All dog breeds with photographs and names: photo, brief description of character

In this article we will look at the breeds of all dogs, and also look at their main characteristics and photos.

A dog is an animal that is found in almost every home. These pets can truly be called man’s friends, because they are distinguished by loyalty and devotion.

Today there are a huge number of different dog breeds in the world, many of which we don’t even know about. They all differ in appearance, character and, of course, behavior.

Dogs starting with the letter A: name of the breed, character description, photo

  • Akita Inu. These dogs have a calm character, which is why they are often adopted into families with children. It should also be noted that Akita Inu is a breed of dog that is particularly clean. With all this, such animals can be owners, so they do not always get along with other pets. They need to be taught to communicate with other animals from birth.


  • Alabai. These dogs are distinguished by their strength and endurance. By nature they are leaders and protectors. As a rule, they get along well with children and other animals, but they can behave inappropriately with strangers. Dogs of the Alabai breed need special training, otherwise the animal can grow up completely uncontrollable.

Strength and Endurance

  • Alaskan Malamute. Such animals have a very kind and flexible character, they can be trained very easily, but despite this, it must be professional. As a rule, Malamutes are very friendly and calm towards small children, but these jealous dogs do not always like other pets. It should be noted that such dogs are very energetic and active, so they are not suitable for keeping in an enclosure or apartment.


  • Afghan Hound. Such dogs are perfect for a family without children, since they cannot stand the noise and screams of children, and they need a lot of care and love. Pets are quite timid, and it is often because of fear that these animals can have behavior problems.

Afghan Hound

  • American Staffordshire Terrier. Dogs of this breed are excellent protectors and guards, but only if they are professionally trained to do so. By nature, Staffordshire Terriers are leaders; when they sense that their owner or family member is in danger, they rush into battle without any hesitation and do not retreat until the enemy is neutralized. It is important to understand that without proper training, such dogs can pose a danger even to their owners.


  • American Pit Bull Terrier. Pets of this breed have not gained a very good reputation, however, in fact, they are very loyal and friendly. The whole problem lies in the correct and timely education of pit bull terriers. As a rule, these animals love children and their owners and are always ready to protect them if necessary, but pit bull terriers do not possess protective qualities in principle.


What affects the color of an animal

First of all, of course, it is genetics. The color of a companion depends on combinations of many genes. Some are responsible for the distribution of pigment throughout the hair, others for the saturation of dark shades, and others for the presence of color in general. Moreover, it should be taken into account that some genes may be in a suppressed state. For example, when mating two dogs with a light color, you can get a whole variety of shades, since a gene that was received from grandparents, but did not manifest itself, may come to the fore.

With the red color, everything is simpler: the gene that sets it is always dominant, therefore, when crossing two red dogs (even with admixtures of other genes), red puppies are always born. Due to this, there are many dog ​​breeds for which red-colored coats are the only acceptable ones according to the standard.

Also, the color of the coat depends on the care and living conditions of the animal. For example, black dogs may develop a reddish tint when exposed to sunlight for a long time. In white pets, the appearance of red coloring is usually associated with diet. Carrots and beets can give this effect. Incorrect use of tinted shampoos can lead to color changes.

Dogs starting with the letter B: name of the breed, character description, photo

  • Bernese Mountain Dog . These dogs are very balanced, all their movements are clear and logical, since by nature they are shepherds. These dogs are not jealous, love children very much and calmly tolerate the presence of other pets in the house. It is also important to note that these dogs are demanding - they love attention to their person and, in the absence of it, they always know how to remind them of themselves.

Loving dogs

  • Basenji. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence, they love games and attention to their person. You should not expect any special trouble from Basenjis; such dogs rarely bark and do not often misbehave. At the same time, it should be noted that such pets need constant communication with their owner, because they do not like to sit idle and get bored.

Smart dogs

  • Belgian Shepherd. These shepherds, like all others, are distinguished by their intelligence and devotion. This dog can be brought into a home with small children and other animals. It must be said that, unlike many other pets, the Belgian Shepherd cannot be called playful; it does not like too noisy companies. With proper upbringing, a dog of this breed will grow into an excellent friend, guard and protector.

Loyal Shepherd

  • Basset Hound. These dogs are quite obedient, but are extremely difficult to train. The breed itself is very slow, but at the same time inquisitive. Basset Hounds are known for their kindness towards small children. One of the disadvantages of this breed is that it barks too loudly. These dogs love to bark, especially if there is at least one reason for this.

Slow breed

  • Beagle. The Beagle is a very smart and obedient dog, however, only if the dog is trained from an early age. Dogs of this breed do not like loneliness, so when you get one, immediately think about company for your pet. Beagles themselves are very active, they love to search, sniff, and explore the unknown. The disadvantage of the breed is loud barking, which often does not stop for a long time.


  • Bloodhound. Dogs of this breed are unusually friendly, love children very much and often act as their nanny. Such a dog definitely needs professional training, with the help of which the animal will learn the necessary commands. By nature, these pets are shy and vulnerable.


  • Boxer. By nature, these dogs are intelligent and loyal bullies. An untrained boxer will definitely cause you a lot of trouble. As a rule, these dogs get along well with other pets, but they do not accept other people's animals. It is important to note that Boxers are very playful and if you, as the owner, do not take part in their games, then most likely the pet will begin to misbehave.


  • Bichon Frize. These cute dogs look more like toys than living creatures. In general, such a dog can be described as a playful, energetic and funny companion who loves and demands attention.


  • Bobtail. Dogs of this breed need constant physical activity, as they are very active and mobile. It is also important to note that bobtails must be taught commands, otherwise they will begin to feel like masters in the house and educate everyone around them, including children and other pets living at home. In general, these dogs are friendly and not particularly aggressive.

It is important to teach commands

  • Border Collie. These pets can be described as extremely active and emotional. Without proper exercise, such animals will simply get bored and begin to entertain themselves in ways that people often do not like. Collies need training and attention. At their core, these pets are very friendly and playful.

Very active

  • Beauceron. Dogs of this breed are born leaders and are distinguished by watchdog and protective qualities. Beaucerons cannot be called evil dogs, but if they are treated with disrespect, they can indulge in excess. The behavior of these pets directly depends on whether they are trained and whether they respect their owner.


  • Bulgarian Shepherd. This breed of dog is a guard dog. Dogs have an independent character and are sometimes aggressive both towards people and other animals, especially dogs. Such pets are not suitable for keeping in the house, since they are “working” dogs, whose responsibilities include protecting the house, owner and family. Despite this characteristic, it must be said that Bulgarian Shepherds are very loyal animals who are always ready to protect their owners.

Guard dog

  • Boston Terrier. Dogs of this breed are great for keeping in a house or apartment. By nature, Boston Terriers are very active, inquisitive and playful. Such pets often become real family members and therefore, of course, expect to be treated well and respectfully.

Playful breed

  • Briard. Excellent guard dogs that need training from early childhood. Briards are quite capricious and do not always find a common language with children and other pets. Despite this, with good upbringing, dogs are distinguished by obedience and devotion.


  • Dogue de Bordeaux. This breed can be described as a fighting, guarding and guarding breed. Dogs are distinguished by their strength, endurance and ability to protect their family, themselves and even other animals. Despite its menacing appearance, the Dogue de Bordeaux is a fairly calm dog that does not bark or rush at people just like that. These pets get along well with children, but it is better to introduce them to them from childhood; these animals need training.

Great Dane

  • French Bulldog. French bulldogs are quite capricious dogs, they love attention to themselves, cannot stand loneliness and tend to be jealous of their owners towards other pets. Sometimes, due to their harmful nature, these pets can behave like bullies, for example, chewing shoes or tearing bedding. In general, dogs are great for keeping in the house, but they do not always get along with children.


  • English Bulldog. These dogs are good friends and companions, they love their owners and serve them faithfully. By nature, dogs of this breed are very calm and balanced, but sometimes they can show aggression due to lack of proper attention to them. English Bulldogs behave like nannies with small children, but they do not tolerate excessive attention from noisy children.


  • Bull Terrier. The fame of this breed, of course, is not good. But despite this, bull terriers are kind dogs that need early training and socialization. With proper upbringing, a dog of this breed will make a good protector and loyal friend. It is important to know that bull terriers can be aggressive with other animals, the same applies to cats and other small pets.

Bull Terrier

  • Brussels Griffon. Such pets are very similar to small children; they need constant care, attention and care. Even a moment's separation from the owner is already a problem for the Brussels Griffon. Often these dogs are spoiled and capricious. They don't always get along well with small children. It is best for already established people without small children to get a pet of this breed.

bearded man

  • American Bulldog. These are very kind and loyal dogs with well-developed hunting, protective and guarding instincts. Such pets need serious education and training. Only an experienced and knowledgeable person who knows how to behave with dominant and domineering dogs can get such a dog. American Bulldogs love and protect children, but other animals, especially small ones, are often mistaken for prey.


  • Bullmastiff. These are quite strong-willed and devoted dogs, they quickly get used to the house and family members and are always ready to protect their owners if necessary. You need to understand that such dogs must undergo professional training, otherwise they may become uncontrollable. It is also worth noting that bullmastiffs are good as protectors for people, but not for objects, houses, etc. Dogs of this breed protect only what is valuable to them, and prefer not to attack the enemy, but to “repel” him hit.


Belgian Griffon

Small, playful dogs with a slightly curved forehead, short muzzle and wide skull were bred in Belgium around 1800. Griffons are great companions that require constant mental and physical stimulation. They are somewhat stubborn and picky and cannot tolerate small children of any age. Some males have an increased appetite, so carefully monitor their diet and do not leave food freely available. Clean your thick mustache and drooping beard daily from food debris and any dirt, and comb it. Periodically trim any excess hair that gets into the corners of your eyes to avoid irritation. The optimal number of walks per day is 2-3. After going outside, be sure to wash your paws and undercoat with a special shampoo.

Belgian griffin

Dogs starting with the letter V-I: name of the breed, character description, photo

  • Weimaraner. These dogs, as a rule, when they get into the house, immediately choose their owner and love this person most of all. Dogs are very active, inquisitive and intelligent. It is important for them to have a lot of space, so they are definitely not suitable for keeping in an apartment. Weimaraners need to be socialized and trained from childhood, otherwise the animal will grow up to be a real bully. Disadvantages include excessive and sometimes causeless barking.


  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi. This breed of dog is a herding dog, so from childhood the puppies try to control everything that moves and walks, including people. In this regard, such dogs must be trained and trained. In general, the Welsh Corgi has a very gentle character; these pets love their owners and are good with children.

Shepherd breed

  • Welsh Terrier. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their curiosity and playfulness. It is very difficult for them to sit still; they get along quite easily with older children. It is important to understand that these dogs need daily physical activity, otherwise they may become mischievous from idleness. The Welsh Terrier is a faithful and devoted companion.

Loyal breed

  • West Highland White Terrier. These cute pets very quickly become attached to the house and their owners, but do not get along well with small children. Dogs are smart, playful, but jealous, so it is often difficult for them to get along with other pets. It must also be said that dogs of this breed are very active, so it is not recommended to have such an animal for couch potatoes.

Cute dog

  • Doberman. Such pets are excellent as watchdogs. Dobermans are strong, intelligent and fearless dogs; if necessary, they will always protect themselves, their owners and their property. It is important to note that dogs of this breed need professional training, otherwise they can become aggressive and uncontrollable. Dobermans do not like small children and other animals very much, but having been with them since childhood, they can calmly relate to them.


  • Jack Russell Terrier. These dogs are true human friends and, of course, companions. Pets of this breed are incredibly inquisitive, active and funny; they get along easily with people, but do not really like small animals. When getting such a dog, you need to understand that without proper attention and constant physical activity, it can cause a lot of problems - barking, digging, destroying shoes, furniture, etc.

Great friend

  • Drathaar . Drathaars are excellent hunters, protectors and watchmen. These dogs are extremely intelligent and obedient, but only if they are trained and trained from childhood. Dogs of this breed are extremely difficult to train, so such pets are only suitable for experienced owners. Draathars are quite characteristic dogs, but they show their character extremely rarely - alone, when they are bored, when they are jealous of their owner for another animal. In general, these dogs are very loyal and loyal to their family.


  • Golden retriever. A dog-friend, a dog-nanny - this is how you can characterize these pets. The Golden Retriever is not suitable for guarding and protection because it does not have the necessary qualities for such activities. But being a devoted comrade is easy. The Golden Retriever loves children, treats them extremely tenderly and is patient with all their antics.

golden rock

  • Irish Terrier . These graceful dogs have a unique character. They are very devoted to their family, smart and determined. At the same time, sometimes Irish Terriers can indulge in thoughtless pranks. This breed is excellent for guarding and protection. Due to the fact that such terriers have a very developed hunting instinct, they cannot be kept in a house with smaller animals.


  • Irish Setter. This dog breed can be called a family dog. Dogs are completely calm, love people, animals and everything that surrounds them. Such pets are very sociable and cannot stand loneliness, so when you get such a dog you need to be prepared to be with it all the time. It must also be said that the Irish Setter needs constant physical activity, so it cannot be kept in an apartment.


  • Irish Wolfhound. Despite their scary name, these dogs are among the calmest and most harmless. They treat children and other animals well and get along well with them. It is not worth getting such a dog as a protector and watchman, since Irish wolfhounds do not have the necessary qualities; they are kind and flexible.

Irish Wolfhound

  • Italian greyhound. These dogs are very well behaved by nature and do not require any special training or training. Dogs do not show aggression at all, except when there is some kind of threat to them. Italian Greyhounds love peace and stability, love tenderness and affection.

Intelligent dog

  • Yorkshire Terrier. This breed has found its fans all over the world. Yorkshire Terriers are born funny people and loyal companions. They love fun and games, cannot sit in one place for a long time and cannot stand separation from their owners. The disadvantages of such dogs are that they are harmful; they often damage shoes and furniture, they can bark loudly and for no reason and make a mess in the house.



Once you have decided what breed of dog you want, the next step is to find a verified official kennel that breeds that breed. In addition, you can look for a breeder. When purchasing, you need to look at all the documents he has to confirm the purebred and health of the puppy.

IMPORTANT! When choosing a puppy, look at its behavior and appearance. The puppy must be very inquisitive, active and well-groomed.


Dogs starting with the letter K: name of the breed, character description, photo

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog. These dogs are excellent as guards; their strong-willed nature is just right for such activities. It should be noted right away that only an experienced person who understands how to behave with such animals should get such a dog. Caucasian Shepherds, of course, must be trained and trained, otherwise their aggression and anger will find a way out in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Dogs of this breed treat children well, but you cannot trust your baby to such a dog.


  • Miniature Pinscher. These cute creatures are well suited for keeping in an apartment; they love to have fun and play, so they get along well with small children. As for training, such dogs need it and they need to be raised from early childhood. It is important to know that dogs of this breed cannot be overly pampered and taught only to praise, since they will very quickly get used to such behavior towards them and will stop responding to their owner and his commands.

Dwarf breed

  • Cane Corso. The Cane Corso is a born hunter who always acts intelligently and logically. It is necessary to note one important feature of the character of these dogs - they are extremely characteristic and willful, therefore, only by bringing the dog into the house, the owner must immediately show that he is more important and more important than the dog, otherwise there will be no talk of any obedience. In general, Cane Corsos are quite friendly pets that will defend their territory if necessary.

Born Hunter

  • Keeshond. The Keeshond, or as it is also called the German Spitz, is a very active dog that needs constant physical activity. These pets adore children, they show them tenderness and care. This breed is not very suitable for keeping in the house, since it needs space for pranks. Alone, a German Spitz can do a lot of things, for example, tear someone's shoes or sheets.


  • Cairn Terrier. Like many other terriers, these dogs are very sociable and love people, their company and affection. Dogs are also loving towards other animals, which is important. They also find a common language with young children, especially when it comes to active games. You need to understand that the Cairn Terrier has a guard instinct, so this small dog will protect itself, its family and even family property if necessary. It is very important to accustom dogs of this breed to the fact that there are many different people and animals around them, otherwise they will be aggressive and sullen.


  • Kerry Blue Terrier. This dog breed is also suitable for guard duty. Kerry Blue Terriers are quite sociable, but do not like to be given too much attention, especially by children. These pets also do not really like other animals and can sometimes show aggression towards them. Owning such dogs is recommended only to experienced people who can let the pet know who is boss in the house.

Excellent watchman

  • American Cocker Spaniel. These are the kindest dogs that do not show aggression towards other animals, small children and intrusive people. American Cocker Spaniels love attention to their person, but it is important not to overdo it so that the pet does not become too picky. Dogs of this breed are easy to train and even without training, they are usually obedient and not mischievous.


  • English Cocker Spaniel. Dogs of this breed are loyal animals with a hunting instinct. Such pets also get along with other dogs, but it is better not to keep small animals with them. It is also important to note that English Cocker Spaniels are very playful and patient animals.


  • King Charles Spaniel. This pet is perfect for family and quiet people. Dogs of this breed do not like fuss and noise, so in such situations they tend to become quiet or hide altogether. Such spaniels are very gentle and kind, most often they choose one owner for themselves, they also consider him an authority, therefore they obey and love him most of all.

A dog with a quiet disposition

  • Collie. It is unlikely that anyone does not know about such a breed of dog as a collie. These are good-natured, incredibly smart, responsive and understanding pets. They are completely focused on their owner, their family and their needs. Collies are very easy to train, love children and are very rarely aggressive. You can get such a dog even when there is a newborn child in the house, since a collie can be an excellent nanny for a baby.

Good Collie

  • Xoloitzcuintle. In simple terms, this breed is called Xolo. These are easily trained, wise and balanced dogs. Xolos do not really like the presence of any other pets in their home, and they also do not really like noisy companies and strangers. These pets love their owners very much and try to spend as much time with them as possible, so they literally follow on their heels.


  • Chinese Crested Dog. These cute little dogs are considered one of the most loyal companions, they are easy to train and love their owners madly. Without proper training, dogs of this breed become timid and constantly bark.


  • Kurzhaar. Such dogs are distinguished by energy, activity, intelligence and ingenuity. As a rule, such dogs immediately choose one owner and most often they show all their feelings only to him. Shorthaired Pointers are very good hunters and watchmen; such a dog learns quite quickly and easily, but it definitely needs training. It is the wrong upbringing that sometimes turns this smart dog into an ill-mannered and unsocialized animal.


Herding breeds

Bearded dogs are found among long-haired shepherd dogs. The hair on the body and head grows almost the same length. Hair growth above the eyes, on the cheeks, cheekbones and chin forms a thick beard, bangs hiding the eyes, and a bushy mustache.

Catalan Shepherd

These are the first Spanish dogs to gain worldwide recognition. At home, they became skilled assistants to farmers. Catalan Shepherds are famous for their independent thinking and ingenuity; they are able to manage a herd for a long time without the presence of a person.

Portuguese Shepherd

The dogs were bred in the Alentejo region of Portugal, where they still help herd and guard livestock. In their homeland, the animals’ facial expressions are seen to have a subtle resemblance to a monkey, which is why they are jokingly called “monkey dog.”

South Russian Shepherd

The animals look like huge shaggy lap dogs of white, light gray, fawn color. The length of the fur reaches 20 cm, and is almost the same size on the body and head. If you do not plan to take your pet to exhibitions, then the fur coat is trimmed to 5 cm.

Bouvier des Flanders

The literal translation of the name is “shepherd from Flanders.” According to the requirements of the standard, a mustache and a hard, heavy beard “should impart ferocity to the expression.”

Bearded Collie

Antique Scottish Cattle Dogs are medium sized. The name was given for the lush long hair all over the head and on the chin. Animals exhibit a curious property. Puppies are born dark. As they grow older, the hair lightens, and permanent color is formed only at 3 years.

Dogs starting with the letter L-M: name of the breed, character description, photo

  • Laika Russian-European. Such a dog should be kept exclusively in a private house with a large territory, since it needs a place for physical activity. These huskies are very kind and obedient, they love children, but they behave aggressively with other animals because they are leaders by nature.


  • Laika East Siberian. Dogs of this breed are also distinguished by their kindness towards their family, and children in particular. East Siberian huskies need daily physical activity, so lazy people and homebodies should not have such pets.
  • Laika West Siberian. These pets are very loyal and intelligent, but completely independent. Training such dogs is quite difficult; sometimes they do not want to carry out the necessary commands. With proper training, such a husky will make a good watchman and hunter.


  • Leonberger. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by restraint, the ability to show aggression only where it is necessary. Leonberger is an excellent companion and watchdog.


  • Maltese. These dogs are characterized by excessive activity, playfulness and devotion. You can have such a dog as a loyal friend. Such dogs get along well with other pets, even if they sometimes cause them some inconvenience.


  • English Mastiff. Despite its terrifying appearance, the English Mastiff is a calm and balanced dog, which, if properly trained, will never attack a person. Such dogs are not prone to active games, so it can be difficult for them with small children, but mastiffs treat older children well and protect them.


  • Pug. Such pets are distinguished by their loyalty and ability to support their owner. By nature, pugs are not bullies, they do not require too much time and do not need much physical activity. These pets are ideal for keeping in an apartment.



Short-haired dog breeds are the most popular nowadays, since they can be kept in any apartment, and there is almost no grooming. We will look at dog breeds with photos and descriptions below.

Dogo Argentino

The Argentine dog is considered the only breed that was developed and recognized in Argentina. This breed is distinguished by its endurance and strong character, as it was obtained through the selection of mastiffs, bulldogs and mastiffs. The main purpose of the Great Dane is hunting and protecting the home. Now it can be used as a fighting dog or a hound. The coat is white, smooth. Average weight – 45 kg.

English bulldog

Another medium-sized short-haired breed, the English Bulldog, first appeared in England in the 19th century. The dog is distinguished by restraint, ingenuity, isolation and responsibility. Previously, the English bulldog was used for fighting, now as a decorative pet. The coat is short brindle, red, and white. Average weight – 24 kg.

Dogs starting with N-R: name of the breed, character description, photo

  • German dog. Dogs of this breed are very characterful and willful, so they need an experienced owner with a strong character. Great Danes are very strong dogs, but at the same time they know where it is appropriate to show this strength. In a calm environment they are loving, gentle and playful creatures.

Great Dane

  • Newfoundland. Due to their impressive size, Newfoundlands are considered formidable dogs. In fact, dogs of this breed are very affectionate, never bark and prefer not to attack people. Pets are very easy to learn and are distinguished by their obedience.

Impressive size

  • German Shepherd. Perhaps everyone knows that German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent and loyal dogs. By their nature, these pets are very kind, calm, but at the same time they are always ready to protect their family and owner. German Shepherds train quickly and easily.

The most devoted

  • Papillon. These little pets are distinguished by their curiosity and activity. It is almost impossible to force a Papillon to sit in the owner's arms, because he always needs to sniff, catch, and look for something. Such dogs need to be trained from childhood, otherwise bad manners and fear of strangers will turn a cute pet into an aggressive and at the same time intimidated dog.


  • Pekingese. Dogs of this breed are quite demanding and require constant attention and care. As a rule, Pekingese get along well with children, but such dogs do not like other animals very much.


  • Poodle. Poodles are different, but they all have common character traits. They are extremely intelligent and easily trained dogs who always find time to have fun. These pets love their owners very much and try to protect them whenever possible.


  • Giant Schnauzer. These dogs are excellent guards and protectors, despite this they love to play and need constant attention from their owners. If dogs of this breed are not taught and trained, then they are unlikely to treat children and other animals well.

Giant Schnauzer

  • Rottweiler. These are very strong, strong-willed, hardy dogs that need the same owners. Without professional training, such dogs can be aggressive and angry and even attack people. In general, the character of these dogs corresponds to the activity in which they are most often engaged - guarding, protection. It is also worth noting that Rottweilers need serious daily exercise.


  • Russian toy terrier. These dogs are very active, energetic, and love to play. Russians are distinguished by their devotion. They endure separation from their owner extremely hard, even to the point of deteriorating health. Negative qualities include barking for no reason, a constant desire to chew and dig something.

Russian toy terrier


The beard, mustache and bangs are the “calling card” of the Schnauzer. The family includes 3 independent, outwardly similar breeds. They were bred in Germany, but each has its own selection path, character, size:

The hard coat of Schnauzers does not shed on its own, so it is regularly plucked. Show dogs are clipped on the back and sides. A “skirt” is left along the bottom of the body and on the paws. The beard and mustache are not shortened much, but only trimmed along the edge.

Schnauzers have earned a reputation as highly trainable, non-argumentative animals with versatile abilities. They serve in the army, police, and work as personal bodyguards. They take prizes in canine sports. Schnauzer puppies grow into loyal companions and family pets.

Dogs starting with the letter S-F: name of the breed, character description, photo

  • Saluki. Pets of this breed are very calm, balanced and loyal; they always choose one owner for themselves and love him much more than the rest of the family. When trained, Salukis are disobedient and love to get distracted by pranks.

Calm breed

  • Saint Bernard Nanny dog, rescue dog and devoted friend - this is how these big dogs can be briefly described. Very smart, gentle and well-mannered, they never attack people without good reason. Saint Bernards become attached to their family very quickly and love children very much.

Has only positive characteristics

  • Dachshund. These animals are very active and you can travel with them. Dachshunds are extremely difficult to train and train and can sometimes become very mischievous.


  • Tibetan mastiff. Dogs of this breed are very strong, hardy, proud and sometimes stubborn. Such a dog can be owned by a person who has had experience interacting with similar dominant animals. The Tibetan Mastiff is a true protector who will never leave his family and owner in danger.


  • Whippet. You need to get such an animal for the soul. The Whippet is an incredibly good-natured, loyal and understanding dog. By nature, such pets are very quiet, calm, and sometimes completely unnoticeable. Family and owner mean a lot to such dogs.

For the soul

  • Pharaoh's Hound. These are extremely wayward dogs that often ignore their owner’s commands. The Pharaoh Hound must be taught from childhood, otherwise it will dominate and cause great trouble to all family members.


Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer is a large, powerful animal with a rectangular elongated muzzle, a round black nose, egg-shaped eyes, thick eyebrows, a characteristic neat beard and drooping mustache. This breed is incredibly energetic, restless, and in some situations can become aggressive. Therefore, in a house where there are infants or children under 10 years old, it is not recommended to have such a pet. These dogs need long daily exercise walks with intense exercise lasting 40 minutes or more, regardless of the weather. Very often, Giant Schnauzers are used as yard watchmen. Approximately 2-3 times a week requires thorough cleaning with a stiff bristle brush. Wash your face after every meal. Trim the claws as they grow. A professional haircut is required at least 4 times a year. Organize a proper and balanced diet in consultation with your veterinarian.

Giant Schnauzer

Dogs starting with the letter C-Y: name of the breed, character description, photo

  • Chihuahua. These little cute creatures have incredible intelligence, they understand their owner perfectly and know how to be grateful. They love affection, attention to themselves, they become attached to their family very quickly, and they endure separation extremely painfully.


  • Shar Pei. Shar Pei is a fairly freedom-loving breed. Such dogs can be jealous, do not really like children, and can show aggression towards strangers and other animals. With proper training, such pets are more reserved and loving.

Shar Pei

  • Sheltie. These are very smart, active, loyal animals. They easily find a common language even with tiny children and are not particularly aggressive towards other pets. They love and protect their owner.


  • Schipperke. Despite their small size, dogs of this breed are excellent protectors and watchdogs. They love their family, but are extremely wary of strangers. Sometimes such dogs do not like children; they get along well with other animals.


  • Shih Tzu. These are companion dogs. They love their owners and try to spend as much time as possible with them. It must also be said that dogs of this breed have a cheerful and playful character.

Great companions

  • South African Boerboel. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by extraordinary strength, power and devotion. This dog is excellent as a watchman and security guard - if its owner is in danger, it will never retreat without eliminating it. Despite such qualities, such a pet also loves affection and attention, loves to play and be pampered. It is important to note that these dogs do not always get along with children.


  • Japanese Chin. These dogs are distinguished by their loving nature, they do not bark at passersby, and normally perceive the presence of other animals. If the owner does not give them the required amount of attention, chins can become mischievous

As you can see, there are a huge number of different breeds of dogs, and they are all different from each other. When getting a pet, remember that its behavior is the result of your upbringing and attitude towards it.

Terriers with a beard

Smooth-haired representatives of the family are deprived of abundant hair on the muzzle. Bearded dogs are found among terriers with hard or semi-long soft hair. They often grow bushy eyebrows and long thick bangs that hide their eyes.

This list ranks Bearded Terriers in order of decreasing height at the withers, from largest to miniature.

Black Russian Terrier

The largest representative of the family. The height at the withers reaches 68–78 cm. The thick, coarse coat grows 5–15 cm.

Black cats were bred by Soviet military dog ​​handlers through complex interbreeding. They inherited their beard, eyebrows, and mustaches from the Giant Schnauzers and Airedale Terriers who participated in the selection.


Originally English dogs come from the Aire Valley in Yorkshire. In Russia they became known after the release of the film “The Adventures of Electronics” with the Airedale Terrier Ressi.

Airedale Terriers are deservedly called the “kings of terriers.” They grow up to 56 – 61 cm and are second in size only to black Russian terriers. They are famous as hardy hunters, vigilant watchmen, strict guards, sensitive search engines, reasonable, balanced companions.

Irish Terrier

Jack London's favorite breed. The writer kept the “Irish” in mind and described their outstanding intelligence, endurance, and devotion in his novels.

Height at the withers is up to 48 cm. The coarse fur coat is painted red in any shade. The abilities of red bearded men are versatile and extraordinary. It is no coincidence that in early descriptions the Irish Terrier was called “the poor man’s guardian, the farmer’s friend and the master’s favorite.”

Kerry Blue Terrier

Blue Terrier from County Kerry, Ireland. The coat makes the dogs easily recognizable. The body is covered with a soft wavy fur coat, which shimmers and shines in the sun. A thick, semi-long beard hangs from the muzzle.

Kerry Blue puppies are sometimes born black or tan. But by 1.5 years the color changes to blue in all shades: from light silver to steel.

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Energetic, peace-loving dogs native to Ireland. The height at the withers is up to 48 cm. The name of the breed reflects the properties and color of the fur coat. Silky, soft, shiny hair grows up to 13 cm in one layer, slightly curled. There is no undercoat, so wheaten cats do not shed. The bangs and beard are never cut too short, they are combed forward.

Wire Fox Terrier

The breed was bred in Great Britain for fox hunting, which is reflected in the name. Fox Terrier translated means fox terrier. Height at the withers is 35 – 39 cm. The coat consists of a coarse spine up to 4 cm long and a soft undercoat. The beard is hard and elongated. Color – white with red and black spots.

Bernese Mountain Dog

It’s surprising how this breed was called a service dog, because it is a real “family” dog. Calm, calm and good-natured, she gets along with everyone! And he can be bosom friends with cats.

Berns will never ask for affection from their owner, but will readily accept any tenderness. This does not mean that they are wooden, just a little out of this world. This is just a gorgeous nanny for children that you can pull by the ears, pull out her tongue and pull her tail and fur. No one will ever expect any response! Zennen will simply look patronizingly at his tormentor and go his way.

However, the above does not mean at all that the Bernese Mountain Dog exists as consuming furniture. Although the animal is endowed with wisdom, it is not without protective qualities. The Bernese Mountain Dog is amazingly fearless. Sometimes in his actions you can not see the awareness of the situation - with such zeal he performs dangerous feats.

Training a Bernese Shepherd is not difficult. The dog quickly learns the material, although he is somewhat lazy. Bernese mature later than other breeds, and it is better to learn complex tricks after reaching the age of two.

Video: Bernese Mountain Dog


The second name of the breed is Central Asian Shepherd. This is one of the oldest and very large dogs, reaching 65-70 cm at the withers.

If anyone thinks that the Alabai was bred as a fighting dog, then he is completely wrong. This is a guard and herding dog, with a fairly calm disposition and independent character.

Its dimensions allow the Alabai to be a fearless dog, but it is not inclined to rush at anyone first. He will simply warn, and if this does not have an effect, measures will be taken.

All the legendary aggression of the breed is the fault of careless owners who place the priority not on the dog’s performance qualities, but on its capabilities. Also, the dog is very touchy and even vindictive, so punishing him is the same as cutting off the branch on which you are sitting.

Training must be approached wisely, since the Alabai will not follow orders like a robot: he needs to convey the need for certain actions. Therefore, training should begin almost from the very birth of the puppy. And if you cannot provide your dog with a decent upbringing, it is better to entrust it to a professional, since “three classes of parish” is not for such a serious breed.

Video: alabai


The difficult to train, disheveled Affenpinscher is an old European breed. It began to be started in the mid-18th century. A long beard, drooping ears, short stature (up to 25 cm), a coal-black undercoat, and a high tail are the features that distinguish this dog. Affenpinschers are inquisitive and smart. They guard their own property (for example, toys) with special vigilance, so it will be quite difficult for them to get along in the same apartment with small children. Regularly trim the hairs growing near your eyes. Take daily long walks with outdoor games (running for a stick, frisbee or ball). Trim claws once every 4 weeks. Brush your teeth with a special brush.


The most intelligent, beautiful and unusual breeds of bearded dogs were described in this article. Protect, care and protect your pet, and then he will reciprocate your feelings. If you have any controversial issues with the organization of care and nutrition, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Each breed has its own characteristics that must be known and understood.
  2. Any owner can learn the “language” of a pet: barking, habits, mood.
  3. Attention, praise for commands, perseverance and love are integral attributes of a dog breeder’s life.
  4. With the help of faithful dogs, thanks to successful selection and proper training, many tasks are performed that a person is sometimes unable to cope with on his own.
  5. Dogs serving in the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and medicine are raised in special nurseries. Subject to further education at home, socialization, walking on the dog park, and training are necessary.
  6. Each breed has its own appeal. When choosing a puppy or a grown-up pet, you need to know what awaits the owner, count on your strength and resources for prevention, treatment, nutrition and education.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog

The Polish Lowland Shepherd is the oldest member of the Canidae family, with thick fur, a rounded muzzle and powerful, dense paws. These animals are kind, loyal and friendly, they love active activities and games, and when alone they can become very bored and sad. They are ideal for yard keeping. Due to its voluminous coat, the Polish Shepherd requires careful care: constantly comb and wash your pet, periodically visiting the groomer. Do not overfeed your pet, as this breed is prone to obesity. Create a three-course menu with vitamin and mineral supplements for proper and healthy development.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog


The birthplace of the breed is the island of the same name, which belongs to Canada. It was there that it was formed, and later in England a selection was made and a standard was developed.

In the former USSR, they also did not ignore the beautiful dogs and tried to create their own breed called the diver. The idea failed: attempts to make the dog angry did not lead to anything good: the Newfies did not see the difference between someone else’s and their own and treated their owner aggressively. All that remains of the breed is its name, which is still in use.

The Newfoundland has a truly golden character : he is kind, loyal, patient and absolutely not prone to aggression. He readily serves people, devoting himself to the task without reserve.

Just like the Komondor, the Newf can sometimes ignore an order if it considers it inappropriate. Therefore, you should not jerk the diver without a good reason. But if a dog sees that a person is in trouble, then he will not need any instructions: he will make a decision on his own and act according to the situation.

This breed has a real passion for water . Therefore, trips to various bodies of water are real happiness for the dog. This breed will happily make friends with other pets from cats and rats to birds and reptiles.

Innate tact and super intelligence allows the diver to accurately understand the owner’s mood. And if a person is not inclined to communicate, the dog will not bother him.

Newfoundlands are sometimes called man-dogs. They also get offended and withdraw into themselves for a while until the offense goes away. Therefore, you should only punish a diver if there are compelling reasons, and sometimes you may not find them.

Training this good-natured bear is a fairly simple task. Just remember that there is no need to give orders without reason, for the sake of interest or in a raised voice. The Newfoundland is a highly intelligent dog and requires a calm and reasonable owner.

Video: Newfoundland


The Bullmstiff differs from the English Mastiff in its smaller stature, shorter muzzle and rather muscular body.

Mastiffs are quite large and menacing-looking dogs. And this is partly true. The breed is quite contradictory and combines protective qualities and anger with lazy relaxation and good nature, allowing them to lie around cuddling with cats.

There is no doubt about the guarding abilities of bullmastiffs. But the dog won’t blindly rush towards something unfriendly either. If an obvious threat arises, she will first ask the owner with a glance - is it worth getting involved with this small thing - and only then will she begin to act.

They begin to train a bullmastiff no earlier than he is six months old. The maturation of this dog is rather slow, so it is not worth demanding anything from it before the allotted time. And subsequently, the pet will not have the desire to work - well, except for a tasty treat.

At the same time, there is no need to develop protective qualities in the dog (if it is a domestic dog). The boule will protect the owner in case of danger without any effort or science. But if this is a service bullmastiff, then it should be handled by a professional, because the dog is quite complex.

Video: bullmastiff


The Dachshund is a nimble, curious and playful dog. She has a sharp mind and sometimes even a sense of humor. To subdue a dachshund, its owner will have to be patient and persistent. The Dachshund loves to play, but if it considers games inappropriate for itself, degrading its dignity, it will show its sharp teeth. Surprisingly, someone so small in size has a truly enormous ego. The owner must take this into account and not tease the animal unnecessarily.

How to choose the right service dog

Unlike decorative breeds, buying a service dog is a serious step. It is necessary to weigh all the positive and negative aspects and characteristics. You need to know these factors:

  • information about the nursery, breeder, history of selection selection;
  • buy a puppy with documents, initial vaccinations and after examination by a veterinarian;
  • information about the positive and negative aspects of the future pet.

It is imperative to exclude the presence of hind limb dysplasia and genetic culling. No matter how attractive the terms of purchase may seem, you should not purchase a dog that is known to be sick.

Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is a hunting breed first bred by the ancient Celts. Its distinctive features are: a muscular large body, a long elongated head with a pointed muzzle, small ears, soft curly fur of gray, white or black color. This dog is not designed for apartments; it requires a large free space for outdoor games. Spend at least 50 minutes a day walking and exercising. Starting from early puppyhood (from 3 months), train your pet so that in the future he will be kind and socialized. The wolfhound is smart, brave and sensitive, and with proper upbringing, it is friendly to children and other pets. It should be trimmed twice a year. Clean your ears periodically. The diet can include both dry food and natural products.

Irish Wolfhound

Advantages and disadvantages

The following factors are noted as advantages:

  • special affection for household members;
  • devotion and fidelity;
  • obedience while observing the rules of discipline;
  • instant response to given commands.

Negative characteristics include:

  • congenital increased aggressiveness;
  • strong, courageous character;
  • distrustful attitude towards other dogs due to poor upbringing;
  • the need to constantly monitor behavior.

When raising a dog, it is necessary to have strong character traits, to show that the person is the master, and the dog is his assistant.

African Boerboel

Basically, Boerboels are very massive and athletic dogs, most of them are muscular. This is a serious dog with refined movements and incredible agility, despite its size. They have a large head with a relatively short, wrinkled snout. However, the skin on the body itself is shiny and smooth, without pronounced wrinkled depressions. Dogs' tails are usually docked. The coat is short, smooth and of moderate density.

The most common pets are brindle, red and fawn. Brindle represents the presence of asymmetrical lines on a red background. The standard has 3-4 uniform brown or red tones, does not include white spots on the sternum and paws. Therefore, the same litter will most often be similar to each other. The Boerboel must have a dark mask. Any deviations in the pet’s appearance from the standards suggest that this is not a purebred dog with an admixture of other blood.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu, or chrysanthemum dog, is a small, neat animal with long, smooth fur. These are affectionate and devoted creatures, indifferent to other pets, preferring the company of their owner. The Shih Tzu's personality is fiery and playful. Correct training will require professional lessons with a trainer, walks on a short leash and learning commands at home. Start lessons from 4 months of birth. To prevent the formation of tangles and knots on the hair, comb the hair several times a day with semi-hard bristles. Bathe no more than once a month. Chrysanthemums are prone to plumpness, so optimize the amount of food - no more than 4 times a day in small portions. Introduce offal (liver, hearts and ventricles), boiled turkey and rabbit meat into your diet.

Shih Tzu

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