are recommended for experienced breeders.

  1. Peruvian. One of the oldest long-haired breeds. The photo shows that the animals have an original appearance: their silky and flowing fur, reaching 30 cm in length, evenly falls from the ridge to the sides of the body. The color can be solid or spotted. Albinos are often found.

  2. Sheltie. This breed is very similar to the Peruvian. The pig is also beautiful and hairy, but its fur not only falls to the sides, but also forms a mane along the spine. The structure of the animals' fur is soft and silky. The color, like that of Peruvian rodents, is solid or spotted. You can meet an albino.

  3. Texel. Representatives of this breed are not only long-haired, but also curly. The curls lie on the back so neatly and evenly that it seems as if a hairdresser has worked on the pig’s coat. The animals have a compact build and a rounded muzzle. Any color.

  4. Coronet. This breed is similar to the Sheltie. But its representatives have an interesting appearance feature - a crest on the top of the head, reminiscent of a crown. The animals are fluffy, their fur is soft and pleasant to the touch. The hairs flowing along the sides of the body can reach a length of 15 cm. Any color.

  5. Alpaca. Representatives of the breed have shaggy and curly fur. The hairs on the head grow towards the muzzle. The coat is hard, especially on the head. The pig has two rosettes in the sacral region, and a bang forms from the rosette on the top of the head. The color is predominantly monochromatic: black, red, gold. Spotted individuals are rare.

  6. Merino. This breed is also called royal. This pretentious name is due to the unusual structure of the coat. The breed was obtained by crossing Rex and Coronet. The animals have a thick, curly, voluminous coat, similar to that of a sheep. Some breeders even cut their pets' hair in the summer so that they do not suffer from the heat. On the top of the head, like coronets, there is a crest. Any coat color: gray, white, chocolate, spotted.

At what age should you buy a guinea pig?

It is best to buy a young guinea pig; the cost at a pet store will be higher, but you can get one from your own hands. At a young age, they will bring maximum positive emotions, and they will grow right before our eyes, along with the children. The older you buy, the cheaper it will be, but it will also last less.

For normal growth and development, the pig is fed hay, vegetables, fruits and herbs. They love salads made from vegetables and herbs. Make sure that the diet contains twig food. It is recommended to feed roughage; you can buy special compound feed, or wheat and oats, at a pet store. Your daily diet should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. In winter, the body especially needs vitamin C. The average life expectancy at home reaches 5 years, with good care even longer.

We will consider the cost of a guinea pig using the example of two breeds, common and rare.


Selfies are one of the ancient representatives of the pig family. They were developed in Great Britain in the 19th century. A distinctive feature of Selfies is their uniform (solid) coat color (white, black, brown, beige, lilac, etc.). The eyes are often dark, but can also be red. The photo shows a guinea pig of the English Self breed.

One interesting feature of this breed has been noticed: females living together in the same cage or enclosure take care of the offspring through joint efforts; we can say that these are the only family rodents of their kind.

Angora guinea pig - how much does it cost?

One of the most common breeds is the Angora; in a pet store such a pig costs 1000–2000 rubles. The price depends very much on the region. If the owner sells the animal, you can take it for 500–1000 rubles.

The cost of guinea pigs depends on age. When purchasing, pay special attention to this factor. If the price is too low, the animal may be elderly or sick. The Angora guinea pig has gained such high popularity due to its attractive long fur.


Texel is one of the most beautiful breeds, known since the mid-80s of the last century. Texels are distinguished by long, thick fur that breaks up into clearly defined curls, a long train and fluffy sideburns. The length of the coat is 12-18 cm. The rounded muzzle is decorated with large expressive eyes. Texels are calm, friendly and sociable.

Looking at the photo of a Texel guinea pig, it seems that caring for such luxurious fur requires special effort. In reality, they do not require daily brushing, and it does not take much time to select hay and sawdust from their fur. Animals that do not take part in exhibitions usually have their fur shortened.


The curly coat grows in the same way as the Texel, only there is a rosette on the head.


Agoutis are the ancestors of all modern breeds. Each animal's hair has different shades at the base and at the end.


The head, paws, ears are painted in the main color without any admixture of another shade, only on the body there is a so-called salt and pepper mixture, when hairs of one color are mixed with hairs of another color.


Teddies are similar to Rex cats, but their fur is slightly shorter and softer. Thick, dense and elastic, straight (or slightly wavy), the hair stands on end all over the pig's body, and feels like plush. Pictured is a Gold and White American Teddy


The main difference between Rex guinea pigs is their hard, dense, slightly curly fur, about 1.7 cm long. The hairs stand on end, which creates a plush effect. Color options can be any.


It is a smooth-haired pig, but there is a difference - there is a rosette on the rump, and on the back the hair is collected into a kind of comb of standing vertical hair.


Smooth-haired pigs with a rosette on the crown. There are English and American Cresteds. In American cats, the color of the rosette should contrast with the color of the main color; in English cats, it should be identical to it.

Satin guinea pigs

A distinctive feature of the satin pig group is its surprisingly soft, silky coat with a glossy effect. The wool shines and shimmers due to the special hollow structure of the hairs. The Satin coat type is found in all short-haired and long-haired breeds. The rarest animals are golden, lilac and buffalo in color.

Bald skinny guinea pig – price

The skinny guinea pig is a rare breed and is therefore much more expensive. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that before the age of one month it completely goes bald. In some places they are very rare, the cost can go up significantly. As a rule, a skinny pig costs between 3-4 thousand rubles.

When choosing this breed, be very careful, it requires special care. Wool is completely absent, due to which external factors have a serious impact on the body.

Breeding quality

There is such a thing as “breeding quality.” It concerns breeds and specific individuals intended for exhibitions. Conventionally divided into 3 classes:

  1. Show class - maximum compliance with the breed standard. Purebred representatives of the species. How much such a guinea pig costs depends on the severity of the breed of each individual. In most cases, it is this class that wins at exhibitions. The cost is very high, since few people agree to sell them. It takes a lot of effort and time to raise a purebred animal.
  2. Breed class - there is a slight deviation from accepted standards. Changes may be expressed in color or other features. Not suitable for exhibitions, but capable of producing show class offspring. Used for breeding.
  3. Pet class - a completely healthy individual, but with congenital or acquired defects. Not intended for exhibitions or breeding. Usually bought as a pet.

If you need an animal for an exhibition, the cost greatly depends on the class. In general, a guinea pig can cost from 500 to 5 thousand rubles or more.

Origin story

These animals were made tame back in the 5th millennium BC by representatives of the tribes of South America. The ancestors of modern inhabitants of the south of Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia at one time consumed these mammals as food. According to scientists, wild guinea pigs wanted to be close to humans without any coercion. The Incas used guinea pigs as sacrificial animals, so they were constantly sacrificed to the sun god. Animals that had a variegated brown or pure white color were very popular. It is generally accepted that modern guinea pigs descended from their ancestors "Cavia aperea tschudi", which can be found in mountainous areas.

Interesting to know! Such mammals form small groups and live in very spacious underground burrows. Animals living in the mountains of Chile have significant differences in appearance when compared with domestic guinea pigs. This is due to their food supply, which is poor in water but rich in cellulose compounds.

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